EJCHEM Volume 61 Issue 6 Pages 1151-1159
EJCHEM Volume 61 Issue 6 Pages 1151-1159
EJCHEM Volume 61 Issue 6 Pages 1151-1159
Chemical and physical characteristics of the extracted lanolin, which play important
role in its utilization, are outlined. The current and future utilization of wool wax in textile
and non-textile application are reported.
It blends and combines well with practically been carried out on fatty acids and alcohols that
all other materials used in cosmetics and the esters were formed (Table 2) [3, 9, 10].
pharmaceuticals due to the strong emulsifying
and penetrating properties of lanolin. Its adhesive Upon saponification, it was found that wool
property makes it an excellent candidate for use as wax acids comprise alkanoic, α-hydroxy and
a plasticizer in adhesives and resins. Apart from ω-hydroxy acids. Each group has three distinct
its use in cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, series which are normal, iso- and anteiso- as
lanolin derivatives are commonly utilized in many shown in Fig.1 [3, 11].
industrial sectors, such as plastics, lubricants,
Wool wax alcohols are the materials which
textile oil, concrete, paint, and ink [3, 7].
derived from the saponification of wool wax.
Chemical Composition of Lanolin The depth investigations of fresh wool wax
Lanolin consists of a complex mixture of sample with liquid gas chromatography and mass
esters and polyesters of high molecular weight spectroscopy represented that wool wax doesn’t
alcohols and fatty acids [9]. Isolation of lanolin contain glycerides which imparted waxy touch
esters is extremely difficult and no conclusions to it, the composition of the total alcohols of the
were found that identify the individual esters wool wax is elucidated in Table 3 [3, 12].
which exist in lanolin. Detailed analyses have
TABLE 3. Composition of mono and 1.2 diols alcohols wool wax alcohol.
soxhlet to 45min besides reducing the amount of soxhlet system with reducing the required time
the used solvent [19]. from 4 h to 8min comparing to the soxhlet
extraction technique where the amount of the
Microwave is considered as an interesting applied solvent is reduced from 125 to 10ml [21].
alternative technique for improving the extraction Ultra-sonication is also considered as an eco-
and overcomes organic contaminant extraction friendly effective degreasing system using
represents [20]. distilled water and trichlorethylene as a medium
It was found that microwave extraction gives of propagation-degreasing [22].
the same efficiencies as that achieved by classical
Fig. 2. The structural formula of sterols and lanosterols in wool wax alcohol.
Wool Grease Recovery where it is mixed with clean hot water and is then
Owing to its low specific gravity, centrifuge separated to give lanoline with purity of about
is usually applied to recover the unoxidised wool 99% [23].
wax from the scour effluent. At present, stacked
disc centrifuges in a similar way to those used in Purification of wool grease
dairy industry in either a 2 or 3 stage separation Purified wool grease is known as lanolin,
and purification process. The main processes which is the product that obtained from
used worldwide for wool grease recovery deodorization, decolonization, neutralization and
include some combination of thermal cracking elimination of water. Wool wax obtained from
and centrifuging. scouring is contaminated with detergent and suint
and is, consequently named lanoline, as different
Single -Stage Wool Grease Recovery from wool wax [24].
Scour effluent heated to at least 64°C is fed
from above into the centre section of the primary First Stage of Refinement
centrifuge. Inside the centrifuge the effluent Due to the colour, odd odor and large amount
flows into the stack of cone shaped discs, which of impurities, wool wax has to be refined further
rotate at approximately 6000 rpm. In the disc before its application [25].
stack the light wool grease outflows between the The techniques and materials used for refining
discs towards the core of the bowl and settled as lanolin differ from one processor to another.
primary cream. The second emulsion phase moves Generally, the initial step includes the break of
downwards between the discs owing to its higher soaps and removal of acid-soluble impurities
density, from where it flows up the outer walls of by refluxing the crude wool wax in an aqueous
the bowl and further discharged at the top of the acid solution. After separation and elimination
centrifuge. Finally, any dirt and heavy solids are of the aqueous phase, alkaline treatment with
also carried down between the discs due to their caustic soda or soda ash was adopted to neutralize
higher density than the aqueous emulsion phase the free fatty acids in wool wax. The obtained
and then continuously separated through jets in soaps can be removed using mixtures of ethanol
the bottom of the bowl wall. The first cream is or isopropanol with water. This is to assure that
then put inside a thermal-cracking tank and left at the undesired impurities are washed from the wax
approximately 90°C for more than five hours. At mixture efficiently [23].
the end of this period the cream splits into three
separate phases [23]. Improving the Purity
An additional decreasing of contaminants can
Two-Stage Wool Grease Recovery be attained through treatment with adsorbents,
In this system, the main centrifuges and such as activated carbon, followed by filtration.
thermal cracking tanks are still used but the Residual odors and pesticides can be removed
cream and emulsion from the cracking tank in by exposure to high vacuum and simultaneous
this time is put inside another tank of secondary heating of the wool wax. This stage also decreases
centrifuges for further purification. The cream the amount of free lanolin alcohols [23].
that obtained from the primary centrifuges is
about 60 – 80% wool wax while that from the Colour Change
secondary centrifuges is characteristically extra At this step of the refinement process, most
of 99% pure [23]. of the impurities - free fatty acids, detergents
and pesticides, will be adequately reduced and
Three-Stage Wool Grease Recovery the product will be pleasantly deodorized. By
In this system a greater amount of the wool bleaching wax with common oxidative reagent
grease is extracted from the effluent by primary such as: hydrogen peroxide, the dark colour
centrifuge. However, the produced primary will have vanished into a pale yellow. Small
cream is about 10 – 20% grease. Subsequently, concentrations of another approved antioxidant,
this high volume low strength primary cream is namely butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT),
then thermally cracked and passed through the are usually added at the end of the refinement
secondary centrifuge at around 90°C resulting in process. This objects the air getting to the
a secondary cream having 70 – 80% wool grease. lanolin and stopping superficial degradation by
Still at 90°C, the cream from the secondary autoxidation [23].
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يرجع إستغالل شحم الصوف المستخلص من المصارف المائية الناتجة من عملية غسيل فرو الخرفان إلى ألفين
في الوقت الحالي. قام العمال اليونانيين بإستخالص شحم الصوف، منذ حوالي سبعة قرون قبل الميالد.عام مضت
وتعتبر عملية.يتم صرف كميات هائلة من شحم الصوف إلى الممصارف المائية الناتجة من غشيل الصوف الخام
تتناول هذه المقالة الطرق المستحدمة حاليا ً أو تلك.إسترجاع شحم الصوف ذات أهمية قصوى من الناحية البيئية
مع األخذ في اإلعتبار البعدين البيئي واإلقتصادي لتلك،التي من الممكن إستخدامها في إستخالص شحم الصوف
. كما تتناول هذه المقالة بصورة مختصرة الطرق المستخدمة لتنقية شحم الصوف وتحويله إلى النولين.العمليات
مثل إستخدام أشعة الميكروويف،كما تم عقد مقارنة بين الطرق الحديثة المستخدمة في إستخالص شحم الصوف
. ومقارنتها بطرق التسخين التقليدية المستخدمة في إستخالص شحم الصوف،أو الموجات فوق الصوتية
وقد ألقى هذا البحث الضوء على الخصائص الفيزيائية والكيميائية لشحم الصوت والتي لها دور كبير في
كما تم عرض أهم التطبيقات الحالية للالنولين في مجال الصناعات.تحديد التطبيقات التي يمكن إستغالله فيها
.النسيجية وغيرها من المجاالت