2023 - CHN - Topic 4

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The Family

Nursing Process
• The practice of nursing directed towards
maximizing the health and well-being of all
individuals within a family system

• Family Health Nursing

• is a special field in nursing in which the family is
the unit of care, health as its goal and nursing as
its medium or channel of care.

• Family Nursing Care

• Focused on the individual family member within
the context of the family or the family unit.
Family Nursing Process
• a means by which the health care
provider addresses the health
needs and problems of the client.
• a logical and systematic, way of
processing information gathered
from different source and
translating into meaningful actions
or interventions
• Assessment
• Diagnosis
• Planning
• Implementation
• Evaluation
• This involves a set of actions by
which the status of a family as
client, its ability to maintain itself
as a system and functioning unit,
and its ability to maintain wellness,
prevent, control, or resolve
problems in order to achieve health
and well-being among its members
are measured.
There are three major steps in nursing
assessment as applied to family nursing
• use of all sensory capacities.
• The family’s status can be inferred from the manifestations of
problem areas reflected in the following:
1. communication & interaction pattern expected, used & tolerated by
family members
2. role perceptions/ tasks assumptions by each member including
decision-making patterns
3. conditions in the home & environment

• done through inspection, palpation, percussion
&auscultation, measurement of specific body parts and
reviewing the body systems.
• done by completing health history for each member.
Health history determines current health status.
• review existing records & reports pertinent to the
client/ family (individual clinical records of the family
members; laboratory and diagnostic reports;
immunization records; reports about the home and
environmental conditions)
• performing laboratory tests, diagnostic procedures
or other tests of integrity and functions carried out
by the nurse herself and/or other health workers
5 Types of Data in Family Nursing Assessment
1. Family structure, characteristics and
2. Socio-economic and cultural characteristics
3. Home and environment
4. Health status of each member
5. Values and practices on health
promotion/maintenance and disease prevention
1. Family Structure, Characteristics and Dynamics
a. Members of the household and relationship to the head of the
b. Demographic data - age, sex, civil status, position in the family
c. Place of residence of each member - whether living with the
family or elsewhere.
d. Type of family structure - e.g. matriarchal or patriarchal,
nuclear or extended
e. Dominant family members in terms of decision-making,
especially in matters of healthcare.
f. General family relationship / dynamics - presence of any
obvious / readily observable conflict between members;
characteristic, communication / interaction pattern among
2. Socio-economic and Cultural Characteristics
a. Income and expenses
• Occupation, place of work and income of each working
• Adequacy to meet basic necessities (food, clothing, shelter)
• Who makes decisions about money and how it is spent
b. Educational attainment of each member
c. Ethnic background and religious affiliation
d. Significant Others - role(s) they play in family's life
e. Relationship of the family to larger community -
Nature and extent of participation of the family in
community activities
3. Home and Environment
a. Housing
• Adequacy of living space
• Sleeping arrangement
• Presence of breeding or resting sites of vectors of
disease (e.g. mosquitoes, roaches, flies, rodents,
• Presence of accident hazards
• Food storage and cooking facilities
• Water supply - source, ownership, sanitary
• Garbage/ refuse disposal - type, sanitary condition.
• Drainage system - type, sanitary condition
3. Home and Environment
b. Kind of neighborhood, e.g. congested, slum
c. Social and health facilities available
d. Communication and transportation facilities available
4. Health Status of each Family Member
a. Medical and nursing history indicating current or past
significant illnesses or beliefs and practices conducive to
health and illness.
b. Nutritional assessment (specially for vulnerable or risk at-
risk members)
• Anthropometric data: Measures of nutritional status of children-
weight, heightmap-upper arm circumference.
• Dietary history specifying quality and quantity of food/ nutrient intake
per day
• Eating/feeding habits /practices
c. Developmental assessment of infants, toddlers, and
preschoolers - e.g., Metro Manila Developmental Screening
Test (MMDST)
4. Health Status of each Family Member (cont.)
d. Risk factor assessment indicating presence of major and
contributing modifiable risk factors for - e.g. hypertension¸
physical inactivity, sedentary lifestyle, cigarette/ tobacco
smoking, elevated blood lipids/ cholesterol, obesity,
diabetes mellitus, inadequate fiber intake, stress, alcohol
drinking and other substance abuse.
e. Physical assessment indicating presence of illness state/s
(diagnosed or undiagnosed by medical practitioners.
f. Results of laboratory / diagnostic and other
screening procedures supportive of assessment
5. Values, Habits, Practices on Health Promotion, Maintenance
and Disease Prevention
a. Immunization status of family members.
b. Healthy lifestyle practices.
c. Adequacy of:
• rest and sleep
• exercise / activities
• Use of protective measures - e.g. adequate footwear in
parasite- infested areas; use of bed nets and protective
clothing in malaria and filariasis endemic areas.
• Use of relaxation and other stress management activities

d. Use of promotive-preventive health services.

Types of Toilet

Antipolo Over hung Latrine

Water Sealed Flush type

Pail System Open Pit Privy

Typology of
Nursing Problems in
Family Nursing Practice
First Level Assessment
• process whereby existing potential health
conditions/problems of the family are determined
I. Presence of Wellness Condition
• states as potential or readiness – a clinical or nursing
judgement about a client in transition from a
specific level of wellness or capability to a higher level
II. Presence of Health Deficits
• Instances of failure in health maintenance.
1. Illness States, regardless of whether it is diagnosed or
undiagnosed by medical practitioner
2. Failure to thrive/ develop according to normal rate
3. Disability - whether (1) congenital or (2) arising from illness
III. Presence of Health Threats
• Conditions that are conducive or promote disease, accident, injury or
failure that prevent people to realize their health potential.
1. Family history of hereditary condition / disease
2. Threat of cross infection from a communicable disease case
3. Family size beyond what family resources can adequately
4. Accident hazards.
a. broken stairs
b. pointed /sharp objects, poisons, & medicines improperly kept
c. fire hazards
d. fall hazards
e. others (specify): _______
5. Faulty / unhealthy nutritional / eating habits or feeding techniques /
a. inadequate food intake both in quality and quantity
b. excessive intake of certain nutrients
c. faulty eating habits
d. ineffective breastfeeding
e. faulty feeding techniques
6. Stress-provoking factors
a. strained marital relationship
b. strained parent-sibling relationship
c. interpersonal conflicts between family members
d. care-giving burden
7. Poor home / environmental condition/ sanitation
a. inadequate living space
b. lack of food storage facilities
c. polluted water supply
d. presence of breeding or resting sites of vectors of
e. improper garbage / refuse disposal
f. unsanitary waste disposal
g. poor lightning and ventilation
h. noise pollution
i. air pollution
8. Unsanitary food handling and preparation
9. Unhealthy lifestyle and personal habits /practices
a. alcohol drinking h. engaging in dangerous sports
b. cigarette / tobacco smoking i. inadequate rest or sleep
c. walking barefooted or inadequate j. lack of / inadequate exercise /
footwear physical activity
d. eating raw meat or fish k. lack of / inadequate activities
e. poor personal hygiene l. non-use of self-protection
f. self-medication/ substance abuse measures (e.g. non-use of bed nets
g. sexual promiscuity in Malaria and Filariasis endemic
10. Inherent personal characteristics - such as poor impulses
11. Health history which may precipitate / induce the occurrence
of a health deficit, e.g. Previous history of difficult labor
12. Inappropriate role assumption - e.g. child assuming
mother's role, father not assuming his role
13. Lack of immunization / inadequate immunization status
specially of children
14. Family disunity - e.g. self-oriented behavior of members (s),
unresolved conflicts of members(s), intolerable disagreement
15. Others, specify: ____________
IV. Presence of Stress Points / Foreseeable Crisis
• Anticipated periods of unusual demand on the individual or family in terms of
adjustment / family resources.
a. Marriage h. Divorce or separation.
b. Pregnancy, labor, puerperium i. Menopause.
c. Parenthood. j. Loss of Job.
d. Additional member - e.g. newborn, k. Hospitalization of a family member.
lodger. l. Death of a Member.
e. Abortion. m. Resettlement in a new community.
f. Entrance at school. n. Illegitimacy.
g. Adolescence. o. Other, Specify ______________
Second Level Assessment
• defines the nature or type of nursing problems that the family
encounters in performing health
I. Inability to recognize the presence of the condition or
problem due to:
1. Lack of or inadequate knowledge
2. Denial about its existence or severity as a result of fear of
consequences of diagnosis of problem, specifically
a. social-stigma, loss of respect of peers / significant others
b. economic / cost implications
c. physical consequences
d. emotional / psychological issues / concern
3. Attitude / philosophy in life which hinders recognition /
acceptance of a problem
4. Others, specify ____________
II. Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health
action due to
1. Failure to comprehend the nature/ magnitude of the problem /
2. Low salience of the problem / condition
3. Feeling of confusion, helplessness and / or resignation
brought by perceived magnitudes / severity of the situation or
problem, i.e., failure to break down problems into manageable
units of attacks
4. Lack of / or inadequate knowledge / insight as to alternative courses
of action to take
5. Inability to decide which action to take among the list of alternatives
6. Conflicting opinions among family members / significant others
regarding action to take
II. Inability to make decisions with respect to taking
appropriate health action due to (cont.)
7. Lack of / or inadequate knowledge of community resources for
8. Fear of consequence of action, specially:
• social consequences
• economic consequences
• physical / psychological consequences
9. Negative attitude towards the health problem
10. Inaccessibility of appropriate resources for care, specifically:
• physical inaccessibility
• cost constraints or economic / financial inaccessibility
11. Lack of trust / confidence in the health personnel / agency
12. Others, specify______________
III. Inability to provide adequate nursing care to sick, disabled, dependent or
vulnerable / at-risk member of the family due to:
1. Lack of / inadequate knowledge about the disease / health condition
(nature, severity, complications, prognosis and management);
2. Lack of / inadequate knowledge about the child development and
care; Lack of / inadequate knowledge of the nature and extent of nursing
care needed;
3. Lack of the necessary facilities, equipment and supplies for care;
4. Lack of or inadequate knowledge and skill in carrying out the
necessary interventions / treatment / procedure / care (e.g., complex
therapeutic regimen or healthy lifestyle program)
5. Inadequate family resources for care, specifically:
• Absence of responsible member
• Financial constraints
• Limitations / lack of physical resources – e.g. isolation room
III. Inability to provide adequate nursing care to sick, disabled, dependent or vulnerable / at-risk member of the family
due to:(cont.)
6. Significant person’s unexpressed feelings (e.g. hostility / anger, guilt, fear /anxiety, despair, rejection) which
disable his / her capacities to provide care.
7. Philosophy in life which negates / hinder caring the sick, disabled, dependent, vulnerable / At – risk member
8. Member’s preoccupation with own concerns / interests
9. Prolonged disease or disability progression which exhausts supportive capacity of family members
10. Altered role performance – specify:
a. role denial or ambivalence
b. role strain
c. role dissatisfaction
d. role conflict
e. role confusion
f. role overload
g. Others, specify ________________
IV. Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health
maintenance and personal development due to:
1. Inadequate family resources, specifically:
a. financial constraints / limited financial resources
b.limited physical resources – e.g. lack of space to construct
2. Failure to see benefits (specifically long-term ones) of
investment in home environment improvement
3. Lack of / inadequate knowledge of importance of hygiene and
4. Lack of / inadequate knowledge of preventive measures
5. Lack of skill in carrying out measures to improve home
IV. Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health
maintenance and personal development due to: (cont.)
6. Ineffective communication patterns within the family
7. Lack of supportive relationship among family members
8. Negative attitude / philosophy in life which is not
conducive to health maintenance and personal development
9. Lack of / inadequate competencies in relating to each other for
mutual growth and maturation (e.g. reduced ability to meet
the physical and psychological needs of other members as a
result of family’s preoccupation with current problem or
10. Others, specify -------------------------
V. Failure to utilize community resources for health care due to
1. Lack of / inadequate knowledge of community resources for
health care
2. Failure to perceive the benefits of health care / services
3. Lack of trust / confidence in the agency / personnel
4. Previous unpleasant experience with health worker
5. Fear of consequences of action (preventive,
diagnostic, therapeutic. Rehabilitative), specifically:
a. physical / psychological consequences
b. financial consequences
c. social consequences – e.g., loss of esteem of peer / significant
V. Failure to utilize community resources for health care due to: (cont.)
6. Unavailability of required care / service
7. Inaccessibility of required care / service due to:
a. cost constraints
b. physical inaccessibility, i.e. location of facility
8. Lack of or inadequate family resources, specifically;
a. manpower resources – e.g. baby sitter
b. financial resources – e.g., cost of medicine prescribed
9. Feeling of alienation to / lack of support from the community, e.g., stigma due to mental
illness, AIDS, etc.
10. Negative attitude / philosophy in life which hinders effective / maximum utilization of
community resources for health care
11. Others, specify---------------
❖The step in the process which answers the
following questions:
• What is to be done?
• How is it to be done?
• When it is to be done?

❖the phase wherein the health care provider

formulates a care plan
Concepts of Planning
1. Planning is futuristic.
2. Planning is change-oriented.
3. Planning is continuous and dynamic
4. Planning is flexible.
5. Planning is a systematic process.
Family Nursing Care Plan
• Set of actions the nurse decides to
implement to be able to resolve identified
family health and nursing problems.
• blueprint of care that the nurse designs to
systematically minimize or eliminate the
identified family health problem through
explicitly formulated outcomes of care (goal
and objectives) and deliberately chosen set
of interventions/resources and evaluation
criteria, standards, methods and tools
Characteristics of Family Nursing Care Plan
1. focuses on actions designed to solve or alleviate & existing
2. a product of deliberate systematic process.
3. relates to the future
4. revolves around identified health problems.
5. a mean to an end and not an end to itself
6. a continuous process, not one shot deal.
Desirable Qualities of Family Nursing Care Plan
1. Based on clear, explicit definition of the
problem. Should be based on a comprehensive
analysis of the problem situation.
2. It is realistic.
3. It is prepared jointly with the family. The nurse
involves the family in determining health needs
and problems, in establishing priorities, in
selecting appropriate courses of action,
implementing them and evaluating outcomes.
4. It is most useful in written form.
Importance of Planning Care
1. They individualize care to clients.
2. Helps in setting priorities by providing information about
the client as well as the nature of his/her problems.
3. Promotes systematic communication among those
involved in the healthcare effort.
4. Continuity of care is facilitated through the use of a
nursing care plan. Gaps and duplications in the services
provided are minimized, if not totally eliminated.
5. Facilitates the coordination of care by making known to
other members of the health team what the nurse is
Steps in developing a Family Nursing Care Plan
1. Prioritized problems
2. Goals and objectives of the nursing care
3. Plan of intervention
4. Plan for evaluating care
Four Criteria for Determining Priorities among
Health Condition/s or Problems
1. Nature of the Condition or Problem Presented
▪ Categorized into wellness state, health threat, health deficit and foreseeable crisis.
2. Modifiability of the Problem/Condition
▪ Refers to the probability of success in enhancing the wellness state, improving the
condition, minimizing, alleviating or totally eradicating the problem through intervention
3. Preventive Potentials
▪ Refers to the nature and magnitude of future problems that can be minimized or totally
prevented if intervention is done on the problem under consideration.
4. Salience
▪ Refers to the family's perception and evaluation of the problem in terms of seriousness
and urgency of attention needed or family readiness.
1. Wellness State/s – wellness state or condition based on client’s
performance, current competencies or clinical data.
2. Health Threats – conditions that promote disease or injury and
prevent people from realizing their health potential, e.g., living in
a congested area with persons identified to be suffering from
3. Health Deficits – occur when there is a gap between actual and
achievable health status. Exploration and evaluation of possible
precursors of health deficits such as history of repeated
infections or miscarriages are noted, e.g., a pregnant woman with
no regular check-up.
4. Foreseeable Crisis Situation/Stress Points – include stressful
occurrences such as death or illness of a family member or
arrival of an additional member of a family (e.g., new baby)
▪ Decide a score for each of the criteria
▪ Divide the score by the highest possible & multiply by the weight:
Score x weight
Highest score
▪ Sum up the score of all criteria. The highest score is 5 equivalent to the total

❖The nurse considers as priority those conditions and problems with total scores
nearer five (5). Thus, the higher the score of a given condition or problem the more
likely it is taken as a priority. With the available scores, the nurse then ranks health
conditions and problems accordingly.
Factors in Deciding Appropriate Score for
Preventive Potential
1. Gravity or severity of the problem - Refers to the progress of the
disease/ problem indicating extent of damage on the patient /
family. Also indicates the prognosis, reversibility of the problem
2. Duration of the problem - refers to the length of time the problem
has been existing
3. Current Management - refers to the presence and appropriateness
of intervention
4. Exposure of any high risk group
2/2 x 1
Establishing Goals and Objectives
• a desired observable family response to planned
interventions in response to a mutually identified family
• It is the end that the nurse and family aim to achieve
• It is a general plan

*The likelihood of attainment of a goal is higher if the

family “owns” the goal and if it is achievable within the
existing family situation.
Establishing Goals and Objectives
▪ Refers to a more specific statement of desired
outcome of care.
▪ Specify the criteria by which the degree of
effectiveness of care is to be measured.
▪ Define the desired step by step family responses
as they work toward a goal
▪ Used to measure family achievement for
monitoring and evaluation
Establishing Goals and Objectives
Workable and well stated objectives should be:
Specific – clearly articulates who is expected to do
Measurable – observable, measurable and quantifiable
Attainable – realistic and in conformity with available
Relevant – appropriateness for the family’s need
Time Bounded – target time or date on the attainment
of objectives
Types of Objective
1. Short term or Immediate Objective
• Formulated for problem situation w/c require immediate
attention & results can be observed in a relatively short
period of time.
• They are accomplished w/ few Health Care Provider (HCP)
-family contacts & relatively less resources.
2. Medium or Intermediate objective
• Objectives w/c is not immediately achieved & is required
to attain the long ones.
3. Long Term or Ultimate Objective
• This requires several HCP-family contacts & an
investment of more resources
Selecting Appropriate Family Interventions
Categories of Interventions
• Actions wherein the nurse performs in behalf of the family
• (Example: direct nursing care to the sick)
• Actions that remove barriers to appropriate health actions
• (Example: assisting the family to avail of maternal and child care services)
• Actions to improve capacity of the family to provide for its own health needs
• (Example: guiding the family to make responsible health decisions)
Interventions may be a mix of 2 or 3 of the categories with the nurse making sure that they
are appropriate to the family situation.
Implementing Family Care Plan
• The step when the family and/or nurse
execute the plan of action
• determined by mutually agreed upon
goals and objectives and the selected
courses of action
Implementing Family Care Plan
1. Family related like apathy, indecision
2. Nurse related like nurse’s behavior such as
imposing ideas, negative labeling,
overlooking family strengths, and neglecting
cultural and gender implications of family
• Determining the value of nursing care
that has been given to a family
• The product of this step is used for
further decision making, to terminate,
continue or modify the interventions
• Well formulated goals and objectives
in the nursing care plan serve as the
framework for evaluation
1. Formative Evaluation
• judgment made about effectiveness of nursing
• ongoing and continuing
• results guide the nurse and family in updating plans

2. Summative Evaluation
• determining the end results of family nursing care and
usually involves measuring outcomes or the degree to
which goals have been achieved
Sample Family Nursing Care Plan
Family Coping Index
Family Coping Index
• tool used to assess the coping ability of the family for certain health
• provide a basis for estimating the nursing needs of a particular family
A health care need is present when:
1. The family has a health problem with which they are unable to cope
2. There is a reasonable likelihood that nursing will make a
difference in the family’s ability to cope
• dealing with problems associated with health care with reasonable
Coping Deficit
• when the family is unable to cope with one or another aspect of health
Family Coping Index
• dealing with problems associated with health care with reasonable
Coping Deficit
• when the family is unable to cope with one or another aspect of health
To Cope
• ability or capacity to deal with health situation; the control with the health
competence of the family
Direction for Scaling:
1. A point on the scale. The scale enables you to place the
family in relation to their ability to cope with the 9 areas of family
nursing at the time observed and as you would expect it to be in 3
months or at the time of discharge, if nursing care was provided.
❖Coping capacity is rated from
1 - totally unable to manage this aspect of family care
5 - able to handle this aspect of care without help from
community sources
Direction for Scaling:
Scaling Cues ((limited to 3 points)
Scale 1—poor or low competence
3—moderate competence
5—high competence (complete)
When each of 9 categories has been rated, the result will be a
profile of family coping capacity in relation to the family nursing
required and by the changes you expect to occur in the course of
nursing service.
Direction for Scaling:
A justification statement
❖consists of brief statement or phrases that explain why you have rated
the family as you have
❖expressed in terms of behavior or observable facts rather than in
General Considerations
❖It is the coping capacity and not the underlying problem that
is being rated.
❖It is the family and not the individual that is being rated.
❖Rating should be done after 2-3 home visits when the nurse is
more acquainted with the family
❖Justifications should be expressed in terms of behavior or
observable facts.
❖Terminal rating is done at the end of the given period of time.
This enables the nurse to see the progress the family has
made in their competence; whether the prognosis was
reasonable; and whether the family needs further nursing
service and where emphasis should be placed
The scale is as follows:

0-2 or no competence
3-5 coping in some fashion but poorly
6-8 moderately competent
9 fairly competent
Areas to be Assessed
1. Physical Independence
• Refers to the family member’s mobility and
ability to perform activities of daily living,
such as to move about to get out of bed,
walking, feeding themselves, perform
personal hygiene, walking and other things
which involves daily activities
Areas to be Assessed
2. Therapeutic competence
• Family’s ability to comply with prescribed
or recommended procedures and
treatments to be done home, which
include medications, dietary
recommendations, exercises, application
of wound dressings, use of prosthetic
devices and other adaptive appliances
such as wheelchairs and walkers
• includes all the procedures or treatment
prescribed for the care of ill, such as
giving medications, dressings, exercise
and relaxation, and special diets
Areas to be Assessed
3. Knowledge of health condition
• Understanding of the health condition or
essentials of care according to the
developmental stages of the family
• Examples are the degree of knowledge of
responsible family members in terms of
communicability of a disease and its
modes of transmission or that a disease is
genetically transmitted as in the case of
diabetes mellitus
Areas to be Assessed
4. Application of the principles of general
• Includes practice of general health promotion and
recommended preventive measures
• concerned with the family action in relation to
maintaining family nutrition, securing adequate
rest and relaxation for family members, carrying
out accepted preventive measures, such as
immunization, medical appraisal safe homemaking
habits in relation to storing and preparing foods
Areas to be Assessed
5. Health attitudes
• Refer to the family’s perception of health care
in general. This is observed in the family’s
degree of responsiveness to promotive,
preventive and curative efforts of health
• concerned with the way the family feels about
health care in general, including preventive
services, care of illness and public health
Areas to be Assessed
6. Emotional competence
• concerned with the degree of emotional maturity of
family members according to their developmental
• maybe observed in behaviors such as how the family
members deal with daily challenges, their ability to
sacrifice and think of others and acceptance of
• Maturity and integrity with which the members of the
family are able to meet the usual stresses and
problems of life, and to plan for happy and fruitful
Areas to be Assessed
7. Family living patterns
• Refer to interpersonal relationships among
family members, management of family
finances and the type of discipline in the
• concerned largely with the interpersonal
or group aspects of family life- how well
the members of the family get along with
one another, the ways in which they take
decisions affecting the family as a whole
Areas to be Assessed

8. Physical environment
• Includes home, school, work and
community environment that
may influence and affect the
health of family members
Areas to be Assessed
9. Use of community facilities
• The ability of the family to seek and utilize
as needed both government-run and
private health, education and other
community services
• generally keeps appointments; follows
through referrals; tells others about Health
Department services
Family Coping Index is measured with the following scores:

1- no competence 3 - moderate competence 5 - complete competence

AREA 1 2 3
1. Physical Independence Family failing entirely to Family providing partially for All family members, whether
provide required care to one needs of its members, or or not there is disability in
❖ ability to move about, get or more of its member. providing care for some one or more of its members,
out of bed to take care of members but not for others. are receiving the necessary
daily grooming, walking, care to maintain cleanliness,
etc. including skin care

2. Therapeutic Independence Family either not carrying out Family carrying some but not Family able to demonstrate
procedure prescribed or doing all of the treatments. that the members can carry
❖ includes all of the it unsafely out the prescribed
procedures or treatments procedure safely and
prescribed for the care of efficiently, with the
illness understanding of the
principles involved and with
confident and willing attitude
Family Coping Index is measured with the following scores:

1- no competence 3 - moderate competence 5 - complete competence

AREA 1 2 3
3. Knowledge of Health condition Totally uninformed or Has some general knowledge Knows the salient facts about the
misinformed about the condition of the disease or condition, but disease well enough to take
❖ concerned with the particular has not grasped the underlying necessary action at the proper
health condition that s the principles, or is partially informed. time, understands the rationale of
occasion for care. care, able to report significant
4. Application of principles of Family diet grossly inadequate Failing to apply some general Household runs smoothly, family
person and general hygiene or unbalanced, necessary principles of hygiene. meals well selected; habits of
immunization not secured for sleep and rest adequate to rest
❖ concerned with family action children; house dirty, food handled
in relation to maintaining in unsanitary way; working
family nutrition, securing beyond reasonable limit; children
adequate rest and relaxation and adults getting too little sleep
for family members, carrying
out accepted preventive
measures, and safe medical
Family Coping Index is measured with the following scores:

1- no competence 3 - moderate competence 5 - complete competence

AREA 1 2 3
5. Health Attitude Family resents all health Accept health care in some Understands and recognizes
care; has no confidence in degree, but with reservations. need for medical care in illness
❖ the way the family feels doctors, uses patent medicines and for the usual preventive
about healthcare in general. and quack nostrums; practice services, accepts illness calmly
folk medicines or and recognizes the limits it
superstitious rites in illness. imposes while doing all possible
to effect recovery and
6. Emotional Competence Family does not face realities- Family members usually do All members of the family
assumes moribund patient will fairly well, but one or more able to maintain a reasonable
❖ has to do with maturity and get well; one or more member members evidence lack of degree of emotional calm, face
integrity with which the lacking in any emotional security or maturity. up to illness realistically and
members of the family are control-uncontrollable rages; hopefully.
able to meet the usual one or more members
stresses and problems of life alcoholic, suspicious of one
and to plan for a happy another, evidences of great
living insecurity.
Family Coping Index is measured with the following scores:

1- no competence 3 - moderate competence 5 - complete competence

AREA 1 2 3
7. Family Living Family consists of a group of Family gets along but has Family does things together,
individuals indifferent or habits or customs that each member acts for the
❖ concerned largely with the hostile to one another, or interfered with the unity of good of the family as a
interpersonal or group strongly dominated and the family. whole; children respects
aspects of family life. controlled by a single family parents and vice-versa; family
member. tasks shared
8. Physical Environment House in poor condition- House needs some repair or House in good repair; provides
unsafe, unscreened; painting but fundamentally for privacy and is free of
❖ concerned with the home, neighborhood deteriorated- sound; neighborhood poor but accidents and pest hazards;
community, and work juvenile and adult delinquency possible to protect children free from undesirable social
environment. no recreational space except from poor social influence elements.
streets. through education and other
community activities.
Family Coping Index is measured with the following scores:

1 - no competence 3 - moderate competence 5 - complete competence

AREA 1 2 3
9. Use of Community Facilities Family has obvious and Family is aware of and uses Family uses the facilities they
serious social needs, but not some, but not all of the need appropriately and
❖ degree of the family sought or found any help. available community promptly. Feels secure in their
use and awareness of resources that they need. relationship with community
available community workers such as social workers,
facilities for health teachers, doctors, etc.
education welfare.



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