CNS Questions

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1. Write a short note on Glial cells.

2. Define and Classify Synapse. Add a note on properties.

3. Explain the mechanism of Synaptic transmission with asuitable diagram.
4. Define and explain EPSP.
5. Explain types of Synaptic inhibition in detail.
6. What is neurotransmitter? List 3 inhibitory neurotransmitters.
7. Define and Classify receptors. Add a note on its properties.
8. Define Receptor potential.
9. Draw a labelled diagram of Pacinian corpuscle.
10. What is Bell Magendie law?
11. What is Weber Fechner law?
12.What is Muller’s doctrine?
13. Enumerate Ascending pathways and trace the dorsal column pathway
with suitable diagram.
14. Trace the pathway which carries sensations of pain and temperature.
15. What is Dissociated anaesthesia?
16. Define and Classify pain. Explain the physiology of pain pathway. Add a
note on analgesic systems.
17.Explain the physiological mechanisms responsible for Referred pain.
18. What is Gate control hypothesis?
19. Describe the connections and functions of Thalamus.
20. What is thalamic syndrome?
21. What is sensory homunculus?
22. Enumerate the features of sensory deficit in Brown Sequard syndrome.
23. Compare and Contrast features of UMN lesions from LMN lesions.
24. Explain structure and function of Muscle spindle.
25. Describe the role of gamma motor neurons in regulation of muscle
26. Explain alpha -gama co linkage.
27.Describe the structure and functions of Golgi tendon organ.
28. Write a short note on Stretch reflex.
29. Explain With drawal reflex.
30. Draw and explain Reflex arc.
31.What is lengthening reaction?
32.Enumerate properties of Reflexes.
33.Enumerate Descending tracts. Write Origin, course and termination of
Pyramidal tract. Add a note on its clinical significance.
34.Define Paraplegia and Quadriplegia.
35.Enumerate Postural reflexes, explain any two of them in detail.
36. Mention clinical features in different stages of spinal shock.
37. Explain the mechanism of Decerebrate rigidity.
38. What is motor homunculus?
39. Features of Decorticate animal.
40. Describe connections, functions and dysfunctions of Basal ganglia.
41. What is Putamen circuit?
42. Explain functional divisions and functions of Cerebellum.
43.Mention the patho physiology of cerebellar disorders.
44. Vestibulo ocular reflex
45.Vestibular function tests
46. Explain functions of hypothalamus in detail.
47. What is the role of Leptin in food intake?
48. Explain role of hypothalamus in food intake.
49.Explain the connections and functions of ARAS .
50.What is alpha block?
51.Compare and contrast REM and NREM sleep.
52.Explain theories of sleep.
53.Explain various wave patterns in EEG.
54.Write a short note on Brain death.
55.What is Narcolepsy?
56.Briefly explain Insomnia.
57. Explain Papez circuit.
58.Describe the neuro physiology in emotions.
59.Kluver Bucy syndrome
60. Explain molecular mechanisms of Learning and memory.
61.Define and Classify Memory.
62.Define and classify Amnesia.
63.Define and classify Conditioned reflexes, what is Operant conditioning?
64.Wernicke’s aphasia
65.Broca’s aphasia
66.What is Cortical plasticity?
67.Enumerate functions of frontal lobe of brain.
68.Describe mechanism of formation, route of circulation of CSF.
69.Explain functions of CSF.
70.Explain the diagnostic importance of CSF.

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