Final Project Full Documentation Ver.3.0
Final Project Full Documentation Ver.3.0
Final Project Full Documentation Ver.3.0
Abubeker Misbah
Bereket G/Medhin
Leul Tsegahun
Mai Tut Yoal
Yeab Andargachew
Mr. Melaku Dagnew
August 2022
Coffee Exporting System
Abubeker Misbah
Bereket G/Medhin
Leul Tsegahun
Mai Tut Yoal
Yeab Andargachew
Mr. Melaku Dagnew ____________
Coffee was originally native only to a relatively small region in Ethiopia but its
usefulness to an active and productive lifestyle has made it into one of the planet’s most
popular drinks spreading via trade from early travelers.
There is some evidence that the first steps towards modern coffee were taken in the form
of grinding coffee beans into a thick paste that could be easily packed and carried by
travelers. Word of mouth and trade of this paste was responsible for the eventual
spreading of coffee from Africa outward to the rest of the world. As the popularity of
these energizing beans grew, coffee as we know it began to take shape, first as a
fermented wine-like drink. Today, coffee is still a major part of the Ethiopian culture and
economy. Coffee is Ethiopia’s number one export and has been for many decades.
Recently, the fair-trade movement to ensure fair compensation for coffee farmers has
taken hold in Ethiopia after many years of hardship. Ethiopia thrives on its coffee
production, and recent movements are helping secure coffee farming as a viable means of
making a living for Ethiopians. Ethiopian coffee is unique, even among African coffee,
and is completely different from Central and South American coffee. To promote
economic development and survival in the global competitive market, export
competitiveness is an essential component of a country. Massive integration of
information technology into all aspects of modern human life caused demand for
processing e-commerce for international markets. In the world, many types of
products/goods are exported to boost a country’s economy by facilitating international
trades and simulating domestic economic activity by creating employment, production,
and revenues. One of our country’s top exports is coffee 2nd only to gold. Gold is our top
exported product at 21% of the total goods that are exported and coffee is not far behind
at 19% of the entire agricultural products produced in Ethiopia. This project aims to give
illiterate farmers an easy-to-understand access system that’ll handle trade calculations,
handle and organize paperwork, and maximize the profit the farmers rightfully deserve.
We want to ensure that all parties involved get their rightful dues.
Key words
Coffee, Export, Farmers, System, Online
First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God, the Almighty, for His showers of
blessings throughout our life and project work to complete the project successfully.
We would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude to our project supervisor Mr.
Melaku Dagnew for giving us the opportunity to do project and providing invaluable
guidance throughout this project. He has taught us the methodology to carry out the
project and to present the project works as clearly as possible. It was a great privilege
and honor to work and study under his guidance. We are extremely grateful for what he
has offered to us. We would also like to thank him for his leadership, empathy, and
knowledge. We take this opportunity to express gratitude to all of the Department
faculty members for their help and support. We are also grateful to our friends who
supported us through this project.
We are extremely grateful to our parents for their love, prayers, caring and sacrifices for
educating and preparing us for our future. We also place on record, our sense of gratitude
to one and all, who directly or indirectly, have lent their hand in this project.
List of abbreviation
R – Risk
UI – User Interface
BR – Business Rule
PC – Personal Computer
DB- Database
List of Tables
Table 1. 1 Project Schedule.............................................................................................................5
Table 4. 6 product second normal form table................................................................................70
Table 4. 7 product second normal form table................................................................................70
Table 4. 8 product normalized table..............................................................................................71
Table 4. 9 order table first normal form........................................................................................72
Table 4. 10 order final normalized form........................................................................................72
Table 4. 11 delivery final normalized form...................................................................................73
Table 4. 12 farmer table.................................................................................................................73
Table 4. 13 farmer first normal form table....................................................................................74
Table 4. 14 farmer second normal form table................................................................................74
Table 4. 15 farmer second normal form table................................................................................75
Table 4. 16 admin table.................................................................................................................75
Table 4. 17 admin first normal form table.....................................................................................76
List of Figures
Interview Questions
Priority Questions
a. Payment?
ii. How are they sanitized? Do you hire third-party aid or is it done within the
4. How do they get in contact with the importers/ buyers locally and internationally?
5. What happens to the product that wasn’t sold promptly or was rejected by buyers?
a. What were the RISKs and how were they managed during the startup and
Non-Priority Questions
2. What were the goals and tradeoffs made when making the system the company uses
b. How was data collected and what was relevant? If possible, may we use it as a
reference for the out project?
4. Continuation of question 4: How do you avoid this problem from occurring? What
happens when buyers don’t want the product after it has been shipped?
Table of Contents
1. Chapter One – Introduction..................................................................................................1
1.1 Background Information...............................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the Problem..............................................................................1
1.3 Objectives........................................................................................................2
1.3.1. General Objective........................................................................................................................2
1.3.2. Specific Objectives......................................................................................................................3
1.4. Scope of the Project.......................................................................................3
1.4.1. Justification..................................................................................................................................3
1.4.2. Deliverables.................................................................................................................................3
1.4.3. Inclusions.....................................................................................................................................4
1.4.4. Exclusions....................................................................................................................................4
1.5 Tools and Methodologies...............................................................................4
1.5.1 Data Collection Methodologies....................................................................................................4
1.5.2 System Development Methodology..............................................................................................4
1.5.3 Development Tools.......................................................................................................................4
1.6 Beneficiaries....................................................................................................6
1.7 Schedule...........................................................................................................6
Table 1. 1 Project Schedule...................................................................................................................6
Chapter Two - Project Management...........................................................................................8
2.1 Introduction....................................................................................................8
2.2 Project Planning.............................................................................................9
2.2.1 Work Breakdown Structure..........................................................................................................9
2.3 Resource Planning........................................................................................10
2.3.1 Human Resource Planning..........................................................................................................10
Table 1.1 Human Resources Planning.................................................................................................10
2.4 Financial Planning........................................................................................11
2.4.1 Human Resource Financial Plan.................................................................................................11
Table 1.3 human resource financial plan.............................................................................................11
2.5 Team Organization......................................................................................12
2.5.1 Conceptual Designers.................................................................................................................12
2.5.2 Research......................................................................................................................................12
2.5.3 System and Database Designers.................................................................................................12
2.5.3UI Designers................................................................................................................................12
2.5.4Document Writers........................................................................................................................12
2.6 Process Model...............................................................................................12
2.7 Risk MMM Plan...........................................................................................13
2.7.1 Risk Items Table.........................................................................................................................13
Table 1.6 risk item table.......................................................................................................................13
2.7.2 RMMM Plan..............................................................................................13
Table 1.7 risk item plan sheet 1...........................................................................................................13
Table 1.8 risk item plan sheet 2...........................................................................................................14
Table 1.9 risk item plan sheet 3...........................................................................................................14
Table 1.10 risk item plan sheet 4.........................................................................................................15
Table 1.12 risk item plan sheet 5.........................................................................................................15
Table 1.13 risk item plan sheet 6.........................................................................................................16
Choose the Ideal Packaging Type and Size......................................................16
Table 1.14 risk item plan sheet 7.........................................................................................................16
Table 1.15 risk item plan sheet 8.........................................................................................................17
Chapter Three - System Analysis...............................................................................................18
3.1 Introduction..................................................................................................18
3.2 Current System Overview...........................................................................18
3.3 Proposed System Overview.........................................................................19
3.3.1 Functional Requirements............................................................................................................19
3.3.2 Non-Functional Requirements....................................................................................................22
3.4 System Models - Requirement Determination...........................................23
3.4.1 Essential Use Case Modeling......................................................................................................23
Table 3.1 Essential Use Case Modeling..............................................................................................23 Use Case Diagram....................................................................................................................24
3.4.2 Essential UI Prototype................................................................................................................25
3.4.3 User Interface Flow Diagram......................................................................................................29
3.4.4 Supplementary Specifications.....................................................................................................30
3.5 System Models - Analysis............................................................................34
3.5.1 System Use Case Modeling........................................................................................................35
Chapter Four - System Design....................................................................................................60
4.1 Introduction..................................................................................................60
4.2 Design Goals..................................................................................................61
4.3 Design Tradeoffs...........................................................................................61
4.4 Subsystem Decomposition...........................................................................63
4.5 Design Phase Models....................................................................................64
4.5.1 Class Modelling..........................................................................................................................64
4.5.2 Persistent Model..........................................................................................................................65
4.5.3 User Interface Design.................................................................................................................78
Chapter Five - Implementation..................................................................................................82
5.1 Introduction..................................................................................................82
5.2 Sample Code.................................................................................................83
Register a new user php code............................................................................................................83
Loin in php code.................................................................................................................................84
Connect to the database php code....................................................................................................85
Cart clear php code............................................................................................................................85
Categories php code...........................................................................................................................86
Cart page php code............................................................................................................................88
Cart update php code........................................................................................................................90
1. Chapter One – Introduction
In addition to that most of the coffee, Ethiopia trades is coffee arabica, so we also hope to
bring Ethiopia's diverse variety of coffee to the market and provide a simple and user-
friendly method of buying, exporting, selling, and advertising local coffee (with all
finances and taxes accounted for)!
Our system provides multiple solutions:
● It will enable the exporters to directly get in touch with the farmers and foreign
representatives or importers.
● It will help advertise the price, quality, quantity they are capable of producing at a
time, and various types of the product.
● A way to contact and address the farmer and educate him to produce a stable
output of goods that meets international market demands.
● This system will ease the search for good products for importers by distinguishing
between the price, type from a diver’s exporters.
● It will track the fluctuations of foreign currency and tell when and where is the
most optimum time and place to export to.
This and many more functionalities that we think will change the cluster of problems that
are present now in the current system.
1.3 Objectives
● To be able to add, modify, display, and remove coffee available for export
1.4.1. Justification
Our justification is that there are no user-friendly and easy-to-access markets that handle
the export of Ethiopian coffee. This is a profitable and exploitable opportunity that we
can use to expose more Ethiopian coffee types to the global market while also providing
local farmers with a better share of profits.
1.4.2. Deliverables
1.4.3. Inclusions
● Inspect product
1.4.4. Exclusions
● Interview – conducted with EXC, the Ethiopian coffee and tea authority, and a
business insider
1.5.3 Development Tools
The tools listed below are what we may use to develop this system.
● Html CSS JS - The Hyper Text Markup Language, or HTML is the standard
markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can
be assisted by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets and scripting
languages such as JavaScript.
1.6 Beneficiaries
● Farmers who couldn’t sell their products/goods to exporters directly and access more
customers and business
● Diversifying market opportunities so that even if the domestic economy begins to falter,
you may still have other growing markets for your goods and services.
● The country itself will benefit by getting more income from foreign currency.
1.7 Schedule
The project was started on December 17, 2021, and we expect to finish the project within
approximately 7-9 months.
Table 1. 1 Project Schedule
2.1 Introduction
Project management is the process of leading the work of a team to achieve all project goals
within the given constraints the information is usually described in project documentation
created at the beginning of the development process. Our project is a coffee exporting system to
create a system that will help farmers produces good quality products for international markets.
Realizations of these objectives require systematic planning and careful implementation. Project
management in recent years has proliferated, reaching new heights of sophistication. It has
emerged as a distinct area of management practices to meet the challenges of the new economic
environment, globalization process, rapid technological advancement, and quality concerns of
the stakeholders.
2.2 Project Planning
(The figure below was done using, a SaaS visual collaboration tool with
diagramming and designing capabilities by Cinergix, We used the online cloud edition on windows10).
Figure 2. 1 Decomposed Work Breakdown Structure
Our resources planning will allocate tasks to human and non-human resources to maximize
efficiency. The tasks for employees are communicating with the customer, evaluating the
products, and effortlessly connecting exporters with importers of other nations. The software will
keep track of the foreign exchange rate and advertise the product's type, quantity, quality, and
2.3.1 Human Resource Planning
To give the best experience for our user/customer when using our services, we systematically
plan ahead of time and continuously to achieve an optimum customer-employee relationship that
is the most valuable asset of our organization
The following table shows the human resources that we are going to need for the
Table 1.1 Human Resources Planning
long desk, and 15 chairs.
2.4 Financial Planning
2 Hard Drive 2 6,000
3 Office 1 40,000
2.5 Team Organization
We have organized our teams by their roles as shown in the following team organization chart.
Vehicle Service
Platform Project
Management Development
Stakeholders Analysis Team Design Team Test Team
Team Team
Project System
Users Designer1 Designer1 Engineer1
Manager1 Analyst1
Developer 1
Whole Team
2.5.2 Research
● Yeab Andargachew
● Abubeker Misbah
● Leul Tsegahun
2.5.3 System and Database Designers
● Bereket G/Medhin (Lead software and database designer)
● Mai Tut Yoal
● Yeab Andargachew
2.5.3UI Designers
● Bereket G/Medhin
● Yeab Andargachew
2.5.4Document Writers
Whole Team
Here are some of the reasons why we choose to use this model:
2.7.1 Risk Items Table
Here we will see a table of all the risks
No 1
Probability 10%
Impact High
✔ Being consistent
✔ Creating a safe place for the employees to communicate
Table 2. 4 risk item plan sheet 2
No 2
Probability 5%
Impact High
✔ Enforce documentation of everyone's work
✔ Staffing with top talent, job matching, team building, morale
building, cross-training
No 3
Probability 5%
Impact High
✔ Establish a golden sample to set quality expectations
✔ Test products and inspect throughout the production
✔ Set quality standards
No 4
Probability 7%
Impact High
✔ Decide what needs to be done first and make sure everyone
is on board.
Management Put modern process control systems in place to manage production in ways
that reduce or eliminate waste and ensure minimal use of scarce resources.
No 5
Probability 5%
Impact High
Response Managing time
✔ Schedule risky activities earlier
✔ Group meetings
No 6
Probability 5%
Impact High
✔ Getting insurance
damage rate
Choose the Ideal Packaging Type and Size
Table 2. 9 risk item plan sheet 7
No 7
Probability 5%
Impact Medium
✔ Reuse available team members by reassigning them to other
Management Assign team members in a rotating base by prioritizing the hardest task
No 8
Description The problem when a buyer abroad refuses to accept the product
Probability 5%
Impact High
Mitigation Make sure that the company will not go back on its word Ensuring
the quality of the products is the same as promised
Chapter Three - System Analysis
3.1 Introduction
In this chapter, our goal is to explain the system’s goals, and purposes and create procedures that
will efficiently achieve them. We will also try to address potential problems and their possible
● Companies usually have insurance that will account for all transportation and storage
● Coffee is first purchased from a representative of a farmers' group who brings the product
to a market where it is bid on. The buyers can be local businesses that plan on directly
using the coffee, coffee cleaners, traders, ECX, and/or exporters directly.
o Most of these representatives severely undercut the farmers on prices.
o If the coffee was purchased by cleaners, they bring it back to the market once
more after sanitizing it. Buyers who have a cleaning factory of their own may buy
dirty coffee straight from the market instead.
o If the coffee is bought by ECX they put it through an extensive grading process
that bumps up the price considerably. Buyers can instead hire a quality assurance
worker to manually assess the coffee from the Buna Board for a fee and grade it
● Exporters consider many different types and attributes of coffee such as grade (ranging
from 1-4), acidity, and strength, before making a purchase. They do this to better find
what is in demand by their potential or current customers.
● After purchasing the coffee comes transportation to either exporting company’s cleaning
factory or the warehouse for storage. If the exporters bought already clean coffee, they
send it straight to storage.
● Once a buyer has been secured and a trade deal is finalized the coffee is taken to the
Djibouti border. Once border taxes and trade permits have been paid and verified, they
are taken to Djibouti’s docks to be shipped overseas.
● Depending on the trade agreement liability for the goods may end here at this stage or
will continue until the coffee reaches the destination port where the buyers verify the
It will be very similar to the current system but it has a few key changes.
● Our system will allow the option of directly purchasing coffee from individual farmers as
well as all the current avenues of purchase.
● Customers overseas will be able to purchase coffee virtually without any human
interaction outside of customer support.
● Inspect: - New farmers are evaluated by examiners who will physically go to the
plantation area and examine the soil, temperature, infrastructure, quality, type
altitude, and roads (accessibility) to the plantation area and sample the product to
determine whether it’s approved or not.
▪ If approved the site will calculate the total expenses needed to export the
product and a fair price with future gains to the farmers themselves and if
there is any improvement area it will suggest an improvement page for the
farmers to make an improved higher-grade coffee.
▪ If rejected the system will analyze the problem and suggest a better way of
improving the quality of the products
▪ If the user is a farmer providing us coffee directly the system needs to accept
new orders from those farmers that coffee is ready for pick up and processing
via simple text messages.
● Add product: - It includes the information of the products, grade, acidity, bitterness,
flavor, aroma, type, price, etc. it is also the admin where they can put the information
of the product on websites.
● Order: - The system allows the customers to order a product and provide a list of
orders that are made by the customers.
▪ A user can order a product for trial to evaluate the taste of the coffee and they
can also be subscribers who can get a constant amount of coffee delivered
every month.
● Stock report: - produces the list of products available and the status for each product
with detailed information about the product/coffee. The system needs to be able to
update, add, and remove available coffee on the store page.
▪ When the store page is updated, it needs to include information on the
attributes of the coffee available such as:
▪ Quality (Grade)
▪ Price
● Cart: - Allows the user to buy different types of coffees once done with browsing
instead of buying them one at a time which is inefficient and time taking but also the
customer gets distracted or forgets to get all of what they came here for to get. Users
can also make changes to the carts like
▪ Update the cart to increase/decrease the amount of coffee they need in total.
● Sign up: - The system allows users to store their credentials to gain the services.
▪ There will be 2 logging pages, one for the user, and the other for the company
● Sign in: - The system allows users to login into their accounts by using their phone
number and email.
▪ For the farmers who want to work with us, they have to provide the following
▪ Full name, gender, DOB, location (where the plantation is located currently),
ID image, the amount they want to sell the coffee to as, the amount of coffee
they produce in a year, and phone number.
● Search and filtering: - The system allows users to search products by name or just
● Logout: - After ordering and surfing the site for products the user has to log out.
● Security: -The system needs a security system in place with features like
● Performance: - there will not be any ambiguous data being fetched to the site to
make it faster to organize and integrate the data entered. Guarantee the safety of the
crucial data kept in the databases by:
o Frequently backing up system is placed by both hard copies of the documents
and stored in a secure location.
o By uploading it to their databases. And through these simple steps, we can
potentially alleviate coming disasters massively and quickly recuperate to
reopen as fast as possible.
o There should be immediate updates when we change things in the database or
when a user switches between web pages with a max delay of 5 seconds.
o The transaction in the system will be fast and safe.
● Reliable: - To satisfy our customers’ needs we start by hiring the best people and
training them to a high standard and then we will invest in the most reliable tools in
the market for the job at hand and as a company Mato we will never promise more
then we can deliver and always deliver on the promised(agreed) upon the contract as
efficient as possible to earn our customers up most trust.
o Availability The system will be available almost for 24 hours except for some
failure, maintenance access, and degraded mode operations.
o MTBF (mean time between failures): according to the type of failure it could
take from an hour to a month
● Usability: - The site will be easily understood by an English speaker and be used by
● Availability: - The site will be available from any device with an Internet connection
and browser at any time and anywhere.
Essential use cases are typically written in two-column formats of a simplified, abstract,
generalized use case that capture the intentions of the user in a technological and
implementation-independent manner column on the left indicates the intention of the
user, and the column on the right the system’s responsibility to respond.
Table 3.1 Essential Use Case Modeling
Shop and add to the cart Provide an interface for adding items to the user’s cart in whateve
quantity is allowed and calculate the total cost of the items.
Purchase items in the car Offer the user appropriate payment methods and finalize purchas
then store purchase data in the database.
Register new client(farmers) Enroll new farmers who meet the standards.
28 Use Case Diagram
29 Use Case Documentation
● The Farmer accesses the system to log in, give an update on the
● The customer accesses the system to log in, browse the coffee we have
available for purchase, or put in an order and purchase the coffee they
want in the quantity they want it in.
● The company workers are the ones who primarily manage the quality
verification. They have access to certain databases in the system and can
update information on them such as the attributes of different batches of
coffee. They are the ones who update the store page with events. They are
also partially responsible for system maintenance
● The System Admin is the one who owns the system and has full access to
the database and can alter access rights. They can add and remove users
and alter their access level. They are also partially responsible for system
3.4.3 User Interface Flow Diagram
Figure 3. 3 User Interface Flow Diagram
Provide an overview of the design constraints, business rules, resources in use, and change case,
and also capture the system requirements that are not readily captured in the use cases of the use-
case model.
● Business rule: is a set of directives designed for a software project to achieve its
goals, they set up rules and guidelines on how work will be conducted to ensure
compliance throughout the system. Business rules apply to users, general corporative
individuals or officers, and admins.
Table 3. 1 Users have to be logged in before performing some actions BR
Description checkout
view profile
edit profile
Table 3. 2 Farmers have to be registered in the system before inspecting the products.
Table 3. 3 The payment must be performed by Letter of Credit method(L/C).
Description To ensure that customers are going to pay for the products that they will
receive they must pay using the Letter of Credit method (L/C).
The transaction should only pass through the system we have lined
Description The quality will be tested by inspection officers that will go to the site
and report back to ensure international quality coffee.
The officer will educate the farmers at the plantation site on how to
grow better-quality coffee.
The quality of the product going through our system will only be
standardized by the authority of the system owner Constraints
Constraints are limitations of what the system is expected to accomplish in terms of quality and
delivery and overall project success. So, to succeed we have to find the optimal point between
the many constraints that we have, such as cost, quality, time, scope, risk, and customer
satisfaction. We need to manage them separately and integrate them.
I. Cost
Cost is a very important constraint because it gives of what is financially
required to start the project and the sponsors can give a remark and
improve the cost to their going price and the price, we settled with will be
our project constraint and should complete the project with our said budge
II. Quality
This and cost go hand in hand. The more money we spent on educating the
farmers the better quality they will produce and this will affect our project
budget in other areas like shipping, transportation, and more. Also, if we
have lots of orders at a given time this will affect our quality as well.
III. Time
When we start the project there are deadlines to be met and deliveries and
a fully booked Wearhouse that are effectively eating at our budget so we
must be strict at following schedules thus time is a constraint that we need
to give attention to the most.
IV. Scope
The scope is everything that our project needs to accomplish thus it is very
important to get a clear idea of what we include in the scope and the ones
that we reserve for the future because the scope is very wide and difficult
to cover everything at our level.
V. Risk
Risks can be either positive or negative in a project. Project managers
must enhance the opportunities for positive risks and reduce the threats of
negative risks in a project. There are risk mitigators with normal risks such
as an employee leaving the company they should inform us before leaving
and work for an extra couple of days, the transport vehicles are not
working then we should hire a truck transport company to fill in for the
time our vehicles are repaired and if the transactions are not paid before
the product is shipped then the order should be canceled. In general, risk is
a very crucial constraint that will help us from sinking and keep us afloat.
VI. Customer satisfaction
This is a key factor for a sustainable and long-running business in the
market. A dissatisfied customer can paint a bad image for the company
and because we have many competitors who have been in the coffee
exporting business, we need to start by having a checkered customer
service. Because a satisfied customer will continue to buy from you and
refer other customers and in general be a superstar advocate for our
business, Customer service shouldn’t just be a department it should be the
entire company and those who get dissatisfied are our biggest learning
Without analyzed changes, change implemented to software often cause unexpected ripple
effects to avoid this and diminish the risk of performing undesirable changes, an impact analysis
of the change is done. Here are some of the change cases.
o Very probable to happen, as we grow and many users start using our
system, we will be required to increase the database size to
accommodate all the transaction information and other data.
o More customer means more budget sent to satisfy the customers that
need fast browsing time and more resources to work on the incoming
3.5 System Models - Analysis
3.5.1 System Use Case Modeling Use Case Diagram
1 User case name Log in
2 Trigger Signing in to an account
3 Precondition The user must already have an account on the website
4 Postcondition Use the website fully
5 Use Case Id UC01
6 Actor User/Admin
7 Basic Flow 1. The user enters their email address and password on UI02.
2. The system checks whether the password and email match and
are in the DB based on business rule BR01.
3. The system will match the password and email from the DB
and display the home page on UI03.
8 Alternative Flow 1. If the password or email is not correct, the system will send a
message to indicate the wrong password/email based on
business rule BR01.
2. Navigates to UI02 to let the user reenter their password.
3. The use case ends.
the users.
3. redirects them to the login page on UI02.
8 Alternative Flow If it is a new Admin.
1. Admin creates an account for new admin by filling a form on
UI25 and proceeds to enter the data into the database.
2. The system saves data on the DB and creates an account for
the users.
3. The use case ends.
5. The use case ends.
8 Alternative Flow If the product is already in the cart
1. The system notifies that the product is already in the cart.
2. Use case ends
5 Use Case Id UC08
6 Actor User
7 Basic Flow 1. The user checks out the product currently in the cart shown on
page UI06.
2. The system displays the checkout page on UI08.
3. The user enters more information about the amount and type
of transportation they are interested in using and the user
clicks on place order on UI08.
4. The system saves an order on the DB and displays it on the
order page on UI16.
5. The system displays a confirmation popup message for the
user on page UI28.
8 Alternative Flow If the user is not signed in with an account:
1. The system checks whether the user is signed in with an
account based on business rule BR01.
2. The system displays a message to let the user sign in before
checking out a product on UI08.
3. The user navigates to the login page UI02 and the user logs in
with an account.
4. The user clicks on the icon cart on the header of the home
page on UI03.
5. The system fetches the product that is in the cart and displays
it on the checkout page on UI08.
6. The user continues to fill in the required information on the
displayed form and click place order on UI08.
7. The system saves the data on the DB and displays it on the
order page for admin on UI16 and displays a confirmation
popup message for the user on page UI28.
8. The use case ends.
4. Returns and reports on the product condition, quality, and
roads leading to the site plus other attributes of the coffee, and
location itself on the UI22 inspection page.
5. The system calculates the grade and total expenses on UI23.
6. Admin grants or denies the product quality on UI23.
8 Alternative Flow 1 If the system doesn’t approve the product:
1. The system declines the product on UI22 due to having a low
2. The system determines the problem and informs the inspector
to instruct the farmers on how to grow a better-quality coffee
3. Inspector goes to the plantation site and instructs the farmers
4. Farmer accepts and implements instruction
5. Informs the inspection when good crops are grown. Inspector
examines the product again
9 Alternative Flow 2 If the Admin doesn’t approve of the product:
1. Admin declines the product due to transport storage and other
expenses on UI23.
2. The system deletes the farmer's information and product
3. The use case ends.
Table 3. 15 Contact us
Table 3. 16 About us
4 Postcondition Terms and conditions
5 Use Case Id UC13
6 Actor User
7 Basic Flow 1. User clicks on Terms and conditions on page UI03.
2. System displays the Terms and conditions on the system on
3. Use case ends.
Table 3. 19 Customs Inspection.
6. The system displays it on UI04 for users to order.
7. Use case ends.
Figure 3. 6 Checkout Sequence Diagram
Figure 3. 8 Profile Page Sequence Diagram
Figure 3. 10 Register New Farmer Sequence Diagram
Figure 3. 12 Login Sequence Diagram
Figure 3.9 Search Product Sequence Diagram
Figure 3.11 Inspect Farmer Product Sequence Diagram
Figure 3.11 Inspect Farmer Product Sequence Diagram
Activity Diagram
Figure 3. 15 Create Account Activity Diagram
Figure 3. 16 Logout Activity Diagram
Figure 3. 18 Contact us Activity Diagram
Figure 3. 20 Checkout Activity Diagram
Figure 3. 22 Add Farmer Activity Diagram
Figure 3. 23 Add to Cart Activity Diagram
Figure 3. 25 Search Activity Diagram
Figure 3. 27 About us Activity Diagram
Figure 3. 30 Customs inspection Activity Diagram
Chapter Four - System Design
4.1 Introduction
The system design is the process where a programmer designs a plan to be followed in
satisfying the need of customers, with the construction of what is termed as “the physical model”
of the software. It defines the architecture or the structure of the software interns of a hierarchy
of software components or modules and data structures.
This is the software development stage and it is based on the user requirements and the detailed
analysis of a system that was analyzed from the system analysis. The purpose of this system
design is to create a technical solution that satisfies the functional requirements for a coffee
exporting system.
Several alternative designs could be proposed, one of which is selected for further refinement
and detailed design. The construction of possible designs and the selection between them should
be governed by the set of software design criteria described in the following section. Technically
difficult or critical parts of the design should be identified, and prototypes could be built to
analyze the validity of the design assumptions used.
The deliverables produced in this chapter are the design goals, the tradeoffs of the design that we
are going to develop, decomposing the subsystems, designing the phase models which is
modeling the classes, and the persistent which is mapping class diagram with relation and
normalization, and designed user interface, deployment diagrams and the design of the network
of the vehicle service platform.
4.2 Design Goals
The system we design should be easy to understand and use. Therefore major design goals for
our system are:
● Performance: Our system must be able to handle all requests from users such as logging
in, searching, and updating information, immediately.
● Dependability: it must be able to properly respond to invalid user input by displaying
appropriate error messages. It will also be reliable as it will only deliver related results as
requested by users.
● Cost: the system can be initialized with a low cost, since the system is simple to
understand installation and training costs are also low. And also the system is not that
much complicated it will cost small to administer.
● Maintenance: our system also must have an understandable code that allows as to add
new functionalities ,modifications and adaptation to different application domains.
● End-user : it ease the energy and time wasted searching for good quality product
Design trade-off strategies are always present in the design process. While designing our system
we went through multiple alternative ideas, and solutions and it can be difficult to decide which
was vital to select and which were unnecessary or expandable.
To reach a decision we looked at the design trade of methods. In a project, the three most
common metrics are time, scope, and cost. We needed to negotiate on these metrics. Tradeoffs
also depend on priorities. it may be done to attain the system goal, sometimes for technical
limitations, sometimes to put user needs above others.
And there are some tradeoffs that we considered to be happening in our system.
● Space vs Speed: we prioritize the roll of space on of speed because at the end we need
more storage to store the databases we collect but we also will make the system
interactive and fast for use as possible.
● Security vs Ease of use: since our system involves payment systems we prioritize
security over ease of use so a user may go though many validation and verification steps.
● Flexibility vs simplicity: the task that our system can perform is known so we need our
● Functionality vs aesthetics: we don’t need our system to be gold platted so indeed of the
The document management system under consideration is decomposed into subsystems. The
diagram below shows a connection between different system components.[ Object Using UML,
Patterns, and Java -Oriented Software Engineering]
Figure 4. 1 Subsystem decomposition
4.5 Design Phase Models
4.5.2 Persistent Model
70 Normalization
Here we will be explaining how many tables there are and how to normalize them,
showing all first form, second form, and third form with written steps. The following are
the tables in their normalized forms
❖ Client Table
Table 4. 2 Client first normal form table
This is the final normalized client’s table with attributes, datatype, field size, and
Attribute Datatype Field text Constraints Null or Not Default value
Name Null
❖ Product table
First normal form
Buna_id type Softness Acidic Bitterness Location Altitude Image Price Order_id Order_date
Buna_id type Softness Acidic Bitterness Location Altitude Image Price Order_id
Order_id Order_date
3 7/07/2014
4 13/07/2014
● It is in first normal form and
This is the final normalized Products table with attributes, datatype, field size, and
Table 4. 8 product normalized table
❖ Order table
● Each cell contains one value (each attribute contains atomic values).
This is the final normalized orders table with attributes, datatype, field size, and
Table 4. 10 order final normalized form
This is the final normalized delivery table with attributes, datatype, field size, and
❖ Farmer table
✔ No duplicates
✔ Unique name
2 Mekdes F 41 Oromia 05 70 0987654323 4
Abebe bale
Table 4. 15 farmer second normal form table
Admin Name
3 Adan oroale
4 Amare mokale
✔ No transitive dependency
❖ Admin table
✔ No duplicates
✔ Unique name
✔ Columns contain same type
Table 4. 17 admin first normal form table
4.5.3 User Interface Design
Figure 4. 4 UI Design
4.5.4. Deployment Diagram
Chapter Five - Implementation
5.1 Introduction
Our main goal is to set out in some detail the proposals and measures that will be implemented
over the next years in order to achieve the goals outlined in the previous chapters.
The research done by Infomineo about agriculture in Ethiopia shows that there is over 51 million
hectares of arable land, land that can feed many people but only 20% of that land is use and, 50%
of those are owned and used by small farmers which rarely produce high quality crops and
mostly sold and used by residents. This are 12 million householder who are currently leading
there lives this way holding 95% of the total agriculture GPD. Agricultural production is mainly
subsistence, and a large portion of the country’s commodity exports is provided by the small
agricultural cash-crop sector.[1]
Ethiopia has a great potential for coffee production, thanks to the country’s abundant rainfall,
optimum temperatures, conducive altitude and fertile soil. Over 60% of Ethiopian coffee is
produced as forest coffee, and therefore the use of fertilizers is usually unnecessary as the falling
leaves enrich forest floor. Also, the use of chemicals such as pesticides, fungicides among others
is limited since the high genetic diversity in the forest creates a balance between parasites and
pests [2]
so, we have the farmers who are capable of producing high quality coffee land to produce them
in and the perfect environment but are poorly rewarded in the overall schema of coffee trading.
Our system will allow to directly benefit the farmer to export their products, the exporters to
spend little expenses as possible without having connections outside the country and it will
greatly help Ethiopia with foreign exchange and currency.
$gender = $_POST['gender'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$country = $_POST['country'];
$phone = $_POST['phone'];
$location = $_POST['location'];
$qry = "INSERT INTO client (fname,id_no,gender,email,country,phone,location,status)
$result = $conn->query($qry);
if($result == TRUE){
echo "<script type = \"text/javascript\">
alert(\"Successfully Registered.\");
window.location = (\"login.php\")
} else{
echo "<script type = \"text/javascript\">
alert(\"Registration Failed. Try Again\");
window.location = (\"signup.php\")
$conn = new mysqli($host, $user, $pass, $db);
echo "Failed:" . $conn->connect_error;
Cart clear php code
if (isset($_SESSION['cart'])) {
echo "<script>
alert('Cart Cleared');
} else {
header('location: cart.php');
Categories php code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="Styles/catagories.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="Styles/list.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="Styles/index.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="images/material-icons-main/iconfont/material-icons.css">
<h1 class="title"> MARKETPLACE</h1>
<div class="coffee_img" style="display: block;height:400px">
<img style="width: 100%;height:400px; object-fit:cover;margin-left200px;"
<h2 class="title">Featured Prodcuts</h2>
<section class="listings">
<div class="wrapper">
<ul class="properties_list">
include 'includes/connect.php';
$sel = "SELECT * FROM buna";
$rs = $conn->query($sel);
while($rws = $rs->fetch_assoc()){
<a href="product.php?id=<?php echo $rws['buna_id'] ?>"><img class="thumb" src="images/<?
php echo $rws['image'];?>" width="300" height="200"></a>
<span class="price"><?php echo '$.'.$rws['price'];?></span>
<div class="property_details">
<h1><a href="product.php?id=<?php echo $rws['buna_id'] ?>"><?php echo 'Coffee Body and
<h2>Coffee Name: <span class="property_size"><?php echo $rws['fname'];?></span></h2>
<?php include("attach/footer.php")?>
Cart page php code
<div class="small-container cart-page">
<div class="cart-info">
$total = 0;
$itemTotal = 0;
if (isset($_SESSION['cart'])) {
foreach ($_SESSION['cart'] as $key => $value) {
$itemTotal = $value['item_price'] * $value['quantity'];
$total = $total + $value['item_price'] * $value['quantity'];
<form action="attach/cartremove.php" method="POST">
<button name="remove">Remove</button> <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value=
<?php echo $value['item_name']?>></form>
<?php echo $value['item_name']?>
<form action="attach/cartupdate.php" method="POST">
<td><input type="number" min="1"value="<?php echo $value['quantity'] ?>"
name="qty"><button name="update">Update</button> </td><input type="hidden"
name="item_name" value= <?php echo $value['item_name']?>></form>
<td>$<small> <?php echo $value['item_price'];?></span></small></td>
<div class="total-price">
<td>$<?php echo $value['item_price'];?></td>
<td>$<?php echo $itemTotal ?></td>
<div class="buttons">
<a href="catagories.php"><button>Continue Shopping</button></a>
<a href="checkout.php"><button>Proceed to Checkout</button></a>
<a href="attach/cartclear.php"><button>Clear Cart</button></a>
<?php }}?>
window.location.href='../cart.php'; </script>";}}}
This system was designed to develop a system that serves as a bridge between coffee farmers and
exporters our system manages information easily and precisely, and provide an automated
system to get services to the customers. Accordingly, efforts have been made to assess the skill
development, the improvements achieved on solving export service problems, technological
bariers, the utilization of trade and additional investments from traditional (current)coffee
exporting services. the improvements gained from our system are automation, reliabilty, ease of
use, reducing cost, building reputation, building trust making a profit, and giving the rural
farmers a bigger share of the revenue..
As we have mentioned in the conclusion statement there are problems that our system will we are going to recommend them here in recommendation of the most
recommended things we have provided to potential importers are broad information about
ethioipian coffee, with variety of types and prices and also find the best brewing coffee in the
3. Linking Rural Farmers to Markets Using ICTs. Mawazo M. Magesa
4. [Heinz Züllighoven, 1996]
5. Infomineo 2016 agriculture in Ethiopian
6. Retrieved from
7. Ethiopian Coffee Exporters Association, 2016.