Nightshade Final

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EXPRESSION1 FIBER ARTS Expression Fiber Arts

This is a simple but effective tee that’s worked bottom up. The top begins with a sweet ower bud ribbing, which looks
very much like the Nightshade ower, followed by lots of mindless stockinette stitch that’s knitted in the round until
you get to the armhole. Then, sleeves are worked and added in, and the raglan decreases begin. The nal touch is a
simple crewneck. The unique property of the Nublado DK yarn creates the most interesting shading, which brings the
simplicity of this piece to a whole new level of wonderful!


Designer Expression Fiber Arts

Ravelry: dmaige www.expression

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Should you have any questions, please contact for assistance.

Nightshade 2 Expression Fiber Arts

SIZES: XS (S, M, L) (XL, 2XL, 3XL) (4XL, 5XL) with nished bust measurements of
38 (40, 44, 48) (52, 56, 60) (64, 68)” / 97 (102, 112, 122) (132, 142, 152)
(163, 173) cm
Designed to be worn with 4–6” (10–15 cm) of positive ease.
Sample shown is a size XS on 34” bust with 4” of ease. DIMENSIONS

Expression Fiber Arts Nublado DK (273 yds/250 m per 100 g skein)

Shown in color: Uva
800 (880, 968, 1,068) (1,117, 1,228, 1,417) (1,557, 1,713) yds / 732 (805,
885, 977) (1,021, 1,123, 1,296) (1,424, 1,566) m
If that color isn’t available, any from this category will work.

US size 3 (3.25 mm) and (2) US size 5 (3.75 mm) 12" and 24–32” (60–80
cm) circular. Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain the correct gauge.

Tapestry needle for weaving in ends, stitch markers


22 sts and 34 rows = 4" (10 cm) in stockinette stitch


Intermediate: This pattern is for those who feel comfortable with knitting and
have made a few projects, using various skills and techniques. Skills/concepts
include reading charts, cables, decreases, German Short Rows, and garment sizing.

Nightshade 3 Expression Fiber Arts

BO bind off

BOR beginning of round

CO cast on

DS double stitch

K knit

K1tbl knit 1 stitch through the back loop

K2tog knit 2 stitches together

P purl

PM place marker

Rep repeat

RS right/front side of work

SSK slip, slip, knit

SM slip marker

St(s) stitch(es)

WS wrong/back side of work


1 x 1 Twisted Rib: K1tbl, p1.

1/1/1LPT: Slip 2 stitches onto a cable needle and hold to the front, k1tbl, slip leftmost stitch from cable
needle back onto left-hand needle, p1, k1tbl from cable needle.

1/1/1RPT: Slip 2 stitches onto a cable needle and hold to the back, k1tbl, slip leftmost stitch from cable
needle back onto left-hand needle, p1, k1tbl from cable needle.

Nightshade 4 Expression Fiber Arts


• The pullover is worked from the bottom up.

• Additional rounds can be added when working the body to add length to the torso, but it will
require additional yardage.
• Click here to watch a tutorial on German Short Rows.
• The chart is on page 7, and the schematic is on page 8.
• Click here to watch a tutorial on the special stitches used to make this top.


BODY you have reached your desired sleeve length.

With longer US 3 (3.25 mm) needles, cast on On the nal round, BO 4 sts before BOR
200 (210, 230, 250) (280, 300, 320) (340, 360) marker, remove marker, and BO 4 more sts. K
sts and join to work in the round, being careful to end of round. Set aside.
not to twist the sts. Add BOR marker, and add Rep for second sleeve.
'side seam' marker at the halfway point of the
rst round of the ribbing. Work 16 rounds of Joining Sleeves to Body
chart, and then work 2 rounds of 1x1 twisted NOTE: Joining Round is going to sound a bit
rib. ddly, but this technique prevents holes where
the sleeves join the body.
Change to longer US 5 (3.75 mm) needles, and
work in stockinette until 12” (30 cm) from CO Joining Round: Working with body sts on your
edge or until you have reached your desired right-hand needle, ssk with last body st and
length to the underarm. rst sleeve st, place BOR, and k half of the rst
sleeve sts. Add a second US 5 (3.75 mm)
On the nal round, BO 4 sts before BOR needle, and k to 1 st before end of second half
marker, remove marker, and BO 4 more sts, k of the rst sleeve, pm, k2tog, k across front
until 4 sts before 'side seam' marker. BO 4 sts, until 1 st before end, ssk with last body st and
remove marker, and BO 4 more sts. K to 1 st rst st of second sleeve, pm and k half of the
before end of round. Set aside. second sleeve sts. Change to rst US 5 (3.75
mm) needle, and k second half of second
SLEEVES sleeve sts until 1 st before end, pm, k2tog and
With shorter US 3 (3.25 mm) needles, CO 60 k across back. You should have 284 (294, 334,
(60, 70, 70) (80, 90, 90) (100,100) sts and join 354) (404, 444, 464) (504, 524) sts.
to work in the round, being careful not to twist
the sts. Add BOR marker. Work 16 rounds of NOTE: Continue working with two circular
chart. needles until you have completed at least 10
rounds past the join. This makes working the
Change to shorter US 5 (3.75 mm) needles, sleeve areas much easier. When ready, transfer
and work in stockinette for 20 rounds or until the stitches to one circular needle.

Nightshade 5 Expression Fiber Arts

Next Round: K all sts around. Next Row (RS): Make DS and k across to 2 sts
before DS, turn.
Next Round: Begin raglan decreases as
follows: sm, * k1, ssk, k to 3 sts before next Next Row (WS): Make DS and p across to 2 sts
marker, k2tog, k1, sm*, rep from * to * 3 times. before DS, turn.
Rep last two rounds until you have completed
13 (15, 17, 19) (21, 23, 25) (27, 29) raglan Next Row (RS): Make DS and k across to DS,
decreases. [180 (174, 198, 202) (236, 260, 264) turn.
(288, 292) sts]
Next Row (WS): Make DS and p across to DS,
The entire neck will now be shaped using
German Short Rows. Please note that you will Rep last two rows until you reach the 2 sts that
be working back and forth beginning almost all form the front sleeve raglan, nishing with a
the way around. WS row and making the turn 4 sts before the
DS, turn.
Continue working the raglan decreases every
RS row as established, unless otherwise stated, Next Row (RS): Make DS and k across to 4 sts
while working the neck shaping with German before the DS, turn.
Short Rows as follows:
Next Row (WS): Make DS and p across to DS,
Next Row (RS): Work across rst sleeve with no turn.
decreases, sm, k 29 (29, 34, 39) (41, 44, 47)
(50, 53), turn. Next Row (RS): Make DS and k across to DS,
Next Row (WS): Make double stitch (DS) by
slipping rst st on left-hand needle with yarn in Rep last 2 rows until you reach the 2 sts that
front, and then bring yarn over needle and to form the back sleeve raglan and nishing with
the correct position to continue. P to 8 (9, 9, 9) a WS row, turn.
(8, 8, 8) (8, 8) sts before the DS, turn.
K 1 round even, removing raglan markers and
Next Row (RS): Make DS and k across, being working DS as one stitch as you go and
sure to resume raglan decreases to 8 sts before nishing at BOR.
DS, turn.
Change to shorter US 3 (3.25 mm) needle, and
Next Row (WS): Make DS and p across to 8 sts k 1 round even.
before DS, turn.
Next Round: Work 1 x 1 twisted rib for 1” (2.5
Next Row (RS): Make DS and k across to 3 sts cm), and then BO using your favorite stretchy
before DS, turn. BO.

Next Row (WS): Make DS and p across to 3 sts FINISHING

before DS, turn.
Weave in ends, stitch up underarms, and then
block to measurements. Enjoy!
Nightshade 6 Expression Fiber Arts

Insert right hand needle 3 sts

below st on left hand needle,
pull up loop, YO, pull up
second loop from 3 sts
below, drop rst st on left
hand needle.

Nightshade 7 Expression Fiber Arts


Finished Measurements


A) Cuff 9" 10" 10.75" 11.5" 13" 14.5" 16.25" 18" 19"
Circumference 23 cm 26 cm 28 cm 29.5 cm 34 cm 37.5 cm 42 cm 46.5 cm 49 cm

B) Armhole 18" 19" 20" 21" 22" 23" 24" 25" 26"
Circumference 46.5 cm 48.5 cm 49.5 cm 50.5 cm 51.5 cm 52.5 cm 53.5 cm 54.5 cm 55.5 cm

C) Sleeve 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4"
Length 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm

D) Bust 38" 40" 42" 48" 52" 56" 60" 64" 68"
Circumference 97 cm 102 cm 107 cm 122 cm 132 cm 143 cm 152 cm 162 cm 172 cm

E) Armhole 6.5" 7" 7.5" 8" 8.5" 9" 9.5" 10" 10.5"
Depth 17 cm 18 cm 19 cm 20 cm 21 cm 22 cm 23 cm 24 cm 25 cm

12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12"

F) Body Length
31 cm 31 cm 31 cm 31 cm 31 cm 31 cm 31 cm 31 cm 31 cm

18.5" 19" 19.5" 20" 20.5" 21" 21.5" 22" 22.5"

G) Full Length
47 cm 48 cm 49 cm 50 cm 51 cm 52 cm 53 cm 54 cm 55 cm

Nightshade 8 Expression Fiber Arts

Nightshade 9 Expression Fiber Arts
"It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.” – Epictetus

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This pattern may be printed and used for personal, non-commercial use only and may not be reproduced, sold, or distributed. All images, text, and illustration
©Expression Fiber Arts 2024. Finished items made using this pattern may be sold so long as pattern attribution is ascribed to Expression Fiber Arts.
For questions about this policy, please contact us at contact@expression

Nightshade 10 Expression Fiber Arts


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