Vectors Vac Assgn2

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Vectors 9

11. 100 coplanar forces each equal to 10 N act on a body. Each

1. The vector projection of a vector 3ˆi + 4 kˆ on y-axis is
[RPMT 2004]
force makes angle π / 50 with the preceding force. What is
(a) 5 (b) 4 the resultant of the forces
(c) 3 (d) Zero (a) 1000 N (b) 500 N
2. Position of a particle in a rectangular-co-ordinate system is (3, (c) 250 N (d) Zero
2, 5). Then its position vector will be 12. The magnitude of a given vector with end points (4, – 4, 0)
and (– 2, – 2, 0) must be
(a) 3ˆi + 5ˆj + 2kˆ (b) 3ˆi + 2ˆj + 5kˆ
(a) 6 (b) 5 2
(c) 5ˆi + 3ˆj + 2kˆ (d) None of these
(c) 4 (d) 2 10
3. If a particle moves from point P (2,3,5) to point Q (3,4,5). Its
displacement vector be ⎛ 1 ˆ 1 ˆ⎞
13. The expression ⎜
⎜ 2 i + 2 j⎟
⎟ is a
(a) ˆi + ˆj + 10 kˆ (b) ˆi + ˆj + 5kˆ ⎝ ⎠
(c) ˆi + ˆj (d) 2ˆi + 4 ˆj + 6kˆ (a) Unit vector (b) Null vector

4. A force of 5 N acts on a particle along a direction making an (c) Vector of magnitude 2 (d) Scalar
angle of 60° with vertical. Its vertical component be
14. Given vector A = 2ˆi + 3 ˆj, the angle between A and y-axis is
(a) 10 N (b) 3 N
[CPMT 1993]
(c) 4 N (d) 2.5 N
−1 −1
5. If A = 3ˆi + 4 ˆj and B = 7ˆi + 24 ˆj, the vector having the (a) tan 3/2 (b) tan 2/3
same magnitude as B and parallel to A is (c) sin −1 2 / 3 (d) cos −1 2 / 3
(a) 5ˆi + 20 ˆj (b) 15 ˆi + 10 ˆj 15. The unit vector along ˆi + ˆj is
(c) 20ˆi + 15 ˆj (d) 15ˆi + 20 ˆj (a) k̂ (b) ˆi + ˆj
6. Vector A makes equal angles with x, y and z axis. Value of its ˆi + ˆj ˆi + ˆj
(c) (d)
components (in terms of magnitude of A ) will be 2 2
(a) (b) 16. A vector is represented by 3 ˆi + ˆj + 2 kˆ . Its length in XY
3 2
plane is [EAMCET (Engg.) 1994]
(c) 3A (d) (a) 2 (b) 14
(c) 10 (d) 5
7. If A = 2ˆi + 4 ˆj − 5kˆ the direction of cosines of the vector A
17. Five equal forces of 10 N each are applied at one point and all
are lying in one plane. If the angles between them are equal,
2 4 −5 1 2 3 the resultant force will be [CBSE PMT 1995]
(a) , and (b) , and
45 45 45 45 45 45 (a) Zero (b) 10 N
4 4 3 2 5 (c) 20 N (d) 10 2 N
(c) , 0 and (d) , and
45 45 45 45 45
18. The angle made by the vector A = ˆi + ˆj with x- axis is
8. The vector that must be added to the vector ˆi − 3ˆj + 2kˆ and [EAMCET (Engg.) 1999]
(a) 90° (b) 45°
3ˆi + 6 ˆj − 7kˆ so that the resultant vector is a unit vector
(c) 22.5° (d) 30°
along the y-axis is
19. Any vector in an arbitrary direction can always be replaced by
(a) 4ˆi + 2ˆj + 5kˆ (b) − 4ˆi − 2ˆj + 5kˆ two (or three)
(a) Parallel vectors which have the original vector as their
(c) 3ˆi + 4 ˆj + 5kˆ (d) Null vector
9. How many minimum number of coplanar vectors having
(b) Mutually perpendicular vectors which have the original
different magnitudes can be added to give zero resultant
vector as their resultant
(a) 2 (b) 3
(c) Arbitrary vectors which have the original vector as their
(c) 4 (d) 5 resultant
10. A hall has the dimensions 10 m × 12 m × 14 m . A fly starting at (d) It is not possible to resolve a vector
one corner ends up at a diametrically opposite corner. What 20. Angular momentum is [MNR 1986]
is the magnitude of its displacement (a) A scalar (b) A polar vector
(a) 17 m (b) 26 m (c) An axial vector (d) None of these
(c) 36 m (d) 20 m
10 Vectors
21. Which of the following is a vector
30. The angle between the two vectors A = 3ˆi + 4 ˆj + 5 kˆ and
(a) Pressure (b) Surface tension !
(c) Moment of inertia (d) None of these B = 3ˆi + 4 ˆj + 5 kˆ is [DPMT 2000]
! ! (a) 60° (b) Zero
22. If P = Q then which of the following is NOT correct
! ! (c) 90° (d) None of these
(a) Pˆ =Q ˆ (b) | P| =| Q|
31. The position vector of a particle is determined by the
! !
ˆ = Q Pˆ ˆ +Q ˆ !
(c) PQ (d) P + Q = P expression r = 3 t 2ˆi + 4 t 2 ˆj + 7 kˆ
23. The position vector of a particle is r = (a cos ωt)ˆi + (a sin ωt)ˆj . The distance traversed in first 10 sec is [DPMT 2002]
The velocity of the particle is [CBSE PMT 1995] (a) 500 m (b) 300 m
(a) Parallel to the position vector
(c) 150 m (d) 100 m
(b) Perpendicular to the position vector
32. Unit vector parallel to the resultant of vectors
(c) Directed towards the origin ! !
(d) Directed away from the origin A = 4ˆi − 3 ˆj and B = 8ˆi + 8 ˆj will be [BHU 1995]

24. Which of the following is a scalar quantity [AFMC 1998]

24 ˆi + 5 ˆj 12ˆi + 5 ˆj
(a) Displacement (b) Electric field (a) (b)
13 13
(c) Acceleration (d) Work
6ˆi + 5 ˆj
25. If a unit vector is represented by 0 .5ˆi + 0 .8 ˆj + ckˆ , then the (c) (d) None of these
value of ‘c’ is [CBSE PMT 1999; EAMCET 1994]

(a) 1 (b) 33. The component of vector A = 2ˆi + 3 ˆj along the vector ˆi + ˆj is
[KCET 1997]
(c) 0.01 (d) 0.39
26. A boy walks uniformally along the sides of a rectangular park (a) (b) 10 2
of size 400 m× 300 m, starting from one corner to the other 2
corner diagonally opposite. Which of the following statement
(c) 5 2 (d) 5
is incorrect [HP PMT 1999]
(a) He has travelled a distance of 700 m 34. The angle between the two vectors A = 3ˆi + 4 ˆj + 5 kˆ and
(b) His displacement is 700 m !
B = 3ˆi + 4 ˆj − 5 kˆ will be [Pb. CET 2001]
(c) His displacement is 500 m
(d) His velocity is not uniform throughout the walk (a) 90° (b) 0°
27. The unit vector parallel to the resultant of the vectors (c) 60° (d) 45°
! !
A = 4ˆi + 3 ˆj + 6 kˆ and B = −ˆi + 3 ˆj − 8 kˆ is [EAMCET 2000]
Addition and Subtraction of Vectors
1 ˆ 1 ˆ
(a) (3i + 6 ˆj − 2kˆ ) (b) (3i + 6 ˆj + 2kˆ )
7 7
1 ˆ 1 ˆ
(c) (3i + 6 ˆj − 2kˆ ) (d) (3i − 6 ˆj + 2kˆ )
49 49
28. Surface area is [J&K CET 2002]
(a) Scalar (b) Vector
(c) Neither scalar nor vector (d) Both scalar and vector
29. With respect to a rectangular cartesian coordinate system,
three vectors are expressed as
! ! !
a = 4ˆi − ˆj , b = −3ˆi + 2ˆj and c = −kˆ

where ˆi , ˆj, kˆ are unit vectors, along the X, Y and Z-axis

respectively. The unit vectors r̂ along the direction of sum of
these vector is [Kerala CET (Engg.) 2003]

1 ˆ ˆ ˆ 1 ˆ ˆ ˆ
(a) rˆ = (i + j − k ) (b) rˆ = (i + j − k )
3 2
1 ˆ ˆ ˆ 1 ˆ ˆ ˆ
(c) rˆ = (i − j + k ) (d) rˆ = (i + j + k )
3 2

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