Tituladores Excellence

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Titration Excellence

Excellence Titrators

One Click® Titration

Efficient, Secure and Modular
Tailored Exactly to Your Needs
Titration Excellence

Efficient, Secure and Modular

Successful companies take the most direct route to achieve their goals.
This safeguards their leading position and enables them to offer their
customers decisive advantages. The most direct route is characterized
by simplicity, efficiency, and security. But of course, simple, efficient and
secure are perceived differently by each individual user. That is why
METTLER TOLEDO's Titration Excellence line has been designed with the
utmost modularity in mind.

Start your tasks with one Stay in touch with your analysis Security thanks
simple keystroke to real Plug & Play

Users have one thing in common: In today's research and manu- Automatic burette recognition
they want an instrument whose facturing environments, many feature ensures that all quality-
routines have been designed for measurements and analysis are relevant data such as concentra-
absolute simplicity. The Titration run simultaneously. Keeping tion, titer and expiration date are
Excellence line sets new standards track of all the different devices is promptly read in and checked,
with its Homescreen and user a key task to maintain an efficient irrespective of the drives on which
guidance. Thanks to the One work flow. StatusLight™ helps the burettes with the titrants are
Click® usability concept routine you increase efficiency by present. The password-protected
tasks are executed with just one supporting routine operation user management system coupled
simple keystroke. with visual signaling. In addition with user rights guarantees that
acoustical signals lead you critical data cannot be changed
throughout the titration process. by mistake.
Stay in touch with your titration
from anywhere in the lab.

The modern titration platform is a sound investment
The modular design of the Titration Excellence line guarantees that you are optimally prepared
for future changes. The modern platform provides you with ideal interfaces. Devices such as
printers, memory sticks or barcode readers can be connected via the USB port and are automat-
ically recognized. The built-in Ethernet and USB connections allows you to integrate your titrators
directly into a LabX® network. The Titration Excellence line is a sound investment for the future.

One Click® Titration

Simple and Secure Operation

One Click Titration is an intuitive usability concept designed to add a

sense of ease to every-day laboratory work. Users are able to customize
their screen and short-keys and access these to start analyses and
workflows quickly and easily. The ease in operating METTLER TOLEDO's
titrators results in less errors and higher efficiency in the laboratory.

Optimized routines thanks to Secure navigation Easily select and adapt

exceptional user guidance with the Home button titration methods

Titration Excellence's OneClick Regardless of which submenu Over 60 commonly used and
interface allow you to optimize you are currently in, one single well-proven methods are stored
routine tasks. The shortcuts on the keystroke on the Home button as METTLER TOLEDO methods
homescreen can be customized takes you directly back to your in the instrument. If desired, you
individually to suit each user's Homescreen. Here you have can easily modify these ­meth­ods
needs. added se­curity: you are prompted using the well-designed method
to save your changes. editor so that they can be
optimally integrated in your

Carmen, laboratory assistant: "Thanks to Katherine, laboratory manager: "The indi- Vincent, production assistant: "All I have to
my personalized Homescreen, I can vidual user rights feature means that I can do to analyze the intermediate product
perform all the different analyses very make sure that users stick to our quality every hour is press a Shortcut."
quickly and efficiently." guidelines."

Improved Efficiency

Through Intelligence and Automation

In today's highly competitive environment, having the right equipment is of great

importance to achieving an efficient work process. In order to deliver accurate
results fast, comply with regulations and make the most of your staff skills, you
need a titrator you can trust. METTLER TOLEDO's Titration Excellence provides the
innovation to meet your needs.

Complete efficiency Powerful Automation Keep track of all the tasks in

– One Click® Titration progress – the Task button

The Titration Excellence line Automation in a laboratory today Flexibility is a major requirement
ensures you get your results has high demands for a variety of to be able to work optimally. Ef-
easily and quickly. The Shortcuts, samples and workflows. Automa- ficiency is even greater if you can
which can be set up specifically for tion is no longer just going from keep track of everything despite
each user, are extremely helpful. sample to sample for analysis. great flexibility, and at any time
Whether you want to calibrate From eliminating process order switch between any of up to eight
electrodes, rinse burettes or start and transcription errors of sample tasks running in parallel using the
methods – you can define a information to complex cleaning, Task button. This, for example,
Shortcut for any operation you like METTLER TOLEDO autosamplers enables you to prepare or dissolve
and store it on your Homescreen. are designed to assist in every a solid while an analysis is in
way for flexible workflows and progress, so that you can start the
efficient analysis. next analysis afterward without
losing time.

The satisfaction of being able to organize complex tasks efficiently
With the Titration Excellence T9 model, it is easy to organize complex tasks efficiently. The "if…
then" logical conditions allow the instrument to decide how the analysis should proceed. For
example, does acid or base have to be added first to ­satisfy the initial pH conditions? Up to
seven additional dosing units ensure all the necessary resources are available at any time.
Together with the InMotion™ Autosampler, the Titration Excellence line provides an efficient
system solution.

Complete Overview and Security

Thanks to Comprehensive Control

Titration Excellence enables you to integrate your device in any workflow

process you need. The Plug & Play concept ensures automatic recognition
of USB and RS232 devices, as well as additional burette drives and sensor
boards. This means you can use these resources immediately and without
further configuration, giving you the utmost security in your titration analysis.

Plug & Play Sensors SmartSample™ flexibility Maximum security through

kept under control flexible user management

Sensor Chip

The instruments in the Titration A SmartSample reader is installed Titration Excellence instruments are
Excellence line automatically as standard on all Excellence equipped with a comprehensive
recognize Plug & Play Sensors. instruments. Wireless data transfer user management system that
All relevant data is saved in the from balance to titrator is now allows you to register each user
Sensor Chip and automatically possible on single samples, and to set up a Homescreen for
transferred to the titrator ensuring eliminating transcription errors due each user. Depending on who logs
the correct sensor is being used at to manual entry. The SmartSample on to the titrator, the corresponding
all times. solution is therefore an intelligent Shortcuts together with the other
choice for both single- and user-defined settings appear such
automated multi-sample titration. as screen settings or the language
the user requires.

Implemented security thanks to the Dual Mode
Dual Mode allows you to work from the terminal or from a LabX® PC (or from both),
depending on your environment and your needs. If there is no PC in your laboratory
environment you can easily work from the Terminal. Via the network, all the results from
an analysis are stored in the LabX database, independent of where the analysis was started.
The integration of the titrators into a network could not be easier and is possible without
­further cost thanks to the Ethernet connection. The Titration Excellence line combines security
with flexibility.

Tailored Exactly to Your Needs
Applications and Service

Segment-specific Applications

No matter what task arises, METTLER TOLEDO's Titration Excellence line

offers tailor-made solutions. The pre-programmed METTLER TOLEDO
methods in the instrument can be used directly for analyses in various
industry segments without further change.

Food Pharma Chemistry

Many samples, many Active ingredient and water Meet demanding

methods, one solution content determined in parallel matrices with ease

Quality control of food and food Frequently the active ingredient Chemical products require
ingredients means running a wide content of pharmaceutical optimized parameters for reliable
range of determinations such as substances is corrected with the end point and equivalence point
pH, sodium and chloride content, water content. The Excellence titrations in non-aqueous media.
acid value or peroxide value. titrator T9 takes care of the The Titration Excellence line helps
Usually hundreds of food samples complete analysis: the active the customer with intelligent
are analyzed per month. Therefore ingredient content is determined appli­cation modes, where the
a titration system is needed that by titration and at the same time titration mode is selected and
reduces the increasing workload the water content is determined the opti­mal control parameters
for the laboratory personnel. with a volumetric or coulometric are automati­cally set. Titration
Together with the InMotion™ Karl Fischer titration, running in Excellence means powerful,
Autosampler, the Titration Excel- parallel. Much time is saved as simple and efficient method
lence line provides very efficient the water determination is fast development for demanding
system solutions. Customize the and the calculations are auto- applications.
user interface for lab personnel matically done by the titrator.
and use Shortcuts to simplify
tasks and applications for users
in each lab or plant!

• IPac:
Initial qualification consisting of IQ and OQ

• EQPac:
Complete instrument qualification including full
documentation of the instrument's history

• EduPac:
Service and Support Guided and documented user training after the in-
The necessity for instrument qualification and method/ stallation and for future additional operators
process validation to meet regulatory requirements is
not just restricted to the pharma­ceutical industry or the • MuPac:
manufacturers of medical products. Take the guess work out of your titration method
measurement uncertainty with a simple form and
All ISO certified companies recognize this necessity and our validated software with
express the need for procedures and documentation that a fully-compliant report.
prove that they satisfy the relevant quality and security
standards. Feel secure in the knowledge that your Titration
Excellence system is installed and qualified according to
the quality standards that apply in your company. Ask
for one of the qualification products offered by your local
METTLER TOLEDO representative in the form of service
and accompanying documentation.
For Every Application

The Right Combination

Demands put on the laboratory and plant can change very quickly. This
is no problem at all if you have secured the METTLER TOLEDO Titration
Excellence line in your process. The instrument can be optimally adapted
to your new requirements thanks to its modular design concept.

Dosing Unit

Titration stand

The Titration Excellence

system grows with your

1/5 /10/20 mL

Upgrade concept guarantees cost efficiency

The modularity of the Titration Excellence systems
allows you the security of a system that can be
adapted in the future to fit the needs of your laboratory.
Should a burette drive or additional sensor board need
to be added due to changing needs in the lab, simply
upgrade the existing system.
Automation accessories

LevelSens DH100 TV6 Valve Adapter Set LogStraight

Level and Waste Heating system Liquid Sampling For Kinematica or Fingerprint Reader
Sensor Valve IKA Homogenizers

Software Automation

PC software Stromboli Liquid Handler Rondolino InMotion™

LabX® Titration Server KF oven sample Dosing System Automated titration Autosamplers
LabX® Titration Express changer stand

Pumps Printer / Balance

SP280 SD660 Solvent Manager USB printer Analytical balance USB-P25 printer
Peristaltic pump Membrane pump

Plug & Play and classic sensors

Plug & Play Classic
pH Platinum pH KF Phototrode™ Au805-S7/120
DGi101-SC DMi140-SC DG111-SC DM143-SC DP5 Sb850-S7/120
DGi102-Mini DMi144-SC DG113-SC
DGi111-SC DMi147-SC DG115-SC Bromine Index Temperature Conductivity
DGi112-Pro DMi101-Mini PT885-NS-S7/105 DT1000 InLab®717
DGi113-SC Platinum InLab®718
DGi114-SC Silver DM140-SC Surfactant Half cell/reference InLab®710
DGi115-SC DMi102-SC DS500 electrodes InLab®720
DGi116-Solvent DMi141-SC Silver DS800-TwoPhase DG300-SC InLab®738
DGi117-Water DMi145-SC DM141-SC DX200 InLab®742
DMi148-SC DM405-SC DX202-SC

Karl Fischer titration Expansion boards

Volumetric and Coulometric KF Kits pH/mV Sensor Board

including Solvent Manager, titration stand, Conductivity Board
vessel, sensor, tubes and all accessories Coulometer Board

Comparison Table
Version Overview

T5 – T7 – T9

The Titration Excellence line includes three models that are all based on
the same platform. This guarantees that methods can be easily transferred
to other instruments of the Titration Excellence line.

T5 – T7 – T9 –
Convenient and Versatile Flexible and Expandable Intelligent and Powerful
Everything you need for titration, in Order the system that is exactly The powerful titration system that
two versions: tailored to your needs: solves complex tasks easily and
- T5: Manual stand and Terminal - T7 consisting of titrator with ter- efficiently:
- T5 Rondolino: Autom. titration minal, pH board and integrated - T9 consisting of titrator with
stand Rondolino and Terminal burette drive terminal, pH board and integrated
- All versions include pH board, - All other components needed burette drive
integrated burette drive, integrat- (titration stand, etc.) can be - All other components needed
ed magnetic stirrer, compact ordered as modules (titration stand, etc.) can be
stirrer and 10 mL burette. - Expandable with a sensor board ordered as modules
- Expandable with up to three (pH, conductivity or coulometer), - Expandable with two sensor
external burette drives for dosing and up to three additional burette boards (pH, conductivity or
purposes, one additional for drives (for dosing and titration coulometer) and up to seven
titration purpose purposes) additional burette drives (for
- pH board exchangable to con- - Possibility for later upgrade to T9 dosing and titration purposes)
ductivity or KF coulometer board - Flexible method concept - Parallel titrations
- Professional user management - Simultaneous processing of - Intelligent methods with "if…then"
system different tasks possible (task list) conditions
- Modern interfaces: USB, Ethernet - Full volumetric and coulometric - Result buffer for method or series-
and CAN-Bus Karl Fischer titration functionality overlapping calculations and
- Volumetric or coulometric Karl - Series sequences for the easy synchronization of parallel analyses
Fischer titration functionality processing of demanding and - Solvent Control for KF solvent
combined tasks monitoring and replacement in
One Click®
One Click® Titration
Titration Excellence

Efficient, Secure and Modular

Touchscreen terminal with
The terminal has a brilliant, high-
resolution touchscreen that can be freely
and conveniently positioned thanks to
the cable connection. Combined with the

One Click® Titration


intuitive StatusLight™ concept and the

adjustable display angle, this guarantees
an ergonomic and stress-free working

Efficient, Secure and Modular


Plug & Play

sensors and burettes
The most important titration peripherals
are automatically recognized by the Application Versatility
titrator, minimizing user intervention. Im- Together with the volumetric or coulomet-
Sensor Chip portant data such as sensor calibration ric Karl Fischer Kit, water content down
or titrant concentration are saved in the to 1 ppm can be determined. The system

sensor and burette chips and automati- is easily expanded with an additional pH
cally transferred to the titrator. Using the or conductivity board, allowing pH and
wrong titrant or electrode is impossible. conductivity measurements and titra-
One Click® Titration

tions. Even Coulometric Karl Fischer titra-

SmartSample™ flexibility T5 – Convenient and Versatile tion is simply integrated with the KF Kit.

Efficient, Secure and Modular

A SmartSample reader is installed as
standard on all Excellence titrators. Titration Excellence line

Wireless data transfer from balance to Method loops

titrator eliminates transcription errors Up to three different analyses can be
caused by manual entry. Sample mix- The Titration Excellence line offers many advantages combined in a single method using
ups are impossible because the sample method loops.. For example, electrode Parallel titration
data is saved on a tag on the titration such as One Click® Titration, Plug & Play and the calibration, titer determination and With the T9, up to 30 tasks can be as-
beaker. method database. The T5 is the ideal entry-level model sample analyses can be combined as signed to two analysis areas. This allows
in this line and offers much more than a simple titrator: loops within a single method and the two titrations to run in parallel, indepen-
results can be calculated simultaneously.

dently of one another. Two sample series

Preconfigured system • Touchscreen terminal with StatusLight™ using different methods on two InMotion
application packages • Plug & Play sensors and burettes sample changers is possible.
Everything you need for your analysis • Comprehensive communication connections
in two different packages: Upgrade to T9
• T5 with manual titration stand
• Security with Level Sensor and Fingerprint Reader If required, the T7 firmware can be
• T5 Rondolino with automated titra- • SmartSample™ flexibility upgraded to the T9 version. In the future, T7 – Flexible and Expandable

tion stand for up to 10 samples. your T7 can make full use of the unlim-
Titration Excellence line Conditions within
ited power and possibilities of the T9. A method functions
decision in favor of the T7 still leaves all The logical condition “if...then” enables
options open.
Besides the many advantages of the Titration Excel- the T9 to decide how the analysis should
proceed. It can, for example, first mea-
lence line such as One Click® Titration, Plug & Play
sure the pH and then, on the basis of
and the method database, the T7 offers a number of the result, decide whether acid or base
important features: should be dispensed.
Powerful Automation
The task list allows sequential analysis • Expandable to perform conductivity measurements
of different methods or series. The Liquid • More flexible methods with loops
Handler Dosing System fulfills every
aliquoting and pipetting task. On the In-
• Upgrade to T9 Series Sequence T9 – Intelligent and Powerful
The Series Sequence function allows
Motion sample changer, samples labeled • Task List individual sample series with different Titration Excellence line
using LabX SmartCodes are automatically • Continuous runs methods to be combined. For example,
recognized by the LabX Software and the all the analyses of a particular day
correct titration method is started - every- • Automation with Liquid Handler can be started together and processed In addition to the many advantages of the Titration
thing without any user interaction. • Solvent Control for KF solvent monitoring and sequentially or in parallel, irrespective Excellence line such as One Click® Titration, Plug &
automatic replacement of the method used to perform them.
Play, method database and the refinements of the T7,
• Accompanying pH-stating the T9 offers a number of important features:
• Parallel titration
Karl Fischer titration • Conditions within method functions
Using One Click, pre-programmed
METTLER TOLEDO methods start volu- • Result buffer
metric and coulometric Karl Fischer • Series Sequence
titrations without any modifications
required. The T9 additionally allows you
to run volumetric and coulometric Karl
Fischer analysis simulatiously thanks to
the parallel titration feature.

For additional information

see the Datasheets T5, T7
and T9.

T5 T7 T9

Feature comparison table Titration Excellence line T5 T7 T9

User specific Homescreen with Shortcuts • • •
One Click® Titration Shortcuts per user 1 24 24 24
KF Solvent Control • • •
Solvent Manager • • •
USB printer • • •
Hot Plug & Play
USB memory stick • • •
USB barcode reader • • •
LevelSens • • •
LogStraight Fingerprint Reader • • •
InMotion™ Autosamplers • • •
Liquid Handler – 1 2
Rondolino automated titration stand • • •
Stromboli KF oven sample changer – • •
Max. number to dose and titrate 1 (internal) + 1 external 1 (internal) + 3 external 1 (internal) + 7 external
Burette drives
Max. number to dose only + 2 external
Learn titration • • •
Karl Fischer Methods Volumetric V20S equivalent methods • •
Karl Fischer Methods Coulometric C20S equivalent methods • •
Bromine Index determination • • •
Accompanying stating – • •
Ion Standard addition • • •
Smart Sample • • •
Method and series Number of method functions per method 15 60 150
Number of loops per method 1 3 6
Continuous run – • •
if…then conditions – – •
Result buffer – – •
Series sequences – 10 10
Number of samples per series 300 300 300
Predefined METTLER TOLEDO methods >60 >70 (incl. KF methods) >70 (incl. KF methods)
Number of tasks 10 10 30
Task list
Number of tasks running in parallel – 7 8
Online help • • •
Parallel titration including KF – – •
Expandable – to T9 –
Status light and event sounds • • •
Data Export/Printing RS-232, USB, Ethernet, PDF • • •
Sensor Boards pH/mV or conductivity or coulometry 1 2/1 2 3/1 2
Potentiometric 2 4/2 6/2 2
Polarized 1 2/1 2 3/1 2
Sensor inputs Reference 1 2/1 2
3/1 2
PT1000 1 2/1 2 3/1 2
Conductivity 1/0 2/0 2 3/0 2
PC software LabX® Titration connectivity: Express and Server • • •
Homogenizer TTL RS/TTL RS/TTL
Languages English / German / French / Spanish / Italian / Chinese / Russian / Polish / Korean / Portuguese
Unlimited with T5, T7 and T9 titrators when connected with LabX® Titration Software
4/2 means for example: maximum number of inputs is 4, 2 are already available in standard delivery

For Every Purpose
The Perfect Match

Density & Refractometry

The multitalented LiquiPhysics system reliably measures
density, refractive index and related values such as °Brix, HFCS,
alcohol concentrations or API gravity. It can be automated and
upgraded to multiparameter systems for simultaneous deter-
mination of additional parameters such as pH / conductivity,
color, acidity and more.

Melting Point & Dropping Point

With respect to accuracy, standard compliancy and operational
security the Melting and Dropping Point Excellence instruments
form a worldwide standard in automatic determination of
melting, dropping and softening points. Innovative tools, such
as the video recording feature, ensure that the analytical work-
flow is performed efficiently, reliably and error-free.

UV/VIS Spectrophotometers
The new UV/VIS Excellence spectrophotometers from METTLER
TOLEDO optimize spectroscopic workflows. FastTrack™
Technology makes for speedy and reliable measurements with
in a very compact footprint. Trustworthy performance is com-
bined with intuitive and efficient One Click™ operation for a
wide range of applications.

LabX® Titration: the software wizard

for simple and efficient titrations
Secure data archiving in data base, efficient data management
with control charts and individual search filters, quick and com-
prehensive method development for all applicative challenges
and complete traceability of your data thanks to user manage-
ment, audit trail, method history and electronic signature.

For more information

One Click is a Registered Trademark of METTLER TOLEDO

in Switzerland, the European Union, Russia and Singapore.
LabX is a Registered Trademark of METTLER TOLEDO in
Switzerland, USA, China, Germany and a further 13 countries.

Quality certificate. Development, production

Mettler-Toledo GmbH, Analytical and testing according to ISO 9001.
CH-8603 Schwerzenbach, Switzerland
Tel. +41 44 806 77 11
Fax +41 44 806 72 40 Environmental management system
according to ISO 14001.

Subject to technical changes

© 01/2016 Mettler-Toledo GmbH, 30265202 “European conformity”. The CE conformity
Marketing Titration / MarCom Analytical mark provides you with the assurance that
Global MarCom Switzerland, 1688 PH/AK our products comply with the EU directives.

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