Jamil Insurance
Jamil Insurance
Jamil Insurance
Diamond Gold Silver Standard Platinum Gold Plus
$ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 25,000 $ 10,000 $ 100,000 $ 50,000
Single Family Single Family Single Family Single Family Single Family Single Family
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
7 Days 7 Days 3,105 4,830 1,725 2,933 1,610 2,760 805 1,288 5,175 10,350 2,530 5,060
10 Days 10 Days 3,508 5,175 2,185 3,450 2,013 3,393 966 1,449 5,980 11,960 3,163 6,325
15 Days 15 Days 4,025 6,095 2,530 3,910 2,473 3,795 1,127 1,610 7,475 14,950 3,853 7,705
21 Days 21 Days 4,830 7,015 2,875 4,600 2,990 5,031 1,771 2,254 8,625 17,250 4,658 9,315
31 Days 31 Days 5,980 8,395 3,450 5,520 3,738 6,555 1,944 2,737 10,580 21,160 6,181 12,363
62 Days 62 Days 9,488 13,800 5,233 9,200 5,060 10120 3,542 4,991 16,445 32,890 7,820 16,675
92 Days 92 Days 11,500 17,825 6,095 11,500 6,555 12,075 4,629 8,372 18,975 37,950 11,270 20,700
180 Days 92 Days 15,525 23,115 8,625 13,800 8,855 16,963 7,728 15,640 26,450 52,900 16,675 25,300
180 Days 180 Days - - - - - - - - 50,255 100,050 31,683 48,070
272 Days 272 Days - - - - - - - - 91,425 182,850 47,248 75,647
365 Days 92 Days 22,425 35,075 13,225 20,700 13,685 31,625 10,505 17,710 40,250 80,500 17,250 32,200
365 Days 180 Days - - - - - - - - 72,450 144,900 37,318 57,960
2 Years 92 Days - - 26,450 43,700 - - - - - - 34,500 51,750
I am not traveling to receive medical treatment, diagnosis or consultation.
Rest of World
Schengen Countries (Excluding USA, CANADA Worldwide
Schedule of Benefits & AUSTRALIA)
Diamond Gold Silver Standard Platinum Gold Plus
50,000 50,000 25,000 10,000 100,000 50,000
Medical Expenses, Hospitalization Abroad & COVID-19
(Excess $ 100) (Excess $ 100) (Excess $ 100) (Excess $ 100) (Excess $ 100) (Excess $ 100)
Transport or Repatriation in case of illness or Accident Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses
Repatriation of Mortal Remains Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses
Repatriation of Family Member Travelling with Insured Actual Expenses Actual Expenses N/A N/A Actual Expenses Actual Expenses
Travel of One Immediate Family Member 100/Day-Max 1,000 100/Day-Max 1,000 N/A N/A 100/Day-Max 1,000 100/Day-Max 1,000
Delivery of Medicines Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses
Long Distance Medical Information Service Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Medical Referral / Appointment of Local Medical Specialist Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses Actual Expenses
Comperison for In-Flight Loss of Checked in Baggage 500 400 400 300 1,000 400
1) Medical Expenses and Hospitalization Abroad: In the event of illness or injury of the insured occurring,
the Company will meet the usual, customary, necessary and reasonable costs of hospitalization, surgery,
medical fees and pharmaceutical products, prescribed by the attending doctor
2) Transport or Repatriation In Case Of Illness or of Injury of an Insured: In the event of an 1) Claims intimation will not exceed 60 days from the date of claim occurred or within 30 days after
accident or sudden illness, the Company will take charges the cost of transferring or repatriation the return to country of residence.
Insured to a properly equipped health center or to his/her usual country of residence. 2) In the event of any claim the liability of the Company shall be conditional on the insured claiming
3) Emergency Dental Care: This coverage is restricted to the treatment of pain and infection. indemnity or benefit having
4) Repatriation of Family Member: if the insured be hospitalized for more than 15 days and decease, Complied with and continuing to comply with the terms of this Policy.
the company will meet the costs in respect of an immediate family member or, a person appointed by the 3) In the event of a claim under this Policy the Insured shall:-
insured and having the same country of residence as the member, considering this person was traveling a. Take all reasonable precautions to minimize the loss.
alone with the insured. b. As soon as possible telephone the Company to notify the claim stating the Benefits
5) Repatriation of Mortal Remain: In the event of the death of the Insured, the Company will make the Required at the following:-
arrangements necessary for the repatriation of his /her mortal remains, and will meet the cost of the 1. Freely provide the Company with all relevant information/ document within 60 days
transfer expenses to the place of interment, cremation or funeral ceremony at his/her usual country of after requiring the same claim will be Entertained afterward.
residence. 2. Make no admission of liability or offer promise or payment of any kind.
6) Medical referral/appointment of local medical specialist: Through the company's 4) The Company is not liable in respect of any benefit which would otherwise be payable
call center, the insured will be given access and referred to any agreed medical center or medical Under this Policy, should there be another insurance.
practitioner of the Company's International network. 5) The Company will not reimburse or consider reimbursing any expenses which where
7) Connection Service: Whilst travelling abroad, the insured person will be entitled to contact the company Not previously approved.
in order to obtain miscellaneous services, where he is located and in particular rental car referral and 6) The Company will not be liable to pay directly to the hospital etc., only the amount paid by insured
reservation, legal and administrative information and referral. will be re-imbued according to the terms
And conditions of the policy.
7) The premium will be refunded only if. The copy rejection letter will furnish along with the Original
France/Europe : +33 9 70 73 22 47