Las For Organization and Management (Grade 11) : Deped-Polanco NHS: Senior High School Learning Activity Sheet (Las)

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DepEd-Polanco NHS: Senior High School Learning Activity Sheet (LAS)

Nature of Staffing
LAS for Organization and Management (Grade 11)
Quarter 3 - Week #7

Name: ___________________________________________ Strand: ________________________ Date:



Good day, students! Are you doing well? This From its definition and its nature as a management function, staffing
Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) was written for you in mind. This has the following characteristics:
LAS to help you define and identify Nature of Staffing
 It is an essential element of management.
II- Learning Competencies:  It is goal-oriented.
 It is performed within the enterprise by all the managers at all the
After going through this LAS, you are expected to: times.
1. Discuss the concept and nature of staffing (MELCs Code:  It is intangible in nature.
ABM_AOM11- Ia-b-3)  It is concerned with matching the people with the jobs.
2. Explain the definition and nature of staffing.  It is a process, not an isolated function.
 It is concerned with total management system.
 Its efficiency varies from one enterprise to another, and from one
time period to another even within an enterprise.
III- Essential knowledge, concepts and activities

The ultimate aim of the staffing function is to stimulate

organizational performance by placing the right people on the job.
With this, staffing is said to have three main functions in any
Staffing is defined as the filling and keeping filled positions in
the organizational structure. This is done by identifying work-
 Attracting a quality workforce. Staffing attract talented and
force requirements, inventorying the people available, recruiting,
skilled people into the organization in an effort to find the best
selecting, placing, promoting, appraising, planning the careers,
people suitable for the job
compensating, training, developing existing staff or new recruits,
so that they can accomplish their tasks effectively and  Developing quality workforce. Staffing focuses on making sure
efficiently.” that employees admitted to the organization know how to
perform their duties properly
The definitions of the staffing function as given by the different  Maintaining a quality workforce. Staffing should be able to
management experts are given below. encourage employees to stay in the organization by providing
them with opportunities to make their work and work setting
 “The managerial function of staffing involves operating the convenient as well as opportunities to grow both on and outside
organizational structure through proper and effective of their jobs.
selection, appraisal and development of personnel to fill the
roles designed into the structure.” – Koontz and O’ Donnell
 “Staffing relates to the recruitment, selection, development,
training, compensation of subordinate managers.” OBJECTIVES OF STAFFING
– Theo Haimann
 “Staffing is the function by which managers build an The staffing function in an organization pursues to achieve the
organization through the recruitment, selection, and following objectives:
development of individuals as capable employees.” –
McFarland  To help the organization meet its goals
 “Staffing is the human resource function of identifying,  To make use of the skills and abilities of the organization’s
attracting, hiring, and retaining people with the necessary workforce effectively
qualifications to fill the responsibilities of current and future  To provide the organization with employees who are fit for the
jobs in the organization.” – Dyck and Neubert job
 Staffing the process involved in identifying, assessing,  To give employees with job satisfaction and self-actualization
placing, evaluating and directing individuals at work.”  To enable employees to develop and maintain a quality work-life
– S. Benjamin balance
 “Staffing is the function by which managers build an  To communicate an organization’s human resource policies to
organization through the recruitment, selection, and employees
development of individuals as capable employees.” –  To be ethically and socially responsive to the needs of the
McFarland. society through its employees.

IV. Assessment
Directions: Listed below are some staffing concepts previously
discussed. Match each statement with the concept it pertains to by

Prepared by: Mr. Roseller T. Cabasag – Teacher II

DepEd-Polanco NHS: Senior High School Learning Activity Sheet (LAS)
STEPS IN THE STAFFING PROCESS writing the letter corresponding to each concept. Choose your answer
in the box below. Write your answer on the space provided. (NO
The staffing processes as a managerial function consist of a series ERASURES)
of logical and sequential steps listed and briefly introduced as
follows: _____1. This refers to the introducing a new employee to his/her
1. Manpower planning. It involves determining the immediate work environment and co-employees.
quantitative and qualitative requirements of manpower
or labor in an organization _____2. This refers to providing a new employee the necessary
2. Recruitment. This is the process of searching for information he or she has to know about the company.
prospective employees and enticing them to apply for
various jobs and positions in an organization _____3. This involves providing the employee with the necessary
3. Selection. This process of selecting the persons who are skills, abilities, and competencies he or she needs to function
most suitable for the jobs in an organization properly with his or her current jobs.
4. Placement. This means putting a particular person on
the job for which he or she was selected _____4. This is the process of choosing the persons who are most
5. Induction. This is where a new employee is provided suitable for the jobs in an organization.
the necessary information he or she has to know about
the company _____5. This is the process of upgrading an employee to a higher
6. Orientation. This is where a new employee is position.
introduced to his/her immediate work environment and
co-employees. _____6. This the process of moving down an employee to a lower
7. Training. This involves providing the employee with position which less pay and/or responsibility.
the necessary skills, abilities, and competencies he or
she needs to function properly with his or her current _____7. This means putting a particular person on the job for which
jobs he or she was selected.
8. Development. This involves providing employees with
opportunities for promotion to future or higher jobs _____8. This involves providing employees with opportunities for
9. Compensation or Remuneration. This involves promotion to future or higher jobs.
providing a reasonable and equitable monetary
equivalent to an employee’s nature of work. _____9. This involves determining how efficiently an employee
10. Performance evaluation or appraisal. This involves performs his job.
determining how efficiently an employee performs his
or her job and knowing his or her aptitudes and other _____10. This involves determining the quantitative and qualitative
qualities necessary for performing the jobs assigned to requirements of manpower of labor in an organization.
him or her from the company
11. Promotion. This is the pprocess of upgrading an _____11. This involves movement of an employee from one job to
employee to a higher position involving an increase in another with or without any increase in pay, status, or
rank, prestige or status, and responsibilities. responsibilities.
12. Demotion. This is the process of moving down an
employee to a lower position which less pay and/or _____12. This is when an employee is disassociated from the
responsibility company.
13. Transfer. This involves movement of an employee from
one job to another with or without any increase in pay, _____13. This involves providing a reasonable and equitable
status, or responsibilities. monetary equivalent to an employee’s nature of work.
14. Separation. This is when an employee is separated from
the company _____14. This is the process of searching for prospective employees
and enticing them to apply for various jobs and
positions in an organization.

A. Selection
B. Demotion
C. Manpower Planning
D. Promotion
E. Recruitment
F. Orientation
G. Training
H. Compensation
I. Placement
J. Development
K. Induction
L. Appraisal
M. Transfer
N. Separation

Prepared by: Mr. Roseller T. Cabasag – Teacher II

DepEd-Polanco NHS: Senior High School Learning Activity Sheet (LAS)

B. Disseminator, monitor, spokesperson

C. Entrepreneur, negotiator, resource allocator
D. Monitor, negotiator, resource allocator

Prepared by: Mr. Roseller T. Cabasag – Teacher II

DepEd-Polanco NHS: Senior High School Learning Activity Sheet (LAS)

Prepared by: Mr. Roseller T. Cabasag – Teacher II

DepEd-Polanco NHS: Senior High School Learning Activity Sheet (LAS)

Prepared by: Mr. Roseller T. Cabasag – Teacher II

DepEd-Polanco NHS: Senior High School Learning Activity Sheet (LAS)

Prepared by: Mr. Roseller T. Cabasag – Teacher II

DepEd-Polanco NHS: Senior High School Learning Activity Sheet (LAS)

Prepared by: Mr. Roseller T. Cabasag – Teacher II

DepEd-Polanco NHS: Senior High School Learning Activity Sheet (LAS)

Prepared by: Mr. Roseller T. Cabasag – Teacher II

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