PILE2013 Paper Prakoso
PILE2013 Paper Prakoso
PILE2013 Paper Prakoso
Widjojo A. Prakoso 1
ABSTRACT: Land subsidence has been identified as one of major geological hazards of northern Jakarta, as indicated
by some geodetical measurements. It has been hypothesized that natural consolidation, groundwater extraction, and land
development related loads are the major factors, but it is argued by the author that the land subsidence in this area is
primarily due to the consolidation of soft soil layers induced by the land development of the areas. To elaborate further
this argument, the author explores the long-term behavior of two historical piled structures. The first structure is the
lighthouse built prior to 1862 located in currently known as the Port of Muara Baru, and the second structure is the Kali
Besar draw bridge built prior to 1890. Though there is no direct information about the as-built conditions of these
structures, the soil profiles in neighboring areas and the coast line development indicate that these structure would be
most likely piled structures. To support this assumption, some historical evidence of the use of pile foundations during
this era is discussed. Based on photo analyses, these historical structures appear not to experience excessive settlement,
indicating that the land subsidence observed in the area is primarily a shallow phenomenon.
Lecturer, Universitas Indonesia, Civil Engineering Department, Kampus UI Depok 16424, INDONESIA
unknown age were recovered during the excavation of an identified as well in the logs. By comparing the changes
underground facility. of coastline and the four sites, it can be concluded that
The Jakarta Kota Railway Station opened in 1929 is sites 1 to 3 are geotechnically very young, while site 4
known to be supported by octagonal concrete driven appears to be geotechnically somewhat older as it was
piles, exposed during excavation of an adjacent already onshore as shown on an map dated year 1627.
construction project. The NHM Head Office building,
currently known as Museum Bank Mandiri across the
railway station, completed in 1933 is known to be ESTIMATED LAND DEVELOPMENT INDUCED
supported by 0.33 m wide and 15.8 m long, octagonal SETTLEMENT
reinforced concrete driven piles based on design
drawings dated year 1929 exhibited in the museum. The Prakoso (2013) compiled recent geotechnical data
main reinforcement of the piles was 8 19 mm-bars, while from three sites in the area were compiled, including
the stirrups were spirals of 8 mm bars with 50 mm those from Sites 2 and 3. Field and laboratory soil
spacing in the pile tip and head areas and of 6 mm bars parameters including their statistical properties were
with 100 mm spacing in the middle section. evaluated. The estimation of land development induced
settlement was performed using the classic Terzaghi's
1-D consolidation and secondary compression theories,
GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS coupled with the Monte Carlo approach to consider the
soil parameter variabilities.
The surface geology of the area is alluvial deposits, The final settlement mean and standard deviation
consisting of mangrove swamp deposits and nearshore values were 1.6 m and 0.7 m, respectively. The
marine deposits (P3G 1995). The geotechnical subsidence rate mean and standard deviation values for a
conditions are also evaluated from the changes of period between year 1 and 5 were 0.22 m/year and 0.16
coastline of the area, as shown in Fig. 1b. Historical m/year, respectively. The simulation results are in the
maps from years 1627 (KIT 2013a), 1669 (PU 2013), same range as the observed subsidence rates for the three
1770 (BNF 2013), 1846 (Wikipedia 2013), and 1894 GPS stations ranging from 0.07 to 0.28 m/year.
(Etsy 2013) were reviewed, and coastlines from those The observed subsidence rate tends to decrease with
maps were plotted relative to the current coastline taken time, and additional analyses were conducted to evaluate
from the Google Map satellite photo. this trend. Subsidence rates for the period between year
The coastline between years 1627 and 1770 appears 1 and 2 (from 56 to 76 percent degree of consolidation)
to change mostly on east side of the sea wall of Port of through the period between year 4 and 5 (from 93 to 96
Sunda Kelapa. It did not appear to change significantly percent degree of consolidation) were individually
between years 1770 and 1846. However, the coastline analyzed. The general trend is that the subsidence rate
between years 1846 and 1894 appears to change very decreases with time; for the period between year 1 and 2,
rapidly on west side of the sea wall. Between years 1627 the mean and standard deviation are 0.45 m/year and
and 1894, the coastline progressed less than 1.0 km on 0.30 m/year respectively and, between year 4 and 5, the
east side of the sea wall and about 1.5 km on west side of mean and standard deviation are 0.07 m/year and 0.05
the sea wall. m/year, respectively. It is postulated that the period
The sea wall of Port of Sunda Kelapa did not exist between year 1 and 2 after fill placement would likely be
yet on the 1627 map, and it could be seen apparently for the construction period, and that the estimated
the first time on a map dated 1667. The sea wall appears subsidence rate would not be observed as the ground
to progress towards the sea relatively simultaneously surface level might be adjusted during construction.
with changes of the coastline. The east sea wall at However, the subsequent values of subsidence rate of
present can not be observed in the field. 0.25 m/year to 0.07 m/year are in the same range as the
The geotechnical data from four (4) sites relatively observed subsidence rates of 0.07 to 0.28 m/year.
close to the structures are evaluated (site 1: Pluit, site 2: The long term subsidence rate was estimated
Port of Sunda Kelapa, site 3: west Ancol, site 4: Jakarta assuming that the secondary compression theory applies
Kota Railway Station Bank Mandiri Museum). The and no additional loads are imposed. The mean and
data were collected from the library of Soil Mechanics standard deviation for the period of between year 5 and
Laboratory of Universitas Indonesia and authors file. 20 are about 0.01 m/year and 0.005 m/year, respectively.
The soil boring and N-SPT logs of all sites are shown in The probability of subsidence rate of greater than 0.02
Fig. 2, and the very soft to soft silt-clay deposits are m/year is only less than 5 percent.
Proceedings of Pile 2013, June 2-4th 2013
Fig. 1 Locations of structures, geotechnical data sites, and change of coastline (sources: see text).
5 5 5 5
V. Soft to Soft Layer V. Soft to Soft Layer
V. Soft to Soft Layer
10 10 V. Soft to Soft Layer 10 10
15 15 15 15
Depth (m)
20 20 20 20
25 25 25 25
30 30 30 30
35 35 35 35
40 40 40 40
a. Site 1 b. Site 2 c. Site 3 d. Site 4
LIGHTHOUSE IN PORT OF MUARA BARU the complex relative to the coastline during that time and
by the existence of trees. Note that the year 1938 photo
The lighthouse in the Port of Muara Baru was built indicates that the lighthouse was still separated from the
prior to year 1862, based on a written account by G. shore, consistent with the change of coastline shown in
Deynot dated year 1862 (e.g., Merrillees 2001). The Fig. 1b. The lighthouse and other buildings must have
lighthouse was located on the west side of the historic been built supported by pile foundations as they did not
west seawall of Port of Sunda Kelapa as shown in Fig. seem to experience excessive settlement after more than
1b. The oldest photo of the lighthouse is dated year 130 years based on the comparison of photos from years
1880 (KIT 2013b). No direct information about the as- 1880 and 2013 (Figs. 3a and 3d). The historic east
built conditions of the lighthouse is available. Some seawall currently can not be observed in the field, and
sequential photos of the lighthouse are shown in Fig. 3; the west seawall has become apparently the current east
the year 1880 photo (looking west) and 1938 photo coastline of Port of Muara Baru. The buildings shown in
(looking south) are the collections of the Tropen years 1880 and 1938 photos do not exist at present. The
Museum (KIT 2013b,c), the year 2010 photo (looking lighthouse appears currently to be lower than the road,
south) was taken by Irwan (2013), and the year 2013 but this is due to additional fill material placed in year
photo (looking south) is a collection of the author. 2012, as reported by Attahiyat (2013).
The historic complex of the lighthouse appears to be
built on a reclaimed land, as indicated by the location of