Global Food Security: Jessica Fanzo
Global Food Security: Jessica Fanzo
Global Food Security: Jessica Fanzo
Ethical issues for human nutrition in the context of global food security
and sustainable development
Jessica Fanzo
The Berman Institute of Bioethics, The Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington DC 20036, United States
art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t
Article history: One of the great dilemmas of our time is how we will secure and provide plentiful, healthy and nutritious
Received 2 May 2015 food for all, do so in an environmentally sustainable and safe manner, while addressing the multiple
Received in revised form burdens of undernutrition, overweight and obesity and micronutrient deficiencies. The food security
15 November 2015
directive focuses predominantly on ensuring the world is producing and consuming enough calories in
Accepted 18 November 2015
bulk to reduce hunger and safeguard survival, as opposed to a goal that includes nutrition for well-being
and development. To advance the dialogue, it is necessary to consider the ethical questions that swirl
Keywords: around integrating nutrition into the food security paradigm. The health, environmental, economic, and
Nutrition societal costs will be substantial if we do not change our course of action when it comes to feeding the
world. Yet solving this problem is riddled with ethical and moral implications. Key ethical issues to
consider include how to make societal decisions and define values about food security that impact
Resource-intensive nutrition outcomes, and the ethical trade-offs between environmental sustainability and ensuring that
individual dietary and nutritional needs are met. Such complex issues underscore the need to articulate
the broader ethical landscape of the nutrition debate within global food security.
& 2015 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
2211-9124/& 2015 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
16 J. Fanzo / Global Food Security 7 (2015) 15–23
Fig. 1. Global prevalence of stunting in children under five years of age (UNICEF, 2013).
1.3. Delineating the ethical issues for human nutrition obligations and responsibilities of different actors to progres-
sively realize that right?
The nutrition aspects of the debate about feeding the world What moral obligations do states bear to fulfill the right to
well and sustainably are deeply rooted in ethics. This paper does nutritious food for their citizens, particularly the most
not focus on just one ethical issue in addressing nutrition in the vulnerable?
context of achieving food security and more broadly within the What are the ethical trade-offs between environmental sus-
sustainable development agenda. Instead, it provides a review of tainability and ensuring individuals’ dietary and nutritional
some of the pressing ethical concerns that shape policy, action and needs?
accountability in the nutrition field. The paper attempts to high- What ethical obligations, if any, do we have with respect to the
light disagreements about what values should be taken into ac- consumption of certain nutritious foods, such as resource-in-
count, what trade-offs between values are justifiable, and what tensive foods from animal sources?
strategies are ethically acceptable. While not intended to bring
about concrete answers to these issues, it is hoped that tangible Such issues do not have easy answers and, for that reason,
progress on ethical issues and disagreements is possible even in merit serious thought. Articulating the broader ethical landscape
the absence of consensus about agreed values. of the nutrition debate within global food security is a necessary
The ethical questions highlighted in this paper include: first step. Considerations relative to the assignment of obligations
and responsibilities to public and private actors involved in nu-
How do societal decisions, measures and values about food trition and global food systems are another important element in
security ensure inclusivity of nutrition?
the debate.
Is there a right to adequate nutrition, and if so, what are the
Fig. 2. Global prevalence of overweight and obesity among adult women (WHO, 2013).
J. Fanzo / Global Food Security 7 (2015) 15–23 17
2. Ethical issue 1: the ethical implication of traditional views gets to those who need it with a focus on meeting caloric needs,
of food security: nutrition inclusivity mainly through the agriculture sector. Because nutrition has often
been left out of that equation, addressing malnutrition remains a
Some would argue that food should be considered an ex- neglected, unaccounted part of the mandate. Lifting nutrition to a
ceptionalism in our society. Food is an essential aspect of human more central place within food security, as the original and re-
function, existence and experience and often, diverse and distinct iterations of the definition imply, would change how agencies and
social problems come together around food (Thompson, 2015). governments react and act to protect civilians and ensure that safe
The idea that “you are what you eat” has some truth to it: Our food and nutritious food is provided in an equitable way.
choices are often intertwined in our beliefs and values, our re- Yet, most research, funding and food security programs have
lationship to where the food comes from, and our larger connec- focused solely on ensuring the world produces and consumes
tion with an increasingly globalized world. enough calories in bulk by increasing staple crop yields to reduce
In order to understand the importance of food in the context of hunger and safeguard survival, neglecting the role of nutrition
improving nutrition outcomes, one can begin with the well-es- within that security framework. Examining food security through
tablished framework of food security. This section outlines three a caloric-sufficiency lens certainly would address hunger. Filling
ethical challenges that prohibit the inclusivity of nutrition within stomachs with food, to ensure that starvation subsides, is an im-
the food security directive. The first challenge is how the defini- portant goal. However, it serves more as a Band-Aid approach to
tion, although well intentioned to ensure all citizens have access to larger issues of health, development, equity and dignity. Providing
nutritious food, does not match the reality of what is researched, each individual with sufficient calories does not necessarily impact
funded and implemented within the food system. The second their overall nutritional status, but can have a substantive impact
challenge is that while the definition of food security is, in theory, on the many people who suffer from seasonal and chronic hunger.
inclusive of ensuring nutrition as part of its goal, it is not enough to To address nutrition more specifically, the quality of those calories
achieve nutrition outcomes because of the multi-faceted com- becomes important and different populations have distinct nutri-
plexity of nutrition. It takes more. The third challenge is the moral tional needs at key stages of their growth and development. There
significance and implications of how food security is measured is deep debate on which stages are most important to address,
which is limited from a nutritional perspective and provides an which vulnerable groups should be targeted and prioritized for
inaccurate picture. nutrition interventions, and which point in the “lifecycle” is most
effective in breaking the cycle of malnutrition. This is presented in
2.1. Lost in translation: there are definitions and then there is reality Section 4.
The 1996 World Food Summit (WFS) adopted the following 2.2. Improving nutrition outcomes requires more than food
definition: “Food security exists when all people at all times have
physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food While the WFS definition of food security includes nutrition
to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and language as an essential part of food security, food security itself is
healthy life” (FAO, 1996). Reformulations have attempted to ele- only one aspect of achieving optimal nutrition. Food security is
vate the importance of nutrition not only within the Right to Food necessary, but not sufficient for nutrition security (Jones et al.,
doctrine, but also in UN member state mandates. In 1995, the 2013). In order to have robust nutrition outcomes, food (in both
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) proposed the quality and quantity) is essential, but so are optimal healthcare,
following definition of nutrition security, in contrast to food se- improved hygiene and sanitation, and adequate childcare prac-
curity: “Nutrition security can be defined as adequate nutritional tices, to name a few.
status in terms of protein, energy, vitamins, and minerals for all As the modified food security nutrition definitions alluded,
household members at all times.” This definition suggested a nu- nutrition requires multiple disciplines and sectors to make de-
trients-based approach but did not address overall diets, or how monstrable impacts (World Bank, 2013). The UNICEF causal fra-
other sectors could contribute to improved nutrition. It was not mework for nutrition effectively demonstrates the importance of
until 2006 that a new definition proposed a more multi-sectoral sectors including agriculture and food, health, education, en-
approach to nutrition. The definition was: “Nutrition exists when vironment, water and sanitation, and women's empowerment
food security is combined with a sanitary environment, adequate (Fig. 3). However, implementing full-scale multi-sectoral re-
health services, and proper care and feeding practices to ensure a sponses that go beyond just food security is challenging. There are
healthy life for all household members” (World Bank, 2006). This rarely sufficient resources to mount all of the interventions needed
definition took a broader understanding that securing adequate to secure adequate nutrition for everyone. This often makes de-
nutrition requires multiple sectors (including agriculture, health, cisions over resource allocation morally challenging. This is further
education and environment). discussed in Section 3.
In 2012, FAO developed the following draft formulation for the Tackling the ethical issues these debates engage is complicated.
Committee on Food Security (CFS): “Nutrition security exists when While scientists widely agree on the general framework for nu-
all people at all times consume food of sufficient quantity and trition (Fig. 3), they frequently disagree about what are considered
quality in terms of variety, diversity, nutrient content and safety to the “right” interventions for reasons that are not always clear but
meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and that often rely on divergent empirical predictions. The argument is
healthy life, coupled with a sanitary environment, adequate often framed in terms of “doing the right thing,” even when it is
health, education and care” (FAO/AGN, 2012). The CFS member extremely difficult to discern what the right thing is through
states did not adopt this definition, and the food security defini- evidence-based decision making.
tion remains the same as the 1996 version, despite numerous at- Nutrition has implications with respect to a range of sectorial
tempts to ensure inclusivity of nutrition. approaches that need to be combined to reach the desired goal,
Although one could argue that a definition is only just that, a beyond food. By focusing only on food-related aspects of nutrition,
definition, its translation can have lasting impacts on how the goal and more so only on quantity of calories consumed, there are
of food security is pursued in policies and programs. Food-secur- limits to what improvements can be made on the nutritional
ity-mandated research and implementation agencies, as well as status of populations. This interpretation of food security raises an
governments, have primary responsibilities to ensure that food ethical problem as to how to approach and address nutrition
18 J. Fanzo / Global Food Security 7 (2015) 15–23
Fig. 3. The nutrition specific and sensitive interventions to address the causes of malnutrition (Lancet, 2013; UNICEF, 1990).
within the global food security context. the food indicators in use today do not measure access to adequate
nutritious food for all, and currently, there are no reliable global
2.3. Moral assumptions and implications in measuring food security estimates of what would fully capture the facets of food security.
Food security needs to be measured with indicators and targets
The criterion used to measure food security has generated that ensure action and accountability toward access to adequate
major criticism over the last decade with the persistent storyline nutritious food. Access to a range of diverse foods, reflected in
that aggregate increases in food supply and improved income are dietary quality, is core to ensuring adequate food for all. There is
the ways in which agriculture can and should contribute to nu- also a need for indicators and targets that take into account the
trition. However, the major lesson of the last 20 years is that environmental sustainability of the foods we produce and con-
stepped-up food production alone cannot reverse malnutrition sume—measures that are lacking in global food security calcula-
(Herforth and Tanimichi-Hoberg, 2014). The Food and Agriculture tions. While there are some indicators that have been recently
Organization (FAO) is the primary agency that tracks food in- established and proposed, there is no global consensus on what
security, using one central indicator referred to as prevalence of indicators to track.
undernourishment. Although there have been improvements on The extent to which people now and in the future experience
the indicator, it is defined as the percentage of the population nutritional deficiencies and food security relies on decisions about
whose food intake is insufficient to meet dietary energy require- food and agriculture policy made today by national governments
ments, taken from country food supply data. This indicator con- and international institutions. These policy decisions are fre-
siders only caloric intake and does not incorporate data on the quently premised on measured projections of the food supply. If
quality of food consumed (including intake of protein, vitamins these projections miss the mark, as does the undernourishment
and minerals) (Lappé et al., 2013), nor does it equate to overall indicator for nutrition, there is potential for harm and injustice.
food security. Given the importance of these measured projections and data to
Not only does this measure of food security neglect nutritional influence public policy and potentially people’s well being, mea-
aspects of undernourishment, it also fails to capture the WFS de- surements should be based on transparent, ethically defensible
finition of food security or the four pillars of food security: avail- assumptions and accompanied by other indices to provide a more
ability, access, utilization and stability. Shallow in its assessment of realistic, responsible picture.
food security, this indicator does not appropriately guide policy-
making and programming in addressing the determinants of food 3. Ethical issue 2: duties, institutions and accountability of
insecurity or malnutrition. Yet, it is anticipated that this measure nutrition
will be considered as a major indicator for the post-2015 Sus-
tainable Development Goals. Aside from the FAO indicator, most of As former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, co-Chair of the
J. Fanzo / Global Food Security 7 (2015) 15–23 19
Aspen Institute’s Food Security Strategy Group, recently wrote, “In current malnutrition (Fig. 3). These decisions are highly debated in
a world where one-third of all edible food never makes it to the the nutrition community, often leaving the community split into
mouths of the hungry, we all have an individual moral responsi- two major groups of practitioners that use different programmatic
bility to do our part.” This section presents ethical issues of duties, models to address malnutrition (Menon and Stoltzfus, 2012).
institutions and the appropriate assignment of accountability for In one camp, there is a focus on preventive interventions, in-
ensuring nutrition are achieved by all. cluding food system and agriculture approaches, women's em-
powerment, and behavior change communications interventions.
3.1. Everyone's business, nobody's responsibility: duties and The other camp focuses on curative interventions. This division
institutions puts excessive pressure on governments to determine where and
how they should act, and with whom they should align. In the
Because nutrition requires a multi-sectoral response, many absence of consensus among experts, governments may lack the
more institutions bear some responsibility to ensure that everyone epistemic basis they need to fulfill their moral obligations. This
is sufficiently nourished. These institutional stakeholders include debate arguably undermines the development of integrated efforts
governments, international and national corporations, the private due to the reinforced divergence in thinking and action by focus-
sector, civil society, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the ing on single topics or approaches, rather than providing a more
United Nations (UN), donors, farmer/producer organizations. Se- comprehensive view to addressing the manifestations of mal-
curing the rights and interests of individuals, as consumers and nutrition (Menon and Stoltzfus, 2012).
producers, is central to the mandates of these institutions.
The interconnections between national and international in-
stitutions that work on tackling malnutrition are complicated, 4. Ethical issue 3: the ethical implication of reaching the most
with many different players that count nutrition, food and hunger vulnerable
as part of their core directive. Yet, there is no clear leader or
governance structure at the national level to ensure that nutrition In the nutrition field, it is important to understand who is most
is equitably addressed (Levine and Kuczynski, 2009). The “nutri- vulnerable to malnutrition—in both its forms—undernutrition and
tion architecture” has traditionally been described as disorganized, overweight. It is also imperative to understand the drivers of
disjointed, and scattered (Levine and Kuczynski, 2009). Failing to vulnerability and the causes and consequences. Discriminatory
fit squarely within the food security mandate, nutrition has his- perceptions can lead to undervaluation of the contributions, needs
torically been viewed as everyone’s business but nobody’s or abilities of certain disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, which
responsibility. can have impacts on their food and nutrition security. The vul-
In the last five years, there has been a more substantive, unified nerabilities for nutrition overlap, but are also distinct to food in-
advocacy response to ensure nutrition is a development priority— security exposures. This section examines vulnerability through
momentum spurred in part by many international organizations two lenses: an undernutrition perspective and an obesogenic en-
and governments partnering to draw greater investments and at- vironment perspective.
tention to nutrition. International organizations are prioritizing
long-term investments towards nutrition programming and com- 4.1. The most vulnerable from an undernutrition perspective
plementing these with increased governance and management of
multi-sectoral nutrition policies (SUN, 2013). Nutrition has also Groups vulnerable to malnutrition typically include those with
become increasingly recognized at the highest political levels, increased nutrient requirements at specific points in the lifecycle,
with its inclusion in G8 meetings, and the UN Secretary General's in particular young children, adolescent girls, and pregnant and
Zero Hunger Call. The Copenhagen Consensus, in both 2008 and lactating women (Fig. 4). The nutritional needs of children under
2012, chose nutrition as one of the best-valued investments to two years of age are critical for growth, cognitive development and
improve overall development (Hoddinot et al., 2012). long-lasting productivity into adulthood (Adair et al., 2013). Most
The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) movement has spearheaded the growth faltering occurs between the ages of six and 24 months,
unified response. It unites people—from governments, civil society, when the child is no longer protected by exclusive breastfeeding,
the UN, donors, businesses and researchers—in a collective effort and is also more exposed to disease and infectious diseases
to improve nutrition. SUN has also been an important catalyst in through contaminated food and water. Some evidence suggests
garnering country-level attention to the global malnutrition that even when a child is adequately nourished after 24 months of
challenges by building national commitment to accelerate pro- age she is unlikely to recover growth “lost” in the first two years as
gress to reduce stunting and other forms of malnutrition, includ- a result of malnutrition (Victora et al., 2010). Some argue that
ing overweight. As of 2015, over 50 countries have joined SUN and nutrition interventions should prioritize these first 100 days of life
have committed to ending undernutrition in their respective (from conception to 24 months).
countries through evidence-based, financed interventions taken to Others argue that adolescence is the key stage to break the
scale (SUN, 2013). malnutrition cycle. During, adolescence, a period of rapid growth,
The collective and coordinated response of the international many important physical, intellectual, and psychological events
community during the past years, through multilateral mechan- take place. There is a sharp increase in the nutritional demand
isms as well as bilateral channels, is an implied acknowledgment rarely satisfied in the poor, who carry the cumulative burden of
that food and nutrition security represents a global public good past deprivation and lack of access to adequate nutrition and sa-
(Page, 2013). nitation. Well-nourished girls have earlier menarche and optimal
growth, particularly in height. Girls living in poverty take longer to
3.2. Allocation decisions and accountability grow and are usually still growing during their first pregnancy and
competing for nutrients with the developing fetus (Prentice et al.,
Often, allocation decisions are framed as a stark choice be- 2013).
tween a preventative approach (also called a nutrition-sensitive The current political momentum supports the first 1000 days
approach), which addresses the more underlying causes of mal- (from conception to 2 years of age), an approach shown to ensure
nutrition, and a treatment approach (also called a nutrition-spe- good child outcomes and decreased risk of non-communicable
cific approach), which addresses the more immediate causes of diseases into adulthood. This period is termed “the window of
20 J. Fanzo / Global Food Security 7 (2015) 15–23
opportunity” to make a difference in a child’s life; outside this conducive to physical activity. Policy initiatives may not always
window, some argue the opportunities to have an effect diminish reach these families, because they are often designed around the
greatly (Victora et al., 2010). Prentice and colleagues argue that life circumstances of those with higher socioeconomic status such
addressing the nutritional needs of adolescent girls is an “addi- as bicycle rental programs and green markets (Voigt et al., 2014).
tional window of opportunity” during which substantial life cycle Furthermore, an “ethos of personal responsibility pervades
and intergenerational effects can be accrued (Prentice et al., 2013). American legal, cultural and political life, reflecting the society’s
However, few “interventions” or programs exist that focus on girls. larger emphasis on individual autonomy” (Gostin, 2010) which is
This debate has become an ethical issue about the moral re- reflected in the ‘nanny state’ discourse surrounding policy ap-
levance of life span and intergenerational effects, which turn in proaches to target obesogenic environments. Many see obesity in
part on empirical disputes about the irreversibility of under- terms of individuals’ rational choices. However, the environment
nutrition early in life. If nutritional deficiencies are essentially ir- in which people live also plays a role (Gostin, 2010). Some argue
reversible after a certain time period, the opportunity to change that ultra-processed unhealthy foods, produced by transnational
the course of poor nutrition has closed for an entire generation. food corporations with powerful marketing strategies displace,
Missing this window can, in turn, significantly impact morbidity traditional food systems and dietary patterns—placing healthy
and mortality outcomes. Evidence also suggests that early nutri- choices at a disadvantage, and undermining public health efforts
tion affects key risk factors for chronic degenerative diseases of (Monteiro and Cannon, 2012). The food industry justifies food
middle and later life, such as osteoporosis and cardiovascular product development and advertising by claiming that they are
disease (Dwyer, 2006). Moreover, getting this debate wrong can providing a service to consumers and “giving them what they
have long lasting consequences. Once a priority decision is taken, want.” According to this view, it is up to the consumer to make the
it can take decades to steer action in another direction. This debate healthy or not so healthy choice (Moss, 2013).
has significant consequences for policymaking, donor funding, and Children require special protection from harm, and are parti-
programming. In this area, explicitly and carefully weighing re- cularly vulnerable from a dietary and nutritional status perspec-
levant ethical considerations is indispensable before a course of tive due to their limited ability to make genuine choices, their
action is chosen since the consequences of certain policies are susceptibility to influences such as food marketing, and their de-
pervasive and irreversible. velopmental need for adequate nutrition. Taken together, these
factors raise an ethical issue: How should governments intervene
4.2. Ethics of an obesogenic environment to promote and ensure healthy eating and physical activity within
an environment that promotes a “do no harm” approach for chil-
This obesogenic environment raises ethical considerations of dren (Harris and Graff, 2011; IOM, 2006)?
the roles of individuals, schools, the workplace, restaurants, su- Many would agree that the obesity crisis cannot be solved
permarkets, the food industry and government. Obesity has a without dramatic changes to the obesogenic marketing environ-
complex etiology: it is not caused by one factor in isolation, and ment that surrounds children (Harris et al., 2009). “Child ad-
therefore the most effective interventions will be multi-sectoral. vocates question the ethics of marketing practices targeted to
There is extensive literature demonstrating that the environment, children who cannot yet defend against their influence (Harris
particularly home, work and school, impact health-related beha- et al., 2009).” Resisting advertisements requires the ability to
vior and health outcomes (Macintyre et al., 2002; Mohan et al., weigh long-term health consequences of consumption against
2005) and that this environment is increasingly obesogenic (WHO, short-term rewards, an ability that is difficult for young children
2003). In middle- and high-income countries especially, dis- (Pechmann et al., 2005).
advantaged, vulnerable and poor families often find themselves in Whose job is it to ensure that children have a healthy life?
environments that are particularly obesogenic. They have less ac- Parents and caregivers, schools, communities, or the government?
cess to healthy foods – and these foods often tend to be more The private sector has substantive potential to contribute to im-
expensive – and jobs that do not allow for time to prepare healthy provements in nutrition, but efforts to realize this have, to date,
meals. They also tend to live in environments that are not been hindered by a paucity of credible evidence and trust
J. Fanzo / Global Food Security 7 (2015) 15–23 21
(Gillespie et al., 2013). Yach (2014) suggests that an open discourse It also remains unclear how to assess these diets within our global
and partnering is essential between public and private sectors if food system and achieve environmental sustainability in our
we are to tackle complex food and nutrition issues, and flatten or consumption patterns and dietary goals (Johnston et al., 2014).
reverse childhood obesity trends. However, trust built on an There are ethical considerations to be elucidated in different
ethical foundation is essential. models of “sustainable diets.” Part of the ethical analysis is as-
sessing the “feasibility” of these models taking into account cur-
rent population pressures, economic crises, and increasingly in-
5. Ethical issue 4: the intractable, equity debate on sustainable equitable food production, supply and demand. Ethical con-
diets siderations have concrete consequences, as can be witnessed in
the growing demand for “ethical traceability,” which is a consumer
5.1. Sustainable, healthy and accessible diets rather than producer concern (Reisch et al., 2013). In turn, the
demands of ethical traceability might translate into concrete
Changes in the types of food we eat are driving a new demand health and environmental consequences.
for certain types of food, grown and processed in particular ways
(Keats and Wiggins, 2014). While populations are increasing, so is 5.2. Achieving quality diets at the expense of sustainability
overall wealth in some countries, particularly India, China and At the heart of sustainable diets are animal-source foods. Ani-
Brazil. Diets are shifting more towards higher quality, nutrient- mal-source foods can provide a variety of micronutrients that are
dense products such as meat, dairy products, and oils—but also more difficult to obtain in adequate quantities from plant-source
towards more ultra-processed foods. The pressure to produce foods alone, especially vitamin A, vitamin B-12, riboflavin, calcium,
more food in an environmentally sustainable way, while uphold- iron and zinc (Dewey and Adu-Afarwuah, 2008). Negative health
ing safety and health standards, bumps up against consumer de- outcomes associated with inadequate intake of these nutrients
mands. At the same time, there are profound inequities both include anemia, poor growth, rickets, impaired cognitive perfor-
globally and within countries, with respect to access to, and af- mance, blindness, neuromuscular deficits and, eventually, death.
fordability of, nutritious foods. There is no ethically simple way to Although animal-source foods are important sources of essential
reconcile these competing demands that impact economies, trade nutrients, some sources high in saturated fats are also significant
and globalization, and ultimately nutrition (FAO, 2013). contributors to cardiovascular disease and colorectal cancer
Globally, we are recognizing that the health of human beings (Woodcock et al., 2007).
cannot be isolated from the health of ecosystems (Johnston et al., Most countries are shifting from plant-based diets to highly
2014). More debate has centered on how food insecurity and cli- refined foods, meats and dairy products, with the exception of a
mate variability impact diets, and how our consumption patterns few poor countries that cannot afford the leap (Popkin et al., 2012;
contribute to environmental degradation. The concept of “sus- Wilkinson et al., 2009). Americans account for just 4.5% of the
tainable diets” is one that promotes environmental and economic world’s population, but eat approximately 15% of the meat pro-
stability through low-impact and affordable foods, while improv- duced globally (Stokstad, 2010). On average, the US consumes
ing public health through adequate nutrition (Macdiarmid et al., 124 kg/capita/y compared to the global average of 38 kg/capita/y
2011). (Wilkinson et al., 2009). The countries that consume the least
Although the need to advance commitments towards sustain- meat are in Africa and South Asia, where the highest burden of
able diets as a central aspect to sustainable development is clear, undernutrition lies, with consumption in some countries as low as
gaps persist in our understanding of what constitutes a sustainable 8.5 kg/person/year in Ethiopia and 3 kg/person/year in Bangladesh
diet for different populations and contexts, and how to measure it. (FAO, 2014) (Fig. 5).
22 J. Fanzo / Global Food Security 7 (2015) 15–23
There are several ethical considerations at hand. First, pro- access to animal source foods (where the aim would be to increase
duction is attempting to keep up with current demand. However, meat consumption in certain situations) while ensuring we stay
this increased demand has serious ramifications for both climate within resilient planetary boundaries.
change and human health (World Bank, 2010). Production of foods
from animal sources is resource-intensive, and is the major con-
tributor to greenhouse gas emissions from the agricultural sector 6. Conclusion
(Walker et al., 2005). Overconsumption and escalating demand for
livestock has created ethical conflicts over ensuring animal welfare This paper presents, but does not exhaust some of the ethical
and limiting drains on the environment (Stokstad, 2010). One- issues that the nutritional field is challenged with now and over
third of global cereal crop production is fed to animals (Godfray the next decade. Interestingly, there has been little written, at least
et al., 2010), while we know that the world still faces serious explicitly, about the ethics of what we eat and the values we want
famines and seasonal hunger periods. This in itself presents an to uphold for a healthier, sustainable, global food system.
ethical dilemma: feed people to stave off hunger, or feed animals Nutrition has often been forgotten in the food security man-
to keep up with the luxury diets of the middle-class. date. Most of the dialogue and focus of the conversation has been
Second, if these high-value foods are accepted as critically on aspects of the unjust way our food is produced. There has been
important for human health, their distribution and access is cur- less dialogue on the inequities in access to high quality, nutritious
rently not equitable—an imbalance that needs to be addressed. foods and in food choices. This leaves the public confused about
Many agencies and governments have ongoing programs and in- what ethical individual choices they should make, who to trust,
vestments that attempt to improve value chains for animal-source and what roles government ought to play in solving the issues.
foods in low-income settings, including milk production and goat Without more thoughtful debate and proposed paths around the
farming. There are also low-resource alternative sources that ethics of nutrition and how it fits into our globalized food system,
should be considered in filling nutrient gaps for all countries. inequities will persist. Outlining some of these issues could sti-
These sources of foods make significant contributions to nutrition, mulate productive discussions and potentially solutions for the
while leaving a smaller footprint for the planet. Farmed fish, future.
mollusks, insects and protein-rich plant foods can serve as im- Gillespie et al. (2013) noted that often, nutrition is considered
portant and alternative sources of nutrient-rich foods (including apolitical, which results in self-defeating, poor accountability to
protein, fatty acids, zinc, iron, B12, Vitamin D), as compared to citizens. Commitment and leadership for nutrition at all levels is
muscle and organ meats from livestock (FAO/WUR, 2013). needed to realize improvements in nutrition (Gillespie et al., 2013;
Third, the issue is not only an environmental, agricultural or Acosta and Fanzo, 2012). Overcoming entrenched poverty and
nutritional argument. Eating animals is also a matter of animal underdevelopment requires resources. If the basic causes of poor
welfare, consumer preferences, taste, and social standing. Popkin nutrition are to be addressed, greater and more effectively tar-
noted: “We have created societies in the West that value and geted resources as well as better collaboration are needed within
consume meat, dairy, poultry, fish and seafood. Over generations, a governments and in national and international partnerships.
particular way of life has been promoted and this has shifted ex- Without strong values and ethical standards that set nutrition as a
pectations about diet to include large amounts of animal sourced high priority for the improved development of citizens and their
foods. The developing world wants to eat the same way and is countries, progress in achieving global food security will remain
rapidly increasing its demand for meat and other animal products” stagnant.
(Popkin, 2011). If eating “higher status” animal-source foods is not
essential or even important to good nutrition, does it matter
ethically that people have inequitable access to foods that give Acknowledgments
them pleasure and social status? While low-resource, alternative
sources of protein, such as insects, are promoted within commu- The author would like to thank Yashar Saghai, Per Pinstrup-
nities, they are often stigmatized and shunned in some settings Andersen, Shauna Downs and Ruth Faden for their careful review
and societies. and suggestions for improvement of the manuscript.
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