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2107 Install Guide v5

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IBM TotalStorage DS8000 

Installation Guide

IBM TotalStorage DS8000 

Installation Guide

Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 87.

Sixth Edition (June 2005)

Technical changes to the text are indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2004, 2005. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Safety and environmental notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Safety notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Environmental notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Product recycling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Disposing of products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Conventions used in this guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Related information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
DS8000 series library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
Other IBM publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Ordering IBM publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
Web sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
How to send your comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Checking for the latest level of the installation instructions . . . . . . . . . 1
Beginning the installation of the 2107 subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Recording information for the install report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Checking customer preparations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Checking communications worksheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Checking for required microcode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Checking RETAIN for 2107 installation tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Checking for RETAIN registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Unpacking the 2107 subsystem and verifying the ship group is complete . . . 5
Inspecting for shipping damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Determining if a safety inspection is required . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Positioning and cabling the 2107 racks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Positioning the 2107 Rack-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Disconnecting the cables to the secondary management console prior to
power on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Installing additional storage racks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Performing the power and safety checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Checking 2107 and customer power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Route 2107 mainline power cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Determining mainline power cable type (plug in or wired) . . . . . . . . 31
Checking customer power for a plug-in mainline power cable . . . . . . . 31
Checking customer power for a ″wired″ mainline power cable. . . . . . . 35
Checking the 2107 Rack switch settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Check rack UEPO switch operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Configuring the management console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Determining the management console configuration . . . . . . . . . . 47
Connecting a new storage facility to an existing storage plex . . . . . . . . 55
Powering on and verifying the storage facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Completing the management console customization and testing communications 59
Completing the management console customization and configuration . . . 59
Testing management console communications . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Completing the install . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Route and connect the host cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Finish install and cleanup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Chapter 2. Installing an external management console . . . . . . . . . 71

Installing the external management console in the rack . . . . . . . . . . 71
Power on and initial configuration of the external management console . . . . 72
Cabling and connecting the management console to the storage complex . . . 74

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005 iii

Completing the installation of the external management console . . . . . . . 76

Chapter 3. Installing weight reduction feature FC 0200 . . . . . . . . . 79

| Installing battery module sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
| Installing storage enclosures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Terms and conditions for downloading and printing publications . . . . . . . 89
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Electronic emission notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) statement . . . . . . . . . 90
Industry Canada compliance statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
European community compliance statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Japanese Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) class A statement 92
Korean Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) statement . . . . 92
Taiwan class A compliance statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

iv IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

Safety and environmental notices
This section contains information about safety notices that are used in this guide
and environmental notices for this product.

Safety notices
Use this process to find information about safety notices.

To find the translated text for a danger or caution notice:

1. Look for the identification number at the end of each danger notice or each
caution notice. In the following examples, the numbers 1000 and 1001 are the
identification numbers.

A danger notice indicates the presence of a hazard that has the
potential of causing death or serious personal injury.


A caution notice indicates the presence of a hazard that has the potential
of causing moderate or minor personal injury.

2. Find the number that matches in the IBM TotalStorage Solutions Safety Notices
for IBM Versatile Storage Server and IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage
Server, GC26-7229.

Environmental notices
This section identifies the environmental guidelines that pertain to this product.

Product recycling
This unit contains recyclable materials.

Recycle these materials at your local recycling sites. Recycle the materials
according to local regulations. In some areas, IBM provides a product take-back
program that ensures proper handling of the product. Contact your IBM
representative for more information.

Disposing of products
This topic contains information about how to dispose of products.

This unit might contain batteries. Remove and discard these batteries, or recycle
them, according to local regulations.

Conventions used in this guide

The following typefaces are used to show emphasis:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005 v

Text in boldface represents menu items and lowercase or mixed-case
command names.
italics Text in italics is used to emphasize a word. In command syntax, it is used
for variables for which you supply actual values.
Text in monospace identifies the data or commands that you type, samples of
command output, or examples of program code or messages from the

Related information
The tables in this section list and describe the following publications:
v The publications that make up the IBM® TotalStorage™ DS8000 series library
v Other IBM publications that relate to the DS8000 series
v Non-IBM publications that relate to the DS8000 series

See “Ordering IBM publications” on page xii for information about how to order
publications in the IBM TotalStorage DS8000 series publication library. See “How to
send your comments” on page xiii for information about how to send comments
about the publications.

DS8000 series library

These customer publications make up the DS8000 series library.

Unless otherwise noted, these publications are available in Adobe portable

document format (PDF) on a compact disc (CD) that comes with the storage unit. If
you need additional copies of this CD, the order number is SK2T-8803. These
publications are also available as PDF files by clicking on the Documentation link
on the following Web site:


See “Ordering IBM publications” on page xii for information about ordering these
and other IBM publications.

Title Description
IBM® TotalStorage® DS: This guide describes the commands that you can use from the SC26-7625
Command-Line Interface command-line interface (CLI) for managing your DS8000 configuration and (See Note.)
User’s Guide Copy Services relationships. The CLI application provides a set of
commands that you can use to write customized scripts for a host system.
The scripts initiate predefined tasks in a Copy Services server application.
You can use the CLI commands to indirectly control Remote Mirror and
Copy and FlashCopy® configuration tasks within a Copy Services server
IBM TotalStorage This guide provides guidelines for attaching the DS8000 to your host SC26-7628
DS8000: Host Systems system and for migrating to fibre-channel attachment from a small (See Note.)
Attachment Guide computer system interface.
IBM TotalStorage This guide introduces the DS8000 product and lists the features you can GC35-0495
DS8000: Introduction order. It also provides guidelines for planning the installation and
and Planning Guide configuration of the storage unit.

vi IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

Title Description
IBM TotalStorage This publication describes how to use the IBM Subsystem Device Driver SC30-4096
Multipath Subsystem (SDD) on open-systems hosts to enhance performance and availability on
Device Driver User’s the DS8000. SDD creates redundant paths for shared logical unit
Guide numbers. SDD permits applications to run without interruption when path
errors occur. It balances the workload across paths, and it transparently
integrates with applications.
IBM TotalStorage This guide provides instructions for setting up and operating the DS8000 SC26-7623
DS8000: User’s Guide and for analyzing problems. (See Note.)
IBM TotalStorage DS This publication provides reference information for the IBM TotalStorage GC35-0493
Application Programming DS application programming interface (API) and provides instructions for
Interface Reference installing the Common Information Model Agent, which implements the
IBM TotalStorage This publication provides explanations of error, information, and warning GC26-7659
DS8000 Messages messages that are issued from the DS8000 user interfaces.
Note: No hardcopy book is produced for this publication. However, a PDF file is available from the following Web
site: http://www-1.ibm.com/servers/storage/support/disk/ds8100/index.html

Other IBM publications

Other IBM publications contain additional information that is related to the DS
product library.

The following list is divided into categories to help you find publications that are
related to specific topics. Some of the publications are listed under more than one
category. See “Ordering IBM publications” on page xii for information about ordering
these and other IBM publications.

Title Description
Data-copy services
z/OS DFSMS Advanced This publication helps you understand and use IBM Advanced Copy SC35-0428
Copy Services Services functions. It describes three dynamic copy functions and several
point-in-time copy functions. These functions provide backup and recovery
of data if a disaster occurs to your data center. The dynamic copy functions
are peer-to-peer remote copy, extended remote copy, and coupled
extended remote copy. Collectively, these functions are known as remote
copy. FlashCopy, SnapShot, and concurrent copy are the point-in-time copy
IBM Enterprise Storage This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization, SG24-5465
Server introduces the Enterprise Storage Server and provides an understanding of
its benefits. It also describes in detail the architecture, hardware, and
functions, including the advanced copy functions, of the Enterprise Storage
Implementing Copy This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization, SG24-5680
Services 0n S/390 tells you how to install, customize, and configure Copy Services on an
Enterprise Storage Server that is attached to an S/390 or zSeries host
system. Copy Services functions include peer-to-peer remote copy,
extended remote copy, FlashCopy®, and concurrent copy. This publication
describes the functions, prerequisites, and corequisites and describes how
to implement each function into your environment.

Safety and environmental notices vii

Title Description
IBM TotalStorage ESS This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization, SG24-5757
Implementing Copy tells you how to install, customize, and configure Copy Services on UNIX,
Services in an Open Windows NT®, Windows 2000, Sun Solaris, HP-UX, Tru64, OpenVMS, and
Environment iSeries host systems. The Copy Services functions that are described
include peer-to-peer remote copy and FlashCopy. This publication describes
the functions and shows you how to implement them into your environment.
It also shows you how to implement these functions in a high-availability
cluster multiprocessing environment.
Fibre channel
Fibre Channel This publication provides information about the fibre-channel I/O interface. SA24-7172
Connection (FICON) I/O This book is also available as a PDF file from the following Web site:
Interface: Physical Layer
Fibre Transport Services This publication provides information about fibre-optic and ESCON-trunking GA22-7234
(FTS): Physical and systems.
Configuration Planning
IBM SAN Fibre Channel This guide describes how to install and maintain the IBM SAN Fibre SC26-7350
Switch: 2109 Model S08 Channel Switch 2109 Model S08.
Installation and Service
IBM SAN Fibre Channel This guide describes the IBM SAN Fibre Channel Switch and the IBM SC26-7349
Switch: 2109 Model S08 TotalStorage ESS Specialist. It provides information about the commands
User’s Guide and how to manage the switch with Telnet and the Simple Network
Management Protocol.
IBM SAN Fibre Channel This publication describes how to install and maintain the IBM SAN Fibre SC26-7352
Switch: 2109 Model S16 Channel Switch 2109 Model S16. It is intended for trained service
Installation and Service representatives and service providers.
IBM SAN Fibre Channel This guide introduces the IBM SAN Fibre Channel Switch 2109 Model S16 SC26-7351
Switch: 2109 Model S16 and tells you how to manage and monitor the switch using zoning and how
User’s Guide to manage the switch remotely.
Implementing Fibre This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization, SG24-6113
Channel Attachment on helps you install, tailor, and configure fibre-channel attachment of
the ESS open-systems hosts to the Enterprise Storage Server. It provides you with a
broad understanding of the procedures that are involved and describes the
prerequisites and requirements. It also shows you how to implement
fibre-channel attachment.
Open-systems hosts
ESS Solutions for Open This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization, SG24-6119
Systems Storage: helps you install, tailor, and configure the Enterprise Storage Server when
Compaq AlphaServer, you attach Compaq AlphaServer (running Tru64 UNIX), HP, and Sun hosts.
HP, and Sun This book does not cover Compaq AlphaServer that is running the
OpenVMS operating system. This book also focuses on the settings that
are required to give optimal performance and on the settings for device
driver levels. This book is for the experienced UNIX professional who has a
broad understanding of storage concepts.

viii IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

Title Description
IBM TotalStorage ESS This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization, SG24-5757
Implementing Copy tells you how to install, customize, and configure Copy Services on UNIX or
Services in an Open Windows 2000 host systems. The Copy Services functions that are
Environment described include peer-to-peer remote copy and FlashCopy. This
publication describes the functions and shows you how to implement them
into your environment. It also shows you how to implement these functions
in a high-availability cluster multiprocessing environment.
Implementing Fibre This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization, SG24-6113
Channel Attachment on helps you install, tailor, and configure fibre-channel attachment of
the ESS open-systems hosts to the Enterprise Storage Server. It gives you a broad
understanding of the procedures that are involved and describes the
prerequisites and requirements. It also shows you how to implement
fibre-channel attachment.
S/390 and zSeries hosts
Device Support This publication describes the IBM Device Support Facilities (ICKDSF) GC35-0033
Facilities: User’s Guide product that are used with IBM direct access storage device (DASD)
and Reference subsystems. ICKDSF is a program that you can use to perform functions
that are needed for the installation, the use, and the maintenance of IBM
DASD. You can also use it to perform service functions, error detection, and
media maintenance.
z/OS Advanced Copy This publication helps you understand and use IBM Advanced Copy SC35-0428
Services Services functions. It describes three dynamic copy functions and several
point-in-time copy functions. These functions provide backup and recovery
of data if a disaster occurs to your data center. The dynamic copy functions
are peer-to-peer remote copy, extended remote copy, and coupled
extended remote copy. Collectively, these functions are known as remote
copy. FlashCopy, SnapShot, and concurrent copy are the point-in-time copy
DFSMS/MVS V1: This publication provides guidelines for using remote copy functions with SC35-0169
Remote Copy Guide S/390 and zSeries hosts.
and Reference
Fibre Transport Services This publication provides information about fibre-optic and ESCON-trunking GA22-7234
(FTS): Physical and systems.
Configuration Planning
Implementing ESS Copy This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization, SG24-5680
Services on S/390 tells you how to install, customize, and configure Copy Services on an
Enterprise Storage Server that is attached to an S/390 or zSeries host
system. Copy Services functions include peer-to-peer remote copy,
extended remote copy, FlashCopy, and concurrent copy. This publication
describes the functions, prerequisites, and corequisites and describes how
to implement each function into your environment.
ES/9000, ES/3090: This publication describes the Input/Output Configuration Program that GC38-0097
IOCP User Guide supports the Enterprise Systems Connection (ESCON) architecture. It
Volume A04 describes how to define, install, and configure the channels or channel
paths, control units, and I/O devices on the ES/9000 processors and the
IBM ES/3090 Processor Complex.
IOCP User’s Guide, IBM This publication describes the Input/Output Configuration Program that SB10-7029
e(logo)server zSeries supports the zSeries 800 and 900 servers. This publication is available in
800 and 900 PDF format by accessing ResourceLink at the following Web site:


Safety and environmental notices ix

Title Description
IOCP User’s Guide, IBM This publication describes the Input/Output Configuration Program that SB10-7037
e(logo)server zSeries supports the zSeries server. This publication is available in PDF format by
accessing ResourceLink at the following Web site:

S/390: Input/Output This publication describes the Input/Output Configuration Program that GC38-0401
Configuration Program supports ESCON architecture and the ESCON multiple image facility.
User’s Guide and
IBM z/OS Hardware This guide provides conceptual and procedural information to help you use SC33-7988
Configuration Definition the z/OS Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD) application. It also
User’s Guide explains:
v How to migrate existing IOCP/MVSCP definitions
v How to use HCD to dynamically activate a new configuration
v How to resolve problems in conjunction with MVS/ESA HCD
OS/390: Hardware This guide provides detailed information about the input/output definition file SC28-1848
Configuration Definition and about how to configure parallel access volumes. This guide discusses
User’s Guide how to use Hardware Configuration Definition for both OS/390® and z/OS
OS/390 V2R10.0: MVS This publication lists OS/390 MVS™ system messages ABA to ASA. GC28-1784
System Messages
Volume 1 (ABA - ASA)
Using IBM 3390 Direct This publication provides device-specific information for the various models GG26-4575
Access Storage in a VM of the 3390 and describes methods you can use to manage storage
Environment efficiently using the VM operating system. It provides guidance on
managing system performance, availability, and space through effective use
of the direct access storage subsystem.
Using IBM 3390 Direct This publication helps you use the 3390 in a VSE environment. It includes GC26-4576
Access Storage in a planning information for adding new 3390 units and instructions for
VSE Environment installing devices, migrating data, and performing ongoing storage
management activities.
Using IBM 3390 Direct This publication helps you use the 3390 in an MVS environment. It includes GC26-4574
Access Storage in an device-specific information for the various models of the 3390 and
MVS Environment illustrates techniques for more efficient storage management. It also offers
guidance on managing system performance, availability, and space
utilization through effective use of the direct access storage subsystem.
z/Architecture Principles This publication provides a detailed definition of the z/Architecture™. It is SA22-7832
of Operation written as a reference for use primarily by assembler language
programmers and describes each function at the level of detail needed to
prepare an assembler language program that relies on a particular function.
However, anyone concerned with the functional details of z/Architecture will
find this publication useful.

x IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

Title Description
IBM OS/390 Hardware This guide explains how to use the Hardware Configuration Data SC28-1848
Configuration Definition application to perform the following tasks:
User’s Guide v Define new hardware configurations
v View and modify existing hardware configurations
v Activate configurations
v Query supported hardware
v Maintain input/output definition files (IODFs)
v Compare two IODFs or compare an IODF with an actual configuration
v Print reports of configurations
v Create graphical reports of a configuration
v Migrate existing configuration data
IBM SAN Fibre Channel This guide describes how to install and maintain the IBM SAN Fibre SC26-7350
Switch: 2109 Model S08 Channel Switch 2109 Model S08.
Installation and Service
IBM SAN Fibre Channel This guide describes the IBM SAN Fibre Channel Switch and the IBM SC26-7349
Switch: 2109 Model S08 TotalStorage ESS Specialist. It provides information about the commands
User’s Guide and how to manage the switch with Telnet and the Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP).
IBM SAN Fibre Channel This publication describes how to install and maintain the IBM SAN Fibre SC26-7352
Switch: 2109 Model S16 Channel Switch 2109 Model S16. It is intended for trained service
Installation and Service representatives and service providers.
IBM SAN Fibre Channel This guide introduces the IBM SAN Fibre Channel Switch 2109 Model S16 SC26-7351
Switch: 2109 Model S16 and tells you how to manage and monitor the switch using zoning and how
User’s Guide to manage the switch remotely.
Implementing Fibre This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization, SG24-6113
Channel Attachment on helps you install, tailor, and configure fibre-channel attachment of
the ESS open-systems hosts to the Enterprise Storage Server. It provides you with a
broad understanding of the procedures that are involved and describes the
prerequisites and requirements. It also shows you how to implement
fibre-channel attachment.
Seascape family
IBM Enterprise Storage This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization, SG24-5465
Server introduces the Enterprise Storage Server and provides an understanding of
its benefits. It also describes in detail the architecture, hardware, and
functions, including the advanced copy functions, of the Enterprise Storage
IBM Enterprise Storage This guide, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization, SG24-5656
Server Performance provides guidance on the best way to configure, monitor, and manage your
Monitoring and Tuning Enterprise Storage Server to ensure optimum performance.
IBM Versatile Storage This publication introduces the IBM Versatile Storage Server™ and lists the GC26-7223
Server: Introduction and features you can order. It also provides planning information for both 2105
Planning Guide Models B09 and 100.
Implementing the IBM This publication, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization, SG24-5420
Enterprise Storage can help you install, tailor, and configure the Enterprise Storage Server in
Server in Your your environment.
Storage management

Safety and environmental notices xi

Title Description
Device Support This publication describes the IBM Device Support Facilities (ICKDSF) GC35-0033
Facilities: User’s Guide product used with IBM direct access storage device (DASD) subsystems.
and Reference ICKDSF is a program that you can use to perform functions that are
needed for the installation, the use, and the maintenance of IBM DASD.
You can also use it to perform service functions, error detection, and media
IBM TotalStorage This handbook, from the IBM International Technical Support Organization, SG24-5250
Solutions Handbook helps you understand what makes up enterprise storage management. The
concepts include the key technologies that you must know and the IBM
subsystems, software, and solutions that are available today. It also
provides guidelines for implementing various enterprise storage
administration tasks so that you can establish your own enterprise storage
management environment.

Ordering IBM publications

This section tells you how to order copies of IBM publications and how to set up a
profile to receive notifications about new or changed publications.

IBM publications center

The publications center is a worldwide central repository for IBM product
publications and marketing material.

The IBM publications center offers customized search functions to help you find the
publications that you need. Some publications are available for you to view or
download free of charge. You can also order publications. The publications center
displays prices in your local currency. You can access the IBM publications center
through the following Web site:


Publications notification system

The IBM publications center Web site offers you a notification system for IBM

If you register, you can create your own profile of publications that interest you. The
publications notification system sends you a daily e-mail that contains information
about new or revised publications that are based on your profile.

If you want to subscribe, you can access the publications notification system from
the IBM publications center at the following Web site:


Web sites
The following Web sites provide information about the IBM TotalStorage DS8000
series and other IBM storage products.

Type of Storage Information Web Site

Concurrent Copy for S/390 and http://www.storage.ibm.com/software/sms/sdm/
zSeries host systems

xii IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

Type of Storage Information Web Site
Copy Services command-line http://www-1.ibm.com/servers/storage/support/software/cscli.html
interface (CLI)
DS8000 series publications http://www-1.ibm.com/servers/storage/support/disk/ds8100/index.html

Click Documentation.
FlashCopy for S/390 and zSeries http://www.storage.ibm.com/software/sms/sdm/
host systems
Host system models, operating http://www.ibm.com/servers/storage/disk/ds8000/interop.html
systems, and adapters that the
storage unit supports Click Interoperability matrix.
IBM Disk Storage Feature Activation http://www.ibm.com/storage/dsfa
IBM storage products http://www.storage.ibm.com/
IBM TotalStorage DS8000 series http://www-1.ibm.com/servers/storage/disk/ds8000
IBM version of the Java (JRE) that is http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/java/jdk/
often required for IBM products
Multiple Device Manager (MDM) http://www.ibm.com/servers/storage/support/

Click Storage Virtualization.

Remote Mirror and Copy (formerly http://www.storage.ibm.com/software/sms/sdm/
PPRC) for S/390 and zSeries host
SAN fibre channel switches http://www.ibm.com/storage/fcswitch/
Storage Area Network Gateway and http://www-1.ibm.com/servers/storage/support/san/index.html
Subsystem Device Driver (SDD) http://www-1.ibm.com/servers/storage/support/software/sdd.html
z/OS Global Mirror (formerly XRC) http://www.storage.ibm.com/software/sms/sdm/
for S/390 and zSeries host systems

How to send your comments

Your feedback is important to help us provide the highest quality information. If you
have any comments about this information or any other DS8000 series
documentation, you can submit them in the following ways:
v e-mail
Submit your comments electronically to the following e-mail address:
Be sure to include the name and order number of the book and, if applicable, the
specific location of the text you are commenting on, such as a page number or
table number.
v Mail
Fill out the Readers’ Comments form (RCF) at the back of this book. Return it by
mail or give it to an IBM representative. If the RCF has been removed, you can
address your comments to:

International Business Machines Corporation

RCF Processing Department

Safety and environmental notices xiii

Department 61C
9032 South Rita Road
TUCSON AZ 85775-4401

xiv IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX
These procedures are for an installation of a 2107 Model 92X/9AX

Checking for the latest level of the installation instructions

These installation instructions are provided in two formats:
v Hardcopy: Hardcopy instructions (printed from a PDF file) are shipped with the
subsystem. The PDF file is also available on the IBM TotalStorage DS8000
series Service Documents CDROM or from the DS8000 - 2107 Engineering Web
site .
v Information Center: The Information Center is intended for online viewing. It is
available on the IBM TotalStorage DS8000 series Service Documents CDROM,
on the management console (HMC), or through the Intranet.

Ensure that you are using the latest version of the installation instructions.
1. If you are performing the installation using hardcopy instructions, the latest
level of the PDF file for printing will be available on the DS8000 - 2107
Engineering Web site (https://ssgtech4.sanjose.ibm.com/PFE/Squadrons-
S%20PE%20Support.nsf/WVhome) under “Related Links”.
2. If you are performing the installation using the Information Center, the latest
version will be available on the Intranet. Use the link from the DS8000 - 2107
Engineering Web site (https://ssgtech4.sanjose.ibm.com/PFE/Squadrons-
S%20PE%20Support.nsf/WVhome) under “Related Links”.

Beginning the installation of the 2107 subsystem

Begin the installation of the 2107 by completing the tasks in the following sections.

Recording information for the install report

Near the end of the installation process the system service representative (SSR)
will be required to enter information to complete an Install Report that is
automatically sent to IBM (“call home”). The required information includes the total
number of hours for each phase of the installation.
v Each SSR working on installation activities must keep track of their times.
v You will be required to enter duration of time in hours and tenths of hours for the
various phases of the installation.
v The time spent on problem resolution is kept separately.
v The installation instructions will remind you when to return here and enter your
date and time information for each phase.
1. This step is an example of the Install Report information required for one of the
installation phases.
Example: Position, cable up, power and safety checks phase
SSR #1 works Saturday, 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM and 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM
(1.5 hours total)
SSR #1 works on problem determination Saturday, 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
(2.5 hours total)
SSR #2 works on problem determination Saturday, 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
(1.0 hour total)
Phase started Saturday, 9:00 AM. Phase ended at 1:00 PM (4.0 hours elapsed)

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005 1

Table 1. Example of install phase information for second Install Report screen
Elapsed Hours SSR Hours for
Phase Total SSR Hours Start to Finish Problem Resolution
Check customer prep 5.5 4.0 3.5
through safety checks
Note: enter hours in format xx.y (xx = hours, y=tenths)

Total SSR hours

Sum of hours by all IBM SSRs working on this phase. This includes
problem resolution time on this phase.
Elapsed Time
Number of clock hours between the start time and finish time of this
Problem Resolution Time
Sum of hours by all IBM SSRs spent doing problem resolution for this
phase (does not include time spent doing problem resolution for other
installation phases).
2. Complete the information in Table 2 to record the overall duration of the

Note: This does not include post installation actions and times that are
recorded in table 3.
Table 2. Install time elapsed in hours
Start and End of Install (SC20 activity) Date and time
Start time of first IBM SSR begins the install (SC20)
End time when last IBM SSR completes the install (SC20
Total Elapsed Time in hours

Install started Saturday, 8:00 AM
Install completed Sunday 10:24 AM
Total elapsed time in hours = 26.4
3. Complete the following tables as you proceed through the phase of the install,
post install, and any problem determination you do.
Table 3. Install actions and start/stop times
Start Time (date and Stop Time (date and Number of Hours
Phase time) time) (hours & tenths)
Check customer prep
through safety checks

HMC initial

Storage Facility

2 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

Table 3. Install actions and start/stop times (continued)
Start Time (date and Stop Time (date and Number of Hours
Phase time) time) (hours & tenths)

HMC customization
and communication

End of install and

clean up

Table 4. Post install actions and start/stop times

Start Time (date and Stop Time (date and Number of Hours
Phase time) time) (hours & tenths)
Monitor DDM Certify

HMC code upgrade


SF code upgrade

Table 5. Problem resolution for any phase

Record each phase
needing problem
resolution on a Start Time (date and Stop Time (date and Number of Hours
separate line time) time) (hours & tenths)

4. Continue with the installation.

Checking customer preparations

Record the stop date and time for the Check Customer Preparation through Safety
Checks phase in Table 3 on page 2, “Recording information for the install report” on
page 1.
1. Verify that the customer has two AC power sources for each rack in the 2107
storage facility.
For maximum fault tolerance, use two separate AC power sources.

Note: The 2107 is designed for connection to an IT power distribution system.

In an IT power distribution system, the neutral conductor is isolated from

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 3

earth (ground) by an impedance with exposed conductive parts in the
installation that is tied directly to earth.

No service representative action is needed. Information is for compliance

with International Electrotechnical Commission Standard 950 for the
safety of information technology equipment and electrical business
2. If the 2107 will be installed on a raised floor, review the weight of each rack with
the customer to verify that their raised floors have adequate support. An
individual 2107 rack, fully configured can weigh a maximum of 2880 pounds
(1307 kilograms). For details on the 2107 rack weights, refer to IBM
TotalStorage DS8000 Introduction and Planning Guide.
3. If the 2107 will be installed on a raised floor, to correctly cool a 2107, place two
floor tiles, that have holes for air flow, directly in the front and the rear of each
2107 rack (for a total of 4). Also provide tiles with holes, for cable entry, under
the rear tailgate.
If the 2107 will not be installed on a raised floor, ensure the customer will
provide adequate air flow and temperature around the 2107.

a. Refer to the IBM TotalStorage DS8000 Introduction and Planning
Guide for information about the temperature operating environment
b. The 2107 rack cooling airflow enters through the front and rear
covers and exits through the top and rear covers. The bottom of the
2107 is sealed.
4. Verify that the customer has ordered and supplied the following:
a. ESCON host cables from the host to the 2107 host adapters.
b. Fibre host cables from the host to the 2107 host adapters.
c. An Ethernet LAN signal cable. This cable is required to connect the
management console to the customer LAN.
d. A functional analog telephone line to the hardware management console
(also referred to as HMC and management console) within 2.5 meters (8
feet) of the management console.
e. AC service for the service provider laptop within 2.5 meters (8 feet) of the
f. AC service outlet for each component of an external management console.

Checking communications worksheets

Verify that the customer has provided a completed copy of the 2107
Communications Resources worksheet. Refer to the IBM TotalStorage DS8000
Introduction and Planning Guide.

Checking for required microcode

Determine if there is a required level of microcode available for your 2107 or
management console. For IBM personnel, go to DS8000 - 2107 Engineering Web
site (https://ssgtech4.sanjose.ibm.com/PFE/Squadrons-
S%20PE%20Support.nsf/WVhome). For non-IBM personnel, follow the established
process to determine the required code level.

4 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

When the web site defines a code level as “required”, it means that the Storage
Facility must not be transferred over to the customer without the indicated code
level installed.

When the web site defines a code level as “recommended”, it means the IBM
service representative can either:
v Give the Storage Facility to the customer when the installation is complete.
v Negotiate with the customer for a more convenient time to update the microcode.

Checking RETAIN for 2107 installation tips

1. Sign on to RETAIN.
2. Select HSF.
3. Search for 2107 Install (p;2107 Install). RETAIN may have information that
corrects problems that are not yet addressed by the install instructions.

Checking for RETAIN registration

If you are installing the first 2107 storage facility in the storage plex, sign on to
RETAIN and check that the 2107 that contains the management console is
1. Enter n;z/cpu 2107PPSSSSS where PP is the plant of manufacture and SSSSS is
the last 5 digits of the serial number. You can find the serial number label on the
2107 rack 1 operator panel beneath the red UEPO switch.
2. If the command output returns ’UNKNOWN CPU SPECIFIED’, ask the support
center to register the 2107

Unpacking the 2107 subsystem and verifying the ship group is

1. Remove the CE Unpacking Instructions from the CE envelope taped to the front
of the bagged 2107. Use the CE Unpacking Instructions to unpack the 2107
frame(s) and prepare it for installation.

Note: To ensure that each CEC enclosure cools properly, remove the orange
shipping bracket from the rear of each CEC enclosure. The brackets can
be discarded.
2. Verify that all items in the ship group were received. See the parts list B/Ms in
the ship group box.
3. Place the ship group parts list in the storage box (front upper left of rack 1) for
use during future removal of the 2107.

Inspecting for shipping damage

1. Inspect the 2107 for any damage that might have occurred during shipping.
2. If you observe shipping damage or missing items, do not install the 2107
without IBM management approval. Report all observed damage immediately,
following existing procedures.

Determining if a safety inspection is required

Was the 2107 previously installed and not previously leased from IBM or maintained
by IBM service support representatives?
v Yes, perform a safety inspection. Go to Safety inspection in the Service
Information Center.
Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 5
v No, continue with “Positioning and cabling the 2107 racks.”

Positioning and cabling the 2107 racks

Use the following sections to position the 2107 Rack-1 and to install additional
storage racks.

Positioning the 2107 Rack-1

If you have questions about floor loading and service clearances of the DS8000
racks, review the Site Requirements for the DS8000 section in the IBM TotalStorage
DS8000 Introduction and Planning Guide which is available on the IBM
TotalStorage DS8000 series Service Documents CDROM.


A fully configured unit on the crate can weigh up to 1307 kilograms (2880
pounds). Using less than three persons to move the unit can result in injury.

Note: This notice is translated into selected languages. See IBM TotalStorage
Solutions Safety Notices, GC26-7229.
1. Verify that the new location meets the necessary service clearances for the
2107 which include any attached racks. Refer to the installation site
requirements for the DS8000 in IBM TotalStorage DS8000 Introduction and
Planning Guide.
2. Move the 2107 Rack-1 to its permanent location. If installing on a raised floor,
position the rack so the rear tailgate, especially the rightmost opening for the
mainline power cables, is directly over the floor tile cutouts.

Note: If you have multiple 2107 racks to install in this storage facility, the
operator panel label identifies each rack number. Find the rack labeled
“Rack-1”. See (1) Figure 1 on page 7.

6 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide


Figure 1. Rack operator panel label

3. Install the wheel chocks (1) (located in the ship group) on all four casters.
Refer to Figure 2.


Figure 2. Wedge chocks

4. Open the left rear cover (customer access area).

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 7



Figure 3. Removing retaining screws on right rear machine cover

5. Open the right rear cover (Trained service personnel access area only). To
open the right cover, remove the two screws (1). See Figure 3.

Note: The screws must be reinstalled when the cover is closed to prevent
customer access.
6. Verify that all front and rear internal power and signal cables are connected.
a. Do not connect any external cables to the 2107 until you are instructed to
do so.
b. Ensure that the orange shipping bracket is removed on the rear of the CEC

8 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

7. Locate the 208VDC bus bar gate. Refer to Figure 4. Remove the two screws
(1) and swing it out to the service position (3).


Figure 4. 208VDC bus bar gate

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 9

8. Remove the tailgate frame bracket. Remove two screws (2) as shown in
Figure 5. Loosen but do not remove the two top screws (1). Slide the bracket


Figure 5. Tailgate frame bracket

9. Was the Weight Reduction Feature (FC 0200) ordered for this subsystem?

Note: If FC 0200 was ordered then the Storage Enclosures will have been
removed in manufacturing and shipped separately.
v Yes, go to Chapter 3, “Installing weight reduction feature FC 0200,” on page
79. Return here and continue when the Storage Enclosures have been
v No, continue with the next step.
10. Does the 2107 contain an HMC?
v Yes, continue with the next step.
v No, go to step 12.
11. Is this the first or only 2107 in the storage complex?
v Yes, continue with the next step.
v No, go to “Disconnecting the cables to the secondary management console
prior to power on.”
12. Does the 2107 to be installed have one or more storage expansion racks?
v Yes, go to “Installing additional storage racks” on page 11.
v No, go to “Checking 2107 and customer power” on page 28.

Disconnecting the cables to the secondary management console prior

to power on
1. Locate the Ethernet switches in the rear of the 2107 Rack-1 that is being
installed. See Figure 6 on page 11.

10 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

T1 T3 T5 T7 T9 T11 T13 T15


T2 T4 T6 T8 T10 T12 T14 T16

T1 T3 T5 T7 T9 T11 T13 T15


T2 T4 T6 T8 T10 T12 T14 T16

Figure 6. Ethernet switch port designations (SW1, SW2 - Tx)

2. Disconnect the management console cables that plug into SW1-T1 and
SW2-T1. They will be reconnected in a later section.
3. Does the 2107 to be installed have one or more storage expansion racks?
v Yes, go to “Installing additional storage racks.”
v No, go to “Checking 2107 and customer power” on page 28.

Installing additional storage racks

Use the following sections to install additional storage racks.

Removing the right end cover

1. Remove the right end cover from Rack-1 (viewed from the front) as shown in
Figure 7 on page 12 and Figure 8 on page 12. After you release both brackets,
the cover is still attached to the frame with multiple “hook and loop” fasteners
along each vertical side of the cover. You will need to pull firmly to release the

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 11

Figure 7. Disengaging the end cover


Figure 8. Removing the end cover

2. Remove the left rear cover from the rack that the new rack will be installed to.
Refer to Figure 9 on page 13.
a. On the upper and lower door hinges, loosen the screw (1) and move the
retention plate (2) that prevents the hinge pin (3) from being removed.
b. Remove the hinge pins, remove the rear cover and place it in a safe

12 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide



Figure 9. Removing rear left cover on Rack-1

3. Continue with “Positioning the storage expansion racks.”

Positioning the storage expansion racks

If you have questions about floor loading and service clearances of the DS8000
racks, review the Site Requirements for the DS8000 section in the IBM TotalStorage
DS8000 Introduction and Planning Guide which is available on the IBM
TotalStorage DS8000 series Service Documents CDROM.

Perform steps 1 through 5 for each additional storage expansion rack that you
install with Rack-1.
1. View the rack number label to determine the rack location and Rack-1 serial
number. See Figure 10 on page 14 for the location of the rack number label.
2. Verify that the Rack 1 serial number on the label (1) matches the actual serial
number of Rack-1.
Attention: Do not continue with the installation if the serial numbers are

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 13


Figure 10. Rack operator panel label

3. Facing the front of Rack-1, all additional racks will be installed to the right.
Move the 2107 storage expansion rack into position approximately 3″ (75mm)
from the existing rack.
4. Locate 4 x spacer studs P/N 22R0787, 7 x spacer mounting bolts P/N
1621545 and 7 x M8 washers P/N 84X5850 located in the ship group.
5. At the rear of Rack 1 or the storage expansion rack that was previously
installed, install 2 spacer studs.
a. Refer to Figure 11 on page 15. Install a spacer stud (3) in the lower rear
left corner of the rack using an mounting bolt (1) and a washer (2). Tighten
the bolt.

14 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide



Figure 11. Spacer studs

b. Refer to Figure 11. Install a spacer stud (3) in the upper rear left corner of
the rack using an mounting bolt and a washer. Tighten the bolt.
1) On some racks there are two holes through the side panel
immediately below a larger hole for the cables. You should install the
bolt through the upper of the two holes.
2) On some racks you may find that it is necessary to remove the rear left
top hinge and plate to allow the mounting bolt to be inserted. Reinstall
the hinge and plate when the bolt has been tightened.
6. On the rear of the storage expansion rack that is about to be connected,
perform the following steps to remove the right cover.
a. Open the rear left machine cover.
b. Remove and retain the two screws (1) and open the rear right machine
cover. Refer to Figure 12 on page 16.

Note: The screws must be reinstalled later to prevent non-service

personnel from accessing a hazardous section of the machine.
c. On the upper and lower door hinges, loosen the screw (1) and move the
retention plate (2) that prevents the hinge pin (3) from being removed.
Refer to Figure 9 on page 13.

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 15

d. Remove the hinge pins, remove the rear cover and place it in a safe


Figure 12. Removing retaining screws on right rear machine cover

7. Return to the front of the racks. Do not remove any front covers. Install 2
spacer studs on the front left of the storage expansion being connected.
a. Install a spacer stud in the lower front left corner of the rack using a
mounting bolt and a washer. Do not tighten the bolt fully as some
alignment will be needed.
b. Install a spacer stud in the upper front left corner of the rack using a
mounting bolt and a washer. Do not tighten the bolt fully as some
alignment will be needed.

Note: On some racks there are two holes through the frame at top. You
should install the bolt through the top hole.
8. Move the 2107 storage expansion rack into its final position.
9. At the rear, secure the storage expansion rack to the adjacent rack using one
bolt and washer in the upper position only. The bolt is screwed into the spacer
stud previously installed. Tighten the bolt.
10. At the front, insert two bolts and washers from the left rack and screw into the
spacer studs previously installed in the right rack. When the alignment is
correct, tighten the bolts on the right rack followed by the bolts on the left rack.

16 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

11. Install the wheel chocks (1) (located in the ship group) on all four casters. If
caster locks are available, engage the caster locks on all casters. Refer to
Figure 13.

Figure 13. Wedge chocks

Reinstalling the right end cover

The right end cover was previously removed in the task “Removing the right end
1. Install the cover catch brackets removed earlier on the right-most 2107 storage
expansion rack. See Figure 14.
2. Install the right end cover (removed earlier) on the expansion rack.



Figure 14. Removing/replacing right end cover

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 17

Routing and connecting the power and interrack cables
Perform the steps 1 through 11 for each storage expansion rack that you install.
1. If the Air baffle is shaped as shown in the following figure, then remove the two
screws (1) and take out the Air baffle (2). Retain the parts for later

Figure 15. Air baffle

2. Remove the two screws (1) and pivot the 208VDC bus bar gate to the service
position (2), as shown in Figure 16 on page 19.

18 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide


Figure 16. 208VDC bus bar gate service position

3. Remove the tailgate frame bracket. Remove two screws (2) as shown in
Figure 17 on page 20. Loosen but do not remove the two top screws (1). Slide
the bracket out.

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 19



Figure 17. Tailgate frame bracket

4. Was the Weight reduction feature (FC 0200) ordered for this subsystem?

Note: If FC 0200 was ordered then the Storage Enclosures will have been
removed in manufacturing and shipped separately.
v Yes, go to Chapter 3, “Installing weight reduction feature FC 0200,” on page
79. Return here and continue when the Storage Enclosures have been
v No, continue with the next step.
5. Locate the two RPC cables in the top rear of the rack. Route the cables
through the hole at the top rear right side to the RPC cards in Rack 1. If this is
not Rack 2, then the cables will need to be routed through all the intermediate
racks between this one and Rack 1.

Note: On early production racks the cables may be labeled with ’Base Rack’.
On later production racks they will be labeled as Rack 1.
6. Plug the cables into the RPC connector as indicated in Table 6 and Figure 18
on page 21.

Note: On some early production Storage Expansion Racks, the cables were
labeled RPC-0 and RPC-1. The cable labeled RPC-0 must be plugged
to RPC1 and the cable labeled RPC-1 must be plugged to RPC2.

Important: It is very important that the cables are not crossed between the
RPC cards. This could result in an unscheduled power drop during
repair activities. If the RPC number labeling is not clear, then trace
the cables back to the PPS. The cable to RPC1 originates from
connector J1 on both PPSs. The cable to RPC2 originates from
connector J2 on both PPSs.
Table 6. Rack numbers and RPC connector locations
Rack Number 2 3 4 5 6 7
RPC 1 and RPC 2 connector 3 5 7 9 11 13

20 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide



1 2
3 4
5 6 1 2
7 8 3 4

9 10 5 6

11 12 7 8

13 14 9 10

15 16 11 12
13 14
15 16
Position 6
Position 1
DIP Position 6
Switch Position 1

RPC Rear
Figure 18. RPC card locations

7. Check the top of the rack at front and rear to determine if there are blue FCIC
(Fibre Channel Interface Cables) to be routed and connected to another rack.
Are there any FCIC cables to route to another rack?

Note: On early production racks the cables may be labeled with ’Base Rack’
or ’Expansion Rack’. On later production racks they will be labeled with
the Rack number.
v Yes, continue with the next step.
v No, continue with step 10 on page 23.
8. Uncoil the cables. Locate the attached labels that identify the destination rack
and storage or I/O enclosure number. Route the cables through the holes at
the top of the rack to the destination rack and enclosure. Use existing cable
trays and velcro straps. Refer to Figure 19 on page 22.

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 21

Cables to Storage Enclosures Cables to I/O Enclosures
Rack Number FCIC Card Rack Number DA Card
Connector Connector
Rx-XSxx-P1-Cx-Tx Rx-XIx-P1-Cx-Tx
Storage Enclosure I/O Enclosure
Location Location

Front View Rear View

Rack 1 Expansion Rack Expansion Rack Rack 1

XS11 XS11 XS21 XS21

XS12 XS12 XS22 XS22

XS13 XS13 XS23 XS23

XS14 XS14 XS24 XS24

XS15 XS25

XS16 XS26

XS17 XS27

XS18 XS28



Figure 19. Cable labels, storage and I/O enclosure locations

Note: Figure 19 shows a fully configured expansion rack. Additional racks may
be installed. Expansion racks may not contain I/O enclosures or be fully
populated with Storage Enclosures.
9. Plug the FCIC cables into the connectors on the DA cards in the I/O
enclosures or FCIC cards in the storage enclosures as indicated on the cable
labels. Refer to Figure 20 on page 23.

22 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

Cables to I/O Enclosures Cables to Storage Enclosures
Rack Number DA Card Rack Number FCIC Card
Connector Connector
Rx-XIx-P1-Cx-Tx Rx-XSxx-P1-Cx-Tx
I/O Enclosure Storage Enclosure
Location Location

P1-C3-T2 P1-C6-T2 P1-C1 P1-C2
P1-C3-T3 P1-C6-T3
P1-C3-T4 P1-C6-T4

not used P1-C2-T1 not used

P1-C1-T3 P1-C2-T2 P1-C2-T3
P1-C1-T4 P1-C2-T4
I/O Enclosure XI1,XI2,XI3 & Xi4
Connector Locations Storage Enclosure XS11-XS28
Connector Locations

Figure 20. Cable labels to I/O Enclosures and Storage Enclosures

10. Does this rack contain I/O enclosures?

v Yes, continue with the next step.
v No, continue with “Installing the interrack decorative covers” on page 27.
11. Remove the cable retention clamps (3), as appropriate, in the tailgate of the
Rack being installed and in the destination rack. This is done by removing the
screws (1) from the underside and releasing the retention pins (2). See
Figure 21 on page 24.

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 23


Figure 21. RIO & SPCN cable (remove or install)

12. The RIO cables and SPCN cables exit each rack through the tailgate.
v On a raised floor, the cables are run down through the tile cutouts and
underneath the floor.
v On a non-raised floor, the cables are run beneath the racks.
13. Locate the RIO cables that will be coiled near the tailgate and uncoil them.
Locate the destination labels that are attached to the cables and identify to
which rack and I/O enclosure the cables need to be routed. Refer to Figure 22
on page 25.

Note: On early production racks the cables may be labeled with ’Base Rack’
or ’Expansion Rack’. On later production racks they will be labeled with
the Rack number.

24 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

RIO and SPCN Cable Label Locations

Rack Number Enclosure

Example Cable Label: R1-XI2-P1-C7-00

Enclosure XC1, XC2 Connectors

Rear View

E1 E2

P1-C7-T1 P1-C8-T3
P1-T8 P1-T9
P1-C7-T2 P1-C8-T4

Enclosure XI1,XI2,XI3,XI4 Connectors

Battery P1-T15
XI3 XI4 Battery
P1-T16 P1-C7-01

Figure 22. RIO and SPCN cable label locations

14. Pass the RIO cables through the tailgate and route them between the racks.
Route the cables to the I/O enclosure in the destination rack as shown in
Figure 23 on page 26. Use the existing “hook and loop” fastener cable ties to
secure the cables in place.

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 25


On Top

Cable Ties

Routed On
Base Rack or
Expansion Rack

Slot 1 2 3 4 5

Slot 3

No Cable Ties
Along Bottom RIO Cables
Figure 23. RIO cable routing

15. Locate the SPCN cables that will be coiled near the tailgate and uncoil them.
Locate the destination labels that are attached to the cables and identify to
which rack and I/O enclosure the cables need to be routed.

Note: On early production racks the cables may be labeled with ’Base Rack’
or ’Expansion Rack’. On later production racks they will be labeled with
the Rack number.
16. Pass the SPCN cables through the tailgate and route them between the racks.
Route the cables to the I/O enclosure in the destination rack as shown in
Figure 23. Use the existing “hook and loop” fastener cable ties to secure the
cables in place as shown in Figure 24 on page 27.

26 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide


On Top

Cable Ties

Routed On

Base Rack and

Expansion Rack

Slot 1 2 3 4 5

Slot 5
SPCN Cables
No Cable Ties
Along Bottom

Figure 24. SPCN cable routing

17. Plug the RIO-G and SPCN cables into the indicated connector on the
destination I/O enclosure. Figure 23 on page 26 displays the connector
18. Reinstall the tailgate cable retention clamps to secure the RIO and SPCN
cables in the tailgate.
19. Continue with “Installing the interrack decorative covers.”

Installing the interrack decorative covers

Perform the following steps for each storage expansion rack that you are installing
or adding.
1. Locate the two vertical interrack covers P/N 22R0786 and the top interrack
cover P/N 22R0783 in the ship group.

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 27

2. Install each of the twointerrack side covers by pushing the cover into place over
the interrack spacing studs. Take care not to interfere with any interrack cables.
See Figure 25.
3. Install the top interrack cover by pressing it down squarely. The spring clips
should hold the cover in place. See Figure 25.

Figure 25. Installing the interrack decorative cover

4. Continue with “Performing the power and safety checks.”

Performing the power and safety checks

Checking 2107 and customer power

Lethal voltages are present in this area of the machine.

You will need the following tools to perform the power safety checks:
v For resistance checks, IBM analog ohmmeter P/N 00P7029 (Mastech Model
v For voltage checks, IBM digital multimeter P/N 8496278 (Fluke Model 179).
v For probing, high voltage test probe tips P/N 43L0951.

Note: Use listed P/N or equivalent approved by IBM.

28 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

1. Read the Danger notice and requirements above.
2. Continue with “Route 2107 mainline power cables.”

Route 2107 mainline power cables

Repeat the following steps for each 2107 rack that you are installing.
1. Uncoil the mainline power cables from the ship group.
2. The cable that connects to PPS-1 (upper) is longer than the cable that connects
to PPS-2 (lower). Use the cable label and part number (P/N) to identify the
longer cable.
Table 7. Cable label and part number
Feature Code P/N of shorter cable P/N of longer cable
1090 - 3 phase 60A non EMEA 22R1190 22R2222
1091 - 3 phase 60A EMEA 22R3794 22R3795
1092 - 3 phase 60A Japan 22R1191 22R2224
1093 - 3 phase 60A Chicago 22R1188 22R1189

3. Complete the following steps for a base rack, refer to Figure 26 on page 30. For
an expansion rack, go to step 4.
a. Ensure the 208VDC bus bar gate (4) is in the open position.
b. Route the longer cable (1) up through the tailgate as shown and connect it
to PPS-1 (upper).
c. Use a “hook and loop” fastener cable tie to fasten it to the bracket (3).
d. Route the shorter cable (2) up through the tailgate as shown and connect it
to PPS-2 (lower).
v If this is on a raised floor, route the cables down through the floor cutout and
near the customer power connectors.
v If this is not on a raised floor, route the cables underneath the frame behind
the rear caster so they exit to the side. The cables must not exit the rack in
the front or rear service areas.

Do not connect the 2107 mainline power cables to customer power until
instructed to do so.

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 29



4 f2c00347

Figure 26. Base rack power cables

4. For an expansion rack, perform the following steps:

a. Ensure the 208VDC bus bar gate (4) is in the open position.
b. Route the longer cable up through the tailgate as shown and connect it to
PPS-1 (upper).
c. Route the cable in between the 5/12V DDM “Y” power cables that connect
the PPS-2 (lower) to the 5/12V bus bars as shown.

Note: To make this easier, you can temporarily disconnect the right most
connectors of the “Y ” cables by removing the 4 screws (2) and
moving the power cable (1) out of the way. The screws are not
captive, so do not let them fall when they are removed.
d. Use a “hook and loop” fastener cable tie to fasten the upper cable to the
bracket (3).
e. Route the shorter cable up through the tailgate as shown and connect it to
PPS-2 (lower).
v If this is on a raised floor, route the cables down through the floor cutout and
near the customer power connectors.
v If this is not on a raised floor, route the cables underneath the frame behind
the rear caster so they exit to the side. The cables must not exit the rack in
the front or rear service areas.

30 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

Do not connect the 2107 mainline power cables to customer power until
instructed to do so.


Figure 27. Expansion rack power cables

Determining mainline power cable type (plug in or wired)

Repeat the following steps for each 2107 rack that you are installing.
1. Locate the customer end of the mainline power cables from all the 2107 frames
that you are installing.
2. Determine if the customer end of the mainline power cables are for plug- in or
wired installations.
v Plug-in: The mainline power cable has a plug at both ends. Go to “Checking
customer power for a plug-in mainline power cable.”
v Wired: The mainline power cable has a plug at one end and loose wires at
the other end. Go to “Checking customer power for a ″wired″ mainline power
cable” on page 35

Checking customer power for a plug-in mainline power cable

Repeat the following sections for both mainline power cables in each 2107 rack
being installed.

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 31

Checking 2107 power system ground continuity and voltage
(plug in)
Attention: Use an IBM-approved analog multimeter. Do not use a digital meter.
1. Switch off the customer circuit breaker that supplies AC voltage to the mainline
power cables.
Do not connect the mainline power cables until instructed to do so.
2. Attention: Attach a “Do Not Operate” tag (S229-0237) and the safety lockout
padlock to each customer circuit breaker that was switched off.
3. Verify the MAIN LINE circuit breaker (1) (CB00) on the rear of each primary
power supply is set to Off (down). Refer to Figure 28.


Figure 28. Rear view of PPS showing CB00

4. Verify the 2107 mainline power cables are not connected to the customer
5. Prepare the multimeter to measure 0.1 ohm or less resistance. Place one lead
of the multimeter on the ground pin of the male plug on the mainline power
cable. Place the other lead on the conductive metal of its primary power supply
enclosure. Refer to Figure 29 on page 33 for the location of the ground pin. Do
this for each mainline power cable.
Is there more than 0.1 ohm of resistance?
v No, go to “Checking customer receptacle ground pin continuity with customer
CB off (plug in)” on page 33.

32 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

v Yes, go to MAP2330 Repair rack ground continuity.


Three-Phase 30/50 amp Three-Phase 60 amp

Figure 29. Three-phase amp

Checking customer receptacle ground pin continuity with

customer CB off (plug in)
1. Prepare the multimeter to measure 1.0 V ac or less. Measure the voltage at the
customer’s AC power outlet between the ground pin and the building ground.
Is the voltage less than 1.0 V ac?
v Yes, go to step 3.
v No, continue with the following step.
2. Voltage is present at a customer outlet with the customer circuit breakers off.
Inform the customer that, even though the circuit breaker is off, voltage
higher than 1.0 V ac is measured at the failing customer voltage outlet
pins. Do not continue until the voltage is less than 1.0 V ac. (1003)

3. Prepare the multimeter to measure 1.0 ohm or less of resistance.

4. Measure the resistance between the customer AC power outlet ground pin and
the building ground. Refer to Figure 30 for the location of the ground pin.
Is the resistance 1.0 ohm or less?
v Yes, continue with “Checking customer receptacle voltage pins with customer
CB off (plug in)” on page 34.
v No, inform the customer. Do not continue until the resistance is 1.0 ohm
or less.


Three-Phase 30/50 amp Three-Phase 60 amp

Figure 30. Three-phase amp

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 33

Checking customer receptacle voltage pins with customer CB off
(plug in)
Prepare the multimeter to measure 1.0 V ac or less. Measure the voltage between
each pair of voltage pins (A, B, and C) on the customer outlet. Also, measure the
voltage between each voltage pin and ground pin on the customer outlet. Did any
voltage measure more than 1.0 V ac? Refer to Figure 31 for the location of the
voltage pins.
v Yes, inform the customer that one or more voltage pins on the customer
receptacle measured greater than 1.0 V ac even though the circuit breaker is off.
Do not continue until the voltage is less than 1.0 V ac.
v No, continue with the next task, “Checking customer receptacle voltage pins with
customer CB on (plug in).”

Figure 31. Measuring voltage between each pair of pins

Checking customer receptacle voltage pins with customer CB on

(plug in)
1. Remove the “Do Not Operate” tag and the lockout padlock from each customer
mainline AC voltage circuit breaker and then switch on the customer circuit
2. Prepare the multimeter to read line voltage AC.
Dangerous voltages may be present. Do not touch the internal parts
(pins and connectors) of the customer receptacle.

3. Measure the voltage between the ground pin and each voltage pin (A, B, and
C) on the customer outlet. Refer to Figure 32 on page 35 for the location of the
voltage pins.
Are the voltages within 10% of each other?
v Yes, continue with the next step.
v No, inform the customer that the voltages are not correct. Do not continue
until the voltages are correct.
4. Locate the 2107 information label located near the top of the left side panel at
the rear of the 2107. Measure the voltage between each pair of voltage pins (A
to B, B to C, and C to A) on the customer outlet. Refer to Figure 32 on page 35

34 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

for the location of the voltage pins. Verify that the customer AC input voltage
that you just measured matches the machine input voltage information on the
Do the voltages correspond with the label?
v Yes, continue with “Connecting the mainline power cables on the 2107 racks
(plug in).”
v No, do not continue with the installation. Contact the marketing
representative to confirm that the 2107 was ordered with the correct power
input feature.

Figure 32. Measuring voltage between each pair of pins

Connecting the mainline power cables on the 2107 racks (plug

Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each 2107 rack that you install.
1. Switch the customer circuit breaker to Off for the mainline power cables.
Attention: Attach a “Do Not Operate” tag (S229-0237) and the safety lockout
padlock to each circuit breaker.
2. Verify the mainline circuit breaker (CB00) on the rear of each primary power
supply is set to Off (down).
3. Connect each 2107 mainline power cable plug to the customer AC outlet.
4. Connect each 2107 mainline power cable plug to the PPS and then continue
with “Checking the 2107 Rack switch settings” on page 40.

Checking customer power for a ″wired″ mainline power cable

Use the following power sections to check the customer’s power for a wired
mainline power cable. Repeat the following steps for each rack being installed.

Check 2107 power system ground continuity and voltage (wired)

Attention: Use an IBM-approved analog multimeter. Do not use a digital meter.

Repeat the following steps for each 2107 rack that you are installing.
1. Switch off the customer circuit breaker that supplies the AC voltage to the
mainline power cables.

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 35

Do not connect the mainline power cables until instructed to do so.
2. Attention: Attach a “Do Not Operate” tag (S229-0237) and the safety lockout
padlock to each customer circuit breaker that was switched off. Refer to the
Electrical Safety for IBM Customer Engineers.
3. Verify the MAIN LINE circuit breaker (1) (CB00) on the rear of each primary
power supply is set to Off (down). Refer to Figure 33.


Figure 33. Rear view of PPS showing CB00

4. Verify the 2107 mainline power cables are not connected to the customer
5. Connect the 2107 mainline power cable to each primary power supply (PPS)
input power connector.

Note: Ensure that you connect the long mainline power cord to the upper
primary supply and the short mainline power cord to the lower primary
6. Prepare the multimeter to measure 0.1 ohm or less resistance. Place one lead
of the multimeter on the green and yellow wire at the customer end of each
mainline power cable. Place the other lead on the conductive metal of each
PPS enclosure. Refer to Figure 34 on page 37.
Is there more than 0.1 ohm of resistance?
v Yes, go to MAP2330 Repair rack ground continuity.
v No, continue with the next step.

36 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide


Supply Mainline Power Cable

Metal PPS



Figure 34. Prepare multimeter to measure ohm resistance

7. Disconnect the 2107 mainline power cables from each PPS input power
8. Instruct the customer to call a licensed electrician to connect each wired
mainline power cable to the customer mainline power source.
Attention: For EMEA installations, provide the following information to the
EMEA Electrician Information
The mainline power cord of this machine must be connected to the customer’s
mainline power source by a licensed electrician. The mainline power cable
cannot be modified in any way.
v For 3-phase machines:
This machine must be connected to a 3-phase AC power. The mainline
power cable is a four-conductor cable with the following color code:
– L1 (phase 1) = black
– L2 (phase 2) = blue
– L3 (phase 3) = brown
– PE (ground) = green/yellow

Note: The connection to the AC power must be made without neutral, the blue
wire must be used as a phase.
9. Continue with “Checking customer ground continuity with customer CB off

Checking customer ground continuity with customer CB off

1. Prepare the multimeter to measure 1.0 V ac or less. Measure the voltage on the
female ground pin on each mainline power cable and building ground. Refer to
Figure 35 on page 38.
Is the voltage less than 1.0 V ac?
v Yes, go to step 3 on page 38.

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 37

v No, continue at the following step.




2107 Mainline Power

Cable Connector
Figure 35. Mainline power cable connector

2. Voltage is present at a customer outlet with the customer circuit breakers off.
Inform the customer that even though the circuit breaker is off, voltage
higher than 1.0 V ac is measured at the failing customer voltage outlet

Do not continue until the voltage is less than 1.0 V ac.

3. Prepare the multimeter to measure 1.0 ohm or less of resistance.

4. Measure the resistance between the female connector ground pin on each
mainline power cable and the building ground.
Is the resistance 1.0 ohm or less?
v Yes, continue with “Checking customer voltage with customer CB off (wired).”
v No, inform the customer. Do not continue until the resistance is 1.0 ohm
or less.

Checking customer voltage with customer CB off (wired)

1. Prepare the multimeter to measure 1.0 V ac or less.
2. Measure the voltage between each pair of voltage pins on the female connector
on each mainline power cable. Also, measure the voltage between each voltage
pin (A, B, and C) and the ground pin on each mainline power cable. Refer to
Figure 36 on page 39.
Did any voltage measure more than 1.0 V ac?
v No, continue with “Checking customer voltage with customer CB on (wired)”
on page 39.
v Yes, inform the customer that one or more voltage pins on the customer
supply measured greater than 1.0 V ac even though the circuit breaker is off.
Do not continue until the voltage is less than 1.0 V ac.

38 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide




2107 Mainline Power

Cable Connector
Figure 36. Mainline power cable connector

Checking customer voltage with customer CB on (wired)

1. Remove the “Do Not Operate” tag and the lockout padlock from each customer
mainline AC voltage circuit breaker and then switch on the customer circuit
2. Prepare the multimeter to read line voltage AC.
Dangerous voltages may be present. Do not touch the internal parts
(pins and connectors) of the customer receptacle.

3. Measure the voltage between the ground pin and each voltage pin (A, B, and
C) on each mainline power cable. Refer to Figure 37 on page 40.
Are the voltages within 10% of each other?
v Yes, continue with the next step.
v No, inform the customer that the voltages are not correct. Do not continue
until the voltages are correct.

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 39




2107 Mainline Power

Cable Connector
Figure 37. Mainline power cable connector

4. Locate the 2107 information label located on the top of the left side panel at the
rear of the 2107. Measure the voltage between each pair of voltage pins (A to
B, B to C, and C to A) on each mainline power cable. Refer to Figure 37. Verify
that the customer AC input voltage that you just measured matches the machine
input voltage information on the label.
Does the voltage measured match the voltage on the 2107 information label?
v Yes, continue with “Connecting the mainline power cables on the 2107 racks
(plug in)” on page 35.
v No, do not continue with the installation. Contact the marketing
representative to confirm that the 2107 was ordered with the correct power
input feature.

Connecting the mainline power cables on the 2107 racks (wired)

Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each 2107 rack that you install.
1. Switch the customer circuit breaker to Off for the mainline power cables.
Attention: Attach a “Do Not Operate” tag (S229-0237) and the safety lockout
padlock to each circuit breaker.
2. Verify the mainline circuit breaker (CB00) on the rear of each primary power
supply is set to Off (down).
3. Connect each 2107 mainline power cable plug to the PPS then continue with
“Checking the 2107 Rack switch settings.”

Checking the 2107 Rack switch settings

1. Verify the setting of the following switches on Rack-1.
Table 8. Switch settings and locations
Switch Setting Location Figure reference
UEPO red switch Off (down) Rack operator panel (front n/a
of rack)
Note: Press the recessed
switch towards the bottom.
It will appear flat when off.

40 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

Table 8. Switch settings and locations (continued)
Switch Setting Location Figure reference
RPC card DIP Off (right) Both RPC cards (top rear (1) in Figure 38 on page 42
switches 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 of rack)

(Both cards)
RPC card DIP Off (right) Z series power feature is (1) in Figure 38 on page 42
switch 3 not installed (LR card)
Note: The ZLR card
Both cards shown in (2) in Figure 38
on page 42 differs from the
LR card in that it has four
large connectors on the left
On (left) Z series power feature is (1) in Figure 38 on page 42
installed (ZLR card)
Local Remote switch Local LR or ZLR card (rear of (2) in Figure 38 on page 42
Primary power Enabled On PPS modules (rear of (1) in Figure 39 on page 43
supply sequence (up) rack)
Primary power Enabled On PPS modules (rear of (1) in Figure 40 on page 44
supply DDM module (up) rack)
Primary power Off (down) On AC input power module (3) in Figure 38 on page 42
supply CB00
Battery enclosure On (up) On each battery assembly (4) in Figure 38 on page 42
circuit breakers CB0 (rear of rack)
and CB1.

Figure 38 on page 42 shows the rear view of the rack:

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 41

Remote LR



Local ON

2 1



Figure 38. Rack rear view

Figure 39 on page 43 shows the enable disable switches for the primary power
supply sequence module.

42 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

S0 2







Figure 39. PPS sequencing module and LED enable/disable switch

Figure 40 on page 44 shows the enable disable switches for the primary power
supply DDM.

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 43






Figure 40. DDM on PPS Enable/Disable Switches

2. Do you have additional storage expansion racks?

v Yes, continue with step 3.
v No, continue with step 4.
3. Verify the setting of the following switches on each expansion rack. Each rack
v One UEPO switch
v Two PPSs
v Zero to three battery enclosures
Table 9. Switch settings and locations for storage expansion racks
Switch Setting Location Figure reference
UEPO red switch Off (down) Rack operator panel (front n/a
of rack)
Note: Press the recessed
switch towards the bottom.
It will appear flat when off.
Primary power Enabled On PPS modules (rear of (1) in Figure 39 on page 43
supply sequence (up) rack)

44 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

Table 9. Switch settings and locations for storage expansion racks (continued)
Switch Setting Location Figure reference
Primary power Enabled On PPS modules (rear of (1) in Figure 40 on page 44
supply DDM module (up) rack)
Primary power Off (down) On AC input power module (3) in Figure 38 on page 42
supply CB00
Battery enclosure On (up) On each battery enclosure (4) in Figure 38 on page 42
circuit breakers CB0 (rear of rack)
and CB1.

4. Continue with “Check rack UEPO switch operation.”

Check rack UEPO switch operation

Start with Rack-1, and then repeat the following steps for each additional 2107 rack
that you are installing.
1. Remove the “Do Not Operate” tag and the lockout padlock from each customer
mainline AC voltage circuit breaker that supplies power to the 2107 that you are
2. Switch on each customer circuit breaker.
3. Switch the MAINLINE CB00, on the rear of each primary power supply to On
4. Observe the six vertical LED indicators at the front of each primary power
supply (to the left of the fans).
v If you are here for Rack 1, the Rack 1 UEPO switch must already be in the
Off position as indicated in the section ″Checking the 2107 Rack switch
v If you are here for a subsequent Rack, the Rack 1 UEPO switch must
already be in the On position as indicated in step 5.
Use Table 10 to find the condition that applies:
Table 10. LED indicators when MAINLINE CB00 is on
On Off Ignore Normal condition, continue with the
next step
On On Ignore UEPO fault, go to MAP21F0 UEPO
loop good LED should be off
Off Off Ignore Input power fault, go to MAP2050 Loss
of AC Input to a single primary power
Note: If both PPSs are failing, then
repeat the customer voltage checks
done previously.

5. Push a thin paper clip through the small hole in the operator panel to reset the
UEPO red switch to the On (up) position.

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 45

Use Table 11 to find the condition that applies.
Table 11. LED indicators when UEPO switch is on
AC INPUT UEPO LOOP PPS Status Display Action
On On Blank, U0, XC, or Normal condition, continue with
XD the next step.
Note: Some levels
of PPS firmware will
cause an XC or XD
error code to be
displayed. This is a
false error. The
condition will remain
until the DDM power
supply is turned on
in a later step. No
action is required.
Continue with the
next step.
On On Error code Go to MAP21A0 PPS fault
isolation during install.
On Off N/A UEPO fault, go to MAP21E0
UEPO Loop Good LED should
be on.

6. Swing the 208VDC bus bar gate back into its non-service position. Reinstall and
tighten the two retaining screws.

Note: The shorter screw is used in the upper position.

7. If you removed the Air baffle earlier to allow the 208VDC bus bar to swing open,
then reinstall it now. See the figure that follows.

46 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide


Figure 41. Air baffle

8. Continue with “Determining the management console configuration.”

Configuring the management console

Determine which management console task you need to perform.

Determining the management console configuration

Record the stop date and time for the Check Customer Preparation through Safety
Checks phase in Table 3 on page 2, “Recording information for the install report” on
page 1.

Record the start date and time for the HMC Initial Configuration phase in Table 3 on
page 2, “Recording information for the install report” on page 1.
1. Review the following information for an overview of a storage plex and
management console HMC-1 versus HMC-2:
a. A storage plex is one or more 2107 storage facilities that share one or two
management consoles (HMCs).
b. The 2107 storage facilities in a storage plex have Ethernet cables that
connect their internal rack mounted Ethernet switches together into a private
c. The first HMC for a storage plex MUST BE assigned the role of primary
management console (HMC-1).
d. HMC-1 runs a DHCP server to assign the IP addresses on the private
networks (gray and black). It also collects and maintains all information
about the storage complex hardware and code.
e. If there is a second HMC for the same storage plex, it MUST BE assigned
the role of secondary management console (HMC-2).

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 47

f. The secondary HMC can be:
v an external HMC installed in an IBM or customer-provided utility rack that
is cabled to the same storage complex
v an internal HMC in a 2107 storage facility that is part of the same storage
g. HMC-2 does not run a DHCP server. Instead, it operates in a peer-to-peer
domain with HMC-1 and gets the private network IP address as well as
information about the storage complex hardware and code from HMC-1.
h. HMC-1 must be completely installed and configured before HMC-2 can be
connected to the private network. This ensures HMC-2 gets a complete
copy of all the needed information from HMC-1.
i. If two 2107 storage facilities each having an internal HMC are being installed
at the same time:
v The first 2107 storage facility in the storage plex must have the primary
management console (HMC-1)
v The other 2107 storage facility must have the secondary management
console (HMC-2)
v The install of the second 2107 storage facility will have to wait until the
install of the first 2107 storage facility has completed the section titled
“Testing of management console communications”. This will ensure HMC-1
is completely configured and ready to provide a copy of its information to
HMC-2 when it is connected into the storage plex.
2. If you are:
v Installing the first 2107 storage facility in a storage plex, go to Table 12.
v Adding a 2107 Storage Facility to an existing storage plex, go to Table 13.
Table 12. Installing the first 2107 storage facility in a storage plex
The 2107 storage facility being installed Action
One integrated management console (one in Go to “Configuring the management console
Rack 1). in rack 1 as the primary management
console” on page 49
One integrated management console and Go to “Configuring the management console
one external management console. in rack 1 as the primary management
console” on page 49.
Note: Installation of the external
management console will be performed later
in the installation process while the
automated storage facility verification or
DDM certify is running.

Table 13. Adding a 2107 storage facility to an existing storage plex

The 2107 storage facility being installed Action
One management console (in Rack 1). Go to “Configuring the management console
in rack 1 as the secondary management
console” on page 52.
No management console. It will be Go to “Connecting a new storage facility to
connected to management console’s in other an existing storage plex” on page 55.
2107 storage facilities

48 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

Configuring the management console in rack 1 as the primary
management console
Perform the following steps to configure a primary management console (HMC #1)
in rack 1. If you also have an external management console to install, then that task
will be performed later in the install sequence.
1. Observe the management console eServer™ power LED indicator at the lower
right front of the management console enclosure. Refer to Figure 42.
Is the LED indicator off?
v Yes, go to MAP6520 Management console power problem.
v No, continue with the next step

CD-eject Disk drive

button Diskette-eject activity LEDS Power LED
CD-ROM drive button
activity LED

Power control
Reset button
Diskette drive USB 1
activity LED USB 2 information


Figure 42. Management console front view

2. Is the power LED indicator flashing?

v Yes, push in the Power control button and then continue with the next step.
v No, continue with the next step.
3. Slide the management console keyboard and display drawer out to the service
position and raise the display panel. If necessary, press the power on button to
turn on the display. Wait up to 5 minutes for the HMC ROLE SELECTION
MENU to be displayed. Is the HMC ROLE SELECTION MENU displayed?
v Yes, continue with the next step.
v No, this indicates that either the HMC Role has already been assigned
(HMC login screen is displayed) or that the management console is not
booting correctly.
– If the management console login screen is displayed, then go to
MAP6090 HMC Role selection not displayed as expected. Return here
and continue with step 3 when you correct the problem.
– If the management console login screen is not displayed, go to MAP6020
Management console problem determination.
4. Assign this management console as the primary management console:
a. Type 1 and press Enter.
b. Type Yes and press Enter to confirm the selection.
c. Check the HMC label located on the front of the management console
keyboard tray. If it does not indicate HMC #1, then locate the HMC #1 label
in the ship group and attach it
5. Wait up to 5 minutes for the HMC configuration to be updated, and the HMC
login screen to display. Is the management console login screen displayed?
v Yes, continue with the next step.
v No, go to MAP6020 Management console problem determination.

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 49

6. The management console is shipped with predefined user IDs and passwords.
The user IDs and passwords are case-sensitive. Enter the user ID and
password as shown below. If any “License Agreement” pop-up panels are
displayed, then accept the agreements.

Password: serv1cece
7. Determine whether you must update the management console software before
you continue. Compare the installed version of the management console
software to the version determined in the task “Checking for required
microcode” on page 4.
a. At the top of the management console interface, select Help.
b. Select About Hardware Management Console. A window opens that
displays information on the level of the management console software
Does the management console software require updating before you can
v Yes, refer to the Microcode installation instructions to update the
management console software only. Continue with the next step when
the management console software has been updated.

Note: Record the start and stop date and time for the HMC Code
Upgrade (SC33) phase in Table 4 on page 3, in section
“Recording information for the install report” on page 1.
v No, go to the next step.
8. Use the customization worksheets provided by the customer to perform the
management console customization tasks in the following table. Additional
guidance is available through the IBM TotalStorage DS8000 Introduction and
Planning Guide.

Note: The following limitations apply to the TCP/IP address assigned for the
HMC network port connected to the customer network (eth2).
v The TCP/IP address should not be in the listed ranges. If the address
assigned must be in this range contact your next level of support for
development help. Do not continue the management console installation
until this is resolved. - - - -
v If the TCP/IP network address is in the listed ranges, each customer
network node (gateway, snmp server, smtp server, name server) must have
a host route configured on the HMC. Contact your next level of support for
adding additional host routes. - -

50 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

Table 14. Management console customization tasks
Task Management Console Navigation Notes
Console Date / Time and HMC Management/HMC 1. Set the date and time to the local time.
Timezone Configuration
2. Choose a location that has the same time zone
Customize Console Date and and daylight savings settings as the 2107
Time location.
Note: The date, time, and time zone that you
select will be used later by an automated
process to update those settings in the storage
facility. Ensure that you set this accurately.
3. Click OK on the Reboot warning panel, but do
not reboot at this time.
HMC Network Settings HMC Management/HMC 1. Set the Console Name, Domain Name and
Configuration description per the worksheets.
Customize Network Setting 2. Click on the LAN adapters Tab, select eth2,
click on details and set up the customer
network connection.
3. Click on the Name Services Tab and configure
the customer’s DNS (if required).
4. Click on Routing Tab and configure the
customers Gateway (if required). Set the
Gateway Device to eth2.
5. Perform a quality check of all the entered data.
6. Press Apply.

9. Logoff and reboot the management console by performing the following steps:
a. From the task bar, click on Console.
b. Select Exit, and then click Exit now.
c. From the selection box, select Reboot Console.
d. Click OK.
10. Route and connect the customer Ethernet cable by performing the following
a. Locate the customer-supplied Ethernet cable.
b. Route the Ethernet cable through the tailgate and up to the rear of the
management console.
c. Plug the cable in to the customer Ethernet port on the management
console. Refer to Figure 43 on page 52.

Note: If the customer requests the Media Access Control (MAC) address
of the HMC port they will connect to, refer to MAP6010 Displaying
the HMC MAC address for the customer connection.

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 51

Power-cord Link LEDs
DS8000 Private Ethernet

Modem-RJ-11 Link LED

Line Connector

Figure 43. Customer Ethernet port

11. Route and connect the modem telephone line by performing the following
a. Locate the modem telephone cable in the ship group.
b. Plug the RJ-11 connector into the line connector on the management
console modem card. See Figure 43.
c. Route the telephone cable through the 2107 tailgate.
d. Plug the other end of the telephone cable into the customer’s telephone
line connector.

Note: If required, use the telephone adapter that is supplied in the ship
group to make this connection.
12. Wait for the management console logon panel to appear and then continue
with “Powering on and verifying the storage facility” on page 57.

Configuring the management console in rack 1 as the secondary

management console
Perform the following steps to configure a secondary management console (HMC
#2) in rack 1.

Attention: This section is used when adding a storage facility containing a

management console to an existing storage plex. The management console will be
configured as the secondary management console before connecting it to the
DS8000 private network.
1. Observe the management console eServer power LED indicator at the lower
right front of the management console enclosure. Refer to Figure 44 on page
Is the LED indicator off?
v Yes, go to MAP6520 Management console power problem.
v No, continue with the next step

52 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

CD-eject Disk drive
button Diskette-eject activity LEDS Power LED
CD-ROM drive button
activity LED

Power control
Reset button
Diskette drive USB 1
activity LED USB 2 information


Figure 44. Management console front view

2. Is the power LED indicator flashing?

v Yes, push in the Power control button and then continue with the next step.
v No, continue with the next step.
3. Slide the management console keyboard and display drawer out to the service
position and raise the display panel. If necessary, press the power on button to
turn on the display. Wait up to 5 minutes for the HMC ROLE SELECTION
MENU to be displayed. Is the HMC ROLE SELECTION MENU displayed?
v Yes, continue with the next step.
v No, this indicates that either the management console Role has already
been assigned (HMC login screen is displayed) or that the management
console is not booting correctly.
– If the management console login screen is displayed, then go to
MAP6090 HMC Role selection not displayed as expected. Return here
and continue with step 3 when you correct the problem.
– If the management console Login screen is not displayed, go to
MAP6020 Management console problem determination.
4. Assign this management console as the secondary management console by
performing the following steps:
a. Type 2 and press Enter.
b. Type Yes and press Enter to confirm the selection.
c. Locate the HMC #2 label in the ship group. Attach the label to the front of
the management console keyboard tray.
5. Wait up to 5 minutes for the HMC configuration to be updated, and the HMC
login screen to display. Is the management console login screen displayed?
v Yes, continue with the next step.
v No, go to MAP6020 Management console problem determination.
6. The management console is shipped with predefined user IDs and passwords.
The user IDs and passwords are case-sensitive. Enter the user ID and
password as shown below. If any “License Agreement” pop-up panels are
displayed, then accept the agreements.

Password: serv1cece
7. Determine whether you must update the management console software before
you continue. Compare the installed version of the management console
software to the version determined in the task “Checking for required
microcode” on page 4.
a. At the top of the management console interface, select Help.

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 53

b. Select About Hardware Management Console. A window opens that
displays information on the level of the management console software
Does the management console software require updating before you can
v Yes, refer to the Microcode installation instructions to update the
management console software only. Continue with the next step when
the management console software has been updated.

Note: Record the start and stop date and time for the HMC Code
Upgrade (SC33) phase in Table 4 on page 3, in section
“Recording information for the install report” on page 1.
v No, go to the next step.
8. Use the customization worksheets provided by the customer to perform the
management console customization tasks in the following table. Additional
guidance is available through the IBM TotalStorage DS8000 Introduction and
Planning Guide.
Table 15. Management console customization tasks
Task Management Console Navigation Notes
Console Date / Time and HMC Management/HMC 1. Logon to the Primary HMC and note the
Timezone Configuration Date/Time and the difference relative to a
reference source. For example, a wall clock or
Customize Console Date and
speaking clock.
2. Set the date and time on this (Secondary
HMC) to the same value as the Primary HMC.
Note: The Time on the Secondary HMC must
be within 40 seconds of the time on the
Primary HMC.
3. Click OK on the Reboot warning panel, but do
not reboot at this time.
HMC Network Settings HMC Management/HMC 1. Set the Console Name, Domain Name and
Configuration description per the worksheets.
Customize Network Setting 2. Click on the LAN adapters Tab, select eth2,
click on details and set up the customer
network connection.
3. Click on the Name Services Tab and configure
the customer’s DNS (if required).
4. Click on Routing Tab and configure the
customers Gateway (if required). Set the
Gateway Device to eth2.
5. Perform a quality check of all the entered data.
6. Press Apply.

9. Logoff and reboot the management console by performing the following steps:
a. From the task bar, click on Console.
b. Select Exit, and then click Exit now.
c. From the selection box, select Reboot Console.
d. Click OK.
10. Route and connect the customer Ethernet cable.
a. Locate the customer-supplied Ethernet cable.

54 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

b. Route the Ethernet cable through the tailgate and up to the rear of the
management console.
c. Plug the cable in the port into the customer Ethernet port on the
management console.

Note: If the customer requests the Media Access Control (MAC) address
of the HMC port they will connect to, refer to MAP6010 Displaying
the HMC MAC address for the customer connection.

Power-cord Link LEDs

DS8000 Private Ethernet

Modem-RJ-11 Link LED

Line Connector

Figure 45. Customer Ethernet port

11. Route and connect the modem telephone line by performing the following
a. Locate the modem telephone cable in the ship group.
b. Plug the RJ-11 connector into the line connector on the management
console modem card. See Figure 45.
c. Route the telephone cable through the 2107 tailgate.
d. Plug the other end of the telephone cable into the customer’s telephone
line connector.

Note: If required, use the telephone adaptor that is supplied in the ship
group to make this connection.
12. Wait for the management console logon panel to appear and then continue
with “Connecting a new storage facility to an existing storage plex.”

Connecting a new storage facility to an existing storage plex

This section provides the additional steps to connect a new storage facility to an
existing storage plex.

Attention: If you are installing multiple storage facilities at the same time, you
must completely perform this section and the “Powering on and verifying the
storage facility” on page 57 section on one storage facility before connecting the
next storage facility. Connect only one new storage facility at a time.

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 55

1. Assign an SF number to the new storage facility, that must be the first free
unassigned SF number (2-8) in an ascending order. The first free SF number
can be determined by observing the Ethernet switches in the storage facility that
houses the primary management console. Refer to Figure 46 and Table 16 to
find the first unused SF position.

a. If gaps are left in the sequence due to SFs being removed from the
storage plex they become free for allocation and must be used first.
b. The management console microcode will assign the SF number
based on the above rules. This must match the cable plugging.



SW1 & SW2

T1 T3 T5 T7 T9 T11 T13 T15

T2 T4 T6 T8 T10 T12 T14 T16

Figure 46. Ethernet switch port designations (SW1 & SW2)

Table 16. Ethernet switch port designations

T-1 T-3 T-5 T-7 T-9 T-11 T-13 T-15

HMC1 FSP1 ESS01 ESS02 SF #8 SF #6 SF #4 SF #2

T-2 T-4 T-6 T-8 T-10 T-12 T-14 T-16

HMC2 FSP2 ESS11 ESS12 SF #7 SF #5 SF #3 OUT

2. Label, route and connect one Ethernet cable from Port T16 (OUT) on each of
the two Ethernet switches (SW1 & SW2) on the storage facility being installed to
the assigned port on the corresponding Ethernet switches (SW1 & SW2) in the
storage facility that houses the first or only management console. See
Figure 46.
If you are installing storage facility 4, and HMC1 is installed in storage facility 1,

1. Route one Ethernet cable from Switch 1 Port T-16 in

SF#4 to Switch 1 Port T-13 in SF#1.
2. Route one Ethernet cable from Switch 2 Port T-16 in
SF#4 to Switch 2 Port T-13 in SF#1.

56 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

3. Continue with “Powering on and verifying the storage facility.”

Powering on and verifying the storage facility

Record the stop date and time for the HMC Initial Configuration phase in Table 3 on
page 2, “Recording information for the install report” on page 1.

Record the start date and time for the Storage Facility Bring-up phase in Table 3 on
page 2, “Recording information for the install report” on page 1.

The 2107 will be powered on automatically during this procedure.
Hazardous voltages will be present. Ensure that all safety covers are in
place and that normal safety precautions are taken.

1. On Rack-1 set the Local/Remote switch on the LR/ZLR card to Remote.

J5 J6
J1 J2
J3 J4



Figure 47. LR, ZLR card location

2. If you are adding a new Storage Facility to an existing Storage Complex, then
ensure that the Ethernet cables have been installed and connected to the
Storage Facility which houses HMC #1.

Note: If you are installing a storage facility containing a secondary

management console, then do not reconnect the secondary management
console cables until instructed to do so in a later section.
3. Power on and verification of the new storage facility must be performed from the
primary management console (HMC #1). If not done previously, slide the HMC
#1 keyboard/display drawer out to the service position and raise the panel
display. If not done previously, log on to the management console. The CE user
ID and password are as follows: If not done previously, log on to the
management console. The CE user ID and password are as follows:

Password: serv1cece

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 57

Note: If the management console panel is not functioning correctly, go to
MAP6020 Management console problem determination.
4. Display the storage facility Install State.
a. Login to the management console (HMC) for rack 1.
b. In the HMC Navigation area, open the Management Environment. Select
and open the HMC.
c. Open Service Applications → Service Focal Point.
d. In the right content area, select Install/Add/Remove Hardware. A window
displays a list of storage facilities.
e. Observe the displayed Install State for the 2107 being installed.
5. Is the Machine Type and Serial Number for the 2107 being installed listed on
the panel as “Ready for Install” or “New”?
v Yes, select the 2107 to be installed. Go to the next step.
v No, go to MAP1400 Repair a problem found during install storage facility
6. Click on Selected, and then from the drop-down select Storage Facility Field
7. Follow the on-screen instructions to perform the following tasks:
a. Confirm that DDM certify should be performed

v This must be performed on all 2107 installations.
v Record the start date and time for the Monitor DDM Certify phase
in Table 4 on page 3, in section “Recording information for the
install report” on page 1.
b. Confirm if a call home is required on completion and provide contact details.
c. If prompted, install the configuration CD/DVD into HMC CD/DVD-RAM drive.
The CD/DVD is included in the ship group.
8. The on screen message will indicate that the Storage Facility Field Install
process will now start. This action may take up to 1.5 hours to complete.

Note: If errors occur during the automated install process, on-screen messages
will direct you to “MAP1400 Repair a problem found during install storage
facility process”. Use the guidance in that MAP to resolve the problem
and then restart the install process.
While the Storage Facility Field Install process is in progress, you should
perform two separate install processes in parallel to minimize the installation
time. Use tables Table 17 and Table 18 on page 59 to perform Install Process
A and Install Process B at the same time.
Table 17. Install Process A
Install Process A
A1 Do not log off or reboot the management console.
A2 Check the WebSM GUI every 10 minutes and respond to any pop-up messages
from the Installation process that may appear. If an error is detected, follow the
on-screen directions to go to MAP1400 Repair a problem found during install
storage facility process to repair the problem and restart.

58 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

Table 17. Install Process A (continued)
Install Process A
A3 A message will display that indicates Field Installation Verification for the
Storage Facility has completed. You may be asked to check if any problems
were logged. Read the on-screen instructions carefully, keep the message box
open and do not reply to the message until after you have checked for
A4 A message will display that indicates DDM Certify has started. Continue with the
remaining actions in this installation section.

Table 18. Install Process B

Install Process B
B1 Do one of the following:
v If you are installing a 2107 that contains an integrated management console,
then continue with “Completing the management console customization and
v If you are installing a 2107 which does not contain an integrated
management console then continue with “Completing the install” on page 62.

Completing the management console customization and testing

Use the following sections to complete the customization of the management
console. If you installed a storage facility that contains a management console, you
can use this section to test management console communications.

Completing the management console customization and configuration

Record the stop date and time for the Storage Facility Bring-up phase in Table 3 on
page 2, “Recording information for the install report” on page 1.

Record the start date and time for the HMC Initial Configuration phase in Table 3 on
page 2, “Recording information for the install report” on page 1.

Perform these steps if you installed a storage facility that contains a management
console. Otherwise, go to “Completing the install” on page 62.
1. Are you installing a storage facility containing a secondary management
v Yes, continue with the next step.
v No, continue with step 5.
2. Locate the management console cables that were previously disconnected.
Relabel and reconnect them to the SW1-T2 and SW2-T2 positions as follows:
a. Relabel the Ethernet cable previously removed from SW1-T1 to SW1-T2
and plug it into the Ethernet cables in SW1-T2.
b. Relabel the Ethernet cable previously removed from SW2-T1 to SW2-T2
and plug it into the Ethernet cables in SW2-T2.
3. Press the power control button to power on the management console.
4. Wait for the HMC logon panel to appear and then logon with user ID CE and
password serv1cece.

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 59

5. Use the customization worksheets provided by the customer and the following
table to perform the management console customization tasks. Perform the
testing as indicated.

Note: Additional guidance is available through the on-line Help button and the
IBM TotalStorage DS8000 Introduction and Planning Guide.
Table 19. Management console customization tasks
Task Management Console Navigation Item Testing Done
RSF settings - Service applications/Remote Support None.
information Customize Customer Information
RSF settings - Service applications/Remote support Modem - Service Applications/Remote
Outbound Support/Customize Outbound
Customize Outbound Connectivity Connectivity/Local Modem/Test

VPN - Service Applications/Remote

Support/Customize Outbound
Connectivity/Internet VPN/Test
Note: If this test identifies incorrect network
settings that require a management console
reboot, do not reboot until the storage
facility verification and DDM certification has
RSF settings - Service applications/Remote Support This task will be tested in the next section.
Customize Inbound Connectivity
MRPD settings Service applications/Service Agent None.

See Note in the Transmit Service Information /

next column. Transmit
v Click Schedule when to transmit the
service information
v Set the Frequency to 14 (days)
v Set the time to a value when you
know that the 2107 will be powered
Note: If you have a secondary
management console, then you must
designate only one management
console to send MRPD data. This
customization must only be performed on
the designated management console.
FTP settings Service applications/Service Agent None.

Transmit Service Information / FTP

Note: This is only required if the
customer has chosen to allow dumps
and traces to be sent by FTP.
v Leave the default settings for the FTP
v If required, enter the customer firewall
v Check ’Enable FTP offload of service

60 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

Table 19. Management console customization tasks (continued)
Task Management Console Navigation Item Testing Done
Customer e-mail Service Agent/Customer notification This will be tested in the next section.
SNMP alert Service Agent/Customer notification None.

6. Create and send the management console public key-file. Complete the
following steps:
a. Click on Service Focal Point → Service Utilities
b. Select a Storage Facility.
c. Click on the Selected drop-down menu and select Get HMCs. Select the
d. Click on the Selected drop-down menu and select Generate HMC Public
e. Click on Yes to confirm the action.
A message will display that indicates successful completion.
7. Continue with “Testing management console communications.”

Testing management console communications

Perform these steps if you installed a storage facility that contains a management
console. Otherwise, continue with “Completing the install” on page 62.
1. Test the 2107 service communication methods.

Communication method How to test

2107 Call Home 1. Select Service Focal Point → Service
2. Click on the storage facility that you are
3. From the Selected drop down, click on
Generate Test PMH.
4. Ask the support center to verify that a
test PMH was created on Retain.
Note: If the test fails, go to MAP1301
Isolating Call Home/remote services
Remote Access 1. Configure the Outbound Connectivity for
Note: Follow your geographical guidelines ’Unattended/Temporary’. Use the
on whether to perform this test. navigation actions described in the
previous topic step.
2. Ask the support center to test remote
3. Restore the Outbound Connectivity
settings to the customer choice on the

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 61

2. Test the 2107 customer communication methods.

Communication method How to test

Customer E-mail notification Service Agent/Customer notification/Test
E-mail. Ask the customer if the E-mail was
Note: If the test fails, go to MAP1301
Isolating Call Home/remote services failure.
ESSNI connection Ask the customer to attempt to connect to
the DS8000 Storage Manager server in the
management console.
Note: If the test fails, go to MAP1301
Isolating Call Home/remote services failure.

3. Do you have an external management console to be installed?

v Yes, continue with Chapter 2, “Installing an external management console,”
on page 71 and then return here and continue. Note:If two service
representatives are servicing the machine, one can perform this procedure
while the other performs the procedure in the next step.
v No, go to the next step.
4. Continue with “Route and connect the host cables.”

Completing the install

Use the information in the following sections to complete the installation.

Route and connect the host cables

Record the stop date and time for the HMC Customization and Communication
Tests phase in Table 3 on page 2, “Recording information for the install report” on
page 1.

Record the start date and time for the End of Install and Clean-up phase in Table 3
on page 2, “Recording information for the install report” on page 1.
1. Ask the customer to supply a diagram or output from the DS8000 Storage
Manager to define the connectivity between the 2107 host card ports and
system host card ports.
2. Label the ESCON and fibre host cables from each customer host adapter.
3. Route the cables to the rear of the appropriate 2107 frame.

Note: To allow correct connection and disconnection of external cables, label

cables using the customer’s current cable-identification plan and the
labels provided by your customer.
4. In the tailgate, squeeze the black release levers (2), pivot the retention bracket
up and then remove it.

62 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide



Figure 48. Tailgate cable and fibre channel cable retention

5. Identify the 2107 I/O enclosure that contains the host card and port to which the
host cables from the host will be attached.

Note: The ICAT configuration tool might refer to the I/O enclosure locations as
Rw-ly-Cz-Tx. The Rw refers to the rack and the ly is equivalent to Xl1 to
X14 as shown in Figure 49 on page 64.

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 63

2107 Rack-1 2107 Storage Expansion Rack
Rear View Rear View
Fans/Plenum Fans/Plenum
Fan Sen. Fan Sen.
Storage XS21 16 Pack XS21
Enclosure Front & Rear
Storage XS22 16 Pack XS22
Enclosure Front & Rear
Storage XS23 PPS 16 Pack XS23 PPS
Enclosure Front & Rear
Storage XS24 16 Pack XS24
Enclosure Front & Rear
16 Pack XS15
Front & Rear
CEC 16 Pack XS16
Enclosure PPS Front & Rear PPS
CEC 16 Pack XS17
Enclosure Front & Rear
16 Pack XS18
Front & Rear

Batt. Batt.
IO/Encl IO/Encl IO/Encl IO/Encl
Batt. Batt.
IO/Encl IO/Encl IO/Encl IO/Encl
XI3 XI4 Batt. XI3 XI4 Batt.

Figure 49. Rear view of rack-1 and storage expansion rack

C2-Tx C4-Tx C6-Tx

1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4

1 2 3 4 5 6

C1-Tx C3-Tx C5-Tx

Figure 50. Location of host adapters and connectors in I/O enclosure

6. Feed the host cables up through the tailgate and route them to the destination
I/O enclosure and host card and plug them in.


64 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

v Save the wrap tools removed from each Fibre or ESCON host card.
The wrap tool can be used as a dust cover and also a wrap tool for
diagnosis and repair.
v There are two types of fibre channel cards:
– Short wave
– Long wave
7. Secure the host cables in the cable guide by pressing them into the slots.
8. Reinstall the retention bracket removed earlier.
9. Reinstall the tailgate brackets in all frames using the screws (2) removed earlier.
Tighten all four screws (1) and (2). See Figure 51


Figure 51. Tailgate frame bracket

Finish install and cleanup

1. Is there an external management console that is to be installed?
v Yes, go to Chapter 2, “Installing an external management console,” on page
71. Return here and continue with step 2 when installation has been
v No, continue with the next step.
2. Has the customer ordered the remote power control feature?
v Yes, go to the next step.
v No, go to step 4 on page 66.
3. Route the remote power control cables (1) from each host up through the
tailgate to the ZLR remote power control card. See Figure 52 on page 66.

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 65

F2 F5 F6

Figure 52. Remote power control cables from host to ZLR card

Attention: The remote power control feature will be enabled in the next step.
Remind your customers that they must test it.
4. Set the 2107 rack power control mode that the customer has chosen on the
configuration worksheet. For more information, see “MAP 2460: Configuring
the 2107 Power Control Mode”.
a. In the HMC Navigation area, open Management Environment, select and
open the HMC.
b. Open Service Applications → Service Focal Point.
c. In the right content area, select Service Utilities. A windows displays a list
of Storage Facilities.
d. Select the Storage Facility that is being installed from the list. Click
Selected from top tool bar, and then select Manage Power Control.
e. Make the desired customer selections from the worksheets.
5. Verify the following Control Switch settings against the Customization
Table 20. Control switch settings
Control Switch Setting Default Value
AS400 LUN Serial Suffix number 0
Fibre LUN Access Control 0 (Off)
CUIR support 0 (Off)

Do the control switch settings need to be changed from the default values

66 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

v Yes, from the HMC GUI perform the following steps to alter the Control
Switch Settings for each storage facility image that needs to be updated.
a. In the HMC Navigation area, open Management Environment, select
and open the HMC.
b. Open Service Applications → Service Focal Point.
c. In the right content area, select Service Utilities. A window displays a
list of Storage Facilities.
d. Select the Storage Facility that is being installed from the list. Click
Selected from the top tool bar, and then select Get Storage Facility
Images. A window displays a list of Storage Facility Images.
e. Select the Storage Facility Image to be updated. Click Selected and
choose Enable/Disable Control Switches.
f. Update the values from the Customization Worksheets. Click Set, then
OK in the message box, then Cancel to exit.
g. Continue with the next step.
v No, continue with the next step.
6. Perform the following steps if you are installing a storage facility with a
management console:
a. In the HMC Navigation area, open Management Environment, select and
open the HMC.
b. Open HMC Management → HMC Configuration.
c. In the right content area, select Schedule Operations. A window displays
a list.
d. Select the management console that you want to back up and click OK.
e. Click Options from the top tool bar, and then select New.
f. In the Add a Scheduled Operation window, select Backup Critical Console
Data and click OK.
g. In the appropriate fields, enter the time and date that you want this backup
to occur.
h. Click the Repeat tab and set the schedule to repeat with a 1 weekly
interval with Infinite repetitions.
i. When you are finished setting the backup time and date, click Save. When
the Action Completed window opens, click OK.
7. Perform the following steps to back up critical console data.
a. In the HMC Navigation area, open Management Environment, select and
open the HMC.
b. Open Licensed Internal Code → HMC Code Update.
c. In the right content area, select Back up Critical Console Data.
d. Insert a formatted DVD-RAM media into the drive.
e. Select Backup to store your critical console data on the DVD-RAM.
f. Click OK.
8. Place the following items in the front document enclosure for future reference:
v Copies of the configuration worksheets
v Spare ship group components
v Spare labels
v Cable planning worksheets
v Host card wrap tools

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 67

9. Reference the pack/unpack instructions for return/discard information. Discard
the shipping material locally.
10. Go to MAP7000 Entry point for DS8000 private network problems, step 4 to
verify connectivity on the Private Network and save the configuration. Return
here and continue when you have completed the action.
11. The 2107 is now regarded as “Installation complete”.
a. Record the stop date and time for the End of Install and Clean-up phase in
Table 2 on page 2, “Recording information for the install report” on page 1.
b. Update the account records to show the install is complete.
c. Record any additional time to install features, ECs, MESs to the correct
service code. Do not charge the additional time to the 2107 installation.
d. Go to the next step.
12. Determine the current 2107 LIC level and compare it to the “Required level”
that was found on the PFE Website.
a. In the HMC Navigation area, open Management Environment, select and
open the HMC.
b. Open Licensed Internal Code Maintenance → Licensed Internal Code
c. In the right content area, select Change Internal Code. A window displays
a list of Storage Facilities.
d. Select the Storage Facility that is being installed from the list. Click
Selected from the top tool bar, and then select Display Installed Code
Does the 2107 LIC need to be updated?
v Yes, go to step 16 on page 69.
v No, go to the next step.
13. Did you choose the recommended option for the 2107 to call home on DDM
Certify completion?
v Yes, go to 14.
v No, go to 15.
14. The on-site service actions are now complete.
a. Inform the customer that the machine will be available for configuration
when the DDM certification completes.
b. Upon receipt of the call-home, the IBM support center will call the contact
name and telephone number entered earlier and inform them that the
DS8000 is now available.
c. Go to 17 on page 69 to complete the 2107 Install Report.

Note: There are three fields in the report for Monitor DDM Certify. Please
enter the value “00.0” in each field as you will not be waiting for the
certify to complete. This value will indicate that you selected the call
home on DDM Certify completion option.
15. Monitor the DDM certify process for completion.
a. In the HMC Navigation area, open the Management Environment, select
and open the HMC.
b. Open Service Applications → Service Focal Point.
c. In the right content area, select Service Utilities, a window displays a list
of Storage Facilities.

68 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

d. Select the Storage Facility that is being installed from the list. Click
Selected from the top tool bar, and then select DDM Certify.
e. When the DDM certify process is complete, inform the customer that the
storage facility is now available for configuration.

Note: Use Table 4 on page 3, “Recording information for the install report”
on page 1 to record the stop date and time for the Monitor DDM
Certify phase.
f. Go to 17 to complete the 2107 Install Report.
16. Monitor the DDM certify process for completion.
a. In the HMC Navigation area, open Management Environment, select and
open the HMC.
b. Open Service Applications → Service Focal Point.
c. In the right content area, select Service Utilities. A window displays a list
of Storage Facilities.
d. Select the Storage Facility that is being installed from the list. Click
Selected from the top tool bar, and then select DDM Certify.
e. When the DDM certify process is complete, inform the customer that the
storage facility is now available for configuration.

Note: Use Table 4 on page 3, “Recording information for the install report”
on page 1 to record the stop date and time for the Monitor DDM
Certify phase.
f. Use the supplied LIC Installation Instructions to update the storage facility

Note: Use the table in “Recording information for the install report” on page
1 to record the start date and time for the SF Code Upgrade (SC33)
g. When the LIC is complete, inform the customer that the storage facility is
now available for configuration.

Note: Use the table in “Recording information for the install report” on
page 1 to record the start date and time for the SF Code Upgrade
(SC33) phase.
h. Go to Step 17.
17. Complete the 2107 Install report.
a. In the HMC Navigation area, open Management Environment, select and
open the HMC.
b. Open Service Applications → Service Focal Point.
c. In the right content area, select Service Utilities, a window displays a list
of Storage Facilities.
d. Select the Storage Facility that is being installed from the list. Click
Selected from the top tool bar, and then select Generate Storage Facility
Install Report.

Chapter 1. Installing the 2107 Model 92X/9AX 69

70 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide
Chapter 2. Installing an external management console
This section guides you on how to physically install an external management
console, perform the configuration and customization, connect the console to the
storage complex and perform a communications test.

Installing the external management console in the rack

This section provides guidance on how to perform the physical installation of an
external management console in a standard 19″ rack.

The rack will be ordered and supplied with the console from IBM or it will be
provided by the customer. The detailed instructions provided with the management
console server and monitor/keyboard tray will be used.
1. Identify the following items in the shipping carton.
v x-server rack installation kit and instructions.
v x-server.
v Monitor/keyboard tray and installation instructions.
2. Do you have an IBM-supplied rack to install?
v Yes, use the instructions provided with the rack to install the rack in the
customer designated location.
v No, the rack must already be installed by the customer. If that is not
complete, then ask the customer to do that before you continue. Ask the
customer to identify the location in the rack where the server and monitor and
keyboard is to be installed. 1U of vertical rack space is required for each of
the two items.
3. Install the x-server rails into the rack. Use the hardcopy instructions (P/N
33P2616) from the ship group.
4. Slide the x-server into the rack by sliding it in from the front. Secure the x-server
in place by tightening the two thumbscrews at the front.
5. Install the monitor and keyboard tray in the rack. Use Chapter 2 of the Flat
Panel Monitor Console Kit Installation and Maintenance Guide in the ship group.
6. Route and then plug the C2T cable from the keyboard and monitor into the C2T
OUT connector on the rear of the x-server. See Figure 53 for locations.


Figure 53. Rear view of x-server

7. Route the power cables from the x-server and the monitor and keyboard tray
power supply to the power strip in the rack. Plug the cables in at both ends.
8. Continue with “Power on and initial configuration of the external management
console” on page 72.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005 71

Power on and initial configuration of the external management console
This section provides guidance on how to power on, set the HMC role and
configure the management console.

Note: If you are following a hardcopy or PDF version of these instructions and you
are sent to a MAP, then go to the Troubleshooting section in the DS8000
Service Information Center. This can be accessed on the IBM TotalStorage
DS8000 series Service Documents CDROM CD or launched from WebSM
on a working management console.
1. Slide the monitor/keyboard tray out and if necessary turn on the monitor.
2. Check the power LED on the front of the server. See Figure 54

CD-eject Disk drive

button Diskette-eject activity LEDS Power LED
CD-ROM drive button
activity LED

Power control
Reset button
Diskette drive USB 1
activity LED USB 2 information


Figure 54. Management console front view

v If the LED is lit, then continue with the next step.

v If the LED is flashing, then press the power control button and continue with
the next step.
v If the LED is off, then verify that power input is available. If no problem is
found then go to MAP6520 Management console power problem.
3. Wait up to 5 minutes for the HMC ROLE SELECTION MENU to be displayed
on the monitor. Is the HMC ROLE SELECTION MENU displayed?
v Yes, continue with the next step.
v No, this indicates that either the HMC Role has already been assigned
(HMC login screen is displayed) or that the management console is not
booting correctly.
– If the management console login screen is displayed, then go to
MAP6090 HMC Role selection not displayed as expected. Return here
and continue with step 3 when you correct the problem.
– If the management console login screen is not displayed, go to MAP6020
Management console problem determination.
4. Assign this management console as the secondary management console by
performing the following steps:
a. Type 2 and press Enter.
b. Type Yes and press Enter to confirm the selection.
c. Locate the MC #2 label in the ship group. Attach the label to the front of
the management console keyboard tray.
5. Wait up to 5 minutes for the HMC configuration to be updated, and the HMC
login screen to display. Is the management console login screen displayed?
v Yes, continue with the next step.
v No, go to MAP6020 Management console problem determination.

72 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

6. The management console is shipped with predefined user IDs and passwords.
The user IDs and passwords are case-sensitive. Enter the user ID and
password as shown below. If any “License Agreement” pop-up panels are
displayed, then accept the agreements.

Password: serv1cece
7. Determine whether you must update the management console software before
you continue. Compare the installed version of the management console
software to the version determined in the task “Checking for required
microcode” on page 4.
a. At the top of the management console interface, select Help.
b. Select About Hardware Management Console. A window opens that
displays information on the level of the management console software
Does the management console software require updating before you can
v Yes, refer to the Microcode installation instructions to update the
management console software only. Continue with the next step when
the management console software has been updated.

Note: Record the start and stop date and time for the HMC Code
Upgrade (SC33) phase in Table 4 on page 3, in section
“Recording information for the install report” on page 1.
v No, go to the next step.
8. Use the customization worksheets provided by the customer to perform the
management console customization tasks in the following table. Additional
guidance is available through theIBM TotalStorage DS8000 Introduction and
Planning Guide.
Table 21. Management console customization tasks
Task Management Console Notes
Navigation Item
Console Date / Time and HMC Management/HMC 1. Logon to the Primary
Timezone Configuration HMC and note the
Date/Time and the
Customize Console Date and
difference relative to a
reference source. For
example, wallclock or
speaking clock.
2. Set the date and time
on this (Secondary
HMC) to the same
value as the Primary
Note: The time on
the Secondary HMC
must be within 40
seconds of the time
on the Primary HMC.

Chapter 2. Installing an external management console 73

Table 21. Management console customization tasks (continued)
Task Management Console Notes
Navigation Item
HMC Network Settings HMC Management/HMC 1. Select eth2 and set
Configuration up the customer
network connection.
Customize Network Setting
2. Perform a quality
check of all the
entered data.
3. Press Apply.

9. Shutdown and power off the management console by performing the following
a. From the task bar, click on Console.
b. Select Exit, and then click Exit Now.
c. From the selection box, select Shutdown.
d. Click OK.
e. Wait until the following message is displayed on the monitor: Master
Resource Control: runlevel 0 has been reached
f. Press the white Power Control button on the management console server.
The server will power off and the green Power LED will begin flashing.
10. Continue with “Cabling and connecting the management console to the storage

Cabling and connecting the management console to the storage

Use this section to connect the external management console to the storage
1. Route and connect the customer Ethernet cable.
a. Locate the customer-supplied Ethernet cable.
b. Route the Ethernet cable through the tailgate and up to the rear of the
management console.
c. Plug the cable in the port into the customer Ethernet port (P1-T1) on the
rear of the management console (HMC) as shown in Figure 55 on page 75.

74 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

Unused DS8000 Network DS8000 Network
(P1-C2-T2) ETH-1 (P1-C2-T1) ETH-0 (P1-T2) ETH-3

PCI Card 2

Link Status LED Customer Network

(P1-T1) ETH-2

Figure 55. HMC server rear view displaying Ethernet plugs

2. Locate the nearest 2107 in the storage complex to which this management
console (HMC) will connect.
3. Locate the two Ethernet cables in the ship group (Black cable P/N 22R1798;
Gray cable P/N 22R1799). Prepare the cables for connection between the HMC
and the Ethernet switch by labeling their ends according to the “From (HMC)”
and “To (2107)” columns in Table 22.

Note: Ethernet cables are also supplied with each Storage Facility. They are
not needed for the SF that houses HMC #1 and will be stored in the
storage box located inside the Storage Facility. If none are supplied with
the HMC, then these can be used instead.
Table 22. Ethernet cables
Color Part Number From (HMC) To (2107)
Black 22R1798 P1-C2-T1 SW1-T2
Gray 22R1799 P1-T2 SW2-T2

4. Route the two cables (prepared in step 3) from the HMC to the 2107 identified
in step 2.
5. Plug the two cables into the P1-C2-T1 and P1-T2 at the rear of the HMC as
shown in Figure 55.
6. Route the two cables through the 2107 tailgate and plug the cables into port ″T2
HMC2″ in each Ethernet switch as shown in Table 23.
Table 23. Ethernet switch port designations
T-1 T-3 T-5 T-7 T-9 T-11 T-13 T-15

HMC1 FSP1 ESS01 ESS02 SF #8 SF #6 SF #4 SF #2

T-2 T-4 T-6 T-8 T-10 T-12 T-14 T-16

HMC2 FSP2 ESS11 ESS12 SF #7 SF #5 SF #3 OUT

7. Route and connect the modem telephone line by performing the following steps:
a. Locate the modem telephone cable in the ship group.
b. Plug the RJ-11 connector into the line connector on the management
console modem card. See Figure 56 on page 76.

Chapter 2. Installing an external management console 75

Power-cord Link LEDs
DS8000 Private Ethernet

Modem-RJ-11 Link LED

Line Connector

Figure 56. Customer Ethernet port

c. Route the telephone cable through the 2107 tailgate.

d. Plug the other end of the telephone cable into the customer’s telephone line

Note: If required, use the telephone adapter that is supplied in the ship
group to make this connection.
8. Continue with “Completing the installation of the external management console.”

Completing the installation of the external management console

This section provides guidance on how to complete the installation of the external
management console. Final customization and testing will be performed.
1. Press the power control button to power on the management console server.
2. Wait for the management console logon panel to appear and log on with the
user ID CE and password serv1cece.
3. Use the customization worksheets provided by the customer and Table 24 to
perform the management console customization tasks. Perform the testing as

Note: Additional guidance is available through the on-line Help button and the
IBM TotalStorage DS8000 Introduction and Planning Guide.
Table 24. Management console customization tasks
Task Management Console Navigation Item Testing Done
RSF settings - Service applications/Remote Support None.
information Customize Customer Information
RSF settings - Service applications/Remote support Modem - Service Applications/Remote
Outbound Support/Customize Outbound
Customize Outbound Connectivity Connectivity/Local Modem/Test

VPN - Service Applications/Remote

Support/Customize Outbound
Connectivity/Internet VPN/Test

76 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

Table 24. Management console customization tasks (continued)
Task Management Console Navigation Item Testing Done
RSF settings - Service applications/Remote Support This task will be tested in the next step.
Customize Inbound Connectivity
MRPD settings Service applications/Service Agent None.

See Note in the Transmit Service Information /

next column. Transmit
v Click Schedule when to transmit the
service information
v Set the Frequency to 14 (days)
v Set the time to a value when you
know that the 2107 will be powered
Note: You must designate only one
management console to send MRPD
data. If HMC #1 was already configured
to send MRPD data, then do not
configure it on this management console.
FTP settings Service applications/Service Agent None.

Transmit Service Information / FTP

Note: This is only required if the
customer has chosen to allow dumps
and traces to be sent by FTP.
v Leave the default settings for the FTP
v If required, enter the customer firewall
v Check ’Enable FTP offload of service
Customer e-mail Service Agent/Customer notification This will be tested in step 5.
SNMP alert Service Agent/Customer notification None.

4. Test the 2107 service communication methods. Perform these tests if this
management console was enabled as a call home server.

Communication method How to test

2107 Call Home 1. Select Service Focal Point → Service
2. Click on the storage facility that you are
3. From the Selected drop down, click on
Generate Test PMH.
4. Ask the support center to verify that a
test PMH was created on Retain.
Note: If the test fails, go to MAP1301
Isolating Call Home/remote services

Chapter 2. Installing an external management console 77

Communication method How to test
Remote Access 1. Configure the Outbound Connectivity for
Note: Follow your geographical guidelines ’Unattended/Temporary’. Use the
on whether to perform this test. navigation actions described in the
previous topic step.
2. Ask the support center to test remote
3. Restore the Outbound Connectivity
settings to the customer choice on the

5. Test the 2107 customer communication methods.

Communication method How to test

Customer E-mail notification Service Agent/Customer notification/Test
E-mail. Ask the customer if the E-mail was
Note: If the test fails, go to MAP1301
Isolating Call Home/remote services failure.
ESSNI connection Ask the customer to attempt to connect to
the DS8000 Storage Manager server in the
management console.
Note: If the test fails, go to MAP1301
Isolating Call Home/remote services failure.

6. Allow 10 minutes to pass since the last power on of the management console
and then verify that the external management console has access to all the
Storage Facilities. From the WebSM GUI, select Server and Partition then
Server Management. Do you see all expected 2107 Processor Complexes
listed (two 9117 servers should appear for each 2107 Storage Facility)?
v Yes, continue with the next step.
v No, verify that all previous steps were completed and that all cables were
connected. Go to MAP7000 Entry point for DS8000 private network problems
to check for network problems. If no problem was found, then call your next
level of support.
7. Do any 9117 servers show a state of No Connection?
v Yes, go to MAP7000 Entry point for DS8000 private network problems to
check for network problems. If no problem was found, then call your next
level of support.
v No, continue with the next step.
8. The installation of the management console is now complete. If you were sent
to this topic during the installation of a 2107, then you should now continue with
the remaining steps in the 2107 installation topic.

78 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

Chapter 3. Installing weight reduction feature FC 0200
With Feature Code 0200, components were removed and shipped on separate
pallets to reduce the shipping weight required at the customer’s account. These
instructions describe how to:
v Reinstall the battery modules in their original locations in the battery module
v Reinstall the storage enclosures in their original locations in the 2107 subsystem.

Attention: The 2107 retains configuration information that was established during
manufacture. If all components are not reinstalled into their original
locations, significant problems will result.

CAUTION: The weight of a fully populated storage enclosure exceeds the safe
lifting limit for one service representative. Installation of this feature
requires two service representatives.

To determine the estimated weight of a rack, use Table 25.

| Table 25. Rack weight (estimated) after all shipping materials have been removed
| Rack weight Rack weight
| without FC 0200 with FC 0200
| (non-reduced weight) (reduced weight)
| Rack model (see Notes below) (see Notes below)
| 921 1243 kg (2740 lbs) 934 kg (2060 lbs)
| 922, 9A2 1313 kg (2895 lbs) 950 kg (2095 lbs)
| 92E, 9AE
| with FC 1300 1338 kg (2950 lbs) 776 kg (1710 lbs)
| (four I/O enclosures)
| without FC 1300 1089 kg (2400 lbs) 689 kg (1520 lbs)
| (no I/O enclosures)

1. If the shipping materials are still in place on the rack, add the following
v Carton pkg adds 115 kg (250 lbs)
v Crated pkg adds 140 kg (310 lbs)
v Crated pkg w/desiccant/barrier bag adds 147 kg (325 lbs)
2. The estimated weights assume that both primary power supplies (PPSs)
in the rack contain booster modules. (From the rear of the rack, a
booster module if present is at the top of the PPS in the horizontal
orientation.) If booster modules are not present, subtract 11kg (25 lbs)
from the rack weight.

| Installing battery module sets

| Perform this task on any rack from which the battery module sets have been
| removed.
| 1. Remove the Weight Reduction Status chart from the CE envelope. The Weight
| Reduction Status chart contains a record of the original installed location of
| each battery module. For a sample chart, see Figure 57 on page 80.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005 79

Weight Reduction Status
Machine Serial Number: 0028970, Generated at Fri May 06 19:33:35 CEST 2005
0028970 922 0000022R1128 YM10C04AC091 E10 BBU Sub-asm
0028970 922 0000017P7655 Y1W0NE4C2055 E10 BBU Battery Module BBUM1 B1
0028970 922 0000017P7655 Y1WONE4C2056 E10 BBU Battery Module BBUM1 B2
0028970 922 0000017P7655 Y1WONE4C2057 E10 BBU Battery Module BBUM1 B3
0028970 922 0000022R1128 YM10C04AC093 E11 BBU Sub-asm
0028970 922 0000017P7655 Y1WONE4C2059 E11 BBU Battery Module BBUM1
0028970 922 0000017P7655 Y1WONE4C2060 E11 BBU Battery Module BBUM1
0028970 922 0000017P7655 Y1WONE4C2061 E11 BBU Battery Module BBUM1
0028970 922 0000022R0879 YM10750004E9 XS11 16PACK MPACK 73GB 15K MPC11
0028970 922 0000022R0879 YM10750006D2 XS12 16PACK MPACK 73GB 15K MPC11
0028970 922 0000022R0879 YM1075000502 XS13 16PACK MPACK 73GB 15K MPC11
0028970 922 0000022R0879 YM10750004FB XS21 16PACK MPACK 73GB 15K MPC11

0028970 922 0000022R0879 YM10750006F2 XS22 16PACK MPACK 73GB 15K MPC11
0028970 922 0000022R0879 YM10750004EF XS23 16PACK MPACK 73GB 15K MPC11

| Figure 57. Sample of a Weight Reduction Status chart
| 2. Use the information in the chart to determine where each battery module must
| be installed. For a description of the columns in the chart, see Table 26.
| Table 26. Description of columns in a sample Weight Reduction Status chart
| Column in chart Description of column
| CRINSQ Battery module serial number
| CRMMDL Rack model number (mmm in the location code for the battery
| module chassis: U2107.mmm.sssssss-E1x-E2)
| MCSN Machine serial number
| CRPLL2 Location of the battery module chassis (xxx in the location code for
| the battery module chassis: U2107.mmm.sssssss-xxx-E2; see
| Figure 58 on page 81)
| (margin to the right of Location of the battery module, handwritten by manufacturing (when
| the table) the rack is viewed from the front, B1 is on the left; see Figure 58 on
| page 81)

80 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

2107 Rack-1
Front View

Battery Module (B3)

Battery Module (B2)

Battery Module (B1)

Battery Module Chassis


Battery Module Chassis


Battery Module Chassis
| Figure 58. Locations of the battery modules
| 3. Using the location information from step 2, slide each battery module into its
| original location and secure it with the thumbscrew. For additional guidance, go
| to Exchange the battery module set.
| 4. Continue with “Installing storage enclosures.”

| Installing storage enclosures

| Perform this task on any rack from which the storage enclosures have been
| removed.
| 1. Remove the Weight Reduction Status chart from the CE envelope. The Weight
| Reduction Status chart contains a record of the original installed location of
| each storage enclosure. For a sample chart, see Figure 59 on page 82.

Chapter 3. Installing weight reduction feature FC 0200 81

Weight Reduction Status
Machine Serial Number: 0028970, Generated at Fri May 06 19:33:35 CEST 2005
0028970 922 0000022R1128 YM10C04AC091 E10 BBU Sub-asm
0028970 922 0000017P7655 Y1W0NE4C2055 E10 BBU Battery Module BBUM1 B1
0028970 922 0000017P7655 Y1WONE4C2056 E10 BBU Battery Module BBUM1 B2
0028970 922 0000017P7655 Y1WONE4C2057 E10 BBU Battery Module BBUM1 B3
0028970 922 0000022R1128 YM10C04AC093 E11 BBU Sub-asm
0028970 922 0000017P7655 Y1WONE4C2059 E11 BBU Battery Module BBUM1
0028970 922 0000017P7655 Y1WONE4C2060 E11 BBU Battery Module BBUM1
0028970 922 0000017P7655 Y1WONE4C2061 E11 BBU Battery Module BBUM1
0028970 922 0000022R0879 YM10750004E9 XS11 16PACK MPACK 73GB 15K MPC11
0028970 922 0000022R0879 YM10750006D2 XS12 16PACK MPACK 73GB 15K MPC11
0028970 922 0000022R0879 YM1075000502 XS13 16PACK MPACK 73GB 15K MPC11
0028970 922 0000022R0879 YM10750004FB XS21 16PACK MPACK 73GB 15K MPC11

0028970 922 0000022R0879 YM10750006F2 XS22 16PACK MPACK 73GB 15K MPC11
0028970 922 0000022R0879 YM10750004EF XS23 16PACK MPACK 73GB 15K MPC11

| Figure 59. Sample of a Weight Reduction Status chart
| 2. Use the information in the chart to determine where each storage enclosure
| must be installed. For a description of the columns in the chart, see Table 27.
| Table 27. Description of columns in a sample Weight Reduction Status chart
| Column in chart Description of column
| CRINSQ Storage enclosure serial number (on the front of the storage
| enclosure, at the far right, between the rack mounting screws; the
| number is in a vertical orientation)
| CRMMDL Rack model number
| MCSN Machine serial number
| CRPLL2 Location of the storage enclosure (see Figure 60 on page 83 and
| Figure 61 on page 84)

82 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

2107 Rack-1
Front View Rear View
Fans/Plenum Fans/Plenum
Fan Sen. Fan Sen.
Storage XS11 Storage XS21
Enclosure Enclosure
Storage XS12 Storage XS22
Enclosure Enclosure
PPS Storage XS13 Storage XS23 PPS
Enclosure Enclosure
Storage XS14 Storage XS24
Enclosure Enclosure


PPS Enclosure Enclosure PPS
Enclosure Enclosure

Batt. Batt.
IO/Encl IO/Encl IO/Encl IO/Encl
Batt. Batt.
IO/Encl IO/Encl IO/Encl IO/Encl
Batt. XI4 XI3 XI3 XI4 Batt.

| Figure 60. 2107 Rack-1

Chapter 3. Installing weight reduction feature FC 0200 83

2107 Storage Expansion Rack

Front View Rear View

Fans/Plenum Fans/Plenum
Fan Fan
Sense Storage XS11 Storage XS21 Sense
Enclosure Enclosure

Storage XS12 Storage XS22

Enclosure Enclosure

PPS Storage XS13 Storage XS23 PPS

Enclosure Enclosure

Storage XS14 Storage XS24

Enclosure Enclosure

Storage XS15 Storage XS25

Enclosure Enclosure

Storage XS16 Storage XS26

Enclosure Enclosure
Storage XS17 Storage XS27
Enclosure Enclosure

Storage XS18 Storage XS28

Enclosure Enclosure

Battery Battery
IO/Encl IO/Encl IO/Encl IO/Encl
Battery Battery
IO/Encl IO/Encl IO/Encl IO/Encl
Battery XI4 XI3 XI3 XI4 Battery

| Figure 61. 2107 Storage Expansion Rack
| A fully populated storage enclosure weighs 121 kgs (55 lbs). This weight
| exceeds the safe lifting limit for a single service representative.
| Installation of this feature requires two service representatives.

| Note: DDMs are logically configured to a particular slot and if removed must be
| put back in the same slot.
| 3. Using the location information from step 2, install the storage enclosures in their
| original locations.
| a. Unlatch the sheet metal air flap so it can swing to the up position.
| b. Install the storage enclosure in the rack and fasten it with the four screws
| (2) provided. See Figure 62 on page 85.

84 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide



| Figure 62. Install the storage enclosure
| c. Connect the FCAL cables to the Fiber Channel Interface Card connectors.
| For connector locations, see Figure 63.

P1-C1 P1-C2

P1-C1-T1 not used P1-C2-T1 not used


P1-C1-T2 P1-C2-T2 P1-C2-T3

P1-C1-T4 P1-C2-T4

Figure 63. Storage enclosure locations

| d. Repeat step 3 for each storage enclosure to be installed.

| 4. At each unused storage enclosure position, make sure that the sheet metal air
| flap is latched down in order to maintain correct cooling air flow to the installed
| storage enclosures.

Chapter 3. Installing weight reduction feature FC 0200 85

86 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide
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Accessibility features help a user who has a physical disability, such as restricted
mobility or limited vision, to use software products successfully.


These are the major accessibility features in the IBM TotalStorage DS8000
v You can use screen-reader software and a digital speech synthesizer to hear
what is displayed on the screen. IBM Home Page Reader version 3.0 has been
v You can operate features using the keyboard instead of the mouse.

Navigating by keyboard

You can use keys or key combinations to perform operations and initiate menu
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You can access the information using IBM Home Page Reader 3.0.

88 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

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Notices 89
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Electronic emission notices

This section contains the electronic emission notices or statements for the United
States and other countries.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) statement

This equipment has been tested and complies with the limits for a Class A digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated
in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instruction manual, might cause harmful interference to radio communications.

90 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful
interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at
his own expense.

Properly shielded and grounded cables and connectors must be used to meet FCC
emission limits. IBM is not responsible for any radio or television interference
caused by using other than recommended cables and connectors, or by
unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized changes or
modifications could void the users authority to operate the equipment.

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) this device might not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that
might cause undesired operation.

Industry Canada compliance statement

This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.

Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conform à la norme NMB-003 du


European community compliance statement

This product is in conformity with the protection requirements of EC Council
Directive 89/336/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States
relating to electromagnetic compatibility. IBM cannot accept responsibility for any
failure to satisfy the protection requirements resulting from a nonrecommended
modification of the product, including the fitting of non-IBM option cards.

Germany only
Zulassungsbescheinigung laut Gesetz ueber die elektromagnetische
Vertraeglichkeit von Geraeten (EMVG) vom 30. August 1995.

Dieses Geraet ist berechtigt, in Uebereinstimmung mit dem deutschen EMVG das
EG-Konformitaetszeichen - CE - zu fuehren.

Der Aussteller der Konformitaetserklaeung ist die IBM Deutschland.

Informationen in Hinsicht EMVG Paragraph 3 Abs. (2) 2:

Das Geraet erfuellt die Schutzanforderungen nach EN 50082-1 und
EN 55022 Klasse A.

EN 55022 Klasse A Geraete beduerfen folgender Hinweise:

Nach dem EMVG:

"Geraete duerfen an Orten, fuer die sie nicht ausreichend entstoert
sind, nur mit besonderer Genehmigung des Bundesministeriums
fuer Post und Telekommunikation oder des Bundesamtes fuer Post und
betrieben werden. Die Genehmigung wird erteilt, wenn keine
elektromagnetischen Stoerungen zu erwarten sind." (Auszug aus dem
EMVG, Paragraph 3, Abs.4)

Dieses Genehmigungsverfahren ist nach Paragraph 9 EMVG in Verbindung

mit der entsprechenden Kostenverordnung (Amtsblatt 14/93)

Nach der EN 55022:

Notices 91
"Dies ist eine Einrichtung der Klasse A. Diese Einrichtung kann im
Wohnbereich Funkstoerungen verursachen; in diesem Fall kann vom
Betreiber verlangt werden, angemessene Massnahmen durchzufuehren
und dafuer aufzukommen."

Um die Einhaltung des EMVG sicherzustellen, sind die Geraete wie in den
Handbuechern angegeben zu installieren und zu betreiben.

Japanese Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) class A


Korean Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) statement

Please note that this device has been certified for business use with regard to
electromagnetic interference. If you find this is not suitable for your use, you may
exchange it for one of residential use.

Taiwan class A compliance statement


92 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

Numerics K
22R0783, top interrack cover P/N 27 keyboards
accessibility features 88

accessibility 88 L
log in to management console 57

cables to route, FCIC 18 M
cables, RIO-G 18 mainline power cables on 2107 racks (plug in),
cables, routing and connecting interframe connecting 35
FCIC 18 management console
RIO-G 18 ID and password for service 57
RPC 18 registration 5
cables, RPC 18
cables, SPCN 18 O
cover P/N 22R0783, top interrack 27 outbound connectivity, management console
covers P/N 22R0786, vertical interrack 27 customization 59
covers, interrack decorative 27
create management console public key-file 59
password and ID, management console 57
D positioning the 2107 rack-1 6
damage, inspecting for shipping 5 public key-file, management console create and
send 59

electrician information, EMEA 35 R
EMEA Electrician Information 35 rack-1, positioning 6
Ethernet registration, checking RETAIN for management
switch locations and ports 52 console 5
Ethernet switch port designations 55 registration, management console 5
RETAIN for 2107 installation tips, checking 5
RIO-G cables 18
F route, FCIC cables to 18
FCIC cables to route 18 RPC cables 18

inbound connectivity, management console safety inspection, determine if required 5
customization 59 shipping damage, inspecting for 5
installation tips, checking RETAIN 5 SPCN cables 18
installing storage facility, new connection to an existing storage
additional storage racks 11 plex 55
covers, interframe decorative 27 switch port designations, Ethernet 55
finish and cleanup 62 switch settings, check 2107 rack 40
initial steps 1
interframe decorative covers 27
interrack covers P/N 22R0786, vertical 27 T
interrack decorative covers, installing 27 top interrack cover P/N 22R0783 27
Trademarks 89

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005 93

vertical interrack covers P/N 22R0786 27

94 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Installation Guide

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