Adlib - Final Demonstration
Adlib - Final Demonstration
Adlib - Final Demonstration
I. General Objectives:
At the end of discussion, the pupils are expected to the learn the lesson.
A. Specific Objectives
1. Identify the kinds of textures in music.
2. Internalize the importance of unity.
3. Perform a song using the kinds of textures in music.
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activities
a. Prayer
“Lead our prayers, ______.” “Let us bow our head and feel the presence of the
Father God,
Be with us today.
Fill our hearts with joy.
Fill our minds with learning.
Fill our classrooms with peace.
Fill our lessons with fun.
Fill our friendship with kindness.
b. Greetings
(Video Clip)
(Deep, Deep, Deep)
“What can you see on the (1st) first “The first picture consists of only one singer,
picture?” teacher.”
“What about the (2nd) second picture?” “On the second picture there are kids that are
singing together, teacher.”
“Very good!”
“Do you still remember our topic last "The last topic we discussed was about texture,
time? Click the raise hand button on teacher."
your screen."
“Yes, _____.
“Texture is the lightness or heaviness/thickness or
"Very Good! The last topic we talked thinness of a song, teacher.”
about was about texture in music. What
is texture?"
f. Checking of Assignment
(Videoke Time!)
(Video Clip)
“Kindly read the directions, ___.” Sing the song.”
“Thank you, let's sing Anees' song, titled “Rules:
“Sun and Moon" and we'll call it Mute your microphone.
"Videoke Time!". Let's sing the song Watch attentively.
together. You don’t have to turn on your
microphones. Let your family hear you
“Let’s start.”
“What have you notice on the (3) three “There is only one singer in the mono stanza/ the
video clips? Raise your hands.” homo stanza, the singer sang the song together
with an instrument/at the poly stanza the singers
“Good job!” sang together.”
b. Unlocking Difficulties
“Very good!”
(Video Clip)
“We Are the World”
“That’s great! I have here a question. “The title of the is “Sun and Moon, teacher.”
Please answer the questions in a
complete sentence. My question is, what
is the title of the song?”
“Yes, ___.”
“Very good!”
“Based on our video that you’ve watch, “Our topic for today is the kinds of texture,
what do you think will be our topic for teacher.”
today? Raise your hands if you want to
answer. "
Kinds of Texture
Example: (Video)
"Good job!”
“In your own understanding, how can
you know if that song is accompanied by
a chord? Raise your hand.”
“Yes, ___.”
“If there is an instrument, teacher.”
“Very good! That’s what we called
Example: (Video)
“Yes, __.”
“One melody has only one tune and many
“Excellent! Many melodies, that is the melodies have a lots/variety of tunes.”
polyphonic texture in music.”
Example: (Video)
“Now, it’s your time to share an example
of a homophonic texture, if you have any
idea that comes in your mind, please
share it to our class.”
e. Generalization
“What are the (3) three kinds of texture? “Directions, give the three kinds of texture.”
Raise your hand or you can also type on
our chat box.” “Monophonic, homophonic, polyphonic, teacher.”
“Very good.”
“Let’s start.”
M. Monophonic
H. Homophonic “The answer is (H) homophonic, because the song
P. Polyphonic accompanied by a chord/instrument, teacher.”
“Good job!
“Just Sing”
M. Monophonic
H. Homophonic “The answer is (M) monophonic, because the song
P. Polyphonic has only one voice/melody, teacher.”
“Reveal your answer.”
“How far I’ll Go”
M. Monophonic
H. Homophonic “The answer is (M) monophonic, because the song
P. Polyphonic has only one voice/melody, teacher.”
“That’s great!”
“We Don’t Talk About Bruno”
M. Monophonic
H. Homophonic “The answer is (H) homophonic, because the song
P. Polyphonic accompanied by a chord/instrument, teacher.”
“Good job!”
“Let it Go”
M. Monophonic
H. Homophonic
P. Polyphonic “The answer is (P) polyphonic, because the song
has only one voice/melody, teacher.”
“Reveal your answer.”
Group 1
Sing the song “Happy Birthday” using the
monophonic texture.”
Group 2
Sing the song “Happy Birthday” using the
homophonic texture.
“Kindly read the directions, ___.”
Group 3
(LCC Got Talent) Sing the song “Happy Birthday” using the
polyphonic texture.
“Very good!”
IV. Evaluation
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
(The pupils are actively participating)
A. Monophonic
B. Homophonic “B. Homophonic, teacher.”
C. Polyphonic
A. Monophonic
B. Homophonic “C. Polyphonic, teacher.”
C. Polyphonic
A. Monophonic
B. Homophonic “A. Monophonic, teacher.”
C. Polyphonic
A. Monophonic
B. Homophonic
C. Polyphonic
“C. Polyphonic, teacher.”
A. Monophonic
B. Homophonic
C. Polyphonic “B. Homophonic, teacher.”
Key to corrections:
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. B
V. Assignment
A. Make a (30) thirty seconds video presentation using any kinds of texture and any song that you want
to sing. Choose only (1) one kind of textures.
B. Answer on your book Leaps and Bounds Grade 4 the activity on Page 168 (Lesson 7 – Mat
Prepared By:
Dahlia B. Marquez
Educ 4A - BEED