MP 3

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Assignment 3

1. Write Port configuration in 80386.
2. Draw the typical sequence of bus cycles of 80386.
3. Draw and explain the internal architecture of 80386.

4. Classify the output modes used in 8279.
5. Design a microprocessor based system using 8279 keyboard / display
controller to interface 24 key hex keypad and 8 digit seven segment
display. Explain with necessary diagrams and flowchart.
6. What is the function of Scan section in 8279 programmable
keyboard/Display Controller?
7. What is the advantage of using 8279 for keyboard/display interface? What
are scan lines used for? Explain its following modes of operations
(i) Encoded Scan Mode (ii). Decoded scan mode

8. List different types of command words used in 8295.
9. Explain the block diagram of 8295 printer controller. Specify the size of
data, address, memory word and memory capacity of 8085
10. What are the different ways to end the interrupt execution in 8259
programmable Interrupt controller?
11. List the alternative functions assigned to Port 3 pins of 8051
12. Mention the size of DPTR and Stack Pointer in 8051
13. What is the operation of the given 8051 microcontroller instructions:
XRL A, direct?
14. What are the different operations performed by Boolean variable
instructions of 8051?
15. Discuss about the organization of Internal RAM and Special function
registers of 8051 microcontrollers in detail.
16. Explain the Interrupt structure with the associated registers in 8051
17. Explain in detail the modes of operation of Timer unit in 8051
18. Explain the Data transfer instructions and Program control
instructions of 8051 microcontrollers.
19. Write an assembly language program based on 8051 microcontroller
instruction set to perform four arithmetic operations on 2, 8-bit data.
20. Explain the interfacing of Keyboard/Display with 8051
21. Explain the Servomotor control using 8051 microcontrollers.
22. With functional block diagram, explain the operation and
programming of 8251 USART in detail.
23. Explain the operation of 8255 PPI Port A programmed as input and
output in Mode 1 with necessary handshaking signals.
24. What is the difference between Mode 0, Mode 1 and Mode 2
operations of 8255?
25. With suitable diagram, explain how the Priority Interrupt controller
8259 can be interfaced with 8086 in cascade mode.
26. Draw and explain the block diagram of 8254 software programmable
timer. Explain how the GATE input controls its operation in any two modes
of operation.
27. What is DMA? Which hardware pins are used for DMA control? Draw
and explain the architecture of 8237 DMA controller.

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