5.4 Nuclear Decay MS
5.4 Nuclear Decay MS
5.4 Nuclear Decay MS
1. B
(b) (i) Use idea that number of unstable atoms halves every 8 days OR that
24 days represents 3 half-lives (1)
Correct answer (1)
Example calculation:
N0 N0 N0
N0 → → →
2 4 8
t=0 t = t1 t = 2t 1 t = 3t 1
2 2 2
×1 day
1.50MBq A0 e –0 0866 day
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(ii) Attempt at calculation of mass defect (1)
Use of (Δ)E=c2(Δ)m OR use of 1 u = 931.5 MeV (1)
Correct answer [5.65 MeV; accept 5.6 – 5.7 MeV] (1)
Example of calculation:
Δm = 241.056822u – 237.048166u – 4.002603u – 0.006053 u
Δm = 0.006053u × 1.66 × 10–27 kgu–1 = 1.005 × 10–29 kg
E = 1.005 × 10–29 kg × (3 × 108 ms–1)2 = 9.04 × 10–13 J
9.04 × 10 –13 J
E= = 5.65MeV 3
1.6 × 10 –13 MeVJ –1
4. C
= 5.65MeV 3
(b) alpha radiation only has range of 5 cm in air / wouldn’t get through casing (1) 1
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6. (a) 19 protons identified (1)
calculation of mass defect (1)
Conversion to kg(1)
use of E = mc2 (1)
divide by 40(1)
= 1.37 × 10–12 J(1)
[eg 19 × 1.007276 = 19.138244 + 21 × 1.008665 = 40.320209 – 39.953548 =
× 1.66 × 10–27 = 6.087 × 10–28
× c2 = 5.5 × 10–11
/40 = 1.37 × 10–12 J] 6
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(b) Show that decay constant is about 1.4 × 10–11 s–1
Use of λ = (1)
Answer [(1.35 – 1.36) × 10–11 (s–1)] (1)
Eg λ =
1620 years × 3.15 × 10 7 s
= 1.35 × 10–11 (s–1) 2
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(b) (i) Calculation of age of skull
• Use of λ = ln2/t½ to obtain value for λ
• Use of N = Noe–λt
• Correct answer for age of skull [1.2 × 104 y; 3.83 × 1011 s]
Example of calculation:
λ = ln 2/t½ = ln 2/5730 y = 1.2 × 10–4 y–1 [3.84 × 10–12 s–1]
ln(N/No) = –λt
ln(2.3 × 10–11/1.0 × 10–10) = –(1.2 × 10–4 y–1)t
t = 1.2 × 104 y
Alternative mark scheme
• Use of half life rule
• Correct answer for number of half lives [2.12]
• Correct answer for age of skull [1.2 × 104 y]
Example of calculation:
N/ No = (0.5)n
(2.3 × 10–11)/(1 × 10–10) = (0.5)n
log(0.23) = n log(0.5)
n = log(0.23)/log(0.5) = 2.12
t = 2.12 × 5730 = 1.2 × 104 y 3
9. (a) 18 1 18 1 (1)
O + p/H equals F + n (1)
8 1 9 0 (1)
[omitting the n with everything else correct = 1] 3
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(c) Time taken for half the original quantity/ nuclei /activity to decay (1)
Long enough for (cancer/tumour/body to absorb) and still be
active/detected (1)
Will not be in body for too long (1) 3
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(c) Why more ionisation is produced towards the end of its range
(Towards the end of its range) the beta particle is travelling
slower or has less kinetic energy (than at the beginning of its range) (1)
(as a result it takes longer travelling a given length) and
therefore has more (close) encounters with atoms / molecules
or more opportunities to ionise (atoms / molecules)
or will remain in contact (with atoms / molecules) longer
or will collide with more (atoms / molecules per unit length)
or ionisation (of atoms/molecules) is more frequent (towards end of range) (1) 2
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(iii) Number of atoms
Use of A = λN
Answer [in range (1.50 – 1.65) × 1011]
0.5 × 10 7 Bq
Eg N =
3.2 × 10 −5 s −1
= 1.56 × 101 2
4 4
2 He or 2 α (1)
241 237
95 Am / 93 Np / both proton numbers correct / both mass numbers
correct (1)
Entirely correct equation (1) 3
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13. (i) Plot a graph
Check any 2 points.
[Award if these correctly plotted in appropriate square] (1)
Curve of best fit. (1) 2
(iv) Similar to
eg (The programme) obeys an exponential law or once a cell has
‘decayed’, it is not available to decay later or (the ‘decay’ is)
random or it is impossible to predict which cell will ‘decay’ next. (1) 1
(v) Different
eg (Far) fewer cells available than atoms (in a sample of radioactive
material) or it is a different ‘scenario’ eg. they are not atoms but
cells on a grid generated by computer. (1) 1
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Calculate emission rate:
Use of λ = ln 2 / t½ [allow either Cs t½] (1)
See 1.5 × 106.e–0.023 × 20 [allow ecf of λ for this mark] (1)
Correct answer [9.5 × 105(Bq m–2)] (1)
[2040(Bq m–2) scores 2/3]
Work out number of half lives (1)
Use the power equation (1)
Correct answer (1) 3
Example of calculation:
λ = ln 2 / 30 = 0.023 yr–1
R = 1.5 × 106.e–0.023 × 20 Bq m–2
R = 9.5 × 105 Bq m–2
the only source in the ground is 137Cs / no 137Cs is washed out of(1) 1
soil / no clean-up operation / no further contamination / reference to
weather not changing the amount
Scattered isotopes:
(131)I and 134 Cs (1)
For either isotope: many half lives have passed / half life short 2
compared to time passed / short half life therefore now low emission (1)
Even the isotopes with a thirty year half life are still highly
radioactive [eg accept strontium hasn’t had a half life yet] (1)
Plutonium will remain radioactive for thousands of years (as the
half life is very large) [accept the alpha emitting isotopes for
plutonium] [accept plutonium half lives much longer than 20 years] (1) 2
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(b) (i) Measurement of background count rate
• Use GM tube or stop watch/ratemeter/datalogger (1)
• All sources must be in their (lead) containers / placed away
from the (1) experiment / place thick lead around tube
• Measure count over measured period of time (1)
(and divide count by time)
• Repeat and average / measure the count for at least 5 minutes (1)
• Subtract background (count rate) from readings (1)
max 4
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(ii) Number of nuclei
(b) Half-life
Average (1)
Time taken for the activity/intensity/count rate to drop by half
OR time taken for half the atoms/nuclei to decay (1)
[NOT mass, count, particles, radioisotope, sample]
Same: proton number / atomic number (1)
[Not same chemical properties]
Different: neutron number / nucleon number / mass number (1) Max 3
[Not different physical properties/density]
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(c) γ-ray emission 1
(The loss of a helium The nucleus emits its surplus
nucleus/electron has left the energy (in the form of a quantum
remaining) nucleus in an of γ-radiation) (1)
excited state/with a surplus
of energy
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Carbon-14 concentration
Carbon-14 measurement would be greater (1) 1
Validity of radio-carbon dating
3 points, e.g.
• not valid
• twice original concentration gives greater proportion measured now
• object seems younger than it actually is
• older parts could have more carbon-14 than younger parts
• technique relies on constant levels, therefore unreliable
• mixture of old and young carbon-14 in 1 stalagmite makes dating
impossible (1) (1) (1) 3
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Verification that rope is never slack during oscillations
F = mg = 70 kg × 9.81 N kg–1 = 687 N (1)
At centre of oscillation, when forces in equilibrium,
x = F/k
= 687 N/110 N m–1 (allow e.c.f. from previous part) (1)
= 6.2 m which is larger than amplitude (1) 3
Calculation of amax (= – ω2A) [6.32 m s–2] (1)
Comparison with g 9.81 m s–1 (1)
Deduction (1)
Likewise for forces approach.
Motion of jumper
Any 1 from:
• motion is damped shm
• so amplitude decreases
• but period stays (approximately) the same (1) 1
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22. (a) Explanation of binding energy
Energy required to separate a nucleus (1)
into nucleons (1)
What this tells about an iron nucleus
Iron is the most stable nucleus (1) 3
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24. Isotopes
same different
Number of protons Number of neutrons
Atomic number Neutron number
Element Nucleon number
Proton number Atomic mass
Mass number (1) 1
Polonium decay
Po at (84, 210) with label (1)
2 steps west (1)
4 steps south (1) 3
Experimental check
Use of GM tube (1)
Inserting sheet of paper/aluminium foil/very thin aluminium/a few cm of
air stops the count (1)
Measure background, and look for count rate dropping to background (1) 3
NB Award points 2 and 3 for correct converse argument.
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26. Emission - written above arrows
α β– β– α α
All five correct [Allow e–, 4He 2+] (1) (1) 2
[For each error –1]
[α β β α α gets 1/2]
Number of alpha particles emitted
Five (1) 1
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28. Plutonium-238
238 protons + neutrons [OR nucleons] in the (nucleus of the) atom (1) 1
Why plutonium source caused concern
If accident at launch, radioactive Pu would be spread around Earth (1) 1
Activity of plutonium source
λ = ln2/88 × 3.16 × 107 s = 2.5 × 10–10 (s–1) (1)
Use of dN/dt = –λN (1)
= 2.5 × 10–10 s–1 × 7.2 × 1025 = 1.8 × 1016 (Bq) (1) 3
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29. Graph
Sensible scale + point (0, 192) plotted (1)
Rest of points [ –1 mark for each misplot] (1) (1) 3
[(1,96); (2, 48); (4, 12)]
[Accept bar chart]
Random process
Cannot predict which nuclei will decay/when a particular nucleus
will decay (1) 1
Cannot predict which children will flip a head/which coins will be
heads/when a particular coin /child will flip a head (1) 1
Time taken for activity/count rate to drop by half/time taken for half
the atoms/nuclei to decay (1) 1
How model illustrates half-life
Yes, if children were told to flip coin at regular time interval
Yes, because about half of the children flipped a head each time
No, because time is not part of the experiment (1) 1
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Nuclear radiation properties
Correct materials for both alpha and beta (1)
Correct thickness for one correct material (1) 3
31. Oscillations
Correct ticks/cross (1)
Reasons (1) (1) (1) 4
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32. Nuclear equation
49 ln → 50 Sn
115 115
+ –01 e/ –01 β
Correct symbol and numbers for tin OR beta 1
Correct symbols and numbers for the other two 1
Decay constant
Use of λ = 0.69/t1/2 1
34. Equation
7 N + 01 n →146 C+11 X
14/7 and 1/0 1
1/1 [no e.c.f.] 1
Hence X is H atom/H nucleus/proton/H/hydrogen 1
Estimation of age
Down to 1.9 cpm needs 3 half-lives 1
3 × 5730 1
17 000/17244 years/5.4 × 1011s 1
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Suggested problem in measuring
Background count mentioned/randomness significant 1
[OR need larger mass than one gram]
Decay constant
Use of λ = 0.69/t1/2 (1)
Number of nuclei
3.0 × 1014 (1)
Calculation of activity
Their N × their λ (1)
= 1170 Bq [No e.c.f. if no conversion to seconds] (1) 3
Nuclear equation
→ 14
7 N + −1 e
(1) (1) 2
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Original mass of 40K = 0.10 + 0.840 = 94 µ g (1)
Use of N = N0e– λ t (1)
So 0.10 = 0.94 e– λ t (1)
So ln(0.10/0.94) = – λ t (1)
So t = 4.2 × 109 y (1)
[A valid assumption may be given a mark]
[Max 6]
37. Precautions
Measure background radiation //shield apparatus (1)
Subtract it off/ because it may vary//to eliminate background (1)
Repeat the count and average (1)
Because count (or emission) is random/varying (1)
Source the same distance from GM on both occasions (1)
Because count rate varies with distance (1) Max 3
[NB Marks must come from any TWO precautions.]
0.88 or 1.1 [min. 2 sfi [not %] (1) 1
Count for year 3
11 994 (1) 1
Suitable axes and scales [don’t award if factors 3, 7 used] [not Bq] (1)
Correct plotting of points (1)
Use of curve and halving count rate (1)
5.3 to 5.4 yr (1) 4
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39. Warm river
How radioactive nuclei heat,
e.g. by decay/ionising/nuclear radiation 1
α, β and γ radiation
α helium nucleus [or equivalent] (1)
β (fast) electron (1)
γ electromagnetic wave (1)
[Accept an answer that fully differentiates between the types of radiation
by describing their properties] 3
Nuclear Equation:
( )H
1 (1)
( )He
2 (1)
( )β
−1 (1) 3
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GM tube [allow ionisation chamber, cloud chamber] (1)
How to check no alpha:
Source close/next to/near/up to 5 cm to GM or ionisation /cloud chamber,
insert paper, no change in ‘count rate’
Source close to GM, move away, no sudden drop in count rate (1)
41. Half-life:
Use of t1/2 λ = 0.69 (1)
13 (1)
Initial number of nuclei:
Use of A = λN (ignore wrong time units) (1)
1.0 × 1015 (1) 4
Horizontal line from same initial point (1)
[max drop 1 small square]
Initial activity marked as 6.4 × 108 Bq or equivalent scale (1)
Their half-life marked where A = 3.2 × 108 Bq, or equivalent scale (1) 3
42. Graphs:
0 θ 0 m (2) 2
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Time for a number of cycles ÷ by no. of cycles (1)
[accept swings]
Count from centre of swing/repeat timing and average/keep amplitude small (1)
Repeat for different lengths AND plot Graph of T v √l (1)
[allow for ratio method]
should be straight line through origin [consequent] (1)
[allow for ratio method] 4
15 P → 16 S + β –1 β –1 e
32 32 – 0 0
e – [Ignore + γ + υ] (1)
Take background count (1)
Take count close to source, then insert paper/card and count (1)
Little/no change (1)
[OR absorption in air: Take close reading and move counter back; no
sudden reduction (1)(1)]
Insert sheet aluminium and count (1)
Down to background, or zero (1)
Max 4
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Diagram: Any region above dots [show (1) or (X)] (1)
Number of
neutrons N
0 20 40 60 80
Number of protons Z
1 β– decay involves a neutron → a proton Any two from: (1)
Any two from:
2. on the diagram this means ↓–1 ( +1 / diagonal movement
3. so nuclide moves towards dotted line
4. decay means greater stability (1)(1)
[β– in wrong region, (1) and (4) only available.
Decay towards drawn N = Z line 1 and 2 only available]
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Decay constant of sodium–22 in s–1:
λ =0.69/2.6 [Ignore conversion to seconds] [Not 0.69/1.3] (1)
λ = 8.4 × 10–9 [No unit, no e.c.f.] (1)
Number of nuclei:
2.5 = 8.4 × 10–9 N (1)
N = 3.0 × 108 (1) 4
Whether salt is heavily contaminated:
(No.) This is a small number (compared to no. of atoms in a spoonful of salt)
Rate < background (1) 1
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How student could confirm that sample was a pure beta emitter:
To demonstrate no γ:
A1 between tube and source: reading → 0 or background (1)
No γ / γ not stopped by Al (1)
To demonstrate no α:
GM moved from very close (or ≈ 1 cm) to source
to ≈ 10 cm: count rate does not drop (or no sudden drop) (1)
No α / α stopped by a few cm air (1)
Clarity: Only available if at least 2 of above 4 marks
awarded. Use of bullet points acceptable. (1) 5
Rate of decay:
Tangent drawn at N = 3.0 × 1020
Attempt to find gradient, ignore “−“ sign
= 5.5 → 6 × 1018
[or Use of N = Noe−λt , calculate λ, or other graphical means]
Decay constant:
Substitute in dN/dt = − λN
e.g. 6 × 1018 = (−) λ × 3 × 1020 [their above]
= (0.02) [their λ correctly calculated] 2
Methods: 1
Either value chosen with a valid reason
e.g. 1st because can take several and average
1st because difficult to draw tangent
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49. Maximum acceleration of mass:
a = (−) ω2x with x = 6.0 mm used or a = (−)(2πf)2 x
2π 2π
ω= or f =
3.2 3.2
= 23 mm s–2 [u.e.] 3
a / ms–2
x 0.02
–6 6
Straight line
Negative gradient
4 quadrants: line through 0,0
Line stops at 6, 0.023 [e.c.f. x, a] 4
Reason why mass may not oscillated with simple harmonic motion:
F not proportional to x or a not proportional to x
Spring past elastic limit: K not constant: spring may swing as well as bounce.
Other possibilities, but not air resistance, energy losses 2
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50. (i) Reference to (individual) nuclei/atoms/particles
Each has a chance of decay/cannot predict which/when
will decay 2
(ii) Use of λt ½ = ln 2
→ λ = ln 2 ÷ 600 s = 1.16/1.2 × 10–3 s–1
∴ A = (1.16 × 10–3 s–1) (2.5 × 105) [Ignore minus sign]
= 288/290 Bq/s–1 [c.a.o.] [Not Hz] [17 300 min–1]
(iii) 13
7 N → 0
1 e/ 0
1 β+ 13
6 C / X (+ ν e ) [N/O/C/X] [e.c.f. β–]
[β+ on left, max 1/2] 5
84 P
58 60 62 64
Point P on diagram
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52. Design of experiment to find what types of radiation are emitted:
Soil in container with opening facing detector
Take background count /or shield apparatus
With detector close to soil, insert paper
or take close reading then at, ≈ + 5 cm; count rate reduced so α present
Insert aluminium foil: further reduction ∴β present
Insert lead sheet: count rate still above background or count rate reduced
to zero,∴ϒ present.
or, if no count after aluminium foil, no ϒ
or, if count rate above background with thick aluminium, then ϒ present
0 t
Negative start
O d
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Calculation of time at which falling water levels reaches ring R:
x = x0 sin [Allow cosine]
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