Food Insecurity
Food Insecurity
Food Insecurity
Food Insecurity
Student’s Name
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Course Details
Several problems affect millions of people across the world, one of them being food
insecurity. Food insecurity is when people lack food, a fundamental need to live a happy life.
The food shortage may not only be a reduction in the amount of food available but also the tiny
amount of food that can be available may at the same time, not nutritious. Farmers, the primary
producers of food, are the significant people who face the challenges that affect their produce,
leading to a food shortage. The research will, at a more substantial point, help understand food
insecurity in detail as well as how the theories of nationalism and citizenship affect food
insecurity. This research is essential in society because it will help in finding out what causes
food insecurity, its effects, and ways that can be used to mitigate it. It is essential to research
food insecurity because it is linked to several aspects of life in society, like social stability,
Food security has been a problem worldwide; the research will help understand the issue
in detail. Furthermore, it allows people to discover factors that facilitate food insecurity and its
effects on society, which will help find substantial ways to mitigate the problem.
Research Questions
As a way of carrying out resourceful research that will be rich in information regarding food
insecurity, several questions will help guide the research problem. These include;
i. What causes food insecurity that affects people across the world (Long et al., 2020)?
iii. What are the best solutions that can help curb the food insecurity problem?
iv. How can the critical people in society address the issue of food insecurity in unison
v. Since climate change is one of the significant causes, how can the stakeholders address
As a way of collecting data for this particular research, I will use both qualitative and
quantitative data collection methods. Majorly, I will make use of primary data collection
methods such as interviews and surveys. Furthermore, the research will employ literature
reviews as one of the best secondary sources. Participants in the study will be drawn from
different sections worldwide, primarily those affected by food insecurity alongside farmers, other
researchers, medical practitioners, and policymakers, among others. To make the study
comprehensive and quite understandable, there will be a need to involve various stakeholders
who will contribute different ideas on food insecurity (Espitia et al., 2022).
The theory of nationalism and citizenship, in specific ways, tends to affect food
insecurity across the world. The theory of nationalism, in its nature, calls for citizens to be loyal
and love their country. As a result, the leadership of a nation will always prioritize its people by
advocating for the production of domestic food and making the nation self-sufficient, thus
affecting those nations that have food shortages (Barlow et al., 2020). On the other hand,
citizenship theory calls for equality among citizens of a given nation in terms of rights and access
to basic needs; food is one of them. Because there are several international citizens within a
nation, citizenship theory will have an impact on food insecurity within any given nation.
Therefore, I will make use of these two approaches to carry out my research.
Expected Outcomes
While researching food insecurity, there are several things I am expecting to come up with,
following the research questions that will guide me throughout the research. They include;
i. Identifying significant factors that cause food insecurity, like unequal distribution of
resources, poverty, climate change, and conflicts between nations and communities
ii. Discussing the effects of food insecurity in society and precisely how food insecurity
affects various aspects of societal growth like economic growth, health, education, and
iii. Ways that governments, non-governmental organizations, and international bodies can
employ to mitigate food insecurity and provide long-lasting solutions Brander, Bernauer,
iv. Discussion of potential ways that can be used to intervene in the problem regardless of
the present causes, like climate change. These may include modern farming, policy
v. Carrying out a precise evaluation of the effects of climate change and other
environmental factors as significant causes of food insecurity and emphasizing the need
Barlow, P., Loopstra, R., Tarasuk, V., & Reeves, A. (2020). Liberal trade policy and food
Brander, M., Bernauer, T., & Huss, M. (2021). Improved on-farm storage reduces seasonal food
Espitia, A., Evenett, S., Rocha, N., & Ruta, M. (2022). Widespread food insecurity is not
inevitable: Avoid escalating food export curbs. Global Economic Consequences of the
Long, M. A., Gonçalves, L., Stretesky, P. B., & Defeyter, M. A. (2020). Food insecurity in
Wang, Y., Yuan, Z., & Tang, Y. (2021). Enhancing food security and environmental