Development of UB Hand 3 Early Results
Development of UB Hand 3 Early Results
Development of UB Hand 3 Early Results
Conference Paper in Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation · May 2005
DOI: 10.1109/ROBOT.2005.1570811 · Source: IEEE Xplore
242 1,418
6 authors, including:
F. Lotti G. Vassura
University of Bologna 91 PUBLICATIONS 2,042 CITATIONS
All content following this page was uploaded by F. Lotti on 29 May 2014.
Abstract— The first part of this paper describes the devel- investigate advantages and limits of articulated structures
opment of a humanoid robot hand based on an endoskeleton obtained with serial compliant mechanisms: a series of
made of rigid links connected with elastic hinges, actuated by different finger architectures have been built and evaluated
sheath routed tendons and covered by continuous compliant
pulps. The project is called UB Hand 3 (University of Bologna based on this concept and described in previous papers [5],
Hand, 3rd version) and aims to reduce the mechanical [6], [7]. The present paper illustrates the hand architecture
complexity of robotic end effectors yet maintaining full that is the result of the evolution performed so far: it will
anthropomorphic aspect and a good level of dexterity. In the probably be improved in the future, but it seems now a valid
second part this paper focuses on the early experiences of the base to start on-field evaluation of the proposed concepts.
UB Hand 3 in performing manipulation tasks.
Index Terms— Humanoid Robot, Hand Design, Soft Finger,
Some preliminary results of the hand operating capability
Elastic Hinges, Dexterous Manipulation. are presented in the final part of the paper. They have been
obtained with a prototype that only partially implements
I. I NTRODUCTION all the prospected solutions, but already confirm that the
proposed approach exhibits very high potential.
In dexterous robotic hands the reproduction of human
hand compliance during the interaction with the objects to
be manipulated (as demonstrated in [1], [?], [2]) is fun- II. A RCHITECTURE AND KINEMATICS OF THE HAND
damental for grasp adaptability and stability. Furthermore,
a continuous soft cover increases the level of protection The updated prototype of the hand is characterized by
against external agents and unexpected impacts, thus in- a modular structure in which four identical fingers and
creasing the reliability of the robotic hand. Even if these one opposable thumb are assembled on a carpal frame,
advantages are widely recognized, few humanoid robotic that will be connected to a wrist. The overall dimensions
hands, so far, have been designed specifically to optimize of the hand are very similar to the human one and in
this aspect. In most cases they are covered with thin layers Fig. 1 a direct comparison is proposed. A compliant layer,
of elastomeric material, capable to provide high surface reproducing the role of human hand soft tissues, covers the
friction but not enough thick to actually work as real endoskeletal structure, as sketched in Fig. 2. The internal
compliant pads. The usual adoption of mechanical finger articulated structure is designed according the “compliant
structures based prevalently on the exoskeletal pattern, mechanism” concept so that the mobility of the phalanges
which means rigid hollow frames with transmissions or is obtained by means of elastic joints (see Fig. 3a). The
actuation inside [3], [4], makes very difficult to place thick
layers of compliant material around the finger structure
without increasing the size of the fingers beyond acceptable
The UB Hand 3 project addresses alternative design solu-
tions in order to substitute the exoskeletal structure with an
endo-skeletal articulated frame, aiming to reach the desired
external compliance and to simplify the overall mechanical
complexity of the hand. The general goal of the project
is to test non-conventional design solutions, understanding
what may be their advantages and their limits by means
of theoretical investigation, practical implementation and
testing as well. A strong issue is to test not only the
validity of such solutions in terms of theoretical behavior,
but also to point out and to evaluate technological aspects
related to their application and their compatibility with
general specifications, like the adoption of proper sensory
equipment or the application of specific control strategies.
One of the key choices of the UB Hand 3 project is to Fig. 1. The UB Hand 3 in comparison to the human hand.
External coating (skin) Soft pad Internal endoskeleton
hinges and the routing paths (see Fig. 4). This solution
allows a simplified design with appreciable kinematical
properties like a rough kinematical decoupling of the joints. B
in the return phase: one related to the yaw joint and the
other, in the dorsal part of the finger, that works against (b)
the finger bending.
Significant efforts were performed in developing the Fig. 5. Rotational center of medial hinge.
proximal joints of the fingers. Different design solutions
are adopted for the upper fingers and the opposable thumb.
In the upper finger, the yaw joint and the flexural bending
of the proximal phalanges are obtained through two orthog-
onal single axis hinges (see Fig. 6a), while the articulation
at the base of the thumb is obtained by a single two d.o.f.
helicoidal hinge as shown in Fig. 6b. This last joint is
actuated by means of three cooperating tendons that allow
the thumb to bend on a plane having variable direction.
In the UB Hand 3 prototype each finger can have up to 4
degrees of mobility, obtaining a total number of 20 degrees
of mobility. In order to find o good trade-off between the
complexity of the actuation system and the dexterity of the
hand, 16 degrees of mobility are actively actuated whereas
(a) (b) the others are locked or coupled. The thumb and the index
fingers have 4 d.o.f. each one, the middle and the little
Fig. 3. Adoption of coiled spring in elastic hinges. finger have 3 d.o.f. while the ring finger has 2 d.o.f. (see
Tab. I). This configuration, similar to that implemented
in the Robonaut hand project [8], is adopted in order to
have a five fingered hand suitable to perform power and
enveloping grasps, in which only three fingers (the thumb,
the index and the middle) have fully mobility to execute
dexterous manipulation tasks.
The adopted kinematical configuration allows to change
the actual number of d.o.f. without changing the prototype
structure. This strategy, for example, may be applied to
couple the distal and medial bending motion to mimic the
human finger behavior. Furthermore, by adopting elastic
coupling devices between the linked joints it is possible to
obtain self-adapting grasping procedures.
The fingers, obtained by plastic moulding with inclusion
of continuous steel springs, show a good reliability: after
thousands of working cycles no failures occurred.
Output voltage (Volt)
Fig. 6. Two degrees of freedom articulation of the upper fingers (a) and Fig. 8. Output characteristic of the position sensor.
of the thumb (b).
Deformable structure Motor power electronics
DC motor
Load cell
Fig. 11. Instrumented actuation module.
Tendon link
Output Voltage (Volt)
8 100
6 80
4 60
0 0
Tendon force (Kg)
Joint position (degrees)
(a) (b)
16 Analog In
4 Analog Out
48 Digital I/O
32 Analog In
16 Analog Out
(c) (d)
Fig. 13. The connection between UB Hand 3 and I/O card. Fig. 15. Manipulation sequence of a pen.
experimental data
fitting curve elastic-hinged fingers with respect to transverse loads do
not seem an unsurmountable obstacle for application to
light manipulation tasks, where, on the contrary, a limited
tendon displacement (mm)
passive compliance of the finger can play a positive role. A
systematic approach to hinge stiffness evaluation is under