Adobe Scan 06 Sept 2023
Adobe Scan 06 Sept 2023
Adobe Scan 06 Sept 2023
Roll No. :
B. Tech. (l|Yr.) Course No. MI-351 (PCC)
Third Year B. Tech. of the Four - Year Integrated
Degree Course Examination, 2021-22
Time: Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 50
"Do not write anything n question paper except roll number otherwise it shall be deemed as an act of
indulging in use of unfairmeans and action taken as per rules"
(0) Attempt any FIVE questions.
(ii) The question paper has four units. Each unit has two questions.
(i) Attempt at least one question from each unit.
(iv) Answer should be to the point.
(v) All questions carry equal marks.
UNIT - 1
Q. 1 What is methane layering ? What are the causes, impact and precautionary measures of it ?
Q. 2 Discuss the effect of variation in heat and humidity in mine ventilation air. Also discuss the
measurement and controlling methods for the same.
UNIT - 2
Q.3 What are the uses of air in UG mine working ? Discuss different types of ventilation
Q. 4 Discuss following
a. Standard of ventilation
b. Effect of laminar flow in mine
c. Effect of turbulent flow in mine
d. Role of raynold's number in mining
UNIT - 3
Q. 5 Discuss the various methods of natural ventilation with the help of neat sketch.
Q.7 What is the purpose of ventilation survey ? Enlist the various
instruments used in it. Also
discuss the preparation procedure of ventilation plan.
Time :Three Hours
Maximum Marks :50
"Do not write anything n question paper except roll number otherwise it shall be deemed as an act of
indulging in use of unfairmeans and action taken as per rules"
Attempt any FIVE questions.
(ii The question paper has four units. Each unit has two questions.
(iiü) Attempt at least one question from each unit.
(iv) Answer should be to the point.
(v) All questions carry equal marks.
1. Describe the factor affecting the design of haul roads and mine benches [10]
in an opencast mine. Explain the method to create the box cut and first
bench in opencast mining with figures.
What are the basic elements of opencast working? What do you [10]
understand by stripping ratio (SR) in surface mining? Discuss various
types of SR with their applicability and advantages.
How do you design the overall Pit slope in an opencast mine? Describe [10]
and illustrate the method of developing spoil heaps.
4 Explain the Casting of overburden by blasting. How to select the design [10]
parameters for blast casting? discuss in detail.
UNIT- |||
Total Pages:1
Roll No, :
B.Tech.( IYr.)
Course No. MI-353 (PCC)
Third Year B. Tech. of the Four - Year
Degree Course Examination, 2021-22
Time :Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 50
-Do not write anything on question paper except roll number
indulging in use of unfairnmeans and action taken as per rules"otherwise shallbe deemed as anact of
Q.1 (a) Describe coal formation and its major deposits in India. 5
(b) Describe various consideration for selection of Mining Method in coal. 5
0.2 (a) What are recent changes in technology and global trends in coal mining? 5
(b) Explain filling installations and operations in face area in an underground coal mines. 5
0.3 Design a development district for producing 150 MT coal per day from three shift
operation. Coal seam thickness is 2.8M with dipping 1 in 30. Assume your own
conditions if required and calculate man power deployed in each shift. Give Layout of
the panel. 10
Q4 Describe in detailmethod and sequence of depillaring with caving so as to achieve
maximum coal extraction. 10
(a) Differentiate between Long wallretreating and advancing. 5
(b) Explain longwall mining with detailed layout. 5
(a) What types of machineries are used in a highly mechanized long wall mining?
Describe in brief. 5
Q.7 (a) Explain in special precaution required to mine out coal from seam prone to fire and
spontaneous combustion.
(b) Explain in detail about Hydraulic mining
Q.8 (a) Explain special working difficulties in thin seam, thick seam and contiguous seam
while mining of coal in these seams.
(b) Define In-situ gasification process and its application.
Total Pages:1
Roll No.
Course No.MI-354 (PCC)
B. Tech. Third Year B. Tech. of the Four - Year Integrated
Degree Course Examination, 2021-22
as an act of
except roll number otherwise it shall be deemed
Donot write anything n question paper taken as per rules"
indulging in use of unfairmeans and action
Attempt any FIVE questions.
(i) two questions.
(i) The question paper has four units. Each unit has
Attempt at least one question from each unit.
(ii) Answer should be to the point.
(v) All questions carry equal marks.
Describe thisstatement with your
"Importance of Computer Application in Mining"
Q. 1 Justify your statement with suitable
understanding with highlighting its limitations. 10
arguments. 10
Factor"in C language.
Q.2 Write a Program "Calculation of Powder
related software. Choose any Popular
Q.3 Describe the working Principle of Exploration
and elaborate the following steps.
) Data Generation
i) Data Collection
ii) Data Analysis 10
iv) Reserve Estimation.
understand by Mine Planning? Write short note on"Long Term Planning" 10
Q.4 What do you helps in planning. Describe in Detail.
"Short-Term Planning". How different software
application helps
"Environment Management"? How Computer
Q.5 What do you Understand by example of any relevant Software. 10
in this field? Describe this with suitable
Tonnage/Volume Estimation and calculation. How
Q.6 Describe the Methods of Area, 10
helps in this field.
a.7 Write Short Note on Following.
a) Blastware
b) Fraglyst
c) Galena
d) Datamine
e) Surpac.
Q.8 Write Short note on
and importance in Mining.
a) H.E.M.M Simulators, It's applicability 10
b) Digitalization and Automation in Mining Industry.
Total Pages: 1
Roll No.
Course No.MI-355 (PCC)
B. Third Year B. Tech. of the Four - Year Integrated
Degree Course Examination,
underground line? 10
would you transfer surface line down shaft and setting out
a.1 How
Whatare the
way open pit survey is different to that of underground Survey? 10
Q. 2 In what underground Survey?
limitations of survey equipment used for
UNIT- ||
Triangulation System.
Q.3 Describe the various classifications of
selection of Triangulation Stations?
Q.4 What are the main considerations for
UNIT - | |
2 X5= 10
Q.5 Define Following:
a) True Error
b) Most Probable Error
c) Residual Error
d) Observed Value of a Quantity
e) True Value ofa Quantity
Q. 6 Describe about Preparation and Preservation of Plans and Section.
0. 7
2 X5=10
Derine following terms with regard to Field Astronomy:
a) The Zenith and Nadir
b) The Terrestrial Poles and Equator
c) The Celestial
d) The Sensible Horizon
e) The Azimuth
Q. 8 10
Differentiate between GPS and DGPS
Total Pages :2
Roll No.
Course No. MI-356 (PEC) OJ
B.Tech. (IIl Yr.)
as an act of
exCept roll number otherwise it shall be deemed
"Do not write anything on question paper taken as per rules"
indulaing in use of untairnmeans and action
() Attempt any FIVE questions.
Each unit has two questions.
The question paper has four units. each
(i) unit.
(ii) Attempt at least one question from
Answer should be to the point.
(V) Allquestions carry equal marks.
a.7 Describe the constructional features, method of installation and use of LVDT's for 16
recording displacements in an experimental set-up.
Q.8 Write descriptive notes with necessary sketch on folowing: 16
(a) Non destructive testing
(b) Brittle coating