4) Rishabh Bajpai
4) Rishabh Bajpai
4) Rishabh Bajpai
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Alkali activated geopolymer is an attractive solution to limit the adverse consequences of cement
Received 27 July 2019 manufacturing. In this paper, an evaluation of environmental impacts of geopolymer containing fly ash
Received in revised form and silica fume is conducted. Life cycle assessment is performed by benchmarking the environmental
16 November 2019
impacts of three geopolymer concrete mixes against the conventional cement concrete, namely: fly ash
Accepted 12 January 2020
geopolymer (with hydroxide and silicate of sodium); fly ashesilica fume blend geopolymer (with hy-
Available online 13 January 2020
droxide and silicate of sodium); and fly ashesilica fume blend geopolymer (with sodium hydroxide).
Handling editor: Baoshan Huang Impact analysis is performed by using ReCiPe midpoint and endpoint methods in life cycle assessment
software UMBERTO NXT using database of Ecoinvent 3.0. Sensitivity analysis is performed to determine
Keywords: the effect of transportation. One mix design for each concrete of equal water to binder ratio and 28-days
Alkaline activator compressive strength of more than 35 MPa is analysed. Results of life cycle assessment indicate that
Concrete alkaline activators and cement are the major sources of negative environmental impacts for geopolymer
Fly ash and cement concrete, respectively. Global warming potential of geopolymer concretes is lower than
conventional cement concrete. Fly ashesilica fume geopolymer concrete activated without sodium sili-
Life cycle assessment
cate has lowest environmental impacts. Transportation of raw materials is found to increase the overall
Silica fume
negative of all four concrete mixes. Cost reduction of 10.87%e17.77% per unit volume is achieved with the
use of fly ash e silica fume based geopolymer concrete. Sustainability in terms of cost and environmental
benefits of geopolymer concrete can be further increased by using silica fume. It can be concluded that
the use of fly ash e silica fume blended geopolymer in the construction industry has huge possibility to
improve its sustainability. Furthermore, waste management can be effectively done by utilization of
industrial by-products in concrete.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0959-6526/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 R. Bajpai et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 254 (2020) 120147
higher GHGs emissions (Salas et al., 2016). Attempts have been geopolymer concrete performed better in terms of global warming
made to reduce the global warming contribution of cement con- but impact on other categories was greater than cement concrete
crete by using supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) such due to the use of sodium silicate (Na2SiO3). McLellan et al. (2011)
as fly ash, silica fume and blast furnace slag, etc., (Demirel et al., reported that geopolymer has the potential to reduce the climate
2018; Juenger and Siddique, 2015; Panesar et al., 2017). SCMs not change impacts of concrete, however, modeedistance of trans-
only reduces the cost and consumption of cement but also solves portation, source of material and energy affect the GHGs emission.
the problem associated with disposal activities. Thus, utilization of Inappropriate selection of these factors may lead to higher impacts
such industrial waste in concrete is a huge relive to the on climate change. Other aspects which are responsible for the
environment. increased CO2-e emission of geopolymer concrete are:
Use of industrial wastes in alkali activated geopolymer concrete manufacturing of alkali activators (from mining of raw material to
has become a matter of recent research on concrete sustainability production process) and curing at elevated temperature (Turner
(Gunasekara et al., 2016; Pilehvar et al., 2018; Yazdi et al., 2018). and Collins, 2013). It can be said that environmental impacts of
Geopolymer is a new class of composite materials, chemistry of different aluminosilicate materials have varied magnitudes. Thus, a
which is based on aluminosilicate source materials (Aldred and comprehensive EIA study is required for each blend of materials.
Day, 2012; Davidovits, 1991). Alkali activated geopolymers Fly ash and silica fume have a potential to curb the GHGs
possess higher compressive strength due to the creation of a three- emissions of concrete, because both the materials are industrial by-
dimensional structure of aluminosilicate hydrate associated with products, remain worthless after their production. Also, both fulfil
primary bonding as compared to calcium silicate hydrate of one- the requirement of geopolymer binder, having considerable quan-
dimensional structure with secondary van der Waals bonding tity of silica and alumina (Provis, 2016). Effect of silica fume on the
(Gourley et al., 2011; Matalkah et al., 2016). However, because of properties of fly ash geopolymer has been presented in the litera-
lack of standards and guidelines, the practical and field applications ture (Assi et al., 2016; Deb et al., 2016; Khater, 2016). However, an
of geopolymers are hardly visible. Few organizations have been EIA of fly ash and silica fume based geopolymer has not been
conducting pilot studies for a number of years (Glasby et al., 2015; illustrated in the literature. This paper investigates a blend of fly ash
The University of Queensland; Zeobond Pty Ltd, 2019). The appli- and silica fume based geopolymer as an alternative for cement
cability of geopolymer concrete is expected to increase in future through environmental and economic assessments. Three types of
and consequently the replacement of highly polluting cement geopolymer concrete mixes are considered for the analysis: fly ash
would be possible. An environmental study of the industrial waste geopolymer with NaOH and Na2SiO3; fly ash e silica fume blend
based geopolymers can help in their sustainability justification. geopolymer with NaOH and Na2SiO3; and fly ash e silica fume
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a method of analyzing environ- blend geopolymer with NaOH only. The geopolymer mixes are then
mental consequences of a plan, policy or program prior to the de- analysed with reference to cement concrete. UMBERTO NXT soft-
cision to move forward with the proposed action (Curran, 1996). ware is used for the quantification of environmental impacts. A
The purpose of conducting LCA is to justify adoption of geopolymer sensitivity analysis is presented for a real case to understand the
concrete as an environment friendly alternate to cement concrete. impacts of transportation. Further, a detailed cost comparison be-
Alkali activated geopolymers are expected to reduce the environ- tween geopolymer and cement concrete is done for Indian scenario.
mental impacts. There is a substantial variability in the specifica-
tions of by-products. This variability calls for the study of
1.1. Research significance
environmental impacts of geopolymers, that would estimate the
benefits of using different precursor materials. The environmental
This study presents an idea of utilizing a silica rich material
impacts generated during extraction of raw materials, production,
(silica fume) in fly ash geopolymer concrete. An effective geo-
and disposal phases of concrete production can be assessed using
polymer mix design consisting of fly ash and silica fume is reported,
life cycle concept (Klo€ pffer, 1997; Nisbet et al., 2002). Geopolymer
which is comparable to conventional cement concrete in terms of
binder have been prepared with several combinations of alumi-
mechanical properties. Results suggest that a blend of fly ash and
nosilicate materials. LCA based quantification of environmental
silica fume can be used as a novel binder for geopolymer, reducing
impacts generated from geopolymers is presented by few studies
the desired quantity of alkali silicate, thereby, improving the
(Duxson et al., 2007; Habert et al., 2011; Weil et al., 2009). It was
environmental performance. Analysis of effect of transportation of
reported that geopolymer produces lesser CO2 as compared to
raw material reveals that if locally available waste materials are
cement production (Duxson et al., 2007). Other studies also pre-
used for geopolymers, then the environmental impacts of concrete
sented the same conclusion with different emission values
can be reduced. Aim of utilizing waste product is that the emission
(McLellan et al., 2011; Stengel et al., 2009; Turner and Collins, 2013;
due to transport must not increase beyond the emission of cement,
Yang et al., 2013). The range of estimated CO2-e by these studies are
otherwise it will not give environmental benefits. Hence, critical
9%e80% lower than cement concrete. The differences in CO2-e arise
transport distance is also estimated. Also, waste management of
because of variability in type and specification of constituent ma-
industrial by-products would become very easy, if the product has
terials; extraction processes, transportation; and amount of energy
the properties like silica fume so that it can be used in fly ash
used. Salas et al. (2018) concluded that the environmental impacts
geopolymer concrete at mass scale. Environmental and economic
of geopolymer consisting natural zeolites, sodium hydroxide
results of this study are expected to pave the way for utilization of
(NaOH), and sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) is lesser than cement con-
silica fume and other waste products in concrete.
crete. Global warming potential is reduced by using a combination
of clay and silica fume based geopolymer as discussed by Heath
et al. (2014). Passuello et al. (2017) presented an environmental 2. Materials and methods
impact assessment (EIA) of kaolin. It was concluded that use of
silicate produced with chemically modified rice husk ash has lower Preliminary testing for compressive strength is conducted to get
environmental impacts when compared with kaolin activated with the proportions of all four types of concrete mixes. Cradle-to-grave
a commercial sodium silicate solution. Habert et al. (2011) consid- LCA is performed as per the guidelines of ISO, 2006. LCA method-
ered mix designs from literature and estimated impacts of geo- ology comprises of four steps: goal and scope definition, inventory
polymer on various environmental categories. Although analysis, impact assessment, and interpretation (ISO, 2006).
R. Bajpai et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 254 (2020) 120147 3
2.1. Goal and scope Na2SiO3 solids, water and low voltage electricity) production were
taken from Ecoinvent 3.0 database (Wernet et al., 2016). Inventory
The foremost aim of this study is the evaluation of environ- data of raw materials is presented in Table 1.
mental impacts of three types of geopolymer concrete mixes and
benchmarking with reference cement concrete. UMBERTO NXT LCA 2.2.1. Materials
software is used to model the stages of concrete production. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC 43) is used for the traditional
Environmental impacts are assessed in three phases (raw material cement concrete model. Properties of cement are within permis-
extraction, concrete production and concrete disposal) for a func- sible limits as per Indian standard IS:269 (2015). Fly ash used for
tional unit of one m3 of concrete. Constituents of concrete are so geopolymer is classified as siliceous type IS:3812 (2013). Chemical
proportioned that the combine volume of all the ingredients is and physical limits of silica fume are within permissible limit pre-
strictly remain as one cubic meter. Concrete consists of several scribed under IS:15388 (2003). Oxide composition and physical
ingredients: binder, water, fine aggregates and coarse aggregates. properties of these constituents are presented in Table 2. The
There is a considerable difference between specific gravity of these strength activity index of fly ash and silica fume considered in this
ingredients. This makes a difference in the volume for equal mass of study are 82.27% and 91.83% respectively, determined as per ASTM
materials. In a comparative analysis of different types of concrete, C311 (2018). NaOH pellets were dissolved in water to produce the
there is a need of an output parameter which remains constant for solution of 10 M and then the solution was left for 24 h before use.
all concrete types. Equal volume is a suitable parameter which can NaOH used in this study was produced by the diaphragm cell
be kept equal across all concrete types. Therefore, mix design is method. Liquid Na2SiO3 of specific gravity of 1.38 is composed of
based on volumetric batching of ingredients for a particular target 15.19% Na2O, 31.42% SiO2 and 53.39% H2O. System boundary for the
compressive strength. Four concrete models are prepared: (i) production process of activators is shown in Fig. 2, which repre-
cement (CC), (ii) geopolymer with fly ash as precursor, NaOH and sents the activities associated with points of emission release for
Na2SiO3 as alkaline activators (GC); (iii) geopolymer with a blend of NaOH and Na2SiO3. Sand of specific gravity 2.55 and fineness
fly ash and silica fume as precursor, NaOH and Na2SiO3 as alkaline modulus of 2.87 is used as fine aggregate. Gravels of specific gravity
activators (G_SF_S), and (iv) geopolymer with a blend of fly ash and 2.67 and 16 mm maximum nominal size are taken as the coarse
silica fume as precursor, only NaOH as alkaline activator (G_SF). aggregate.
System boundary is shown in Fig. 1. Proposed geopolymer is an
emerging composite material and large scale production and use of 2.2.2. Mix proportions
geopolymer concrete have not yet begun, which makes it unreal- The proportions of four concrete mixes undergoing LCA are
istic to predict the probable lifespan of alkali activated geopolymer presented in Table 2. Mix proportions are selected in such a way
concrete (McLellan et al., 2011). Therefore, lifespan of all concrete that the paste volume (~0.338 m3) and ratio of paste to aggregate by
mixes is assumed equal for LCA. volume (~0.511) remain similar in all four concrete mixes. Paste of
cement concrete comprises of cement and water, while binder (fly
2.2. Inventory analysis ash and silica fume), alkaline activators and water constitute the
paste content of geopolymer mixes. Workability of fresh concrete
Experiments for workability of fresh concrete mix and mixes is determined by slump cone test. Compressive strength at
compressive strength of concrete cubes are conducted to generate 28-days is conducted on specimen of size 100*100*100 mm as per
the primary data. The secondary data (inventory values) for raw IS:516, (1959). Ambient curing (23 ± 2 C) and water curing is used
materials (cement, fly ash, silica fume, gravel, sand, NaOH solids, for geopolymer and cement concrete respectively.
Fig. 1. System boundary and process flow model for concrete production.
4 R. Bajpai et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 254 (2020) 120147
Table 1 relevant for human health, represent the years that are lost or that a
Mix proportions (kg/m3) and inventory data. person is disabled due to a disease or accident. The unit for
Raw Ecoinvent 3.0 data (Rest-of-the-world) Concrete Type ecosystem quality is the local species loss integrated over time
(species year). However, ReCiPe midpoint is an assessment method
in which impacts are measured in independent and absolute unit
Cement Cement, Portland 421 e e e
(Huijbregts et al., 2016). Environmental impact is measured for
Fly ash e e 369 305 299
Silica fume e e e 68 75 eight categories namely Agricultural land use (m2a); Climate
NaOH Chlor-alkali electrolysis, diaphragm cell e 39 37 56 change or global warming potential (kg CO2-e); Fossil depletion (kg
Solids oil-e); Freshwater ecotoxicity (kg 1,4-DCB-e); Human toxicity (kg 1,
Na2SiO3 Sodium silicate production, 49 37
e e
4-DCB-e); Ozone depletion (kg CFC-11-e); Particulate matter for-
Solids hydrothermal liquor
Sand Silica sand 665 681 699 705 mation (kg PM 10-e); and Water depletion (m3). Global warming
Gravel Crushed gravel 1070 1054 1036 1030 potential is the amount of additional radiative forcing integrated
Water Tap water 199 139 142 135 caused by an emission of 1 kg of GHGs relative to the radiative
forcing integrated caused by the emission of 1 kg of carbon di-oxide
(CO2) over the same time horizon. Land use refers to the loss due to
Table 2 land transformation, land occupation and land relaxation. Midpoint
Oxide composition and physical properties of binder materials. indicator for fossil depletion is the ratio of energy content of
Parameter Unit Cement Fly ash Silica Fume particular fossil resource to the energy content of crude oil and it is
calculated on the basis of higher heating values. Toxicity is
Oxide composition
Silicon dioxide % SiO2 19.67 52.83 92.39 expressed in kg 1,4-dichlorobenzene equivalents, it is estimated by
Aluminium oxide % Al2O3 4.82 21.50 1.41 dividing the impact of a chemical by the impact of dichlorobenzene
Ferric oxide % Fe2O3 3.53 10.49 0.154 emitted to air and freshwater. Emissions of substances causing
Calcium oxide % CaO 64.21 6.44 0.547 depletion of ozone are responsible to damage to human health as
Magnesium oxide % MgO 4.10 0.89 e
Potassium Oxide % K2O 0.75 1.76 <1
resulting increase in ultraviolet radiation have may cause cataracts
Sodium oxide % Na2O 1.08 0.82 e and skin cancer. Ozone depletion is defined as the amount of ozone
Titanium dioxide % TiO2 0.19 1.60 <1 that a substance depletes with respect to loss to ozone due to
Phosphorus pentoxide % P2O5 0.10 1.75 2.32 chlorofluorocarbons for a specific time horizon. Particulate matter
Physical properties
formation is related to the human health problems arising due to
Loss on ignition % LOI 0.92 1.50 2.59
Specific gravity e 3.11 2.29 2.23 the release of fine particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5e10 mm.
Specific surface area m2/Kg 337 399.70 21170 Water depletion is related with the consumed water that is not
Median particle size microns 51 26.64 <1 available for humans and ecosystem. It is measured in terms of
cubic meter of water lost by watershed of origin. Characterization
factor at the midpoint level are located somewhere along the
2.3. Impact assessment impact pathway, typically at the point after which the environ-
mental mechanism is identical for all the environmental flows
Impact assessment provides the quantification of environ- assigned to that impact category (Goedkoop et al., 2013). The ap-
mental impacts of a product. ReCiPe midpoint and endpoint proaches are complimentary in that the midpoint has a stronger
methods are used for impact assessment (Dong and Ng, 2014). relation to the environmental flows and a relatively low uncer-
ReCiPe method provides the quantitative evaluation at both tainty, while the endpoint provides better information on the
endpoint and midpoint levels. Endpoint impact assessment is a top environmental relevance of the environmental flows but is also
down approach which allows the environmental load of a product more uncertain than the midpoint characterization factors
to be expressed as a single standardized point score. The damage (Hauschild and Huijbregts, 2015). Demirel et al. (2018) had suc-
categories under endpoint method are ecosystem quality, human cessfully applied ReCiPe method on waste fly ash and cement.
health and resources. DALYs (disability adjusted life in years),
Fig. 6a. Scores of ingredients of cement concrete (CC) on endpoint damage categories.
Fig. 7a. Scores of ingredients of geopolymer concrete (GC) on endpoint damage categories.
materials from a manufacturing plant to the concrete making fa- in impacts (% increase of endpoint score) is obtained for G_SF_S mix
cility. A real case scenario is taken for the city of Jaipur in India. (29.01%), followed by G_SF (23.34%), GC (20.83%) and CC (9.71%).
Transport inventory for the raw materials is shown in Table 4. These Global warming potential or climate change (kg CO2-e) due to
distances are the average distances of suppliers of a particular raw transportation is shown in Fig. 13. Relative increase in global
material to Jaipur city for Rajasthan. Distances were determined by warming potential, when transportation is considered, are as fol-
locating respective locations and then measuring the distances on lows: 8.90% for CC; 39.91% for GC; 45.66% for G_SF_S; and 47.61% for
google map. G_SF. Increase in emission of CO2 is higher for geopolymer concrete
Differences arise in the endpoint environment scores due to due to the fact that transportation is required for both fly ash and
transportation distances as shown in Table 5. The highest variation silica fume and number of sources for these materials are less than
R. Bajpai et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 254 (2020) 120147 9
Agricultural Climate Fossil Freshwater Human Ozone Particulate Water
land occupation change depletion ecotoxicity toxicity depletion matter formation depletion
Agricultural Climate Fossil Freshwater Human Ozone Particulate Water
land occupation change depletion ecotoxicity toxicity depletion matter formation depletion
estimate of cost for geopolymer concrete is presented for the local 4. Summary and conclusions
scenario. Industrial by-products do not require a separate
manufacturing process; thus, cost of fly ash and silica fume is Mechanical properties of geopolymer are directly proportional
comparatively less than the cost of cement (Public Works to the molar ratio (proportion of SiO2) of binder paste. Exclusion of
Department Jaipur, 2019). Silica fume has higher unit cost than Na2SiO3 from fly ash geopolymer reduces the molar ratio, however,
fly ash, this is due to the special packaging of very fine particles of addition of silica fume adjusted the desired content of SiO2.
silica fume. The cost estimation for one cubic meter concrete is Therefore, comparable compressive strength is obtained by geo-
prepared for Jaipur city, capital of Rajasthan state, India, as shown polymer containing silica fume, even without using alkali silicate.
in Table 8. Unit prices are shown for cost of raw material and Among the geopolymers analysed here, G_SF presents the lowest
transportation from manufacturing plant to the concrete making environmental impacts per cubic meter, on most categories. Also,
facility. Transportation cost at user level includes money spent for all three geopolymer concrete possess compressive strength similar
fuel, toll, tyre, maintenance, manpower (driver), national permit, to that of CC. Hence, the proposed fly ash and silica fume based
insurance, and taxes. Transportation cost of NaOH and Na2SiO3 is geopolymer are suitable for applications that need higher
included in the respective unit prices, as supplied by the manu- compressive strength values. Environmental impacts show alkali
facturer. Cost of water consists of electricity for pumping of water activators reduce the sustainability of geopolymer. Hence, silica
from local water storage to the casting field. However, it is worth to fume based geopolymer appears as a promising alternative for the
note that the end user cost is presented in this study, which tends to production concrete with decreased environmental impacts in
vary with different location. Cost of aggregates were much lesser most of the categories considered. Use of industrial by-products
than cement because of affluent availability in the locality. It can be like in concrete is a noble step towards the creation of an eco-
seen that alkaline activators are costlier than fly ash, even utilized friendly material by producing a cement less concrete. The use of fly
in lesser quantity. Hence, replacement of Na2SiO3 helps in reducing ash and silica fume also solve the disposal problem of these waste
the cost of geopolymer by using silica fume. Geopolymer concrete is materials, imparting additional sustainability.
found to be cheaper than cement concrete because of absence of This paper presents life cycle assessment of traditional cement
costly cement. A reduction in cost is achieved by GC, G_SF_S and concrete and three geopolymer based concretes. The environ-
G_SF concrete mixes are 10.87%, 11.52% and 17.77% respectively. mental impacts of fly ash e silica fume geopolymers are bench-
This estimation suggests that geopolymer concrete has the capa- marked against the traditional cement concrete. It is expected that
bility of providing economical alternative to cement concrete. In- these results will be useful for industry and future researchers. The
clusion of silica fume in geopolymer concrete is proved to be more environmental and economic benefits due to replacement of
economical. cement from concrete are observed in the study. Based on the life
12 R. Bajpai et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 254 (2020) 120147
Agricultural Climate Fossil Freshwater Human Ozone Particulate Water
land occupation change depletion ecotoxicity ecotoxicity depletion matter formation depletion
Fig. 12. Midpoint environmental impacts of geopolymer produced without Na2SiO3 (G_SF).
Table 4 Table 5
Transport distances e mean of values measured for Jaipur, Rajasthan state (India). Effect of transport of raw materials on endpoint scores.
Raw Cement Fly ash Silica NaOH Na2SiO3 Sand Gravel Concrete Endpoint impact e without Endpoint impact e with Variation
materials fume Type transportation transportation (%)
Table 8
Cost estimate.
Table 6
Critical transport distance (km) for ingredients of geopolymer mixes. 4.1. Limitation of the study
Concrete type Fly ash Silica fume NaOH Na2SiO3 Sand Gravel
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