TELE20483 Lab1 2023 Fallv1

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Sheridan College

Course TELE20483: Cloud Enabled Network

Professor Ida Leung
Student Name

Lab 1: Create VMs in Three-Ways

Performed Date


 Create EC2 instances by AWS GUI, AWS CLI and Python scripts
 Each EC2 instance is created under the desired subnet
 Bonus mark 8 mark (over 100 marks) will be given to those use AWS CLI and Python
scripts to automate the user advance data portion

Provisioning EC2 instances

 Deploy the following infrastructure according to the specifications below:
Instance Image Function Deployment mode Subnet Security Group
VM1 AMI website AWS GUI Allow SSH,
VM2 Ubuntu server latest website AWS GUI Allow SSH,
VM3 AMI website AWS CLI Allow SSH,
VM4 Ubuntu server latest website AWS CLI Allow SSH,
VM5 AMI website Python boto3 Allow SSH,
VM6 Ubuntu server latest website Python boto3 Allow SSH,

Description (explanation of the previous table)

 Deploy six (6) EC2 instances (VMs) using the indicated methods in the previous table.
 These VMs will be named as indicated in the previous table (from VM1 to VM6).
 The Operating System of each EC2 instance is indicated in the previous table.
 These six (6) VMs are webservers.
 Bootstrap these VMs so they indicate the student's name and the host IPv4 private address in
their landing web page. See example in the snippet below. Reference:

 It is imperative that the VMs be deployed in the indicated subnets.

 Create one Security Group that allows SSH and HTTP. The Security group can be created in
advance and apply to the script and CLI command.
 Apply this Security Group to all these VMs.

 It is required that each webserver displays the student name and the IP address of the host.
(replace student name with your name, of course).

 In the case of the Ubuntu servers, use the following user data.
 NGINX is an open-source webserver application. It provides the same function than HTTPD
(Apache2). Furthermore, it has other applications beside web services.
 Notice that Ubuntu uses the package manager apt-get (not yum).


 A screen shot for every website home page (from your browser). For example,

 The name proves that it is the student work.

 The IP address proves that the EC2 instance was deployed in the correct subnet.

 A screenshot of the EC2 service dashboard clearly showing the 6 EC2 instances with its
corresponding private and public IPv4 address. For example:

 A screenshot of the details within each EC2 instance with its security group, private and public IP
addresses, OS etc.


 A screenshot of the security group details for inbound rules (must include the protocol, port
number and source address. For Example:

 Your python script.

 Your AWS CLI script.


Fill in the following Information

Instance Instance id Private IPv4 Public IPv4 Subnet ID Availability Zone Web deployment


 A screenshot indicates all the EC2 instances have been terminated


Sub Task name Expected number of Evaluated by Weight

mit# screenshots
1 Webpage for each EC2 6 All required information shown 18
instance properly
2 EC2 instance details 7 All required information shown 21

3 Snippet Security group 1 Correct rules with all required 8

information shown
4 CLI commands 2 (one for each EC2 Correct CLI command to create EC2 20
with each OS – AMI instances with the correct OS, Bonus: 4
and Ubuntu instance type and subnets
Bonus: if also include as advance
user data
4 Python scripts 2 (one for each EC2 Correct python script to create EC2 20
with each OS – AMI instances with the correct OS, Bonus: 4
and Ubuntu instance type and subnets
Bonus: if also include as advance
user data
5 EC2 instance details in N/A All required information fill in 10
one table correctly
6 Cleanup 1 Screenshot shown all EC2 instances 3
are terminated
Total 100
Max: (with
bonus) 108

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