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State Bank of India: Dear Sir/Madam

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STATE BANK OF INDIA Speclal Term Doposit Advice

SBI JANGPURA(01274) (In fleu of Speclal Term Deponit R aco lp t

Date: 17/05/2023…

Dear Sir/Madam
We have pleasure in confirming your deposit held with us,the details of which are as shown
Your FD account number is 40183822922 .Please quote this in all correspondences.
Thank you for banking with SBl:

A. Custome r Name- Yash Mohan

Mode of Operation Scheme
CIF Number
80664009455 SINGLE TDR PUB IND UNI-91-179 D-INR

Frequency of Interest Payment Credit Interest & Maturity Proceeds to (Nc)

Maturity Instruction
At Maturity 10825197494
Auto Renewal
Nominee(s),if any
Registered GEETA RANI

Valuo Date Maturlty Dato Maturlty Value

Tanure Interest Rate Princlpal Amt.

03.90 % INR 150000 17/05/2023 17/08/2023 INR 151463

4018382 2922 0 Year(s),
3 Month(s),
0 Days(s)

E*a0 TW B

B. Terms & Co nditions fo r TDR/STDR

when such chango takes place. Tho tatu s doctaralon on the
i . Poaso hferm us df any ctango tn your RasdanlN on Ro stent statu as and
is adwised to us.
accountoponing fo r shall remain I force until such time as a change
rates docdad by the bank
2 n cao of piamadure payment he depoat epiesontsd by this aM e shal be subhedto ponaly pros ons at the
from time to tm e
be submite d by he depositor
3.Bank w l doduet ncome Tax as par the law applcable and in case no tax is to be deducted,Fomm 15GH has to
Years.The facllty for ontine
io the branch just ater opering the FD and at the beglnning of he Financlal Year in the subsequant Financlal
submision ofFom 15G/His also avalablein theINB plattorm (onlhesti com) of the bahk
cf customor is
4.FD wthgddttonal ate of intorestforsonior cizan s wil be issued Hoplon for Senior Cllzen 's gwen by tho customer and ago
mihlmum am ount
60 Yrs ot stove,on the date df creattng the fived depost, as per date of birth recorded with the Bank.The mihlnum days and
applicabe for additonalrate of interost for senlor cllizen wll bo as per Banks pollcy
5. FD wil be disposed of according to the Maturtty Instructlon glven at the time of opening the depos t. n case of auto renewal the deposit w l l
be renewed for the same duration for which it was orgnally kept,at the rate of interest prevalling on the date of renewa for that duration. Ifau to
renewal instruction are given, the instructions wil continue to be executed till terminated by the account holder.
6.A s per section 206AAIntroduicedby Finance (No.2)Act,2009 efectlve Apri 01,2010,every person who recleves Income on whlch TDSis
decu ctle shal fumish h s PAN,faling which TDS sha l bo docuctod at the mto o1 20% in case of Domostio doposlts and 30.90%in
caso ot
NRO doposits

7.Additionally in the absence of PAN, Form 15G/H and other exempbon

cer tficates will be invalid even if submitted8 penal TDS w il bo
P n a y wt your S ranch t h your PAN card (ongnal e copy) to gut
the samo updutod on the bank records

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