Calendula Depilatoria
Calendula Depilatoria
Calendula Depilatoria
Thioglycerol - 5.0
Sodium Hydroxide (50% Solution) - 3.8
Perfume, Preservative, Colour - qs
Hydrate Cellosize in warm water. Add urea and heat to 65-70°C. Heat oil phase to 65-70°C.
Add water phase to oil phase slowly with stirring. Stir to cool. At 40-42°C add thioglycerol.
Slowly add sodium hydroxide solution. Check pH and adjust pH to 11.5-12.0 if required.
The cream should be applied with a spatula to clean dry skin and left for 5-8 minutes (no
longer than 10 minutes). It is removed with a spatula and residues washed off with warm
This formulation has been subjected to limited stability tests and has been shown to perform well. However formulators adopting this approach should ensure to
their own satisfaction long term stability and functionality. It is good practice to conduct safety tests on all final formulations prior to marketing. Suggested uses should
not be taken as an inducement to infringe any existing patents.
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