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Jamil Insurance

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The United Insurance Company Of Pakistan Ltd.

A Member Company of United International Group

03/12/2023 - 06:34 PM UIC TRAVEL & HEALTH GUARD UICPK-575484


Name of Insured:- MUHAMMAD JAMIL

Age: 01/01/2001
Passport No.: FV8202951
NIC#: 3460343152951
Contact No.: 923015634336 Relationship: FATHER
Country of Travel: SCHENGEN COUNTRIES Producer's ID: Zee International Consultancy
No of Days: 7 Days Issued at: Garden Heights Branch Lahore

Effective Date: May 11, 2024

Expiry Date: Jan 25,

May 25, 2024
* The insurance offered is only with respect to the benefits as specially indicated in the Schedule of
Cover subject to the policy terms and in consideration of the premium paid as plan selected
* All Pre Existing Medical Conditions are not covered.
* Treatment of Coronavirus (COVID-19) is Covered.

Premium Amount : 1,725.00

Advance Tax (I.T.O) 2001 : 0.00
Total Premium Payable in Pak Rupees.: 1,725.00
( One Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty-Five Rupees Only )
Swan International Assistance (SIA)
SCHENGEN POLICY International: +961 9 211 662
Medical Expenses & Hospitalization Abroad - € 30,000 USA/ Canada: +1 514 448 4417
Repatriation of Mortal Remains - Actual Expenses France/Europe: +33 9 70 73 22 47

Scan for Digital App

If you seek more information, please contact us: 042 111 000 014

UIG House, 1st floor, 1-Upper Mall, Lahore - Pakistan

UAN:(92 42) 111 000 014 Tel: (92 42) 35776475-83.
http://www.theunitedinsurance.com V: 16.1.00
The United Insurance Company Of Pakistan Ltd.
A Member Company of United International Group

Premium for Travel Insurance

Rest of World
Schengen Countries (Excluding USA, CANADA & Worldwide
Max. Stay

Diamond Gold Silver Standard Platinum Gold Plus
$ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 25,000 $ 10,000 $ 100,000 $ 50,000
Single Family Single Family Single Family Single Family Single Family Single Family
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
7 Days 7 Days 3,105 4,830 1,725 2,933 1,610 2,760 805 1,288 5,175 10,350 2,530 5,060
10 Days 10 Days 3,508 5,175 2,185 3,450 2,013 3,393 966 1,449 5,980 11,960 3,163 6,325
15 Days 15 Days 4,025 6,095 2,530 3,910 2,473 3,795 1,127 1,610 7,475 14,950 3,853 7,705
21 Days 21 Days 4,830 7,015 2,875 4,600 2,990 5,031 1,771 2,254 8,625 17,250 4,658 9,315
31 Days 31 Days 5,980 8,395 3,450 5,520 3,738 6,555 1,944 2,737 10,580 21,160 6,181 12,363
62 Days 62 Days 9,488 13,800 5,233 9,200 5,060 10120 3,542 4,991 16,445 32,890 7,820 16,675
92 Days 92 Days 11,500 17,825 6,095 11,500 6,555 12,075 4,629 8,372 18,975 37,950 11,270 20,700
180 Days 92 Days 15,525 23,115 8,625 13,800 8,855 16,963 7,728 15,640 26,450 52,900 16,675 25,300
180 Days 180 Days - - - - - - - - 50,255 100,050 31,683 48,070
272 Days 272 Days - - - - - - - - 91,425 182,850 47,248 75,647
365 Days 92 Days 22,425 35,075 13,225 20,700 13,685 31,625 10,505 17,710 40,250 80,500 17,250 32,200
365 Days 180 Days - - - - - - - - 72,450 144,900 37,318 57,960
2 Years 92 Days - - 26,450 43,700 - - - - - - 34,500 51,750

Premium for Student Plan

$ 50,000 $ 100,000
Duration Single Single
(Rs.) (Rs.)
180 Days 14,950 20,125
365 Days 21,850 29,325
2 Years 42,550 56,925
For person aged between 66 and 75 years, increase 50%
For person aged between 76 and 80 years, increase 75%
For person aged between 81 and 85 years, increase 100%
Family Size: Husband + Wife + 3 Children (Less than 18 years)
15% Extra Charge for Covid Coverage.
Emergency Numbers
In case of Medical Emergency please contact on the following:
Swan International Assistance (SIA)
For worldwide contact
International: +961 9 211 662
USA/Canada: +1 514 448 4417
France/Europe: +33 9 70 73 22 47

UIG House, 1st floor, 1-Upper Mall, Lahore - Pakistan

UAN:(92 42) 111 000 014 Tel: (92 42) 35776475-83.
http://www.theunitedinsurance.com V: 16.1.00
The United Insurance Company Of Pakistan Ltd.
A Member Company of United International Group

I am not traveling to receive medical treatment, diagnosis or consultation.
Rest of World
Schengen Countries (Excluding USA, CANADA Worldwide
Schedule of Benefits & AUSTRALIA)
Diamond Gold Silver Standard Platinum Gold Plus
50,000 50,000 25,000 10,000 100,000 50,000
Medical Expenses, Hospitalization Abroad & COVID-19
(Excess $ 100) (Excess $ 100) (Excess $ 100) (Excess $ 100) (Excess $ 100) (Excess $ 100)
Transport or Repatriation in case of illness or Accident Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses

Repatriation of Mortal Remains Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses

Dental Care 600 600 600 600 600 600

Repatriation of Family Member Travelling with Insured Actual Expenses Actual Expenses N/A N/A Actual Expenses Actual Expenses

Travel of One Immediate Family Member 100/Day-Max 1,000 100/Day-Max 1,000 N/A N/A 100/Day-Max 1,000 100/Day-Max 1,000

Delivery of Medicines Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses

Relay of Urgent Messages Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Long Distance Medical Information Service Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Medical Referral / Appointment of Local Medical Specialist Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses

Connections Services N/A N/A N/A N/A Unlimited N/A

Loss Of Credit Card 500 300 200 200 2,000 300

Delayed Departure 500 300 200 200 1,000 300

Comperison for In-Flight Loss of Checked in Baggage 500 400 400 300 1,000 400

Normal Sickness/illness N/A N/A N/A N/A

Accidental Death ( During Travel using recognize means
15,000 10,000 8,000 5,000 25,000 10,000
of Transport, Planes Trains, Public Buses, Taxies etc.
Note: An excess/deductible of USD100/-will be applicable on each & every Claim.


Plans (Limit in USD)
Schedule of Benefits Sapphire (USD) Sapphire Plus (USD)
Medical Expenses for Sickness & Hopsiltalization Abroad 50,000 (Excess $ 150) 100,000 (Excess $ 150)
Emergency Detal Care 1,000 1,000
Travel of One Immediate Family Member 5,000 5,000
Repatriation of Mortal Remains Actual Expenses Actual Expenses
Transport or Repatriation in case of Illness or Accident Actual Expenses Actual Expenses
Loss of Passport 300 300
Loss In-Flight Lost of Checked in Baggage 500 500
Accidental Death 100% of Principal Sum Insured 100% of Principal Sum Insured
Permanent Total Disability 100% of Principal Sum Insured 100% of Principal Sum Insured
Note: An excess/deductible of USD150/-will be applicable on each & every Claim.
· Post-Treatment Screening/Test taken in abroad is only covered when /if result is Positive.
· Follow-up treatment is only covered when/if a followed up test is Positive and prescribed by a medical practitioner of recognized hospital.
· Treatment of COVID-19 is covered up to 2,500 USD for Thailand only*.
· In Case the Insured Person tested positive with COVID-19 during a trip covered, the Insurance Cover only medical Expenses & Hospitalization Abroad.
· Self-quarantine/ quarantine in Private Hotels or Hospitals or at home is not covered under the said policy terms & condition.
· U.S $100 deductible on loss arising from COVID 19.
· All claims related to COVID 19 will only be considered after the submission of Negative test report undertaken 96 Hours before travel.

* Pre-existing conditions are not covered.

Excluding Countries: Afghanistan, Cuba, Israel, Pakistan
This Policy shall be deemed to be issued as an electronic document. Any print out of the same is for the purpose of record and reference only.

UIG House, 1st floor, 1-Upper Mall, Lahore - Pakistan

UAN:(92 42) 111 000 014 Tel: (92 42) 35776475-83.
http://www.theunitedinsurance.com V: 16.1.00
The United Insurance Company Of Pakistan Ltd.
A Member Company of United International Group


(Policy Terms & Conditions)
COVERAGE AND PROVISION 8) Delayed Departure: When the departure of the common carrier contracted by the Insured for travelling
is delayed by at least 8 hours, the Company, subject to presentation of the corresponding original
Whereas the insured person is designated in the travel Insurance Policy named as “UIC Travel & Health Guard" invoices, shall reimburse any additional expenses incurred (transport and hotel accommodation,
schedule here to having by a proposal and declaration (Medical History and Physician’s Report and Certificates, if as well as meals) as a result of the said delay up to the limit provided by the referred plan,
any). Which shall be the basis of the contract and shall be deemed to be incorporated herein, applied to THE UNITED in the event of delay of more than 8 hours.
INSURANCE COMPANY OF PAKISTAN LIMITED (herein after called the "Company") for the insurance herein after set a) Conditions & Limitations:
forth and having paid the premium stated in the UIC Travel & Health Guard Insurance Policy Schedule. i. Insured Person must obtain written confirmation from the carriers or their agents of the actual date
and time of departure and the reasons for delay before a claim is considered.
PARTICULAR CONDITIONS ii. Claims shall be calculated from the actual time of departure of the conveyance on which the insured
person was booked to travel, as specified in the booking confirmation.
Insured Person Means: The person whose name is in the insurance policy issued within the validity period of travel. 9) Loss of Credit Card: If during a trip abroad, the insured were deprived of cash due to loss of credit card,
Insured Family Means: The policy holder, spouse and three children (aged 18 years or less) dependent and the company will advance funds on behalf of the insured up to the limit provided by the referred plan.
permanently residing with the Insured Person. 10) Loss of Passport: In case of loss of the Insured's passport, while abroad, the Company will take charge of the
Immediate Family Member shall Mean: The policyholder, spouse and children (aged 18 years or less) dependent and expenses of the replacements necessary for obtaining a new passport or equivalent consular document.
permanently residing with the Insured Person. 11) Compensation For In-Flight Loss Of Checked-In Baggage: The Company will
Period of Cover: As per purchased insurance programme. supplement the compensation for which the carrier is liable up to the limit provided by
Usual County Of Residence Means: The country where the Policy was issued by the company. the referred plan, as a sum of both compensation payments, for the collection of baggage and
Usual Place Of Residence Means: The home or residence of an Insured in the Usual Country of possessions checked in by each Insured, in the event of loss during the carriage by air performed by
Residence the carrier company, for the purpose of which the Insured shall furnish a list of the contents
Serious Illness: A change in health that requires admission to hospital and which, in the opinion of the Company's including the estimated price and date of purchase of
medical team, which involves also risk of death. each item, as well as the settlement of the compensation payment by the carrier.
Permanent Disability: This shall be deemed to consist of the permanent anatomic loss or lack of functionality or limbs Compensation payment for loss will be calculated according to the procedures recommended by
or organs as a result of an accident. The amount of the indemnity shall be determined by applying to the sum insured international carriage by air organizations.
the percentages as per scale of compensation. The minimum period of time that must elapse for the baggage to be considered to have been
Injury: A medical problem caused by a sudden and severe external reason beyond the control of the Insured, within lost once and for all will be that stipulated by the carrier company shall not be less than 21 days.
this validity period of this policy a) Conditions and Limitations:
Serious Injury: An injury, which is in the opinion of the Company's medical team, which also involves risk of death. Insured shall not be covered for
Cover: The Company will provide immediate material assistance as to the insured as per specified benefits the scope i. Breakage of glass or china unless caused by an accident to the conveyance in which the
of this policy becomes void when the travel causing the acquisition of this Policy ends and/or the Insured arrives at Insured Person is travelling.
his/her usual country of residence, whichever takes place first. ii. Loss or damage caused by moth, vermin, electrical or mechanical breakdown, machinery
Deductible or Excess Means: The amount of expenses or the number of days which are not covered by the Insurer, breakdown, gradual deterioration or wear and tear.
and that are to be paid or supported by the Insured Person before the Policy benefits become payable. iii. Loss of cash, bank or currency notes, cheques, postal orders, charge cards, travel cards,
Premium Means: The price of the insurance that the Policyholder must pay to the Insurer in consideration for the bankers cards, travelers checks, travel tickets, passports, driving licenses, green
coverage of the risk provided for the Insured. cards and petrol or other coupons.
Accident Means: The bodily injury suffered during the life of the contract, which derives from a violent, sudden, iv. Claims resulting from confiscation, requisition, detention, destruction or damage by
external cause and one that is not intended by the Insured. customs authorities or other such officials.
v. Tosses which are not reported to the Police or appropriate authorities within 24
hours of discovery or as soon as is reasonably practicable.
COVERED TRIP vi. Breakage of sports equipment whilst in use or loss of or damage to pedal cycles or
The Covered Trip commences when the Insured Person starts the direct journey from home to the exits point of his hired equipment.
usual country of residence and ceases when the Insured person first returns home. vii. Loss of or damage to contact, corneal or micro-corneal lenses.
Ø Covered Trip will be of 92 days (for Diamond, Gold, Silver, Standard, Platinum & Gold plus Packages) only. Insurance covers accidents the Insured may suffer at the means of transport used during the trip, including
Ø Covered trip will be of 365 consecutive days for students plan only. public means of transport (taxis, buses, microbuses, coaches) used by the Insured to get from his usual
place of residence to the boarding point (airport, sea port, bus station) and from the point of arrival to the
Ø Covered Trip will be of 180 consecutive days (For Platinum & Gold Plus Packages only).
place of accommodation, as well as the return journey under the same conditions.
Ø Covered trip will be of 272 consecutive days (For Platinum & Gold Plus Packages only).
12) Accidental Death: Where an accident should lead to the death of the Insured, the Insurer shall pay the
Beneficiary the sum determined for this eventuality.
If, prior to the death, the Insurer has paid an indemnity for Disability, as a result of the same accident and
this had occurred in less than one year, it shall indemnify the difference between the Amount paid and the
PERSONAL ASSISTANCE PARTICULAR CONDITIONS insured sum in the event of death. Should the indemnity already paid out be greater, the Insurer shall not
lay claim to the difference.
Whenever the insured is traveling out of the Usual Country of Residence, the
Company will provide the following benefits:

1) Medical Expenses and Hospitalization Abroad: In the event of illness or injury of the insured occurring,
the Company will meet the usual, customary, necessary and reasonable costs of hospitalization, surgery,
medical fees and pharmaceutical products, prescribed by the attending doctor
2) Transport or Repatriation In Case Of Illness or of Injury of an Insured: In the event of an 1) Claims intimation will not exceed 60 days from the date of claim occurred or within 30 days after
accident or sudden illness, the Company will take charges the cost of transferring or repatriation the return to country of residence.
Insured to a properly equipped health center or to his/her usual country of residence. 2) In the event of any claim the liability of the Company shall be conditional on the insured claiming
3) Emergency Dental Care: This coverage is restricted to the treatment of pain and infection. indemnity or benefit having
4) Repatriation of Family Member: if the insured be hospitalized for more than 15 days and decease, Complied with and continuing to comply with the terms of this Policy.
the company will meet the costs in respect of an immediate family member or, a person appointed by the 3) In the event of a claim under this Policy the Insured shall:-
insured and having the same country of residence as the member, considering this person was traveling a. Take all reasonable precautions to minimize the loss.
alone with the insured. b. As soon as possible telephone the Company to notify the claim stating the Benefits
5) Repatriation of Mortal Remain: In the event of the death of the Insured, the Company will make the Required at the following:-
arrangements necessary for the repatriation of his /her mortal remains, and will meet the cost of the 1. Freely provide the Company with all relevant information/ document within 60 days
transfer expenses to the place of interment, cremation or funeral ceremony at his/her usual country of after requiring the same claim will be Entertained afterward.
residence. 2. Make no admission of liability or offer promise or payment of any kind.
6) Medical referral/appointment of local medical specialist: Through the company's 4) The Company is not liable in respect of any benefit which would otherwise be payable
call center, the insured will be given access and referred to any agreed medical center or medical Under this Policy, should there be another insurance.
practitioner of the Company's International network. 5) The Company will not reimburse or consider reimbursing any expenses which where
7) Connection Service: Whilst travelling abroad, the insured person will be entitled to contact the company Not previously approved.
in order to obtain miscellaneous services, where he is located and in particular rental car referral and 6) The Company will not be liable to pay directly to the hospital etc., only the amount paid by insured
reservation, legal and administrative information and referral. will be re-imbued according to the terms
And conditions of the policy.
7) The premium will be refunded only if. The copy rejection letter will furnish along with the Original

UIG House, 1st floor, 1-Upper Mall, Lahore - Pakistan

UAN:(92 42) 111 000 014 Tel: (92 42) 35776475-83.
http://www.theunitedinsurance.com V: 16.1.00
The United Insurance Company Of Pakistan Ltd.
A Member Company of United International Group


(Policy Terms & Conditions)
1. Assistance or compensation for events that occurred during a trip that had commenced, in any of the
1. The death, accidental bodily injury or illness of the insured Person or the death of the Insured Person’s immediate relative. Following Circumstances:
2. The death, accidental bodily injury or illness of any person with whom the Insured Person had arranged to travel, reside or
conduct business, or of the immediate relative. 1. before this insurance comes into force;
3. Hi-jack, terrorist act, criminal act, boom scare, riot, civil commotion, fire, flood, earthquake, landslide, avalanche, adverse 2. With the intention of receiving medical treatment;
weather conditions or mechanical breakdown, provided that the event giving rise to such cancellation occurs, or is only 3. after the diagnosis of a terminal illness;
announced. 4. without prior medical authorization, after the Insured had been under treatment or medical
4. Major damage rendering uninhabitable, the accommodation in which the Insured Person had previously booked to reside supervision during the twelve months prior to the start of the trip;
during a Covered Trip. 2. Expenses that arise once the Insured is at his/her usual country of residence, those incurred
5. Refund of policy is allowed only in the submission of rejection letter of the concerned Embassy after deduction of all GOVT beyond the scope of Application of the guarantees of the insurance, and, in any case, after
Taxes & Levies. the dates of the travel object of the Agreement Have elapsed or after 90 days has elapsed
since the start thereof, notwithstanding what is provided for in the Additional Clauses or
in the Private or Special Conditions.
3. Any Health Services that are received as Out-of-Hospital benefits.
4. All expenses relating to dental treatment, dental prostheses, and orthodontic treatments.
Services that do not require continuous administration by specialized medical personnel.
Personal comfort and convenience items (television, barber or beauty service, guest service and similar incidental
Loss, damage, illness and/or injury directly or indirectly caused by, arising out of, and/or during, and/or in Consequence
Services and supplies).
7. Medical Services that are not performed by Authorized Healthcare Service Providers, apart from medical Services
of the following Are excluded from the guarantee/cover granted under this Policy: Rendered in a Medical Emergency.
8. Prosthetic devices and consumed medical equipment’s.
1. The bad faith of the Insured, by his/her participation in criminal acts, or as a result of his/her fraudulent, seriously negligent or 9. Treatments and services arising as a result of hazardous activities, including but not limited to, any form of aerial
Reckless actions including those actions of the Insured in a state of derangement or under psychiatric treatment, costs for flight, Any kind of power-vehicle race, water sports, horse riding activities, mountaineering activities, violent sports
Which are excluded. such as Judo, boxing, and wrestling, bungee jumping and any professional sports activities.
2. Extraordinary natural phenomena such as floods, earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, atypical cyclonic Storms, 10. Costs associated with hearing tests, vision corrections, prosthetic devices or hearing and vision aids.
falling objects from space and aerolites, and in general any extraordinary atmospheric, meteorological, Seismic or 11. Patient treatment supplies (including elastic stockings, ace bandages, gauze, syringes, diabetic test strips,
geological phenomenon any other type of natural disaster. And like Products, non-prescription drugs and treatments, excluding such supplies required as a result of Healthcare
3. Any condition or set of circumstances known to an Insured Person at the time the red Trip was booked (pre-existing Services rendered during a Medical Emergency).
12. Services rendered by any medical provider relative of a patient for example the Insured person and the Insured
member’s family, including spouse, brother, sister, parent or child.
4. If the Insured was not present in Pakistan at the time of Issuance of the Policy.
13. All Healthcare Services & Treatments for In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), embryo transport, ovum and male sperms
5. If the Insured is traveling against the advice of the Physician or for the purpose of obtaining Treatment or undergoing Tests
Or Investigation abroad or has been diagnosed as suffering from illness.
14. Treatments and services related to viral hepatitis and associated complications, except for treatment and services
6. Events arising from terrorism, mutiny or crowd disturbances;
related to Hepatitis A.
7. Events or actions of the Armed Forces or Security Forces in peacetime; 15. Air or Terrestrial Medical evacuation except for Emergency cases or unauthorized transportation services.
8. Wars, with or without prior declaration, and any conflicts or international interventions using force or duress or military 16. Medical services and associated expenses for organ and tissue transplants, irrespective of whether the Insured
Operations of whatever type. Person is a donor or recipient.
9. Those caused by or resulting from radioactive materials and nuclear energy; 17. Any test or treatment not prescribed by a doctor.
10. Those caused when the Insured takes part in bets, challenges or brawls, save in the case of legitimate defense or necessity;
11. Illness or injuries existing prior to the claim, unless expressly included in the Private or
Special Conditions and subject to payment of the relevant surcharge premium;
12. Those that occur as a result of the participation by the Insured in competitions, sports, and preparatory or training tests;
13. Engaging in the following sports: motor racing or motorcycle racing in any of its modes, big game hunting outside European
Territory, underwater diving using artificial lung, navigation in international waters in craft not intended for the public
Transport of passengers, horse riding, climbing, pot holing, boxing, wrestling in any of its modes, martial arts, parachuting, hot
Air ballooning, free falling, gliding and, in general, any sport or recreational activity that is known to be dangerous;
This Policy is valid for residents of Pakistan who are 65 years and under at inception. Premium without
14. Participation in competitions or tournaments organized by sporting federations or similar organizations.
any additional exclusions being applied or changing to the terms & conditions on the following
15. Hazardous winter and/or summer sports such as skiing and/or similar sports. m).
loading scale:-
16. Permanent resident and students outside of resident country.
for person aged between 66 and 75 years, increase 50%
17. The use, as a passenger or crew, of means of air navigation not authorized for the public transport of
for person aged between 76 and 80 years, increase 75%
Travelers, as well as helicopters; and,
for person aged between 81and85 years, increase 100%
18. The accidents deemed legally to be work or labor accidents, consequence of a risk inherent to the work performed by The
Pakistan citizen who are married from other countries or permanent resident people or any expatriate working in Pakistan are
covered provided journey commences and terminates in Pakistan.WHAT TO DO IN THE EVENT OF A MEDICAL EMERGENCY?
19. Internationally and locally recognized epidemics.
20. Illnesses or injuries arising from chronic ailments or from those that existed prior to the inception date of the policy;
21. Death as a result of suicide and the injuries or after-effects brought about by attempted suicide or any self-inflicted Injuries. Sawan International Assistance (SIA), must be contacted immediately, in the event of an insured dying, incoming medical expenses,
22. Illness, injuries or pathological states caused by the voluntary consumption of alcohol, drugs, toxic substances, narcotics Or being involved in an accident, or being admitted to hospital. The Company will not be liable for any cost without the expressed prior
medicines acquired without medical prescription, as well as any kind of mental illness or mental imbalance; approval of Sawan International Assistance (SIA).
23. Illness or injuries resulting from refusal and/or delay, on the part of the Insured or persons responsible for him/her, in The
transfer proposed by the Company and agreed by its medical service; Sawan International Assistance (SIA) will provide a complete medical assistance service to the Insured. Operating 24 hours a days
24. Illness or injuries caused by pregnancy and childbirth or any complication therefore or voluntary term 365 days a year, Sawan International Assistance (SIA) provides effective medical assistance for the insured anywhere in the world
ination of Pregnancy;
and can be accessed
25. Mental Health diseases.
I. Venereal sexually transmitted diseases.
II. All pre-existing, congenital and/or Chronic Medical Conditions Contact Detail:
III. Any cardiac or cardio vascular or vascular or cerebral vascular illness or conditions or after-effects thereof GENERAL 24/7 INTERNATIONAL HELPLINE
or Complications that, in the opinion of a medical practitioner appointed by the Company, can reasonably
be Related thereto, if the insured person has received medical advice or treatment (including medication) for
Hypertension Two Years prior to the commencement of the Protected Journey. Swan International Assitance (SIA)
26. Assistance or medical services, which are not medically necessary and all Elective and/or non-Emergency medical Condition
and its complications. International : +961 9 211 662
27. Rehabilitation treatments;
28. Prostheses, orthopedic material or thesis and osteosynthesis material, as well as spectacles.
USA/Canada : +1 514 448 4417

France/Europe : +33 9 70 73 22 47


UIG House, 1st floor, 1-Upper Mall, Lahore - Pakistan

UAN:(92 42) 111 000 014 Tel: (92 42) 35776475-83.
http://www.theunitedinsurance.com V: 16.1.00

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