Grade 8 Math Curriculum

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Mathematics Units

Unit/Statement of Key Concepts Content


Numbers and You can use Exponentiation as an operation

Exponents exponential Origin of square and cube
notation to Negative numbers
represent repeated Zero as an exponent
multiplication of Negative exponents
the same factor Exponents and place value

Scientific Scientific notation Converting numbers from standard form to scientific

Notation is a way of writing notation
numbers that Scientific notation and metric prefixes
makes it easier to Applying properties
work with very Addition and subtraction
large or very small Multiplication and division
numbers Technology and scientific notation

Solving Algebraic Linear equations Rational number coefficients

Linear Equations can be used to Real-world applications
solve math and Classifying by number of solutions
real-world Tables, equations and verbal descriptions
problems that Solving for one variable
involve one
unknown variable
and its influencing

Lines and Linear Linear equations Slope in the real-world

Equations are continued and Slope as a ratio
represented Orientation
graphically. Slope-intercept form
Different forms and Sketching graphs of linear equations
properties of linear Parallel lines
equations are
studied in-depth.

Systems of A system of From tables to equations to graphs

Linear Equations equations may Algebraic solutions and bar models
have a unique Graphs and numbers of solutions
solution. It can be Technology and systems of equations
solved using the
substitution, or
graphical methods.
Functions A function is a Mapping diagrams and graphs
relation in which Graphs and real-world situations
every input has Rate of change
exactly one output, Sketching vs. graphing
and can be
represented using
tables, graphs, and

Polynomials  olynomials
P Number of terms
represent Degree
relationships of Operations
multiple Addition and subtraction
dimensions and Factoring and Multiplication
behave in
predictable ways.

Quadratics and Quadratics are a FOIL

Parabolas special Basic factoring
polynomials that Difference of squares
represent 2-D Quadratic formula
change, commonly Applications
seen in tossed Modeling change and motion
objects or Applications of multiplying variable

Probability and  robability is the

P P(Event)
Statistics analysis of chance Unions and intersections
and how to Area model
maximize Tree diagram
understanding the Venn diagram

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