AA Warm Up Vol 1

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Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez.

Order #29088
Hey there, AMRAP Avengers squad! Before you jump into being the Hero of Your
Workout, let’s go through some real talk – the legal stuff. It’s all about
keeping everyone safe while kicking some serious butt in your fitness jour-

AMRAP Avengers Workout Waiver &

Super-Responsibility Pact
By choosing to participate in AMRAP Avengers’ epic workouts and programs,
you’re agreeing to the following terms. It’s like the code of honor for our

The Power & The Risk:

Strength training, flexibility, and all those heart-pounding workouts
come with a mix of thrills and risks. Just like a superhero faces challeng-
es, you’ll be taking on some risks too – injuries and even the off-chance of
something more severe. By participating, you’re saying, “I got this!” and tak-
ing full responsibility for any risks involved.

The Super-Immunity Shield:

In exchange for being part of our AMRAP Avengers family, you agree to not
hold us – that includes our team, coaches, agents, and anyone rocking the AM-
RAP Avengers brand – liable for any injuries, costs, or any other not-so-fun
stuff. This holds true whether you’re doing our workouts, following our pro-
grams, or using any equipment we recommend.

Your Health – Your Origin Story:

Before you dive in, make sure you’re good to go physically. If you’ve got any
health concerns, do the responsible thing and get a physician’s thumbs-up. We
suggest regular check-ups to keep your superpowers finely tuned. If you’re
going against the advice or haven’t checked in with a doc, you’re taking full
responsibility for your actions.

No Guarantees, Only Your Commitment:

By purchasing any of our workout programs or templates, understand that it’s
not a magical spell for instant results. How far you go depends on your ef-
fort and circumstances, and we can’t be held responsible for the outcome.

Final Agreement:
By going forward with your purchase or participating in our workouts,
you’re agreeing to all the terms laid out here. Consider it your superhero
contract with AMRAP Avengers.

So now that the legal stuff is out of the way, suit up and get ready to be the
Hero of Your Workout!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


500m Row
3 Rounds:
10 Scapular Pull-Ups
10 Ring Rows
5 Dive Bomber Push-Ups

The Focus:
The 500m row kicks things off by raising
your heart rate and priming your whole
body. The rounds that follow focus
on activating your shoulder and back
muscles. This will get you ready for
upper body work by enhancing mobility and
stability. Get those muscles warmed
up and ready to rock!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


500m Row

3 Rounds:
10 Kip Swings
10 Push-Ups
6 Scorpions

The Focus:
The 500m row serves as a full-body primer,
elevating your heart rate and getting you
in the zone. The following 3 rounds mix in
kip swings for shoulder mobility, push-ups
for chest and tricep activation, and scorpi-
ons to engage your core and improve spinal
rotation. This warm-up is all about getting
your core and upper body muscles awake and
ready for action!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

500m Row

2 Rounds:
10 Single Arm Strict Press R arm
10 Single Arm Bent Over Row R arm
30 sec R Elbow Plank
Rest 30 sec
10 Single Arm Strict Press L arm
10 Single Arm Bent Over Row L arm
30 sec L Elbow Plank
Rest 30 sec
(then start back at the beginning for one more round)

The Focus:
Start with a 500m row to raise your heart
rate. Then, 2 rounds focus on one-sided
strength and balance. Single-arm presses and
rows work each side individually to fix im-
balances. Elbow planks engage your core and
test arm strength. Brief rests let you switch
arms, prepping both sides for the workout

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


500m Row

3 Rounds:
10 PVC Pass Throughs
8 Dive Bomber Push-Ups
6 Scorpions
20 sec Reverse Plank

The Focus:
You start with a 500m row to elevate your
heart rate and get the blood pumping to all
your muscles. Then, you’ve got 3 rounds that
focus on improving your flexibility and
strength simultaneously. PVC pass-throughs
stretch out those shoulders, dive bomber
push-ups activate your upper body, scorpions
engage your core and spine, and the 20-second
reverse plank caps it off by firing up your
posterior chain. This warm-up has a bit of
everything to make sure you’re fully prepped
and ready to crush your workout!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

500m Row

2 Rounds:
5 Wide Grip Push-Ups
5 Regular Push-Ups
5 Diamond Push-Ups
10 Single Arm Russian Kettlebell
Swings per arm
(something light)
10 Push Press per arm with Kettlebell

The Focus:
Kick off with a 500m row to boost your heart
rate. Next, the 2 rounds target different
push-up styles to activate chest and tricep
muscles. The kettlebell swings and push
presses focus on unilateral work, engaging
both arms and your core. Get ready to wake up
those muscles for what’s to come!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


400m Run

3 Rounds:
:20 sec Chin-Over-The-Bar CHIN UP
grip hold
3 Wall Walks
15 Wallball Push Press
(this is a “half Wallball”)

The Focus:
Kick off with a 400m run to get the heart
pumping. Then, 3 rounds home in on your up-
per body and core. The chin-up grip hold
targets forearm and bicep strength, wall
walks challenge shoulder stability and core
control, and the wallball push presses get
those shoulders and triceps moving. This
warm-up is all about priming your upper
body and core for a high-performing work-

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

500m Row

3 Rounds:
5 Push-Ups
30 Shoulder Taps
20 sec Downward Dog Hold

The Focus:
You start with a 500m row to get your heart
rate up and warm up the body. Then, the 3
rounds focus on the upper body and core.
Push-ups activate your chest and triceps,
shoulder taps challenge your core and sta-
bility, and the downward dog hold stretches
out your hamstrings and back while giving
your shoulders some love. It’s designed to
get your upper body flexible and fired up!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

400m Run

3 Rounds:
5 Seal Jacks
20 Wall Reaches
(perform this exercise using a wall as the target
you’re reaching for)
6 Scorpions

The Focus:
Kick off with a 400m run to elevate your
heart rate and prepare your legs for action.
Then, the 3 rounds aim to get you more flex-
ible and activated. Seal jacks get the blood
pumping in your arms and legs, wall reaches
focus on shoulder mobility and extension, and
scorpions work on your core and spine rota-
tion. This warm-up is all about getting you
limber and lengthened for the workout ahead!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

400m Run
20 Side Plank Raises R Side
10 Cobra Push-Ups
(hips can stay on the ground for this one)
20 Side Plank Raises L Side
5 Dive Bomber Push-Ups
1:00 Regular Elbow Plank

The Focus:
400m run to boost that heart rate and get
your legs in the game. Then, the warm-up ze-
roes in on your core, chest, and shoulders.
Side plank raises focus on oblique strength
and stability for each side. Cobra push-ups
help with spinal mobility and activate your
triceps, while dive bomber push-ups engage
your upper body. Finish strong with a 1-min-
ute elbow plank to fire up the core. It’s a
balanced warm-up designed to activate and
strengthen key areas!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

400m Run

3 Rounds:
10 Ring Rows
10 Pike Push-Ups
20 sec Hollow Hold

The Focus:
You start with a 400m run to ramp up that
heart rate and prime your legs. Then the 3
rounds dive into specific areas: ring rows for
your back and biceps, pike push-ups targeting
your shoulders and triceps, and a hollow hold
to engage that core. It’s a balanced approach
to get your whole upper body and core acti-
vated and ready for the
main event!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


9 Rounds:
(:20 sec on :10 sec off - Alternating Move-
Seal Jacks
Ring Rows
Cobra Push-Up to Downward Dog
(keep cycling these movements)

The Focus:
This warm-up uses 9 rounds of 20-seconds-on,
10-seconds-off intervals to get you ful-
ly prepped. Alternating between seal jacks,
ring rows, and a combo of cobra push-ups to
downward dog ensures that you’re hitting
multiple muscle groups and ranges of motion.
Seal jacks elevate your heart rate, ring rows
engage your back, and the cobra-to-down-
ward-dog sequence stretches and strengthens
your upper body. This dynamic cycling keeps
things fresh while getting you fully warmed
up for the main workout!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


9 Rounds:
(:20 sec on :10 sec off - Alternating Movements)
Shoulder Taps in a Push-Up position
Elbow Plank Hold

The Focus:
You’re rolling through 9 rounds with 20-sec-
onds-on and 10-seconds-off intervals. The
warm-up starts with shoulder taps in a push-
up position to engage your core and shoul-
ders, moves into an elbow plank hold for an
added core burn, and wraps up with scorpi-
ons to improve spinal rotation and lower back
flexibility. The alternating format ensures
a well-rounded warm-up focusing on core
strength and stability. Ready, set, warm-up!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


9 Rounds:
(:20 sec on :10 sec off - Alternating Movements)
Chin-Over-The-Bar Pull-Up Hold
(scale: ring row Hold)
Extended Plank Hold
Downward Dog Stretch

The Focus:
You’ve got 9 rounds of 20-seconds-on, 10-sec-
onds-off intervals to get you in gear. Chin-
over-the-bar hold (or scaled ring row hold)
focuses on grip strength and upper body en-
gagement. Extended plank hold targets core
stability and arms, and the downward dog
stretch gives your hamstrings and shoulders
a nice stretch. The alternating format means
you’re getting a mix of strength and flex-
ibility to fully prep you for your workout.
Let’s get this warm-up going!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


9 Rounds:
(:20 sec on :10 sec off - Alternating Move-
Jumping Jacks
R arm Bent Over Row #25/#15
L arm Bent Over Row

The Focus:
This warm-up consists of 9 rounds with
20-seconds-on, 10-seconds-off intervals.
Jumping jacks get your heart rate up and
prepare your entire body for action. Then,
you’ll alternate between right and left arm
bent-over rows using weights to activate and
strengthen your upper back and arms. The
format ensures you’re getting both cardio and
targeted strength work, setting the stage for
a well-rounded workout session!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


9 Rounds:
(:20 sec on :10 sec off - Alternating Move-
Plate Ground 2 Overhead #25/#15
Around the world Plate circles to the
Around the world Plate circles to the

The Focus:
You’re diving into 9 rounds, 20-seconds-on
and 10-seconds-off, using a plate to get ev-
ery muscle group ready for action. Plate
Ground 2 Overhead works on your power and
coordination, targeting both upper and low-
er body. Around the world plate circles to
the right and then to the left engage your
shoulders and core while also enhancing
your mobility. It’s a dynamic warm-up that
uses a single piece of equipment to get your
whole body warmed up and ready to go!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


9 Rounds:
(:20 sec on :10 sec off - Alternating Move-
Seal Jacks
Wall Walks
Shoulder Taps in Push-Up Position

The Focus:
This warm-up features 9 rounds of 20-sec-
onds-on, 10-seconds-off action. Seal jacks
elevate your heart rate and engage your
arms and legs. Wall walks focus on your up-
per body and core, challenging your sta-
bility and balance. And then, shoulder taps
in a push-up position give your core and
shoulders an extra workout. The alternating
format keeps you engaged and gets all parts
of your upper body ready for what’s coming
next. Let’s do this!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


9 Rounds:
(:20 sec on :10 sec off - Alternating Move-
R Side Elbow Plank
L Side Elbow Plank
Cobra Push-Ups

The Focus:
In this 9-round warm-up, you’ll be on for
20 seconds and off for 10, cycling through
three different moves. Right and left side
elbow planks target your obliques and over-
all core stability. Then, cobra push-ups add
some upper body activation while offering a
nice stretch for the spine. The aim is to give
you a strong core focus while also engaging
and preparing the upper body for the work-
out ahead. Ready to fire it up?

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


9 Rounds:
(:20 sec on :10 sec off - Alternating Move-
Alternating Front Raises with Dumb-
(keep this light! ... 20/10#)
Bent Over Dumbell Flys
Renegade Rows

The Focus:
This warm-up takes you through 9 quick
rounds of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off.
You’ll start with alternating front raises,
using light dumbbells to engage your shoul-
ders without overloading them. Bent-over
dumbbell flys target your rear deltoids and
upper back. Lastly, renegade rows work on
your lats, core, and arms. The format ensures
you’re hitting a variety of upper body muscle
groups while keeping the pace brisk and en-
gaging. Get ready to lift, fly, and row your
way into the main workout!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


9 Rounds:
(:20 sec on :10 sec off - Alternating Move-
Dumbell Curl and Press #25/#15
Renegade Rows
Hollow Hold

The Focus:
In this 9-round warm-up, you’ve got 20 sec-
onds on and 10 seconds off, focusing on dif-
ferent aspects of your upper body and core.
Starting with dumbbell curl and press,
you’ll engage your biceps, shoulders, and
triceps. Renegade rows come in to challenge
your lats, core, and stability. Lastly, the
hollow hold tests your core endurance and
sets the stage for a well-rounded workout.
This circuit gets you amped up and ready
for any challenges that come your

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


9 Rounds:
(:20 sec on :10 sec off - Alternating Move-
Seal Jacks
Scapular Push-Ups

The Focus:
In this workout with 9 rounds of 20 seconds
on and 10 seconds off, alternating move-
ments, you want to maximize effort in the
active phase and use the rest strategical-
ly. Start with Seal Jacks, going all out for
the 20 seconds to elevate your heart rate,
then quickly catch your breath during the
10-second break. For Scapular Push-Ups, fo-
cus on controlled movement to target the
right muscles, keeping the core engaged,
and in the Scorpion, emphasize flexibil-
ity and control, moving through the full
range of motion. The quick transitions will
keep your heart pumping and muscles firing
throughout the session.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


In teams of 3
AMRAP3 at each station
(Keep clock Running - 9 min total - athletes switch
every 10 reps)
Dumbell Push Press #35/#25
Renegade Rows
Shoulder Taps
(athletes perform 10 reps PER ARM here, so 20 reps be-
fore switching)

The Focus:
For this team-based workout, communica-
tion and rapid transitions are key. Start
with the dumbbell push press, using a
weight that challenges you but allows you
to keep moving quickly for 10 solid reps.
When you hit the renegade rows, focus on
maintaining a strong plank position and
minimize hip rotation; keep the movements
tight and controlled. For the shoulder
taps, it’s all about stability—brace your
core and try to keep your torso as still
as possible as you alternate taps. Since
you’re rotating every 10 (or 20 for shoul-
der taps) reps, push hard during your turn
and then recover quickly to support your

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

In teams of 3 -
AMRAP3 at each station
(keep clock Running - 9 min total - athletes switch ev-
ery 10 reps)
Plate Ground 2 Overhead #45/#25
Wall Climbs
(switch every 2-3 reps - athletes can decide)
Ring Rows

The Focus:
In this warm-up, teams of three will at-
tack three different stations in a 9-min-
ute total body blitz, with an as-many-reps-
as-possible (AMRAP) format for 3 minutes at
each one. With plate ground to overheads,
you’re getting a full kinetic chain engage-
ment with a heavier load to fire up those
muscles. Wall climbs challenge your coor-
dination, balance, and strength in an in-
verted position, really heating up the core
and shoulders. And ring rows keep the up-
per body primed and pull in some teamwork
as you switch after every few reps. This
is about building energy, camaraderie, and
getting a robust start!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

In teams of 3 -
AMRAP3 at each station
(Keep clock Running - 9 min total - athletes switch ev-
ery 10 reps)
Jumping Chest 2 Bar Pull-Ups
Banded Scarecrow
(slow these down a bit but it’s not necessary for a warm-
up pace)
Dive Bomber Push-Ups
(can switch every 5 here)

The Focus:
In this team-based warm-up, you and your two
comrades will tackle three different stations
for a total of 9 minutes. The rhythm is set to
keep the intensity high with athletes switching
every few reps to maintain the momentum.

Jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups are first, pull-

ing in some explosive power and priming your
upper body. Banded scarecrows will follow, and
while you’ll slow them down, they’re essential
for firing up those rotator cuffs and adding
some pre-workout finesse. Finally, dive bomber
push-ups swoop in to enhance shoulder mobili-
ty and pectoral strength. Every switch keeps the
energy buzzing, and by the end, all three of you
will be equally stoked for the workout ahead!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

In teams of 3 -
AMRAP3 at each station
(Keep clock Running - 9 min total - athletes switch
every 10 reps)
Light Banded Overhead press
Light Banded Bent Over Rows
20 sec Elbow Plank

The Focus:
With light banded overhead presses, you’re
waking up the shoulders and prepping them
for overhead stability. The banded bent-
over rows come next to ignite the back mus-
cles, ensuring your pulling mechanics are
on point. And the 20-second elbow plank
isn’t just about the core; it’s a full-body
engagement that requires focus. Switch-
ing every 10 reps (or every 20 seconds for
the plank) means you’re constantly mov-
ing, keeping the heart rate up and muscles
warm. Teamwork makes the dream work, and
by the end, you’ll all be ready to tackle
whatever comes next!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

In teams of 3 -
AMRAP3 at each station
(Keep clock Running - 9 min total - athletes switch ev-
ery 10 reps)
Ring Rows
Wallball Push Press
Wallball Ground 2 Overhead

The Focus:
Kicking off with ring rows, your upper body
will start to activate, especially targeting
those back and arm muscles. Then you’ll move
onto wallball push presses to work on coor-
dination and power from the legs through
to the shoulders. Finally, the wallball
ground-to-overhead will add a full-body
burn, from squatting to pressing, ensuring
every muscle group gets a hello. The quick
switches keep everyone engaged and warm,
setting the stage for a workout where your
team brings their A-game!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


3 Rounds:
15/10 Calorie Row
15 Pull Apart with a light band
20 Shoulder Taps in Push-Up

The Focus:
Starting with a 15/10 calorie row, you’re not
only cranking up the cardio but also warm-
ing up those leg muscles and getting a good
pull from your back and arms. Then, with
the light band pull-aparts, you’re fir-
ing up those often-neglected rear delts
and upper back, which are crucial for pos-
ture and performance. Finally, the shoul-
der taps in push-up position will engage
your core, shoulders, and chest, increasing
stability and control. After three rounds,
you’ll feel revved up and ready to tackle
any workout with gusto!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

3 Rounds:
15/10 Calorie Row
8 Dive Bomber Push-Ups
20 sec Reverse Plank Hold

The Focus:
The 15/10 calorie row is where we kick
things off with a blast, boosting your
heart rate and warming up all the major
muscle players. Then we hit the deck for 8
dive bomber push-ups, where we swoop down
and power up, targeting that upper body
and core superhero strength. To top it off,
a 20-second reverse plank hold to light up
the posterior chain, ensuring your back-
side muscles are just as engaged as the
front. Three rounds of this, and you’ll be
charged up and ready to take on the world!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

3 Rounds:
100 Single Skips
50 meter Bear Crawl
6 Scorpions

The Focus:
Starting with 100 single skips, you’re not
only firing up your heart rate but also
fine-tuning that coordination and footwork.
The 50-meter bear crawl that follows isn’t
just a total body burner; it engages your
shoulders, chest, and quads while also wak-
ing up those stabilizing muscles. And those
6 scorpions are the perfect finisher, giving
your spine a good twist and stretching out
the hip flexors and lower back. By the end of
three rounds, you’ll be agile and ready to at-
tack any challenge
like a boss!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

3 Rounds:
20 Seal Jacks
3 Wall Climbs
10 Alternating Scarecrows
(#2.5 Plates)

The Focus:
“Seal The Wall” is like flipping the switch
to get your body’s engine running. The 20
Seal Jacks are there to rev up your heart
rate and warm up those limbs. With the 3
Wall Climbs, you’re engaging your core and
upper body, making sure everything’s mov-
ing smoothly. And the 10 Alternating Scare-
crows aren’t just for the birds; they’re
about getting those shoulders loose and
ready for action. It’s the quick tune-up
your body needs to start the workout right.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


One Time Through:

200 meter Jog
50 meter Overhead Kettlebell Carry -
R arm #35/#26
30 Shoulder Taps in Push-Up
50 meter Overhead KB Carry
- L arm #35/#26
200 meter Jog

The Focus:
This warm-up is dubbed “Balance & Boost”
because it’s all about getting a light cardio
boost with those 200 meter jogs while bal-
ancing it out with some strength work. The
overhead kettlebell carries with each arm
make sure you’re not only warming up those
muscles but also challenging your stability
and engaging that core. Shoulder taps will
fire up your upper body and core stabili-
ty even more. It’s a full-body ignition that
ensures you’re prepped and balanced for the
workout ahead.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

3 Rounds:
10 PVC Pass Throughs
5 Halos per Side
10 Overhead Squats with PVC
5 Weighted Shoulder Shrugs
10 Good Mornings with PVC
5 Lateral Lunges per Side
(choose a light weight)

The Focus:
This warm-up routine, aptly named “Mo-
bilize & Energize Circuit,” is designed to
wake up every part of your body. The PVC
Pass Throughs are perfect for greasing
the shoulder joints, while the Halos get
your shoulders and core tuned in from
all angles. Overhead Squats with the PVC
pipe are a great way to prep your lower
body and back, ensuring your squat form
is on point. Weighted Shoulder Shrugs
will activate those traps, and Good Morn-
ings with PVC will get the hamstrings
and lower back ready to roll. Later-
al Lunges bring in a dose of dynamic
stretching to the mix, hitting the inner
thighs and challenging your balance.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

400m Run
5x Front Lunge - Side Lunge - Reverse Lunge R leg
10 Superman Raises
5x Front Lunge - Side Lunge - Reverse Lunge L leg
10 Superman Raises
3x Samson/Spider Lunge/Stretch per leg
400m Run

The Focus:
The “Total Terrain Tracker” warm-up is
your all-in-one circuit to prep every part
of the mover’s landscape - from your legs
to your core and back. Kick off with a 400m
Run to get your heart rate up and blood
pumping. Then, tackle the lunge series with
front, side, and reverse lunges to target
multi-directional leg strength and mobil-
ity. Superman Raises follow to prime your
posterior chain, crucial for both lifting
and everyday movements. After repeating
the lunge series on the other leg and more
Superman Raises, you dive into the Sam-
son/Spider Lunge/Stretch combo to open up
those hips and elongate the spine. Cap it
all off with another 400m Run. This warm-
up is about coverage – making sure you’ve
hit all angles and are ready to tackle your
workout from every direction.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

400m Run
10 Sumo Air Squats
10 Sumo Stance PVC Good Mornings
10 Regular Stance Air Squats
10 Regular Stance PVC Good Mornings
10 Feet Together Squats
10 Feet Together PVC Good Mornings

The Focus:
Start with a 400m run to get the heart pump-
ing and the body primed for action. The se-
ries of squats and good mornings target your
lower body, from your calves up to your lower
back, with varying stances to activate differ-
ent muscle groups. Sumo squats and good morn-
ings will challenge your inner thighs and
glutes, regular stance variations engage the
quads and hamstrings, and the narrow stance
squats will test your balance and ankle mo-
bility. The PVC pipe in the good mornings en-
sures your lower back is warmed up while also
helping with upper body posture. This routine
is designed to provide a comprehensive lower
body warm-up, ensuring you’re ready to tackle
any workout with strength and flexibility.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

400m Run
25 High Knees in Place
10 Opposite Toe Touches
25 Butt Kickers in Place
10 Side Lunges
10 Inchworm with Cobra Stretch

The Focus:
“Run & Rally” gets your blood flowing with
a brisk 400m run, then shifts to on-the-
spot action with high knees and butt kick-
ers to keep the heart rate high and legs
lively. Opposite toe touches and side lunges
bring a dynamic stretch to your hamstrings
and inner thighs, while inchworms with a
cobra stretch warm up your core and back.
This warm-up is quick, comprehensive, and
designed to rev up your engine for the main

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

500m Row
3 Rounds:
10 Alternating Step-Ups
10 Box Jumps
10 Overhead Squats w/ PVC

The Focus:
“Row & Rise” kicks off with a 500m row to
get your whole body engaged and your heart
rate up. After setting the pace on the rower,
you’ll dive into three rounds of lower-body
focused exercises. Alternating step-ups get
the blood flowing to every leg muscle, prep-
ping you for explosive movements. Box jumps
follow, turning up the intensity and work-
ing on your power and precision. Finishing
with overhead squats using a PVC pipe ensures
your shoulders and core are not left out,
promoting stability and control. This warm-
up is designed to activate key muscle groups
and get your body in sync for a high-per-
forming workout session.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

500m Row
3 Rounds:
20 Walking Lunges
Broad Jumps back to starting
10 Air Squats

The Focus:
“Row to Rumble” starts with a 500m row, per-
fect for igniting your cardiovascular sys-
tem and prepping every muscle for action.
The transition to land work involves three
rounds that focus on lower body strength
and explosive power. Walking lunges stretch
and strengthen your glutes, quads, and ham-
strings, ensuring they’re ready for intense
activity. Broad jumps back add a plyometric
challenge, boosting your agility and pow-
er. And air squats round it out by reinforc-
ing your squat technique and building heat
in the muscles. This warm-up is crafted to
build a solid base for your workout, allow-
ing for a seamless transition into more de-
manding exercises.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


9 Rounds:
(:20 sec on :10 sec off - Alternating Move-
Air Squats
Alternating Toe Touches
Mountain Climbers

The Focus:
The “Quick Shift Blitz” is a high-intensity
interval warm-up designed to get your heart
pumping and muscles primed in short, sharp
bursts. You’ll alternate between air squats
to build heat and strength in your legs, al-
ternating toe touches to engage your core
and improve flexibility, and mountain climb-
ers to ramp up your cardiovascular system
and enhance agility. The 20 seconds on and
10 seconds off format ensures you maintain
a high level of intensity while still get-
ting just enough rest to keep the energy up
across all 9 rounds. This rapid-fire routine
sets the stage for a workout where endurance,
power, and speed are key.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


9 Rounds:
(:20 sec on :10 sec off - Alternating Move-
PVC Good Mornings
PVC Overhead Squats
Samson/Spider Lunge Stretch

The Focus:
“PVC Power-Up” is all about activating your
posterior chain, opening up your hips, and
mobilizing your entire body. With 9 rounds
of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of
rest, you alternate between PVC good morn-
ings to warm up your hamstrings and low-
er back, PVC overhead squats to engage your
core and improve overhead mobility, and the
Samson/Spider lunge stretch to target hip
flexors and enhance your range of motion.
This rhythmic, dynamic start prepares you
for a session where proper form and flex-
ibility are just as important as strength
and stamina.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


9 Rounds:
(:20 sec on :10 sec off - Alternating Move-
Box Jump Overs
Stationary Reverse Lunges
Sumo Air Squats

The Focus:
“Box & Build” is a dynamic warm-up circuit
designed to boost your explosive power, bal-
ance, and lower body strength. The 9 rounds
of 20 seconds of high-energy work followed
by a brief 10-second recovery period keeps
the intensity up and your body guessing.
Box jump overs get your heart rate soaring
while honing your coordination and power.
Stationary reverse lunges focus on unilat-
eral leg strength and stability, critical for
building a solid foundation. Sumo air squats
round out the sequence, targeting the inner
thighs and glutes while encouraging hip
mobility. This warm-up primes you perfectly
for a workout that demands agility, control,
and endurance.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

9 Rounds:
(:20 sec on :10 sec off - Alternating Move-
R leg Romanian Deadlift with light
L leg Romanian Deadlift with light
Alternating Side Lunges

The Focus:
The “Balance & Bend” warm-up is a focused
trio of exercises to awaken your muscles with
an emphasis on balance and unilateral move-
ment. This 9-round routine, featuring 20 sec-
onds of activity followed by 10 seconds of rest,
is a sequence of targeted movements to prepare
you for a workout that requires stability and
strength. Right leg Romanian deadlifts with
a light kettlebell engage your hamstrings
and glutes while challenging your balance.
Switching to the left leg ensures symmetry
and equal conditioning. Alternating side lung-
es complete the set, adding a lateral movement
that stretches and strengthens your adductors
and enhances overall joint mobility. Together,
these exercises ensure you’re ready to tackle
any workout with poise and power.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


9 Rounds:
(:20 sec on :10 sec off - Alternating Move-
Goblet Squat with Kettlebell
Russian Kettlebell Swings
Alternating Toe Touches

The Focus:
The “Kettlebell Kickoff” is a fast-paced
warm-up designed to fire up your core,
glutes, and hamstrings while also ramping
up your cardiovascular system. In these 9
rounds of interval work, the 20 seconds of
effort is balanced with 10 seconds of rest
to keep your heart rate elevated and mus-
cles engaged. Goblet squats with a mod-
erately heavy kettlebell build strength
and warmth in the quads and hips, while
Russian kettlebell swings generate pow-
er through your posterior chain, dialing
in your explosive energy. Alternating toe
touches provide a dynamic stretch for your
hamstrings and a brief active recovery,
ensuring you’re thoroughly prepped for
the high-intensity workout ahead.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

In teams of 3 -
AMRAP3 at each station
(keep clock Running, 9 min total - athletes switch every
10 reps)
Box Jump Overs
Goblet Walking Lunge w/ Kettlebell
KB Deadlifts

The Focus:
“Trio Tempo Tune-Up” is an engaging team-based
warm-up that incorporates a mix of plyometrics,
strength, and endurance. Set up as an AMRAP (As
Many Rounds As Possible) lasting 3 minutes at
each station, teams of three will keep the en-
ergy high and the clock ticking over a total
of 9 minutes. Athletes will switch every 10 reps
to maintain intensity and encourage teamwork.
Box jump overs are perfect for getting your
heart rate up and improving agility. Goblet
walking lunges with a kettlebell bring a chal-
lenging lower-body strength component, focus-
ing on balance and coordination. KB deadlifts
round out the circuit by targeting the poste-
rior chain, ensuring your muscles are engaged
and primed for the workout ahead. This format
not only warms up the body but also builds ca-
maraderie and a sense of shared effort as you
prepare for the day’s session.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

In teams of 3 -
AMRAP3 at each station
(keep clock Running, 9 min total - athletes switch ev-
ery 10 reps)
Plate Push
(pick a distance between 30-50 meter - athletes push
one length then switch)
Squat Jumps
Plate Ground 2 Overhead #45/#25

The Focus:
“Trio Tonic” is all about team synergy and
getting your muscles prepped with a vari-
ety of dynamic movements. In this warm-up,
you’ll engage in a non-stop, 9-minute cir-
cuit with your trio, tackling plate pushes,
squat jumps, and plate lifts. The plate push
will rev up your engine, squat jumps will
add a spring to your step, and the ground
to overhead lifts will activate your full
body, ensuring you’re warmed up from head
to toe. This team-based approach not only
gets your blood pumping but also builds ca-
maraderie right from the get-go!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

In teams of 3 -
AMRAP3 at each station
(Keep clock Running - 9 min total - athletes switch
every 10 reps)
10/8 Calorie Row
Jumping Lunges
Suitcase Deadlifts w Kettlebell

The Focus:
The “Trio Thrive” warm-up is designed to
kickstart your workout with a burst of
cardio, plyometrics, and strength. The
10/8 calorie row gets your heart rate up,
oiling your cardiovascular engine. Jump-
ing lunges bring a plyometric challenge,
priming your leg muscles for explosive
movements, while suitcase deadlifts with
a kettlebell ensure that both your grip
and your core are activated, as well as
promoting unilateral strength. Rotating
through these stations in a team of three
keeps the intensity high and the camara-
derie higher, setting a fantastic pace for
the workout ahead.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

In teams of 3 -
AMRAP3 at each station
(Keep clock Running - 9 min total - athletes switch ev-
ery 10 reps)
Front Rack Walking Lunge with Bar-
bell #45/#35
Front Squat with Barbell
Good Mornings with Barbell

The Focus:
“Barbell Battalion” is all about firing up
those muscles with a barbell-centric trio
that’s going to set the tone for your session.
The front rack walking lunges get your legs
and core fired up, promoting balance and
functional strength. The front squats are
perfect for engaging the quads and building
overall lower-body power, while also rein-
forcing the clean grip position. Good morn-
ings will wake up your posterior chain, em-
phasizing the importance of a strong back
and hamstrings. This warm-up is designed
not just to prepare you physically, but also
to foster teamwork and sync your squad’s en-
ergy for the workout to come.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

In teams of 3 -
AMRAP3 at each station
(Keep clock Running - 9 min total - athletes switch ev-
ery 10 reps)
Broad Jumps
(5 each before switching partners)
Sumo Air Squats
Weighted Good Mornings #45/#25
(Holding a Plate at the chest)

The Focus:
“Leap & Lift Legion” is designed to get the
blood pumping and muscles primed with a fo-
cus on explosive power and stability. Broad
jumps ignite the fast-twitch muscle fibers,
training your body for dynamic movements,
while the teamwork aspect keeps you moti-
vated and in sync. Sumo air squats open up
the hips and strengthen the lower body, en-
suring you’re ready for any heavy lift-
ing ahead. The weighted good mornings
are a fantastic way to engage the core and
hone in on that lower back strength, all
while holding a plate at your chest to add
that extra bit of resistance. Together, this
warm-up is a power-packed way to kickstart
your workout with strength and camarade-

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

In teams of 3 -
AMRAP3 at each station
(Keep clock Running - 9 min total - athletes switch ev-
ery 10 reps)
Box Step Overs
Box Jumps
Front Squat with Barbell #45/#35

The Focus:
“Box Blitz Bonanza” is all about setting the
stage for a session that’s as fun as it is
challenging. With AMRAPs on box step overs
and jumps, we’re cranking up the heart rate
and prepping those legs for explosive ac-
tion, which is key for any high-intensi-
ty workout. The front squats with a bar-
bell bring in a strength element, priming
the quads and core for stability and power.
This warm-up is a team effort, so you’re not
just building muscles; you’re also building
bonds, making sure everyone’s pumped and
ready to tackle the workout ahead.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

In teams of 3 -
AMRAP3 at each station
(Keep clock Running - 9 min total - athletes switch ev-
ery 10 reps)
(athletes switch every 5 reps)
Jumping Squats
Kettlebell Deadlift #70/#53
(with just one Kettlebell)

The Focus:
The “Triple Threat Thrasher” is designed
to fire up every muscle in your body and
get that blood flowing. Burpees are the ul-
timate full-body exercise, and by switch-
ing every five, we keep the intensity high
and the teamwork tight. Jumping squats
will boost your lower body power and get
those endorphins soaring, while the kettle-
bell deadlifts add a heavy-hitting strength
component to our warm-up. This routine is
about synergy and sweat, ensuring that each
teammate is charged up and has had a taste
of what’s to come in the workout ahead.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

In teams of 3 -
AMRAP3 at each station
(Keep clock Running - 9 min total - athletes switch
every 10 reps)
Dumbell Power Cleans #45/#25
DB Front Squat
DB Suitcase Deadlifts

The Focus:
The “Dumbbell Triad” is our prelude to
power, priming the pump with a triple hit
of dumbbell dynamism. Power cleans will
ignite those fast-twitch fibers and get
your CNS on high alert. The front squats
are all about building that foundation-
al leg strength and stability, warming
up the quads and core for the work ahead.
Suitcase deadlifts bring home the bal-
ance and unilateral grunt work, ensuring
both sides of your body are equally en-
gaged and ready to tackle any challenge.
Together, this warm-up is a well-rounded
start to get the team synced and the mus-
cles primed.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

In teams of 3 -
AMRAP3 at each station
(Keep clock Running - 9 min total - athletes switch
every 10 reps)
5-10-15 Shuttle Run
Plate Ground 2 Overhead #45/#25
Plate Good Mornings

The Focus:
The “Plate Relay Ramp-up” is a team-
charged warm-up designed to kick-start
your engine and get the camaraderie cook-
ing. The 5-10-15 shuttle run sharpens agil-
ity and spikes the heart rate, setting
the stage for an energetic workout. Plate
ground to overheads dial in your power
and coordination, recruiting major mus-
cle groups for a full-body activation. Fin-
ishing with plate good mornings ensures
your posterior chain isn’t left out, promot-
ing hamstring flexibility and lower back
strength. This trio lays the groundwork
for a session where every rep counts and
every team member contributes.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

In teams of 3 -
AMRAP3 at each station
(Keep clock Running - 9 min total - athletes switch ev-
ery 10 reps)
Goblet Reverse Lunge with
Kettlebell #35/#26
Broad Jump + High Jump
(5 reps before switching partners)
Goblet Squats with Kettlebell

The Focus:
The “Kettlebell Leapfrog” warm-up is all
about firing up those muscles with a blend of
strength and plyometrics. With goblet reverse
lunges, you’re not only prepping your legs for
the workload ahead but also challenging your
core stability with the added weight of the
kettlebell. The broad jump to high jump com-
bo transforms this warm-up into a power play-
ground, teaching your muscles to explode and
recover rapidly—a vital skill for any high-in-
tensity session. And goblet squats with the ket-
tlebell? They’re the cherry on top, ensuring
your quads and glutes are fully engaged and
ready to support you through whatever your
workout throws at you.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


(easy pace)
200 meter Run
20 Walking Lunges
15 Banded Good Mornings

The Focus:
The “Run ‘n’ Tone” warm-up is designed to
get the heart pumping and the muscles lim-
ber before diving into the day’s main event.
The easy pace 200-meter run shakes off any
stiffness and boosts circulation, prim-
ing the body for movement. Walking lunges
step in to target those lower body muscles,
emphasizing control and range of motion,
which is crucial for any lifting or squat-
ting ahead. Finishing with banded good
mornings ensures your posterior chain is
awakened and ready to support you, promot-
ing good form and reducing the risk of in-
jury as you head into more intense exercis-

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


(easy pace)
200 meter Run
10 R arm Russian Kettlebell
Swings #35/#26
10 Air Squats
10 L arm RKBS

The Focus:
The “Run, Swing, Squat” warm-up is a
trifecta of cardio and coordination,
kick-starting your session with dynam-
ic movement. The 200-meter run is an ex-
cellent way to get your blood flowing
and muscles prepped for action. Alter-
nating right and left arm Russian Ket-
tlebell Swings awaken your core and
shoulder stability, promoting unilater-
al strength and balance that’s essential
for functional fitness. Sandwiched be-
tween swings, air squats are perfect for
engaging the quads and glutes, ensuring
they’re ready to support you through a
workout that demands power and preci-

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

(easy pace)
10 Calorie Row
15 Banded Good Mornings
10 Hollow Rocks
15 Goblet Squats Holding Medball

The Focus:
“Row ‘n’ Rock Prep” is designed to prime
your engine and hone in on core sta-
bility. Starting with a 10 Calorie Row
gets the heart rate up and warms up the
whole body, simulating the kind of ef-
fort you’ll be putting into the day’s
workout. The 15 Banded Good Mornings are
all about activating the posterior chain,
which is crucial for safe and effective
lifting, while the 10 Hollow Rocks tar-
get your core, which is your powerhouse
for all movements. Finishing off with
15 Goblet Squats while holding a med-
ball ensures your lower body and arms
are engaged and ready, adding a touch
of weight to prep for the resistance to

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


3 Rounds:
200 meter Run
10 Sit-Ups to Pancake Stretch
10 Walking Lunges

The Focus:
The “Sprint ‘n’ Stretch” kick-starts your
session with a burst of cardio, ramping up
your heart rate and boosting circulation
with a quick 200-meter dash. Following up
with 10 Sit-Ups to Pancake Stretch serves
a dual purpose: you’re not only firing up
the core muscles, which are essential for
stability in workouts, but also diving into
a deep stretch that enhances your flexi-
bility and range of motion. The 10 Walk-
ing Lunges act as a dynamic movement to
strengthen and stretch your lower body,
prepping your legs and hips for the func-
tional tasks ahead. It’s a full-body acti-
vation that sets a strong foundation for a
high-performance workout.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

3 Rounds:
100 Single Skips
10 Lateral Box Step Overs
(5 per leg)
15 Sumo Air Squats

The Focus:
The “Skip ‘n’ Squat Shuffle” is our play-
ful primer to get the blood pumping and
the joints jumping. Those 100 Single Skips
are a throwback to playground days, but
they’re here for a reason: to spike your
heart rate and refine your coordina-
tion, setting a rhythm for the workout.
The 10 Lateral Box Step Overs add a twist
to the traditional step-up, challenging
your lateral movement and agility — it’s
all about getting those legs ready for ac-
tion in every direction. And the 15 Sumo
Air Squats? They’re not just a nod to sumo
wrestlers; they’re here to widen your
stance and deepen the work in your glu-
tes and inner thighs, ensuring you’re all
warmed up for whatever the workout throws
at you.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


3 Rounds:
10 Calorie Air Bike
20 Walking Lunges
5 Inchworm with Cobra Push-Up

The Focus:
The “Pedal & Stretch Surge” warm-up is de-
signed to kickstart your engine and stretch
out the chassis before the main event. Crank-
ing out 10 calories on the Air Bike gets your
heart rate soaring and your legs burning,
priming your energy systems for peak per-
formance. Follow that with 20 Walking Lung-
es to engage and activate your lower body
muscles, ensuring they’re ready to fire on
all cylinders. Then, we hit the deck for 5
Inchworms with Cobra Push-Ups to length-
en those hamstrings and open up the chest
and shoulders, promoting mobility and fluid
movement throughout your workout. It’s the
perfect combo to get you revved up and ready
to roll!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

3 Rounds:
10 Calorie Air Bike
15 Plate Good Mornings #45/#25
3x Samson/Spider Lunge per leg

The Focus:
“Prime Time Trio” is your straightforward,
get-the-job-done kind of warm-up. Kick
things off with a 10 Calorie Air Bike to get
the blood pumping - it’s like revving the en-
gine before a race. Next, we hit 15 Plate Good
Mornings to wake up those hamstrings and
lower back - think of it as your body’s way of
saying, ‘Okay, we’re really doing this.’ Then,
we finish with the Samson/Spider Lunge se-
quence to loosen up the legs and hips, mak-
ing sure you’re limber and ready to move. It’s
practical, no-nonsense, and sets you up right
for the workout ahead.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


One Time Through:

200 meter Run
10 Air Squats
10 Floor Bridges
20 Hollow Rocks
10 Floor Bridges
10 Air Squats
200 meter Run

The Focus:
We’re kickstarting the session with a 200-meter
dash to get the heart pumping and blood flow-
ing. Those air squats are in there to wake up
the major leg muscles, prepping them for action,
while the floor bridges will activate the glutes,
ensuring they’re ready to support you through-
out the workout. We’re rounding it off with hol-
low rocks to fire up the core, which is key for
stability and power in any movement you tackle
after this. Then, it’s back to the run to keep the
energy high and muscles warm. back to the run
to keep the energy high and muscles warm.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


One Time Through:

200 meter Jog
10 Broad Jumps
10 Walking Lunges
8 Broad Jumps
8 Walking Lunges
6 Broad Jumps
6 Walking Lunges
4 Broad Jumps
4 Walking Lunges
2 Broad Jumps
2 Walking Lunges

The Focus:
This warm-up is all about progressive move-
ment. Starting with a jog gets the blood flow-
ing and preps your muscles. Broad jumps are
great for explosive power, getting those fast-
twitch fibers in on the action early. Walking
lunges step it up by engaging the quads, ham-
strings, and glutes, improving your stability
and balance. The descending reps keep the in-
tensity manageable as you get warmer, ensur-
ing you’re not overdoing it before the main
event. Plus, this sequence is a great way to
practice pacing and focus as the workout pro-

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

How it works:
You’ll need a playlist of songs that have a
clear and predictable beat drop. Every time
the song builds up to the beat drop, partic-
ipants will do one exercise, and when the
beat drops, they switch to burpees for as
long as the intense part of the song lasts.
When the song returns to a calmer rhythm,
they switch back to the first exercise.

Example Flow:
Start with jumping jacks to the rhythm of the
music during the calmer verses.
When the build-up to the beat drop begins,
switch to air squats, increasing intensity with
the music.
As soon as the beat drops, everyone does
burpees, keeping pace with the energetic part
of the song.
When the beat softens, go back to jumping
jacks, and so on.
This warm-up keeps energy high and anticipa-
tion even higher as everyone awaits the next
beat drop. It’s an exhilarating way to get the
heart pumping and muscles primed, perfect for
a dynamic start to any workout session. Plus,
it’s a great way to introduce fun and variety
into the routine, making sure that everyone
stays engaged and excited.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


3 Rounds:
50 meter Bear Crawl
10 Ring Rows
10 Jump Squats

The Focus:
“Beast Mode Mixer.” It’s designed to ignite
your primal strength and agility right
from the get-go. The 50-meter bear crawl is
a full-body grinder that warms up every
muscle and joint, setting a strong founda-
tion for the workout. Ring rows will acti-
vate your back and shoulders, priming your
upper body for pulling movements, while
jump squats inject a burst of power into
your legs and get your heart racing. This
trio is perfect for waking up the beast
within, ready to
tackle any challenge ahead.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


3 Rounds:
5 Burpee Broad Jumps
10 Wallballs
20 Shoulder Taps in a Nose 2 Wall
(scale: body angled at 45 degrees on wall, or
feet on a box/bench)

The Focus:
This warm-up is a dynamic blend to get your
heart rate up and muscles primed. The 5
burpee broad jumps are there to put a little
spring in your step and boost your explo-
sive power. Tossing in 10 wallballs ensures
your arms, legs, and core are engaged, get-
ting a feel for coordination and strength.
And those 20 shoulder taps in a nose-to-
wall handstand (or the scaled versions) are
perfect for firing up your shoulder sta-
bility and balance, which is key for those
overhead lifts and tasks ahead. It’s a full-
body ignition to start your session strong!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


3 Rounds:
30 Double Unders or 60 Single Skips
10 Cobra Push-Ups
10 Downward Dog Stretch
10 Air Squats

The Focus:
This warm-up is all about waking up the
body with a cardio kick from the double
unders or single skips, getting the blood
flowing and your feet moving. The co-
bra push-ups will heat up your core and
stretch out the back, while the downward
dog gives a nice lengthening for those
hamstrings and calves, setting the stage
for better mobility. Finishing with air
squats, we’re looking to get those legs
ready for action with some solid strength
work. It’s a quick, full-body routine to get
you in the zone!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


3 Rounds:
10 Medball Cleans
20 Bent Over Rows with Medball
20 sec Elbow Plank on Medball

The Focus:
This warm-up targets stability and con-
trol, using the medball for an add-
ed challenge to classic moves. The med-
ball cleans get your entire body engaged,
priming your muscles for explosive move-
ments. Bent over rows with the medball
will fire up your back and arms, ensur-
ing they’re ready to handle the work-
load ahead. And holding that elbow plank
on the medball? That’s going to test and
improve your core stability, so you’re
rock-solid during your workout. It’s a
trifecta of strength, coordination, and

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


3 Rounds:
15 Chest Pass Throws with Medball
against wall
15 Wallballs
6 Scorpions

The Focus:
The warm-up is designed to ramp up your
heart rate and engage multiple muscle
groups simultaneously. The chest pass throws
against the wall will wake up your pecs,
shoulders, and triceps, getting them ready
for action with a cardiovascular twist. Wall-
balls are a full-body conditioner, perfect
for priming your squat and press mechanics
while also boosting your endurance. Scor-
pions will increase spinal mobility and ac-
tivate those often-neglected stabilizers in
your core and lower back, ensuring you’re
limber and ready to tackle the session ahead.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


9 Rounds:
(:20 sec on :10 sec off - Alternating Move-
Air Squat
Flutter Kicks

The Focus:
It’s a Tabata-style warm-up that’s go-
ing to set your muscles and lungs on fire
in the best way possible. Alternating be-
tween bursts of high-intensity burpees,
air squats, and flutter kicks will get
your heart rate up and kick your body
into gear. This quick on-and-off pat-
tern trains your recovery system, allow-
ing just enough rest to keep the intensi-
ty high across all nine rounds. It’s the
perfect primer for a session that demands
stamina and grit.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


9 Rounds:
(:20 sec on :10 sec off - Alternating
Russian Kettlebell Swings
R Side Plank Hold
L Side Plank Hold

The Focus:
It’s all about firing up those mus-
cles and setting the stage for a kill-
er workout. The Russian Kettlebell
Swings will ignite your posterior
chain, boosting power and endurance,
while the alternating side plank holds
will challenge your core stability and
strength. This high-intensity inter-
val pattern keeps the body guessing
and maximizes both aerobic and anaer-
obic fitness, making sure you’re warmed
up and ready to tackle whatever comes

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


9 Rounds:
(:20 sec on :10 sec off - Alternating Move-
Stationary Lunges
Nose 2 Wall Handstand Hold
Pike Sit-Ups

The Focus:
The 9-round structure with 20 seconds
on and 10 seconds off keeps the intensity
high and the heart pumping. Stationary
lunges fire up your lower body, building
strength and stability in your legs. The
nose-to-wall handstand hold challeng-
es your shoulder stability and core con-
trol, enhancing your balance and upper
body strength. Finally, pike sit-ups tar-
get your core, improving your abdominal
strength and overall body coordination.
This dynamic trio is perfect for prep-
ping your body for a high-energy work-
out ahead!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


9 Rounds:
(:20 sec on :10 sec off - Alternating Move-
Thrusters with Wallball
Bent Over Rows with Wallball
Elbow Plank on Wallball

The Focus:
Over 9 rounds, each featuring 20 seconds
of action followed by 10 seconds of rest,
you’ll alternate between three dynam-
ic movements. Thrusters with a wallball
kickstart the session, boosting your lower
body power while engaging your shoulders
and core. Bent over rows with the wall-
ball work your back and biceps, ensur-
ing a full upper body activation. And the
elbow plank on the wallball challenges
your core stability, making this warm-up
a comprehensive tool to prep you for the
main workout, enhancing your strength,
stability, and endurance.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


9 Rounds:
(:20 sec on :10 sec off - Alternating Move-
Renegade Rows #45/#25
Suitcase Deadlifts
Superman Raises

The Focus:
This 9-round warm-up consists of 20 sec-
onds of intense action followed by 10 sec-
onds of rest, alternating between three
potent movements. Renegade Rows with
moderate weight challenge your balance
and strengthen your back, arms, and core.
Suitcase Deadlifts are next, honing your
posture and lower back strength, re-
sembling the motion of lifting a heavy
suitcase. Lastly, Superman Raises tar-
get your lower back and glutes, enhanc-
ing spinal stability. This combination
ensures a well-rounded activation, pre-
paring your body for the high-intensity
workout ahead while promoting muscle co-
ordination and strength.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


One Time Through:

10 Single Arm Thruster R arm
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Single Arm Thruster L arm
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Overhead Walking Lunge R arm
10 Superman Raises
10 Overhead Walking Lunge L arm

The Focus:
“Superhero Symmetry” is designed to balance
and energize your body for a dynamic work-
out. Kicking off with 10 Single Arm Thrust-
ers per arm, it challenges your strength
and coordination. Followed by 10 Hollow
Rocks, this part of the warm-up sharpens
your core. Then, 10 Overhead Walking Lung-
es per arm improve your lower body power
and stability. We wrap up with 10 Superman
Raises to activate your back muscles. This
quick, one-time-through routine ensures
you’re evenly primed and ready for action.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


One Time Through:

400m Run
10 Air Squats
Spider Lunge down
10 Opposite Toe Touches
Samson Lunge back
Bear Crawl down
10 Push-Ups
Bear Crawl down and back
30 sec Downward Dog Stretch

The Focus:
Starting with a 400m run, it boosts your
heart rate and gets your blood pump-
ing. The combination of air squats, spider
lunges, and opposite toe touches warms up
your legs and improves flexibility. Sam-
son lunges and bear crawls focus on agil-
ity and core strength. Finishing with
push-ups and a downward dog stretch, it
ensures your muscles are awake and ready
to tackle any challenge.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


One Time Through:

30/25 Calorie Row
3 Wall Climbs
15 Air Squats
2 Wall Climbs
10 Air Squats
1 Wall Climb
5 Air Squats

The Focus:
Starting with a 30/25 calorie row, it gets
your heart rate up and muscles primed. The
sequence of wall climbs combined with de-
creasing sets of air squats not only chal-
lenges your endurance but also enhances
your coordination and agility. This warm-
up is a perfect blend of inten
sity and technique.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


One Time Through:

800m Run
20 Banded Good Mornings
10 Pike Push-Ups …
(fast forward to 1:00 minute)
15 Banded Good Mornings
8 Pike Push-Ups
10 Banded Good Mornings
6 Pike Push-Ups

The Focus:
The “Superhero Starter” Warm-Up is de-
signed to prime your body for intense
physical activity. It starts with an 800m
run to get your heart rate up, followed by
banded good mornings and pike push-ups
in gradually decreasing sets. This com-
bination effectively warms up your lower
back, hamstrings, glutes, and shoulders,
ensuring you’re ready for a high-inten-
sity workout.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


One time through:

1:00 Assault Bike
1:00 Air Squats
1:00 Kettlebell Swings #53/#35
1:00 Plank in Push-Up Position
1:00 Samson/Spider Lunge
(Holding each stretch 3 sec alternating legs)

The Focus:
The “Dynamic Power-Up” Warm-Up is a brisk, full-
body routine to prepare for intense exercise.
It includes a minute each of Assault Bike, air
squats, kettlebell swings, plank in push-up posi-
tion, and Samson/Spider Lunges with alternating
legs. This sequence rapidly elevates the heart
rate, activates major muscle groups, and improves
flexibility, ensuring a well-rounded warm-up.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

YGIG 2 Person Partner Warm-Up
(alternate each movement)
4 Rounds:
10 Jumping Pull-Ups
10 Hanging Knee Raises
5 Burpees

The Focus:
The “Duo Dynamics” is a partner-based
warm-up designed for two individuals to
alternate exercises, creating a dynam-
ic and engaging start to any workout ses-
sion. It consists of four rounds where
each partner alternates between 10 jump-
ing pull-ups, 10 hanging knee raises, and
5 burpees. This format not only fosters
teamwork and synchronization but also en-
sures a comprehensive warm-up, targeting
upper body strength with pull-ups, core
activation with knee raises, and cardiovas-
cular endurance with burpees. The collabo-
rative approach adds an element of motiva-
tion and camaraderie, making it a fun and
effective way to get ready for the workout

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

YGIG 2 Person Partner Warm-Up
(alternate each movement)
4 Rounds:
10 Calorie Row
5 Burpees Over ERG
10 Air Squats

The Focus:
“Partner Power-Up” is designed for an
energizing start, utilizing the syner-
gy of a two-person team. The combination
of calorie rowing, burpees over the ERG,
and air squats ensures a full-body en-
gagement, activating both the cardiovas-
cular system and key muscle groups. This
warm-up not only elevates the heart rate
and prepares muscles for the workout
ahead but also builds camaraderie and
coordination between partners, making
it an ideal start for a high-intensity
training session.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

YGIG 2 Person Partner Warm-Up
(alternate each movement)
4 Rounds:
100m Run
10 Medball Cleans
10 Push-Ups

The Focus:
The “Buddy Boost Circuit” warm-up is
crafted to energize and prepare both part-
ners for the workout ahead. By alternating
between a quick 100m run, medball cleans,
and push-ups, this routine ensures a com-
prehensive activation of the body. The run
increases cardiovascular readiness, the
medball cleans engage the whole body with
a focus on explosive power, and push-ups
build upper body strength and core sta-
bility. This warm-up not only physically
primes each individual but also cultivates
a sense of teamwork and mutual motivation,
essential for a successful and engaging
workout session.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

YGIG 2 Person Partner Warm-Up
(alternate each movement)
4 Rounds:
Calorie Row
(30 sec on - 30 sec off)
8 push-ups
12 air squats

The Focus:
The “Row & Rally” is a dynamic warm-up de-
signed to energize and synchronize part-
ners in preparation for their workout. The
structure of alternating between a calo-
rie row and bodyweight exercises ensures
a comprehensive warm-up. The calorie row,
performed in short, intense bursts, kick-
starts the cardiovascular system, while the
8 push-ups and 12 air squats target upper
body strength and lower body endurance.
This routine not only prepares the muscles
and heart for more strenuous activities but
also strengthens the bond and coordina-
tion between partners, making it a fun and
effective start to any workout session.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

3 Rounds:

Synchronized Burpees with High-Five:

Both partners perform 5 burpees simulta-
neously. Add a high-five at the top of each

Alternating Jumping Pull-Ups:

Partner 1 performs 5 jumping pull-
ups while Partner 2 rests.
Partner 2 performs 5 jumping pull-
ups while Partner 1 rests.
Repeat so that each partner com-
pletes 10 jumping pull-ups in total.

Alternating Lunges:
Each partner performs 10 alternat-
ing lunges (5 per leg).

Synchronized Air Squats:

Both partners perform 10 synchro-
nized air squats as quickly as pos-
sible, while maintaining proper

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

5 Rounds (YGIG - You Go, I Go):
Partner 1 performs 5 Push-Ups.
Partner 2 performs 5 Push-Ups.
Partner 1 completes 10 Air Squats.
Partner 2 completes 10 Air Squats.

The Focus:
After each partner has completed their
push-ups and air squats, they come together
for a set of partner sit-ups, doing 5 each,
touching hands at the top of each sit-up. To
finish off each round, they’ll do a 30-sec-
ond partner wall sit, back-to-back, to en-
courage unity and build lower body and core
strength. This enhancement not only works
on individual strength and endurance but
also fosters teamwork
and communication.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


4 Rounds (YGIG - You Go, I Go):

5 Ring Rows
5 Sit-Ups to Pancake Stretch
10 Squat Jumps

The Focus:
The “Rings, Rhythms & Rockets” warm-up is a
dynamic routine that combines upper body,
core, and lower body activation in a You Go,
I Go (YGIG) format. The 5 ring rows focus on
upper body strength and stability, 5 sit-
ups to pancake stretch engage and stretch
the core and hamstrings, and 10 squat jumps
provide a powerful lower body and cardio-
vascular challenge. The 4-round structure
ensures a gradual build-up of intensity,
perfectly priming the body for a more in-
tense workout while fostering a rhythm and
coordination between partners.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


3 Rounds:
10 Wallballs
30 Shoulder Taps in Push-Up Position
15 Air Squats
30 seconds Plank Hold
30 seconds Leg Swings
30 seconds Arm Circles

The Focus:
The “Power Prep” warm-up is designed to en-
gage every major muscle group, preparing you
for a wide range of activities. Starting with
wallballs for lower body and explosive pow-
er, moving to shoulder taps for upper body
and core stability, followed by air squats for
leg endurance, the routine progressively ac-
tivates different areas. The plank hold fur-
ther engages the core, while the leg swings
and arm circles provide dynamic stretch-
ing to improve flexibility and mobility. This
comprehensive approach ensures you’re fully
warmed up and ready for any workout.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


Round 1 - Sprint Start: The first member

of each team starts with a 100-meter sprint on
the rower. As soon as they finish, they tag the
next teammate.

Round 2 - Steady Pace: The second team

member rows at a steady pace for 2 minutes.
The goal is to maintain a consistent stroke
rate (e.g., 24-26 strokes per minute). Once com-
pleted, they tag the next teammate.

Round 3 - Power Pulls: The third member

does 10 powerful strokes, focusing on maximum
effort per stroke rather than speed. After 10
strokes, they tag the next teammate.

Final Round - Team Finish: In the fi-

nal round, all team members take turns doing
5 strokes each as quickly as possible until the
team collectively reaches 200 meters.

Winning: The team that completes all

rounds first, or rows the most meters in a set
time limit (e.g., 15 minutes), is declared the

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

Team high-five to start!

Chest Pass + Squat: Pass medball,

squat while catching. 10 reps.

Side Hop & Throw: Side-by-side,

throw and hop-turn. 10 reps each side.

Wallball + Squat Hold: Toss to wall,

catch in squat. 10 reps.

Back-to-Back Granny Toss +

Leap: Toss over head, leap over line. 10

Sit-Up + Push-Up Pass: Sit-up to

pass, push-up before next. 10 reps.

Team fist-bump to finish!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

2 Person Team -
(split the work however you want)
40 Bodyweight Walking Lunges
40 Banded Good Mornings
20 Push-Ups
200 meter Run
(partner’s Run together)

The Focus:
The “Dynamic Duo Dash & Tone” is a 7-minute AM-
RAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) warm-up de-
signed for two-person teams. This routine fo-
cuses on full-body engagement with a mix of
strength and cardio exercises. The 40 body-
weight walking lunges target the lower body,
enhancing leg strength and balance. The 40
banded good mornings are excellent for acti-
vating the posterior chain, including the lower
back and hamstrings. 20 push-ups will engage
the upper body, particularly the chest, shoul-
ders, and triceps. Finally, the 200-meter run,
done together, adds a cardiovascular element to
the warm-up and fosters team coordination. This
warm-up is structured to boost overall fitness,
promote teamwork, and get the heart pumping,
setting a strong foundation for the workout

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

2 Person Team -
(split the work however you want)
30 Kick Outs
30 Pike Sit-Ups
30 Jumping Pull-Ups

The Focus:
The “Duo Dynamics Drill” is a 7-minute
AMRAP warm-up for two-person teams, fo-
cusing on agility, core strength, and
upper body activation. It combines 30
kick-outs for cardiovascular and core
engagement, 30 pike sit-ups for deep core
strengthening, and 30 jumping pull-ups
to enhance upper body power and coordi-
nation. This warm-up effectively primes
the body for intense workouts while fos-
tering teamwork and shared pacing.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

2 Person Team -
(split the work however you want)
200 Single Skips
40 Air Squats
2 Wall Climbs

The Focus:
The “Skip, Squat & Climb” is a 7-minute AM-
RAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) warm-up
designed for pairs. This routine starts
with 200 single skips, providing a lively
cardiovascular workout that enhances co-
ordination and agility. The 40 air squats
that follow are great for building lower
body strength and warming up the major
leg muscles. Finishing with 2 wall climbs,
this component not only challenges the
upper body and core but also tests balance
and functional strength. This warm-up is
structured to boost overall endurance and
prepare the body and mind for the upcom-
ing workout, while also encouraging team-
work and strategy in dividing the tasks.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

2 Person Team -
(split the work however you want)
Both Run 200 meter
10 Burpee Pull-Ups
20 Kettlebell Deadlift #70/#53

The Focus:
The “Sprint, Lift & Leap Duo” is a 7-min-
ute AMRAP warm-up tailored for two-person
teams, combining cardiovascular, strength,
and functional fitness elements. Start-
ing with a 200-meter run, both partners
work to boost their heart rate and estab-
lish teamwork and pacing. The routine then
moves into 10 burpee pull-ups, blending up-
per body strength with agility, followed by
20 kettlebell deadlifts to engage the poste-
rior chain, enhancing lower body strength
and stability. This dynamic warm-up is de-
signed to comprehensively prepare the body
for a wide range of workout challenges,
while promoting coordination and coopera-
tion between partners.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

2 Rounds:
10 Pass Throughs
10 Good Mornings
10 Front Squats
2 Rounds:
10 Muscle Cleans
10 Shrugs
10 Front Squats
3 Rounds:
Cobra Stretch cycled with Downward
Samson/Spider Lunge 3x per leg

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


2 Rounds:
10 Shrugs to Pass Throughs
(shrug and keeps traps high before
bringing PVC overhead)
10 Good Mornings
10 Overhead Squats
2 Rounds:
10 Shrugs
(Snatch grip)
10 High Pulls
10 Above the Knee Hang Muscle Snatch
10 Overhead Squats
3 Rounds:
Cobra Stretch cycled with Downward
Dog Stretch
3x per leg Samson/Spider Lunge

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


3 Rounds:
10 Barbell Good Mornings
(change Stance each round: normal, sumo,
10 Muscle Cleans
10 Drop Squats
(to power position: first set = ¼ Squat, 2nd
set = 2 inches lower, 3rd set = at parallel)

The Focus:
The “Power Trio Primer” is a three-round
warm-up designed to activate key muscle
groups and enhance mobility. It begins with
10 barbell good mornings, varying the stance
each round (normal, sumo, narrow) to target
different aspects of the lower back and ham-
strings. Following this, 10 muscle cleans are
performed to engage the upper body and im-
prove explosive power, while 10 drop squats
with incremental depth each set (quarter
squat, slightly lower, and parallel) enhance
leg strength and squatting technique. This
routine thoroughly prepares the body for
high-intensity training, focusing on form,
flexibility, and power.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088


3 Rounds:
10 Barbell Good Mornings
(change stance each round: normal, sumo,
5 Scarecrow Pulls
5 Muscle Snatch
5 Behind The Neck Press
10 Drop Squats
(to power position: first set ¼ Squat, 2nd
set = 2 inches lower, 3rd set = at parallel)

The Focus:
The first exercise, Barbell Good Mornings,
with varying stances (normal, sumo, nar-
row), targets the hamstrings and lower back,
improving flexibility and stability. The
subsequent exercises, including Scarecrow
Pulls, Muscle Snatch, Behind The Neck Press,
and Drop Squats with progressive depth, are
designed to engage the shoulders, back, and
legs, enhancing mobility and coordination
essential for high-intensity workouts.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

3 Rounds:
3 Chin-Ups
(3-5 second negative per rep)
20 Step Banded Monster Walk forward
20 step Banded Monster Walk back-
20 sec Superman Hold

The Focus:
This warm-up involves three rounds, each
starting with 3 Chin-Ups featuring a 3-5
second negative phase per repetition, which
enhances upper body strength and control,
particularly in the biceps and back mus-
cles. The 20-step Banded Monster Walks, both
forward and backward, are included to acti-
vate and strengthen the gluteal and lateral
thigh muscles, improving hip stability and
lower body strength. Finally, the 20-sec-
ond Superman Hold targets the back exten-
sors and core, promoting spinal stabili-
ty and overall body alignment, crucial for
high-intensity training.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

3 Rounds:
15 Barbell Good Mornings
15 Bent Over Rows with Barbell
10 Floor Bridge with KB #35/#26
10 Cobra Push-Ups

The Focus:
This warm-up consists of three rounds, each
including specific exercises to activate
various muscle groups. The 15 Barbell Good
Mornings and 15 Bent Over Rows with a bar-
bell focus on strengthening the posterior
chain and upper back, enhancing flexibility
and core stability. The 10 Floor Bridge exer-
cises with a 35-pound (for men) or 26-pound
(for women) kettlebell and 10 Cobra Push-Ups
target the glutes, hamstrings, lower back,
and triceps, promoting mobility and muscle
activation essential for a safe and effective

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

2-3 Rounds:
Single Arm Complex:
(light dumbbell)
7 Strict Press
7 Push Press
7 Push Jerk
7 Bent Over Rows
(all on the same arm first, then switch)
20-30 sec Nose 2 Wall Handstand Hold

The Focus:
This warm-up involves 2-3 rounds of a Sin-
gle Arm Complex followed by a handstand
hold, using a light dumbbell to enhance
shoulder stability and coordination. Each
round includes 7 Strict Presses, 7 Push
Presses, 7 Push Jerks, and 7 Bent Over Rows,
all performed consecutively on one arm be-
fore switching to the other, effectively en-
gaging the shoulder, arm, and back muscles.
The 20-30 second Nose 2 Wall Handstand Hold
at the end of each round aims to improve
shoulder strength, balance, and core en-
gagement, preparing the body for more in-
tense movements.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

Pick a distance to do an easy paced
jog (distances under 800m)
3-5 minutes of Plyos:
High Knees
Butt Kickers
High Skips
Low Shuffle
Rebound Hops
10 Leg Swings Front and Back
10 Leg Swings Across the Body
10-20 sec Calf Stretch Holds

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

500m Row
10 Walking Lunges
10 Inchworms
10 Arm Circles (each arm)
15 Air Squats
30 seconds Squat Hold
15 Good Mornings (bodyweight or
light bar)
10 Kettlebell Deadlifts (light)
10 Scap Pull-ups or 10 Ring Rows

The Focus:
This warm-up is designed to prepare the
body for a variety of movements, starting
with a row to elevate the heart rate and en-
gage the lower body. Dynamic exercises like
walking lunges, inchworms, and arm circles
are included to increase overall mobility
and activate key muscle groups. The routine
concludes with air squats, squat holds, good
mornings, kettlebell deadlifts, and scap
pull-ups or ring rows to specifically tar-
get and activate the muscles used in common
exercises, ensuring the body is ready for a
high-intensity workout.

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

PVC pipes, one for each participant
Objective: The goal is to avoid being
tagged while maintaining the balance of your
PVC pipe.
Starting Position: Each participant
holds a PVC pipe vertically with one hand on
the top, balancing it from the ground.
The Game:
One participant is designated as “It.” When the
game starts, everyone moves around the room
trying to avoid being tagged by “It.”
If “It” tags someone, they become the new “It.”
The catch is everyone must keep their PVC pipe
balanced. If your PVC pipe falls, you do 5 air
squats before rejoining the game.
Rotation: After a few minutes, pause the
game and have everyone do 10 shoulder rolls
with the PVC pipe to maintain mobility.
This game encourages mobility, agility, and
balance. It’s a fun and interactive way to warm
up, engaging both the mind and body.
It prepares the shoulders and core, crucial for
many movements. Remember, the key is to keep
the game light-hearted and inclusive, ensuring
everyone stays active and enjoys the warm-up!

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

10 PVC Pipe Pass-Throughs
10 Overhead Squats (PVC Pipe)
10 Snatch Balance Drill (PVC Pipe)
10 High Pulls (PVC Pipe)
5 Burgener Warm-Up (PVC Pipe)
(Movements: Down & Up, Elbows High, Muscle
Snatch, Snatch Lands)
5 Burgener Warm-Up (Light Barbells)

Key Notes:
Prioritize Form and Control
Adjust Reps as Needed
Stay Energized, Not Exhausted

Property of AMRAP Avengers. Issued to Nicolas Melendez. Order #29088

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