Pre-Intermediate Unit 7 Vocabulary
Pre-Intermediate Unit 7 Vocabulary
Pre-Intermediate Unit 7 Vocabulary
1. Accountant (n.) محاسب sb who keeps or examines the records of money received, paid and owed by a
company or person
2. Acre (n.) )إيَكر (ِو حدة ِلقياس األْر ض a measuring unit of an area (equal to 4047 square metres or 4840 square yards)
3. Ancestors (n.)أسالف people related to you who lived a long time ago
4. Ancient قديم/عتيق human society with its well-developed social,Cultural organizations from a long time
5. Archeology (n.) ِع ْلم اآلثار the study of the buildings, graves/tools which belonged to people in the past
6. Aristocracy (n.) األرستقراطية a class of people who hold high social rank
8. Complete (v.) يكمل to make whole or perfect -to finish doing something
9. Correspondent (n.) ُم راِس ل a person from a newspaper or a television station, to report on a particular subject from
a foreign country
11. Decorator (n.) ُم صّم م a person who paints the inside or outside of buildings and other related work
12. Discover (v.) بكتشف to find information, a place or an object for the first time
13. Duchess (n.) دوقة the title of a woman who is married to a duke
14. Duke (n.) دوق the people who belong to the family of a king and queen
15. Economist (n.) اقتصادي a person who studies or has a special knowledge of economics
16. Electrician (n.) كهربائي a person who puts in and checks electrical wires
17. Employ (v.) يوظف when sb works or does a job for you and you pay them for it
18. Estate (n.) قطعة أرضية كبيرة/ِع زبة a large area of land in the country which belongs to a family or an organization used
ألسرة واحدة for farming
19. Exhibition (n.) َم ْعَر ض when objects such as paintings are shown to the public
21. Film industry (n.) صناعة األفالم the companies involved in the process of producing films
22. Flower shows (n.) معرض الزهور an event with different kinds of flowers available for the public to look at
25. Inherit (v.) يرث to receive money, a house, etc. from sb after they have died
Pr. Hama Cheikh/ Bellamach Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Unit 7
1. Interpreter (n.) ُم َتْر ِج م sb whose job is to change what sb else is saying into another language
7. Parkland (n.) أرض مفتوحة كثيرة an area of open land with grass and trees
العشب و األشجار
8. Passion (n.) شغف a very powerful feeling for example love, hate, anger or other emotion
9. Persuade (v.) يقنع to make someone do or believe sth by making them believe the reason
10. Philosopher (n.) فيلسوف sb who studies or writes about the meaning of life
13. Receptionist (n.) مصور صحفي a person who works in a hotel, office or hospital and welcomes, helps visitors and
answers the telephone
14. Royalty (n.) ملكية the people who belong to the family of a king and queen
15. Running (v.) عدو/جري to move along, faster than walking, by taking quick steps
16. Scientist (n.) علمي an expert who studies or works in one of the sciences
17. Several عدة some; an amount that is not exact but is fewer than many
18. Shipyards (n.) أحواض بناء السفن places where ships are built or repaired
19. Similarities (n.) المتشابهات when people or things are the same
21. Situation (n.) حالة/ َو ْض ع/ َم ْو ِقف things that are happening and the conditions that exist at a particular time and place
22. Suite (n.) َج ناح a set of connected rooms, especially in a hotel
23. Trials (n.) محاكمات the hearings of statements and showing of objects, in a court of law to judge whether a
person is guilty of a crime