PVR Perú - Kafd
PVR Perú - Kafd
PVR Perú - Kafd
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t :
Article history: In the urban regions worldwide, saving energy, lowering carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and disposing
Received 18 April 2019 waste arising from the manufacturing of diverse consumer products remain major challenges. Annually,
Received in revised form million tons of glass bottle wastes are generated and only a few percent are recycled. In this study, glass
14 September 2019
bottles waste Nano powder (BGWNP) was prepared by replacing ground blast furnace slag (GBFS) in fly
Accepted 27 September 2019
ash-based alkali-activated mortars (AAMs). The main aim was to evaluate the energy consumption, cost
Available online 30 September 2019
effectiveness, mechanical and chemical properties of the achieved BGWNP blended AAMs. Reuse of such
Handling editor: Lei Shi wastes was found to enhance the mechanical and durability properties of the resultant AAMs as well as
reduced CO2 emissions. For AAM incorporating 5% of BGWNP as GBFS replacement, the CO2 emission
Keywords: reduced (over 6%), compressive strength enhanced (above 16%) and the durability improved with
Nanotechnology reduced water absorption. Additionally, it lowered the binder cost and energy consumption by 3.4 and
BGWNP 1.3%, respectively. Furthermore, AAM composed of 10% BGWNP revealed reduced strength performance.
GBFS It was concluded that the proposed AAMs obtained using BGWNP offer definitive environmental benefits
by minimizing global warming. Given that concrete still is the most used man-made material universally,
such proposition would significantly reduce the landfill requirements for glass waste that is unsuitable
for recycled glass production.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction climate change (Zhang et al., 2019). Due to industrial and urban
development universally, the standards of living have undoubtedly
Continued growth in the urban development projects world- improved. On the other hand, both industrial and domestic waste
wide has made ordinary Portland cement (OPC) increasingly in management has increasingly become a serious concern worldwide
demand. As of now, OPC remains the principal binding agent in the (Zhang et al., 2019; Sanchez-Escobar et al., 2018). Global collabo-
concrete industry (Awal and Mohammadhosseini, 2016; Nayaka ration for achieving greater efficiency in waste management,
et al., 2018). However, OPC is environmentally hostile because its especially to recycle and repurpose the waste resources (Esmeray
manufacturing process releases high levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and Atıs, 2019; Abdel-Gawwad et al., 2018; Mohammadhosseini
emission. For every ton of OPC production, one ton of CO2 is pro- et al., 2017; Mohammadhosseini and Yatim, 2017) has been
duced (a typical ratio of 1:1). Thus OPC is classified as environ- noted. Such concerns have enforced the exploration of alternative
mentally harmful binding material (Deraemaeker and Dumoulin, options in terms of developing new environment friendly con-
2019; Huseien et al., 2015, 2017) as CO2 is considered to be a sig- struction materials such as ‘green’ concrete as well as other prod-
nificant factor in the production of greenhouse gases affecting ucts remanufactured from recycled wastes dumped in landfill
(Huseien et al., 2018a, 2018b; Mohammadhosseini et al., 2018).
Lately the alkali-activated mortars (AAMs) and concretes have
been introduced as cement-free materials. Generally, such mortars
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: mirza7861@gmail.com, mirzaj@uoguelph.ca (J. Mirza). and concretes are prepared involving starting source materials rich
0959-6526/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 G.F. Huseien et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020) 118636
Notation Ca Calcium
CeSeH Calcium silicate hydrate
AAMs Alkali-activated mortars ASTM American society for testing and materials
GBFS Ground blast furnace slag B Binder
FA Fly ash A Fine aggregate
BGWNP Glass bottles waste Nano powder S Alkaline activator solution
CO2 Carbon dioxide Ws Saturated weight
OPC Ordinary Portland cement Wd Dry mass
NaOH Sodium hydroxide Wa Water absorption
Na2SiO3 Sodium silicate LOI Loss on ignition
Si Silicate LCA Life cycle assessment
Al Aluminium
in silicon (Si), aluminium (Al) and calcium (Ca) with alkali activa- temperatures requirement (40e85 C), slow setting time and low
tion (Sun et al., 2018; Huseien et al., 2016; Huseiena et al., 2016). compressive strength. To overcome these drawbacks, one of the
The starting resource materials include meta-kaolin (MK), fly ash waste materials called ground blast furnace slag (GBFS) has been
(FA), palm oil fuel ash (POFA), GBFS and ceramic wastes (WCP), etc., introduced for enhancing the FA based AAMs properties (Nath and
(Huseien et al., 2018c; Kubba et al., 2018; Huseiena et al., 2018a). Sarker, 2014). The major reaction products of alkali-activated ce-
Literature study on AAMs showed excellent properties such as fast ments for GBFS and FA are calcium silicate hydrate (CeSeH) and
setting time, curing at ambient temperatures (Huseiena et al., amorphous hydrated alkali alumina-silicate (Huseien et al., 2018d),
2018b), high early strength (Huseien et al., 2018d), high resis- respectively. Alkali activated GBFS has high strength but issues
tance to elevated temperatures, good durability in aggressive en- related to rapid setting and insufficient workability along with high
vironments (Huseien et al., 2018a), low CO2 emission and energy values of dry shrinkage, limits its applicability (Huseien et al.,
consumption (Assi et al., 2018; Turner and Collins, 2013). The 2018a). Incorporation of GBFS in FA-based AAMs could enhance
alkaline activators solutions normally include sodium hydroxide the workability, setting time and strength together with the
(NaOH) and sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) for the production of AAMs reduction of solution demand. Otherwise, GBFS has negative effects
(Huseien et al., 2018e, 2018f). Most of the research studies (Huseien on mortar’s durability exposed to sulphuric acid and sulphate at-
et al., 2018d; Salih et al., 2015; Nath and Sarker, 2014) revealed that tacks. On top, the high content of CaO in GBFS is the main setback
the elevated concentration of NaOH (10e16 M) and high ratio of for the reduced resistance of mortar to aggressive environments.
Na2SiO3 to NaOH (2.5) are preferred for the production of high However, increasing the GBFS content in alkali-activated matrix can
performance AAMs. Na2SiO3 is known to impact negatively on the increase the cost, energy consumption and CO2 emissions of AAMs
environment. Besides additional cost, the high concentration of mixtures.
NaOH also effect negatively on the environment and remains Glasses are significant waste products that can potentially be
hazardous to the workers (McLellan et al., 2011). High molarity of used in concrete production a strategy which could be considered
NaOH and enriched Na2SiO3 in the alkaline solution content are the environment-friendly. Several million tons of glass bottles are
major problems for the usage of AAMs as new construction mate- discarded annually worldwide (Lin et al., 2012; Rashad, 2014).
rials. This is a serious concern for the environmental safety because Some of these wastes have already been recycled by glass manu-
AAM is a mineral based material that demands great amount of facturers. Nevertheless, it is impossible to recycle all glass wastes
Na2SiO3 during synthesis. These deficiencies caused by alkaline due to the variation in colour, imperfections in glass, and process-
solution limits the diversified applications of AAMs in the con- ing costs. The potential for using glass in the production of concrete
struction industry. The inclusion of CaO from waste materials such was first investigated some time ago (Rashad, 2014; Shi and Zheng,
as GBFS in alkali-activated mix led to enhance the strength even 2007). It has been established that pulverised glass wastes derived
using low molarity (4 M) of NaOH (Huseien et al., 2019a, 2019b). from bottles could contain significant amount of Al and Si appar-
The compatible nature of C-(A)-S-H and N-A-S-H gels has signifi- ently in non-crystalline form. These properties make glass waste a
cant influence on the AAMs and alkaline solution activated prospective pozzolanic or cement-like substance. Hence its usage
alumina-silicate systems, wherein both products may be obtained as aggregates in cement production offers a suitable alternative for
(Yip et al., 2005). cement itself. However, it is worth noting that such use could
Despite the use of different source materials to prepare AAMs as change the characteristics of the finished products (Zhang and Yue,
binders, FA as industrial waste in particular, is immensely attractive 2018).
for the synthesis of AAMs (Duan et al., 2016; Abdollahnejad et al., Contemporary concrete production techniques place more
2015; Ilkentapar et al., 2017). FA is a by-product of coal burning emphasis on the inclusion of nanomaterials which offer enhanced
in thermal power plants to produce electricity which contains an features irrespective of whether it is fresh or cured. Most
ample quantity of amorphous alumina and silica (Huseien et al., commonly used nanomaterials for performance enhancement of
2017). Therefore, FA’s chemical composition renders it a suitable concretes and cement include nanoparticles, such as TiO2, SiO2,
resource material for producing alkali-activated binder. The prop- Al2O3, Fe2O3, carbon nanotubes/fibres and Nano silica owing to
erties of FA-based AAMs have been examined by several re- their pore-filling ability and favourable pozzolanic reaction (Kaur
searchers. Due to their excellent durability properties, these AAMs et al., 2018; Sedaghatdoost and Behfarnia, 2018; Adak et al.,
are used as potential cementitious material. Many reports have 2014). Meanwhile, steady increase in the demand of hybrid
acknowledged (Huseien et al., 2018a; Bagheri et al., 2017; Al-Majidi cement-like materials (extremely strong, durable, eco-friendly and
et al., 2016) similar engineering properties of AAMs making them sustainable) has been driven by the rapid development of infra-
favourable for various construction applications. Yet, several structure worldwide. The performance characteristics of even high-
problems exist in using FA based AAMs for high curing grade concrete can appreciably be enhanced by the addition of
G.F. Huseien et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020) 118636 3
Nano-silica. In many cases, replacing concrete with as little as 6% were adopted to prepare the alkaline activator solution and fixed
nano-silica may achieve significant performance improvements for all solution dosages. NaOH solution was prepared by dissolve
(Adak et al., 2014). It is the hydration process that is primarily the pellets in normal water then left at room temperature for 24 h
modified by the introduction of nano-silica, which becomes effec- to cool. Na2SiO3 solution was made from SiO2 (29.5 wt%), Na2O
tively accelerated. This in turn leads to the generation of a greater (14.70 wt%) and H2O (55.80 wt%). Next, the NaOH solution was
quantity of calcium silicate hydrates through the reaction of nano- mixed with Na2SiO3 to prepare final alkaline solution. In this study,
silica with calcium hydroxide within the concrete and hence the the total Na2O, SiO2 and H2O were 10.53, 12.64 and 76.8 (by weight,
enhanced mechanical characteristics of the end product. %) respectively, compared to 20.75, 21.07 and 58.2 of solution
The nano-silica impregnated concrete contains fewer calcium prepared for 14 M of NaOH and 2.5 of Na2SiO3 to NaOH ratio which
hydroxide crystals, which cause the formation of more compacted are recommended in previous studies as the optimum ratios (Salih
microstructures (Liu et al., 2018; Bjo€ rnstro
€ m et al., 2004). Approx- et al., 2015; Yusuf et al., 2014). Regarding the content of Na2O, SiO2
imately 3% increase in the degree of pozzolanic reaction rate has and H2O, the prepared alkaline solution is friendlier to environment
been registered due to the addition of nanosiica in concrete (Said and is low in cost, energy consumption as well as the carbon di-
et al., 2012). Besides, a significant increase in the denseness, oxide emission. The final modulus (Ms) of solution was 1.2 for
durability, tensile strength, compressive strength, bending strength SiO2:Na2O. Naturally occurring siliceous river sand was used as fine
and abrasive resistance has also been recorded in concrete aggregate to make all mortar specimens. Firstly, the sand was
impregnated with nano-silica (Said et al., 2012; Nazari et al., 2010). washed with water following ASTM C117 standard to reduce silts
The permeability of concrete is also affected by the inclusion of and impurity contents. Then, the sand was dried in the oven at
nano-silica, with reduced permeability and capillary absorption 60 C for 24 h to control the moisture content. Finally, the sand was
(Adak et al., 2014). Also, concrete containing nano-silica and ground graded to conform to ASTM C33-33M specification.
GBFS disclosed enhanced splitting tensile strength and hydration
speed (Said et al., 2012). 2.2. Mix design, casting and curing
With such development and immense benefit of waste nano-
materials incorporated mortars, this study attempted to achieve Following the ASTM C109-109M standard, different mix pro-
high performance, durable and eco-friendly AAMs wherein a tiny portions of GBFS: BGWNP were prepared in various ratios. In the
amount of GBFS was replaced by BGWNP. The nano powder was first category, the blend was prepared by mixing FA and GBFS with
prepared from glass bottles waste and characterized for its chem- the ratio of 70:30 as control sample. Next, the FA content was fixed
ical and physical properties. The influence of BGWNP inclusion in to 70% by weight for all mixtures. The GBFS content was replaced by
AAMs matrix as GBFS replacement was examined in terms of BGWNP with 5, 10, 15 and 20% by weight. Furthermore, at each level
mortars workability, setting time, strength and microstructure. Life of replacement, the binder to fine aggregate (B:A), alkaline solution
cycle of AAMs as a function of varied BGWNP content was also to binder (S:B), NH molarity, NS:NH ratio and modulus of solution
determined. The energy consumption, binder cost, mechanical and (Ms) were fixed to 1.0, 0.40, 2, 0.75 and 1.2 by mass weight,
chemical properties and CO2 emission from the synthesized respectively (Table 1). Testing was conducted in line with ASTM
BGWNP blended AAMs were evaluated. Results were discussed in C579 standards. The tests consisted of (1) a 50-mm cube mould to
terms of environmental benefits and sustainability of such AAMs. test for compressive strength, (2) a prism (40 40 160) mm to
test for flexural strength, and (3) a cylinder (length 150 mm,
2. Experimental details diameter 75 mm) to test for tensile strength. Prior to the moulds
being cast, each one was coated internally with motor oil in order to
2.1. Materials facilitate easier demoulding. NS and NH solutions were mixed
followed by cooling to ambient temperature before being used to
In this work, source materials such as FA, GBFS and BGWNP avoid issues with heat produced during the mixing process.
were used to prepare ternary AAMs blend. FA, as a main resource of The preparation of the Alkali-activated mortars (AAMs) involved
aluminium-silicate, was collected from Tanjung Bin power station the mixing of GNP, GBFS and FA for the duration of 3 min resulting
of Johor (Malaysia) and directly used without any treatment. GBFS in a uniform dry substance, which was then further mixed with fine
(acted as pure cement-free binder) was collected from Ipoh aggregate for a period of 4 min. The resultant product was then
(Malaysia), which was ground by the supplier to achieve the activated by adding alkaline solution, and then blended in a ma-
required particles size before being transported and used for ex- chine for further 5 min at medium velocity. The final step in the
periments. GBFS used in this study was a main resource of calcium process was the introduction of the resulting mortar into the
and silicate. Glass bottles waste was collected from Skudai moulds which was achieved by using two-layers pouring method.
(Malaysia). First, these bottles were cleaned using normal tap water In this process, each layer being subject to vibration for a period of
to remove contaminants and then crushed by crusher machine. 15 s in order to eliminate any air pockets within the mixture. Once
Crushed glass was sieved through 600 mm to separate large glass the casting process was completed, the AAMs were cured for 24 h in
particles. Subsequently, Los Angeles Abrasion Machine with 25 kg an ambient atmosphere (temperature 24 ± 1.5 C, relative humidity
capacity was utilized to grind the sieved glass for 3 h in order to get 75%) before demoulding process.
medium particle size of 25 mm using 16 ⱷ 40 mm stainless balls.
Later, the resultant powder was heated in an oven at 110 C (±5) for 2.3. Testing procedures
60 min and again ground for 7 h using ball mill machine to achieve
optimum distribution of nanoparticles. Fig. 1 shows the procedure It is well known that the AAMs properties are influenced
for the preparation of Nano powder from glass bottles. directly by chemical composition and physical and mineral prop-
Alkaline activator solution was prepared by mixing sodium erties of raw materials. For additional understanding, the chemical
hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) to activate the composition of BGWNP, GBFS and FA was determined using XRF
aluminium silicate. High purity NaOH (98%) and Na2SiO3 were test. The percentage weight of chemical compounds, such as SiO2,
purchased from quality reagent chemical (QREC) - Asia, Malaysia. Al2O3, CaO, MgO, K2O and Na2O were calculated and presented in
To reduce the environmental effects of NaOH and Na2SiO3, low this study. Physical properties such as particles size diameter using
molarity (2 M) of NaOH solution and Na2SiO3 to NaOH ratio of 0.75 PSA and TEM tests as well as the colour of raw materials were also
4 G.F. Huseien et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020) 118636
Table 1
Mix design of AAMs prepared with various ratios of BGWNP replacing GBFS.
Binder (B) FA 70 70 70 70 70
GBFS 30 25 20 15 10
BGWNP 0 5 10 15 20
Binder:Fine aggregate (B:A) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Solution:Binder (S:B) 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40
Na2SiO3:NaOH 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) Molarity, M 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
H2O 92.6 92.6 92.6 92.6 92.6
Na2O 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4
Sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) H2O 55.8 55.8 55.8 55.8 55.8
Na2O 14.7 14.7 14.7 14.7 14.7
SiO2 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5
Total H2O in alkaline solution 76.8 76.8 76.8 76.8 76.8
Modulus of solution (Ms) SiO2:Na2O 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
assessed using visual test. The XRD pattern of raw materials FTIR, SEM and XRD were also conducted which could provide
showing crystalline or amorphous phases also play an important additional understanding on the strength properties.
role on the formulation of C,N-(A)-S-H gels and reactivity of raw The workability of the AAMs as-prepared was tested to deter-
materials. It is for this purpose, XRD test was carried out on raw mine the effect of replacement of GBFS by BGWNP in line with
materials (BGWNP, GBFS and FA). ASTM C230. All AAMs were also tested for fresh performance,
To study the effects of Nano particles from glass bottles waste on where the flow diameter was determined. A Vicat needle test was
fresh and hardened properties of AAMs, several tests were conducted to determine the time required for AAMs to set. In this
considered for this purpose. Flow test was adopted to measure the test, a 1.13 mm metal needle was dropped into each fresh sample
flowability of AAMs affected by BGWNP as GBFS replacement. The (at ambient temperature of 24 C) and the generated depth of
setting time was also evaluated. The results obtained from flow and penetration was recorded. Besides, the setting time was established
setting time tests provide clear understanding about the effect of as the time elapsed from the completion of mould filling to the time
BGWNP on fresh properties of AAMs. It’s very important in concrete when penetration of 0.5 mm in each sample was achieved using the
industry to study the effect of additional materials on strength needle test. Setting time is the mean value obtained for all three
performance as it is one of the indicators of sustainable products. AAMs. The studied AAMs were subjected to the test according to
Serval tests were considered to assess the strength performance the standards of flexural strength (ASTM C78), tensile strength
(compressive, flexural and tensile strength) of AAMs containing (ASTM C496/C496M-11) and compressive strength (ASTM C109/
BGWNP as GBFS replacement. Microstructure tests such as TGA, 109M). Final results were obtained following a 28-day curing
G.F. Huseien et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020) 118636 5
period (average of 3 specimens). A comparison was made between production has been built according to life cycle of raw materials
the results obtained from the strength tests and the control sample. used as binder in the production process which included collection,
At age of 28-day curing, the central section of each AAM was transportation, crushing, grinding and other treatments in the
extracted and pulverised. The microstructure of the prepared laboratory. The life cycle of raw materials presented in Fig. 2
powder was tested using TGA, FTIR, SEM and XRD analyses. In X-ray adopted as boundary in life cycle assessment. The data for fine
diffraction (XRD) test, the MDI Jade software version 6.5 was used aggregate, sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate were not included
to confirm the disordered phase of alkali-activated mortar samples. in calculation as the content of these three materials are fixed for all
The analysis was carried out on results of scanned specimens over AAMs mixtures.
the 2Ɵ range of 5-90 , 0.02 steps and 0.5 s/step scan speed. Pre- The total CO2 emission, cost effectiveness and energy con-
pared AAMs were positioned on sample holders (brass stub type) sumption of different alkali-activated binders were calculated to
and subjected to a 5-min of drying by infrared radiation before assess the mortar sustainability. Energy and cost requirements as
using a Blazer sputter coater to apply a covering of gold on each well as the CO2 emission of each material (FA, GBFS and WBGNP)
sample. The resultant patterns were monitored using 20 kV with were estimated depending on material life cycle including collec-
1000 magnification. Following the immersion in water (24 C) for tion, transport and lab treatments (such as crushing, sieving, oven
24 h, the AAMs were subjected to ASTM C140-07 tests. Saturated drying and grinding) as shown in Fig. 2. As mentioned earlier, the
weight (Ws) of each AAM was measured by removing them from FA was used in the lab as received, so the life cycle was included
water. All AAMs were oven-dried (24 h, 105 C) before recording the only for the collection and transport stages. GBFS was collected and
dry mass (Wd) and water absorption (Wa) using total immersion ground before being transported from Ipoh to Johor (500 km dis-
technique. The water absorption percentage was calculated using tance). For BGWNP, the life cycle included collection, transport and
the expression: lab treatment such as cleaning, crushing, sieving and grinding. In
transportation stage and for all the raw materials, the truck engine
Ws Wd capacity, volume and speed were fixed to 0.09 L/km, 12 m3 and
Wað%Þ ¼ 100 (1)
Wd 80 km/h respectively. The local price of electricity, diesel and
transportation was considered; the calculation process is presented
in Table 2. Meanwhile, the total CO2 emission, cost and energy
consumption of each mixture depending on binder ratio
2.4. Life cycle assessment
(FA:GBFS:BGWNP) was calculated using respective equations
(2)e(5). The transport distance of raw materials including FA, GBFS
Nowadays, worldwide energy consumption has reached to such
and BGWNP are depicted in Fig. 3.where mi ¼ mass of component i
a level which was never observed before (Chowdhury et al., 2019a,
(ton per m3), di ¼ transport distance (km), Di ¼ diesel consumption
2019b). With the increase in population, the demand for con-
(liter/km), k1i ¼ CO2 emission for 1 L diesel, ton, Ei ¼ total electricity
struction materials has increased affecting energy consumption
consumption (kwh), and k2i ¼ CO2 emission for 1 kwh electricity,
and carbon dioxide emission. In order to reduce energy demand
and CO2 emission, there is a dire need to produce not only sus-
tainable construction materials but also develop other resources. In X
this study, the environmental data of various mortar components Total energy consumption ¼ mi ½ðdi Di k3iÞ þ ðEi k4iÞ
(FA, GBFS and BGWNP) used to prepare 1 m3 of AAMs are calculated i¼1
and presented in Table 2. The life cycle inventory of AAMs (3)
Item, units Amount where DPi ¼ diesel cost (RM/liter), Ti ¼ Transport charge of 1 m3
(RM/km) and EPi ¼ electricity cost (RM per kwh).
Truck speed, km/hr 80
Diesel consumption, liter/km 0.09
Diesel price, RM/liter (RM: Malaysian Ringgit) 2.18
Electricity consumption of component iðEiÞ ¼ ðMEi MPiÞ
Truck volume, m3 12
Transport charge of 1 m3, RM/km 0.75
Glass density, kg/m3 1280 (5)
GBFS density, kg/m3 1860
FA density, kg/m3 1350 where MEi ¼ machine capacity (tone per hrs) and MPi ¼ Machine
Crushing machine power, watt 435
power (kwh).
sieving machine power, watt 250
Oven power, watt 1200
Grinding machine power, watt 750
Crushing machine capacity, m3 0.08 3. Results and discussion
sieving machine capacity, m3 0.05
Oven capacity, m3 0.18
3.1. Chemical composition and physical properties of constituent
Grinding machine capacity, m3 0.45
CO2 emission for 1 L diesel, ton 0.0027 specimens
Energy consumption for 1 L diesel, GJ 0.0384
Electricity tariff, RM/kwh 0.516 Table 3 depicts the chemical composition and physical proper-
CO2 emission for 1 kwh electricity, ton 0.00013 ties of BGWNP, GBFS and FA obtained using X-ray fluorescence
Energy consumption for 1 kwh electricity, GJ 0.0036
spectroscopy. The primary oxide elements were found to be
6 G.F. Huseien et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020) 118636
aluminium and silica, which are 83% in BGWNP, 41.7% in GBFS and
86% in FA. A significantly higher level (51.8%) of calcium oxide was
found in GBFS compared to the BGWNP and FA. Especially, the
quantity of aluminium, silicate and calcium oxide influenced the
synthesis of specimens considerably, through the formation of N, C-
(A)-S-H gels as part of geopolymerisation process. Potassium oxide
(K2O) levels were lower than 1% for all three tested specimens. The
sodium oxide (Na2O) level in GBFS was appreciably higher (0.45%),
whereas in BGWNP and FA it was 0.01% and 0.08%, respectively.
Previous studies established that the activation of both the geo-
polymerisation and alkaline processes can be greatly influenced by
K2O and Na2O. Besides, BGWNP, GBFS and FA exhibited reduced loss
on ignition (LOI) values, which are in line with the standards set
forth in ASTM C618. The calculated median particle size for FA, GBFS
and BGWNP were 10000, 12800 and 80 nm, respectively (Table 3).
Furthermore, 100% of particles in FA and GBFS were below 45 mm
size and 100% of BGWNP was passing 1 mm. The FA presented gray
colour compared to off-white and light-gray appearance of GBFS
and BGWNP, respectively.
Table 3
Chemical composition and physical characteristics of FA, GBFS and BGWNP (weight
and short setting times. However, the slow rate could enhance the
AAMs workability even when the GBFS content was reduced from
30 to 10%. This clearly disclosed the significant impact of BGWNP on
the AAMs properties. It is reported that nanomaterials such as silica
can accelerate the rate of hydration and reduce the setting time
(Chithra et al., 2016; Huseien et al., 2019c).
3.6. Density
Fig. 8. Effects of BGWNP contents on AAMs density. Fig. 10. Influence of AAMs flexural strength by BGWNP content.
G.F. Huseien et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020) 118636 9
Fig. 13. Relationship between CS (a) FS, (b) STS and (c) MoE of AAMs.
FTIR measurements were performed to identify the formation of
reaction products and degree of geopolymerization in various
generated by the entrapped air in fresh mortar. Consequently, AAMs matrices. Through the chemical analysis to find the func-
considering these two opposite processes, there is an optimal value tional groups based on bonding vibrations, FTIR detected the re-
of BGWNP amount at which the lowest porosity of AAMs can be action zones of SieO and AleO in AAMs mixtures (Fig. 19). In such a
obtained. matrix, development of compressive strength occurred with the
dissolution of minerals resulting from the addition of alkaline ac-
tivators to the base materials. It led to the release of Al via the
3.11. XRD patterns of AAMs hydroxylation. This in turn caused the attachment of eOH ions
present in the alkali to form AleOeAl bond by rupturing the weak
Fig. 16 illustrates the XRD patterns and the crystalline structure bonds which liberated a negatively charged Al in IV fold coordi-
of the AAMs at age of 28 days. An amorphous hallow was identified nation. Finally, a balanced charge was achieved by Ca which reacted
between 20 and 35 , indicating the presence of AAM gel. The effect preferentially over Na (García-Lodeiro et al., 2010). GBFS containing
of BGWNP inclusion in AAMs matrix appeared in the XRD pattern higher CaO than FA (Table 3) revealed good potential for Ca solu-
between 24 and 34 with the increase in intensity of albite bility in the mixture. The quantity of soluble Ca depended on the
(Na0.95Ca0.05Al1.05Si2.95O8) and gismondine (CaAl2Si2O8$4(H2O)) volume of GBFS present in the mixture which directly affected the
peaks. However, the intensity of quartz (SiO2) peak at 36 decreased compressive strength. It is established that the unit oligomer of
with the inclusion of BGWNP in AAMs. The increment in albite and (eSieOeAl) Ca could be built up in chains, sheets or 3D-framework
gismondine and reduction in quartz peaks suggested the formation through the polycondensation process to cause product hardening
G.F. Huseien et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020) 118636 11
Fig. 14. Histograms of strength properties of AAMs containing various amounts of BGWNP.
Fig. 15. Water absorption of AAMs containing various ratios of BGWNP at age of 28
day. Fig. 16. Effect of various BGWNP contents on structures of prepared AAMs.
12 G.F. Huseien et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020) 118636
(Yusuf et al., 2014). gels formation and increase in nano-silica amount. These changes
The main aim of this study was to replace GBFS by BGWNP to slowed down the rate of geopolymerization and affected the me-
enhance performance strength, durability and sustainability of chanical strength of AAMs negatively.
AAMs. As the BGWNP content increased from 0 to 5%, the 28 days’
strength enhanced from 56.2 to 65.5 MPa. However, the increase in 3.14. TGA and DTG curves
BGWNP content to 10, 15 and 20% allowed the strength to drop to
56.9, 46.4 and 42.1 MPa, respectively. Fig. 18 depicts such changes. Fig. 20a and b represent the respective TGA and DTG curves of
The band of SieOeAl in 0% BGWNP (989.5 cm 1) then shifted to AAMs containing 5 and 15% of BGWNP as GBFS replacement. The
985.3 and 987.9 cm1 for AAMs with 5 and 10% BGWNP, respec- TGA and DTG analyses were conducted to determine the weight
tively. The SieOeAl band frequency was decreased, indicting an loss percentage of AAMs. The AAMs specimens prepared with 5% of
enhancement in C(N)-A-S-H gel product. This led to high homog- BGWNP as GBFS replacement showed lower weight loss (10.47%)
enous structure of AAMs for 5 and 10% BGWNP content and compared to specimen contained 15% of BGWNP which showed
resulted higher silicate re-organization compared to 0% BGWNP more than 12.12% weight loss and revealed stable behavior.
specimens. With increase in BGWNP level from 15 to 20%, a lower Furthermore, the percentage of CeSeH gel in AAM containing 5%
compressive strength and increase in the band frequency reading BGWNP was higher than (9.63%) the one calculated with 15%
to 990.4 and 995.4 cm1, respectively were observed. The bending BGWNP (7.82%). The percentage of calcium hydroxide was also
modes of SieOeSi at 775.2 cm1 were shifted to 754.2 cm1 with calculated. It showed the highest percentage in specimens con-
increasing BGWNP level from 0 to 5%, respectively. This decrease in taining 15% BGWNP (5.73%) compared to 4.53% in AAMs containing
the SieOeSi bond frequency with BGWNP content increase indi- 5% BGWNP. The high stability of AAMs containing 5% BGWNP was
cated an increment in CeSeH gel product formation. The vibration attributed to the presence of high amount of CeSeH gel and low
frequency was decreased with increase in molecular molar mass of percentage of Ca (OH)2. This clearly suggests the benefit of BGWNP
the attached atoms. Thus, GBFS released soluble Ca thereby dis- in enhancing the microstructure properties and increasing the
placing the Si atoms from SieO bonds, hence reduction in the strength performance of proposed AAMs. Singh et al. (2015) also
vibrational frequency. The addition of BGWNP caused the incre- acknowledged that the hydration products lead to densification of
ment in SiO2/Al2O3 ratio and the vibrational frequency of SieOeSi bulk paste matrix and enhance the mechanical properties and
(Al) (Lee and Van Deventer, 2002). durability of mortars containing Nano powder. The existence of
It was reported that in Ca-based AAMs the condensation results calcium hydroxide and calcium silicate hydrate in AAMs were
from hydroxylation of gehlenite and akermanite phases to form calculated using Eq. (7) and Eq. (8) respectively:
cyclo Ca-ortho-sialate-disiloxo (C3AS3) and Ca-disiloxonate hydrate
(CeSeH), respectively (Davidovits, 2011). Another evidence of CeSeH gel (%) ¼ Total LOI e LOI CH e LOI CC (7a)
structural reorganization is the band shifting of AlO4 vibration from
873.6 cm1 to 872.1 and 874.8 cm1 in samples prepared with of 0, where LOI(CH) is the dehydration of calcium hydroxide in the
5 and 10% FA binder, respectively. Based on these values, increase in 400e550 C range, and LOI(CC) is the carbon dioxide loss in the
BGWNP content was found to cause structural changes in the 600e750 C range.
examined AAMs. Such alterations in AAMs network structures
could be attributed to the enhancement of CeSeH and C(N)-A-S-H CH (%) ¼ WL CH (%) ☓ [MW CH / MW H] (8a)
G.F. Huseien et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020) 118636 13
Fig. 18. EDX spectra and maps of AAMs containing BGWNP (a) 5% (b) 15%.
Fig. 22. GBFS to BGWNP ratio dependent CO2 emission from AAMs.
Fig. 20. TGA and DTG curves of prepared AAMs with BGWNP (a) 5%, and (b) 15%.
4. Conclusions
5. Replacement of GBFS by BGWNP can be regarded as activators on properties of GBFS geopolymer mortars containing fly ash and
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Acknowledgement Huseien, G.F., et al., 2018. Compressive strength and microstructure of assorted
wastes incorporated geopolymer mortars: effect of solution molarity. Alexan-
dria Eng. J. 57 (4), 3375e3386. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aej.2018.07.011.
This research was supported and funded by UTM’s Centre of Huseien, G.F., et al., 2018. Effect of metakaolin replaced granulated blast furnace
Excellence grant Q.J130000.2409.04G00. Authors would like to take slag on fresh and early strength properties of geopolymer mortar. Ain Shams
the opportunity to thank the grants provider, namely Universiti Eng. J. 9 (4), 1557e1566. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asej.2016.11.011.
Huseien, G.F., Ismail, M., Mirza, J., 2018. Influence of curing methods and sodium
Teknologi Malaysia and Ministry of Higher Education, staff from silicate content on compressive strength and microstructure of multi blend
Materials and Structure Laboratory, School of Civil Engineering, geopolymer mortars. Adv. Sci. Lett. 24 (6), 4218e4222. https://doi.org/10.1166/
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, the EM Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. and EMRO asl.2018.11575.
Huseien, G.F., Mirza, J., Ismail, M., 2018. Effects of high volume ceramic binders on
Japan for their support and cooperation in conducting this research. flexural strength of self-compacting geopolymer concrete. Adv. Sci. Lett. 24 (6),
4097e4101. https://doi.org/10.1166/asl.2018.11549.
Appendix A. Supplementary data Huseien, G.F., et al., 2018. Synergism between palm oil fuel ash and slag: production
of environmental-friendly alkali activated mortars with enhanced properties.
Constr. Build. Mater. 170, 235e244. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at 03.031.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118636. Huseien, G.F., et al., 2019. Evaluation of alkali-activated mortars containing high
volume waste ceramic powder and fly ash replacing GBFS. Constr. Build. Mater.
210, 78e92. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.03.194.
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