Letter of Undertaking (Govt Lot)
Letter of Undertaking (Govt Lot)
Letter of Undertaking (Govt Lot)
Please accept this letter as undertaking that the above-given is government owned lot and once my water
service connection is installed thereto, I agree that the connection shall be temporary and subject to the
rights of the owner; and in the event there is a private owner of the lot, and such private owner causes or
requests for disconnection of the said water service, I shall allow the DCWD, free of any interference, to
summarily disconnect the same.
Further, I attest to the truth of the foregoing statements under the pain of perjury and I am fully aware that
any falsehood in the aforesaid statements shall be a valid cause for my criminal prosecution, and the
summary disconnection of the water services. This undertaking shall form part of the Water Service
Connection Contract that I will soon enter into with the DCWD.
Signature over Printed Name
Please accept this letter as undertaking that the above-given is government owned lot and once my water
service connection is installed thereto, I agree that the connection shall be temporary and subject to the
rights of the owner; and in the event there is a private owner of the lot, and such private owner causes or
requests for disconnection of the said water service, I shall allow the DCWD, free of any interference, to
summarily disconnect the same.
Further, I attest to the truth of the foregoing statements under the pain of perjury and I am fully aware that
any falsehood in the aforesaid statements shall be a valid cause for my criminal prosecution, and the
summary disconnection of the water services. This undertaking shall form part of the Water Service
Connection Contract that I will soon enter into with the DCWD.
Signature over Printed Name