English Papers About Information Technology: Muhammadiyah University of Makassar 2018

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Tri Tiara Penina Deby

Reski Awaliah S.
2-A Informatika
Dosen Pengajar: Hamsinah, S.Pd, M.Pd.


Thank God we pray for the presence of God Almighty because with His mercy, grace,
and heart and guidance we can finish this Information Technology paper well even though there
are many shortcomings in it. And also we thank you as lecturer Ms. Hamsinah, S.Pd., M.Pd.
English courses that have given this assignment to us.
We sincerely hope that this paper can be useful in order to add insight and knowledge.
We are also fully aware that in this paper there are shortcomings and far from perfect words.
Therefore, we hope for criticism, suggestions and suggestions for the improvement of
perfect papers without constructive suggestions.
Hopefully this simple paper can be understood for anyone who reads it. If this compiled
report can be useful for ourselves and those who read it. Before you apologize if there are errors
in words that are not pleasing and we request criticism and suggestions that build yourself up for
the improvement of this paper in the future.

Makassar, June 2019



TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................ii
1.1 Background.............................................................................1
1.2 Problem Formulation..............................................................1
1.3 Objectives and Benefits..........................................................1
2.1 Definition Of Information Technology..................................2
2.2 Information Technology Function..........................................3
2.3 Information Technology Objectives.......................................3
2.4 Impact of the Development of Information Technology.......5
3.1 Conclusions.............................................................................6
3.2 Suggestions.............................................................................6


1.1 Background
The term information technology became popular since pre-history in the late 70s. In the past the
term information technology was commonly called computer technology or electronic data processing
(electronic data processing). Technology arises from human nature which always uses its mind and mind
to get out of trouble, live better, and live easier. From there technology continues to grow until now. The
technological development itself will not stop as long as human civilization still exists.
Along with the development of the times, developments in the field of information technology also grew
rapidly. Human daily needs continue to increase and busyness is unavoidable, as well as industrial
technology which is increasingly growing to meet the needs of its workers. Humans basically want
something instant and practical. From the development of information technology, various kinds of
activities or human work can also be replaced with mechanical devices and even electronics. Until, at this
time distance and time seemed not to be a barrier in conveying or receiving information.
Information technology is the main support for the implementation of globalization. With the
development of information technology, information in any form and for various interests, can be easily
disseminated so that it can quickly influence the way of view and lifestyle, to the culture of a nation. The
more sophisticated the technology, the greater the flow of information that can be channeled with global
reach and impact. It is undeniable, the development of information technology has a role in helping
humans solve their life problems.

1.2 Problem Formulation

From the description above arises several main problems related to information technology,
especially in the field of industrial production, namely:
1. What is meant by information technology?
2. What is the function of information technology?
3. What is the purpose of information technology?
4. What is the impact of the development of information technology?

1.3 Objectives and Benefits

This paper is an assignment for English courses, while the objectives of writing this paper are:
1. Train student abilities
2. To find out the meaning of information technology
3. For information technology functions
4. To find out information technology goals
5. To find out the impact of the development of information technology


2.1 Definition Of Information Technology

To know the meaning of information technology we must first understand the meaning of
technology and information itself. Technology is the development and application of tools, machines,
materials and processes that help humans solve their problems. Information is the result of processing,
manipulation and organizing / structuring from a group of data that has a value of knowledge for its users
Understanding information technology according to several experts:
· Information Technology is a set of tools that help you work with information and carry out tasks
related to information processing (Haag & Keen, 1996)

· Information technology is not only limited to computer technology (software & hardware) that
is used to process or store information, but also includes communication technology to transmit
information (Martin, 1999)

· Information Technology is all forms of technology that are applied to process and transmit
information in electronic form (Lucas, 2000)

· Information Technology is a technology that combines computing (computer) with high-speed

communication lines that carry data, sound, and video (William & Sawyer, 2003)

From the definition above it can be concluded that the notion of information technology is any
technology that helps humans to create, change, store, communicate or disseminate information by
uniting computation and high-speed communication for data, voice, and video.
Implicitly and explicitly Information Technology (IT) is not just a computer technology, but also
includes communication technology. In other words, what is called Information Technology is a
combination of Computer Technology and Telecommunications Technology.

The explanation of the two technologies underlying information technology is as follows.

1. Computer Technology
Computer technology is a technology related to computers, including computer-related equipment
such as printers, fingerprint readers, and even CD-ROMs. a computer is a multi-purpose machine that can
be controlled by a program, used to process data into information. The program is a series of instructions
that are used to control a computer so that the computer can take action according to what the maker
wants. Data is raw material for computers that can be either numbers or images, while information is a
form of data that has been processed so that it can be a useful material for making decisions.
Computer data as a program information processor.
2. Communication Technology
Telecommunications technology or also commonly called communication technology is a
technology related to long-distance communication. Included in this category are telephone, radio and

2.2 Information Technology Function
After understanding the meaning of information technology, then we also need to know the
function of information technology. According to the book Introduction to Information and Computer
Technology, the functions of information technology are 5, namely the functions of capture, processing,
generation, storage and retrieval, and transmitting. The following is a description of each of these
1. Capture function
Information technology functions in the process of preparing detailed records. One of the
implementations of this capture function can be seen in the Facebook view. On our timeline, almost all of
our activities on Facebook are recorded neatly and in detail.
2. Processing Function
Information technology allows us to do good processing that changes, analyzes, calculates, and collects
all existing data.
3. Function of Generation
Information technology also functions to generate data. For example, data that is initially in the form of a
row of numbers can be generated into a table or graph that is easily drawn to the conclusion.
4. Storage and Retrieval functions
The function of storage and retrieval is closely related to the development of computer technology today.
For example, we can save a file on the hard disk and then the file can be copied or retrieved on another
5. Function of Transmission
The function of transmission means that information technology can send information through existing
communication networks. An example is the internet, with this internet we can send emails, chat, video
messages, and much more.

2.3 Information Technology Objectives

1. The purpose of information technology in solving problems

In solving problems, information technology also plays an important role in it. Problem solving
here relates to all problems that occur in humans. The role of information technology will be very vital for
solving problems, because information technology in it contains information that is useful as a problem
solver that occurs in everyday human life.
In addition, information technology as a problem solver can also be applied to every company. Every
company and government agency will never escape from a problem. Especially problems related to
management management. If viewed from the daily life of the problem can be caused from internal or
external parties. Many parties consider that the problems that come from external parties are more
dangerous so that priority is immediately resolved, while the problems that come from inside (internal) is
not too dangerous. So this is what can make a company experience a problem.
Therefore the role of technology in a company or agency plays an important role in managing the
company. Information technology concerns computer technology, where computers are the main tool for
processing useful information. There needs to be internet access on computers so that they get quality
information in solving problems, because on the internet network there is a lot of information that we
really need.

2. Information Technology Objectives in opening creativity.
Creativity is needed in Information Technology for several reasons, among others: first, creativity
provides an opportunity for individuals to actualize themselves, both creativity allows people to find
various alternatives in problem solving, third, creativity can provide life satisfaction, and fourth, creativity
enables humans to improve quality of life. In terms of cognitive, creativity is the ability to think that has
fluency, flexibility, authenticity, and details.
Whereas in terms of its affective creativity is characterized by strong motivation, curiosity,
interest in multiple tasks, courage to face risks, not easily discouraged, respect for beauty, having a sense
of humor, always wanting to find new experiences, respecting yourself and others . Creative works are
characterized by originality, value, can be transformed, and can be justified. For example, learning with
the support of information technology and telecommunications allows one to produce new original works,
have high values, and can be developed further for more meaningful interests.
Through information technology and telecommunications, someone will get a variety of
information in a wider and deeper scope so that it increases our insight. This is a conducive stimulus for
the development of independence, especially in terms of developing competence, creativity, self-control,
consistency, and commitment to both oneself and others. All things that have been described above will
not happen automatically because everyone learns that they have different conditions from one another.
Integration of information and communication technology in learning opens up opportunities to shape
one's creativity and independence. The diversity of accessible learning resources requires wisdom to be
selective in sorting out and choosing these sources. The formation of creativity and independence of
learning in a person makes them able to survive and compete in the global era.

3. The purpose of information technology is effective and efficient

The purpose of effective and efficient information technology is the main goal in information
technology. Information technology such as computers is a source of information that is always accessed
by humans and a kind of company or government agency. Information technology can be said to be
effective and efficient because information technology can be accessed easily and does not require a long
time. The role of such information technology will have a good impact on human life, one will easily get
all the complete information in the whole world without having to pay expensive.
Not only humans who need information, companies and agencies within the government also
need information. Companies and government agencies certainly want to quickly find out what is
happening outside their company or agency environment quickly and accurately, so that it needs complete
information technology such as computers and internet connections so that all information can be owned.
For example, before the current information technology, someone in making a task or in the process of
solving a problem is very difficult in the process, it takes a long time, because the technology at that time
was still classified as less sophisticated. In contrast to today someone will be very easy to do the task or in
the process of solving problems, because information technology is now very sophisticated, so anything
can be done effectively and efficiently.

2.4 Impact of the Development of Information Technology
1. Positive Impact
The following are some of the positive impacts of Information Technology:
a. Facilitate and accelerate access to information that we need.
b. Simplify and accelerate the delivery or dissemination of information.
c. Facilitate corporate or individual transactions for business purposes.
d. Facilitate the completion of tasks or work.
e. Facilitating the communication process is not blocked by time and place.
f. The many uses of information technology open up IT jobs or other types of job openings.

2. Negative Impact
Meanwhile the negative impact of Information Technology, among others:
a. Pornography is common because it is easily accessible.
b. Ease of transactions triggers the emergence of illegal businesses such as drugs and black market
or illegal products.
c. Con artists and criminals have sprung up especially in the case of online transactions.
d. The emergence of a culture of plagiarism or plagiarism of the work of others.


3.1 Conclusions
1. From various definitions of information technology experts, it can be concluded that
information technology, both implicitly and explicitly, is not merely computer technology, but also
includes telecommunications technology. In other words, what is called information technology is a
combination of computer technology and telecommunications technology.
2. There are 5 functions of Technology, namely the functions of capture, processing, generation,
storage and retrieval, and transmitting
3. The purpose of information technology is to solve problems, open creativity and make
activities more effective and efficient.
4. In its development, information technology does not always have a positive impact but there
are also negative impacts

3.2 Suggestions
In writing this paper the author realizes that what the author has made is still a lot of shortcomings,
therefore there is still a need for further development for future improvements.


Abdul Kadir-Terra CH. Triwahyuni, Pengenalan Teknologi Informasi, (Yogyakarta: ANDI, 2003 ), hlm.

Abdul Kadir-Terra CH. Triwahyuni, Pengenalan Teknologi Informasi, (Yogyakarta: ANDI, 2003 ), hlm.3

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Yakub, Pengantar Sistem Informasi, (Yogyakarta: Graha ilmu, 2012), hlm. 111-112

Yakub, Pengantar Sistem Informasi, (Yogyakarta: Graha ilmu, 2012), hlm. 113-114

Yakub, Pengantar Sistem Informasi, (Yogyakarta: Graha ilmu, 2012), hlm. 115

Jogianto Hartono, Pengenalan Computer, (Yokyakarta : ANDI,1999), hlm.98

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