Geotechnical Analysis 5CVO10 Assignment

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Civil 5CVO10

Civil 5CVO10

Faculty of civil engineering

Answers to the questions 2-5 (assignment 2)

Question 2
A dam section is shown in Figure 1. Assume hydraulic conductivity of the permeable layer (for
any direction) is 4 x 10-2mm/s. Draw a flow net and calculate the seepage loss of the dam in
m3/day (15%).

Question 3
The plan of a foundation is shown in Fig.2. The uniform pressure on the soil is 45 kN/m2.
Determine the vertical stress increment due to the foundation at a depth of 4 m below the
point X by Steinbrenner's method. (15%)
Question 4
A proposed cutting of a certain slope is to have the dimensions shown in Fig.3. The
embankment consists of two soils, both with bulk densities of 19.3 kN/m3. The upper soil has
C= 7.2 kN/m2 and ϕ = 30°, whilst the lower soil has C = 32.5 kN/m2 and ϕ = 0 (20%)

a) Draw the slip circle to a convenient scale

b) Divide the circle in to suitable number of slices
c) Draw the triangle of forces for the normal and tangential components and investigate
the stability of the embankment using Swedish method of slices analysis.

Question 5

6m high retaining wall with a granular soil backfill is shown in Fig.4. Given that ϒ=20 kN/m3, ϕ
= 35°, θ= 5°,δ = 10° determine the active thrust per meter length of the wall using graphical
solution of Coulomb’s (Cullman line construction) earth-pressure theory. (20%)
Answer for question 2

Number of flow channel (Nf) = 4

Numbers of potential drops (Nd) =12
Head loss (h) =20
Coefficient of permeability (k) = 4×10-2 cm/s
To find the seepage we can use the equation,

Nd → Seepage= (4 x 10 −2
x 10
M/S) x 20 x 4/12 ₓ60ₓ60ₓ24
= 23.04 m3/day

By using the theory of super position we can find the total vertical stress increment due to the
depth of 4m below the point X by finding the vertical stress increments of each rectangular
sections. To find the vertical stress increment by using Steinbrenner’s method (σ=IQ), where Q=

Answer for question 3

Section M (b/h) N(L/h) Influence factor
A 1.5/4 = 0.375 4.5/4 = 1.125 0.094
B 0.5/4 = 0.125 4.5/4 = 1.125 0.031
C 1.5/4 = 0.375 2.5/4 = 0.625 0.077
D 0.5/4 = 0.125 1.5/4 = 0.375 0.022

Vertical stress increment at point X below 4m (σ₄)

σ₄ = (0.094x2 + 0.031x2 + 0.077x2 –0.021 x2) 45

= ( 0.188+ 0.062 + 0.154 – 0.042) 45
= (0.362)45
= 16.29KN

 The vertical stress increment = 16.29KN

Answer for question 4

Slice Angle Area Weight N T

0 27 0.000015 Negligible Negligible negligible

1 23 1.09 21.09 19.413 -8.240

2 15 3.10 59.83 57.791 -15.490

3 07 4.86 93.80 93.010 -11.43

4 0 6.40 123.52 123.520 0

5 07 7.72 148.99 147.890 18.160

6 15 8.81 170.03 164.241 44.001

7 23 9.66 186.44 171.619 72.850

8 32 8.13 156.91 133.067 83.151

9 38 7.30 140.89 111.021 86.739

10 47 6.20 119.66 81.610 87.513

11 57 4.68 90.32 49.193 75.752

12 73 2.21 42.65 12.47 40.791

By taking moment about the center of rotation,

Sliding moment = r ∑T
Restoring moment = r (crθ+∑Ntanф)

So the factor of safety for a specimen with two soil layers with different properties can be given
r ( c ∅ + c' ∅ ' ) + ∑ N (tanф+ tan ф ' )

By substituting the values of the cohesion and the frictions of each soils,

Factor of safety=
10.228 ( 7.2∗55
π 32.5∗53 π
180 )+ 772.572( tan 0) +387.36(tan 30)

10.228 (6.912+30.063 ) +223.642


= 1.375

 The slope is safe (because, Where Factor of safety › 1, the slope is safe)
Answer for question 5
To determine the active thrust per meter length of the wall using graphical solution of
coulombs (Cullman line construction) earth- pressure theory,

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