Lesson 2 Human Resources Managemnt Basis - 052123

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LESSON 2: HUMAN RESOURCE -Job descriptions enable applicants to determine

MANAGEMENT BASIS whether a job may be a good fit for them.

Communicating duties and obligations is crucial
Human resource management (HRM)- is the
if employers want new hires to fulfill work
process of employing people, training them,
compensating them, developing policies relating
to them, and developing strategies to retain Job specification is the list of recommended
them. As a field, HRM has undergone many qualities for a person to qualify for and succeed
changes over the last twenty years, giving it an in a position. While the job description includes
even more important role in today’s the title position, responsibilities and summary,
organizations. the specification identifies the skills, traits,
education and experience a candidate might need
The Role of HRM
to quAlify for that job. This helps outline a
Functions of HRM are also tasks other candidate's capabilities to perform what's listed
department managers perform, which is what in the job description.
makes this information important, despite the
A job specification is important because it can
career path taken. Most experts agree on seven
help provide more insight into what skills a
main roles that HRM plays in organizations.
candidate will use in a role rather than what
These are described in the following sections.
tasks they will do. Hiring managers write these
A job description is a written explanation that to help encourage the most qualified candidates
outlines the essential responsibilities and to apply for a job.
requirements for a vacant position. Job
descriptions should be thorough, clear, and
concise and include: 1. Required Experience
2. Required Education
 A brief introduction to the company and
3. Required Skills
its mission.
4. Required credentials and certificate
 An overview of the job responsibilities.
5. Personally traits
 The necessary skills, competence levels, 6. Demand
knowledge, and qualifications relevant
candidates should have. Organizational structure outlines how
 Testing that the company may require. responsibilities and roles are assigned and
 Working conditions and location. It grouped throughout an organization.
should also cover whether the role is
Types of Organizational Structures
office-based, remote, or hybrid.
 Environmental factors or strenuous 1. Functional Structure- Four types of
components of the job. common organizational structures are
 The type of employment—full-time, implemented in the real world. The first
part-time, or independent contractor. and most common is a functional
structure. This is also referred to as a
A job description’s main objective is to clearly bureaucratic organizational structure and
present all aspects of a job role to the applicant. breaks up a company based on the
Effective job descriptions help employers attract specialization of its workforce.
relevant candidates to apply for the proposed job 2. Divisional or Multidivisional
role. Structure- The second type is common
among large companies with many
business units. Called the divisional or
multidivisional (M-Form) structure, a
company that uses this method
Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing
structures its leadership team based on
and Controlling.
the products, projects, or subsidiaries
they operate. 1. Planning- It is the basic function of
3. Team-Based- Similar to divisional or management. It deals with chalking out
functional structures, team-based a future course of action & deciding in
organizations segregate into close-knit advance the most appropriate course of
teams of employees that serve particular actions for achievement of pre-
goals and functions, but where each determined goals. According to
team is a unit that contains both leaders KOONTZ, “Planning is deciding in
and workers. advance - what to do, when to do & how
4. Flat (Flatarchy) Structure- known as a to do. It bridges the gap from where we
horizontal structure, is relatively newer, are & where we want to be”.
and is used among many startups. As the 2. Organizing- It is the process of
name alludes, it flattens the hierarchy bringing together physical, financial and
and chain of command and gives its human resources and developing
employees a lot of autonomy. productive relationship amongst them
Companies that use this type of structure for achievement of organizational goals.
have a high speed of implementation. According to Henry Fayol, “To organize
5. Matrix Structure- Firms can also have a business is to provide it with
a matrix structure. It is also the most everything useful or its functioning i.e.
confusing and the least used. This raw material, tools, capital and
structure matrixes employees across personnel’s”.
different superiors, divisions, or 3. Staffing- It is the function of manning
departments. An employee working for the organization structure and keeping it
a matrixed company, for example, may manned. Staffing has assumed greater
have duties in both sales and customer importance in the recent years due to
service. advancement of technology, increase in
6. Circular Structure- are hierarchical, size of business, complexity of human
but they are said to be circular as it behavior etc. The main purpose of
places higher-level employees and staffing is to put right man/woman on
managers at the center of the right job i.e. square pegs in square holes
organization with concentric rings and round pegs in round holes.
expanding outward, which contain According to Koontz & O’Donell,
lower-level employees and staff. This “Managerial function of staffing
way of organizing is intended to involves manning the organization
encourage open communication and structure through proper and effective
collaboration among the different ranks. selection, appraisal & development of
7. Network Structure- The network personnel to fill the roles designed un
structure organizes contractors and the structure”. Staffing involves:
third-party vendors to carry out certain 1. Manpower Planning (estimating
key functions. It features a relatively man power in terms of searching,
small headquarters with geographically- choose the person and giving the
dispersed satellite offices, along with right place).
key functions outsourced to other firms 2. Recruitment, Selection &
and consultants. Placement.
3. Training & Development.
4. Remuneration.
5. Performance Appraisal
6. Promotions & Transfer.
4. Directing- It is that part of managerial
function which actuates the
organizational methods to work
efficiently for achievement of
organizational purposes. It is considered
life-spark of the enterprise which sets it
in motion and action of people, because
planning, organizing and staffing are the
mere preparations for doing the work.
5. Controlling- It implies measurement of
accomplishment against the standards
and correction of deviation if any to
ensure achievement of organizational
goals. The purpose of controlling is to
ensure that everything occurs in
conformities with the standards. An
efficient system of control helps to
predict deviations before they actually

Selection is the process of choosing employees

to fill specific jobs within an organization. This
process typically includes reviewing
applications or resumes, interviewing
candidates, and making a final decision.
Selection is an important part of human
resources, as it allows organizations to choose
the best candidates for the job.

Placement refers to the process of connecting

the selected person and the employer in order to
establish an ongoing employment relationship.
In this step the employee is given the activities
he/she needs to perform and is told about his/her
duties. Placement is usually followed by the
orientation process.

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