Avatar Legends RPG - Starter Set - Pregens - Aang Era

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Xi grew up within the Sun Warrior city but a few years ago,
she witnessed two outsiders—the Avatar and the future
Fire Lord, Aang and Zuko—perform the Dancing Dragon.
Immediately, she became fascinated by the world beyond her
city, by what it could teach her. When she eventually left the
city and went into the world beyond, she was stunned by the
pain and strife she saw there; the Hundred Year War was
over, but left its aftereffects everywhere. Xi is determined to
bring the wisdom, harmony, and guiding flame of the Sun
Warriors to the world. After seeing Zuko’s dance she believes
he is the leader the Fire Nation needs and is dedicated to
helping him re-balance the nation.

Privileged, urban
Perfectionist, flippant
Fighting Style:
Powerful bursts of flame

_________________________ takes issue with my
methods—perhaps they have a point, but I certainly can’t
admit that to them!

________________________ is my lodestar; something

about them makes them the one person I let my guard
down around.

Moment of Balance

You’ve held true to a core of conviction even while

getting your hands dirty to do what you deemed neces-
sary. But balance means appreciating that other people
are just as complex as you are, not merely obstacles or
pawns. Tell the GM how you solve an intractable prob-
lem or calm a terrible conflict by relating to dangerous
people on a human level.

Aang Era
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
© 2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved
XI, THE Adamant
The Lodestar
„ This Was a Victory
There’s only one person you often let past your
emotional walls.
When you reveal that you have sabotaged a
building, device, or vehicle right as it becomes
FOCUS [+1]
relevant, mark fatigue and roll with Passion. On
Name your lodestar (choose a PC to start):
a hit, your work pays off, creating an opportunity HARMONY [-1]
________________________________________ for you and your allies at just the right time. On
You can shift your lodestar to someone new a 7–9, the opportunity is fleeting—act fast to
stay ahead of the consequences. On a miss, your
when they guide and comfort you and you
open up to them, or when you guide and com- action was ill-judged and something or someone
fort them and they open up to you. If you do you care about is hurt as collateral damage.
choose to shift your lodestar, clear a condition.
„ i don’t hate you
When you shut down someone vulnerable
to harsh words or icy silence, shift your
When you guide and comfort someone in an
awkward, understated, or idiosyncratic fashion,
balance toward Results and roll with Results. roll with Passion instead of Harmony if you
On a hit, they mark a condition and you may mark Insecure or Insecure is already marked.
clear the same condition. On a 10+, they also
cannot shift your balance or call you out for „ Takes One to Know One
the rest of the scene. On a miss, they have When you verbally needle someone by finding
exactly the right retort; mark a condition the weaknesses in their armor, roll with Focus.
and they shift your balance. You cannot use On a hit, ask 1 question. On a 7–9, they ask 1 of
this on your lodestar. you as well:
When your lodestar shifts your balance or • What is your principle?
calls you out, you cannot resist it. Treat an • What do you need to prove?
NPC lodestar calling you out as if you rolled a • What could shake your certainty?
10+, and a PC lodestar calling you out as if they • Whom do you care about more than you let on?
rolled a 10+. Anyone who lies or stonewalls marks 2-fatigue.
When you consult your lodestar for advice on On a miss, your attack leaves you exposed; they
a problem (or permission to use your preferred may ask you any one question from the list, and
solution), roll with Restraint. On a 10+ take all you must answer honestly.
three; on a 7–9 they choose two:
„ Stand and Fight!
• You see the wisdom of their advice. They
shift your balance; follow their advice
When you provoke an NPC opponent into at-
tacking you, roll with Passion. On a hit, they’re
and they shift your balance again. coming at you specifically. On a 10+, you’re ready
• The conversation bolsters you. for them; clear a condition or become Prepared.
Clear a condition or 2-fatigue. On a miss, they take advantage of your provoca-
• They feel at ease offering their opinion.
They clear a condition or 2-fatigue.
tion to strike a blow where you least expect it. FATIGUE
On a miss, something about their advice infu-
riates you. Mark a condition or have the GM
shift your balance twice. Techniques „afraid
-2 to intimidate and call someone out

Pinpoint Aim „angry

-2 to guide and comfort and assess a situation
defend & maneuver
GROWTH     Take the time you need to line up a perfect shot; „insecure
-2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
become Prepared. In the next exchange, if you
Growth Question advance and attack, roll with Focus or Passion, „guilty
At the end of each session, answer this question with your choice. If you use Strike, you do not have to -2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
the other growth questions: mark fatigue to choose what you inflict.
• Did you seek support or guidance from others? -2 to plead and rely on your skills or training

Growth Advancements Fire Pinwheel

„ Take the move Takes One to Know One advance & attack Statuses
„ Take the move Stand and Fight! „ Empowered „ Doomed


Throw a spinning disc of pure flame. Mark 1-fa-

„ Take +1 to Focus tigue; your target must either mark 2 conditions, „ Favored „ Impaired
„ Shift your center one step or mark 1-fatigue and dodge the disc and allow it „ Inspired „ Trapped
„ Unlock your Moment of Balance to set everything around them aflame (possibly „ Prepared „ Stunned
„ Take the technique Fire Pinwheel at learned level inflicting negative statuses).
He Xing
He Xing grew up in a desolate set of canyons in the North of
the Earth Kingdom with a family of expert beast handlers
who protected the families in the canyon from all manner
of threats. He Xing was given an important role within his
family—that of the Warden, a justiciar and lawkeeper. After
the Fire Nation scattered his family during the Hundred Year
War, He Xing decided to keep up his duties as Warden in the
world at large, traveling to enforce the law and bring forth
peace and justice according to his family’s traditions. Lately,
he has heard of the struggles surrounding the pirates in the
Fire Nation’s waters and has made them his focus.

Monastic, wilderness
Sad, haughty
Fighting style:
Pummeling boulders of earth

_______________________ seems to not fully understand
what it means that I’m the icon of my tradition…and I kind
of like feeling free around them.

_______________________ makes me feel better about

my responsibilities and my burden with a smile and a few
kind words.

Moment of Balance

Others have laid a path for you that you cannot escape,
but balance means you understand the limits of their
vision. You make the role your own in this moment,
charting a new path for yourself and your tradition. Tell
the GM how your new understanding of your burdens
forges a new way forward for everyone.

Aang Era
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
© 2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved
HE XIng, tHE Icon
Burden & Tradition
„ Use Their Momentum
You are an icon of your burden and tradition.
You are expected to be its exemplar, its single
When you are engaged with a large or pow-
erful foe, mark fatigue to advance and attack
FOCUS [+3]
most important representative, trained up with Focus instead of Passion. If you do, you
from a young age and saddled with the weight become Prepared and may also choose to use HARMONY [+1]
of history. You have been told that you are vital Retaliate as if it were an advance and attack
to the world. technique.
You have these responsibilities of your burden „ Yip Yip!
and tradition you are expected to assume: You have an animal companion large enough to
• Overthrowing tyrants ride. Name: Balbo Species: mongoose-lizard
• Serving and defending rightful rulers
• Providing aid and succor to the downtrodden
• When you fight beside your animal
companion, mark 1-fatigue to become Role
You have these prohibitions of your burden Favored for an exchange
and tradition: • When something hurts your animal
companion, mark a condition
• Never refuse an earnest request for help
• When you and your friends travel via your
• Never steal or cheat
animal companion, everyone clears all fatigue
• Never withhold forgiveness

Live Up to Your Role „ Concentration

Take +1 Focus (max +3).
When you live up to your Role through the
responsibilities of your burden and tradition „ STRAIGHT SHOOTER
despite opposition or danger, shift your bal- When you tell an NPC the blunt, honest truth
ance toward Role instead of marking fatigue, about what you really think of them and their
and clear fatigue equal to your Role (minimum plans, roll with Focus. On a hit, they’ll look
0-fatigue). upon your honesty favorably; they’ll answer a
non-compromising question honestly and grant
Break Tradition
you a simple favor. On a 7–9, they also give you
When you directly and openly break a prohi- an honest assessment of how they see you; mark
bition of your burden and tradition, mark a a condition. On a miss, you’re a bit too honest—
condition, shift your balance twice towards they’re either furious or genuinely hurt.
Freedom, and mark growth.

End ofSession
At the end of each session, answer these after
your standard growth questions. Techniques
• Did I uphold a responsibility? If yes, shift
balance toward Role and clear a condition. FATIGUE
• Did I break a prohibition? If yes, shift Wall of Perfection
balance toward Freedom. Underline one defend & maneuver
prohibition you broke during the session. If Create a perfect wall of defense around yourself
it’s already underlined, cross it out—it doesn’t and any allies directly next to you; mark 1-fatigue „afraid
mean anything to you to break it again. to block a single attack towards the wall or keep -2 to intimidate and call someone out
an enemy at bay who tries to penetrate the wall. „angry
-2 to guide and comfort and assess a situation

Rock Column -2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
GROWTH     advance & attack
Pin a foe with a column of earth. Inflict Impaired -2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
Growth Question
on a single combatant. If they are already Im-
At the end of each session, answer this question paired, inflict Trapped. If they are already Trapped, „troubled
with the other growth questions: -2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
inflict Doomed.
• Did you accomplish a feat worthy of your burden
and tradition?
Growth Advancements „ Empowered „ Doomed


„ Take the move Concentration „ Favored „ Impaired

„ Take the move Straight Shooter „ Inspired „ Trapped
„ Take +1 to Creativity „ Prepared „ Stunned
„ Shift your center one step
„ Unlock your Moment of Balance
„ Take the technique Rock Column at learned level
the successor
Kahola was born to a Southern Water Tribe mother, Gayu,
who abandoned the Tribe because she was shunned for a
romantic fling with a Fire Nation soldier. Not one to let fate
decide her destiny, Gayu set sail and became a prosperous
pirate with the only Southern Waterbender family raiding
the seas. Now Gayu is pushing Kahola to take his rightful
place as leader, but the bright young Waterbender isn’t sure
he wants to embrace a life of piracy. Raiding and stealing
from others to make a living, Kahola wants to know if there
is something more out there for him. He’s heard of a pirate
called Duga who’s also a merchant—maybe he can give
Kahola some advice. Now if only he could shake the watchful
eye of Honu (The Guardian) his mother sent to watch him.

Outlaw, privileged
Perky, Arrogant
Fighting style:
Jets of binding water

_______________________ has major concerns, fears, or
grievances with my lineage—and with me, by proxy.

_______________________ seems free of their past in a

way I wish I could let go of mine; hearing them talk about
the future feels amazing!

Moment of Balance

You may never escape the legacy of your family, but

balance allows you to learn from them without defining
yourself in their image. You call upon a resource of your
family to innovate a new solution to an intractable prob-
lem, never forgetting who you are in the face of incredi-
ble danger. Tell the GM how you knock down obstacles
that seem impossible to overcome and save the day.

Aang Era
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
© 2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved
KAhOlA, THE successor
A Tainted Past CREATIVITY [+2]
You hail from a powerful, infamous lin- Humble Yourself FOCUS [+1]
eage—one with an impressive and ter- When you politely and obediently humble yourself
rible reputation. Your lineage has had a
massive impact on the world within the
before a powerful member of your lineage, roll with your
Tradition. On a hit, you earn some credit; hold 3-resourc-
scope of your story—its reach extends es. On a 7-9, their resources don’t come without strings;
over the whole scope, and everyone in you’ll need to promise to fulfill some other obligation of PASSION [0]
the scope knows of it. Organized crime your lineage, or let them shift your balance. On a miss,
is the domain that is the source of your they’re dissatisfied with your display; they’re cutting you
lineage’s power—the area in which they off until you fulfill some task they set to you.
affected the world.

Lineage Resources
Raid Your Lineage’s Resources
When you raid your lineage’s resources without their
You have access to your family’s exten- consent or knowledge, mark a condition and roll with
sive stores of the following resources: your Progress. On a hit, hold 1-resource. On a 7-9,
• introductions and connections choose 1. On a 10+, choose 2.
• cold hard cash • You obtain an additional 1-resource
Spend resources during the session to • You nab your goodies quietly; your
establish a boon you had previously lineage is none the wiser
asked for or obtained, something that • You steel yourself for what you’re doing;
your lineage’s unique position and avoid marking a condition
stores could provide: a vehicle, an invi- On a miss, you’re caught red-handed by a powerful
tation, a chest of jade coins, etc. member of your lineage who saw you coming.

Moves Techniques
„ Black Koala-Sheep
When you behave in a way that shocks and unset-
tles people from one of your backgrounds, roll with
Creativity to intimidate them or push your luck. evade & observe
Target a foe’s vulnerable equipment; render it use-
„ A Life of Regret less or broken—possibly inflicting or overcoming a
When you guide and comfort an NPC by apologizing and fictionally appropriate status (ex: Impaired).
honestly promising to make amends for the harm they
have suffered, roll with Focus instead of Harmony. If FATIGUE
they choose not to open up to you, you do not take +1 for-
ward against them. If they choose to open up to you, take Flow as Water
+1 ongoing to attempts to take action to make amends. defend & maneuver Conditions
Use a jet of water to propel you smoothly around „afraid
„ Walk This Way obstacles. Mark 1-fatigue and move to a new -2 to intimidate and call someone out
When you make over, disguise, and/or coach your location. If you engage with or disengage from a
friends to fit in with a specific crowd appropriate to one foe, they are Impaired. „angry
of your backgrounds, roll with Creativity. On a 10+, -2 to guide and comfort and assess a situation
the performance is flawless; you gain access to wherever
you wanted to fit in while attracting little suspicion. On a
-2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
7–9, you fool nearly everyone; there’s only a single gate-
keeper who asks any questions or stands in your way.
GROWTH     „guilty
On a miss, the only way to get the access you desired -2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
Growth Question
is for one of your friends to take on an uncomfortable, „troubled
dangerous, or attention-grabbing role. At the end of each session, answer this question
-2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
with the other growth questions:
„ HERE’S THE PLAN • Did you learn something meaningful or
When you commit to a plan you’ve proposed to the important about your lineage, its members, or Statuses
group, roll with Creativity; take a -1 for each of your its effects on the world and others? „ Empowered „ Doomed


companions who isn’t on board. On a 10+, hold 2. On

„ Favored „ Impaired
a 7–9, hold 1. You can spend your hold 1-for-1 while Growth Advancements
the plan is being carried out to overcome or evade an „ Inspired „ Trapped
„ Take the move Walk This Way „ Prepared „ Stunned
obstacle, create an advantage, or neutralize a danger; „ Take the move Here’s the Plan
if any of your companions abandon you while the plan „ Take +1 to Focus
is underway, you must mark a condition. On a miss, „ Shift your center one step
hold 1, but your plan goes awry when you encounter „ Unlock your Moment of Balance
surprising opposition. „ Take the technique Flow as Water at
learned level
the guardian
Honu grew up in a Waterbender prison camp after
developing bending at a young age and being caught in a Fire
Nation raid. After the war she returned to her village, hoping
to become a warrior, but was turned away from training
because she was a woman. Refusing to let a silly tradition
stop her, she set out to find someone to train her and soon
met Gayu from the Southern Water Tribe. But Gayu was
a warrior, a pirate—strong, independent, and everything
Honu strove to be. Working for pirates wasn’t Honu’s dream
profession, but the war taught her that life was messy and
perhaps with no true heroes. When Gayu’s son Kahola
decided to strike off on his own, Honu pledged to his mother
to follow and protect him.

Outlaw, wilderness
Quiet, cautious
Fighting style:
Floating shards of ice

Kahola is my ward—they need me to have their back,
end of story.

_______________________ looks like they’re more than

capable without my help; I’m glad some of us can take care
of ourselves.

Moment of Balance

You’ve sworn to protect the people you care about, but

balance is about finding your own place in the world as
well. You know what you’re capable of accomplishing,
and you step up to show the world your unique strength.
Tell the GM how you put your own life on the line to
defeat a villain or danger that seems unstoppable.

Aang Era
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
© 2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved
Honu, THE Guardian
Protector’s Burden
„ Suspicious Mind
You take it upon yourself to protect the people When you watch a person carefully to figure
them out, roll with Focus. On a 7-9, hold 1. On a
FOCUS [+3]
around you in general, but you have someone
in particular you keep safe. 10+, hold 2. Spend your hold, 1-for-1, to ask their
Your ward: Kahola
player questions while you observe or interact HARMONY [0]
with them; they must answer honestly.
When they mark a condition in front of you,
• Are you telling the truth?
mark fatigue or a condition. Your ward can
• What are you truly feeling?
always call on you to live up to your princi-
• What do you really want right now?
ple—without shifting their balance away from
• What are you worried about?
center—and they take +1 to do it.
• What are you about to do?
At the beginning of each session, roll, taking +1
for each yes: „ Furrowed Brow
Take +1 Focus (max +3).
• Do you believe your ward listens
to you more often than not? „ Martyr Complex
• Have you recently protected them When you have a total of 8 between conditions
or helped them with a problem? marked, highest principle, and fatigue marked,
• Is there an immediate threat to your take +1 ongoing to all moves.
ward that you are aware of?
On a 7-9, hold 1. On a 10+, hold 2. At any time, „ judging a rival
spend the hold to: When you size someone up, roll with Focus. On
a 7–9, ask one. On a 10+, ask two.
• Take a 10+ without rolling on any
move to defend or protect them • what are your weaknesses / strengths?
• Track them down even if they • how can I show you dominance / submission?
are hidden or avoiding you • what do you intend to do next?
• Figure out what they’re up to • what do you wish I’d do right now?
without them knowing On a miss, they notice you watching them; they
On a miss, hold 1, but...you’re drifting apart on may ask you 1 question from the list.
different paths. By the end of the session, you
must choose one:
• Decide you’re the only one who can keep
them safe; shift your balance twice toward Techniques Trust
Self-Reliance and keep them as your ward
• Decide they can handle life without your
protection; shift your balance twice toward Divert
Trust and switch your ward to a new person defend & maneuver FATIGUE
You may also switch your ward if they leave Step into the way of blows intended for allies;
play or are no longer present for some reason. when any ally within reach suffers a blow this
When you switch your ward, you can switch to exchange, you can suffer it for them. If you also Conditions
an NPC (if the GM agrees). use Retaliate this exchange, deal an additional „afraid
1-fatigue each time. -2 to intimidate and call someone out

-2 to guide and comfort and assess a situation
Ice Prison
advance & attack „insecure
-2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
GROWTH     Aggressively wrap a foe in ice. Mark 2-fatigue to
inflict Trapped on a foe standing in water or on ice. „guilty
Growth Question -2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
At the end of each session, answer this question with „troubled
the other growth questions: -2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
• Did you pursue a desire or goal of your own, outside
of protecting others?
Growth Advancements „ Empowered „ Doomed


„ Take the move Martyr Complex „ Favored „ Impaired

„ Take the move Judging a Rival „ Inspired „ Trapped
„ Take +1 to Harmony „ Prepared „ Stunned
„ Shift your center one step
„ Unlock your Moment of Balance
„ Take the technique Ice Prison at learned level
the rogue
Bin grew up poor on an outlying island in the Fire Nation
and never really bought into the propaganda that was drilled
into the citizens day in and day out. He was always big,
strong, and—most people assumed—dumb. However, he
was smart enough to realize the Fire Nation nobility was
running possibly the longest con on earth—making people
believe nobles were better than others. So when Bin was old
enough he started using his hulking appearance to intimidate
rich suckers out of their money and has been making a living
doing that ever since. His biggest stunt to date was helping
the pirate Captain Mosi of the Dancing Nobleman Fleet
steal a broken down airship from a Fire Nation junkyard.
Now that the war’s over he’s started to wonder if there’s more
to life than a good laugh and a good con.

Outlaw, urban
Joking, wild
Fighting style:
Acrobatic twisting and spinning
with flame

_______________________ is waaaaay too uptight, too
trapped in themselves; they need to break some rules!

_______________________ is amazing and I hope they like

me; maybe they’re worth playing it straight?

Moment of Balance

You learned early on that you had to do what you need-

ed to survive, and that sometimes that meant you lost
friends. Now, you find a new balance: rule-breaking isn’t
something that just drives people away—it’s something
you can use constructively, with your friends! Tell the
GM how you lead your companions to break all the rules
and accomplish an incredible feat.

Aang Era
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
© 2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved
bin, tHE Rogue
Bad Habits CREATIVITY [+2]
You’ve picked up some bad habits over the When you indulge a bad habit on your own,
years. Most other people are pretty set on shift your balance toward Survival, and roll with FOCUS [0]
trying to get you to stop. But maybe you can Survival. On a hit, you pull it off and vent your
bring your friends along for the ride... The 4 frustrations; clear fatigue or conditions equal HARMONY [-1]
bad habits you indulge are: to your Survival (minimum 0). If you have no
fatigue or conditions, mark growth. On a 10+,
„ Casual thievery and pickpocketing
„ Vandalism or sabotage you also gain a windfall, a boon or opportu- PASSION [+1]
nity—your bad habits paid off this time. On a
„ Trespassing
miss, you’re caught by someone dangerous or
„ Daredevil stunts
powerful, and they complicate your life.
„ “Charming” insults of dangerous people
„ Cons
„ Rabble-rousing
When you indulge a bad habit with a friend,
shift your balance toward Friendship, and roll friendship
„ Gambling with Friendship. On a hit, you and your friend
pull it off and grow closer; each of you makes
Any necessary skills or talents related to your the other Inspired. On a 10+, you also obtain
bad habits are considered to be part of your some useful resource or information, and
background. become Prepared. On a miss, something goes
terribly awry; you can either take the heat your-
self, or shift your Balance twice toward Survival
and leave your friend in the lurch.

Moves Techniques
„ roguish charm
When you plead with an NPC or guide and comfort Sweep the Leg
someone by flattering them and empathizing with advance & attack
them, mark 1-fatigue to roll with Creativity instead
of Harmony. You attack where an enemy is weakest or most
off-balance; if your foe has a total of 3 or more fatigue
„ Casing the Joint
When you assess a situation, add these questions to
and conditions marked, inflict 2-fatigue. If your foe
has fewer than 3 total fatigue and conditions marked,
the list. You may always ask one extra question from inflict 2-fatigue, but you must mark fatigue as well.
these options, even on a miss.
• What here is most valuable or interesting to me?
• Who or what is most vulnerable to me? Fire Stream FATIGUE
• Who here is in control/wealthiest/ defend & maneuver
has the most power? Pour fire upon a target. Mark 1-fatigue to inflict Im-
paired on them. Mark 3-fatigue to inflict Doomed and
„ is that the best you got? Impaired. Mark 5-fatigue to inflict Trapped, Doomed, „afraid
When you goad or provoke an NPC into foolhardy -2 to intimidate and call someone out
and Impaired.
action, say what you want them to do and roll with
Passion . On a 10+, they do it. On a 7–9, they can „angry
choose 1 instead: -2 to guide and comfort and assess a situation

• They do it, but more intensely than GROWTH     „insecure

-2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
expected—you’re taken off guard.
• They do it, but more carefully than expected— Growth Question „guilty
they gain an advantage against you. At the end of each session, answer this question -2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
• They don’t do it, but they embarrass with the other growth questions:
themselves—they mark a condition. „troubled
• Did you get a friend to join in or approve of -2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
• They don’t do it, but only catch themself at the last
minute—they stumble and give you an opportunity. one of your bad habits?

On a miss, they are provoked to take harsh action, Growth Advancements Statuses
directly against you, in a way you’re ill-prepared „ Take the move Is That the Best You Got? „ Empowered „ Doomed


to counter. „ Take the move Comprehend Your Foe „ Favored „ Impaired

„ Take +1 to Passion „ Inspired „ Trapped
„ Comprehend Your Foe „ Shift your center one step „ Prepared „ Stunned
When you defend and maneuver against a foe
„ Unlock your Moment of Balance
whose balance principle you know, you may mark
„ Take the technique Fire Stream at learned level
fatigue to roll with Creativity instead of Focus.

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