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Annex for The Netherlands

Steel Design 1 H.H. Snijder

H.M.G.M. Steenbergen

Structural basics

Staal-beton verbindingen

annex for The Netherlands | structural basics 1 | A

Annex for the Netherlands to
Structural basics (Steel Design 1)
This annex has been prepared by H.H. Snijder and is based on the original Dutch version of
Stuctural basics, published in 2011 (and updated in 2012) by Bouwen met Staal as Krachtswerking
by the same authors. References are made to each NA symbol in Stuctural basics and the correspon-
ding clause in the Eurocode.
Annexes to Structural basics (Steel Design 1) are also available for Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg
and Switzerland and can be downloaded free of charge from the website of Bouwen met Staal.

Eurocodes in The Netherlands p. 1

1 Structural safety 4
2 Actions and deformations 8
3 Modelling (no annex required) 31
4 Analysis 32
5 Analysis methods (no annex required) 34
6 Assessment by code checking 35
7 Resistance of cross-sections 36

© Bouwen met Staal 2019

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in an automated data-
base and/or made public – in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or in any other way – without prior written permission from the publisher. The utmost
care was taken in the preparation of this publication. Nevertheless, any errors and imperfections
can not be ruled out. The publisher excludes – also for the benefit of all those who have partici-
pated in this publication – any liability for direct and indirect damage, caused by or in connection
with the application of this publication.

B | Eurocodes in the Netherlands | annex for The Netherlands

Eurocodes in
The Netherlands
Dutch Building Decree and Eurocodes
The Dutch Building Decree (in Dutch: Bouwbesluit) includes, amongst other things, minimum
requirements regarding structures, which every structure in the Netherlands – including those for
residential buildings, offices and bridges – has to meet. Fulfilling these requirements is required
by law in order to obtain a building permit. In addition to new building structures, renovations
are also regulated by the Dutch Building Decree.
The Dutch Building Decree is a General Administrative Order (in Dutch: Algemene maatregel
van bestuur) which belongs to the Dutch Housing Law. The first version came into force in 1992.
The latest Dutch Building Decree – which came into force on April 1, 2012 – was published in the
Law Gazette (in Dutch: Staatsblad) (2011) 416. The Dutch Building Decree 2012 was last amended
on June 22, 2018.

The Dutch Building Decree 2012 only concerns the public law aspects of newly built or existing
structures. Private law aspects – such as serviceability requirements concerning deflections, or
execution aspects – should always be agreed between the parties involved. The requirements of
the Dutch Building Decree are organized into five categories:
– safety: preventing or limiting of danger for users of the building or for other parties;
– health: preventing or limiting of harmful or inconvenient consequences for users of the building;
– usability: facilitating performance of the characteristic activities for the building;
– energy efficiency: contributing to an efficient use of energy in the building;
– environment: avoiding too much irreversible damage to the environment (soil, air, water) due
to the building.

There are also requirements for installations, which are not divided into these categories. The
Dutch Building Decree also contains requirements regarding fire safety, construction, and demolition
The requirements of the Dutch Building Decree are formulated as performance requirements.
A performance requirement is derived from functional requirements, and is quantified through a
limiting value as a minimum requirement. For the assessment of a building structure requirements
regarding safety are of particular importance. The Building Decree refers to the Eurocodes for
checking the resistance of structures. Apart from performance requirements in the form of limiting
values, the Dutch Building Decree also provides so-called determination methods. These determina-
tion methods can be used to establish if a building structure or part of a structure meets the limiting
values of the performance requirements. The determination methods are provided in codes, for

annex for The Netherlands | Eurocodes in the Netherlands | 1

Building Decree
functional requirements about safety,
health, usability, energy efficiency and

quality declaration
performance equivalance
(by acknowledged
requirements principle
certification institutes)

quantified other
value methods


design methods
NL1 Relation scheme Dutch Building Decree. NEN-EN (analysis and

structures in the Eurocodes. If an application for a building permit is based on, and meets, the
requirements of the (Euro)codes designated in the Dutch Building Decree, then the applicant may
assume that the building permit will be granted so far as technical requirements are concerned.
To allow innovations the Dutch Building Decree also has a so-called equivalence principle, apart
from the system of performance requirements and determination methods. Based on this equi-
valence principle, building structures which cannot simply be assessed using the determination
methods of the Eurocodes can still be designed and built. The applicant should in such cases
show by means of other methods – for example tests – that the structure preforms as intended
by the prescribed performance requirements.
Recognized quality declarations have a separate status within the Dutch Building Decree. In this
case, recognized means that the quality declaration has been prepared and issued by an accre-
dited certification institution. A quality declaration is generally linked to a construction product
in a particular application. The quality declaration implicitly demonstrates that the construction
product meets the performance requirements, or has an equivalent quality.

Figure NL1 shows schematically the way in which the requirements of the Dutch Building Decree
can be met.

The Dutch Building Decree does not provide requirements concerning deformations of a struc-
ture. Despite EN 1990 specifying serviceability requirements for elements of a structure through
the Dutch National Annex, these requirements are not mandatory according to the Dutch Building
Decree. Therefore an assessment of deformations is not necessary in order to obtain a building
permit. In practice however, checking deformations is an essential part of the assessment of a
structure. The requirements mentioned in the Dutch National Annex to EN 1990 are practically
always applied.

2 | Eurocodes in the Netherlands | annex for The Netherlands

denotation title

CUR-recommendation 25 Korte ankers in beton. Berekening en uitvoering, published by CUR,

2000. (Short anchors in concrete. Calculation and execution)

CUR/BmS-report 10 Kolomvoetplaatverbindingen. Aanbevelingen voor de berekening

volgens de Eurocodes, published by Bouwen met Staal and CUR,
2009. (Column base plate connections. Recommendations for the
design according to the Eurocodes)

RMBS 2004 Richtlijnen voor de toepassing van metalen beplating als schijf­
constructie, published by Bouwen met Staal, 2004. (Guidelines for
the application of metal sheeting as membrane structure)

RS 1990 Reken- en beproevingsmethoden ter bepaling van sterkte en stijfheid

van sandwichpanelen, published by Bouwen met Staal, 1990. (Design
and test methods for the determination of strength and stiffness of
sandwich panels)

– Dwarskrachtverbindingen. Tabellen voor het ontwerp van hoekstaal-,

kopplaat- en lipverbindingen volgens Eurocode 3, published by
Bouwen met Staal, 2006. (Shear connections. Tables for the design of
beam-to-column connections with angle sections, end plates and fin
plates according to Eurocode 3)

– Kwaliteitsrichtlijn applicatie brandwerende coating, published by

Bouwen met Staal, 2010 (2e druk). (Quality guideline for the applica-
tion of fire-resistant coating, 2nd edition)

– Momentverbindingen, published by Bouwen met Staal, 1998.

(Moment resistant connections)

– Normaalkrachtverbindingen en dwarskracht­verbindingen, published

by Bouwen met Staal, 1998. (Normal and shear force connections)

– Trillingen van vloeren door lopen. Richtlijn voor het voorspellen, meten
en beoordelen, published by SBR, 2005. (Vibration of floors due to
walking. Guideline for prediction, measurement and assessment)

– Vloeren van kanaalplaten met geïntegreerde stalen liggers

(Technisch dossier 2), published by Bouwen met Staal, 2007. (Hollow NL2 Selection of Dutch guidelines for
core floors and integrated steel beams (Technical dossier 2)) steel structures.

Dutch guidelines for steel structures

When a designer makes use of national Dutch guidelines, the assess­ment of a steel structure
against the requirements of the Dutch Building Decree should always be based on the equiva-
lence principle, see figure NL1.
Table NL2 shows a selection of Dutch guidelines for steel structures. In general, they are issued
by BmS (in Dutch: Bouwen met Staal, Dutch Steel Association), sometimes in collaboration with
other institutions. Guidelines for composite steel-concrete structures are, for example, published
in collaboration with CUR (in Dutch: Centrum Uitvoering Research en Regelgeving, Centre for
Civil Engineering Research, Codes and Specifications).

annex for The Netherlands | Eurocodes in the Netherlands | 3

Annex NL Structural
p. 1-7 EN 1993, cl. 6.1(1)
The recommended values for the partial factors for resistance are used.

p. 1-10 (a + b) EN 1990, cl. A1.2.2, table A1.1

The Dutch National Annex gives different ψ factors, see table NL1.1.

p. 1-11 (a) EN 1990, cl. A1.3.1, table A1.2(B)

The reduction factor ξ is: ξ = 1,2/1,35 = 0,89.

p. 1-11 (b) EN 1990, cl. and cl. A1.3.1

NL1.1 Values of ψ factors for variable actions. Only equations (1.9) and (1.10) with specific values for γG and gQ should be
action y0 y1 y2 applied for buildings. For the ultimate limit state regarding internal failure (or oc-
currence of excessive deformations) of the structure, where the resistance of the
imposed loads in buildings:
structural materials and/or members is critical (STR, see section 1.6.6) and pre-
– cat. A: domestic, residential 0,4 0,5 0,3 stress is neglected, the equations (1.9) and (1.10) can be modified into:

– cat. B: office areas 0,5 0,5 0,3 1,35G + ∑ 1,5ψ 0,iQk,i

– cat. C: congregation areas 0,6/04 [a] 0,7 0,6
1,2G + 1,5Qk,1 + ∑ 1,5ψ 0,iQk,i
– cat. D: shopping areas 0,4 0,7 0,6 i>1

– cat. E: storage areas 1,0 0,9 0,8 These equations change for a grandstand (CC3, RC3, β = 4,3 and KFI = 1,1) into:

– cat. F: traffic area, 0,7 0,7 0,6  

vehicle weight ≤ 30 kN 1,1  1,35G + ∑ 1,5ψ 0,iQk,i  = 1,5G + ∑ 1,65ψ 0,iQk,i
 i≥1  i≥1
– cat. G: traffic area, 0,7 0,5 0,3
30 kN < vehicle weight ≤  
1,1  1,2G + 1,5Qk,1 + ∑ 1,5ψ 0,iQk,i  = 1,3G + 1,65Qk,1 + ∑ 1,65ψ 0,iQk,i
160 kN  i>1  i>1

– cat. H: roofs 0 0 0
For an industrial building with one or two floors (CC1, RC1, β = 3,3 and KFI = 0,9)
snow loads: 0 0,2 0 the fundamental combinations of actions become as follows:
wind loads 0 0,2 0
 
temperature (non-fire) in 0 0,5 0 0,9  1,35G + ∑ 1,5ψ 0,iQk,i  = 1,2G + ∑ 1,35ψ 0,iQk,i
buildings  i≥1  i≥1

a. The value 0,6 should be applied for parts of the building which can be loaded heavily  
by a crowd during exceptional events (escape routes, stairs). 0,9  1,2G + 1,5Qk,1 + ∑ 1,5ψ 0,iQk,i  = 1,1G + 1,35Qk,1 + ∑ 1,35ψ 0,iQk,i
 i>1  i>1

4 | structural basics 1 | annex for The Netherlands

For greenhouses and light structures, or structural components in consequence class CC1, the
actions may be reduced by application of a factor KFI = 0,85; see the Dutch National Annex to
EN 1990, cl. B.3.3.

p. 1-11 (c) EN 1990, cl. and cl. A1.3.2 (table A1.3)
Equation (1.14) is used in The Netherlands.

p. 1-12 EN 1990, cl. A1.4.1

The characteristic combinations of actions are used for assessing both the vertical deflections of roofs
which are not frequently used by persons, and for assessing horizontal deformations. The frequent
combinations of actions should be used for assessment of the vertical deflection of floors and roofs
which are frequently used by persons.

p. 1-14 (a + b) EN 1990, cl. B3.1(1), table B1

The Dutch National Annex provides a different classification of building types into consequence
classes, see table NL1.2.

p. 1-15 (a) EN 1990, cl. and cl. A1.2(B)

See remarks to p. 1-11 (b).

p. 1-15 (b) Assessment of existing buildings

The assessment of existing buildings in The Netherlands is regulated by national legislation
through the Dutch Building Decree. The structural reliability of existing buildings should only
be considered in case of renovation, or on notification by the government.

NL1.2 Definition of consequence classes.

consequence examples of buildings and civil

class engineering works

CC3 • high consequences for loss of • high-rise buildings (h > 70 m)

human life, and/or • grandstands
• very high economic, social or • exhibition halls
environmental consequences • concert halls
• large public buildings

CC2 • medium consequences for loss of • residential buildings

human life, or • office buildings
• considerable economic, social or • public buildings
environmental consequences • industrial buildings (three or more floors)

CC1 • low consequences for loss of • agricultural buildings

human life, and/or • greenhouses
• small or negligible economic, • standard one-family houses
social or environmental conse- • industrial buildings (one or two floors)

annex for The Netherlands | structural basics 1 | 5

• Renovation. Renovation of existing structures should be carried out according to the Dutch
Building Decree and NEN 8700 such that the end result meets the requirements for new struc-
tures. According to the Dutch Building Decree, the municipality may deviate from this – and ac-
cept a lower level of structural reliability – based on the following three considerations:
– adjustment of the reliability level of an existing building to the reliability level of newly built
buildings usually costs more than for newly built buildings;
– the expected remaining working life of an existing building is usually shorter than the design
working life (reference period) of a similar new­ly built building;
– the properties (such as dimensions, materials and resistance) of an existing structure can be
determined more or less accurately through measurements.

When assessing the actual structural reliability of an existing structure, the dimensions and material
properties specified in documents, such as drawings and specifications used to obtain the building
permit, may be used. However, corrosion, which may cause significant loss of cross-sectional area,
should be taken into account. When documentation is not available measurements are required
to provide a good insight into the existing situation.
• Notification. From the day of completion of a newly built structure, the structural reliability of the
structure decreases due to degradation by, for example, erosion or corrosion. This degradation can
be delayed by sufficiently frequent maintenance of the structure. When appropriate maintenance is
not carried out the structural reliability can decrease to such an extent that an unsafe situation occurs.
The responsible municipality can interfere by a so-called notification. The actual reliability of an exi-
sting structure shall not be lower than the so-called notification level. The notification states that the
minimum level of structural reliability is not reached, and that the owner should immediately change
the use of the structure concerned. This can be achieved for example by a significant reduction
of the actions on the structure, or by immediately ending or changing the activities in the building.

• NEN 8700 (Beoordeling van de constructieve veiligheid van een bestaand gebouw bij verbouw
en afkeuren. Grondslagen), 2015.
English: Assessment of existing structures in case of reconstruction and disapproval. Basic rules.

p. 1-17 EN 1990, cl. 2.3(1), table 2.1

Only four design working life classes for buildings are provided, rather than the five classes
provided by EN 1990 (see table NL1.3).

p. 1-22 EN 1990, Annexes

More detailed definitions for the vertical deflections are given in annex A1 (see fig. NL1.4).
Annex B is partially normative (only parts B1 to B3) and annex C only in special cases. Also annex
D is normative under the condition that any alternative clauses in the material specific Eurocodes

6 | structural basics 1 | annex for The Netherlands

NL1.3 Design working life for buildings.

category design working life examples


1 5 temporary structures

agricultural structures and

2 15 industrial buildings with one or
two floors

buildings and other common

3 50

4 100 monumental building

NL1.4 Definitions of vertical deflections for a simply supported beam.

wc wc precamber in the unloaded structural element

w1 w1 initial part of the deflection under permanent loads of the relevant
combination of actions according to expressions (1.16) to (1.21)
wtot determined with short term properties
wmax w2
w2 long term part of the deflection under permanent loads of the
w3 quasi-permanent combinations of actions of expressions (1.20)
and (1.21), or: the deflections determined with long term
properties minus the deflection determined with short term
wc precamber in the unloaded structural element w3 additional part of the deflection due to the variable actions of the
relevant combinations of actions to expressions (1.16) to (1.21)
w1 initial part of the deflection under permanent loads of the relevant combination of determined with short term properties
actions according to expressions (1.16) to (1.21) determined with short term properties
wtot total deflection (wtot = w1 + w2 + w3)
w2 long term part of the deflection under permanent loads of the quasi-permanent
combinations of actions of expressions (1.20) and (1.21), or: the deflections determined wmax remaining total deflection taking into account the precamber
with long term properties minus the deflection determined with short term properties
w3 additional part of the deflection due to the variable actions of the relevant combinations
of actions to expressions (1.16) to (1.21) determined with short term properties
wtot total deflection (wtot = w1 + w2 + w3)
wmax remaining total deflection taking into account the precamber

annex for The Netherlands | structural basics 1 | 7

Annex NL Actions and
p. 2-6 EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.1(1)
The recommended values for the partial factors for resistance are used.

p. 2-8 (a) EN 1990, Annex A1

The recommended values for the partial factors for actions of annex A1 are used or alternative
values are provided when describing the combinations of actions.

p. 2-8 (b+c) + p. 2-9 EN 1990, cl.

Equations (6.10a) and (6.10b) shall be used and equation (6.10) may not be used. This, with a
modified factor ξ = 0,89, results in the partial factors of table NL2.1.

p. 2-10 EN 1990, cl. + cl. A1.1(1)

The design working life is referred to as the reference period.
During construction, the design working life should be at least equal to the construction time,
with a minimum of one year. For a completed building, the design working life is at least the
planned period of use. When nothing different is agreed with the client, the design working life
should be applied according to table NL2.2.

limit state design situation or combinations of actions gQ γA
unfavour- favour-
able able
ultimate limit state persistent or transient design situation (fundamen-
1,1 0,9 1,5 –
EQU (set A) tal combinations)
1,5 0,9 1,65 –
1,3 0,9 1,65 –
ultimate limit state persistent or transient design situation 1,35 0,9 1,5 –
STR/GEO (set B) (fundamental combinations) 1,2 0,9 1,5 –
1,2 0,9 1,35 –
1,1 0,9 1,35 –
ultimate limit state persistent or transient design situation (fundamen-
1,0 1,0 1,3 –
STR/GEO (set C) tal combinations)
ultimate limit state accidental design situation 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0
ultimate limit state seismic design situation 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0
NL2.1 Partial factors for
serviceability limit state characteristic, frequent, quasi-permanent combi- actions for several limit
1,0 1,0 1,0 –
nations states and design situations.

8 | structural basics 2 | annex for The Netherlands

Note that any agreed design working life should not be shorter than the relevant value given in
table NL2.2.
For a design working life different from 50 years and for actions other than snow, wind and
thermal actions, for example for imposed actions of floors, the characteristic action may, in ac-
cordance with the Dutch National Annex to EN 1990, cl. A1.1(2), be adapted as follows:

 1 – ψ0 t 
Ft = Ft0  1 + ln  (NL2.1)
9 t
 0

Ft adapted characteristic value of the variable action for the chosen design working life;
Ft0 characteristic value of the variable action for a design working life of fifty years;
y0 factor, see Structural basics 1 (Structural safety), table 1.10;
t chosen design working life;
t0 design working life of fifty years.

NL2.2 Design working life for buildings.

design working
category life (years) examples

1 5 temporary structures

2 15 agricultural structures and industrial buildings with one or two


3 50 buildings and other common structures

4 100 monumental buildings

Example NL2.1

• Given: A steel structure for a retail space for which the client requires a design working life of one-
hundred years. The characteristic imposed load on the floor according to EN 1991-1 is qk = 4 kN/m2,
based on a design working life of fifty years.
• Question: Determine the adapted imposed load on the floor for a design working life of one-
hundred years.
• Answer: The multiplication factor depends on the value for y0. For a retail space y0 = 0,4. The
adapted imposed load on the floor follows from equation (NL2.1), where F is replaced by qk:

 1 – ψ0 t   1 – 0, 4 100 
q k,t = qk,t0  1 + ln  = 4· 1 + 
· ln = 4⋅1,046 = 4, 2 kN/m2

9 t0  9 50 
 

annex for The Netherlands | structural basics 2 | 9

NL2.3 Imposed load.
p. 2-14 (a) EN 1991-1-1, cl.
category qk Qk The reduction factor αA for area may not be applied.
of use description (kN/m2) (kN)

A areas for domestic and residential activities p. 2-14 (b) EN 1991-1-1, cl.
– floors 1,75 3
– stairs 2,0 3 The reduction factor an is applicable in The Netherlands.
– balconies 2,5 3

B office areas 2,5 3 p. 2-14 (c) EN 1991-1-1, cl.

Characteristic values for uniformly distributed loads qk and
C areas where people may congregate
C1 – tables 4,0 7 concentrated loads Qk per category of use are specified
C2 – fixed seats 4,0 7 in the Dutch National Annex. A (not complete) summary is
C3 – without obstacles for moving people 5,0 7
shown in table NL2.3.
C4 – physical activities 5,0 7
C5 – large crowds 5,0 7 According to the Dutch National Annex to EN 1991-1-1, cl.

D shopping areas, for libraries the imposed load qk from table NL2.3
D1 – general retail shops 4,0 7 should only be applied to the area between the bookshel-
D2 – department stores 4,0 7 ves. The average load which should be taken into account
E areas for accumulation of goods or industrial use can be determined with:
E1 – shops ≥5 ≥7
E1 – libraries ≥ 2,5 ≥3 A1γ bk h + A 2 p 0
E1 – other ≥5 ≥ 10 qk = (NL2.2)
E2 – industrial use ≥3 ≥7 A1 + A 2

garages and vehicle traffic areas Where:

F – light vehicles, lighter than 25 kN 2 10 A1 area in m2 on which the shelves are located;
G – medium weight vehicles: 25 kN to 120 kN 5 40
A2 residual area in m2;
roofs gbk self-weight of the books (gbk = 6 kN/m3);
H – not accessible (α = roof slope):
0 ≤ α ≤ 15˚ 1,0 1,5 p0 load for the area between the shelves (p0 = 2,5 kN/m2);
15˚ ≤ α < 20˚ 4 – 0,2α 1,5 h height of the shelves.
α ≥ 20˚ 0 1,5
– – for areas below ground level (no traffic load) 4 7
Non-Complementary Information
The Dutch National Annex specifies values for access routes
NL2.4 Imposed load for access routes of areas. to areas, depending on the category of use (table NL2.4).

category qk Qk
For access routes in houses, the imposed load Qk should be
of use description (kN/m2) (kN) applied over an area of maximum 0,5x0,5 m2.
A areas for domestic and residential activities 2 3

B office areas 3 3

C areas where people may congregate 5 7

D shopping areas 4 4

E areas for accumulation of goods or industrial use

E1 – libraries 3 3
E1 – other 4 4
E2 – industrial use 4 4

10 | structural basics 2 | annex for The Netherlands

Example NL2.2

• Given: An office building with twenty storeys. At the ground floor an entry is combined NL2.5 Functional plan of the ground floor of an
office building.
with the archive and the company restaurant (fig. NL2.5). The height of each storey is 3,5 m
and the free height is 2,8 m. The stability of the building is provided by a core.
archive (60% racks)
• Question: What is the imposed load on the ground floor around the core?

3 x 4 = 12 m
• Answer: The imposed load on the ground floor depends on the use of the different areas. core

The hall with the reception is an access route to an office (category B), and so: qk = 3 kN/m3
hall/reception company restaurant
and Qk = 3 kN (table NL2.4). A company restaurant in an office is an area where people may
congregate. There are tables, so this area belongs to category C1: qk = 4 kN/m2 and Qk = 7 kN 4 x 6 = 24 m
(table NL2.3). The archive is meant for storage of binders, books and other documents in
racks (category E1). This area is comparable with a library. The average uniformly distributed
load which should be taken into account, according to equation (NL2.2), is:

qk =
A1γ bk h + A 2 p 0
( 0, 6 ⋅4 ⋅24 ) ⋅6 ⋅2, 8 + ( 0, 4 ⋅4 ⋅24 ) ⋅2, 5 =
968 + 96,0
= 11,1 kN/m2
A1 + A 2 ( 0, 6 ⋅4 ⋅24 ) + ( 0, 4 ⋅4 ⋅24 ) 96,0

For the concentrated load in the archive Qk ≥ 3 kN (table NL2.4).

p. 2-16 (a) EN 1991-1-3, cl. 5.2 NL2.6 The three wind areas in the Netherlands and the
related fundamental values of the basic wind velocity vb,0.
Ce = Ct = 1,0 and sk = 0,7 kN/m2 should be used. This means the snow load which should
be taken into account may be simplified to:

s = 0,7mi kN/m2 (NL2.3) II

North Sea

The accompanying values of the snow load are set to yi ·sk, with y0 = 0 for the combination I
value, y1 = 0,2 for the frequent value and y2 = 0 for the quasi-permanent value. This results
in the representative values of the snow load for simultaneous occurrence with other variable III


p. 2-16 (b) EN 1991-1-3, cl. 4.3 Germany

Exceptional snow loads on the ground need not be taken into account. III

p. 2-16 (c) EN 1991-1-3, cl. 3.3 + 6

The snow load arrangement according to figure 2.18b does not need to be considered.

p. 2-17 EN 1991-1-4, cl. 4.2(1) Wind area I: in the province of Noord-Holland all municipalities north of
the municipalities of Heemskerk, Uitgeest, Wormerland, Purmerend and
The Netherlands is divided into three wind areas (I, II and III) each with its own fundamental Edam-Volendam.

value of the basic wind velocity vb,0 (fig. NL2.6).

annex for The Netherlands | structural basics 2 | 11

NL2.8 Peak velocity pressure qp(z) in kN/m2
for c0(z) = 1.
wind area I wind area II wind area III
(m) non­ non­ non­
coastal urbanized urbanized coastal urbanized urbanized urbanized urbanized
1 0,93 0,71 0,69 0,78 0,60 0,58 0,49 0,48
2 1,11 0,71 0,69 0,93 0,60 0,58 0,49 0,48
3 1,22 0,71 0,69 1,02 0,60 0,58 0,49 0,48
4 1,30 0,71 0,69 1,09 0,60 0,58 0,49 0,48
5 1,37 0,78 0,69 1,14 0,66 0,58 0,54 0,48
6 1,42 0,84 0,69 1,19 0,71 0,58 0,58 0,48
7 1,47 0,89 0,69 1,23 0,75 0,58 0,62 0,48
8 1,51 0,94 0,73 1,26 0,79 0,62 0,65 0,51
9 1,55 0,98 0,77 1,29 0,82 0,65 0,68 0,53
10 1,58 1,02 0,81 1,32 0,85 0,68 0,70 0,56
15 1,71 1,16 0,96 1,43 0,98 0,80 0,80 0,66
20 1,80 1,27 1,07 1,51 1,07 0,90 0,88 0,74
25 1,88 1,36 1,16 1,57 1,14 0,97 0,94 0,80
30 1,94 1,43 1,23 1,63 1,20 1,03 0,99 0,85
35 2,00 1,50 1,30 1,67 1,25 1,09 1,03 0,89
40 2,04 1,55 1,35 1,71 1,30 1,13 1,07 0,93
45 2,09 1,60 1,40 1,75 1,34 1,17 1,11 0,97
50 2,12 1,65 1,45 1,78 1,38 1,21 1,14 1,00
55 2,16 1,69 1,49 1,81 1,42 1,25 1,17 1,03
60 2,19 1,73 1,53 1,83 1,45 1,28 1,19 1,05
65 2,22 1,76 1,57 1,86 1,48 1,31 1,22 1,08
70 2,25 1,80 1,60 1,88 1,50 1,34 1,24 1,10
75 2,27 1,83 1,63 1,90 1,53 1,37 1,26 1,13
80 2,30 1,86 1,66 1,92 1,55 1,39 1,28 1,15
85 2,32 1,88 1,69 1,94 1,58 1,42 1,30 1,17
90 2,34 1,91 1,72 1,96 1,60 1,44 1,32 1,18
95 2,36 1,93 1,74 1,98 1,62 1,46 1,33 1,20
100 2,38 1,96 1,77 1,99 1,64 1,48 1,35 1,22
110 2,42 2,00 1,81 2,03 1,68 1,52 1,38 1,25
120 2,45 2,04 1,85 2,05 1,71 1,55 1,41 1,28
130 2,48 2,08 1,89 2,08 1,74 1,59 1,44 1,31
140 2,51 2,12 1,93 2,10 1,77 1,62 1,46 1,33
150 2,54 2,15 1,96 2,13 1,80 1,65 1,48 1,35
160 2,56 2,18 2,00 2,15 1,83 1,67 1,50 1,38
170 2,59 2,21 2,03 2,17 1,85 1,70 1,52 1,40
180 2,61 2,24 2,06 2,19 1,88 1,72 1,54 1,42
190 2,63 2,27 2,08 2,20 1,90 1,75 1,56 1,44
200 2,65 2,29 2,11 2,22 1,92 1,77 1,58 1,46

12 | structural basics 2 | annex for The Netherlands

p. 2-18 EN 1991-1-4, cl. 4.2(2) NL2.7 Terrain categories and terrain parameters.
The directional factor cdir = 1 is used. The seasonal factor cseason = 1 is used.
terrain category z0 (m) zmin (m)

0 sea or coastal area 0,005 1

p. 2-19 (a) EN 1991-1-4, cl. 4.3.2
Three terrain categories are defined (table NL2.7)
II non-urbanized area 0,2 4

III urbanized area 0,5 7

p. 2-19 (b) EN 1991-1-4, cl. 4.3.3
The procedure to determine co(z) according to EN 1991-1-4, Annex A.3 is confirmued.

p. 2-19 (c) EN 1991-1-4, cl. 4.5

The peak velocity pressure values are tabulated depending on the wind area, the terrain cate-
gory and the height (table NL2.8).

p. 2-19 (d) EN 1991-1-4, cl. 4.4

The recommended value for the turbulence factor is confirmed in the Dutch National Annex.

p. 2-19 (e) EN 1991-1-4, cl. 4.5

The recommended values for the air density is confirmed in the Dutch National Annex.
NL2.9 External pressure coefficients cpe for the
different zones of vertical façades of buildings with
p. 2-21 EN 1991-1-4, cl. 5.2(1) + 7.2.2 a rectangular plan.

External pressure coefficients cpe for the different zones of vertical façades of buildings with a h/d
rectangular plan are shown in table NL2.9.
≤1 5
cpe,1 –1,4 –1,4
p. 2-22 EN 1991-1-4, cl. 5.3(5) + 7.2.2(3) zone A
Due to lack of correlation of wind pressures at the windward and leeward sides the resulting cpe,10 –1,2 –1,2
force due to wind pressures at the windward and leeward side of buildings may be multiplied cpe,1 –1,1 –1,1
by a factor 0,85. zone B
cpe,10 –0,8 –0,8

p. 2-26 EN 1991-1-4, cl. 6.3.1 cpe,1 –0,5 –0,5

zone C
The factors kp, B2 and R2 in the structural factor cscd should be determined according to EN 1991-1- cpe,10 –0,5 –0,5
4, annex C. Also cscd = 0,85 should be taken if equation (2.25) yields a lower value than 0,85.
cpe,1 +1,0 +1,0
For the peak factor kp, Annex C refers to EN 1991-1-4, annex B, cl. B2.(3). zone D
The background response factor B2 according to annex C is: cpe,10 +0,8 +0,8

1 cpe,1 –0,5 –0,7

B2 = (NL2.4) zone E
2 2 2
3  b   h   b h 
cpe,10 –0,5 –0,7
1+   +  + · 
2  L(z s )   L(z s )   L(z s ) L(z s ) 

The resonance response factor R2 according to Annex C is:

R2 = SK (NL2.5)
2δ L s

annex for The Netherlands | structural basics 2 | 13

Ks size reduction function – in EN 1991-1-4, cl. C.2(5) referred to as Ks(n1) – as follows:

Ks =

( )
( )
2 2  2 
1+ Gy φ y + Gz φ z + G φ Gφ 
 π y y z z
with (NL2.6)
c y bn1 c zhn1
ϕy = ; ϕz =
v m(z s ) v m(z s )

Here, the decay constants cy and cz are both equal to 11,5; for buildings with a
uniform horizontal mode shape variation and a linear vertical mode shape variation
the constant Gy = ½ and the constant Gz = 3/8. Other values of these constants
are tabulated in EN 1991-1-4, cl. C.2(6).

p. 2-29 (a) EN 1991-1-3, cl. 7

The action on roofs due to rain water is discussed in the Dutch National Annex to EN
1991-1-3, cl. 7. For action due to rainwater, it is assumed that the ordinary drains are
blocked but that the rain water can flow away over the edge of the roof or through
emergency drains. The location and the number of emergency drains and the slope
of the roof are important. The water level above the emergency drain dnd (m) for a
straight free overfall follows from the Dutch National Annex to EN 1991-1-3, cl. 7.2(5)
(fig. NL2.10):
3 Q 
dnd = 0,70  h
 b 

Qh flow rate through the emergency drain (m3/s);
b width of the emergency drain (m).
NL2.10 Dimensions of an emergency drain for a flat roof with
a straight free overfal.
Another equation applies for an emergency drain that takes the form of a circular central
drain. The flow rate Qh is determined by multiplying the area of the emergency drain
A (m2) by the rainfall intensity ir (m/s). The rainfall intensity depends on the reference
dnd h period; for a reference period of 50 years: ir = 0,05·10–3 m/s.
hnd The water level at the location of the roof edge or at the emergency drain dhw (m) is,
according to the Dutch National Annex to EN 1991-1-3, cl. 7.2(7):
is blocked
dhw = dnd + hnd (NL2.8)

b Where hnd (m) is the height of the emergency drain above the roof (fig. NL2.10 ).

14 | structural basics 2 | annex for The Netherlands

The deflection due to ponding should, according to the Dutch NL2.11 Definitions of vertical deflections for a simply supported beam.
National Annex to EN 1991-1-1, cl. 7.2(2), be determined itera-
tively or with analytically derived equations in which the stiff­ness w1
of the structure is divided by γM = 1,3. According to the Dutch w2
National Annex to EN 1991-1-3, cl. 7.2(2), the action due to rain w3
water is then obtained as the sum of the water level above the
undeformed roof and the water level due to deflection of the wc precamber in the unloaded structural element
roof, multiplied by the density of water (10 kN/m3) and by the w1 initial part of the deflection under permanent loads of the relevant combinations of
actions according to expressions (1.16) to (1.21), see Structural basics 1 (Structural safety)
partial factor for variable actions. w2 long term part of the deflection under permanent loads
w3 additional part of the deflection due to the variable actions of the relevant combinations of
actions to expressions (1.16) to (1.21), see Structural basics 1 (Structural safety)
p. 2-29 (b) EN 1990, cl. A1.4.2 wtot total deflection (wtot = w1 + w2 + w3)
The strictest criteria should be satisfied according to: wmax remaining total deflection taking into account the precamber

– Dutch National Annex to EN 1990, cl. A1.4.3 and A1.4.4; and

– EN 1992 to EN 1999.
NL2.12 Limits for deflections of roofs and floors.
EN 1993-1-1 does not provide serviceability limits in chapter 7
combination of additional total deflec-
(which deals with serviceability limit states). Therefore, the criteria structural part actions defection w3 tion wmax
of the Dutch National Annex to EN 1990, cl. A1.4.3 and A1.4.4,
floors that carry partition frequent ≤ 0,002Lrep –
should be used for steel buildings. walls which are sensitive
to cracks quasi-permanent – ≤ 0,004Lrep

Limits for vertical deflections and horizontal displacements are other floors and roofs frequent ≤ 0,003Lrep –
given in the Dutch National Annex to EN 1990, cl. A1.4.3. which are used inten­
sively by people quasi-permanent – ≤ 0,004Lrep
The Dutch National Annex to EN 1990, cl. A1.4.3(3) provides
requirements for the sum of the deflections w2 and w3 and characteristic ≤ 0,004Lrep –
other roofs
cl. A1.4.3(4) provides requirements for wmax (fig. NL2.11). For quasi-permanent – ≤ 0,004Lrep
steel structures at ambient temperatures, the long-term part floor parapets at a
– ≤ 0,0067Lrep –
of the deflection under permanent load is zero: w2 = 0, since height difference
shrinkage and creep are of no importance for steel structures.
Requirements for wmax are only set when the appearance of the
structure is important and could be compromised by deflections.
The requirements are summarized in table NL2.12. Here, Lrep is NL2.13 Limits for horizontal displacements (for characteristic combinations of actions).

the span length, or twice the length of a cantilever. limit of horizontal

number of storeys building (part) displacement
The Dutch National Annex to EN 1990, cl. A1.4.3(7) provides industrial building u ≤ H/150
limits for horizontal displacements. The requirements are sum- 1
other buildings u ≤ H/300
marized in table NL2.13. Stricter limits may be necessary if, for
per storey ui ≤ Hi/300
example, an overhead crane track is present in a building or if 2 or more
the building has a glass façade. whole building u ≤ H/500

parapet at the location of a upper edge and baluster

u ≤ 20 mm
height difference together

annex for The Netherlands | structural basics 2 | 15

choose curve depending on the
functional use of the building:

line 1
0,3 office, education, industrial,
passenger transport and parking

acceleration (m/s2)
of motor vehicles

0,1 line 2
meeting, residential, lodging,
prison, health care, sport and
natural shopping
floor type frequency fe

floors intensively used by ≥ 3 Hz


floors on which people jump or 0,01

≥ 5 Hz 0,1 0,5 1 5 10
natural frequentie (Hz)

NL2.14 Requirements for the natural frequency fe of floors. NL2.15 Requirements for acceleration due to wind.

p. 2-30 EN 1990, cl. A1.4.4

The serviceability criteria for vibrations are specified in the Dutch National Annex to EN 1990, cl.
A1.4.4. The requirements are summarized in table NL2.14.

Floors intensively used by people meet the requirement if the deflection for short-term behaviour
and for the quasi-permanent combinations of actions is not more than about 34 mm. This limit
does not have to be met if the sum of the characteristic values of the permanent load and y2-times
the imposed load is at least 5 kN/m2 or – in cases where the floor is supported by beams – the total
load is 150 kN per beam.
Floors on which people jump or dance meet the requirement if the deflection for short-term
behaviour and for the quasi-permanent combinations of actions is not more than about 12 mm.

Wind vibrations in a building are inconvenient for people when they cause excessive accelerations.
The Dutch National Annex to EN 1990, cl. A1.4.4(5) states, amongst other things, that for the
building functions ‘residential’ and ‘lodging’ the acceleration should not be more than 0,25 m/s2 at
a natural frequency of 0,1 Hz, and not more than 0,1 m/s2 at a natural frequency of 1 Hz. Linear
interpolation may be applied for intermediate natural frequencies. For natural frequencies larger
than 1 Hz, the acceleration should be limited to 0,1 m/s2 (line 2 in fig. NL2.15). For, amongst
other things, the building functions ‘office’ and ‘education’, less strict requirements are acceptable
(line 1 in fig. NL2.15). The natural frequency can be determined using EN 1991-1-4, cl. F.2. A check
for wind vibrations is not required for buildings with a height less than 20 m and a width not
greater than the height.

p. 2-32 EN 1991-1-1, Annex A and B

Annex A and B are informative.

16 | structural basics 2 | annex for The Netherlands

p. 2-33 (a) EN 1991-1-3, cl. 3.2(1)
Exceptional snowfall is not relevant. Only normal conditions occur for which the undrifted and
drifted snow load arrangements should be applied according to the code.

p. 2-33 (b) EN 1991-1-3, cl. 4.1 + 4.2

The snow load on the ground is sk = 0,7 kN/m2. The accompanying values are specified as y·sk
with y0 = 0 for the combination value, y1 = 0,2 for the frequent value and y2 = 0 for the quasi-
permanent value.

p. 2-33 (c) EN 1991-1-3, cl. 4.3

Exceptional snow loads on the ground are not relevant.

p. 2-34 (a) EN 1991-1-3, cl. 6.3

Exceptional snowfall is not relevant.
Overhanging snow at the edge of a roof need not be taken into account.

p. 2-34 (b) EN 1991-1-3, cl. 7

For The Netherlands, chapter 7 for actions due to rainwater was added. The action due to rain-
water is a free action, and water ponding should be taken into account. The following principles
are adopted:
– regular drains are blocked;
– the rain intensity is 0,05·10–3 m/s for a reference period of fifty years (for other reference peri-
ods, other rain intensities are valid);
– the water is disposed of by flowing over the roof edge or through emergency drains.

The magnitude of the rainwater action is determined based on the water level above the undefor-
med roof, and the water level due to deflection of the roof resulting from (and causing) ponding.
Due to deflection of the structure the water level increases, which leads to larger deflections
under the increased load. This iterative effect should be taken into account when determining
the magnitude of the rain water action. The deflection should be determined with the action due
to the water level above the undeformed roof as the initial action, and the stiffness should be
divided by γM = 1,3. The Dutch National Annex to EN 1991-1-3 also provides rules for detailing
the emergency drains.

p. 2-34 (c) EN 1991-1-3, Annexes

Only case A (normal snow conditions) of Annex A should be applied.
Annex B should not be applied.
The Annexes C, D and E are kept informative.

p. 2-34 (d) EN 1991-1-4, 1.5(2)

For design assisted by testing and measurements, the Dutch National Annex specifies that CUR

annex for The Netherlands | structural basics 2 | 17

Recommendation 103 (Windtunnelonderzoek voor de bepaling van ontwerp-windbelastingen
op (hoge) gebouwen en onderdelen ervan) (In English: Wind tunnel research for determining
design wind actions on (high-rise) buildings and their components) may be consulted for the
determination of wind actions on buildings through wind tunnel investigations.

p. 2-35 EN 1991-1-4, cl. 4.5

Peak velocity pressures are provided in table format, depending on the wind area, the terrain
category and the height (see table NL2.8).

p. 2-37 EN 1991-1-4, Annexes

• Annex A, cl. A.1 on illustrations of the upper roughness per terrain category is informative. The
clauses A.2 to A.4 are made normative. The clause A.5 on displacement height is not applicable.
• Annex B containing a procedure for determining the structural factor is not applicable.
• Annex C, which provides an alternative procedure for determining the structural factor, is
made normative.
• Annex D containing structural factors for different types of structures is kept informative.
• Annex E on vortex shedding and aeroelastic instabilities is kept informative.
• Annex F on the dynamic characteristics of structures is kept informative.

p. 2-44 EN 1991-1-4, cl. 4.5

See remarks to p. 2-19 (c).

p. 2-45 EN 1991-1-4, cl. 5.2

See remarks to p. 2-16 (a).

p. 2-46 (a) EN 1991-1-4, cl. 4.2(1)

See remarks to p. 2-19 (c).

p. 2-46 (b) EN 1991-1-4, cl. 4.2(2)

See remarks to p. 2-18.

p. 2-49 (a) EN 1991-1-4, cl. 4.3.3(1) + A3 + 4.4

The recommended procedure for determining the orography factor according to Annex A3 is
followed. The recommended value for the turbulence factor is confirmed as 1,0.

p. 2-49 (b) EN 1991-1-4, cl. 4.2

The recommended values for the directional factor and the seasonal factor are confirmed to be 1,0.

p. 2-51 EN 1991-1-4, cl. 5.3(5) + 7.2.2(3)

See remarks to p. 2-22.

18 | structural basics 2 | annex for The Netherlands

Worked examples for The Netherlands
The three worked examples in section 2.7 are elaborated here, specifically for the Dutch situation.

2.7.1 Actions on a floor in a residential house

• Given: A floor in a detached house consists of timber beams with floor panels and a steel
IPE 270 beam (see fig. 2.35). A non-load bearing (moveable) internal wall of cellular concrete
blocks with a thickness d = 70 mm and a density of γ = 8 kN/m3 is located on the floor. The floor
height is h = 2,4 m.
• Question: Determine the actions on the timber beams and on the steel beam at the ultimate
limit state, and the corresponding force distribution.
• Answer: A detached house (single-family dwelling) belongs in consequence class CC1 and
reliability class RC1, see Structural basics 1 (Structural safety), tables 1.11 and 1.12. The actions
on the floor consist of a permanent load part (self-weight gk) and a variable action part (imposed
load qk).

Permanent load (gk)

For the timber floor including beams, the self-weight is 0,30 kN/m2 (see table 2.9). The steel
IPE 270 beam has a self-weight of 0,36 kN/m (such information can be obtained from books of
tables). For the non-load bearing internal wall, the self-weight per meter is: gk = dhγ = 0,07·2,4·8
= 1,34 kN/m. This self-weight is larger than 1,0 kN/m and smaller than 2,0 kN/m. The internal
wall may be taken into account as a uniform distributed load qk = 0,8 kN/m2 (see table 2.13),
which should be included in the imposed load. The action due to the non-load bearing wall can
then be regarded as a variable free action.
The timber beams each support an average floor area with a width of 0,75 m. The actions due
to the timber beams on the steel beam are taken as a uniformly distributed load for reasons of
simplicity. The steel beam supports a floor area with a width of 0,5·(3,0 + 4,0) = 3,5 m. The permanent
load on the beams is therefore:

timber beam: gk = 0,30·0,75 = 0,23 kN/m

steel beam: gk = 0,36 + 0,30·3,5 = 1,41 kN/m

Imposed load (qk)

The imposed load which should be taken into account is an imposed floor load. A room in a
residential house belongs to category of use A (areas for domestic and residential activities)
according to EN 1991-1-1, table 6.1. The imposed load on a floor of category A consists of a
uniformly distributed load qk = 1,75 kN/m2 and a concentrated load Qk = 3 kN (see table NL2.3).
The load due to the self-weight of the wall should be included in the uniformly distributed load:
qk = 1,75 + 0,8 = 2,55 kN/m2. Which of the two imposed loads is critical for bending in the
timber beams can be determined based on the bending moments:

annex for The Netherlands | structural basics 2 | 19

1 1
uniformly distributed load: Mq,k = q L2 = ·( 2, 55 ⋅0,75 ) ·4,02 = 3, 8 kNm (critical)
8 k 8
1 1
concentrated load: MQ,k = Q L = ·3 ⋅4,0 = 3,0 kNm
4 k 4

The uniformly distributed load is critical in determining the maximum bending moment.
The shear force in a timber beam is at a maximum when the concentrated load Qk = 3 kN is
located near the support of the beam. Which of the two imposed loads is critical for shear in the
timber beams can be determined based on the shear forces:

q L = ·( 2, 55 ⋅0, 75 ) ·4,0 = 3,8 kN (critical)

1 1
uniformly distributed load: Vq,k =
2 k 2
concentrated load: VQ,k = Qk = 3, 0 kN

The uniformly distributed load is also critical in determining the maximum shear force.

For the steel beam, the uniformly distributed load is critical because this load is applied to the
whole floor area, compared to the concentrated load which only acts on an area of 0,05x0,05m2.
Therefore, for the steel beam: qk = 2,55·3,5 = 8,92 kN/m.

Combinations of actions
The governing moment in the timber beams at the ultimate limit state occurs for a combination of
permanent load and variable action: in this case the self-weight and the imposed load. A detached
house is a single-family dwelling and belongs to consequence class CC1 with a corresponding
reliability class RC1, see Structural basics 1, table 1.11 and 1.12. The combinations of actions for
persistent or transient design situations (fundamental combinations, set B) are for reliability class
RC1 (see table NL2.1 and Structural basics 1, equation (1.26) and (1.27)):

1,2G + ∑ 1,35ψ 0,iQk,i = 1,2gk + 1,35ψ 0 qk

i ≥1

1,1G + 1,35Qk,1 + ∑ 1,35ψ 0,iQk,i = 1,1gk + 1,35qk

i >1

The ψ factor in these equations for a residential house is: y0 = 0,4; see Structural basics 1, table
1.10. For the critical moment, the following combinations of actions should be considered:

MEd =
( )
1,2 gk L2 +
( )
1,35ψ 0 qk L2

1 1
= ·(1,2 ⋅0, 23 )·4, 02 + · (1,35 ⋅0, 4 ⋅2,55·0,75)·4, 0 2 = 2,6 kNm
8 8

MEd =
( )
1,1gk L2 +
( )
1,35qk L2

1 1
= ·(1,1⋅0, 23 )·4, 02 + · (1,35 ⋅2,55·0,75)·4, 02 = 5,7 kNm (critical)
8 8

20 | structural basics 2 | annex for The Netherlands

For the critical shear force, the following combinations of actions should be considered:

VEd =
1,2gk L +) 1
( )
1,35ψ 0 qk L

1 1
= ·(1, 2⋅0, 23 )·4, 0 + · (1,35 ⋅0,4 ⋅2,55·0,75)·4, 0 = 2,6 kN
2 2

VEd =
1,1gk L +) 1
1,35qk L )
1 1
= ·(1,1⋅0, 23 )·4,0 + · (1,35 ⋅2,55·0,75)·4, 0 = 5,7 kN (critical)
2 2

For the steel beam, the critical combination of actions at the ultimate limit state is:

qEd = 1,2 gk + 1,35ψ 0 qk = 1,2⋅1,41 + 1,35 ⋅0, 4 ⋅ 8,92 = 6, 5 kN/m

qEd = 1,1gk + 1,35qk = 1,1⋅1,41 + 1,35 ⋅8,92 = 13,6 kN/m (critical)

The bending moment is then:

1 1
MEd = q L2 = ·13,5 ⋅5,252 = 46,5 kNm
8 Ed 8

And the shear force is:

1 1
VEd = q L = ·13,5 ⋅5,25 = 35,4 kN
2 Ed 2

2.7.2 Actions on a free-standing platform canopy at a station

• Given: A free-standing canopy for a bus station in Den Bosch, The Netherlands, having six (un-
braced) frames at a centre-to-centre spacing b = 6,5 m in a non-urbanized area. The roof consists of
profiled steel sheeting with a 300 mm wide gutter in the centre. The gutter height is 200 mm and
the top of the gutter is located at the same height as the roof cladding. A 1,2 m high billboard,
which extends 0,3 m above the roof, is located on both sides of the roof. The area between the
columns is closed with a glass wall (see fig. 2.36).
• Question: What is the governing load on the canopy structure?
• Answer: A canopy for a bus station can be regarded as a (part of a) public building and belongs to
consequence class CC2 and reliability class RC2, see Structural basics 1 (Structural safety), table 1.11
and 1.12. A classification in consequence class CC1 would not be correct because during a storm, or
other unfavourable weather conditions, the canopy functions as a shelter to persons. A classification
in class CC3 would be too strict regarding the open nature of the structure.
The partial factors for actions at the ultimate limit state for reliability class RC2 for persistent or
transient design situations (fundamental combinations, set B) can be determined based on table

annex for The Netherlands | structural basics 2 | 21

γG = 1,35 (unfavourable), γG = 0,9 (favourable) and gQ = 1,5
γG = 1,20 (unfavourable), γG = 0,9 (favourable) and gQ = 1,5

The reference period for buildings and regular structures is 50 year (see table NL2.2). The com-
binations of actions on the canopy include the following six actions:
– permanent load (self-weight);
– imposed load (variable action on the roof);
– wind action;
– action due to rain water;
– snow load;
– accidental actions.

Permanent load (self-weight)

Self-weights must be assumed since the dimensions of the structure and the profiled steel sheeting
have not yet been determined. The self-weight of the profiled steel sheeting (including gutter),
purlins, and frames of the canopy structure and of the bracings is assumed to be 0,15 kN/m2, and
the self-weight of the billboards along the roof edges is assumed to be 0,10 kN/m.

Imposed load (variable action)

The roof of the canopy is only accessible for maintenance and repair and belongs to category
of use H. Table NL2.3 provides values for the uniformly distributed and concentrated loads,
depending on the slope. For a slope α = 6,5˚, qk = 1,0 kN/m2 (with y0 = 0; see Structural basics 1,
table 1.10) over a maximum area of 10 m2. For a purlin, with a centre-to-centre spacing of 2,2 m, this
leads to a loaded roof area of 2,2x4,55 = 10 m2. For the trusses, with a centre-to-centre spacing
of 6,5 m, a loaded roof area along the roof edge of 6,5x1,54 = 10 m2 is critical (see fig. 2.37). The
concentrated load which shall be taken into account is Qk = 1,5 kN, acting on an area of 0,1x0,1 m;
this load is, in this case, less critical than the uniformly distributed load.

Wind action
The wind action on a structure or structural element may be determined directly using equation
(2.22). The wind action may also be determined by vector summation of the wind actions for
external pressure, internal pressure and friction according to equation (2.24). For some structural
elements (canopy roofs, billboards), the method with force coefficients applies (direct method),
and for some other structural elements (glass wall) the method with pressure coefficients should
be applied (vector summation). In this example, the wind action is determined as far as possible
using the method of vector summation, and the direct method is used to determine an equivalent
force coefficient.
The height of the canopy (including billboard) is 5,25 + 1,20 = 6,45 m. This value is smaller than
15 m, which means that the structural factor equals cscd = 1,0.
The force coefficient cf should be determined per surface exposed to wind according to EN
1991-1-4, cl. 7.1.1(4). Based on figure 2.22, for the glass wall with a height/depth ratio h/d =

22 | structural basics 2 | annex for The Netherlands

6,45/13,2 = 0,5, it can be determined that cpe = cpe,10 = 0,8 at the windward side (zone D)
and cpe = cpe,10 = -0,5 at the leeward side (zone E). This leads to a total force coefficient cf = 0,8
+ 0,5 = 1,3. Due to lack of correlation between the wind pressures at the windward and leeward
sides, the total force coefficient may be multiplied by 0,85, so: cf = 1,3·0,85 = 1,11 (see the Dutch
National Annex to EN 199191-4, cl. 5.3(5) and 7.2.2(3)). It should be noted that in this example,
for determination of the wind action, the depth of the glass wall corresponds with the total width
of the canopy.
For the roof of the canopy, EN 1991-1-4, cl. 7.3 (canopy roofs) applies. There is a full degree of bloc-
kage (full solidity): ϕ = 1. EN 1991-1-4, table 7.7 and figure 7.17 should be applied for determining cf.
The slope α is 6,5˚. As conservative value α = –10˚ is used in this example. The maximum value of the
force coefficient is then, according to EN 1991-1-4, table 7.7, for ϕ = 1: cf = +0,4 and the minimum
value cf = –1,4. A distinction is made between the following six load cases in figure 2.38:
a. downward load, complete roof loaded: cf = 0,4;
b. downward load, left half of the roof loaded: cf = 0,4;
c. downward load, right half of the roof loaded: cf = 0,4;
d. upward load, complete roof loaded: cf = 1,4;
e. upward load, left half of the roof loaded: cf = 1,4;
f. upward load, right half of the roof loaded: cf = 1,4.

For wind from the left, case e is critical for the canopy, and obviously therefore for wind from the
right it is case f.

For the billboards along the roof edges, EN 1991-1-4, cl. 7.4.3 provides the force coefficients.
The distance from the bottom of the billboards to the ground is greater than h/4, where h is the
height of the billboard: 5,25 m > 1,2/4 = 0,3 m. For this case: cf = 1,80 shall be applied.
For wind friction, a very rough surface (ripples, ribs, folds) is assumed due to the presence of the
gutter and profiled steel sheeting. The friction coefficient, according to table 2.29, is then cf = 0,04.
Finally, the peak velocity pressure qp(ze) at reference height ze shall be determined. The reference
height is ze = 6,45 m. The peak velocity pressure can be determined using table NL2.8. For wind
area III (Den Bosch, The Netherlands), non-urbanized, the peak velocity pressure is: qp(ze = 6,45)
= 0,60 kN/m2.
The wind action then finally results in the loading arrangement of figure 2.39. For the components
of the wind action, similar to equations (2.22) and (2.24), the following equation applies:

qw,k = cscd·(cf or cfr)·qp(ze)·b = 1,0·(cf or cfr)·0,60·6,5 = 3,90·(cf or cfr)

For the four wind action components the following values can be obtained:
compression + suction on the glass wall: q1,w,k = 3,90·1,11 = 4,33 kN/m
upward compression on the left half: q2,w,k = 3,90·1,4 = 5,46 kN/m
compression and suction on the billboards: q3,w,k = 3,90·1,8 = 7,02 kN/m
friction along the roof surface: q4,w,k = 3,90·0,04 = 0,16 kN/m

annex for The Netherlands | structural basics 2 | 23

Action due to rainwater
Action due to rainwater occurs when the regular drains of the gutter are blocked. The gutter then
fills up until the water flows over its edges. The action due to rainwater on one frame is then (see
fig. 2.40):

Fwater,k = Aguttergwaterb = 0,3·0,2·10·6,5 = 3,9 kN

Ponding is not taken into account in the equation above. Ponding is the phenomenon that, due
to the deflection of the roof, additional water flows onto the roof and because this extra weight
causes a larger deflection yet more water must be carried, see section 2.4.4. For this canopy,
there is no risk for ponding based on the design and detailing of the canopy.

Snow load
For persistent and transient design situations, the snow load which should be taken into account
in The Netherlands can be determined using equation (NL2.3):

s = 0,7mi kN/m2

Figure 2.18a can be used to determine the snow load shape coefficients for the canopy, where only
the roof parts at both sides of the central column are relevant. EN 1991-1-3 does not provide snow
load shape coefficients for canopies, and the centre part of figure 2.18a shows the best resemblance
to the canopy being considered in this example. Case (i) is the undrifted snow load arrangement and
case (ii) the drifted snow load arrangement. For the slope α = 6,5˚, the following coefficients are valid:

µ1 = 0,8

0,8α 0,8·6,5
µ 2 = 0,8 + = 0,8 + = 0,97
30 30

The fact that the edge of the billboard extends h = 0,3 m above the roof plane is also important.
For such a case, figure 2.18b is valid, resulting in the following coefficients:

µ1 = 0,8
γh 2h 2·0,3
µ2 = = = = 0,86
sk sk 0,7

The density of snow γ = 2 kN/m3 is taken from EN 1991-1-3, cl. 6.2. The drift length is ls = 2h =
2·0,3 = 0,6 m, but due to the prescribed limitation ls = 5 m is taken. Superposition leads to the
governing snow load shape coefficients for the canopy, as shown in figure 2.41.

Accidental action
Accidental load cases are irrelevant for the canopy regarding its nature.

24 | structural basics 2 | annex for The Netherlands

With these actions, combinations of actions for persistent or transient design situations (fundamental
combinations, set B) for the ultimate limit state can be determined. It will then appear that the
combination of actions ‘permanent load (self-weight) + wind action’ is governing for the analysis
of this canopy.

2.7.3 Wind action on the façades of an office building

• Given: A 70 m high office building with twenty floors and a plan of 24x12 m in Rotterdam, The
Netherlands, in a non-urbanized area. The structure consists of a steel frame around a concrete
core which provides stability (see example NL2.2 and fig. NL2.5). The self-weight of the building
is 78000 kg per meter height. The façades mainly consist of glass and steel. The flat roof has a
bitumen cover with a gravel finish.
• Question: What is the wind action on the façades of the building for a stability analysis?
• Answer: The building is located in Rotterdam, The Netherlands in wind area II with vb,0 = 27 m/s
(fig. NL2.6). The basic wind velocity at a height of 10 m is then, according to equation (2.10):

vb = cdir·cseason·vb,0 =1·1·27 = 27 m/s

For a stability analysis of the office building, internal forces are of no importance because they
are internally in equilibrium. Due to the rectangular plan of the building, the wind action on the
short face is different from the wind on the long face. The wind action on the faces of the office
building is determined by the wind force Fw according to equation (2.22):

Fw = cscd·cf·qp(ze)·Aref

The following quantities are determined in sequence:

– force coefficient cf (also required for determining the resonance response factor B2 in the
equation for the structural factor);
– structural factor cscd;
– peak velocity pressure qp(ze);
– reference area Aref.

Force coefficient cf
The force coefficient cf follows from equation (2.23) containing the parameters cf,0, yr and yλ.
• For wind on the short face of the office building d/b = 24/12 = 2. From figure 2.26, it can be
determined that cf,0 = 1,65. For a building with sharp edges: yr = 1,0.
The slenderness of the building is according to figure 2.27 (case number 2 with  = 70 m ≥ 50 m)
the smaller value of λ = 1,4/b = 1,4·70/12 = 8,2 or λ = 70. So the slenderness is λ = 8,2. For a
closed building, the solidity ratio is ϕ = 1,0. From figure 2.28 it can be determined that yλ = 0,68.
With these data the force coefficient cf becomes:

cf,short face = cf,0yryλ = 1,65·1,0·0,68 = 1,12

annex for The Netherlands | structural basics 2 | 25

• For wind on the long face of the office building d/b = 12/24 = 0,5. From figure 2.26, it can be
determined that cf,0 = 2,3. Since the building has sharp edges yr = 1,0.
The slenderness of the building is according to figure 2.27 (case number 2 with  = 70 m ≥ 50 m)
the smaller value of λ = 1,4/b = 1,4·70/24 = 4,1 or λ = 70. The first value is critical. Again, for a
closed building, the solidity ratio is ϕ = 1,0. From figure 2.28 it can be determined that yλ = 0,66.
With these data the force coefficient cf can be obtained as follows:

cf,long face = cf,0yryλ = 2,3·1,0·0,66 = 1,52

Structural factor cscd

For wind on the front surface the structural factor is cscd = 1, since the height of the building is less
than four times the depth of the building in the direction of the wind (h = 70 m < 4·24 = 96 m) and
the building consists of frames and a core of concrete walls lower than 100 m.
For wind on the long face, the criterion is not met because h = 70 m ≥ 4·12 = 48 m. In this case, cscd
shall be determined using equation (2.25). The reference height zs is (see fig. 2.30): zs = 0,6h = 0,6·70
= 42 m ≥ zmin = 4 m for non-urbanized areas. The roughness length is z0 = 0,2 m (table NL2.7).
The following parameters can now be determined:
– mean wind velocity vm(zs);
– background response factor B2;
– resonance response factor R2;
– peak factor kp;
– turbulence intensity lv(zs).

• The mean wind velocity vm(zs) can be determined using equation (2.11). The roughness
factor cr(zs) is provided by equation (2.12). The orography factor co(zs) for a level surface is equal to
1,0, so:

0,07 0,07
 z   0, 2 
k r = 0,19  0  = 0,19·   = 0,209
 0, 05   0,05 

z   42 
c r (z s ) = k r ln  s  = 0, 209·ln   = 1,12
 0  0,2 

v m (z s ) = c r (z s )c 0 (z s )v b = 1,12·1,0·27 = 30,2 m/s

• The background response factor B2 can be determined using equation (NL2.4), where the tur-
bulence length scale L(zs) is provided by equation (2.30):

z   42 
0,67 + 0,05·ln0,2
L(z s ) = L t   = 300·  = 119,6 m
 zt   200 

B2 =
2 2 2
3  b   h   b h 
26 | structural basics 2 | a n n e x f o r T h1e +N e  r l a nd s+   + · 
2 t heL(z )
s   L(z s )   L(z s ) L(z s ) 

z   42 
0,67 + 0,05·ln0,2
L(z s ) = L t   = 300·  = 119,6 m
 t  200 

B2 =
2 2 2
3  b   h   b h 
1 +   +  + · 
2  L(z s )   L(z s )   L(z s ) L(z s ) 

= = 0,514
2 2 2
3  24   70   24 70 
1 +   +  + ·
2  119,6   119,6   119,6 119,6 

• The resonance response factor R2 can be determined using equation (NL2.5). First, the loga-
rithmic decrement δ with parameters ds, da and dd is determined using equation (2.32).
For a structure in concrete (core) and steel (frames): ds = 0,08, see table 2.31. For determining da,
equation (2.33) is used. The fundamental frequency n1 may be assumed as n1 = 46/h = 46/70 =
0,657 Hz. The equivalent mass is me = 78000 kg/m. This leads to da being:

c f,longface ρbv m(z s )

1, 52 ⋅1, 25 ⋅24 ⋅30,2
δa = = = 0, 013
2n1me 2 ⋅0, 657⋅78000

The building has no special provisions (such as mass dampers or a water tank on the top floor) to
limit the damping, so dd = 0. The logarithmic decrement δ is then:

δ = ds + da + dd = 0,08 + 0,013 + 0 = 0,093

The dimensionless wind power spectral density function SL follows from equation (2.34):

n1L(z s ) 0,657⋅119,6
fL = = = 2,60
v m(z s ) 30,2

6,8fL 6,8 ⋅2,60

SL = = = 0,0705
(1 + 10,2fL ) (1 + 10,2 ⋅2, 60 )5 3

The size reduction function Ks can be determined using equation (NL2.6):

cy bn1 c zhn1
11,5 ⋅24 ⋅0, 657 11,5 ⋅70 ⋅0, 657
ϕy = = = 6,00 and ϕz = = = 17, 5
v m (z s ) 30, 2 v m(z s ) 30, 2

1 3
Gy = = 0,5 and Gz = = 0,375
2 8
Ks =

( )
( )
2 2  2 
1+ Gy φ y + Gz φ z + G φ Gφ 
 π y y z z
1 = 0,0646
2 
1+ ( 0, 5 ⋅6, 00 ) 2
+ ( 0, 375 ⋅17, 5 )
+ 
·0, 5 ⋅6, 00 ⋅0, 375 ⋅17, 5

annex for The Netherlands | structural basics 2 | 27

With these data, the resonance response factor can be determined:

π2 π2
R2 = SLK s = · 0,0705 ⋅0, 0646 = 0, 242
2δ 2 ⋅0, 093

• The peak factor follows from the equations (2.26) and (2.27):

R2 0,242
ν = n1 = 0, 657· = 0,372
B + R2
2 0,514 + 0,242

0, 6 0, 6
kp = 2ln ( νT ) + = 2·ln ( 0,372·600 ) + = 3,471
2ln ( νT ) 2·ln ( 0,372·600 )

• The turbulence intensity lv(zs) is provided by equation (2.28), where c0(zs) = 1,0 should be
applied for the orography factor and kl = 1,0 should be applied for the turbulence factor:

kl 1,0
Iv (z s ) = = = 0,187
z 42
c o(z s )ln s 1,0·ln
z0 0,2

Finally, the structural factor can be determined with the data above:

1 + 2kpIv (z s ) B2 + R 2 1 + 2⋅3,471⋅0,187· 0, 514 + 0, 242

cs cd = = = 0,922
1 + 7Iv (z s ) 1 + 7⋅0,187

Peak velocity pressure qp(ze) at reference height ze

For this office building the height is greater than twice the width: h = 70 m > 2b = 2·24 = 48 m.
Therefore, for determining the reference height, the distribution of figure 2.21c applies. The
peak velocity pressure depends on the height; the values are provided in table NL2.8.
For wind on the lower part of the building, up to a height above the ground equal to the width
of the building, the peak velocity pressure is:

long face: qp(ze = b = 24) = 1,13 kN/m2 for the lower 24 m

short face: qp(ze = b = 12) = 0,90 kN/m2 for the lower 12 m

For wind on the top part of the building, up to a height h – b:

long face: qp(ze = h = 70) = 1,50 kN/m2 from the top to h – b = 70 – 24 = 46 m height
short face: qp(ze = h = 70) = 1,50 kN/m2 from the top to h – b = 70 – 12 = 58 m height.

28 | structural basics 2 | annex for The Netherlands

pressure pressure
distribution façade view distribution façade view
12 m 24 m
1,50 kN/m2 1,50 kN/m2

12 m

1,44 kN/m2 24 m

1,35 kN/m2

70 m 70 m

24 m 1,13 kN/m2
0,90 kN/m2
12 m

qp on the short face qp on the long face

(wind perpendicular to the short face) (wind perpendicular to the long face)

NL2.16 Distribution of the peak velocity pressure qp(ze) over the height of the short and long faces.

For the height in between, the peak velocity pressure is in accordance with the distribution
shown in figure 2.21c. The resulting distribution of the peak velocity pressure on both faces is
schematically shown in figure NL2.16.
Asymmetrical actions, that for example lead to a pressure distribution which causes torsion (see
fig. 2.25), should also be taken into account although they are not considered in this example.

Reference area Aref

For a rectangular building, the reference area Aref is equal to the area of the façade loaded by
wind, or the area of a strip with height hstrip (see fig. 2.21c) of that façade loaded by the peak
velocity pressure at the height of that strip.

Pressure and friction coefficients cpe and cfr

For a stability analysis, the overall pressure coefficients cpe,10 are important. For wind on the
short face the height to width ratio is h/d = 70/24 = 2,9 and the values follow from figure 2.22 by
linear interpolation. For the windward side (zone D) cpe,10 = +0,8 is obtained and for the leeward
side (zone E) cpe,10 = –0,6, giving a total coefficient of 1,4 (not including friction). Due to the lack
of correlation between the wind pressures on the windward and leeward sides, the total coefficient
may be multiplied by 0,85 resulting in 1,4·0,85 = 1,19.

annex for The Netherlands | structural basics 2 | 29

For wind on the long face h/d = 70/12 = 5,8 > 5. Figure 2.22 may not be applied in this case. The
wind action should be directly determined using EN 1991-1-4, cl. 7.6, where the force coefficient
cf,long face = 1,52 (determined earlier) should be applied. This force coefficient takes friction into
account. When, for reasons of comparison, figure 2.22 is applied, cpe,10 = +0,8 is obtained for
the windward side (zone D) and cpe,10 = –0,7 for the leeward side (zone E), giving a total coefficient
of 1,5 (not including friction). Again, due to the lack of correlation of the wind pressures at the wind-
ward and leeward sides, the total coefficient may be multiplied by 0,85 resulting in 1,5·0,85 = 1,28.
This is lower than the value for the force coefficient of cf,long face = 1,52 mentioned earlier. This is
partly because the pressure coefficients for h/d = 5 are assumed while for this building h/d = 5,8. It
is also because friction is already included in the force coefficient cf. The other zones (side faces)
are not relevant for a stability analysis.

For wind the friction coefficient follows from table 2.29, and in the context of this example, with
steel and glass façades (smooth surface), cfr = 0,02.
Friction forces only need to be taken into account on faces parallel with the wind direction, with a
distance to the roof edges or the corners at the windward side larger than the smaller value of
2b or 4h. Here, 2b is critical. For the wind on the long face: 2b = 2·24 = 48 m. This is larger than
the building dimension in the wind direction. For the wind on the short face: 2b = 2·12 = 24 m.
This is exactly equal to the building dimension in the wind direction. In both cases, friction does
not need to be taken into account.

Wind forces Fw
With the values obtained, it is possible to determine all required wind forces on the faces of the
building for a stability analysis. These wind actions are not developed further here.

30 | structural basics 2 | annex for The Netherlands

Modelling Annex NL
No annex required for this chapter

annex for The Netherlands | structural basics 3 | 31

Annex NLNL Analysis
p. 4-5 EN 1993-1-1, cl. 5.2.1(3)
For both elastic and plastic analysis the same boundary is used: acr ≥ 10. This then is the criterion
which can be used to classify frames as sway or non-sway:

acr ≥ 10 ⇒ non-sway
acr < 10 ⇒ sway

p. 4-8 EN 1993-1-1, cl. 5.3.2(3)

Table 5.1 should not be applied. Instead, the Dutch National Annex provides the local bow
imperfections in the form of an equation:
e 0 = α λ – 0, 2 ) Nc,Rd

a imperfection factor, depending on the buckling curve to be applied for the member;
λ relative slenderness of the member;
Mc,Rd design value of the moment resistance of the cross-section;
Nc,Rd design value of the compression resistance of the cross-section.

p. 4-9 EN 1993-1-1, cl. 5.3.2(11)

No restrictions regarding the application of this method.

p. 4-10 EN 1993-1-1, cl. 5.3.2(11)

No restrictions regarding the application of this method.

p. 4-11 EN 1993-1-1, cl. 5.2.2(8)

In the first-order analysis, the global initial sway imperfections of EN 1993-1-1, cl. 5.3.2(3) should
be taken into account. Also second-order effects should be taken into account for beams and
joints. Therefore, it is referred to design rules for the modification of the force distribution in
frames. EN 1993-1-1, cl. 5.2.2(8) assumes implicitly that the frame is a sway frame, however
second-order effects may also influence the force distribution in beams and joints of non-sway
frames. Therefore, the Dutch National Annex provides rules for the modification of the force
distribution for non-sway frames.

32 | structural basics 4 | annex for The Netherlands

p. 4-36 EN 1993-1-1, cl. 5.2.2(8)
EN 1993-1-1, cl. 5.2.2(8) holds for sway frames and may be applied if:
– in the analysis of the internal forces according to first-order theory global initial sway imperfec-
tions are taken into account according to EN 1993-1-1, cl. 5.3.2(3);
– the effect of using the sway buckling length on the force distribution in beams and their con-
nections to columns is taken into account according to EN 1993-1-1, cl. 5.2.2(9) to 5.2.2(12) of
the Dutch National Annex.

• Clause 5.2.2(9) of the Dutch National Annex to EN 1993-1-1 specifies the way in which the
force distribution needs to be modified for beams and their connections in sway frames.
• Clause 5.2.2(10) of the Dutch National Annex to EN 1993-1-1 is similar to cl. 5.2.2(8) of EN 1993-1-1
but describes the equivalent column method for non-sway frames. The method may be applied if:
– in the analysis of the internal forces according to first-order theory local initial bow imperfections
are taken into account according to EN 1993-1-1, cl. 5.3.2(3);
– the effect of using the non-sway buckling length on the force distribution in beams and their
connections to columns is taken into account according to EN 1993-1-1, cl. 5.2.2(11) of the Dutch
National Annex.
• Clause 5.2.2(11) of the Dutch National Annex to EN 1993-1-1 specifies requirements for which
the force distribution in non-sway frames does not need to be modified.
• If these requirements in clause 5.2.2(11) are not met, clause 5.2.2(12) of the Dutch National
Annex to EN 1993-1-1 specifies the way in which the force distribution needs to be modified for
beams and their connections in non-sway frames.

p. 4-37 EN 1993-1-1, cl. 5.3.2(11)

No restrictions regarding the application of this method.

p. 4-39 EN 1993-1-1, cl. 5.3.4

The recommended value of k = 0,5 is adopted.

annex for The Netherlands | structural basics 4 | 33

Annex NL Analysis methods
No annex required for this chapter

34 | structural basics 5 | annex for The Netherlands

Assessment by code Annex NL
p. 6-9 EN 1990, cl. A1.4.2
The applicable serviceability limits for a structure are not prescribed by the Dutch Building Decree
and should therefore be agreed between the client and structural engineer for a given project.
However they may deviate from the serviceability limits of EN 1990, annex A1.4, cl. A1.4.2.

p. 6-28 (a + b) EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.1(1)

The recommended value γM0 = 1,00 is accepted.

p. 6-29 EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.2.6

hw is the height of the web between the flanges (hw = h – 2tf). Other countries may use another
definition of hw.

p. 6-30 EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.2.6

The shear zone Av according to equation (6.27) is used. Other countries may use a (slightly) different
definition of Av.

p. 6-31 (a + b) EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.1(1)

The recommended value γM0 = 1,00 is accepted.

p. 6-34 EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.1(1)

The recommended value γM0 = 1,00 is accepted.

p. 6-41 (a + b) EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.1(1)

The recommended value γM0 = 1,00 is accepted.

p. 6-42 EN 1990, cl. A1.4.2

For material independent serviceability limits the Dutch National Annex to EN 1990 refers in cl.
A1.4.2 to:
– clause A1.4.3 for vertical deflections of beams and floors and hori­zontal displacements of buildings
and storeys;
– clause A1.4.4 for vibrations.

p. 6-43 EN 1990, cl. A1.2.2, table A1.1

For snow loads in The Netherlands ψ2 = 0 is used.

p. 6-44 EN 1993-1-8, cl. 3.1.1 (3)

The Dutch National Annex allows the following bolt classes to be used in the Netherlands:
4.6, 5.6, 6.8, 8.8, 10.9.

annex for The Netherlands | structural basics 6 | 35

Annex NL Resistance of
p. 7-2 EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.1(1)
The recommended values γM0 = 1,00, γM1 = 1,00 and γM2 = 1,25 are accepted.

For structures which are not covered by the codes EN 1993-1 (buildings) to EN 1993-6, the
partial factors for bridges from EN 1993-2 shall be used.

p. 7-8 EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.1(1)

The recommended value γM0 = 1,00 is accepted.

p. 7-10 EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.1(1)

The recommended value γM0 = 1,00 is accepted.

p. 7-12 EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.1(1)

The recommended value γM0 = 1,00 is accepted.

p. 7-14 (a) EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.2.6(3)

The recommended values for Aw in are used. Some countries use different values of Aw, although
there’s no nationale choice allowed.

p. 7-14 (b) EN 1993-1-1, cl. 5.1(2)

η = 1,2 for steel grades up to and including S460, and η = 1,0 for steel grades with higher

p. 7-16 EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.1(1)

The recommended value γM0 = 1,00 is accepted.

p. 7-18 EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.2.8

As an addition to the design rules for the combination of bending and shear the Dutch National
Annex provides design rules based on the former Dutch building codes as non-contradictory com-
plementary information for cases currently not covered by EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.2.8. These additional
rules allow the reduced bending moment resistance allowing for shear to be determined for:
– I-sections in class 1 and 2 with identical flanges in bending about the minor axis;
– square and rectangular hollow sections with cross-sections in class 1 or 2 in bending about the
major and minor axes.

36 | structural basics 7 | annex for The Netherlands

p. 7-21 EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.1(1)
The recommended value γM0 = 1,00 is accepted.

p. 7-22 EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.2.9

No additionale design rules for bending and axial force.

p. 7-26 (a + b) EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.1(1)

The recommended value γM0 = 1,00 is accepted.

p. 7-27 (a + b) EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.1(1)

The recommended value γM0 = 1,00 is accepted.

p. 7-28 (a) EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.2.10

The Dutch National Annex provides design rules for the interaction of:
– mono-axial bending about the major axis, shear and axial force for I-, square and rectangular
sections in class 1 and 2;
– mono-axial bending about the minor axis, shear and axial force for I-, square and rectangular
sections in class 1 and 2;
– mono-axial bending, shear and axial force for circular hollow sections in class 1 and 2;
– biaxial bending, shear and axial force for I-, circular, square and rectangular sections in class 1
and 2.

Here only a selection of the additional design rules is provided to cover the following three cases:
– mono-axial bending about the major axis, shear and axial force for I-sections in class 1 and 2;
– mono-axial bending about the minor axis, shear and axial force for I-sections in class 1 and 2;
– biaxial bending, shear and axial force for I-sections in class 1 and 2.

• Mono-axial bending about the major (y-)axis, shear and axial force for I-sections in class 1 and 2:

NEd a2

My,Ed NVz,Rd 2
+ ≤ 1,0 (NL7.1)
My,V,Rd a2

Npl,Rd – ρA vfy
NVz,Rd =
γ M0
A – 2bt f (NL7.2)
a2 = a1 (1 – ρ) with a1 = ≤ 0,5

My,V,Rd follows from equation (7.40), where Av should be used for Aw and with ρ according to
equation (7.37).

annex for The Netherlands | structural basics 7 | 37

• Mono-axial bending about the minor (z-)axis, shear and axial force for I-sections in class 1 and 2:

 NEd 

 
– a1
Mz,Ed NVy,Rd
+ ≤ 1,0 (NL7.3)
Mz,V,Rd 1 – a1
 


Mz,V,Rd =
γ M0

NVy,Rd =
Npl,Rd – 2 1 – qy bt f fy ) (NL7.4)
γ M0

⎛ V ⎞
qy = 1,03 1 – ⎜V ⎟
⎝ pl,y,Rd ⎠

Vy,Ed design shear force in the direction of the y-axis;
Vpl,y,Rd design plastic shear resistance according to equation (7.18) with Av = 2btf;
a1 factor according to equation (NL7.2).

• Biaxial bending, shear and axial force for I-sections in class 1 and 2:

α1 α2
 My,Ed   Mz,Ed 
β0   + β1   ≤ 1,0 (NL7.5)
 My,N,V,Rd   Mz,N,V,Rd 

My,N,V,Rd = My,V,Rd
 (NL7.6)
 
 NEd

  
– a1
Mz,N,V,Rd = Mz,V,Rd 1 –
 1 – a1  

38 | structural basics 7 | annex for The Netherlands

My,V,Rd reduced design moment resistance allowing for shear according to equation (7.40)
where Av should be used for Aw;
NVz,Rd reduced design axial resistance allowing for shear according to equation (NL7.2);
Mz,V,Rd reduced design moment resistance allowing for shear according to equation (NL7.3);
NVy,Rd reduced design axial resistance allowing for shear according to equation (NL7.4).

The following values for the coefficients α and β in equation (NL7.5) may be applied as a con-
servative approach:

a1 = a1 = b0 = b1 = 1,0 (NL7.7)

For b > 0,3h, the following coefficients may be applied and they will lead to a less conservative
α1 = α 2 = 1, 6 – and β 0 = β1 = 1,0
 N  (NL7.8)
2ln  
 Nc,Rd 

Example NL7.1

• Given. The pin-ended IPE 300 façade column in steel grade S235 of example 7.9, which is loaded
by an axial force NEd = 305,5 kN, a bending moment MEd = 75 kNm and a shear force VEd = 250 kN
in the critical cross-section at mid span.
• Question. Check the resistance of the cross-section at mid span using the equations provided
by the Dutch National Annex to EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.2.10.
• Answer. The Dutch National Annex to EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.2.10, provides an explicit check for
the combination of bending moment, shear and axial force using the design rules of equations
(NL7.1) and (NL7.2):

 2V  2
Ed  250 
ρ = V – 1 = 2·
 348
– 1 = 0,19

 pl,Rd 

 ρA 2v 
 Wpl,y –
4t w 
 fy 

0,19 ⋅25682 
⋅235·10 –6
  4 ⋅7,1 
My,V,Rd = = = 137 kNm
γ M0 1,00

Npl,Rd – ρA v fy
1265 – 0,19 ⋅2568 ⋅235·10 –3
NVz,Rd = γ M0
= = 1150 kN

A – 2bt f 5381 – 2 ⋅150 ⋅10, 7

a1 = = = 0, 40 ≤ 0, 5 annex for The Netherlands | structural basics 7 | 39
A 5381
 w   4 ⋅7,1 
My,V,Rd = = = 137 kNm
γ M0 1,00

Npl,Rd – ρA v fy
1265 – 0,19 ⋅2568 ⋅235·10 –3
NVz,Rd = γ M0
= = 1150 kN

A – 2bt f 5381 – 2 ⋅150 ⋅10, 7

a1 = = = 0, 40 ≤ 0, 5
A 5381

a2 = a1 (1 – ρ ) = 0, 40· (1 – 0,19 ) = 0, 32

NEd a2
– 305, 5 0, 32
My,Ed NVz,Rd 2 –
75 1150 2 = 0, 55 + 0,13 = 0, 68 ≤ 1,0 (OK)
+ = +
My,V,Rd a2 137 0, 32
1– 1–
2 2

This check is more conservative than the reduced yield stress and reduced web thickness approaches
of example 7.9.

p. 7-28 (b) EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.1(1)

The recommended value γM0 = 1,00 is accepted.

p. 7-40 EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.1(1)

The recommended value γM0 = 1,00 is accepted.

p. 7-43 EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.1(1)

The recommended value γM0 = 1,00 is accepted.

p. 7-44 EN 1993-1-1, cl. 6.1(1)

The recommended value γM0 = 1,00 is accepted.

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