Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management
it has to align with KEEP MONITORING AND EVALUATING Training and development of employees is
DEVELOPMENT the company's goals and THE PERFORMANCES AND AGAIN SEE a costly activity as it requires a lot of
objectives. If a company is trying IF MORE TRAINING IS REQUIRED quality input from trainers as well as
to start a new department or employees. But it is essential that the
strengthen the existing sales Based on the evaluation results company revises its goals and efficiencies
INTRODUCTION team for new products, then in the previous step, with the changing environment. Here are a
appropriate training is needed. management needs to ascertain few critical reasons why the company
Employee training and development is a
that if the training and endorses training and development
broad term covering multiple kinds of ESTABLISH SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES & development program was sessions.
employee learning. GOALS WHICH NEED TO BE ACHIEVED sufficient for now or more
training and enablement would IMPROVEMENT
Employee training is a program that helps
The goals and objectives of the be required. Also, if future
employees learn specific knowledge or
training and development have trainings are to be planned. When management thinks that
skills to improve performance in their
to be established. Whether the there is a need to improve the
current roles. Employee development is
goal is awareness about new performances of employees.
more expansive and focuses on employee
products or even installation is
growth and future performance, rather than RELATION AND DIFFERENCE BENCHMARKING
required to be learn.
an immediate job role. BETWEEN TRAINING AND
NEXT, METHODS HAVE TO BE improvement so far in the
DEFINED. THE TRAINING CAN BE There is a relation between training and performance improvement effort.
DONE AS A: development, and there is clear difference
between the two based on goals to be
Classroom training achieved. Development is made to answer
Better performance To train about the specific job
Online self-paced courses the training problems:
Economy in training cost responsibility and skills like
Less supervision Course with certification
TRAINING communication management,
Less accidents Instructor led online training
team management etc.
Team spirit Training is meant for operatives
Organization culture It is reactive process TESTING
Healthy work environment AIM: To develop additional skills
To test the new methodology for
After the plan and methods are It is short term process
increasing productivity.
finalized, the training and OBJECTIVE: To meet the
development programs have to present need of an employee
be executed where courses, Initiative is taken by the
instructions are taught to the management ADVANTAGES OF TRAINING AND
Training and development are a employees, partners, or vendors. DEVELOPMENT
continuous process as the skills,
EVALUATE THE OUTPUT AND Training and development have a cost
knowledge, and quality of work need
PERFORMANCE POST THE TRAINING Development is meant for attached to it. However, since it is
constant improvement. Since businesses
AND DEVELOPMENT SESSIONS executives beneficial for companies in the long run,
are changing rapidly, it is critical that
It is pro-active process they ensure employees are trained
companies focus on training their Training and Development is AIM: To develop the total regularly. Some advantages are:
employees after constantly monitoring incomplete without proper
them & developing their overall personality. personality
monitoring. Monitoring can be It is continuous process Helps employees develop new
done through evaluation of the skills and increases their
OBJECTIVE: To meet the future
instructor as well as attendees. knowledge.
need of an employee
PROCESS Instructor evaluation can be Improves efficiency and
Initiative is taken by an
done through feedback or productivity of the individuals as
DETERMINE THE NEED OF TRAINING ratings, but attendees can be well as the teams.
AND DEVELOPMENT FOR INDIVIDUALS evaluated through internal or Proper training and development
OR TEAMS external certifications or scores. can remove bottlenecks in
First of all, the need has to be DEVELOPMENT
seen for training and
New & improved job positions health to employees and those implementing control measures Spreading Awareness of the
can be created to make the who may be affected by their to mitigate those risks. This is Laws
organization leaner. work. defined in law under the Learning from Your Mistakes
Keeps employees motivated and Management of Health and Blame Culture, Getting the
refreshes their goals, ambitions, Employers and employees both Safety at Work Regulations Balance Right
and contribution levels. have responsibilities under the 1999. All businesses must carry Ditch the Paper
Health and Safety at Work Act of out risk assessments, however,
1974 and other pieces of Health where you have 5 employees or
and Safety legislation that that less these do not have to be
have been made under it. written down. Creating a good health and
safety culture is your single most
Workplace health and safety is There is also a legal requirement impressive weapon when
DISADVANTAGES OF TRAINING AND about promoting positive under the health and safety at fighting hazards in the
DEVELOPMENT wellbeing, in terms of employee work act to have a written health workplace. And it goes without
comfort, happiness and and safety policy, which includes saying, if you want to reduce the
Even though there are several contentment, not simply steps on how to implement the number of incident reports and
advantages, some drawbacks of training preventing people from getting ill policy. Employers must provide keep your employees safe (and
and development are mentioned below: and having accidents. It also the relevant training as part of far from insurance claims) then
places several serious the implementation process. For you need to start creating a
It is an expensive process which responsibilities on employees. most small, low-risk businesses safety culture, stat.
includes arranging the correct just a few straightforward
trainers and engaging Under the Workplace (Health, measures are all that’s needed. The importance of a health and
employees for non-revenue Safety and Welfare) Regulations safety culture cannot be
activities. 1992, employers have a legal overemphasized - it’s that
There is a risk that after the duty to ensure the health, safety, essential to your workplace. And
training and development and the welfare of employees as for existing employees, well
session, the employee can quit whilst at work. However, a key Having best practice in regard to health they will require less supervision
the job. detail of this responsibility is that and safety is always morally right, but as your health and safety culture
health, safety, and welfare must there’s also a very strong business case takes root in the workplace-
be ensured "so far as is for promoting it too. A company operating helping you manage your
reasonably practical". Employers with a strong health and safety culture can: management role more
HEALTH & SAFETY efficiently without being the
must therefore do whatever is
reasonable to ensure staff Boost staff morale and productivity - a health and safety babysitter.
welfare. Although, they do share safer workplace is a happier workplace!
WHAT IS HEALTH & SAFETY? this burden as employees are This can lead to improved staff turnover When your health and safety
expected to cooperate with their rates. culture is commendable, you will
Health and safety programs are employer and co-workers in notice more things than just a
aimed at ensuring workers are order to meet legal health and Reduce risks, ultimately lessening the lower incident reporting. The
protected, risks are minimized, safety requirements. Even likelihood of incidents - less paperwork, environment becomes a safer,
and a healthy and safe without this obligation, it would fewer staff absences, and less nasty fines! more secure place. This
workplace is maintained. All still be in the best interest of all Improve efficiency. enhances productivity, boosting
employees must establish some staff to protect their own health employee morale and loyalty in
and safety, as well as that of Avoid reputational damage and enjoy the long run.
form of health and safety
others who may be affected by lower insurance costs.
program at the workplace.
their actions in the workplace. Health and safety are an
Health and Safety is a term that essential part of any business
generally covers the legal Employers have various, more THE IMPORTANCE OF HEALTH AND operations; it’s not only
requirements that fall under the specific requirements regarding SAFETY CULTURE important for reducing risk but
Health and Safety at Work Act of this need to ensure their also for protecting employee
1974. The term Health and employee's health, safety, and Clearly, the risks that face the workforce wellbeing both physically and
Safety is generally used to welfare. Firstly, all businesses differ from industries and roles. However, mentally while they are on the
describe Occupational Health must identify the hazards within regardless of this, managers of all job.
and Safety and relates to the the workplace and assess the positions must enforce a culture of health
prevention of accidents and ill risks from those hazards, and safety best practice.
Employers need to make sure APPROACHES TO DISCIPLINE suspended except for cause
they understand all relevant laws provided by law.
regarding health and safety in HUMAN RELATION APPROACH -
the workplace so they can correcting employee deviations. According to the 1987 Philippine
develop appropriate policies that Constitution Article 9 - The Civil Service
HUMAN RESOURCES APPROACH - Commission Section 2 No. 3
will keep everyone safe while
treating employees as valuable resources. Less grave offenses are punishable by
still maximizing efficiency within
No officer or employee in the suspension of one (1) month and one (1)
their organizations. GROUP DISCIPLINE APPROACH - group- civil service shall be removed or day to six (6) months for the first offense;
established discipline standards. suspended except for cause as and dismissal from the service for the
provided by law and after due second offense.
LEADERSHIP APPROACH - supervisor- process.
led discipline.
Republic Act No. 2260, Article VII, Section
JUDICIAL APPROACH - legal basis for 32
disciplinary cases.