Black 2nd Ed Machine Design
Black 2nd Ed Machine Design
Black 2nd Ed Machine Design
n> ~ fc-sf
Machine Design
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Oh io University
Second Edition
Preface . v
Chapter 1. Introduction. 1
2. Machine-design Computations. 5
3. Loading, Induced Stresses, and Failure.10
4. Stress Concentration in Machine Members.31
5. Allowable Stresses.52
6. Members That Fail by Buckling.61
7. Engineering Materials.71
8. Mechanical Fabrication and Processes.91
9. Detachable Fastenings.122
10. Springs.146
11. Pressure Cylinders.168
12. Translation Screws.173
13. Shafting.184
14. Belt Drives and Hoists.192
15. Power-transmission Chains.213
16. Shaft Couplings.224
17. Clutches and Brakes.231
18. Spur and Parallel Helical Gears.251
19. Gears for Nonparallel Shafts.278
20. Surface Finish, Friction, and Wear.297
21. Sliding Bearings and Lubrication.313
22. Rolling Contact Bearings.338
23. Metal Fits and Tolerances.353
24. Vibration and Vibration Control.361
25. Motor Selection.376
Author Index.463
Subject Index.465
these, as well as many others that are not mentioned, is in the prov¬
ince of experts who confine their activities mainly to the fields of their
In the production of every machine, someone must have the over-all
responsibility of deciding on the mechanical arrangements to be used, of
making use of the information provided by the specialized fields men¬
tioned above, and of combining them by engineering judgment so that
the machine can be manufactured economically, so that it will perform
its specified function properly, and will have a satisfactory life and main¬
tenance. The man who has this over-all responsibility is the mechanical
designer, or machine designer.
In each design, a number of operations are involved.
1. It may be necessary to decide on the kinematic arrangement of the
parts of the machine. In a new machine, this may call on the creative
ability of the designer, that is, on his ingenuity, inventiveness, resourceful¬
ness, originality, and intuition. In this procedure it is always well to
begin by setting down a clear statement of the problem.1 Creative
ability applies not only to the kinematic arrangement of the parts but also
to other phases of design, such as devising new operating processes, new
materials, and new production methods. It may be an individual or a
group operation. After the kinematic arrangement of the parts has been
established, their motion may require detailed analysis. This analysis
may involve the use of tentative dimensions that may require altera¬
tion as the design progresses and the dynamic characteristics become
2. The maximum forces coming on the parts and the nature of the
forces must be determined. The forces may be due to either static or
impact loading, and they may or may not be applied repeatedly. Inertia
forces may also be induced, and vibration forces which are either locally
induced or transmitted from another member may be present. Fre¬
quently it is not possible to determine the forces exactly and in these cases
the judgment of the designer is required to estimate the maximum forces,
his decision being based on factors which occasionally may be somewhat
3. The ability of the member to function properly must be considered.
1 For instance, in telephone equipment the soldered connection has proved unsatis¬
factory. The Bell Laboratories set out to devise a method of making connections
which would have the following characteristics: high conductivity, long life, speed in
manufacturing, quality independent of maker, small space, no necessity for clipping
ends of wire, and low cost. That was the statement of the problem. The solution
was the development of the solderless wrapped connection made by an electrically
driven wrapping tool. This connection is replacing soldered connections in Western
Electric communication equipment. See J. J. Kuhn, Sr-, Solderless Wrapped Con¬
nections, Bell Labs. Record, February, 1954.
This involves both the material of the member and its size and shape.
The selection of the material requires a consideration of mechanical
properties, of heat-treatment, and of manufacturing processes. The
load-carrying ability, which will be discussed in detail later, may depend
on the yield point of the material, its modulus of rigidity, ductility, heat-
treating characteristics, endurance limit, strength, or creep limit. In
addition, the shape and finish of the member may have a considerable
effect on its strength.
4. The manufacturing process by which the member is to be made must
be selected. This involves consideration of the effects of the process on
the properties of the material and on the cost of the processing. The
latter item is obviously of great importance in any design intended for
production in large numbers.
After the part has been satisfactorily designed to operate properly
(,functional design), it may be necessary to make a production design in
order to reduce the cost to a minimum.1
5. In most designs it is necessary to consider additional items, such as
safety, appearance, cost of operation, standard codes, thermal effects,
contamination, corrosion, and maintenance.
This book attempts to cover the principles of general machine design.
Chapters 3 to 8 cover essentially the design of parts for strength and
rigidity. This section includes the selection of material for making the
parts. Chapters 9 to 12 cover fastenings, springs, cylinders, and transla¬
tion screws. Chapters 13 to 19 may be termed the power-transmission
section. This is a most important section for industrial applications.
Chapters 20, 21, and 22 cover surface finish, friction, wear, lubrication,
and j ournal-bearing design and selection of rolling-contact bearings. The
last chapter, Chap. 25, is on motor selection and is included since many
machines include a motor in the drive and the characteristics of the motor
may have a marked effect on the design of the entire equipment.
The problems in the back of the book are based in most cases on data
from actual installations. They are mainly of the design type rather than
analysis problems. The comprehensive problems at the end of the prob¬
lem section are intended to illustrate the design procedure, the integration
of work covered in the various chapters, and the necessary correlation
between the five steps stated earlier in this chapter. This correlation is
made necessary by the related functioning and performance of each part
of the machine. Experience in the field gives the machine designer an
appreciation of this interesting process.
There are numerous references indicated throughout the text as foot-
1 E. Buckingham, “Production Engineering,” John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York,
1942; Herbert Chase, “Handbook on Designing for Quantity Production,” McGraw-
Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1944.
notes. While it is realized that some students may not have the oppor¬
tunity to consult these references or may not have them readily available,
they are given to indicate the scope and sources of further developments
and for the direct use of interested designers. Most of these references
carry selected bibliographies for further reference.1
Just as the field of machine design today involves requirements of
manufacture and performance which were unknown or unappreciated a
generation ago, the coming generation must deal with problems which
today are just coming to light. High- and low-temperature and high-
pressure applications of materials are two of the pressing developments.
The advent of the gas turbine and of atomic power production and utiliza¬
tion is requiring performances which were considered impossible a few
years ago. And, finally, the trend today is to require smaller and smaller
things to do bigger and bigger jobs and to do them better. The machine
designer who appreciates each of the five items listed earlier in this chap¬
ter and also a sixth item, to make each of the other five work together effec¬
tively, is in an excellent position to handle the problems which will be
demanded tomorrow by industry.
1 Two excellent general sources of additional information are Marks’ “Mechanical
Engineers’ Handbook,” 5th ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1951,
and Kent’s “Mechanical Engineers’ Handbook, Design and Production,” 12th ed.,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1950.
measured value is too large, the error is positive, and if too small, it is a
negative error. If the absolute error is divided by the exact value, the
result is the relative error and is usually expressed as a percentage. In
engineering, the relative error frequently has more significance than the
absolute error. The following comparison will illustrate the difference.
1. An absolute error of 30 mph in determining the speed of an airplane
traveling 300 mph is a relative error of 10 per cent. This illustrates poor
2. A measurement of the distance from New York to San Francisco
with an absolute error of 30 miles is a relative error of 1.2 per cent. This
is good accuracy.
3. Michelson determined that the commonly used velocity of light was
30 mps in absolute error. This is a relative error of 0.016 per cent, which
is highly accurate.
2-5 Errors in computations.1 Let A and B represent the correct
values of two quantities and m and n be, respectively, the relative errors
involved in the measurement of the two quantities.
Addition of two numbers when one contains an error.
D - C = (A + mA) + B - (A + B) = mA
D - C = (A + mA) - B - (A - B) = mA
Difference in numbers,percent
Fig. 2-1. Effect of errors in subtraction of numbers.
D — C = (A + mA) X B — AB = mAB
trol parts, business machines, and telephone equipment, the parts may
have small service loads so that their size is determined not by strength
requirements but rather by those of kinematics, processing, assembly,
accessibility, adjusting, etc.
The above discussion is not intended to be inclusive of all kinds of parts
which a machine designer may encounter, but points out that strength
and stiffness are not the only criteria in the design of many machine
In the design of a load-carrying member, three of the quantities that
must be determined by the designer are (1) the applied loads on the
member, (2) the stresses and deflections produced by the applied loads
and their comparison with permissible values, and (3) the material of the
member and its size and form. Some of these quantities are related, and
many of them are of such a nature that they cannot be determined
exactly but must be approximated according to the judgment of the
designer. The exercise of this judgment requires a thorough knowledge
of fundamental principles and an appreciation of the balance and com¬
promises which are invariably necessary.
For example, in the design of a camshaft, the forces on the shaft due to
the action of a cam and its follower depend on the mass of the follower and
frequently also on a spring force, on the speed of operation and the cam
profile, on the clearance between the cam and the follower which may or
may not be properly adjusted, and on the deflection and vibration charac¬
teristics of the shaft itself.
The stresses induced in the shaft may be kept within limits by using a
large shaft, but space and weight limitations may require a small shaft;
also heat-treatment is more effective on small parts and usually small
parts cost less. On the other hand, allowable deflections and vibration
characteristics may require a larger shaft. Then the bearings for the
shaft should be considered, since their selection is influenced by the size of
the shaft which in turn affects the loads on the shaft and bearings. To
save weight, a hollow shaft may be considered but this may be too expen¬
sive for the price class of the machine.1
If the shaft is too large for space requirements, the designer may con¬
sider using alloy steel instead of carbon steel, but the alloy steel and the
required heat-treatment may unduly increase the cost; also alloy steel and
carbon steel have the same deflection properties and if deflection is impor¬
tant, which is frequently the case since it affects vibration characteristics
and bearing performance, alloy steel is no better than carbon steel.
Thus it can be appreciated that the solution of this problem is more
1 In a machine in the appliance field recently placed on the market by one of our
large manufacturing companies, the first item in the specifications was: Retail selling
price shall be $14.95.
than substituting given values in an equation and using a slide rule for
the result, but instead it becomes an interesting experience of balancing-
several interrelated and generally conflicting characteristics and influences.
The three quantities discussed above, i.e., loads, induced and allowable
stresses, and the corresponding deflections are discussed in this chapter
and in the two following ones in order to provide a background for dealing
with them in the design of machine members.
3-2 Types of loads. A static load is one which does not vary in magni¬
tude, direction, or point of application. It may also be defined as a load
that induces stresses that do not vary. Some ex¬
V///\////t amples of static loads are those on members due to
dead weights, tightening-up loads on bolts, and cen¬
trifugal forces on a disk rotating at constant speed.
Loads that vary somewhat but only infrequently
are often treated as static loads, for example, the
1 1
spring load on a safety valve.
A cyclic load is one that induces stresses which
vary in magnitude and/or direction. Cyclic loads
Jz may or may not be accompanied by shock. Ex¬
1 ^ PTiv,
_J, i ♦ —
amples of cyclic loads are those on a gear tooth and
loads on a rotating shaft subjected to a bending
L— moment. Loads caused by vibration are cyclic.
This type of load is sometimes referred to as a re¬
Fig. 3-1. Shock load¬
ing. peated load or a fatigue load.
Shock loads1 are due to impact. To investigate
the effect of shock, an elastic system loaded by a falling weight W, as
shown in Fig. 3-1, will be used as an example.
The system shown is one whose elastic displacement 8 of the point of
load application is proportional to the load producing it, that is, P = C8,
where C is a constant for the system.
Let W = falling weight, lb
h = height of free fall, in.
8 = displacement of point of load application, in.
P = impact load, lb
C = P/8 = lb per in. of deflection
By assuming that the support is unyielding, the energy given up by the
falling weight will be absorbed wholly by the system. Assuming also
that the mass of the system is small so that its inertia forces may be
neglected and that the stresses induced are within the elastic limit, the
energy absorbed by the system will be equal to the product of the average
1 S. Timoshenko, “Strength of Materials/’ 2d ed., I, p. 300, D. Van Nostrand
Company, Inc., New York, 1940; also Merhyle F. Spotts, Impact Stress in Elastic
Bodies, Product Eng., vol. 17, no. 3, p. 200, March, 1946.
P = W (l + (3-2)
the quantity P/IE may be termed a “shock factor” and represents the
magnification of load caused by impact.
Note that the shock factor can be decreased by lowering C, that is, by
reducing the number of pounds required to deflect the member 1 in., that
is, make the system more “springy” or “soft.”
In the example above, for a bar in tension, 8 = PL/AE, or
r - - - —
P = 2W
8 = (Appendix III)
3 El
ZEI 3 X 30,000,000 X 0.00390
= 204 lb per in.
L3 ~ 123
The actual value of the stress would be less than this value due to the inevitable non¬
rigidity of the support, to the inertia of the beam, and to the local deformations of the
weight and the beam at the region of contact at the impact. These influences could
be taken into account if a more exact analysis were required. Stress concentration at
the built-in end of the beam may be taken into account separately.
tact pressure,” and occurs between two members held in contact. If the
load is applied to the member in Fig. 3-2 by pins, the distribution of pin
pressure will not be uniform but will be in accordance with the shape of
the surfaces in contact and the deformation characteristics of the two
materials. The distribution of pressure will be similar to that shown in
Fig. 3-3(6).
st — sc — i ~ I/c (3~6)
The quantity I/c is known as the “section modulus” and has the units
of in.3
Curved beams. In curved beams, such as crane hooks and punch-press
frames, the neutral axis of the cross section is shifted toward the center
— (\ -f ~ —y.—\ (3-7)
AR\^ Z R + y)
1 F. B. Seely, ‘ Resistance of Materials,” p. 371, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New
York, 1937.
Fig. 3-6. Factor K for curved beam of circular and rectangular cross section.
3-5 Shear. Direct shear. The shear stress is the component of the
stress on a plane section that is parallel to the section. An example of a
Ss = (3-9)
7T d2
Ss =
where T = torque on shaft, lb-in.
r = distance from center of the shaft to the point of stress ss, in.
J = polar moment of inertia, in.4
For solid circular shafts, the maximum stress occurs at the outside fiber
and, since the polar moment of inertia for a circular section is 7rd4/32
where d is the diameter, the maximum shearing stress is
s8 = (3-10)
ss = - (3-11)
For long and narrow cross sections, the value of a is approximately }/%;
hence for b/t ^ 10
_ 3T
S‘ ~ bt2
When the loading on the members is tension, the equations above may
be used by interchanging the subscripts c and t.
" M
rn n
P p P
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 3-9. Axial and concentric loading.
Example 3-2. Curved beam design. The sketch, Fig. 3-10, shows the yoke of a
portable hydraulic riveter. The yoke screws on a riveting head (not shown), which
carries the hydraulic cylinder, handle, and manual control valve, and is connected to
the pressure pump by a hydraulic hose. These units have capacities of 10 to 30 tons
and weigh 10 to 15 lb. To keep the size of the unit small for accessibility to the work
and its weight low for ease of handling, it is necessary to make the yoke of alloy steel.
Since each head should accommodate yokes of several sizes, it is customary for con¬
venience in mounting the yokes on the head to make all yokes the same width, dimen¬
sion w.
. P KPe = P_ 6 KPe
St A I/c wh wh2
In this equation, st can be made equal to the allowable stress, P and w are known,
and 6 is the unknown quantity on which K and e depend. The equation is in quad¬
ratic form so that a direct solution for 6 is not convenient.
Let us simplify the above equation as much as possible, as follows:
st _ 1 , 6Ke
P wh wh2
By substituting values for st, P, and h, and simplifying, the following form is
h2 - 0.1786 = imKe
This equation could be solved by assuming values for h and solving by trial but this
method would be laborious and not enlightening. It is helpful to note from Fig. 3-6
that if we obtain an approximate value for h, K will not change markedly for new
values of h. Let us assume a reasonable value for h and use that value to determine
K and e, then solve the equation for the unknown quantity h. One might expect h to
be, say, 2 in. The following values may then be found: e = 3 in., R = 2 in., R/c = 2
and, from Fig. 3-6, K = 1.6. Therefore
This equation could be solved directly for 6, but an inspection shows that the term
0.1786 will be small in comparison with the 62 term. Let us neglect for the present
0.1786 and solve for 6 by taking the square root of 5.14, which is approximately 2.25.
This value is larger than the assumed value of 6; therefore let us increase the value to,
say, 2)^2 in. and solve again by trial.
For 6 = 2Y2 in., e = 3.25, R = 2.25, R/c = 2, and K = 1.55.
1.07Ke = 1.07 X 1.55 X 3.25 = 5.4
62 - 0.1786 = 2.52 X 0.178 X 2.5 = 5.8
This value is larger than 5.4; hence, the correct value lies between 2 and 2.5. A
third trial of 6 = 2% yields an almost exact check; hence 6 will be specified as 2% in.
With reference to the initial equation for the maximum stress in the yoke, it is
evident that if the dimensions of the section are known, it is relatively easy to solve
for the stress. This is an analysis problem. But the design problem is one of deter¬
mining the dimensions of the member, using a reasonable value for the allowable stress.
In many cases, a direct solution is not possible; but the problem can be solved readily
by devising a procedure similar to that used in the example above in which relatively
small quantities can be tentatively disregarded in a trial solution, and trial values
may be assumed for other quantities which do not change markedly or for those on
which judgment can be exercised. This general approach is a subtle one, and should
not be confused with the usual conception of trial-and-error, hit-or-miss, or random-
guess methods. The method illustrated here is a powerful tool for the designer and
will be illustrated in other parts of this book.
(.St)x ($t)y
M, - (s,)x 2 {s,)“ - yl + S>
(St)x ($t)y
max + «.2
The maximum normal stress at the point is given by the first equation
above and the maximum shearing stress by the last equation for the case
of loading to which the equations apply.
Fig. 3-11. Mohr’s circle for determining maximum normal and shear stresses (st) i and
(s4)max from applied stresses (st)x, (st)y and (sa)xy.
stiffness so that the gears mounted on the shaft were not held in alignment
and failure of the gears was the result. In this example the shaft should
be considered to have failed as completely as though it had broken. Lack
of necessary stiffness may also cause failure of the bearings, or failure of
other parts due to excessive vibration of the shaft. Since steel, which is
used for most severely loaded machine parts, has practically uniform
modulus of elasticity, the control over stiffness lies in sufficient size of
parts and for steel is independent
of composition or heat-treatment.
Other examples of parts which
have rigidity as a critical charac¬
teristic are housings for gear drives,
supports for bearings of rolls where
controlled thickness is necessary as
Fig. 3-12. Failure of a brittle material by a Fig. 3-13. Failure of a ductile material by
static load. a static load.
the yield point and the bolt became permanently deformed. This was a
front-bumper bolt on a large, loaded truck in which an attempt was made
to pull the truck, with one rear wheel in a hole, uphill and out of the hole
by a chain pull on the front bumper. When the bolt failed, the rear
wheel dropped back into the hole and the truck overturned, severely
injuring the driver and damaging the truck and cargo. It is an example
of abuse and carelessness by the customer.
Failure of a ductile material under cyclic loading exhibits a different
type of fracture than a static-load fracture. In cyclic loading the frac¬
ture usually begins at a region of concentration of stress and spreads,
usually slowly, as a fatigue crack
from the initial point until the re¬
maining section carrying the load
becomes so small that the part
breaks suddenly. An inspection of
the fracture usually shows the place
where the fatigue crack began, called
the eye. From that point the grad¬
ual spread of the crack is apparent
as a glossy area with no evidence of
plastic flow, and the remaining area
shows sudden failure, usually with
plastic flow as a ductile material
under static load. As the fatigue
crack spread, it may show evidences
of shock load.
The study of a fatigue crack is
very interesting and it presents the
record of events leading to failure.
Fig. 3-14. Failure of a ductile material
The fractured gear teeth of the
by a cyclic load. hypoid pinion in Fig. 3-14 illustrate
a typical failure of this type.
The prevention or satisfactory delay of fracture lies partly in the choice
of proper material and partly in avoiding forms and shapes as well as
finishes of machine members which tempt the formation of a crack. This
phase of failure is discussed extensively in Chap. 4, Stress Concentration
in Machine Members.
Buckling. Members or parts of members subject to compressive
stresses may fail by sideways buckling. Examples are parts of bridges,
ships, and aircraft; and in machinery, columns such as piston rods,
pressure vessels subjected to external pressure, and stiffening webs and
plates. Failure under conditions that lead to buckling is discussed in
Chap. 6.
Fig. 3-15. Section of boiler strap showing caustic embrittlement crack at rivet hole.
in 1915 in the steel cables of mine sweepers which were acted on by vibra¬
tion forces owing to the flow of sea water. Values are often quoted for
endurance limits in certain substances, such as the brine endurance limit
for steel. It is interesting to note that the corrosion effect on the mem¬
ber may not be great enough to “eat away” the material visibly. In
fact, polished test specimens that have failed in corrosion fatigue in salt¬
water spray appear as polished as the original test pieces, even though the
test may indicate an endurance limit that is 40 per cent of its dry-air
Caustic embrittlement. This type of failure involves stress concentra¬
tion in the presence of a caustic corrosive substance and has appeared in
1 B. B. Weseott, Fatigue and Corrosion Fatigue of Steels, Mech. Eng., 1938, p. 813;
T. J. Dolan, Simultaneous Effects of Corrosion and Abrupt Changes in Section on
Fatigue Strength of Steels, Tran-s. ASME, vol. 60, p. A-141, 1938; Battelle Memorial
Institute, “Prevention of Fatigue of Metals,” p. 68, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New
York, 1941.
Tomlinson, Thorpe, and Gough, Fretting Corrosion at Forced Fits, Metal Progr.,
May, 1939, p. 468; Battelle Memorial Institute, “Prevention of Fatigue of Metals,”
p. 160, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1941.
2 I-Ming Feng and Rightmire, The Mechanism of Fretting, Lubrication Eng.,
vol. 9, no. 3, p. 134, 1953; Uhlig, Feng, Tierney, and McClellan, A Fundamental
Investigation of Fretting Corrosion, NACA TN 3029, December, 1953.
and depth and may eventually damage the surface so that the fit is
The cure for fretting is not easy. Finer finishing in order to increase
the contacting area and thus decrease the pressure is not a general cure
since the contact is more intimate and fretting may be encouraged.
Decreasing the loads to reduce the pressure and also decreasing the
motion by using larger parts or reducing vibration are effective but not
always possible. Lubricating the surfaces is generally ineffective; in fact
it may aggravate the trouble since slipping may be increased.
The introduction of thin films of rubber and of nylon to cushion the
contact has met with some success in the laboratory. Badly fretted
surfaces have been ground off and rebuilt by plating or metal spraying.
be uniformly distributed over the section carrying the load. The maxi¬
mum stress will be induced at the edge of the hole and it may have a value
several times that of the stress at the section CC.1 The value of the
maximum stress in terms of the stress at the section CC is given by the
Smax — So ( 1 + 2 - (4-1)
in which s0 is the stress at the section CC, and b and c are the semiaxes
of the ellipse perpendicular and parallel, respectively, to the line of the
load as shown in the figure.2
1 In this discussion, the hole is assumed to be so small that it does not appreciably
reduce the cross section of the bar.
2 S. Timoshenko and J. N. Goodier, “Theory of Elasticity,” 2d ed., p. 84,
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1951. In the derivation of Eq. (4-1),
it was assumed that the bar is of infinite width. However, for bars of finite width
and with holes not larger than one-sixth the width of the bar, the equation may be
used without introducing large errors. For circular holes larger than one-sixth the
width of the bar, the experimental data in Art. 4-8 should be used to determine the
value of the maximum stress.
It may be seen from Eq. (4-1) that for large values of b/c, which repre¬
sents an ellipse approaching a transverse slit, smax reaches a very high
For small values of b/c, which represents an ellipse approaching a longi¬
tudinal slit, smax is not markedly increased over s0.
For the case of a circular hole, b = c, and sn = 3s0. The stress dis-
tribution for this case is shown in Fig. 4-1(c).
Tension member with small notches. The stress
1 I 1 I f
concentration in the notched tension member in
Fig. 4-2 is influenced by the depth b of the notch
and the radius r at the bottom of the notch. The
maximum stress may be calculated by the following
equation,1 which applies to members having notches
which are small in comparison with the width of
the bar. ■So
The right-hand end of the shaft is divided into five concentric tubes in
a similar manner. The sets of tubes for the left-hand and the right-hand
ends of the shafts are joined by smooth curves, as indicated in the figure.
It may now be noted that the thickness of the outer tube in the vicinity
of the fillet is very small, which indicates high stresses at the thin section.
It becomes apparent that means for maintaining the uniformity of thick¬
nesses of the equitorque tubes are identical with means for reducing stress
_J^= J^= --
/WAA^VAAAA/^^'"'” ywwvwvwJy^
(ct)-Original ('e^-Improved
indicated in the improved section, although the groove lowered the moment
of inertia of the crankpin by 50 per cent.1 910105
Tension members. A similar method of representing stress concentra¬
tion in tension members makes use of lines indicating the direction of the
principal stresses. Figure 4-5 shows f | f,| f f tttttt tttittt
an axially loaded tension member with
the direction lines of the principal
stresses. In the upper end of the mem¬
ber, the lines are parallel and are drawn
equal distances apart to indicate uni¬
form stress distribution. These lines
are then extended to join with the (a)-0r\q\m\ ^-Improved (c)- mproved
(d)- mproved
te/Mm proved r/7-Improved
stresses, and (d) shows the stage when the maximum or peak stress is just
equal to the yield point. Figure 4-7(e) shows the diagram for an increased
load on the member, and the corresponding crosshatched area indicates
the region which has undergone plastic flow, leading to the next stage (/).
Finally (g) indicates the diagram at the time the peak stress reaches the
breaking stress of the material, when a crack forms and the member fails.
From the accompanying sequence diagrams, it is apparent that plastic
Plastic state
i/i I
<D Elastic Rupture
L 'state
(a)-Idealized stress-strain diaqram
for ductile material
Fig. 4-7. Redistribution of stress, and plastic flow in tension member made of ductile
material [see Fig. 4-1 (c)].
It should be noted that when a crack develops, the real breaking stress
of the material has been reached. In a ductile material, the real breaking
stress is appreciably higher than that indicated by the conventional stress-
strain diagram, which is expressed in terms of the original area of the test
In concluding the discussion of the effects of the properties of material
on static stress concentration, it may be stated that stress concentration
in static loading is very serious in brittle materials, and it is less serious in
ductile materials owing to the relief of stress concentration by plastic flow.
However, the designer should reduce stress concentration wherever possi¬
ble without regard to the class of material of which the member is made.
Cyclic loading. In the preceding section it was stated that in static
loading stress concentration is very serious in members made of brittle
materials and is somewhat less serious in members made of ductile mate¬
rials. In the latter case it was noted that the seriousness of stress con¬
centration was lessened by the local plastic flow, which resulted in a more
favorable distribution of stresses.
In cyclic loading, however, stress concentration is always serious since
the ductility of the material is not effective in relieving the concentration
of stress caused by cracks, flaws, surface roughness, or any sharp discon¬
tinuity in the geometrical form of the member. If the stress at any point
in a member is above the endurance limit of the material, a crack may
develop under the action of the repeated load, and the crack will, in all
probability, lead to failure of the member. It is important to realize that,
even though the region subjected to the peak stress is extremely small,
the crack is liable to form, and once formed will lead quickly to failure of
the member.
The last statement is emphasized by the report1 that approximately 90
per cent or more of the number of cycles of application of load to produce
failure of a member are undergone before the crack may be detected by
laboratory means. It is evident then that the opportunity for an inspec¬
tor to detect a crack under service conditions in time to prevent failure is
relatively slight.
Figure 4-8 illustrates the effect of surface condition on the endurance
limit of test specimens, i.e., the marked reduction in endurance limit due
to surface condition. The figure shows also that high-strength alloy steels
are more sensitive to stress concentration. The lower ductility of the
high-strength alloy steels is partly responsible for the increased sensi¬
tivity, but it is not generally true that ductility is insurance against stress
concentration in fatigue.
The gain in endurance limit is the reason for polishing aircraft-engine
1 Battelle Memorial Institute, “Prevention of Fatigue of Metals,” Appendix 27,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1941.
connecting rods and link rods. The over-all polish is expensive, but it is
justified by the increase in safety. Figure 4-9 shows a polished link rod
for a radial aircraft engine.1
the roots of the threads on the screw (see Art. 9-3 for discussion of the
Aero thread).
Figure 4-10(h) shows a hub of a gear, wheel, or sheave pressed on a
shaft. The press fit and loading will produce contact stresses in the
cap screw
Aero-thread insert
Section of
f/V-Originofl ^-Improved
The groups of examples shown in Figs. 4-4, 4-6, and 4-10 should be
regarded as commonly used methods for relieving stress concentration for
the particular cases shown. It is necessary for the designer to use his
ingenuity to devise appropriate methods for each particular case. An
acquaintance with the literature on the general subject of stress concen¬
tration is valuable for this purpose.* 1
In addition to avoiding forms that cause severe concentration of stress,
and selecting suitable material, there are means at the disposal of the
designer for increasing the fatigue strength of members in special applica¬
tions. Some of these are discussed below.
Cold working,2 3 4 especially rolling at fillets on shafts, may materially
increase the fatigue strength. In this process the shape of roller, the pres¬
sure, and the axial feed are important for best results. Good results have
been secured in railway axles by surface rolling.
Shot peening3 with steel shot has been used to increase the life of steel
springs, connecting rods, and gear-teeth fillets. Size of shot and time of
treatment are important for good results. The stress range of a coil
spring has been increased over 40 per cent by shot peening.
Under stressing or over stressing^ may increase the fatigue strength of
members. Overstressing must be induced very cautiously, preferably
by successively increasing loadings. This procedure has been called
“ coaxing.”
The problem of surface treatment5 6 is quite extensive. Beneficial
results are generally greatest for members in corrosive atmospheres.
Improper heat-treatment6 should be guarded against. A very common
result is surface decarburization, which results in a lower endurance limit
for the member. Quenching may cause surface cracks. Grinding off a
surface layer of such members may be beneficial.
Peterson, Locomotive Axle Failures and Wheel Press Fits, Railway Mech. Eng., April,
1935, p. 127.
1 “Three Keys to Satisfaction/’ Climax Molybdenum Company, New York.
2 O. J. Horger, Effect of Surface Rolling on the Fatigue Strength of Steel, Trans.
ASME, vol. 2, no. 4, p. A-128, 1935.
3 F. P. Zimmerli, Flow Shot Blasting Increases Fatigue Life, Machine Design,
November, 1940, p. 62.
4 See Battelle Memorial Institute, “Prevention of Fatigue of Metals,” p. 87, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1941; J. B. Kommers, Effect of Understressing and
Overstressing in Fatigue, Proc. Soc. Exp. Stress Anal., vol. 3, no. 2, 1946.
5 Frye and Kehl, The Fatigue Resistance of Steel as Affected by Some Cleaning
Methods, Proc. ASTM, vol. 26, p. 192, 1938; Dolan and Benninger, The Effect of
Protective Coatings on the Corrosion-fatigue Strength of Steel, Proc. ASTM, vol. 40,
p. 658, 1940; Speller, McCorkle, and Mumma, The Influence of Corrosion Accelera¬
tors and Inhibitors on Fatigue of Ferrous Metals, Proc. ASTM, vol. 28, II, p. 159,
6 Battelle Memorial Institute, op. cit.
Fig. 4-11. Stress-strain diagram for cured plaster in compression. (From Roark and
Hartenberg, Predicting the Strength of Structures from Tests of Plaster Models, Univ.
Wisconsin Bull. 81, 1935.)
shaft is cast and machined. Figure 4-12 shows such models. The model
is then gradually loaded in a manner that simulates the actual loading of
the member, such as torsion or bending,
and it is closely observed as the load is
applied in order to detect the formation
of a crack. The crack will form at the
most highly stressed region, and when
it forms it is apparent that the stress at
the region is the breaking stress of the
plaster, and is the maximum stress in
the model. By the use of the loading
at the instant the crack appeared, the
nominal stress at the region of the
crack is calculated by the use of the
appropriate equation. The ratio of
the actual maximum stress to the cal¬
culated stress is the static-stress con¬
centration factor.
Fig. 4-12. Cast plaster models of
The brittle-material method may
shafts with fillets. (Courtesy of
be used for one-, two-, or three-di¬
University of Illinois Engineering
Experiment Station.) mensional problems.1 The results are
The rubber-model method. This method may be used for one-, two-, or
three-dimensional problems; it employs rubber models that are ruled
with cross-sectional lines. When the model is loaded, the distortion of
the squares is a qualitative indication of strains that may be interpreted
in terms of stresses. The regions of stress concentration are generally
plainly apparent. Figure 4-13 shows a rubber model in the unloaded and
loaded conditions.2
Short gauge-length method. This method employs a delicate extensome-
ter that has a short gauge length (0.1 in. by R. E. Peterson). The strain
is measured at critical points on the surface of the machine member. The
method requires a highly developed technique but gives very accurate
and informative results.3
>/////.«/y//,, sfi
//, m-- m
, , ,
mm ■'
■■ .
Fig. 4-13. Rubber model. Unloaded model above; axially loaded model below.
A = Kt X ——
1 These charts as well as symbols, nomenclature, and methods are taken by per¬
mission of the author and publisher of “Stress Concentration Design Factors,” by
R. E. Peterson, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1953. This source contains dis¬
cussions of the determination of the factors, an extensive bibliography, and some 94
charts for factors for a wide variety of types of loading and shapes of members. Six¬
teen of these charts have been selected for inclusion in Appendix X.
In all cases in computing the area or section modulus, the net section at
the notch, fillet, hole, etc., should be used (along with the stress-concen¬
tration factor) to determine the quantity desired.
In notched flat bars and stepped bars, the maximum stress at the notch
or fillet is a uniaxial system. In a grooved or stepped shaft in tension or
bending, however, in addition to the maximum stress as given by the
equation containing the stress-concentration factor as discussed above,
there is also a stress at right angles to the maximum stress, i.e., the stress
S S max
£= P/A sma,’KtP/A
(a) Tension of uniform bar (b) Tension of notched bar
a -7
(•M A >
s max
I/C £ max Kf.
(o) Bending of uniform beam (d) Bending of notched beam
round shafts because with notches or fillets they are the same as Kts
In cyclic loading, the effect of the notch or fillet is usually less than
predicted by the use of the theoretical factors as discussed above, although
for high-strength steels the full theoretical factor is generally obtained.
The difference depends on the stress gradient in the region of stress con¬
centration and on the hardness of the material. The term notch sensi¬
tivity has been applied to this behavior. Notch sensitivity may be
defined as the degree to which the theoretical effect of stress concentration
is actually reached. The stress gradient depends mainly on the radius of
the notch, hole, or fillet and on the grain size of the material. While
extensive data are not available at present, the curves in Fig. 4-16 may be
used to estimate the value of the notch-sensitivity factor q for two steels.
When data are not available for determining values for q, it can be
neglected; i.e., use q equal to unity, and the design will be on the side of
In cyclic loading, therefore, the notch-sensitivity factor is used to
modify the stress-concentration factor and a new factor is obtained which
is termed estimated fatigue notch factor. This factor may be obtained as
Ktf = 1 + q(Kt - 1) (4-3)
Kt'f = 1 + q{Kt> - 1) (4-4)
Ktsf = 1 + q(Kts — 1) (4-5)
The actual ratio r/d is 0.125/1.3125 = 0.99 instead of the assumed value 0.125, and
the actual value of q is 0.85 instead of 0.9. Also the actual value of D/d is 1.19. A
check will show that it is not worthwhile to make a second solution.
«■ - ft (5-1}
endurance limit of the member and always to use the appropriate stress-
concentration design factor. The endurance limit for a material depends
on the finish of the part (see Appendix VII) and also on the range of stress
for the particular loading, as discussed in Art. 5-4.
The allowable stress for cyclic loading may be determined as follows:
For stiffness, the allowable stress is usually determined from design codes
or from analyses of similar members which have performed satisfactorily
under similar service conditions. In this case the designer may well avoid
thinking of the allowable stress in terms of a factor of safety.
The choice of the value for the factor of safety depends largely on the
judgment of the designer and should cover such considerations as the
1. Degree of certainty of the loading
2. Reliability of material
3. Initial stresses
4. Whether assumptions made in the analysis are on the side of safety
5. Whether failure would endanger life, damage expensive machinery
or equipment, or cause expensive shutdowns
When effects of stress concentration and shock loading, if any, are
included in the calculations for the induced stress, or if the induced stress
is estimated from methods of experimental stress analysis, the factor of
safety for ductile material in static loading based on the yield point is
usually in the range of 1.5 to 2.5 for industrial equipment. The lower
values are used when low weight and cost have precedence over high
dependability and insurance against any failure. In many parts made in
production quantities, and as dictated by quality-control requirements,
a certain percentage of failures can be tolerated if such failures of the part
would not endanger life or cause excessive inconvenience or expense.
Usually failures in power-transmission machinery are expensive so that
efforts to prevent any failure are well justified.
5-7 Allowable stresses for combined variable loading. As has been
discussed early in this chapter, we have assumed that failure in a ductile
material subjected to static loading occurs when the induced stress reaches
the yield point, and in cyclic loading when the stress reaches the endur¬
ance limit. If a member is subjected to combined loading, part of which
may be static and part cyclic, the question arises as to how to determine
the allowable stress.
Let us assume the case of a straight bar subjected to a tensile load which
varies from Pmax to Pmin. This loading can be expressed as a steady com¬
ponent Pm (the subscript m standing for mean) on which is superimposed
a cyclic component Pr, as represented in Fig. 5-1 (d). If A is the cross-
sectional area of the bar, the stresses corresponding to the above loads
will be a static stress Pm/A and a cyclic stress Pr/A.
Experimental data on bars with this type of loading are fairly extensive,
and when the failure points are plotted as in Fig. 5-3, they follow generally
the curve indicated by the dotted line. The curve shows that if the static
component is zero, failure occurs at point A, which is the endurance limit
of the material, while if the cyclic component is zero, the bar fractures at
Pm ~b K t'Pr$y/$e
f.S. ~AT
1 C. R. Soderberg, Factor of Safety and Working Stress, J. Appl. Mechanics, vol.
52, no. 11, p. APM-52-53, 1930.
2 This approach in writing the design equations follows closely, by permission of the
author and publisher, R. T. Hinkle, A Simple Method of Presenting the Combined
Variable-load Equations, J. Eng. Educ., vol. 41, no. 7, March, 1951.
I = Mm + KfMrSy/Se
C Sy/f.S.
J _ Tm + K/TrSv/Se
r Sys/f.s.
In Eq. (5-8), sys is the yield point in shear, and su/se for tension can be
used instead of the corresponding values for shear since the ratios are
nearly the same value. This equation applies of course only to shafts of
circular cross section.
The equation for combined bending and torsion both of which may be
variable may be similarly obtained, using Eq. (13-5) to give the following
equation, which has become known as the “ Westinghouse equation” for
solid shafts of circular cross section:
In the design of a column or strut, the length is usually known but,
since the dimensions of the cross section are not known initially, one can¬
not determine which equation, Euler’s or J. B. Johnson’s should be used.
1 Round ends or pin ends, free but guided 1
H Fixed ends 4
ILI Flat ends / to 4
JY One end fixed, other free but guided 2
V One end fixed, other free 0.25
Fig. 6-1. End-fixity coefficients for columns.
B =
column will be long and of small cross section, the J. B. Johnson equation
should be tried as a first trial and the assumption checked by the criterion
of B/p2 after the cross-sectional dimensions have been determined.
In arriving at the design value for the end-fixity coefficient n, it is
necessary to consider the degree to which the actual support approaches
one of the ideal cases in Fig. 6-1. For instance, the fixed-end case is
seldom realized in an actual installation because of the deflection of the
support so that the design value of n may be well limited to 3 or possibly
3.5 instead of the ideal value of 4.
In determining the radius of gyration, it is necessary to consider the
plane in which failure occurs. The plane of failure will be that for which
the combination of bending resistance and end fixity is the least, i.e., the
plane for which the product nl is the least.
Example. A pin-ended strut 6 in. long is to be made of SAE 1030 steel, of circular
cross section, and is to support a compressive load of 2,000 lb. The diameter of the
loading pins at the ends of the strut is H in. See Fig. 3-2 for the appearance of the
strut. Assuming a factor of safety for the strut of 1.5 and an allowable bearing pres¬
sure at the pins of 10,000 psi, determine the dimensions for the strut.
Solution: For the strut,
SyL2 42,000 X 62
B = = 0.0051 in.
mv2E IXtr2 X 30,000,000
Fcr = f.s. X Fall = 1.5 X 2,000 = 3,000 lb
If substitutions are made for A = 7rd2/4 and p = d/4 and the equation is solved for
d2, the result is
4FCr n 4 X 3,000
d2 =-b 4B =--- + 4 X 0.0051
trsy tv X 42,000
= 0.091 + 0.020 = 0.111 in.2
d = 0.333 Use % in. in diameter for the strut
B 4B 4 X 0.0051
= 0.145
d2 (0.375)2
Since the value of B/p2 is less than 2, the assumption of the J. B. Johnson equation
was correct.
For the dimensions of the eye, the projected bearing area of the pins may be calcu¬
lated as
0.2 in.2
0.4 in.
By using in. for the width of the eye, clearance would be provided for machining the
faces of the eye.
The dimensions of the strut would be as follows:
minimum and the conditions of loading and quality of material are accu¬
rately known, a value as low as 1.25 may be used. In the usual applica¬
tion, a value of from 2 to 3 or 4 may be suitable.
6-5 Beam columns. Members required to withstand axial loads and
transverse loads simultaneously are called beam columns. Examples of
beam columns are an eccentrically loaded strut, as shown in Fig. 6-3, and
an end-supported beam carrying a weight, as shown in Fig. 6-4.
For the eccentrically loaded strut shown in Fig. 6-3, it is apparent that
the moment at the ends, Pe, will cause transverse deflection of the strut.
The axial compressive load P will then have a line of action eccentric to
the strut by an amount 5 at the center. This force and distance in turn
induce an additional bending moment on the beam. The magnitude of
the moment therefore depends on the deflection of the structure, which
in turn is related to the loading. This interrelation makes the determina¬
tion of the moment difficult; however, if the moment is known, then the
maximum stress may be determined from
P , Me
S = A + —
M = Pe sec — (6-5)
1 R. J. Roark, “Formulas for Stress and Strain,” 3d ed., McGraw-Hill Book Com¬
pany, Inc., New York, 1954.
2 Timoshenko and MacCullough, “Elements of Strength of Materials,” 3d ed.,
p. 309, D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., New York, 1949.
The stress at the center of the beam from Eqs. (6-4) and (6-5) is
P Pec L
s = ~ + — sec —
A I 2p EA
ec L
— sec (6-6)
P* 2P
For the beam with a central transverse load and an axial compressive
load as shown in Fig. 6-4, the bending moment at the center is1
WL tan U
M =
where TJ — — \ —
S = P + WcL tan U
S A + 4/ U
M = (6-8)
1 - (/3PL2/EI)
Table 6-1
Loading P
Cantilever, end load. H
Cantilever, uniform load. K
Simply supported, center load. H2
Simply supported, uniform load. 5As
Fixed ends, center load. K4
Fixed ends, uniform load. 2
For the case shown in Fig. 6-4, the equation for the maximum stress
P c WL (6-9)
Z + / L4 - (PL2/SEI)
When the axial and bending loads are known for a beam column, the
maximum stress can be determined. It is apparent, however, that the
induced stress is not directly proportional to the applied loads. Hence,
in using the factor of safety, it is necessary to determine the critical values
of the axial load and bending load and to apply these critical loads to
Eq. (6-9) as follows:
Pcr = f.s. X P
Wcr = f.s. X W
(f.s.)P c (f.s.)IFL
>cr = sy = (6-10)
~A~ + 7 [4 - [(f.s.)PL2]/3P/
The determination of the dimensions of the required section is a matter
of trial and error.
mil i
rmr T
(a)- Lateral (b)- Plate, (cPPIate
buckling in compression in shear
2 Etz
(1 - v2)d*
Vc (6-12)
Sy( 1 — v2)d2
1 +
1 See R. J. Roark, “Formulas for Stress and Strain,” 3d ed., McGraw-Hill Book
Company, Inc., New York, 1954, for formulas applying to plates subjected to normal
2 G. H. Bryan, Application of Energy Test to the Collapse of Long Thin Pipe Under
External Pressure, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., vol. 6, p. 287, 1888.
3 R. V. Southwell, On the Collapse of Tubes by External Pressure, Phil. Mag.,
vol. 29, p. 67, 1915.
Fig. 7-1. Comparison of damping characteristics for cast iron and two steels.
part, availability of the material, and the combined cost of the material
and processing of the part. Normally the designer may select for many
parts plain carbon steel on account of its low cost, ease of fabrication, and
any necessary heat-treatment. If the service requirements are severe,
it may be necessary to select alloy steel to secure higher strength, greater
hardenability, greater ductility, resistance to shock loading, and/or better
machinability. The choice of alloy steel, however, will have the dis¬
advantages of higher cost of material, more exacting heat-treatment, and
the possibility of temper brittleness in some grades.
The relative costs of steel are roughly as follows, taking hot-rolled
plain-carbon steel bars as a basis: hot-rolled alloy steel, 60 per cent
greater; cold-finished plain-carbon steel, 30 per cent greater; and cold-
finished alloy steel, 85 per cent greater.
Steel with less than 0.30 to 0.35 per cent carbon will not have its proper¬
ties altered materially by heat treating. With higher carbon content, the
effects of heat treating are illustrated by the sample chart (Fig. 7-2)
which shows that with low tempering temperature, the tensile strength,
yield point, and hardness are high but ductility and resistance to impact
are low.1 On the basis of service requirements the designer can select the
optimum tempering temperature.
Oil quenching is not as drastic as water quenching and gives lower
strength and hardness but with less distortion of the part (Fig. 7-3).
The size of the part affects markedly its tensile properties, as shown by
the sample chart Fig. 7-4. For the yield point of several carbon and
alloy steels, see Appendix VIII.
300 8
200 2
150 £
too 2
0 12 3 4 5 6
Diameter of section; in.
Fig. 7-4. Effect of size on properties of SAE 1045 steel. (Courtesy of International
Nickel Co., Inc.)
* From “The Torsional and Shear Properties of Quenched and Tempered Nickel Alloy Steels in
Different Sizes,” The International Nickel Company, Inc., New York, 1949.
In the absence of more specific data, the endurance limit in shear may
be estimated for design purposes by multiplying the endurance limit in
flexure by 0.55 for carbon steels and by 0.58 for alloy steels. Appendix V
gives some properties of steel and nonferrous materials.
Example 7-1. Determine the yield points and endurance limits for SAE 1045
steel, oil-quenched and tempered at 900 F, assuming that the parts are in the size
range to 1^ in. with machined surfaces.
From Appendix VIII,
Sy = 86,000 psi
From Appendix VI,
st = 115,000 psi
From Table 7-2,
P is Pear/He F is Ferrj/e
Fig. 7-6. Tool life versus cutting speed. Tool 78B carbide. Wear land 0.015 in.
Depth of cut 0.100 in. (From 11 United States Air Force Machinability Report ,” Curtiss-
Wright Corp., vol. 2, 1951.)
ness numbers.1 These values are usually stated in terms of 100 for SAE
1112 (free machining), with lower values for poorer machining materials.
However, machinability cannot be predicted accurately by chemical
composition and Brinell hardness numbers alone. When production cost
is critical, efforts should be made to select cutting tools and speeds on the
Temperature, deg F
Fig. 7-7. Short-time tensile properties of forging steel. Effect of temperature on the
properties of metals. (ASME-ASTM Symposium, 1931.)
Fig. 7-8. Tensile creep curves for high and low stress.
allowable stress which will limit the total creep of the blade to not over
0.01 in. in 25 years. In Fig. 7-8 is shown the form of creep curves. In
the use of creep data, it should be remembered that extrapolation of the
curves may be unreliable. This poses a problem since if we are designing
a unit for a life of 10 years, or 87,600 hr, we cannot wait that long to con¬
duct long-time creep tests; instead we may be forced to make judicious
use of short-time tests.
In Fig. 7-9 is shown a series of creep-design curves for a carbon steel.
For extensive data on the properties of metal at elevated temperatures,
see the references below.1
Donald S. Clark and Wilbur R. Varney, “Physical Metallurgy for Engineers,”
D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., New York, 1953; Carl H. Samans, “Engineering
Metals and Their Alloys,” The Macmillan Company, New York, 1949; G. V. Smith,
“Properties of Metals at Elevated Temperatures,” McGraw-Hill Book Company,
Inc., New York, 1950; “The Nickel Alloy Steels Handbook,” International Nickel
Co., Inc., New York; Samuel L. Hoyt, “Metal Data,” Reinhold Publishing Corpora¬
tion, New York, 1952.
Temperature, deg F
Fig. 7-9. Creep data for annealed cast carbon steel. (Courtesy of The Crane Company.)
Temperature;deg F
Fig. 7-10. Effect of temperature on impact resistance of carbon and nickel steel.
Steels with 0.55 to 0.83 per cent carbon have high strength and good
wear properties. They are generally forged hot for spring wire and for
parts having cutting edges. Steel with 0.65 to 0.75 per cent carbon is
used for railroad rails. SAE 1065 to 1085 steel is used for coil springs and
flat springs and SAE 1070 to 1083 is used for plow shares, toothed diggers
and scrapers, and other parts subjected to shock and wear.
In the high-carbon steel group, SAE 1090 to 1095 is widely used for
springs, punches and dies, chisels, saws, cutting tools, steel wire, and
cables. Steel with 1.0 to 1.2 per cent carbon is used for saws, files, and
razor blades, while steel with 1.2 to 1.5 per cent carbon is used for balls,
rollers, and races for rolling bearings.
Alloy steels. Nickel steel is the most widely used of the alloy group
on account of its high strength, high ductility, and good impact prop¬
erties. SAE 2335 steel is used for highly stressed gears, axles, castings,
nuts and bolts, while SAE 2335 to 2350 is used for many other highly
stressed machine parts. SAE 2515 steel is used for more severe service
where high fatigue strength or good carburizing qualities are necessary;
this steel, however, is costly. It finds use in wrist pins, kingpins, trans¬
mission gears, ring gears, pinions, and cams.
The chromium steels, SAE 50XX and 51XX, have improved hardening
properties and higher strength and wear resistance, but may be temper
brittle. These steels are used in applications as ball bearings.
Nickel-chromium steel has further increased strength and harden-
ability but may be temper brittle. SAE 31XX is used for drive shafts
and axles, transmission gears, and connecting rods.
Carbon-molybdenum steel, SAE 40XX, is a carburizing grade used for
spline shafts, transmission gears, and pinions where the service is not
too severe, while SAE 41XX, chrome-molybdenum, has good deep¬
hardening characteristics, high ductility, and weldability and is rela¬
tively inexpensive.
7-6. Relation of cooling rates to design.1 The serviceability of a
machine part may be greatly affected by the interrelation between heat-
treatment and several factors that are involved in the design of the part,
such as its form and mass.
The nonuniformity of physical properties of steel throughout a member
may be due to unequal cooling rates in various sections and to the result¬
ing effect on the decomposition of austenite. For example, in quench¬
ing a solid sphere heated to a uniform temperature throughout, the
surface will be cooled more rapidly than the interior, and the difference
in cooling rates will vary with the type of coolant. Also, a small sphere
will have a greater difference in cooling rates than a larger sphere, since
the ratio of surface to volume is inversely proportional to the diameter.
It is evident that points in an irregularly shaped member may have
widely different cooling rates, which may result in a corresponding differ¬
ence in the effect of heat-treatment. For instance, the point of a tapered
pin will be cooled more rapidly during quenching than the larger end.
Likewise, a corner of a rectangular bar will be cooled faster than an edge,
and the edge faster than a flat surface, and the surface faster than the
interior. Thus, if uniform properties are required, the designer should
1 See discussion on design and heat-treatment in “ Metals Handbook,” American
Society for Metals.
attempt to shape the part so that the cooling rates in the various sections
will be as nearly uniform as possible. An approach to this condition is
found in the distribution of the material as evenly as possible, i.e., in the
avoidance of large masses of metal. The procedure is illustrated in
Fig. 7-11 where material has been removed from heavy sections.
(a) (b)
Fig. 7-11. (a) Original design of block to be heat-treated. (6) Improved design,
showing reduction of concentration of mass, and substitution of fillets for sharp
reentrant corners, showing methods 1 and 2.
Thus the slotted ring in Fig. 7-13 may be distorted during cooling, as
shown by the dotted lines in (a). Such distortion may be decreased by
the use of two or more symmetrical slots. Distortion of gear teeth in
heat-treatment may lead to noise and excessive wear. Special heat-
treatment, such as induction hardening or flame hardening, may be used
to give a minimum of distortion in this case.
The dotted lines in Fig. 7-13(6) indicate warping that may be caused
by the sudden application of the coolant from one side of the ring.
Stress concentration exists in the parts riveted and in the rivets them¬
selves ; however, since the materials used in most riveted parts are ductile,
stress concentration may not be serious. In ductile material plastic flow
around the rivet hole may be relied upon to relieve stress
Point concentration if the loads on the joint are static. Stress
concentration exists also in the rivet, and it may be
serious at the junctures of the shank of the rivet and the
heads. This concentration of stress may be reduced by
countersinking the rivet holes q in. so that a fillet is
formed as shown in Fig. 8-2. Since loads on the rivets
may be variable because of the character of the external
Fig. 8-2. Fil load, the vibration, or the temperature change, the rivet
lets in rivets. may fail owing to stress concentration in fatigue, even
though the rivets are made of ductile material.
The ways in which a single riveted lap joint may fail are illustrated in
Fig. 8-3.
The maximum stresses in a riveted joint at failure are difficult to cal¬
culate. Instead of attempting to use exact stresses, a safe joint may be
designed on the basis of simple tension of the plates, shear of the rivets,
and bearing at the rivets and plates, using allowable stresses determined
A=Nomina! diameter =d
hole -d-t-'/e in.
=Diameter to be used in
JnnnnxX calculating the strength
of plate =d+'/8 in.
— C7 — ►
Fig. 8-4. Structural riveting.
2. The strength of all the rivets in shear is equal to
^ X 15,000 = 39,700 lb
The above calculations indicate that the joint would fail by rupture
of the plate along section A A and that the safe load would be 26,250 lb.
Note that stress concentration has been neglected; a procedure that is
justified by the lack of seriousness of stress concentration because of the
ductility of the structural steel and the relatively high factor of safety
used in determining the allowable stresses.
P' ^2
T ■J'. V
l 3 (6)
1 If the rivets are of different diameters or are unsymmetrically spaced, the center of
gravity of the rivet group may be located by the use of a well-known principle of
mechanics, X = 2 AX/S A, as illustrated in Fig. 8-7.
rotate the rivets about the center of gravity of the group. The loads
induced by the turning moment are known as “secondary shear.”
Now the primary shear on each rivet is equal to P/3 and these loads
are shown in Fig. 8-6(c), where the rivet group has been redrawn.
The turning moment will induce loads on rivets 1, 2, and 3, which are
of different magnitudes and directions. The direction of the secondary
shear on each rivet is at right angles to the direction of its moment arm r.
Thus s[', or the secondary shear on rivet 1,
will act at right angles to ri, and s" and s"
will act at right angles to r2 and r3, respec¬
tively. To determine the magnitudes of
s[r, s", and s3, it is necessary to make an
A reasonable assumption is that the two
members riveted together, i.e., the plate
and the channel in Fig. 8-6(a), are rigid
and that the deformation takes place by
the rivets. This assumption is valid for
Fig. 8-7. Center of gravity of
the proportions of plates and the number
rivet group.
and size of rivets that are met with in the
usual structural or machine members. However, it may not be valid for
very small, thin plates and for relatively large rivets.
If the assumption stated above is used, it follows that as a result of
the turning of the plate the deformation of each rivet will be proportional
to its distance r from the center of gravity of the group. Therefore
ri r2 r3
From the condition that the sum of the external turning moment and
of the internal resisting moment equals zero,
Pe = Sjri + s2 r2 + s3 r3
" = PeVn
Sn r\ + r\ + r|
A ^zsszzzzS^ SOIL
1 Spreader ring
Fig. 8-8. Draw rivets for riveting from one side of plate.
Draw rivets have been used widely for riveting in locations that are
accessible from one side only. Figure 8-8 (a) shows a rivet of this type
known as the Huck rivet, which is composed of three essential parts:
(1) the hardened steel pin, (2) the soft steel sleeve, and (3) the spreader
The complete rivet is supplied to the user assembled as shown in
Fig. 8-8(a). At (6) is shown the rivet inserted from the right into the
holes of the plates. The sleeve is held against the plates while the pin
is pulled toward the right. This operation spreads the sleeve as shown
in the diagrams at (c) and (d) and finally the pin breaks off, leaving the
completed rivet as shown at (e). Another and simpler draw rivet is the
Cherry rivet.
!§! ^77777//////////////////////^777//
powder, or chemical, charge c in the shank. The rivet that has been
exploded by a heated-tip riveting gun placed in contact with the rivet-
head is shown at (b).
1 Berlin and Rossman, Flush Riveting Considerations for Quantity Production,
SAE Journal, August, 1939, p. 328.
together the rivets will have a high strength and will favor a tight joint,
but the plate will be unduly weakened by the large, closely spaced holes.
In the treatment of pressure-vessel joints given here a typical standard
joint as specified by the ASME Code1 will be investigated for strengths
under various probable methods of failure.
The following assumptions are made:
1. That each rivet takes an equal share of the load. This assumption
implies that the shell and plate are rigid and that all the deformation of
the joint takes place in the rivets themselves. Because of the actual
deformation of the shell and plates, however, the rivets in the outer row
in a multirow joint are subjected to more than an equal share of the load.
2. The plates are undamaged by the hole-forming operation, and the
rivet fills the hole after it is driven. These assumptions are valid in
2. The strength of the plate between rivet holes in the outer row is
equal to
7rd2 ( 0.8752'
5— S. = 5 7T X 44,000
= 132,290 lb
4. The strength of the plate between rivet holes in the second row plus
(a) shearing strength of rivets in the outer row or (b) crushing strength
of rivets in the outer row is equal to
7T d2
(p — 2 d)tst + = (4.875 - 2 X 0.875) X 0.375 X 55,000
+ 7T X 44,000
= 90,910 lb
(6) (p - 2d)tst + dt'sc = (4.875 - 2 X 0.875) X 0.375 X 55,000
+ 0.875 X 0.3125 X 95,000
= 90,429 lb
hrd2\ n ( 0.8752\
2dtsc + ( — ) ss = 2 X 0.875 X 0.375 X 95,000 + hr —) X 44,000
= 88,800 lb
The above analysis indicates that the joint will fail by method 2. The
efficiency of the joint is
X 100 = 82.0 per cent
The efficiencies of some commercial boiler joints are given in Table 8-1.
Lap joints:
Single riveted. 45-60
Double riveted. 63-70
Triple riveted. 72-80
Butt joints:
Single riveted. 55-60
Double riveted. 70-83
Triple riveted. 80-90
Quadruple riveted. 85-94
1. Welding:
Cost of materials, as structural steel
Cost of cutting and forming parts
Cost of positioning parts, welding and machining
2. Casting:
Cost of materials, as iron and steel
Cost of patterns and molds
Cost of casting and machining
3. Forging:
Cost of materials
Cost of dies
Cost of forging and machining
kp-jzJ A i) Li-i_l u lJ
In forge welding the parts must be heated to the plastic state at the
regions where they are to be joined, and then impact, which is produced
by a hand hammer or a press, causes the parts to unite. Wrought iron
and low-carbon steel may be forge-welded. The process has limited use;
it is employed in the manufacture of wrought-iron pipe and also as a
repair medium.
In electric-resistance welding, the parts to be joined are pressed together
and an electric current is passed from one part to the other until the
metal is heated to the fusion temperature at the joint. A butt joint may
be formed in this manner from relatively thick plates, or if the plates are
thin a lap joint may be formed. In the latter case, if the pressure is
applied by the two electrodes, one on each side of the overlapped plates, a
spot weld is produced, or if two rollers are substituted for the point
electrodes and the plates are pulled between the rollers a seam weld is
In fusion welding, the parts to be welded must be held in position while
molten metal is placed at the joints, thus fusing the metal of the parts,
called the parent metal. The molten metal then solidifies to form the
welded joint. The weld formed by the welding metal when it cools is
essentially cast metal.
The heat to melt the weld metal and to make the parent metal plastic
is generated in a number of ways, each of which defines the method of
fusion welding as (a) Thermit welding, (b) gas welding, and (c) electric-
arc welding.
In Thermit welding, a mold is built around the joints at the region where
it is desired to confine the molten metal. Then the Thermit, which is
composed of a mixture of finely divided iron oxide and aluminum, is
placed in a reservoir in the mold. The Thermit is ignited and the alu¬
minum reduces the iron oxide to molten steel, at a high temperature,
which flows in the mold, melts the parts, and forms the joint on solidify¬
ing. Thermit welding is used principally to repair heavy cast-iron and
steel parts and to weld heavy sections, such as rails, in the field where
other welding equipment is not available.
Gas welding, often called autogenous welding, uses an oxygen-hydrogen
or oxygen-acetelene gas, which is burned in a torch providing a pointed
flame. The flame heats the parts to be welded and melts the welding
metal, or filler rod, which on cooling forms the joint.
The oxygen-hydrogen process is generally used for welding nonferrous
metals of low melting points, while the oxygen-acetylene process is used
for welding ferrous and some nonferrous metals and alloys in thin sheets,
and as a repair medium. Gas-welding equipment may be modified for
use in flame cutting of plates.
Arc welding employs either a carbon-rod electrode with a separate rod
used for the source of weld metal or a metallic-rod electrode in which the
welding rod itself serves the dual purpose of electrode and source of weld¬
ing metal. The metallic-rod arc-welding process is adapted to both
structural and machine welding because of the consistently high quality
of the welding that it is possible to obtain by the use of the proper weld¬
ing procedure by trained operators of the welding equipment.
The making of high-quality welds requires specially designed equip¬
ment in order to produce a welding arc which has the necessary qualities
for the proper control of the welding in producing joints of desired
If a bare electrode or filler rod is used, the deposited weld metal while
it is hot will absorb oxygen and nitrogen from the atmosphere, which will
decrease the strength of the weld
metal and lower its ductility
and its resistance to corrosion.
Shielded-arc welding is employed Gaseous shield.
to prevent oxygen and nitrogen Deposited metal
from coming in contact with the
r // i/iillHrd^
weld metal while it is molten. \ //1i/ii/ Base metat
NT'S',/'/"" ' > V
The shielded arc is produced by
using welding rods coated with
solid material which melts and Fig. 8-15. Shielded arc.
vaporizes when heated by the arc
and which forms a shield of inert gas around the molten weld metal; it
also furnishes a flux which floats out impurities to form a slag on the top
of the weld which further prevents harmful oxidizing effect on the weld
while it is cooling. This slag is brushed off after the joint has cooled,
leaving a good-appearing bead.
Shielded-arc welds are used in high-grade construction where strength
is paramount. Figure 8-15 shows details of the shielded arc.
8-8 Forms of welded joints. Some common forms of welded joints are
shown in Fig. 8-16. When butt welds are used, it is not necessary to
bevel the edges of plates that are ^ in. or less in thickness. For heavier
plates, the edges should be beveled. For plates % in. or more in thick¬
ness, it is desirable to weld from both sides of the plate in order to min¬
imize distortion of the welded part and to reduce the amount of deposited
metal required.
(e)-Co rner
(fh Tee (g)-Edqe
Fig. 8-16. Common forms of welded joints.
La X a = Lh X b
The deviation from uniform distribution of stress is small for short lengths
of fillet welds, but becomes considerable for long weld lengths; hence the
design of long welds should take into account the concentration of stress
at the load-input end of the bead.
(a.)-Cast iron
Cost 100%
8-10 Welding design.1 There are three types of welding design, as fol¬
lows: (a) substitution method, (6) approximate calculation, and (c) precise
Substitution method. Ih the change-over from a cast, forged, or riveted
machine member to a welded design by the use of the substitution
(a)~0riqina\ cast
(dJ-Par\s for welded
Fig. 8-19. Substitution method in welding design.
method, the welded part is fashioned from plates and structural and
formed parts to simulate the shape of the original member. This method
is illustrated in Fig. 8-19 in the change-over from a cast-iron to a welded
link. If a program calls for changing to welding of a complicated
machine, the change-over is generally made on one part at a time in order
that any trouble that develops because of the substitution of welding
may be localized and dealt with independently.
Approximate calculation. This method is generally applied to a new
design or to a moderately stressed existing machine member. The sizes
of parts and the strengths of the welded joints are determined in accord¬
ance with allowable values that have been found satisfactory in practice.
Allowable loads for normal and parallel fillet welds are given in Table 8-3.
Table 8-3. Allowable Static Loads on Mild-steel Fillet Welds
1 See “Procedure Handbook of Arc Welding Design and Practice,” 9th ed., Lincoln
Electric Co., 1950.
It may be noted in the table that the values for normal welds are higher
than those for parallel welds. This is due to the fact that there is a more
uniform distribution of stress for the normal weld than there is along the
length of the parallel weld. The values of shielded-arc welds are higher
than those for bare welding-rod welds for reasons discussed in Art. 8-7.
Example 8-2. A 34-in. plate 2 in. wide carries a static tensile load of 8,000 lb and is
to be welded to a plate by parallel fillet welds, as in Fig. 8-20(6). Determine the
length of each weld, using )4-in. shielded-arc welds.
Solution: The net length of welds (Table 8-3) is
2 in. Use welds 2)4 in. long.
2 X 2,000
Butt welds:
Tension. 16,000 8,000
Compression. 18,000 8,000
Shear. 10,000 5,000
Fillet welds:
Transverse and parallel welds. 14,000 5,000
* From C. H. Jennings, Welding Design, Trans. ASME, vol. 58, p. 497, 1936.
maximum stresses in these welds. Stress concentration should be con¬
sidered for cyclic loading but may be neglected for static loading for
reasons given in Art. 4-6.
In a normal fillet-welded lap joint (Fig. 8-22), the size of the weld is
specified by dimension ec or cd. These dimensions are equal. The size
of the weld is not greater than the thickness of the plate and it may be
-*e- ->■
The other load P and the externally applied load acting at the eccen¬
tricity e produce a twisting moment on the welds which induces additional
stresses on the welds called secondary shear stresses. The analysis of
loads on this joint is similar to that on eccentrically loaded rivet groups
discussed in Art. 8-3.
The polar moment of inertia of the weld pattern may be taken from
Table 8-7. Assuming that the plates are relatively stiff and that the
deformation under load is concentrated at the welds, the secondary shear¬
ing stress at any part of the welds will be proportional to its distance from
the center of twist. It follows that the maximum secondary shearing
stress will occur at the corners of the weld pattern. The secondary shear¬
ing stress may be added vectorially to the primary stress to determine the
maximum shearing stress. It can usually be determined by inspection
where the resultant stress will be a maximum at any part of the joint.
The location is k in Fig. 8-24.
Example. Assume in Fig. 8-24 that the load P = 1,500 lb, e = 5 in., a = 3 in.,
and b — 2 in. The latter dimension is in. shorter than the weld to allow for start¬
ing and stopping of the bead. Determine the size of weld required for static loading.
Solution: The polar moment of inertia is
t tb3
bt(3a2 + b2)
bt(a2 + 3 b2)
t(a + b)3
* Approximate.
The primary shear stress is always directed parallel to P. The secondary shear
stress is maximum at the four corners of the weld and is in a direction perpendicular to
its radius r drawn from the center of twist to the corner. The resultant stress is the
vector sum of the primary and secondary stresses and it is apparent by inspection that
the maximum resultant stress occurs at location k, as indicated in the stress pattern.
The resultant stress R may be determined analytically or graphically and is found to
be equal to 1,550/2.
This shearing stress would act along the leg of the weld (cd in Fig. 18-22). The
throat of the weld, however, is smaller than the leg and to be on the side of safety, it
is customary to use the throat area, even though the shear stresses as calculated do
not lie in that plane. This consideration would require using 0.7072 instead of 2 for the
The maximum stress then would be equal to
1,550 2,190
0.7072 °r 2
Using an allowable stress from Table 8-5 equal to 14,000 psi, the size of the weld is
. _ 2,190 _ n 1Kft .
1 14,000 °'156 m’
In a structure made of both welded and riveted parts, the welding should
precede the riveting so far as possible.
Residual stresses may be relieved after welding by suitable heat-treat¬
ment. The temperature/ rate, and time of heat-treatment depend on
the size and thickness of the parts and on the plasticizing rate of the mate¬
rial. Highly stressed parts whose failure would involve life hazard or
expensive structure damage, such as welded pressure vessels and welded
penstocks, should be stress relieved; this applies also to parts which
require close tolerances or those subjected to impact and fatigue
In welded steam-generator drums, stress relieving is effective in reduc¬
ing caustic embrittlement.
Hand peening of the joint while it is hot is effective in increasing the
strength of the joint, particularly in austenitic steel, but overpeening
should be avoided. Indications are that peening reduces residual stresses
in parts of the weld that may be in the plastic state and that it also intro¬
duces some cold working.
It is not generally necessary to stress-relieve welded machine members
if they have been properly designed with special precautions to avoid
stress concentrations, and if they have been welded properly. However,
in highly stressed parts and in parts subjected to repeated loading, stress
relief may be necessary.
8-13 Testing and inspection of welds. The mechanical testing of
welds in either static or fatigue loading has in general three purposes, as
1. Comparison of strengths of joints. This comparison may be for (a)
welds of different geometry, for example, in comparing the strengths of
a single-V butt weld with a double-V butt weld, or of a full bead with a
flush bead weld, or of a rectangular splice plate in a beam connection with
a diamond-shaped plate, as shown in Fig.
8-26. Or (b) the comparison may be for
the purpose of determining the effect on
strength of using, for example, welding rods
of different composition, rods of different
sizes in electric-arc welding, or bare versus
coated electrode welds.
2. Testing of filler metal. In this type of
testing of welds, specimens are prepared by
Fig. 8-26. Splice plates. machining from a welded joint a part of the
deposited metal and the adjacent parent
metal. The specimens are used to determine yield point, ductility,
nature of bond between deposited metal and parent metal, and chemical
3. Qualification tests of welders. Standard joints are made and they are
tested to determine the quality of the welding. These procedure tests are
made periodically and aid in maintaining consistent high-quality welding.
Inspection of welds, sometimes called nondestructive testing, is specified
in some instances. The most commonly used of these methods, each
having its own fields of application, are as follows:
Visual inspection. A method of inspection available to skilled opera¬
tors is known as “visual inspection,” which means that the operator
observes as the bead is “laid down” characteristics of its formation that
are a good indication of the quality of the weld. These characteristics
are rate of burning off of the electrode, fusion and penetration, forming
of the bead in the joint, and the sound of the arc. The evaluation of these
dynamic characteristics involves a certain amount of the “personal ele¬
ment” in the operator, but, taken together, they are one of the best
indications of the quality of a weld as they permit the operator, as it
might be said, to see inside the joint.
X-ray inspection. The x-ray equipment is expensive and is not port¬
able, and hence such inspection is available only where large numbers of
parts must be inspected and where the parts are not too large to be con¬
veniently transported. The limitation of the method is the thickness of
material suitable for penetration in a reasonable time. Two inches is
generally considered to be the upper limit of metal thickness for ordinary
work although up to 5-in. sections have been satisfactorily defined in
Gamma-ray inspection. The gamma-ray equipment may be portable,
and hence is adaptable to field work. The cost of the equipment is lower
than the x-ray equipment; however, the radium required makes its use
expensive. The gamma rays penetrate the work more rapidly than
x-rays, hence this method is suitable for inspecting thick plates.
Magnifiux method. This method uses magnetic dust, applied either
dry or in an oil bath. The welded part, which of course must be mag¬
netic, is magnetized and the magnetic dust assumes a pattern in the vicin¬
ity of the joint which gives valuable indications of surface defects and
some subsurface defects, such as cracks and other discontinuities and
inclusions. If residual magnetism is objectionable, as in aircraft parts,
it should be removed by demagnetization.
Stethoscope method. In this method, the soundness of the weld may be
determined by means of the characteristics of the sound or ring produced
by tapping the weld with a light hammer. The sound is analyzed by the
operator using a stethoscope as an aid. The condition of the weld can be
quite accurately determined by skilled operators.
8-14 Rolling, spinning, and seaming. These are analogous operations
in which (usually) circular or cylindrical thin metal parts are rotated on a
spindle while forming rolls shape the part. Figure 8-27 shows a welded
Y-belt sheave for which the edges of the flange were curled by the form¬
ing rolls.
8-15 Stitching. Thin metal sheets may be joined by stitching, in
which mild steel clips have their ends punched through the overlapped
sheets and then bent over to form the stitch.
8-16 Manufacturing processes.1 The manufacturing processes may
be considered in three groups: (a) forming processes, such as casting, forg¬
ing, rolling, and machining to dimension; (6) fabri¬
cating processes, such as soldering, brazing, and
welding; (c) finishing processes, such as finish ma¬
chining or grinding, honing, lapping, and superfinish¬
ing. A brief discussion of these processes follows.
Casting. Sand casting requires a separate mold for
each piece. Metal-mold casting may be used for
relatively low melting temperature metals; it em¬
ploys a metal mold that can be used for producing
many castings. Die casting is used in quantity
production of small parts made of low-melting-
temperature allo3Ts.
Hand forging, or machine forging using power
hammers, is used for parts whose shape requires
working of the materials in the semiplastic state, or
where it is desired to control the internal structure
as regards grain size and grain direction. Examples
Fig. 8-27. Fabri¬
of forged parts are upset and swaged pieces, crank¬
cated V-belt sheave.
shafts, connecting rods, valves, and gears. Forging
design should strive for as much material as possible in one plane and for
the avoidance of undercut surfaces and deep recesses.
Rolling in a rolling mill is used to form long members of uniform sec¬
tion, such as bars, rails, structural sections, and plates. The material
may be hot-rolled for large reduction in section or cold-rolled for accurate
sizing or grain control. Rolling may also be used to form gear teeth and
screw threads and to form sheet metal to desired shapes.
The cold-metal processes include shearing, blanking, bending, drawing,
which is used primarily for forming rods and shafting and for producing
cup-shaped parts from flat blanks, and squeezing, which includes coining
and extrusion. Metal spinning is a type of drawing used for forming sur¬
faces of revolution including beads and seams. The extrusion process is
1 H. C. Hesse, “Engineering Tools and Processes,” D. Van Xostrand Company,
Inc., New York, 1941; M. L. Begeman, “Manufacturing Processes,” John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., New York, 1942.
used to form the softer metals, such as aluminum and magnesium alloys,
into a variety of shapes.
Sintering is a process that is used to combine compressed powdered
metals or a mixture of powdered metals by heat-treatment so that a rigid
piece having desirable properties is formed. Nonmetallic substances may
or may not be included. The process may be used to produce accurately
sized parts which are composed of materials which will not mix or which
cannot be solidified from the molten state, and it may also be used for
parts which can be produced more economically by sintering than by
other processes. The strength and porosity of the finished parts can be
accurately controlled. Some examples of sintered products are bearing
sleeves which are used for bearings inaccessible for lubrication and which
are composed of a mixture of bronze and graphite, porous bronze bear¬
ing sleeves which are impregnated with oil, and bronze and iron parts
which are used as gears for oil pumps and pistons for hydraulic controls;
other examples are refractory products and cutting tips for machine tools.
Soldering, brazing, and welding. Soldering and brazing are used to join
metal parts by the use of a filler metal whose melting temperature is
lower than that of the metals to be joined. Brazing uses a harder filler
metal than is used in soldering and forms a stronger joint. Brazing in a
furnace is very effective and forms strong and neat joints. Welding is
used as a fabrication medium to join parts permanently and to form
built-up members as substitutes for castings and forgings, as a joining
medium to replace fastenings as rivets and bolts, and as a repair medium
to replace broken or worn sections of members. Welding is discussed
in Art. 8-7.
8-17 Design of castings. An important consideration in the design of
castings is volumetric contraction or shrinkage, which takes place as the
metal cools from the molten state to the solid state. In many cases the
contraction is restrained by the mold or cores or by adjacent parts of the
casting that have solidified earlier in the cooling process. The restrained
contraction gives rise to internal stresses that may lead to failure in
In general, the necessity for considering the effects of contraction and
for designing the casting to minimize harmful effects increases with the
melting temperature and the volumetric contraction of the metal. Thus
castings of low-melting-point metals and alloys generally may be designed
without special regard for effects of contraction; iron castings require
medium precautions; and steel castings require great care and special
Some general features that should be considered in the design of cast¬
ings are discussed in the following paragraphs. They apply specifically
Of the three types of fastenings described above, the bolt makes the
best connection from the standpoint of construction cost, the tap bolt
and stud result in a saving in space and weight since a smaller flange is
required, and the stud has a replacement advantage over the tap bolt in
the event of wear of the thread.
Cap screws are similar to small-size tap bolts except that a greater
variety of shapes of heads are available, as shown in Fig. 9-2. Shouldered
cap screws also are in common use.
Machine screws are cap screws slotted for a screw driver and are gen¬
erally used with a nut.
Setscrews are used to prevent relative motion between parts. They
may be used instead of a key to prevent relative motion between a hub
(a)~Jam nut
J— 3§N
feLEI o she
stop nut
(TV-Lock washers
Fig. 9-4. Locking devices.
The thread form for the Unified and American Standard is shown in
Fig. 9-5.
For the three series, coarse threads are intended for general industrial
purposes; fine threads are for applications which require fine adjustment
Fig. 9-5. Unified and American screw-thread form. Threads shown separated for
clarity. Crests on external threads may be rounded or flat.
be 2B instead of 2A.
Aero threads. The Aero thread employs an
insert made of wire of section as shown in Fig.
9-6. The insert is shaped like a coil spring and
is screwed into the threaded recess in the nut or __'CD
threaded member, thus forming a thread for the Fig. 9-6. Aero thread.
engagement of the bolt or screw. The thread
spaces of the bolt or screw are approximately semicircular in section, and
as a result, little stress concentration is introduced. The bottom of the
thread in the nut or threaded member is sharp, but stress concentration
at this location is generally not serious, since the nominal stress is low.
Table 9-1. Unified and American Screw-thread Sizes
Threads Root area, Threads Root area,
per in. sq in. per in. sq in.
0 80 0.0015
1 (0.073) 64 0.0022 72 0.0024
2 (0.086) 56 0.0031 64 0.0034
3 (0.099) 48 0.0041 56 0.0045
4 (0.112) 40 0.0050 48 0.0057
H 20 0.0269 28 0.0326
He 18 0.0454 24 0.0524
% 16 0.0678 24 0.0809
He 14 0.0933 20 0.1090
y2 13 0.1257 20 0.1486
He 12 0.1620 18 0.1888
X 11 0.2018 18 0.2400
H 10 0.3020 16 0.3513
Vs 9 0.4193 14 0.4805
l 8 0.5510 12 0.6245
iX 7 0.6931 12 0.8118
m 7 0.8898 12 1.0237
m 6 1.0541 12 1.2602
iH 6 1.2938 12 1.5212
m 5 1.7441
2 4H 2.3001
2K 4H 3.0212
2H 4 3.7161
m 4 4.6194
3 4 5.6209
3H 4 6.7205
3H 4 7.9183
3H 4 9.2143
4 4 10.6084
Fig. 9-7. Curves showing results of endurance tests on steel specimens with Aero
thread and National Coarse thread. (From H. F. Moore, Strength of Screw Threads,
Product Eng., November, 1939.)
9-4 Rolled threads. The dies for forming rolled threads are of two
types: flat dies, used in pairs which have relative motion of translation,
and cylindrical dies, which rotate and are used in sets of three. The dies
have grooves of the desired thread form with a slope on the die corre¬
sponding to the angle of the helix of the thread. The cylindrical blank
is rolled between the dies, thereby forming the threads. The thread is
formed by depressing the surface of the blank to form the root of the
thread while the displaced material flows outward to form the crest.
Thus the original diameter of the blank, or shank of the bolt, lies between
the outer diameter and the root diameter of the thread. The process is
limited to external threads.
Because of the cold forming of the material, the mechanical properties
are increased, which, coupled with favorable flow lines and uniform and
smooth surfaces, materially increases the strength of the part, especially
in cyclic loading. Close control may be had over dimensions; in fact,
excellent micrometer screws are made by the process. Threads may be
rolled on all sizes of blanks up to 5 in. in diam¬
eter. While thread rolling has been practiced
for over a hundred years, the modern precision-
rolled thread is far superior to the rolled car¬
riage bolt of early days, and in production,
marked savings may be had in labor and ma¬
terial cost as well as improved performance.1
9-5 Height of nut. The approximate thick¬
ness of a nut required for equality of strengths
of a bolt in tension and of the thread in shear
may be determined as follows:
Fig. 9-9. Height of nut. Assumptions: (a) that each turn of the
thread of the nut supports an equal share of
the load; (6) that stress concentration is neglected; (c) that for standard
coarse threads, dr = 0.8d0 (see Fig. 9-9); (d) that for steel, the yield
stress in shear $s is equal to one half the yield stress in tension st.
^‘Engineering Data on Thread Form Rolling,” Reed Rolled Thread Die Co.,
Worcester, Mass.
Fs = wdrhss
By equating Ft and Fs,
h = 0.4do
F i = kd
1 J. N. Goodier, The Distribution of Loads on the Threads of Screws, J. Appl.
Mechanics, vol. 7, no. 1, p. A-10, 1940.
2 “Torquing of Nuts in Aircraft Engines,” SAE War Engineering Board, Society
of Automotive Engineers, New York, 1943.
3 J. H. Barr, The Stress on Bolts in Service, Sibley Journal of Mechanical Engineer¬
ing, October, 1902.
the initial tension or the external load, whichever is greater. Actual con¬
ditions usually lie between the two extremes.
To estimate the resultant load, the following equation may be used:
F = F1 + —F2
1 + a
□ i-n
fa)-Square key
□(b) -F\aF
r :_!□key
ffj-Round ^-Spline
key fitting
Fig. 9-13. Types of keys.
The Kennedy key is used for heavy duty and consists of two keys driven
as shown in Fig. 9-13 (d). The hub is bored to fit the shaft and is then
rebored off center as shown. The keys force the shaft and hub in con¬
centric position.
The Woodruff key, shown in Fig. 9-13 (e), requires a key seat formed by
a special side-milling cutter. This key will align itself in the key seat.
It has the disadvantage of weakening the shaft more than by the use of a
straight key.
The round key, or pin, Fig. 9-13(/), introduces less stress concentration
at the key seat in the shaft and is satisfactory except for the necessity
of drilling the hole to accommodate the pin after assembly of the hub
and shaft. This may be a disadvantage in production and prevents
A spline fitting, as shown in Fig. 9-13 (g), is composed of a splined shaft
formed by milling and a mating hub with internal splines formed by
broaching. The splines in reality are a number of keys integral with the
shaft. Splined fittings are adaptable to mass production and are used
where radial space must be conserved.
Straight-side splines are being replaced at an increasing rate by stub
involute splines. These splines have the advantages of greater strength,
a self-centering feature, and production economy. The standards specify
fittings with ^ to 48/96 diametral pitches, from 6 to 50 teeth, all with a
30-deg pressure angle.1
Keyways for straight keys are formed either by a side-milling cutter,
which forms a sled-runner key way [Fig. 9-14 (a)] or by an end-milling
cutter forming profiled keyways, illustrated at (6). The sled-runner key¬
way requires a longer space between the end of the key and the end of
the keyway than does an end-milled keyway. This favors the end-milled
keyway in locations near a shoulder. However, the end-milled keyway
(a)-Side-milled or End-milled
sled-runner or profiled
Fig. 9-14. Types of keyways.
reduces the endurance limit of a shaft more than does the sled-runner
Feather keys are used where it is necessary to slide a keyed gear or pulley
along the shaft. The key is generally tight in the shaft and clearance is
provided between the key and the hub keyway.
When a gear or pulley must be moved axially along the shaft while
power is being transmitted, it is desirable to provide for a minimum of
axial force. The use of two feather keys equally spaced requires a smaller
axial force than the use of one key. To show this, consider the axial force
required to slide the gear hub along the shaft of diameter d when a torque
T is being transmitted for the following cases: (a) when one feather key
is used and (b) when two feather keys are used.
Because of clearance between the bore and the shaft and between the
key and the keyway, the shaft will assume a position approximating that
shown in Fig. 9-15(a). For this case,
T = Fi ^ approximately
Fl =
Where two feather keys are used, the shaft will assume a position as
shown in Fig. 9-15(6). For this case
T = F 2d approximately
2fF2 =
By comparing the two equations for the axial forces, it is evident that
the axial force required for two feather keys is one-half that for one
feather key.
Stresses in keys. When a key is used in transmitting torque from a
shaft to a rotor or hub, the distribution of stresses in the key is three-
dimensional and is complicated in nature. These stresses are caused by
forces that are of two classes: (a) forces due to the fit of the key in its
keyway, as in a tight-fitting straight key or in a tapered key driven in
place. These forces produce compressive stresses in the key and it is
impossible generally to predict their magnitude. (6) Forces that are
caused by the torque transmitted. These forces produce compressive
and shearing stresses in the key. The distribution of the forces along
the length of the key is not uniform, since the forces are concentrated near
the torque-input end. The nonuniformity of distribution is caused by
the twisting of the shaft within the hub. The exponential curve in Fig.
9-16 shows the approximate distribution1 of the
stress along the length of a key.
In order to obtain a relation between stresses and
loads that may be used for design purposes, it is
customary to neglect the forces due to the fit of the
key and to assume that the distribution of forces
along the length of the key is uniform.
Proportions of a key. A proportion that has given
good results in practice makes the width of a key
Fig. 9-16. Approxi¬ one-quarter the diameter of the shaft. The thick¬
mate distribution of
ness of a key for equal strengths of the key in
tangential load along
length of a key. failure by shearing of the key and compression on
the key may be determined for steel by considering
the corresponding allowable stresses in shear and compression.
The forces acting on a key for a clockwise torque being transmitted
from a shaft to a hub are shown in Fig. 9-17. The forces F' on the top
and bottom of the key resist tipping of the key. The force F between the
side of the key and the key way in the hub is due to the resisting torque T
and may be determined from the relation
On the basis of the assumptions stated above, the strength of the key
for failure by shearing of the key is
rp _ Fd _ tLscd
Jc ~ T 4
By equating the two torques and using the relation that sc = 2ss, which
is approximately true for steel, it is found that w = t; hence a square steel
key is approximately as strong in failure by shear and crushing.
A square key whose sides are one-quarter the diameter of the shaft
may be stronger or weaker than the shaft, depending on the length of
the key. The length of the key required for equality of strengths of the
key and the shaft may be determined by equating the strength of the
key in shear to the strength of the shaft in torsion. Therefore, neglecting
all stress concentrations,
wLssd ird3
- = — So
2 16
Thus for equal strengths of the key and shaft, the length of the key
should be 1.5 times the shaft diameter.
The above discussion is the basis for the proportions of a key that has
wide industrial use, i.e., a square key whose sides are one-quarter of the
shaft diameter and whose length is at least 1^2 times the shaft diameter.
For gears, and for rotors of large diameter, stability may require a longer
hub, and a key of corresponding length may be used. Also, shafts
designed on the basis of stiffness are generally overly strong, and hence
short keys may be used.
In order to limit the number of stock sizes of keys, standard key sizes,
which may vary somewhat from one-quarter shaft diameter, are approved
by the ASA and are given in Table 9-2. Flat-stock key dimensions are
also given in the table.
It may be noted that a flat key is weaker in compression than in shear;
however, the use of flat keys is generally confined to equipment with the
shaft sizes that are required for stiffness, which usually have an excess of
strength, so that the standard size flat key has ample strength.
The assumption that stress concentration may be neglected is no doubt
justified since, as shown in Fig. 9-16, the key is subjected to a concentra¬
tion of load and stress; also, the key way introduces stress concentration
in the shaft, so that the stress concentrations will affect both elements
and can be neglected to obtain approximate relations of dimensions. In
Table 9-2. Standard Dimensions of Plain Parallel Keys
X~Xe X X X2
%-Vs He He X
15Ae-ni X X He
He He X
V/ie-m Hs X X
11SH 6-2H X X X
2He~2H X X He
21He-SH H H X
3H6-3H Vs Vs X
3%-4^ l l H
4% e-5X IX IX Vs
5%e-6 IX ix l
F = (d2 — di)2bss
F = (d2 — d\)ast
F = (d2 — di)2bst
F = adisb
F = 2bd\Sb
F =
4(3a + 46)
A well-designed joint is one that has equal strengths in failure for all
the above methods of failure. For a particular material, such as steel,
the relation between the stresses would be fixed,
which would be used to determine the dimensions
of the joint. From the above equations, it is
Ta. obvious that dimension 6 should be equal to one-
half a. However, 6 is generally made somewhat
1 greater than one-half of a in order to prevent
b deflection or spreading of the forks, which would
introduce excessive bending of the pin.
Cotter joints. A cotter joint is used to connect
Fig. 9-19. Loading of
two rods rigidly. The joined rod may carry ten¬
pin in knuckle joint.
sile or compressive loads. As shown in Fig. 9-20,
there are three parts to the joint, the rod end (left-hand end), the socket end
(right-hand end), and the cotter that fits into the tapered slot. The
taper of the slot as well as the cotter is usually on one side, the right as
shown in the figure. Clearance between the cotter and the slots in the
rod end and socket allow the driven cotter to draw together the two parts
of the joint until the socket end comes in contact with the shoulder on
the rod end at a. Further driving of the cotter will bend it in the plane
of the side view, and this bending will aid in keeping the joint tight under
the action of a variable load. The dimensions that may be used in inves¬
tigating the relative strengths of the rod in various methods of failure are
indicated by symbols on the sketch.
Tightening of the cotter introduces initial stresses that are difficult to
Failure of the joint may occur in several ways, the most probable of
which are as follows:
1. Tension failure of the rods at the diameter d
2, Tension failure of the rod or socket across the slot
3. Shear failure of the rod or socket between the slot and the end of the
rod or socket
4. Shear of the cotter
5. Bearing between the cotter and the slot in the rod end or in the
6. Failure of the cotter in bending
7. Failure of the collar of the rod end in shear due to tightening of the
cotter or to any compressive load to which the joint may be subjected
9-10 Pins and snap rings. Pins and snap rings are two examples of a
large number of fastenings of a general type that is finding increasingly
popular application in machinery, especially in light machinery parts.
Pins may be used in straight, tapered, or grooved forms. In function,
they may be classified as locating pins, called dowel pins, which fix the
Fig. 9-21. Grooved pin.
relative position of two parts; shear pins which transmit service loads;
safety pins which have the function of a shear pin but which are designed
to fail at a predetermined load and thus protect expensive parts from
damage. Safety links, designed to fail in tension under the action of an
overload, perform the same function as a safety pin.
Pins should be accurately fitted into reamed holes and located so that
bending of the pin will be eliminated or reduced to a minimum. Provi¬
sion should be made for pins to be removed. This may require a through
hole so that the pin may be punched through, or it may require a plain
or a threaded head for drawing.
The grooved pin has a rolled groove, generally tapered, as shown in
Fig. 9-21. The rolling of the groove deforms the pin, as shown by the
enlarged sectional view, so that when the pin is driven or pressed into a
drilled hole, a tight fit is produced between the pin and the hole. The pin
deforms elastically, and it is effective under the action of variable loading
without loosening of the pin. Some applications of pins are shown in
Fig. 9-22.
Snap rings are of two general types, external and internal, as shown in
Fig. 9-23 (a) and (6). The relations between the dimensions of the ring
and of the recesses that accommodate them should be considered so as
used as a dowel
(d)-Grooved pin
used as a key
Fig. 9-22. Application of pins.
to provide for sufficient strength of the ring against permanent set during
insertion or under load and to provide for ease of insertion or removal.1
Snap rings, and also wire clips that perform the same function, are avail¬
able in various forms and sizes. Figure 9-24 shows snap rings used to
retain a ball bearing in place. The larger ring supports an axial load on
the shaft to the right in the figure. The smaller ring retains the inner race
of the bearing against the shaft shoulder. Since ease of insertion is nec¬
essary in production, clearance must be provided as the rings cannot be
seated under axial load. If end play is not permitted, screwed locking
fastenings should be used instead of snap rings.
1 Peter F. Rossman, Designing Snap Ring Fastenings, Machine Design, May, 1941.
8 PD
ss = - (10-1)
In addition to the stress given by Eq. (10-1), the direct shearing stress
due to P should be included. By adding the direct shearing stress, which
equals ^P/ird2, to the torsional stress SPD/irdd, the maximum shearing
stress, which is located at the inner side of the curved wire, may be deter¬
mined by
8PD 4P_ _ 8PD / J_\
7rdz 7rd2 7rd3 \ 2C/
It is evident from Eq. (10-2) that for springs of small index C the effect
of direct shear, (1/2C), is appreciable.
The effect of curvature of the wire as it forms the coil should be con¬
sidered also.
In order to include the effects of both direct shear and wire curvature,
a stress factor has been determined by the use of approximate analytical
methods by A. M. Wahl1 which may be used with Eq. (10-1) to deter¬
mine the maximum shearing stress in the wire as follows:
, = ^8PR = (10-3)
* ird3 ird2
4C - 1 0.615
~ 4C - 4 + C
Values for K may be read from Fig. 10-3. The values of K as indicated
by the Wahl equation have been verified by experimental means using
coiled springs the bending of the wire is small and the strain energy of
bending may be neglected.
The axial load as shown in Fig. 10-1 increases linearly from zero to P,
and hence the work required to compress the spring is the average force
P/2 times the deflection, or P8/2.
The strain energy in a bar twisted by a torsional moment T through
a total angle 6 is TO/2. The total angle of twist 0 = TL/GJ, where L
equals the length of the twisted wire and J equals the polar moment of
inertia of the wire section. The active length of wire in the helical spring
equals irDn/cos a, where a is the lead angle of the helix, which for close-
coiled springs is of the order of 5 deg; hence cos a is approximately unity.
For springs of indexes as used in machinery, namely, 2^ or 3 and
above, the strain energy in the curved wire forming the coils will be close
to the strain energy in a straight wire; hence from the above relations the
following equation for 8 may be obtained:
8PDzn _ SPC3n
~GdT ~ GdT
P Gd
8 ~ 8CH
Mean diameter
Fig. 10-5. Buckling will occur at points above curve.
SS = K 63 .
Music wire (ASTM A228-41) is suitable for small springs made of wire
up to 0.028 in. in diameter, or if necessary for strength and finish up to
0.125 in. Oil-tempered wire (ASTM A229-41, about SAE 1065) is suit¬
able for low stresses and noncritical uses. Valve-spring wire (ASTM
A230-41) is used when long life is important, or alloy steel wire (SAE
6150) may be used. For high-temperature applications, tungsten high¬
speed steel (18-4-1) or molybdenum type (6-6-2) is suitable. Nonferrous
materials include phosphor bronze, beryllium copper, silicon bronze,
nickel-silver alloys (German silver), or nickel alloys, such as Monel,
K Monel, Iconel, Iconel X, and Z nickel may be used. As to forming,
springs made of wire less than Y in. in diameter are formed cold; wire
over in. is hot formed.1
10-4 Allowable stresses. Static loading. For helical coil springs sub¬
jected to static loading, the elastic limit in torsion may be used as a basis
for determining the working stress. For springs subjected to light serv¬
ice, a factor of safety of 1.5 is suggested. The factor may be used to
divide into the yield-point stress to obtain the working stress, or to mul¬
tiply the actual spring load to obtain a limit load to use for design pur¬
poses. In case failure of the spring would have serious consequences,
the factor of 1.5 should be raised, whereas if breaking of the spring would
cause only minor inconvenience, the factor may be lowered somewhat.
In determining the maximum stress induced in the wire, the effect of
ductility of the material should be considered. The value of the Wahl
stress factor K includes both the effect of curvature of the wire and of
direct shearing stress in the wire. The direct shearing stress is uniformly
distributed over the wire section. However, the stress augment due to
wire curvature is concentrated at the inside of the coil. This latter stress
has the nature of a localized stress or a stress concentration and, as dis¬
cussed in Chap. 4, this type of stress concentration is not serious in ductile
materials subjected to static loads. Therefore the use of the full value
of K in Eq. (10-3) will result in conservative design. Equation (10-2)
will give satisfactory results for springs subjected to essentially static
loads. Figure 10-7 indicates approximate values for elastic limits in tor¬
sion for chrome-vanadium spring steel wire, SAE 6150.
Fatigue loading. The same general principles that govern working
stresses for members subjected to fatigue loading apply to springs; i. e.,
the working stresses should be based on the endurance limit of the mate¬
rial, and full consideration should be given to stress concentration, sur¬
face finish, range of stress, notch sensitivity of the material, and the pos¬
sibility of corrosion fatigue. The maximum stress induced in the wire
can be satisfactorily determined by the use of Eq. (10-3), although for
1 See F. P. Zimmerli, Proper Use of Spring Materials, SAE Meeting, French Lick,
Ind., June, 1947.
some ranges of stress and for some types of materials this equation gives
results that are somewhat high.1
In order to determine allowable shearing stresses, several methods have
been proposed to allow for the effect of range of stress, i.e.t the ratio of
minimum stress to maximum stress in the wire. The most promising of
these methods1 is based on the consideration that the actual stress is com¬
posed of a variable stress superimposed on a steady stress (see Art. 5-4).
For example, as shown in Fig. 5-1, an assumed stress range in a spring of
sraax = 30,000 psi to smin = 20,000 psi would be considered as a variable
stress sv = ± 5,000 psi superimposed upon a static stress sm = 25,000 psi.
stress. For example, if smin = 35,000 psi, and the wire size is 0.344 in.,
then smax = 67,000 psi, or the stress range is 35,000 to 67,000 psi as
indicated in the figure.
Size of wire: For a trial, assume the size of the wire will be between 0.085 and
0.185 in. in Table 10-1. Then the allowable stress will be 1.25 X 55,000 = 68,700 psi.
d2 = 0.128 in.2
d = 0.113 in.
Use No. 11 wire, diameter = 0.120 in., from Appendix XIV. If the calculated size of
the wire had not been in the range assumed, further trials would have been necessary.
Number of coils: The figure shows that the spring rate is
P 10
— = — = 33.3 lb per in.
5 0.3
The spring rate represents the slope of the load-deflection line and is constant over the
entire range.
Equation (10-5) may be written as
Gd 11,500,000 X 0.120
n = -— = —-1- = 5.18
8C3(P/<5) 8 X 103 X 33.3
Use 5^ active coils or 7J>£ total number of coils to allow for one coil at each end of
the spring for squaring and grinding as in Fig. 10-10(d).
The actual spring rate is
P _ Gd 11,500,000 X 0.120
31.4 lb per in.
!) ~ SChi 8 X 103 X 5.5
This differs from the previous value because of rounding out the size of wire and
number of coils.
Pitch of coils: A valuable feature of a compression spring is that there is an auto¬
matic stop to the deflection when the coils come into contact and the spring becomes
solid. If the shear stress in the wire at this condition is below the yield point, the
spring will not be damaged due to overstressing the wire in shear. It is therefore
desirable to specify the pitch of the coils so that if the spring is accidentally or care¬
lessly compressed solid the stress will not exceed the yield point in torsion. From
Fig. 10-7, the yield point in torsion in 135,000 psi. The corresponding load on the
spring is
7rd2ss _ 7T X (0.120)2 X 135,000
66.4 lb
8KC ~ 8 X 1.15 X 10
= 2.11 in.
From the equations in Art. 10-5 for spring lengths, the compressed-solid length of
the spring is
{n + 1 )d = (5.5 + 1) X 0.120 = 0.78 in.
The free length of the spring is the compressed-solid length plus the deflection
required to compress it solid; thus the free length of the spring is
This is equal to (np + d), from which the pitch may be found equal to 0.50 in. This
is the pitch which would allow a stress at coil closure equal to the yield point. The
actual pitch, however, should be less than 0.50 in., to provide a margin of safety as
well as to conserve space. By assuming a pitch equal to %% in., the free length of
the spring becomes
np + d = 5.5 X 0.3125 + 0.120
= 1.84 in. Use V/& in.
Care must be used in reducing the pitch of the coils as was done above so that the
spring does not close up before the maximum service load is reached.
The specifications for the spring are: outside diameter, 1%6 in.; size of wire,
No. 11 W and M gauge; pitch of coils, %6 in.; 7Y2 coils with squared and ground ends.
Washburn and Moen wire gauge is usually standard for steel spring
wire (see Appendix XIV); Brown and Sharpe is standard for nonferrous
materials. The wire size should be specified in
A spring used in compression for a tension load is
shown in Fig. 10-9. End constructions for helical
compression springs are shown in Fig. 10-10,1 and
tension-spring connections are shown in Fig. 10-11.
There may be a large stress concentration introduced
at the loop of a tension spring, as shown in Fig.
10-11(a). The stress concentration depends on the
ratio of ro/ri. One spring manufacturer2 states
that a stress factor equal to r0/ri used with Eq.
(10-1) gives satisfactory results.
Tension springs3 are generally wound with initial
tension to facilitate handling, so that the spring does
not begin to extend until the external load over¬
comes the initial tension.
In all springs there is eccentricity of loading
introduced by the end connections. This eccen¬
Fig. 10-9. Compres¬
tricity is generally not appreciable in compression sion spring arranged
springs having squared and ground ends, large spring for tension rod.
index, nd six or more active coils.4
10-6 Surge in springs. When a helical spring rests on a rigid support
at one end and the other end is deflected by a suddenly applied load, the
coils of the spring will not momentarily share the deflection equally, since
time is required for the propagation of stress along the spring wire. An
analysis of the progression of the deflection is that the end coil in contact
with the applied load deflects, and then this coil transmits a large part
of its deflection to the adjacent coil. Thus, in progression, a wave of com¬
pressed coils travels along the spring to the supported end, where it is
“reflected” and travels back to the deflected end. In the absence of
damping, this wave travels along the spring indefinitely. The presence
of damping, however, causes the wave to die out. If the time required
for the wave to travel from one end of the spring to the other and return
coincides with the time interval between load applications, a condition of
resonance is reached and very large deflections of the coils will be pro¬
duced with correspondingly high stresses. Under this condition failure
of the spring may result. To avoid the possibility of resonance or surge
in springs, it is advisable to ensure that the natural frequency of the spring
be considerably removed from the frequency of application of the load.1
(c)-Squared (ct)-Squared
and ground
10-10. Compression spring ends.
Fig. 10-11. Tension springs.
(a)-Flat spring
Fig. 10-12. Forms of leaf springs.
strands is opposite to the direction of winding the coils to form the spring,
so that the deflection of the spring tends to wind the individual wires
closer together, which introduces frictional damping and thus decreases
the magnitude of the transient stresses. The fatigue life of stranded-
wire springs has been increased as much as four times over the life of
conventional springs.1
10-7 Leaf springs. Leaf springs may have the form of a single leaf,
as shown in Fig. 10-12(o), or they may be laminated, as shown at (b).
The laminated form is used to secure large resilience within a small space.
A common trouble with laminated springs is fatigue failure of the leaves.
Some factors contributing to this type of failure are the weakening effect
of the hole if the center bolt is used, contact pressures produced by U bolts
and rebound clips, stress concentration caused by improperly shaped
leaf ends, initial curvature and relative change of curvature of the leaves
during loading, vibration of the spring ends during rebound, which may
1 H. H. Clark, Stranded Wire Helical Springs for Machine Guns, Product Eng.,
July, 1946, p. 154.
6 PL
= 6PL3
6 ” Ebt3 %
where E is the modulus of elasticity in pounds per square inch and the
other notation is as shown in Fig. 10-13.
Laminated springs permit a saving in material and a greater deflection
than a spring of constant depth, that is, they have greater resilience and
shock-absorbing ability.
10-8 Other types of metallic springs. Concentric helical springs.
These springs are usually used in compression and provide a large amount
of resilience in a small space, and are also used for safety in the event of
1V. L. Maleev and J. B. Hartman, “ Machine Design,” p. 305, International
Textbook Company, Scranton, Pa., 1954; “ Manual on Design and Application of Leaf
Springs,” SAE War Engineering Board, Society of Automotive Engineers, New York,
failure of one of the component springs. The direction of winding of the
two helices is opposite to avoid locking of the coils in the event of sideways
misalignment or buckling. The design of concentric helical springs
should be based on equal maximum stresses in the wires of the two
Conical and volute springs. Springs of this type are made of round or
rectangular wire with coils of decreasing size to provide for telescoping of
the coils. The decrements of coil sizes in relation to the wire size may
provide for partial or complete telescoping in springs made of round wire,
or for complete telescoping of springs made of rectangular wire wound
with the long side of the wire parallel to the axis of the spring.
A comparison of the construction of a conical and a volute spring shows
that the conical spring is wound with a constant axial pitch, resulting in
- H
, .J1
—- k
(b)-Plate spring
Fig. 10-16. Springs having high rate.
bushing is geared to the cable drum around which are wound cables A,
B, and C which run over pulleys and provide three-point suspension
for the instrument. In this application, the instrument weighs 36 lb and
may be lowered a distance of 18 in. from the latched position. In this
case due to space and weight limitations dead-weight counterbalances
are not possible.
Neg’ator springs have a large variety of applications in the industrial
field as well as in mechanisms of all types, such as in business machines,
office, household, and building equipment and in servomechanisms. The
spring units are light in weight, occupy small space, and have versatile
Torsion-bar springs. The torsion-bar spring has a range of applications
from precision instruments to vehicle suspensions. The bars are usually
solid of circular cross section, although hollow tubes and rectangular bars
are used. The torsion bar is usually fixed at one end, with a radial
bearing and crank arm at the other end. The suspended load at the end
of the crank twists the bar. The “spring rate” is usually expressed as
torsional moment in inch-pounds per degree of twist (T/d). The usual
equations for torsional stress and angular deflection may be used in the
design of torsion-bar springs.
The stresses are limited by “settling” in service or by fatigue failure.
Proper selection of material and heat-treatment2 is effective in securing
suitable endurance properties and for limiting settling. Shot peening is
effective in raising the endurance limit but will not reduce settling.
For fastening the ends of the bar, splines are suitable for heavy service
but the rod should be upset at the ends so that the outside diameter of
the spline may be 20 to 30 per cent greater than the diameter of the bar.
The length of the spline is usually about 0.4 times the diameter of the
spline. To avoid stress concentration, the transition from the body of
the bar to the spline should be gradual.
In many applications the use of torsion bars makes possible a saving in
weight and space as well as desirable load-deflection characteristics.
10-9 Nonmetallic springs. Air springs secure resilience by means of
air confined in a cylinder with the load supported by a plunger. The
position of the plunger and the spring rate can be altered by controlling
the air pressure. One application is in passenger busses so arranged that
as the bus becomes loaded with passengers, the air pressure is externally
1 See W. J. Cook and P. C. Clarke, The Neg’ator Spring—A Basic New Elastic
Member, Product Eng., July, 1944; F. A. Votta, The Theory and Design of Long-
deflection, Constant-force Spring Elements, Trans. ASME, vol. 74, p. 439, 1952.
Also see literature from Hunter Spring Co., Lansdale, Pa.
2 See “SAE Manual of Design and Manufacture of Torsion Bar Springs,” SP-26,
Fig. 10-19. Load-deflection characteristics of a rubber mounting.
and thus if shot-peened springs are to retain their high endurance ranges
they should be protected from corrosion.
Shot peening has also been employed on connecting rods of automotive
engines to raise their endurance limits and on link rods of aircraft engines
as a substitute for the expensive and time-consuming polishing process.
Indications are that shot peening may have beneficial results in many
other applications.
equated to the resisting force equal to 2tei, where S] represents the cir¬
cumferential, or hoop, stress. Thus
ing, i.e., that all longitudinal fibers are equally strained, Lame has shown
that the maximum tangential stress at the inside fiber of the cylinder is
y{df + df)
sj(max) =
dl - df
di ( lst + V
t = (11-3)
2 W st - p
Equations for ductile materials based on maximum-strain theory. The
stresses in a thick cylinder may be determined by the use of Lame’s
equations; however, in some cases, for example, in open-end cylinders,
such as gun barrels, or in shrink fits, the allowable stresses cannot be
determined by means of the maximum-stress theory of failure. For this
case, the maximum-strain theory shows closer coincidence with experi¬
mental results. According to this theory which states that failure occurs
when the strain reaches a limiting value, the strain is expressed in terms
of a limiting stress st, and Birnie’s equation for this case, when solved for
the thickness, becomes
di f lst + (1 - v)p _ \
2 W* - (1 + v)p /
( Ist + (1 - 2v)p
^ St — (1 + v)p
Fig. 11-3. Buckling of shell due Fig. 11-4. Types of cylinder heads.
to end restraint.
p |
and it is not so adaptable to a split nut, and also it has no means of adjust¬
ment for wear. A common proportion of square-threaded screws is the
Sellers square thread, as given in Table 12-1.
X 10 0.0207
Ke 9 0.0375
% 8 0.0555
Ke 7 0.0767
hi 6K 0.1049
%6 6 0.1364
% 5K 0.1709
% 5 0.2063
K 5 0.2597
% 4K 0.3000
X 4X 0.3638
% 4 0.4058
1 4 0.4804
ix 3X 0.6013
1% 0.9201
IK 3 1.1462
IK m 1.3414
ik 2X 1.5394
IK 2X 1.8265
2 2K 2.0422
2K 2K 2.7245
2K 2 3.3410
2K 2 4.2000
3 IK 4.9087
3M IK 5.9396
3K IK 6.8930
3X iX 7.8853
4 IK 8.8434
the thread. While this thread has limited use for power transmission,1
it is used in some cases as a screw fastening.
Table 12-2. Acme Screw Threads
1 0.5100 0.6345
1M 0.3850 0.4772
2 0.2600 0.3199
3 0.1767 0.2150
4 0.1350 0.1625
5 0.1100 0.1311
6 0.0933 0.1101
7 0.0814 0.0951
8 0.0725 0.0839
9 0.0655 0.0751
10 0.0600 0.0681
Under static conditions, the direction of the load on the thread will be
normal to the thread surface, as along ao in Fig. 12-2. When the screw
rotates so that the nut is moved against its external load Q, the line of
action of ao will be rotated through the angle of friction <j> to bo, as shown
in the figure.
For equilibrium of forces, the component of bo parallel to the axis of
the screw is
Q = bo cos (a + </>)
F = bo sin (a + </>)
F = Q tan (a + </>)
T = F~ ^ tan (a + 0) (12-1)
_ Qd hrfd + L\
2 \Td - fLJ
Qd /irfd sec j8 + L\
2 \7rd — JL sec )
tan qj[1 — (/ sec jS tan a)]
tan a + (/ sec (3)
Reverse motion. If the rotation of the screw moves the nut in the same
direction as the load, as in the case of a screw jack in lowering the load,
the vector bo in Fig. 12-2 will make an angle with the axis of the screw
that is equal to a — 0. The equations for the torque and efficiency as
derived for direct motion will be altered. The torque required to lower a
load for a square-threaded screw becomes
Qd Qd Md - L\
T tan (a — 0)
2 2 \ird + fL/
It may be noted from the above equation that if 0 < a, the torque T
required to lower the load is negative, i.e., an effort must be applied to
the screw to resist the tendency of the load to descend.
Hence, the work of thread friction will be great as compared with the
useful work, and a low efficiency will result.
For a large lead angle, say 70 deg, the normal thread
force becomes large and likewise the force of friction
and the work of friction become large as compared with
the useful work. Between the two extremes that have
been discussed there is a value of lead angle that yields a
minimum value of work of friction as compared with the
useful work, and hence a maximum efficiency also.
It should be remembered, however, that if the screw
is required to be self-locking, a low lead angle is neces¬
sary in order to introduce intentionally a frictional force
that is sufficient to prevent reverse motion.
12-4 Collar friction. The axial force produced on a
screw by the nut must be resisted by a collar or its
equivalent. This action and reaction is illustrated in
Fig. 12-4.
To determine the total torque required to turn the
screw, the frictional torque of the collar must be added
Fig. 12-4. Axial
to the screw-thread torque, as given by Eq. (12-1) or
forces on a
screw. Eq. (12-3).
The frictional torque of the collar may be determined
by assuming that the frictional force on the collar acts at its mean
diameter. Therefore
Tc = (12-5)
1. For high-grade materials and workmanship and for well run-in and
lubricated threads, the coefficient of friction may be taken as 0.10.
2. For average quality material, workmanship, and conditions of opera¬
tion, the coefficient of friction may be taken as 0.125.
3. For poor-quality material and workmanship and for newly machined
surfaces which are indifferently lubricated and which have slow motion,
the coefficient of friction may be taken as 0.15.
4. The coefficient of friction for starting conditions may be taken as
lj^i times the value for running conditions.
5. The coefficient of collar friction may be taken as the same as for
thread friction.
Example 12-1. A 10-ton screw jack with a maximum extension of 4 in., is to have
double square threads, (a) Using an allowable compressive stress of 5,000 psi,
determine the size of screw, size of collar, and
length of nut required. (The allowable compres¬
sive stress in the screw is a low value in order to
give a screw which will accommodate a well-pro¬
portioned thread.) (6) Determine the torque
required to raise the load and also the efficiency of
the jack.
4Q 4 X 20,000
Vc = = 2,270 psi
7r (dl — d\) 7t(3.52 — l2)
This value is in the safe range as compared with values in Table 12-3 for screw
threads. If trouble due to galling is expected, a thin bronze washer may be interposed
between the rubbing parts of the collar.
The length of the nut may be determined from the number of threads required to
limit the bearing pressure on the threads to a permissible value.
The area of one thread is equal to
Since there are 2 threads per inch, the length of the nut in inches is one-half of 4.06.
On the basis of bearing pressure, a 2-in. nut would be satisfactory, but for stability of
the screw it is practice to use its length at least equal to the diameter of the thread.
Three inches would be a reasonable length for the nut.
(6) Torque to raise the load and the efficiency of the jack: The mean diameter of the
thread may be found from the figure for the outside diameter of 2% in. and pitch of
y2 in. Considering the thread as square in section, d — 2% — 34 = 2^j in.
The torque to raise the load and to overcome thread friction, using a coefficient of
friction / = 0.125 from Art. 12-5, is
QL 20,000 X 1
- = 0.35, or 35 per cent
2ttT 2x X 9,210 P
The shearing stresses for the threads of the screw and of the nut are,
respectively, equal to
ss (screw) =
ss (nut) =
mr(dl — d2r)
Safe bearing
Type Rubbing speed
pressure, psi
Screw Nut
the motion of b will equal their difference, which can be made as small
as required.
If the hand of one of the threads is reversed, the motion of b will be
equal to p2 + p2. This type of screw is known as a ‘‘compound screw.”
Fig. 12-7. Ball-bearing screw and nut. (Courtesy of Saginaw Steering Gear Division,
General Motors Corporation.)
1 R. K. Allan, “Rolling Bearings,” p. 20, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd., London,
1945; Ball Bearing Screw and Nut, Saginaw Steering Gear Division, General Motors
Corp., Saginaw, Mich.
^6-2^6 H
2^6-5% y2
Table 13-2. Machinery Shafting
Diameter Increment
H-2H He
2^-4 H
4-6 H
13-5 Design considerations. The size of a shaft for a particular appli¬
cation may be determined on the basis of strength, or both strength and
In designing a shaft on the basis of strength, it is necessary to consider
the following: type of loading, i.e., static, shock, or cyclic; the weakening
effects at points of stress concentration due to key ways and shoulders;
the combination of loading, such as bending and torsion. The size of the
shaft must be sufficient to prevent the induced stresses from exceeding
the allowable stress for the material.
In many cases the rigidity of the shaft is an important design feature.
The twisting of the shaft may be limited in order to provide accurate pre¬
scribed timing or motions, as in the camshaft of an internal-combustion
engine. Transverse deflections may be limited, for instance, to maintain
proper bearing clearances or gear-tooth alignment. Both torsional and
transverse rigidity are important in vibration.
13-6 Determination of shaft sizes on the basis of strength. The action
of the loads on a shaft is generally one of the following: (a) torsion, (6)
bending, (c) torsion combined with bending, and (d) torsion combined
with axial tension or compression.
Torsion. For a simple twisting moment Ton a solid circular shaft of
diameter d, the maximum shear stress is
16 T
By assuming that failure is based on the maximum-shear theory, the
maximum shear stress must not exceed the allowable shear stress, ssa.
16 Ssa
st = (13-3)
7T d3
ss (max) =
and substituting the values of ss and st from Eqs. (13-1) and (13-3) the
maximum shearing stress becomes
ss (max) = —— vV + M2
7T a3
By limiting the maximum shear stress to the allowable shear stress for
the material and solving for the section modulus,
ttcT _ Vt2 + M2
16 SSa
ss (max) (13-6)
7T d3
By substituting the allowable shear stress for ss (max), the above equa¬
tion may be solved by trial. If the axial load is a compressive load, it
should not exceed the critical buckling load.
For shafts on which the torque and bending moment are cyclic, stress
concentration should be considered. If the fatigue-notch factor for
shear stress (KtSf) is applied to Eq. (13-1), and the combined factor for
normal stress (Kt'f) is applied to Eq. (13-3) and both substituted in
Eq. (13-5), it becomes
7T dZ V (KufTY + (K,fMy
T6~ Ssa
Solution: An inspection of the sketch shows that the bending moment on the shaft
is cyclic and has a maximum value at the mid-point of the gear. The torque on the
shaft between that section and the stub end is equal to
63,030 hp 63,030 X 5
T = = 2,620 lb-in.
rpm 120
The tangential force on the gear is
2T _ 2 X 2,620
1,050 lb
D 5
The bending moment at the center of the gear may be found equal to 2,100 lb-in.
From Eq. (13-5),
From Appendix IV, the required shaft diameter is 134 in. As an extension to the
problem, assume that the diameter of the shaft at the right of the gear is 134 in-, and
determine the maximum stress at the fillet (r = 34 in.).
Referring to Eq. (5-9), the bending moment is completely reversed so that Mm = 0,
and the torsional moment is steady so that Tr = 0. Equation (5-9) then reduces to,
solved for the allowable stress,
f.s. 7rd3/16
From Fig. X-14, using D/d = 1.2, r/d = 0.10, Kt’ is found equal to 1.5.
By substituting the above values in the right-hand term of the equation above, the
maximum induced stress is found to be equal to 13,350 psi. The left-hand term of the
equation is the allowable stress and for an assumed value of the factor of safety (f.s.)
equal to 1.5, is
Sys = 24,800
16,600 psi
f.s. ~ 1.5
Hence, the maximum stress at the fillet is satisfactory. If it were larger than the
allowable stress for the assumed material, the latter could be raised by assuming a steel
of higher carbon content or an alloy steel with the appropriate heat-treatment. A
change in material would not, however, affect the deflection characteristics of the
shaft; hence the nominal diameter of the shaft, 134 in., would remain unaltered.
4 TL
r ~ JG
“ Gd4
where 6 = angle of twist, deg
L — length of shaft, in.
T = torque on shaft, lb-in.
G = torsional modulus of elasticity, psi
d = shaft diameter, in.
The permissible amount of twist depends on the particular application.
In drive shafts of machine tools, the twist should not exceed 0.08 deg
per ft. In line shafts, 0.75 to 1.0 deg per ft may be used as limiting
Lateral rigidity. The diameter of shafts may be determined by per¬
missible lateral deflections as required, for instance, to maintain proper
bearing clearances or gear-teeth alignment. The deflections of a shaft of
uniform section may be readily found by the use of the appropriate equa¬
tion from mechanics of materials. If the shaft is of variable cross section,
the deflections may be determined from the fundamental equation for the
elastic curve of a beam, namely,
d2y _ M
dx2 ~ an
Two integrations of this equation will yield the deflection y. This inte¬
gration process is not difficult if the moment of inertia of the shaft is
uniform and if the distribution of the bending moment along the shaft
can be expressed analytically. In most cases, however, neither of these
conditions exist. However, a solution may be conveniently reached by
use of graphical methods (see Appendix XIII).
13-9 Code for design of transmission shafting.1 The code is based on
the failure of ductile ferrous shafting according to the maximum-shear
theory. The equation for the outside diameter d is
1 Code for the Design of Transmission Shafting, Engineering and Industrial Stand¬
ards, ASME, 1927.
Km Kt
Stationary shafts:
Load gradually applied. 1.0 1.0
Load suddenly applied. 1.5-2.0 1.5-2.0
Rotating shafts:
Load gradually applied. 1.5 1.0
Load suddenly applied, minor shock. . 1.5-2.0 1.0-1.5
Load suddenly applied, heavy shock. . 2.0-3.0 1.5-3.0
_1_ L
for — < 115
a “ 1 - [0.0044(L/p)] P
7v2nE \p)
, L
for - > 115
where n = 1 for hinged ends and n = 2.25 for fixed ends. For ends that
are partly restrained, as in bearings, n = 1.6. p is the radius of gyration.
The allowable shear stresses to be used with code for commercial-steel
shafting are
ssa = 8,000 psi for shafts without key ways
Ssa = 6,000 psi for shafts with keyways
\ (D + d) + 2C + (Z)~,(14-2)
For a crossed belt, the angle of contact is the same on both pulleys and,
approximately, equal to
e = 7T + (14-3)
around the belt will be equal, as shown by the initial tension vector Fq.
Now if the smaller pulley is assumed to rotate as a driving pulley in the
direction shown to transmit power, the tension in the upper side will be
increased and that in the lower side decreased, as shown by F1 and F 2.
In a belt transmitting power, these tensions are known as the “tight
tension” Fi and the “loose tension” F2. Their difference (Fi — F 2) is
the net tension, which may be determined from the horsepower being
transmitted and the velocity of the belt.
The ratio of the belt tensions may be determined from the following
Ratio of belt tensions. The forces acting on a belt are shown in
Fig. 14-4.
Let Fi = tight tension, lb
F2 = loose tension, lb
6 = angle of contact, rad
r = radius of pulley, in.
/ = coefficient of friction
b = width of belt, in.
t thickness of belt, in.
w weight of belt material, lb per cu in.
V belt speed, fps
-dF +fP = 0
C = mass X acceleration
r dd btw I2v2
=-= Fc dd
a r
12 wbtv2
¥ - F, = f
„ 12 wv2
The horsepower that may be transmitted per square inch of belt cross
section is
hp per sq in.
(/1 />2
v(fi ~ fc) efe - 1
550 efd
Thickness, in.
Grade of Increments of
belting Single Double Triple Quad¬ width, in.
to 8 in. to 12 in. to 24 in. ruple
A to A
1 by
Light. X X 1 to Fi
4 by
4 to 7 by y2
Medium. .. 5A2 V2 8 to 30 by 1
32 to 56 by 2
Heavy. He % %6 % 60 to 84 by 4
Initial tension. The relation between the initial tension F0 and the ten¬
sions Fi and F2 depends on the stress-strain characteristics of the belt
material. For leather, the stress is not a linear function of strain, and
hence the relation between Fh F2, and F0 is not a simple one. The fol¬
lowing equation may be used to estimate the effect of initial tension on
the power tensions:1
y/F~i + \/F~2 = 2 \/Fo
A suitable initial tension for leather belts is 200 to 225 psi.
14-5 Leather-belt data. Data applying to leather belts are given in
Table 14-1. The ultimate strength of oak-tanned leather varies from
3,000 to 4,500 psi. In order to secure reasonable life of a belt, it is neces¬
sary to limit the maximum working stress to a value considerably lower
than its ultimate strength. On this basis, the value of /3 in Eq. (14-7)
should be limited to from one-tenth to one-eighth of the ultimate strength,
say 400 psi for average conditions.
Coefficient of friction. The coefficient of friction / depends on the mate¬
rials of the pulley and the belt, on the slip, and on the belt speed. For
leather belts on dry cast-iron or wood pulleys a recommended value of
the coefficient of friction is 0.40 to 0.50.
Belt velocities used in practice for maximum power and economy range
from 5,000 to 6,000 fpm, but for longer belt life, 3,000 to 4,000 may be
used. A considerably lower value may be required, however, on account
of low shaft speeds and limited pulley sizes. At high speeds, the pulleys
should be dynamically balanced.
Unless the belts are endless, some type of belt joint or fastener must be
used. A cemented joint is practically as strong as the material joined.
1 C. Barth, Trans. ASME, vol. 31, p. 29, 1909.
Wire or rawhide lacing decreases the strength of the belt, but if the means
of joining the ends does not affect the stretching of the belt or considerably
decrease its strength, the belt should operate satisfactorily if low allowable
stresses are used in the design' of the drive.
14-6 V-belt drives. Grooves in V-belt sheaves. On account of the
wedging action of a V belt or rope in the groove of the sheave or pulley,
the traction force (force transmitting power) is greater than in a flat belt
running on a flat-face pulley. To ensure wedging action in the groove,
the belt should make contact with the sides of the groove but not the
bottom. It is evident that the
wedging action and the traction
force is large for small groove
angles (see Fig. 14-5); however,
the force required to pull the belt
out of the groove as it leaves the
sheave is large for small groove
angles, resulting in loss of power
and excessive wear of the belt.
Fig. 14-5. Forces on flat and V belts.
The selected groove angle is there¬
fore a compromise to secure large traction force without unduly large
force to pull the belt from the groove. The standard angle between
the sides of V belts is 40 deg. The groove angle in the sheave is less than
the belt angle to allow for change in shape of the belt cross section on
wrapping around the sheave. Groove angles of 32 to 38 deg are used.
Standard sizes of belts for power transmission have been adopted and
designated by sizes A, B, C, D, and E as indicated in Table 14-2. For
low bending stresses as the belt wraps around the sheave, small belts are
better for long belt life; however, a large number of small belts requires a
wider sheave which increases the load overhang (distance from the belt
force to the bearing) which in turn increases the shaft stresses and bear¬
ing loads, all of which raises the cost of the drive. Thus optimum design
requires compromises in belt selection.
V-belt sheaves. The use of large-diameter sheaves and the correspond¬
ing high belt speeds decreases the load on the belts required to transmit
the power, but the gain with high belt speeds is partly nullified by the
increase in centrifugal forces due to the high speeds. Again a compromise
must be reached. The accompanying tables will be helpful in selecting
the most economical drive.
The sheaves mav be made of cast iron, which has excellent friction
characteristics on V belts, or of pressed steel, which is lighter and cheaper
but may give rise to excessive belt slip, wear, and noise. Sheaves may be
purchased with single or multiple grooves and are available also with
variable pitch for speed control.
Table 14-2. Selection and Dimensions of V Belts
K t° i K A A A A
2 to 5 A or B A or B A or B A or B
10 A or B B B B or C
15 B B or C B or C C
20 B or C C C C
25 to 30 C C C c
40 C C or D C or D D
50 to 60 C or D C or D C or D D
75 C or D C or D C or D D or E
100 C D D D or E
125 D D D or E
150 to 200 D D E
250 E E E
300 and over E E
Section A B c D E
Width, in. H % % IK 1M
Thickness, in. Me 1/'3 2 1/^2 K 2%2
rotation of sheaves in opposite directions. The belt has short life due to
high bending stresses, since the belt is double thickness, and to reversed
Selection of V belts. The b^lt section may be selected from Table 14-2,
using the rated horsepower of the drive.
The design horsepower used in determining the number of belts is the
rated horsepower multiplied by the service factor from Table 14-3. The
service factor takes into account the severity of load transmitted which
depends on the characteristics of the driving and driven units. When
shock and peak loads are light, use the lower values from the table; for
severe loads, use the higher values.
Where space permits, it is good practice to use a size of driving sheave
to give belt speeds in the range of 3,500 to 4,500 fpm. Table 14-4 may
be used bo select a recommended size of driving sheave, and Table 14-5
for available stock sheaves. In these tables, the diameter given is the
3.0 5.0 9.0 5.4 7.0 16.0 8.5 10.0 20.0 13.0 18.0
3.2 5.2 10.6 5.6 7.4 18.4 9.0 10.2 24.0 13.4 22.0
3.4 5.4 12.0 5.8 8.6 20.0 9.2 10.6 30.0 13.8 27.0
3.6 5.6 15.0 6.0 9.4 25.0 9.4 11.0 36.0 14.2 33.0
3.8 5.8 18.0 6.2 11.0 30.0 9.6 13.0 44.0 14.6 40.0
4.0 6.0 19.6 6.4 12.4 38.0 9.8 16.0 50.0 15.0 48.0
* Composite sheave for A or B section. Diameters shown are for A section. For B section, add 0.4
Section Horsepower Rating per Strand
1.95 3.80
A hp = V ■J70.09
- 0.0136F2 (14-8o)
3.43 9.83
B hp = V ■j/0.09
- 0.0234F2 (14-86)
6.37 27.0
C hp = V - 0.0416F2 (14-8c)
13.6 93.9
D hp = V yo.09 - 0.0848 F2 (14-8d)
19.9 178
E hp = V yo.09 - 0.122F2 (14-8e)
Speed rafio
speed ratio is 1:1, k is unity, but as the speed ratio increases, the driven
sheave becomes larger and the diameter factor increases.
The power transmitted may be limited by slipping of the belt on the
small sheave. This is taken into account by the arc-of-contact factor
given in Fig. 14-7 in terms of the arc of contact of the belt on the smaller
sheave. The factor is unity for 180-deg contact and decreases with the
arc of contact.
A final factor is necessary to allow for the effect of length of belt on the
frequency of bending. Length-of-belt correction factors are given in
Fig. 14-7.
The horsepower rating from Eq. (14-8) is corrected by multiplying by
the small-diameter factor, the arc-of-contact factor, and the belt-length
factor. The corrected rating (horsepower per belt) is then divided into
the design horsepower to obtain the number of belts required.
If the number of belts is excessive, a larger belt section and/or increased
sheave diameters may be considered. A moderate number of belts is
Example 14-1. Select a V-belt drive for a 10-hp 1,160-rpm induction motor to
drive a ventilating fan at approximately 400 rpm. The minimum center distance
between the sheaves is 40 in.
Solution: From Table 14-2, a B-section belt is recommended.
From Table 14-3, assume the service factor is 1.4.
The design horsepower is 1.4 X 10 = 14.
Sheave selection: From Table 14-4, the recommended range of size for the small
sheave is 5.2 to 7.4 with 5.4 as a minimum. From Table 14-5, assume 7.0 in. as a trial
pitch diameter.
The belt speed is
X 7.0 = 20.3 in. Use 20 in.
3.43 9.83
hp per belt = V - 0.0234F2 J
po .09
- ^ - 0.0234 X
“ 2'120 [2. 1200 09
= 2.120(3.2 - 1.4 - 0.10) = 3.61
L — “ (D + d) + 2C + —
2 4C
tv (20 - 7)2
= _(20 +7)+ 2 X 40 + T3^-
3.82 Use 4 belts
Thus, four B-section V belts with sheaves 7.0 and 20 in. in diameter would be
14-7 Tooth-belt drive. The sheaves have axial grooves which engage
teeth on the belt, as shown in Fig. 14-8. The belt employs a number of
small steel cables which carry tension
under load, thus permitting a light
drive and high speeds. The drive is
positive, and the tension to transmit
the power does not depend on initial
tension. Sheave diameters may be
as small as in* to as large as re¬
quired, and belt speeds of the order
of 15,000 fpm are practical. Appli¬
cations include business machines,
sewing machines, timing drives, port¬
able woodworking equipment, and
power-transmission units. Besides
being positive, the drive is compact,
light, quiet, versatile, and low in
maintenance. However, it is more
sensitive to misalignment than flat
belts or V-belt drives. The first cost
Fig. 14-8. Timing belt drive. (Cour¬
is higher on light-duty belt drives but
tesy of United States Rubber Company.) may be more economical on large
14-8 Pivoted motor mountings. When a belt transmitting power
passes over its sheaves, the tension in the belt varies from the maximum
value Fi to the minimum value F2, and it is the difference in tensions
at partial load, the belt tensions are comparatively lower than in the
fixed-center type of drive and belt life is correspondingly increased.
In Fig. 14-9, the motor pulley is rotating clockwise. The belt tensions
F1 and F2 tend to overturn the motor in a clockwise direction about the
base pivot point. Neglecting centrifugal tension, the overturning
moment is F\a + Fb2. The moment which resists the overturning
moment is produced in part by the weight of the motor acting at the
lever arm c, that is, Wc, and in part by the reaction torque T on the frame
of the motor which is counterclockwise and equal to the torque on the
rotor. Thus
Fia + F2b = Wc + T (14-9)
will be a force acting at the center of the motor which in turn is carried
by the belt. This action performs the same function as initial belt ten¬
sion, but is induced only as needed by the torque on the motor in trans¬
mitting power. The force acting at the center of the motor will depend
on the lever arm g; the smaller the lever arm, the greater will be the force,
and vice versa.
Two types of pivoted motor mountings are in use. In one, the Rock-
wood-type drive shown in Fig. 14-9, the distance c and the distance g are
both large, so that most of the belt tension is due to the product of W and
c and that due to the torque reaction is small. The lever arm c may
be altered by shifting the motor along the pivoted support to provide
belt tensions as required for the maximum power to be transmitted.
When this power is exceeded, the
belt will slip on the sheave, which
will prevent overloading the motor
but may damage the belt.
In the second type of pivoted
motor mounting, the American
drive shown in Fig. 14-10, the dis¬
tances c and g are small so that
the belt tensions Fi and F2 are pro¬
duced mainly by the reaction
torque T. This torque varies with
the power transmitted so that
there is never more tension in the
belt than the load requires. In
order to locate the pivot point near
the center of the motor, the motor
is mounted in a cradle so that the
motor will swing about the pivot point shown in the figure. In this
drive, belt tensions are built up as required by the load. When the
drive is idle or is operating at partial load, the tensions will be low;
hence, belt life will be increased. However, if the drive should be over¬
loaded, the belt tensions will be increased accordingly and the belt may
be broken or the bearings may be damaged.
14-9 Arrangements of hoisting tackle. A simple hoisting tackle is
shown in Fig. 14-11(a), in which a rope passes over a sheave so that a
load Q may be raised by a downward effort P. To reduce the effort, an
arrangement of pulley blocks may be used as showm at (b), in which the
lower, or hook, block and the upper block each has two sheaves. To
avoid confusion in representing such a hoist, a developed diagram (c) may
be used. The hoist at (c) is known as a “four-part” line hoist, since four
lines of rope lead to the hook block.
It is evident that the more lines leading to the hook block, the less
will be the effort P required to raise a load Q, but that more rope must be
reeled off at P to raise the load a given distance.
P = CT, = CbT,
Tb = CT4 = CAT,
Ta = CT, = C3Ti
T3 = CT2 = C2T1
t2 = ctl
1 C. D. Albert, “Machine Design Drawing Room Problems,” p. 411, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., New York, 1951.
From the equilibrium of forces on the lower block
Q = T1 + T2 + T, + T4 + T6
C6 - 1 Cb - 1
= Ti( 1 + C + C2 + C3 + C4) = Tx = P
C - 1 C\C - 1)
P = Q (14-11)
C( 1
Po X unit distance _ Cl 1
P X unit distance 5C5(C — 1)
T, = CT2
Tz = CTs
T3 = CT4
T4 = CTb
T5 = CP
C - 1
P = (14-13)
C(Cb - 1) Q
In the above example, note that in raising the load, the rope P is the
maximum loaded one, while in lowering the load, the rope is the maxi¬
mum loaded one. The capacity of a hoist depends on the most heavily
loaded rope, as will be discussed in Art. 14-14.
d Fu d Fu d Fu d Fu
14-12 Manila rope. Manila rope is used for hoisting only in very small
capacity hoists and where safety is not a prime consideration. Allowable
loads for a reasonable life of rope may be found by dividing the ultimate
strength of the rope Fu in pounds by a factor of safety equal to 7 for rope
speeds up to 100 fpm, increasing to 18 at 300 fpm and to 36 up to 800 fpm
(see Table 14-6 for ultimate strengths of manila rope).
The hemp core is saturated with lubricant to retard rusting of the wires
and to reduce friction between the wires. The rope should be periodically
cleaned and re lubricated.2
6 X 19 34 6
and ^-234 34
6 X 37 234-224 X
8 X 19
H-Hg 346
x-ix 34
1 The first figure represents the number of strands and the second the number of
wires in each strand. For example, a %-in. 6X7 wire rope is 24 in. in diameter and
has 6 strands each with 7 wires [see Fig. 14-14(c)]. The core shown in black is hemp.
2 ASA Safety Code, Elevator Wire Rope Maintenance, Mech. Eng., February, 1943.
Standard sizes of wire ropes may be found from Table 14-7. Ultimate
tensile strengths in pounds for plow-steel wire rope and weights in pounds
per foot may be approximated from the equations in Table 14-8.
Table 14-8. Approximate Wire Rope and Sheave Data
(d = rope diameter)
Ultimate Recommended
Weight diameter
Rope strength, dw A
lb per ft
Fu, lb Minimum
s = k^ (14-14)
F„ = kA ^ (14-15)
The sum of this bending load and the external, or service, load on the
rope should not exceed the allowable load on the rope, or, expressed as
an equation,
~ ^F„ + F, (14-16)
l.S. v
Fb = kA^
The average chain speed is equal to the length of chain reeled off the
sprocket in unit time, or
V = (15-1)
where V = chain speed, fpm
p = pitch of chain, in.
T = number of sprocket teeth
N = sprocket speed, rpm
Although there is a trend toward higher chain speeds for ordinary
applications, economical speeds are of the order of 2,500 fpm for roller
chains and 4,000 fpm for silent chains. Both types of chains have been
operated satisfactorily up to 6,500 fpm.
It is usually desirable to use small pitches in a chain drive to prevent
surging of the chain; however, excessively small pitches may increase the
first cost unnecessarily. As an aid in selecting a pitch, the following
empirical formula which has given good results in practice may be used.
where p is the pitch in inches and N is the speed of the small sprocket
in rpm.
15-3 Number of teeth on sprocket. The most desirable number of
teeth on a sprocket depends on several considerations. As shown in
Fig. 15-3, the angle through which a chain link turns on its pin as it
engages with the sprocket is equal to 180 deg divided by the number of
teeth on the sprocket. Thus with a small number of teeth, the angle of
rotation will be large and wear of the pin and bushing will be rapid. This
consideration requires a minimum of 17 or preferably 24 teeth for steady
chain loading. Finally, for a particular pitch of chain, the size of the
sprocket—and hence the chain speed—increases with the number of teeth.
This means that the load on the chain required to transmit a given horse¬
power will be less with a large sprocket than with a smaller one, and hence
a smaller chain may be used. There is a limit to the chain speed, how¬
ever, because of dvnamic effects and lubrication difficulties.
The above discussion indicates that a large number of teeth on a
sprocket is desirable from an operating standpoint. However, the cost
D = (15-3)
sin (6/2) sin (180/T)
10 24 10 24
15-5 Block chains. These chains as shown in Fig. 15-4 are used
mainly for conveyor applications. The chain is relatively noisy and
wear is rapid because of the impact between the blocks and the sprocket.
15-6 Roller chains. The side plates for the roller chain shown in
Fig. 15-5 are blanked from cold-rolled steel. The pins, bushings, and
rollers are generally made of alloy steel, hardened and ground. The
chains are rugged and durable and if properly selected, installed, and
lubricated will give excellent service.
Roller chains are manufactured in standard pitches, as shown in
Table 15-2. In the chain number, the right-hand digit 5 indicates a
Table 15-2. Recommended Maximum Rpm of Sprockets for Roller Chains
Teeth Rpm
11 4,310 2,260 1,020 1,690 1,220 920 580 415 325 235 200 165 145 110
12 4,960 2,590 1,170 1,940 1,400 1,050 670 475 375 270 230 190 165 125
13 5,540 2,900 1,310 2,180 1,570 1,180 750 535 415 305 260 215 185 140
14 6,070 3,170 1,430 2,380 1,720 1,290 820 585 455 335 280 235 205 155
15 6,530 3,420 1,540 2,560 1,850 1,390 880 630 490 360 305 255 220 165
16 6,940 3,630 1,630 2,720 1,960 1,480 935 670 520 380 325 270 235 175
17 7,290 3,810 1,720 2,860 2,060 1,550 985 700 550 400 340 285 245 185
18 7,590 3,970 1,790 2,980 2,150 1,610 1,020 730 570 415 355 295 255 195
19 7,840 4,100 1,850 3,080 2,220 1,670 1,060 755 590 430 365 305 265 200
20 8,050 4,210 1,890 3,160 2,280 1,720 1,090 775 605 440 375 315 270 205
21 8,230 4,300 1,940 3,230 2,330 1,750 1,110 790 620 450 385 320 280 210
22 8,370 4,380 1,970 3,290 2,370 1,780 1,130 805 630 460 390 325 280 215
23 8,480 4,430 2,000 3,330 2,400 1,800 1,150 815 640 465 395 330 285 215
24 8,560 4,480 2,020 3,360 2,420 1,820 1,160 825 645 470 400 330 290 220
25 8,610 4,510 2,030 3,380 2,440 1,830 1,160 830 650 475 400 335 290 220
30 8,580 4,490 2,020 3,370 2,430 1,830 1,160 825 645 470 400 335 290 220
35 8,200 4,290 1,930 3,220 2,320 1,740 1,110 790 615 450 380 320 275 210
40 7,580 3,970 1,780 2,970 2,140 1,610 1,020 730 570 415 355 295 255 195
45 6,820 3,570 1,600 2,670 1,930 1,450 920 655 515 375 320 265 230 175
50. 5,950 3,110 1,400 2,330 1,680 1,270 805 575 450 325 275 230 200 150
55 5,010 2,620 1,180 1,970 1,420 1,070 675 480 375 275 235 195 170 125
60 4,020 2,100 950 1,580 1,140 860 545 390 305 220 185 155 135 100
V \y i.4i
hp per strand = p2 (1+25 vers 9) (15-4)
23.7 1,057
where p = pitch of chain, in.
V = chain speed = pTN/12, fpm
T — number of teeth in small sprocket
N = rpm of small sprocket
vers 6 1 — cos 6
Tables of horsepower ratings for various speeds of small sprocket,
chain pitch, and number of teeth on the small sprocket are given in the
American Standards Association
publication ASA B29.1-1950.
Considerable design information
is also given in that source, includ¬
ing recommended types of lubri¬
cation for various chain speeds.
Before the final selection of chain
is made, the manufacturers’ data
Fig. 15-6. Morse silent chain.
should be consulted.
Chain No. SC3 SC4 SC5 SC6 SC8 SC10 SC12 SC16
Pitch, in. X X % X 1 m IX 2
Number of
1,200 1,000
425(7’ - 8)
800 600
In Eq. (15-5), the first term depends on the allowable bearing pressure
on the pins and the last term allows for the centrifugal tension and also
for the number of teeth in the small sprocket, which is related to the
angle of rotation of the linksqn seating on the sprocket.
The American Standards Association publication, ASA B29.2-1950,
and manufacturers’ data give tables of horsepower ratings of inverted-
tooth chains for various pitches and speeds of sprockets with various
numbers of teeth.
15-8 Maximum sprocket bore. In small sprockets, it is necessary to
determine whether the number of teeth and the pitch selected will result
in a sprocket large enough to be mounted on the shaft with due allowance
for a keyway. On this basis, the following relations may be used to
determine the minimum number of teeth that may be used with a given
pitch for a sprocket bore d.
Roller-chain sprocket:
Tmin =-b 5 for pitches to 1 in. (15-6a)
= — + 4 for pitches 134 to 2^ in. (15-66)
Silent-chain sprocket:
rp 4d | n
1 min =-b 6 for pitches to 2 in. (15-6c)
15-9 Length of chain. The following equation may be used to deter¬
mine the approximate length of a chain:
Tl + T2 2C p(T1 - T,y
2 “h p ^ 39.5(7
The notation is the same as for Eq. (15-7); a is the angle between the
center line and the tangent to the sprocket pitch circles (see Fig. 14-2).
D\ — D %
sin a = —2Q—
15-10 Adjustment for chain tension. Means for adjusting the center
distance should be provided to secure proper chain tension when the
drive is installed and to make adjustment for wear of the chain in service.
There should be a small amount of slack in the chain, but excessive slack
may permit surging of the chain to take place. In some cases it may be
necessary to use idler sprockets or shoes installed on the slack side of the
chain to take up slack.
15-11 Chain cases and lubrication. Chain drives should be enclosed
to provide for proper chain lubrication, to keep dirt and grit from the
chain and sprockets, and to ensure the safety of the operator. The case
should be easy to install and to open for inspection and lubrication.
Except at very low speeds the chain should not run through the oil. A
high-speed chain running through oil causes an excessive amount of
churning which raises the temperature of the oil and which may create
high pressure in the case so that leakage may occur. Oil disks or rings
may be used to distribute the lubricant.
Roller chain:
1,000 X 8.33 X 30
Transmitted hp = = 12.2
33,000 X 0.63 X 0.98
Select a 15-hp motor.
Design hp = 1.2 X 12.2 = 14.6.
T . _ 4d ,_ 4 X 1.875 . . _
J- min — | n rrr I O — Id
p 0.75
a 180 180
0 = ~y = ~2i = 8.5 deg
vers 6 = 1'— cos 6 = 1 — 0.989 = 0.011
V r V1A1~\
hp per strand = p2 ^7 — (1 + 25 vers e> 1^57 J
r 1,510 _ n + 25 X 0.011) l,510x 41
= (0.75)2
L 23.7 k 1,057 ]
= 0.563 ( 63.7 - 1.275
( 1,057 ) ~ 15,t
No. of strands = t+t; = 0.955 Use 1 strand of No. 60 chain
Sprocket diameters:
Small sprocket:
V 0.75
£>1 = = 5.07 in.
sin (I8O/T1) sin (180/21)
Large sprocket:
T2 = X 21 = 42
V 0.75
D* = = 10.05 in.
sin (I8O/T2) sin (180/42)
Length of chain:
Inverted-tooth chain: The design horsepower, assumed number of teeth, pitch, and
chain speed are the same as for the roller chain.
For the inverted-tooth chain,
hp per inch = 53 [ 1 ~ 425(T _ 8) J
0.75 X 1,510 r 1,510 1
53 L 425(21 - 8) J
Chain width = -+77 = 0.935 in. Use 1-in. wide chain
The sprocket diameters and chain length will be the same as for the roller chain.
(a) Hydraulic
Fig. 15-7. Tension linkages.
where p is the pitch of the chain in inches. For the lightweight chain,
No. 41, use 1,000 instead of 1,900 in the above equation.
The above equation is based on the ultimate strength of the chain and
an average factor of safety of 8. The real factor of safety is lower,
however, because the ultimate strength of the chain is not alone the
criterion of failure, since bearing pressure, cyclic loading, stress concen¬
tration, and endurance limit of the links and pins are also involved.
Any effects of shock loading should be allowed for by introducing a shock
factor in accordance with the judgment of the designer.
Ca)-A\‘ujned f/ange '' -Radial
— flange
(c)-Anqu\ar misalignment
Fig. 16-1. Alignment of shaft center lines. Fig. 16-2. Flanged shaft coupling.
nal gear teeth cut on their peripheries and the sleeve incorporates match¬
ing internal teeth. The two hubs are separated axially, and the gear
teeth are of a special design with involute flanks and faces curved in
both directions so that they {nay accommodate angular misalignment by
a ball-and-socket action. This coupling has wide application in railway,
automotive, air-transportation, and marine equipment as well as
extensive industrial use.
Chain coupling is composed of two sprockets mounted face to face on
the ends of the shafts and coupled and connected by a length of chain
wrapped around the sprockets. This type of coupling is made by both
silent-chain and roller-chain manufacturing companies. Small lateral
and the alternate pins attached to the other half. Each steel pin that is
attached to one-half of the coupling projects into a bronze bushing that is
mounted in a rubber sleeve in the other half. The coupling halves are
mounted with axial clearance. A small amount of angular and lateral
misalignment will be taken up by the rubber sleeves.
Falk coupling. This coupling is composed of two slotted members
shown in Fig. 16-7(a) which are connected by a continuous steel spring
Cc r—“htc— -1 - cr
1 L
-J L
l» c
AD cm UL Position oit no load
(C 1 CT
« —i i— —r
±_ .n1 i— ■ -- :.l»
Position at full load
(ct) (b)
Fig. 16-7. Falk coupling.
which lies in the slots. The elements of the spring provide the flexibility
of the coupling.
The sides of the slots in which the spring lies are formed as shown at (6)
in the figure. It may be noted that the effective length of the elements
of the spring changes from a maximum g at no load to a minimum g'
at full load, so that as the torque on the coupling increases the coupling
becomes “ stiff er.” This is a very desirable characteristic for installations
The above discussion accounts for flow of the fluid from the impeller
to the runner and back to the impeller. Now as shown at (6) in the figure,
the fluid at position a will have a tangential velocity Va. When the fluid
arrives at position b, it will have a tangential velocity Vb that is greater
than Va by the ratio of the corresponding radii. A unit mass of fluid
will therefore have gained kinetic energy in flowing from a to b, and this
gain represents the input to the coupling.
The next phase in the operation is the transfer of the kinetic energy,
which the mass of fluid has gained, to the runner as the fluid passes
radially inward through the cells of the runner while its tangential veloc¬
ity is reduced from Vb to Va. The energy thus transferred to the runner
imparts rotation to the driven member.
The difference between the impeller and runner speeds is known as slip
and is usually expressed as a percentage of the impeller speed. For well-
designed fluid couplings, the slip may be as low as 1 per cent at rated
In a fluid coupling, the fluid connection between the impeller and run¬
ner results in a marked decrease in transmission of torsional vibrations.
By controlling the quantity of fluid in the coupling, the speed of the
runner may be varied. This feature makes the fluid coupling useful in
speed control. Other applications of this coupling are due to its torque-
speed characteristics.
In order to avoid self-induced vibrations set up by the coupling on
account of the “ register,” or matching, of the vanes in the impeller and
runner, the number of vanes in one half of the coupling is one more or
less than the number of vanes in the other half of the coupling.
moving at the same speed, i.e., with no relative motion. In the operation
of a brake during braking, the initial condition is that one member, such
as the brake wheel or drum, is moving while the braking member is sta¬
tionary; and in the final condition both members are at rest and have no
relative motion.
p = ^ (£>2 - d2)
T = — (£>3 - d3)
24 v '
which is shown in Fig. 17-3 (c); (6) as the plates wear during the life of
the plates, the surfaces follow the dotted lines as shown in the figure.
When the equilibrium condition is reached,
n = kpr = a constant
By substituting the value of p from Eq. (e) into Eqs. (a) and (6), integrat¬
ing, and eliminating the constant C, the equation for the torque becomes
T=f^(D + d) (17-2)
1 /D3 - d*\
3 \D2 - d2)
may be called the friction radius. In Eq. (17-2) the friction radius is
+ d). A comparison of these equations shows that the friction
radius for new clutches is slightly larger than for worn-in clutches and the
percentage difference may be expressed in terms of the ratio D/d, as
shown in Fig. 17-4. The ratio D/d for industrial clutches and brakes
and for automotive clutches is of the order of 1.5. For this proportion
the difference in the two equations is very low and is much smaller than
the variation in the value for the coefficient of friction; hence on the basis
of accuracy the choice between the two equations is unimportant. How¬
ever, Eq. (17-2) gives values for the axial force which are on the side of
Fig. 17-4. Comparison of Eqs. (17-1) and (17-2).
safety, it applies to most of the life of the plates, and it can be more
directly related to space limitations during design, and is therefore recom¬
mended for use rather than the uniform-pressure equation.
Multidisk clutch. Where large torques must be transmitted, a multi¬
disk clutch, as shown in Fig. 17-5, may be used to limit the operating
other set slides axially on the bolts d but rotates with the drum. When it
is desired to raise the load, a force on the operating lever slides the member
a to the left and connects it with the drum, and the unit acts as a clutch.
The shaft is prevented from rotating backward by a ratchet. In order to
lower the load, the operating force is decreased, which allows the load
to be lowered. During this phase the unit functions as a brake.
17-3 Cone clutches. Cone clutch. In Fig. 17-7 is shown a cone clutch
in which the outer cone a is the driving member and the inner cone b is
the driven member. The compression spring provides the force to engage
the clutch. In order to disengage the clutch, a shifting fork on a collar
that runs in the groove c may be used to slide the inner cone to the right,
thus separating the cones.
Force analysis. The relation between the torque transmitted and the
axial force may be obtained by following a similar procedure to that for
the plate clutch in Art. 17-2. The friction surface of the inner cone of
the clutch is shown in Fig. 17-7(6). The cone-face angle is a, as shown,
and the axial force is P.
2ttr dr
Elementary surface area dA
sin a
p2ier dr
Normal force on dA
sin a
fp2irr dr
Frictional force on dA
sin a
P = 2tt I pr dr (a)
/ pr2 dr (b)
sin a J /2
From the assumption that “the normal wear is proportional to the work
of friction,” as discussed in Art. 17-1, it may be deduced that
By substituting the value of p from Eq. (c) into Eqs. (a) and (6),
integrating, and eliminating the constant C, the following equation is
determined for the torque transmitted by a cone clutch
fP(D + d)
T = (17-3)
4 sin a
By making the cone angle a equal to 90 deg, the cone clutch becomes a
plate clutch and Eq. (17-3) reduces to Eq. (17-2). It may be noted that
a given torque may be transmitted by a relatively small axial force if the
cone-face angle is decreased. There is a lower limit to the angle a, how¬
ever, since the frictional force that must be overcome in releasing the
clutch increases as a decreases. Thus a clutch with a small cone angle
requires a relatively small force to engage the clutch but a large force for
disengagement. The SAE recommends an angle a = 12.5 deg for cone
clutches faced with leather or asbestos or having cork inserts.
Cone brakes are similar to cone clutches in construction and operation.
17-4 Block brakes and clutches. In this type of brake or clutch one
or more blocks, or shoes, are forced against a wheel that usually has a
cylindrical surface.
Single block brake. In Fig. 17-8 is shown a single block brake in which
the block attached to the operating lever is forced against the rotating
wheel. The frictional force pro¬
duced by the block on the wheel
will retard the rotation of the
Force analysis for friction block
brake. A cylindrical wheel, or
drum, that is assumed to rotate as
indicated is shown in Fig. 17-9.
The block is forced against the wheel by a radial force P. The relation
between the force P and the torque T may be determined as follows:
Let P — operating force on the block in a radial direction
D = diameter of wheel
T = torque on wheel
6 = one-half the angle of contact surface of the block
b = width of wheel
/ = coefficient of friction for materials of block and wheel
p = pressure between block and wheel
Elementary area of contact dA = b df)
Normal force on dA = p b d<j>
+e D Db f+0
P = I p -^ b cos <t> d<j> = ~2~ I p cos </> d<j> (a)
(AJ-Wear of block
Fig. 17-9. Single block clutch.
CDb f + e
P = ~Y~ / 0 cos2 </> d<f)
T = CjpPc„4,d4,-2Cfl ,(!)’*,«
By eliminating C from the two preceding equations,
4 sin 6
F =fP (17-6)
k26 + sin 2d,
6, degrees
Fig. 17-10. 4 sin 0/(20 -f- sin 20) plotted against the semiblock angle 0.
In the above equation, the quantity/[(4 sin 6)/(26 + sin 26)] may be
termed the “equivalent coefficient of friction” and denoted by/'; hence
F = f'P (17-7)
In Fig. 17-10 is shown the variation of the function (4 sin 6)/(26 + sin 26)
with the angle 6.
The forces acting on the operating lever of the single block brake in
Fig. 17-8 are shown in Fig. 17-11
for counterclockwise rotation of
the wheel.
For the equilibrium of moments
about 0 of the forces acting on
the lever, assuming that the re¬
sultant of the frictional forces
may be assumed to be a force F
acting as shown,
Fig. 17-11. Forces on brake lever.
A(a + b) - Pb -Fc = 0 (17-8)
From Eqs. (17-7) and (17-8) the equation for the torque in Fig. 17-11
fAD(a + b)
T = (17-9)
2(6 + fc)
great enough, the moment Fc will be sufficient to apply the brake without
an appreciable operating force A. This may be considered an advantage,
but such a brake may “grab” and result in uncontrolled braking.
By locating the pivot point above the line of action of F (at O'), the
“self-energizing” feature will be present for counterclockwise rotation.
In Fig. 17-12 is shown one form of a double-block spring-set brake.
Note that the linkage at the top of the brake between the yokes is
arranged so that the compressive force of the spring pulls the yokes
together and applies or “sets” the brake. The floating bell crank at
the left in rotating clockwise spreads the yokes against the spring force
and releases the wheel. The brake lining is compressed woven asbestos
and is fastened to the cast brake shoes by brass (nonscoring) rivets.
The brake releasing force ^on the bell crank is provided by a General
Electric “thrustor” which is a hydraulic unit operated by the electric
motor shown. This control is especially suitable for large brakes on
account of its smooth operating characteristics. In smaller brakes a
solenoid is suitable. Other releasing devices are magnets, torque-motor-
driven screws, and hydraulic cylinders.
The brake shoes in Fig. 17-12 are pivoted on the yokes to provide
uniform contact between the lining and the wheel. The tangential fric¬
tion force f'P on the brake shoe introduces a moment on the shoe which
makes the distribution of pressure somewhat different from the case in
Fig. 17-9; however, if the moment arm is kept small by locating the
pivot as near as possible to the contacting sur¬
face of the brake lining, i.e., as near the line of
action of the friction force, the turning moment
on the shoe will be small and Eq. (17-7) may be
used. Thus, the force diagram in Fig. 17-13 may
be used without serious error.
An electric device connected in series or shunt
with the motor is an ideal arrangement so that
the brake is released when the motor is started,
Fig. 17-13. Double-block and the brake is applied by the spring when the
motor switch is opened. In some applications a
time-delay relay is used to allow the moving parts to slow down before
the brake is applied.
In Fig. 17-13, the relation between the spring force S and the torque on
the brake wheel may be determined as follows:
Sd/o = F10 T F 2a — A (a T b) =0
— = efe
F, e
T = (Fi — Ft) |
From the three equations above, the relation between the force on the
operating lever and the torque on the brake
wheel becomes
2 Ta
A = (17-11)
D(a + b)(e'6 - 1)
F1 a
A =
a b ~ Ffe ~ c
In this equation, if the quantity a/efe is less than c, the brake will be
self-locking for clockwise rotation of the wheel. This feature is undesir-
a Acceleration
Ep = y%Qvt (&)
The initial kinetic energy of rotation of all the rotating parts, such as
the drum, gears, motor rotor, etc., is
Er =
This energy may be equated to the work done by the brake during
the time of its application, or
Et = TO (e)
The equation for the sum of the moments of the forces on the left-hand yoke about
its pivot point Ol is
2;/ol = 125 -f 2Fl - QPl = 0
= 125 + 2Fl - 6 X 2.85FL = 0
Fl = 0.7955
The spring force required to set the brake is 369 lb, but when the spring is com¬
pressed further to release the brake the spring force will be greater than 369 lb.
Shoe width:
which is between the limits of and Y; hence the proportions of the shoe width and
wheel are satisfactory.
The pitch surface is the surface of the rolling cylinder that the gear may
be considered to replace.
The pitch circle is a right section of the pitch surface.
The addendum circle is the circle bounding the ends of the teeth.
The dedendum circle is the circle bounding the bottom of the spaces
between the teeth.
The addendum is the radial distance between the addendum circle and
the pitch circle.
The dedendum is the radial distance between the pitch circle and the
dedendum circle.
Clearance is the difference between the dedendum of one gear and the
addendum of the mating gear.
Backlash is the difference between the tooth space of one gear and the
tooth thickness of the mating gear measured on the pitch circle.
Circular pitch is the distance from a point on one tooth to the corre¬
sponding point on the adjacent tooth measured on the pitch circle. Its
symbol is p; the units are inches.
Diametral pitch is the number of teeth on a gear per inch of its pitch
diameter.1 Its symbol is P.
Note that the product of the circular pitch and the diametral pitch
equals 7r, i.e., pP = tt.
Tooth forms. It is important that a satisfactory tooth form be chosen
for each application. In general, quietness is favored by the low-
pressure-angle form, but they are weaker than the high-pressure-angle
ones. Common tooth forms are the following:
1 Frequently the term “pitch” is used. This should be understood to mean “dia¬
metral pitch.”
1. AGMA 143/2-deg, full depth; quiet running; less than 30 teeth are
undercut, but from 24 to 30 may be used
2. AGMA standard 20-deg, full depth; stronger than (1) and as low
as 16 teeth without undercutting
3. AGMA standard 20-deg, stub; stronger than (2) and as low as 14
teeth without undercutting
4. Long and short addendum, 14^-deg, full depth; for less than 30
teeth, stronger than (1), quiet running but not interchangeable
5. Long and short addendum, 20-deg, full depth; stronger than (4);
for less than 16 teeth; noninterchangeable
6. AGMA standard composite 143^-deg; may be cut with milling
7. Fellows standard 20-deg stub
Design considerations. The specifications for a gear drive generally
include (a) the horsepower to be transmitted, (6) the speed of the driving
gear, and (c) the speed of the driven gear or the velocity ratio. Fre¬
quently the center distance is specified. The usual drive requires a
speed reduction, for example 2 to 1, which means that the speed of the
driving gear is twice that of the driven gear. The reason that most drives
are reductions rather than increases is that the usual sources of power,
i.e., motors, turbines, and high-speed engines, operate at speeds higher
than those required by driven units, such as machine tools, pumping or
blowing equipment, transportation and propulsion machinery, or con¬
veying equipment. Occasionally, however, speed increases are required.
In the design of a gear drive there are several requirements that must
be met, as follows: (a) The gear teeth should have sufficient strength so
that they will not fail under static loading, such as that at high starting
torques, or under dynamic loading during normal running conditions.
(6) The teeth should have good wear characteristics so that their life will
be satisfactory, (c) The use of space and material should be economical.
(d) The alignment of the gears and deflections of the shafts must be con¬
sidered because of their effect on the performance of the gears, (c) The
lubrication of the gears must be satisfactory. The above general require¬
ments indicate that the final specifications for gears involve many inter¬
related factors. Compromises are usually necessary in order to secure a
desirable balance between good service and minimum cost.
18-3 Strength of gear teeth—Lewis equation. The determination of
the maximum stresses in a loaded gear tooth is complicated by the varia¬
tion in magnitude and direction of the load on the tooth during contact
and by the shape of the tooth, since it has varying width and is joined to
the body of the gear by a fillet. At the first point of contact, the load
Wn in Fig. 18-2 acts normal to the profile of the tooth in accordance with
the fundamental law of gear-tooth action. This normal load may be
These dynamic forces are cyclic and may in some cases be larger than the
steady force which transmits power.
As to the gear tooth itself, it is not a simple cantilever because of its
stubbiness and nonuniformity of width. Also stress concentration at
the fillets enters the scene.
It can readily be appreciated from the above situation that the max¬
imum stresses in an existing gear tooth are difficult to determine. The
designer of gears has also to consider that at the beginning of a design, the
sizes of the gears and the teeth are not usually established so it becomes
necessary to approach the design of gears in a somewhat indirect manner.
It should be appreciated in addition that fracture of gear teeth is not
the only mode of failure to be considered, but that wear of the teeth is
also a criterion; in fact more gears fail by wearing of the teeth than by
In 1892, Wilfred Lewis made simplifying assumptions1 regarding the
strength of gear teeth which resulted in an equation which has been used
extensively by industry in determining the size and proportions of gears.
1 Wilfred Lewis, Investigation of the Strength of Gear Teeth, Engineers’ Club of
Philadelphia, 1892.
beam at every section except TC, this is the critical section of the tooth
and the flexure formula may be applied to establish a relation between the
load IF and the stress of this section.
The equation for W will be used here as a basis for determining the
proportions of gear teeth. After the proportions are established, the
Buckingham equations will be used for determining the hardness for
fatigue-strength and wear requirements.
Using the face width of the gear as F in Fig. 18-3(6),
Wh = (18-1)
from which
W =
= f_
^ 6/ip
The quantity y is known'as the “form factor.” To determine its
value, t, h, and p may be determined analytically or scaled from a drawing
similar to Fig. 18-3(6). Note that if the gear is enlarged, the distances
t, h, and p will each be increased proportionally; hence the value of y will
remain unchanged. The value of y then is independent of the size of the
tooth and depends only on the number of teeth on a gear and the system
Table 18-1. Lewis Form Factors y
If these allowable stresses are in turn used with the Lewis equation to
design similar industrial gears, the resulting gear should have the size
and proportion to behave satisfactorily in service.
1 See Poritsky, Sutton, and Pernick, Distribution of Load along a Pinion, Trans.
ASME, vol. 67, p. A-78, 1945.
special class of gears or service, is a most helpful aid in this phase of gear
The value of the allowable stress in gear design depends of course on
the material for which a basic stress s0 may be determined. In order to
make allowance for the dynamic effects due to the velocity of tooth action,
the Barth equation may be used, i.e.,
Sind = ™— (18-4)
Sind = — (18-5)
2T 2 TP
W =
D n
Hence, Eq. (18-5) becomes
Sind (18-6)
1 H. E. Merritt, “Gears,” p. 254, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd., London, 1943.
1 2 5 9 16
ix 2^ 6 10 18
IX 3 7 12 20
m 4 8 14 24
So n y s0y
Pinion. . 30,000 24 0.132 3,960
The values of say show that the gear is the weaker, and hence will be the basis for the
design. Using 150 per cent rating,
In the above two equations there are two unknowns, the diametral pitch P and the
pitch-line velocity V. From the above equation for the induced stress
Note from Fig. 18-4 that the velocity factor varies from 0.5 to 0.2 for the usual range
of spur-gear pitch-line velocities. By using tentatively an average value of, say,
for CVJ then the tentative allowable stress will be approximately X 20,000, or say
7,000 psi. By comparison with the above values for the induced stress, it is seen
that the diametral pitch may be 8 or 9. Using a trial value of P equal to 9, then
D = 2.67 in.
7tD rpm 7r X 2.67 X 1,170
V = = 816 fpm
12 12
600 600
Sail — So = 20,000 8,480 psi
600 + V 600 + 816
Thus P = 9 may be satisfactory, since the induced stress is near the allowable stress.
The computed face width equals
This face width may now be altered in order to reduce the induced stress to the allow¬
able stress, as follows:
Dp = 2.67 in.
Dg = 8.00 in.
F = 1.25 in.
Center distance = 5.33 in.
Wd = W ± Wi (18-8)
Se/ = (18-10)
Cast iron and cast iron 400 800 1,600 2,400 3,200 4,000
Steel and cast iron • 143^ deg 550 1,100 2,200 3,300 4,400 5,500
Steel and steel / 800 1,600 3,200 4,800 6,400 8,000
Cast iron and cast iron 20 deg 415 830 1,660 2,490 3,320 4,150
Steel and cast iron ► full 570 1,140 2,280 3,420 4,560 5,700
Steel and steel depth 830 1,660 3,320 4,980 6,640 8,300
Cast iron and cast iron 20 deg 430 860 1,720 2,580 3,440 4,300
Steel and cast iron stub 590 1,180 2,360 3,540 4,720 5,900
Steel and steel tooth 860 1,720 3,440 5,160 6,880 8,600
Flexural Surface
Material BHN endurance endurance
limit sef limit sea
Gray cast iron. 160 12,000 90,000
Semisteel. 200 18,000
Phosphor bronze. . . . 100 24,000
Steel.. .. 150 36,000 50,000
200 50,000 70,000
240 60,000 88,000
280 70,000 103,000
300 75,000 110,000
320 80,000 118,000
350 85,000 130,000
360 90,000
400 100,000
GA Meehanite. 80,000
Ww = DFKQ (18-11)
K, K,
Material Material endurance
Bhn Bhn 14^-deg 20-deg
in pinion in gear limit,
systems systems
Ses in psi
Values of K for various tooth forms and materials are given in Table
18-8. In the wear equation, Eq. (18-11), the value of Ww should not be
less than the dynamic load W d. In gear design, Wd from Eq. (18-9)
may be taken as the minimum allowable value of Ww and when used as
such in Eq. (18-11) gives the minimum value of load-stress factor K. The
required Brinell hardness numbers may be determined from Table 18-8.
In using the equations for static loads, dynamic loads, and wear loads,
it should be realized that the results are not exact but serve for comparison
between expected performance of gears being designed and that of the
gears of the reported tests.
Example 18-2. Determine the Bhn for the pinion and gear for the data of Example
18-1 required on the bases of (a) dynamic load and (b) wear load. Assume class 2
(a) Dynamic load:
For 150 per cent rating
0.05F(FC + W) Auxiliary Calculations
Wd = W +
0.05F + VFC + IF _ 33,000 hp
40.8 X 2,756 W ~ V '
= 606 +
40.8 + 52.5 33,000 X 10 X 1.5
= 1,811 lb 816
_ =fWj = 606 lb
ef Fpy 0.05F = 0.05 X 816
1.25 X 1,811 = 40.8 fpm
1.25 X 0.349 X y C = 1,720 for class 2 gears
FC = 1.25 X 1,720 = 2,150 lb
= 39,200 psi for pinion
= 32,800 psi for gear FC + IF = 2,150 + 606
= 2,756 lb
From Table 18-7
VFC + W = 52.5
Bhn for pinion = 175
Bhn for gear = 150 7T
0.349 in.
(6) Wear load:
2r 2X3
For 100 per cent rating, the dynamic load Wd may be Q = 1 +r
found equal to 1,544 lb. 1 +3
Ww 1544
K = = 309
DFQ 2.67 X 1.25 X 1.5
From Table 18-8, Bhn for pinion = 400
Bhn for gear = 350
Since the latter two values are higher than are required on the endurance-limit basis,
they should be specified. However, the possibility of heat-treating the pinion and
gear to obtain these hardness numbers should be investigated. With the grade of steel
originally specified, it would be difficult to harden either the pinion or the gear through¬
out, but through hardening may not be necessary. A form of surface hardening would
in general be sufficient to obtain the required wear resistance.
ip - He Hx. anq/e
F- Face
p - Circular pitch in plane of rotation
= Normal circular pitch
Fig. 18-6. Parallel helical gears.
least equal to the circular pitch, that is, at least equal to p/tan xp in Fig.
18-6. The AGMA specifies a minimum overlap of 15 per cent by stating
that the face width of a single helical gear shall be at least 1.15p/tan xp.
When helical gears of opposite hand are mounted in pairs on a shaft,
or when herringbone gears are used, the axial loads are balanced, and
Fig. 18-7. Herringbone gears.
hence larger helix angles may be used to secure greater pitch overlap and
the accompanying increase in quietness and strength over single-helical
gears. For herringbone gears as shown in Fig. 18-7, helix angles are used
from 20 to 30 deg for industrial gears and up to 45 deg for turbine drives.
The minimum face width for herringbone gears as recommended by
AGMA is 2.3p/tan xp. For both single- and double-helical gears, the
maximum width of face should be from 1.5 to 2 times the pinion diameter,
although 2.5 has been used.1 In the latter case the mountings were very
rigid and accurately aligned.
Strength of parallel helical gears. According to the AGMA, a modifica¬
tion of the Lewis equation, Eq. (18-2), may be used for helical gears:
W = S°FP?C'1 (18-12)
may be counted on to share the load so that the worst loading on a tooth
may not occur at the first point of contact, as assumed in the derivation
of the Lewis equation, but instead may take place between that point
and the pitch point. For this condition,1 the inscribed parabola will be
shorter than shown in Fig. 18-3 and the form factor will be greater than
the value in Table 18-1. In critical gear applications, such as aircraft
gears, marine gears, and stationary geared power-plant drives, it may be
desirable to consider this more refined procedure, instead of the simple
Lewis method, and to include also stress concentration and other influ¬
ences, as discussed in the remaining sections of this article.
Stress concentration. The following equations2 for stress-concentration
factors may be used to determine the magnification of maximum stress
at the fillets. In the equations r is the fillet radius and the other notation
is the same as in Fig. 18-3.
For 20-deg involute teeth
K = 0.22 +
For instance, the failure of a gear in a juke box may not cause more than
inconvenience until it is replaced; in fact, the result of such a failure may
bring pleasure to some listeners.
The failure of a gear in an automobile would probably not endanger
life or cause extensive damage; yet if many gears failed in any one make
of automobile it would jeopardize the reputation of the manufacturer.
The failure of a gear in an industrial speed reducer would generally
not have fatal results and may not be excessively expensive to repair.
It might, however, result in expensive shutdown.
The failure of any one of most gears in an aircraft would have good
chances of causing a serious accident.
A failure in the main propulsion gear of an ocean-going ship may cause
a disaster or at best may necessitate an extended layover in drydock with
the necessity, if it were a bull-gear failure, of cutting through several steel
decks or the hull to remove the ruined gear and replace it with a new one.
To the loss in revenue or service should be added the cost of manufac¬
turing a new gear and drydock charges of the order of $1,000 per hour.
Thus, owing to the widely varying requirements in applications of
gears and to the many modes of failure, the choice of allowable stresses
requires careful consideration.
Scoring. In heavily loaded gears which are operated for a long period
of time, pits may develop due to excessive compressive stresses at the
region of contact between the teeth. The pits may become large so that
a considerable area is affected which may lead to scoring of the teeth.
Scoring is characterized by radial scratches and may be associated with
other types of wear, such as abrasion.
A formula that has been used by automotive-gear designers to evaluate
scoring is known as the PVT formula in which P is the Hertz contact
pressure in pounds per square inch, usually calculated for the first and last
points of contact on the pinion tooth profile and taking into account the
contact ratio. The sliding velocities at the points where P is calculated is
represented by V and expressed in feet per minute. The distance in
inches along the line of action from the point where P is calculated to the
pitch point is represented by T. Values of PVT to prevent scoring are
of the order of 1J4 million.
Another method for determining limits to avoid scoring and which
may be a better criterion than the PVT formula uses the “ flash tempera¬
ture” at the contacting surfaces of the teeth. An equation for the flash-
temperature limit to prevent scoring,1 known as the Kelley formula,
includes terms for the rolling velocities of the tooth surfaces in contact,
the coefficient of friction, and the rms value for surface finish after the
gears have been run in.
1 B. W. Kelley, A New Look at Scoring Phenomena of Gears, AGMA 219.04,
October, 1952.
Normal wear occurs when the gears are new, but it should cease after
the gears are “run in” under proper conditions.
1 See AGMA Standard Nomenclature, Gear Tooth Wear and Failure, AGMA
110.02, 1951.
Fig. 18-8. Example of pitted gear teeth. (Courtesy of Westinghouse Electric Cor¬
The above list gave 12 types of failure which may occur singly but
which generally appear in combination. They may be caused by or
aggravated by such conditions as the following:
p _ 2T 33,000 hp
Fv = Fx tan ^
Fz = Fx tan c/>
Fy, and Fz. If the direction of F0 is not known, the most unfavorable
direction should be assumed, i.e., in the same direction as the resultant
of the reactions due to Fx, Fy, and Fz. In general, the maximum loads
that it is possible to impose on bearings A and B should be determined
regardless of the direction of rotation of the gears.
Overhanging load. The maximum overhung load which a customer
may apply to the stub end of the shaft of a speed reducer depends on the
type of drive and on the minimum size of sprocket, gear, or sheave which
is keyed to the shaft. The following equation may be used to estimate
the load:
126,060if X hp
D X rpm
Fig. 18-10. Section of helical-gear speed reducer. (Courtesy of Timken Roller Bearing
Fig. 18-11. Single-reduction herringbone-gear speed reducer, lower view with top half
of housing removed. (Courtesy of DeLaval Steam Turbine Company.)
Table 18-9. Service Factors
Character of load on
driven machine
Prime mover Duration of service
Moderate Heavy
shock shock
^ A
2. Zerol bevel gears. The axes intersect, and the teeth are curved and
can be ground.
3. Spiral bevel gears. The axes intersect, and the teeth are cuved and
4. Face gears consist of a spur or helical pinion in combination with a
conjugate gear of disk form.
5. Skew bevel gears. The axes are nonparallel and nonintersecting, and
the teeth are straight.
6. Hypoid gears. The axes are nonparallel and nonintersecting, and
the teeth are curved.
7. Crossed helical gears. The axes are nonintersecting and are at any
angle. The teeth have the same or opposite hand (see Fig. 19-8).
8. Worm gears include worms and their mating gears. The axes are
usually at right angles, as in Fig. 19-12.
In Fig. 19-2 are shown the pitch cones for various relations of axes in
the same plane from the external gear to the internal gear.
19-2 Bevel-gear terminology. An axial section of a pair of right-angle
bevel gears is shown in Fig. 19-3. The shaft angle 2 equals 90 deg,
T is the pitch angle, ro is the face angle, and TR is the root angle. D is
the pitch diameter, and Do is the outside diameter. The addendum is a,
and the dedendum b is measured at the large ends of the teeth. The pitch
cones are represented by oef and ofg and the back cones by jef and
hfg. In the figure, the subscripts P and G refer to the pinion and gear,
fbJ-Acute CcJ-Right-angle
bevel,.£<90° bevel,£=90#
where h and t are the effective height and thickness, respectively, of the
tooth at the section at x (see Fig. 18-3). Since the ratio of h and t for
Mounting distance
Fig. 19-3. Bevel-gear dimensions.
dT = Rx dW = syRxpx dx (19-4)
T = sy^R f x2 dx (19-5)
T ( F F2\
W = ^ = SFvy[l-l + m) (19-7)
W = sFpy 1 - 0 (19-8)
Note that a spur gear may be considered as the limiting case of a bevel
gear for which L is infinitely long. For a spur gear the ratio F/L is zero
and Eq. (19-8) becomes identical with Eq. (18-2).
The tangential force W in Eq. (19-8) may be determined by dividing
the torque on the gear by the radius R. The force W is not an actual
force but an equivalent force acting at the large end of the tooth for use
in designing the tooth and specifying it at its large end. The strength
of the tooth at other sections will be equal to that at the large end, as
discussed earlier in this article.
In the use of Eq. (19-8) for design purposes, the value of the allowable
stress s may be taken from Eq. (18-3) and Table 18-2.
For satisfactory operation of bevel gears, the ratio F/p should be
between 2 and 3, and the ratio F/L should not exceed The form
factor y should be based on the formative number of teeth, i.e., the number
of teeth on a gear whose radius equals the back-cone radius.
19-4 Resultant tooth force. For determining the loads on the shafts
of bevel gearing, it is necessary to use the actual resultant tooth force
that acts at some point along the tooth face rather than the equivalent
force at the large end of the tooth, as discussed in Art. 19-3. Since the
tooth is loaded heavier at the outer end, the resultant force W0 acts
between the mid-point of the tooth and the outer end.
From Eq. (19-2),
dW = Cx dx
dM = xdW
or, using Eq. (19-2) again,
dM = Cx2 dx
L3 - (L - Fy
L2 — (L — F)2
D _ Lo p
rCo -K (19-12)
The resultant tooth load W0 is equal to the torque on the gear divided
by R0, or
W0 = -T (19-14)
This is the tangential component of the actual tooth load. The sep¬
arating component equals TF0 multiplied by the tangent of the pressure
The values of Z in Eq. (19-13) for various values of F/L are shown in
Fig. 19-5.
Fig. 19-5. Comparison of exact and approximate radius factors for bevel gears.
From the geometry of Fig. 19-4, it may be shown that the radius corre¬
sponding to the mid-section of the tooth is
Rm = R (19-15)
The values of 1 — (F/2L) are plotted in Fig. 19-5, and also the per¬
centage of difference between Z and 1 — (F/2L). For bevel gears it is
evident that the error in considering that the resultant tooth load acts at
the mid-point of the face is small, and therefore Eq. (19-15) may be used,
except for very precise determinations of shaft loads. In these cases the
effect on location of tooth bearing of inaccuracies, deflection of teeth, shaft
and mounting, friction, and "other deviations from the ideal case should
be included.
19-5 Gleason system of bevel gears. As a result of considerable the¬
oretical and experimental investigation as well as field experience, the
Gleason Works has developed a system for generating bevel gears that
has given excellent results. In this system the pressure angle and the
addendum depend on the numbers of teeth in the pinion and gear.
19-6 Mounting of bevel gears. The shafts for bevel gears and the
bearing supports should be sufficiently rigid so that the deflections at the
teeth under load will not be excessive. Also, the gears should be properly
adjusted when they are installed. Only by fulfilling the two requirements
of mounting and adjustment, and by providing proper lubrication, can
bevel gears be made to operate satisfactorily in respect to quietness and
The bearings should be designed with due consideration of the thrusts
along the axes. In spiral bevel gears, the directions of the thrusts depend
on the hand of the spiral, the direction of rotation, and whether the gear
is the driver or driven member.
A pair of bevel gears mounted in plain bearings are shown in Fig.
19-6(a). A ball bearing mounting with the pinion straddle mounted is
shown at (6). Note that the teeth of the gear are cut on a steel ring that
is attached to a separate center.
between the tangent to the pitch helix and the plane of rotation. The
pitch helix angle is the angle between the tangent to the pitch helix and
an element of the pitch cylinder and is the complement of the lead angle.
The pressure angle is (3. The AGMA states the following standard axial
pitches: 34, %6, H, 34, %, Y±, 1, 134, 1/4, 1%, an(i 2 in. Pressure angles
are as follows:
head angle A Pressure angle (3, deg
* To 12 deg... 14^
To 20 deg. 20
To 25 deg. 22^
Over 25 deg. 25
Reversible drives. 30
The development of the pitch helix is shown at (c) in Fig. 19-9; this
may be used to determine the relation
between X, L, and the pitch diameter
of the worm d, that is tan X = (L/ivd).
The normal lead L0 is equal to L cos X.
The straight worm shown in Fig.
19-9 is the type in most common use.
The Hindleg worm, Fig. 19-10, is
used to some extent, but it requires
extremely accurate alignment.
Various types of worm-wheel rim
construction are shown in Fig. 19-11.
The form at (a) is cut with a form cutter and is suitable for light service.
The types at (b), (c), and (d) may be hobbed, the latter being a separate
ring for attachment to a cast-iron or steel spider.
Materials. The worm is generally made of steel while the gear is made
of bronze or of cast iron for light service. Some recommended combina¬
tions of materials are given in Table 19-1.
Since the velocity ratio r is specified, Eq. (19-17) contains three vari¬
ables C, L0, and X. The right-hand member may be evaluated for various
velocity ratios and the results plotted as in Fig. 19-13.
In Fig. 19-13 the low point on each of the curves represents the lead
angle which corresponds to the minimum value of C/L0. This minimum
1 Courtesy of Thomas P. Colbert, University of Wisconsin, and O. A. Leutwiler,
University of Illinois.
value represents the minimum center distance that can be used with a
given lead, or likewise the maximum lead that can be used with a given
center distance.
Since the numbers of threads that may be used with various velocity
ratios have been fairly well established by common use (Table 19-2), and
since axial pitches have been standardized (Art. 19-9), it is possible to
determine the combination of lead angle, lead, center distance, and diam¬
eters to suit specifications. The following example illustrates the
Table 19-2. Worm Data
Velocity ratio Number of threads
20 and over Single
12-36 Double
8-12 Triple
6-12 Quadruple
4^10 Sextuple
Example. Determine the pitch diameters, number of threads, and axial pitch for a
worm drive having a velocity ratio 14:1 and a center distance of approximately 6 in.
Solution: From Fig. 19-13, the lead angle X is 22 deg and the value C/L0 is 2.83.
C 6
L0 = 2.12 in.
2.83 2.83
Lo _ 2.12
L = = 2.29 in.
cos X 0.927
0.763 in.
Strength of teeth. Since the teeth of a worm gear are weaker than those
of the worm threads, the design for strength may be based on the Lewis
equation, Eq. (18-2), applied to the worm-gear teeth. The velocity
factor Cv may be taken as 1,200/(1,200 + V), where V is the pitch-line
velocity of the worm gear in fpm. Form factors given in Table 18-1 for
full-depth teeth may be used.
Since the Lewis equation gives the strength of a single tooth, it may be
desirable to consider the number of teeth in contact. The number of
1 H. Merritt, Worm Gear Performance, Proc. Inst. Mech. Engrs. {London), vol. 129,
p. 127, 1935; see H. Merritt, “Gears,” Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd., London, 1943.
2 V. M. Faires, “Design of Machine Elements,” p. 270, The Macmillan Company,
New York, 1941; H. Walker, The Thermal Rating of Worm Gear Boxes, Proc. Inst.
Mech. Engrs. {London), vol. 151, p. 326, 1944.
„ w n 2 X torque on worm
tangential force t z = --
Axial force on worm Fv — --7
tan X
Separating force Fx = Fy tan 0
The forces on the worm gear are equal in magnitude but opposite in
direction to those shown in the figure.
Fig. 19-15. Forces on worm teeth. The forces on the worm-gear teeth are in the
opposite direction.
assumed to give the maximum possible loading on the bearings for use
in selecting or designing the bearings. The loads on the worm-gear shaft
bearings may be similarly determined.
To determine the efficiency of a worm drive, Eq. (12-2) may be used
for approximate results, i.e.,
. tan X
Efficiency = -~~ (19-20)
tan (X + (pi)
where X = the lead angle
<t>i = the friction angle (see Fig. 19-16 and Table 19-3 for values of
tan </>i)
Equation (12-2) was derived for square-threaded screws; hence it does
not strictly apply to worms having pressure angles other than zero
degrees. The error in using the above equation will be slight, however,
for worms of usual pressure angles. The values of the coefficient of fric¬
tion in Fig. 19-16 include allowance for bearing friction and may be used
for design purposes. Figure 12-3 shows the variation of efficiency with
the lead angle. Note that the maximum efficiency is secured with a lead
angle of 45 deg, but the variation in efficiency is not great for lead angles
of 25 to 60 deg. Care must be exercised in design in this instance since
the loss in efficiency, i.e., (100 — efficiency), represents the heat that must
be dissipated by the gearbox. The difference between 98 and 97 per cent
in efficiency is about 1 per cent, but the difference in loss in efficiency is
50 per cent; hence 50 per cent more heat must be dissipated by a gearbox
for a 97 per cent efficient drive than for one of 98 per cent efficiency.
19-12 Mounting of worm gears. The requirements for mounting
worm gears are the same, in general, as for other types of gears except
that they are more exacting for worm gears. Since the worm-gear shaft
is of relatively large size and its bearings are generally close together, its
deflection is usually not excessive. The worm shaft, however, is smaller
in diameter because of the low torque it transmits and because the size of
the worm shaft should be a minimum because of its great influence on
over-all size of the drive. Thus the relatively small worm shaft and the
necessary large distance between its bearings make its deflection relatively
Table 19-3. Correction Factors for Coefficient of Friction in Fig. 19-16
Multiply values
For Working with
in chart by
Fig. 19-16. Coefficient of friction for worm gears (see Table 19-3). (From Merritt,
“Gears,” Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd., London, 1943.)
Output shaft
50 T. hypoid gear-
input shaft
Fig.19-17. Differential gear drive for Gravure press. (Courtesy of Kidder Press
The AGMA standards are available for strength and durability ratings
for spur, helical, and herringbone gears, straight and spiral bevel gears,
for the durability of cylindrical and double-enveloping worm gears, and
for the thermal ratings of enclosed helical and herringbone, bevel, and
worm-gear units. The standards are used for rating of gear drives.
They are precise and should be read carefully including, like legal papers,
the fine print.
r 0.000065"
'll * ;« r:'*
wet grinding affected the surface only about 0.0007 cm below the surface.
The last three finishes shown, i.e., lapped, polished, and superfinished,
affected the surface about 0.0001 cm, a very thin layer, since the pressures
and temperatures were low.
Mechanical damage. When a metal-cutting tool, such as a planer tool,
makes a cut, the chip that is formed curls over the leading edge of the
tool. Since the chip is newly cut metal at high temperature, it removes
any film of lubricant or oxide from the face of the tool and produces condi¬
tions favorable for particles of the chip to adhere to the tool. Under some
Fig. 20-4. Built-up edge on planer tool. (Courtesy of Cincinnati Milling and Grinding
Machine Company.)
Table 20-1.
Roughness, rms
Finish or surface 1000 500 250 12 5 63 32 16 8 4 2 1
1 Walter Mikelson, Surface Finishes, Gen. Elec. Rev., vol. 46, no. 3, p. 185, 1943
0.0002-0.25 00002-0.25
W////Z/A V///////A
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Fig. 20-6. Surface-finish symbol.
20-6 Effects of surface finish on friction and wear. When two surfaces
are pressed together, a force parallel to the surfaces is necessary to cause
sliding or relative motion of the two surfaces. The sliding force is
opposed by a force acting along the surfaces that is called the force of
(a.)-Light pressure
Heavy pressure
as shown in (6) in the figure. The pressure at which this flow occurs is
known as the “pressure of fluidity.”1
If now one body is slid relative to the other, two things will probably
occur. One is that interlocking projections, as at D in the figure, may
be detached in more or less sizable particles. This constitutes wear.
The other is that at locations as at E the local regions under the action
of the high pressure may be smeared over to fill in adjacent valleys.
The combination of these two actions, after considerable “wearing in”
has taken place, may result in surfaces shown separated in Fig. 20-7(c) in
which the dotted regions represent parts of the surface that have under¬
gone plastic flow known as “smear metal.” This latter may cover most
or all of the contacting surfaces and if the wearing in process has been
gradual to avoid galling, the surface may be relatively smooth and hard
and satisfactory from the standpoint of wear under mild service condi¬
tions. However if the service is severe, the metallurgically damaged
surfaces may not withstand the high pressures, and rapid wear may be
the result.
It is evident from the above discussion that the resistance to motion,
or force of friction, is dependent on the materials of the surfaces and
their finish. Also as the surfaces become “worn in,” frictional resistance
Another condition that affects the friction and wear properties of the
surfaces is the presence or absence of a lubricant. The above discussion
has implied clean surfaces, i.e., surfaces free from a fluid film of lubricant
or from an adsorbed film. The adsorbed film forms on newly finished
surfaces by a combination with the surface of cutting oils or fluids or
from handling or even from condensed atmospheric vapors. The
adsorbed film is nearly always present on metallic surfaces so that the
friction of two surfaces in contact is rarely due to base metal in contact
with base metal. In experimental work where it is necessary to remove
this film, cleaning with solvents is not sufficient, and it is necessary to
resort to mechanical means, such as the use of rouge compounds.
From the work of Langmuir2 it may be stated that films of extraordi¬
nary stability consisting of a layer of atoms chemically combined with
the underlying atoms of the solid and, according to later work, molecules
under the surface are affected so that an adsorbed film of more than one
molecule thick is produced.
20-7 Types of wear and its measurement. In order to control wear
in a machine, the designer must give consideration to the materials of
1 H. O’Neill, “Hardness of Metals and Its Measurement,” p. 132, Chapman & Hall,
Ltd., London, 1934; F. P. Bowden and D. Tabor, “The Friction and Lubrication of
Solids,” Oxford University Press, New York, 1950.
2 Irving Langmuir, J. Am. Chem. Soc., vol. 49, p. 1852, 1917.
which the parts are made, their initial surfaces, and the operating condi¬
tions of the rubbing parts. In this treatment, the recognized types of
wear will be discussed briefly and methods suggested for their alleviation.
It should be remembered, however, that the various mechanisms of wear,
which are relatively simple in themselves, seldom occur independently,
but are usually the result of combinations which take place either simul¬
taneously or in sequence.
Cutting wear. This type of wear takes place when a hard material with
a rough surface rubs over a softer one. Experience shows that the softer
material is worn away in a manner similar to cutting in a machining opera¬
tion. It is apparent that the rate of cutting wear depends on the relative
hardness of the materials in contact, the smoothness of the surfaces, and
the velocity of rubbing. Because of the use of hard materials and smooth
surfaces, this type of wear in machines is relatively unimportant.
Abrasive wear. When a particle of grit is carried between two surfaces,
abrasive wear may occur. If the material of one of the surfaces is soft,
the particle of grit may be completely embedded in the surface and no
wear will be caused. If the material of the surfaces in contact is some¬
what harder, however, the particle of grit may become partly embedded
therein and act as an abrasive, causing scoring of the mating surfaces.
It is interesting to note that in abrasive wear, the harder of the two mate¬
rials of the rubbing parts is worn. If the materials of the surfaces in
contact are very hard, so that the particle of grit will not be embedded in
either, the particle will roll between the surfaces and they may be scored
but not seriously damaged.
Abrasive wear thus depends on the relative hardness of three materials,
i.e., of the two surfaces and of the grit. Wear of this type is very com¬
plicated and can be controlled only by a judicious choice of the hardness
of the rubbing parts and by excluding grit from the surfaces so far as
possible by using devices such as dust screens and oil filters.
Wear due to galling. When two surfaces that are absolutely clean are
pressed together, mating portions of the surfaces in contact may adhere
so that when the surfaces are separated or one slid on the other sizable
pieces may be torn away, producing what is known as “galling.” If the
materials are hard, the galled spots may be small, but if the materials
are soft the galling may extend over a large area. Since the sticking
together that is referred to is of the nature of local welding, the tendency
for galling is greater at high pressures and high temperatures.
In machine parts, the surfaces are seldom clean because of the presence
of the adsorbed film. While the adsorbed film may be only a few mol¬
ecules in thickness, it is sufficient to prevent clean metal-to-metal contact.
Only when the conditions of pressure and temperature are effective in
breaking through the adsorbed film is galling likely to occur. It has been
found, however, that grit in the lubricant between very smooth surfaces
is frequently the cause of removing the adsorbed film and thus promoting
galling. For this reason, if finely finished surfaces are used, it is more
important to ensure clean lubricant than with rougher surfaces. The
presence of 0.01 per cent of grit in a lubricant has been found to promote
galling of a lapped steel surface so that it becomes no better than a ground
The antigalling characteristic of cast iron is due principally to the
graphite, which serves to maintain the adsorbed film. An approach to
this condition is attempted in smooth surfaces of hard steel parts by sub¬
jecting the surface to a brief sandblast in order to provide small widely
separated reservoirs for the lubricant.
Galling (known also as “scuffing”) is found frequently in gear teeth,
screw threads, cam followers, piston rings, cylinder bores, and splines.
Mechanical pitting. When a roller or ball rolls over a surface, pits in
the surface may appear if the surface endurance limit of the materials in
contact is exceeded. Pitting is classified as a type of wear and may lead
to failure of gear teeth, balls, rollers, etc. (see Art. 3-8 for a discussion
of mechanical pitting).
Corrosive wear. This type of destruction is due to chemical action and
in general causes decrease in sizes of members when a protecting film is
not formed by the results of corrosion. Corrosion generally accelerates
other types of wear, although galling is frequently retarded by corrosion.
Corrosion may be due to active chemicals or gases, water, brine, etc.
Special attention should be paid to corrosive agents in lubricant oil.
In addition to the type of corrosion mentioned above, other types are
galvanic corrosion caused by the action of a liquid on the adjacent sur¬
faces of two unlike metals, and “concentration-cell” corrosion caused by
the action of a fluid of nonuniform concentration affecting the surface.
Measurement of wear. Since the actual quantity of material removed
by wear is usually very small, measurement of wear may be difficult.
Relatively large wear may be determined by comparison of the dimen¬
sions of the parts as measured by a micrometer before and after wear.
In the laboratory, wear of small parts may be determined by comparing
weights before and after wearing. In service, a wear gauge may be used.
One type (the McKee wear gauge)1 makes use of a small indentation in
the surface. The indentation is a diamond-shaped pyramidal, shown in
Fig. 20-8. The length of the indentation is measured with a microscope.
The difference between the lengths before and after wear has taken place
is a measure of the wear normal to the surface. The method may be used
Fig. 20-8. Shape of indentation of McKee wear gauge. Original length slightly less
than 1 mm.
do not follow either laws for dry or for lubricated (thick film) conditions.
Wear under these circumstances is markedly affected by the composition
of the lubricant as well as the material of the surfaces. This field is
under extensive investigation since wear of machine parts is largely under
these conditions. The references1 below give results of research work to
date on this subject.
20-8 Solid friction. When two solids are pressed together, a force
parallel to their surfaces in contact is necessary to cause sliding or relative
motion. This force is resisted by a force acting along the surfaces that
is known as the “force of friction.”
If the surfaces are clean and dry, the solid material of the two surfaces
will be in contact, and the force of friction will be caused by the over¬
coming of the interlocking effect of the surface irregularities. These
irregularities may be large, as in visibly rough surfaces, or they may
be of molecular size.
F =fN
1 Archbutt and Deeley, “Lubrication and Lubricants/’ 5th ed., p. 49, Charles
Griffin & Co., Ltd., London, 1927.
2 Kimball and Barr, “Elements of Machine Design,” p. 99, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
New York, 1935.
Fig. 20-10, where the dotted lines indicate the original outlines. If the
roller is rotated, it may be noted that points A and B on the roller move
with different linear speeds with respect to the center of the roller since
their radii are not equal. Since all points of the plane are substantially
at rest, there must be sliding between the roller and the plane along the
surfaces in contact. The corresponding friction of sliding results in the
work of rolling friction A
It is noted that rolling friction is of the same nature as solid sliding
friction, as discussed in the preceding article, but with the difference that
1 M. C. Hunter, Static and Clinging Friction of Pivot Bearings, Proc. Inst. Mech.
Engrs. {London), 1942, p. 274.
2 See M. C. Shaw and E. F. Macks, “Analysis and Lubrication of Bearings,” p. 422,
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1949.
rolling friction is less than friction of sliding an equal weight over the
For the purpose of analyses involving rolling friction, it is convenient to
consider that the torque due to frictional resistance is represented by a
couple Wa, as shown in Fig. 20-11,
where W = weight on the roller or ball
F = force required to cause rolling
r = radius of roller
a — distance (coefficient of rolling friction)
For equilibrium of forces for the roller or ball,
Fr = Wa
a (20-1)
20-10 Fluid friction. When a fluid film separates two surfaces having
relative motion, solid friction will not exist, and the only friction present
will be that within the fluid film. This type of friction is discussed in the
following chapter.
(a)-Clearance bearing
Fig. 21-2. Shape of oil film.
of the bushing. Most journal bearings are of this type. The shape of
the oil film in a clearance bearing is shown in Fig. 21-2(a).
A fitted bearing is one in which the radius of the journal and bushing
are equal. It is evident that a fitted bearing must be a partial bearing
and the journal must run eccentric with the bushing in order to provide
space for the lubricant, as shown in Fig. 21-2(6). Fitted bearings are
more common in England than in the United States.
(cl-Conical bearing
Moving surface
Fig. 21-4. Diagram of slider bearing.
In Fig. 21-5(a), the surface of the shoe is parallel to that of the moving
surface. When the moving surface has a horizontal velocity U, the hori¬
zontal layers, or laminae, of fluid move with velocities that are directly
proportional to their distances from the fixed surface as indicated. It
should be noted that the area of the triangle oab in the figure is propor¬
tional to the volume of fluid passing a unit width of the film in a unit time.
Since the volume passing all cross sections of the film must be equal, it
follows that the areas of the velocity-clearance diagrams must be equal,
as indicated in the figure.
(b)~Converging film
Fig. 21-5. Variation of velocity across film.
„ du
~ M dy
y , du , ,
i 1
P ox
o -
(a} (b)
Fig. 21-6. Element of fluid.
will move with the velocity u + (du/dy)by. The forces acting in the x
direction are shown at (6). The left face is subjected to the fluid pres¬
sure P and the right face to P + (dP/dx)bx. The shear stress on the
lower face is represented by F and on the upper face by F + (dF/dy)by.
For equilibrium of the horizontal forces on the element,
dF _ dP
dy dx
This equation states that the change in shear stress in the y direction
is equal to the change of pressure in the x direction.
From Eq. (21-1),
dF d2u
dy ^ dy2
dP d2u
dx ^ dy2
converging film, as for example, the simple slider bearing shown diagram-
matically in Fig. 21-4, the pivoted-segment thrust bearing, and the jour¬
nal bearing. The latter types of bearings are discussed in the following
21-3 Pivoted-segment bearing. According to the discussion in the
preceding article, a converging film is necessar}^ in a bearing if the advan¬
tages of fluid friction are to be realized. It is apparent that the thrust
bearings shown in Fig. 21-3 cannot provide converging films, and hence
the axial loads will not be supported by a fluid film. Instead there will
exist at best partial metal-to-metal contact and the friction will be com¬
paratively high. If the pressure between the rubbing parts is high, the
lubricant may be forced from the surfaces in contact and rapid wear or
seizure of the parts may result. Thus the load-carrying capacity of this
Fig. 21-8. Pivoted segment thrust bearing, and pressure distribution on a segment.
type of bearing is limited. The use of multiple collars on the collar thrust
bearing is an attempt to increase the load-carrying capacity; however,
such a bearing occupies considerable space, and it is difficult to secure
equal division of the load among the collars.
The pivoted-segment bearing was developed in order to provide a con¬
verging film in a thrust bearing. This bearing was developed independ¬
ently by Kingsbury in the United States and Michell of Australia in about
1905. As shown in Fig. 21-8, the segments are separately pivoted so
that they can tilt to form the converging film. Because of leakage of the
oil from the sides of the segments, the flow of oil will be as represented on
the face view of a segment. The distribution of pressure is also shown.
The segments may be pivoted on a single point pivot by a rocker, or
the entire segment may be supported by a number of springs. Loads in
excess of a million pounds are supported in this manner by a single thrust
21-4 Journal bearings. An oil film of a journal bearing with the clear¬
ance exaggerated is shown in Fig. 21-9. At (a) in the figure the journal
is at rest with metal-to-metal contact at a on the line of action of the sup-
ported load. When the journal rotates slowly in the direction indicated
at (6), the point of contact will move to b, so that the angle aob will be
the angle of sliding friction of the surfaces in contact at b. In the absence
of a lubricant, there will be dry metal-to-metal friction. If a lubricant is
present in the clearance space, a thin adsorbed film of the lubricant may
partly separate the surface, but a continuous fluid film completely sepa¬
rating the surfaces will not exist because of the slow speed.
As shown at (c), the speed of the journal has been increased so that a
continuous fluid film is established, and the center of the journal has
moved so that the minimum film thickness is at c. It may be noted that
from d to c in the direction of motion, the film is continually narrowing,
and hence is a converging film, as was found necessary in the discussion in
Art. 21-2 to support a load. The curved converging film may be con¬
sidered as a wedge-shaped film of a slipper bearing wrapped around the
journal. It may be noted also in the figure that from c to d the film is
diverging and cannot give rise to a positive pressure or a supporting
action. In fact, a negative pressure will be developed in this region that
may serve to draw lubricant from the source of supply if conditions are
favorable, or the negative pressure will be prevented from forming if a
lubricant is supplied at the proper point by forced feed.
Two views of the bearing of Fig. 21-9(c) with the ideal variation of
pressure in the converging film are shown in Fig. 21-10(a). Actually,
due to side leakage, the angle of contact on which pressure acts is some¬
what less than 180 deg. The distribution of pressure in the axial direction
is shown at (b) in the figure.
21-5 The hydrodynamic theory. In the discussion of the mechanism
of film lubrication in Art. 21-2, it was shown that a converging film is
necessary in order that a positive pressure can be built up in the film to
enable it to support a load. For a quantitative determination of the pres¬
sures in a bearing corresponding to given operating conditions, it is neces¬
sary to resort to the hydrodynamic theory, or to a simplified expression
of that theory. A brief resume of the development of the hydrodynamic
theory will be given here, followed by a simplification of the theory lead¬
ing to results that may be used in bearing design.
Reynolds integrated Eq. (21-4) for the case of constant viscosity and
negligible side leakage.
In 1904, Sommerfeld applied Reynolds’ equation to the journal bearing
and succeeded in integrating the equation for all values of bearing eccen¬
tricity. In 1914, an important contribution was made by Hersey,2 who
applied dimensional analysis to experimental work on bearings. The
resulting interpretations compare favorably with the hydrodynamic
theory. The dimensional analysis referred to is the basis for the ZN/p
relations, which are discussed in the following article and which simplify
the design of a journal bearing. In this procedure, the effect of side leak¬
age in the bearing is dealt with by means of introducing an experimentally
determined correction. In addition, the viscosity of the lubricant is
assumed to be independent of the pressure in the bearing and to have a
1 O. Reynolds, On the Theory of Lubrication and its Application to Mr. Beauchamp
Tower’s Experiments, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. {London), vol. 177, 1886.
2 M. D. Hersey, “Theory of Lubrication,” pp. 70 ff., John Wiley & Sons., Inc., New
York, 1938. This book contains an excellent discussion of the history and theory of
The minimum friction for the bearing occurs near point b on the curve,
but it is necessary to operate the bearing in service sufficiently far to the
right of b to avoid any possibility of breaking down the film of lubricant
because of any unpredicted change in operating conditions. It is custom¬
ary to design bearings for a value of ZN/p at least five times that corre¬
sponding to point b on the curve.
The following equation may be used for estimating values of the coeffi¬
cient of friction/for well-lubricated full journal bearings
_ 473 (ZN\
J ~ 1010 \ p )
--L -
(a)-L/d -2 (b)-L/d=l
Fig. 21-12. Effect of length to diameter ratio, L/d, on average bearing pressure.
Maximum Operating
No. Machinery Bearing c/d L/d
V, Psi Z ZN/v
1 Automobile and air- Main 800-1,700 7 15 0.8-1.8
2 craft engines Crankpin 1,500-3,500 to 10 0.7-1.4
3 Wristpin 2,300-5,000 8 8 1.5-2.2
Thus from the standpoint of side leakage, a bearing with a large L/d is
preferable. However, space requirements, manufacturing tolerances,
and shaft deflections are better met with a bearing of short length. Thus
a compromise in the L/d ratio is necessary, resulting in a value of from 1
to 2 for general industrial machinery. In crankshaft bearings, the L/d
ratio is frequently less than unity, since short bearings are required from
space considerations, and since the shaft diam¬
eter must be large, which is required by the
strength, stiffness, and vibration characteristics.
(See Table 21-1 for values of L/d for various
types of service.)
Oilholes and grooves. Oilholes and grooves in
a bearing limit the pressure at their locations to
that of the supply pressure, which is generally
OH groove considerably less than the hydrodynamic pres¬
Fig. 21-13. Effect of cir¬ sures required to support the bearing load.
cumferential oil groove
Thus a bearing with a central circumferential
on average bearing pres¬
sure. Compare with Fig.
groove will in effect be equivalent to two narrow
21-12(a). bearings, as shown in Fig. 21-13, with consider¬
able reduction in load-carrying capacity. It is
evident that an oilhole in the region of high pressure reduces the load¬
carrying capacity of the bearing. Thus the location of oilholes and
grooves is an important consideration. From the standpoint of load¬
carrying capacity the following items represent good practice:
1. Locate oilholes and necessary axial grooves in the region of low
2. Avoid diagonal grooving.
3. If circumferential grooves are necessary, locate them near the ends
of the bearing.
Surface finish. While the degree of smoothness of the surfaces of the
journal and the bushing does not have a marked effect on a bearing
Fig. 21-15. Three-dimensional chart showing effect of surface finish on point of fluid-
film rupture.
F = fiR (21-6)
Z = Pt (o.22 S (21-7)
No. p60
1 Transmission oil SAE /60 0.9365
2 Gear oil 0.9/53
3 Transmission oil, SA E 110 0.9326
4 Airplane oil 100, SAE 60 0.8927
5 Automobile oil, SAE40 0.9275
6 Automobile oil SA E 20 0.9254
7 Ring-oiledbearing 0.9346
8 All year automobi/e oil SAE 20 0.9036
9 Turbine oil, ring- oi/ed bearing, SAE /O 0.8694
10 Turbine oil, ring-oiled bearing 0.8877
Fig. 21-16. Viscosity-temperature chart and specific gravity of oils. (Courtesy of The
Texas Company.)
bitt metals favor the establishment of the adsorbed film, which prevents
or retards actual base metal-to-metal contact. Lard oil has better oil¬
iness than mineral oils and has the effect on the coefficient of friction as a
function of ZN/p that is shown in Fig. 21-17.
21-10 Imperfect lubrication. In bearings in which the operating value
of ZN/p is too low to ensure fluid-film lubrication or where there is an
, _ CiC2 4/p
J 250 VV
the adjacent diameter of the shaft. In most cases the shaft diameter is
determined from a consideration of the strength and stiffness and possibly
of the vibration requirements. However, the deflection of the journal in
the bushing is an important consideration in order to prevent undue wear
and failure of the oil film. In Fig. 21-18 there is shown diagrammatically
a perfectly aligned bearing at (a), the effect of shaft deflection at (6), and
a self-aligning bearing at (c), which may be necessary in some instances.
Bath, flooded or oil ring High grade First class Clean and protected 1
Oil, free drop, constant Good Fairly good Favorable (ordinary 2
feed conditions)
Oil cup or grease, inter¬ Fair Poor Exposed to dirt or other 4
mittent feed unfavorable conditions
Values of Factor C2
The strength and stiffness of the bearing, bearing cap, and housing
should also be considered so that they will support the imposed loads
and will not deflect or distort beyond permissible limits. It is especially
important to give careful consideration to the deflection of bearings and
shafts that are required to support gears whose teeth must be kept accu¬
rately in mesh. This is especially true in bevel-gear mountings.
21-12 Thermal equilibrium. The heat generated in a bearing is due
to fluid friction or to friction of the parts having relative motion. This
heat can be readily determined when the coefficient of friction is known
Ih = fPV (21-9)
equation becomes
H2 = CA(th - ta) (21-10)
p = 0.8638
From Fig. 21-16,
S = 97 sec
From Eq. (21-7),
Z = 16.8 centipoises
Pressure p = = 150 psi
6 X 9.75
ZN 16.8 X 900
= 100.8
V 150
Item 27 in Table 21-1 shows that the pressure of 150 psi is within usual limits,
and the operating value of ZN/p given in the table indicates that the point of film
breakdown (c in Fig. 21-11) is of the order of one-fifth of the tabular value, i.e.,
X 200 = 40. Hence the bearing being investigated will be expected to operate
under hydrodynamic conditions and Eq. (21-5) may be used to estimate the coefficient
of friction. Hence
Thus the heat generated (6,300 ft-lb per min) is greater than the heat dissipated,
which indicates that the bearing is warming up. As its temperature rises, the heat
dissipated becomes greater, and the heat generated becomes less on account of the
decrease in viscosity (and friction) as the temperature becomes higher.
In Fig. 21-20 is shown a graph drawn for heat generated and heat dis¬
sipated for other temperatures than the assumed value of 130 F. The
intersection of the two curves shows that the equilibrium temperature is
approximately 137 F. From item 4 in Art. 21-13, this temperature
cient to prevent suction of air into the region of low pressure in bearings
operating under conditions of fluid-film lubrication. The flow of lubri¬
cant may be in such quantities that most of the heat generated in the bear¬
ing will be carried away by the lubricant itself, so that the viscosity of
the lubricant may thus be controlled. This may be necessary in heavily
loaded bearings.
6. Grease lubrication. In parts loaded heavily and with low speeds so
that fluid-film lubrication is not possible, grease may be used. Grease
may be used also where dripping or spattering of oil is not permissible,
as in food- or chemical-processing equipment.
7. Shaft seals. In order to prevent leakage of the lubricant from a
bearing and to prevent foreign matter from entering, shaft seals may be
necessary. Seals are available in many forms, such as felt or leather
inserted in grooves in the bearing housings, or they may be purchased sep¬
arately as a self-contained seal to mount in the housing.
nature and failure is caused by relatively high loads at high speeds and
by inadequate lubrication.1 High-speed bearings in aircraft units may
operate at speeds over 20,000 rpm. It is customary to refer to the opera¬
tion of such bearings in terms of DN values, where D is the diameter of
the bore in millimeters and N is the rpm. DN values up to 3.5 X 106
are in development, for a bearing life of 1,000 hr.
22-3 Types of radial ball bearings. As shown in Fig. 22-3(a), the
parts of a radial ball bearing are the outer race c, the inner race d, the balls
e, and the retainer /. The retainer is usually in two parts which are
assembled after the balls have been properly spaced. The grooves which
form the path for the rolling elements are known as raceways. When a
ball bearing supports only a radial load R, as shown in Fig. 22-3(a), the
Fig. 22-3. Radial and thrust loads on ball bearings. Section lines are omitted in con¬
formity with general practice.
plane of rotation of the ball is normal to the center line of the bearing.
As shown at (6) in the figure, the action of a thrust load T is to shift the
plane of rotation of the balls. Both radial and thrust loads may be
carried simultaneously.
Many types of radial ball bearings have been developed. The general
features of some commonly used industrial types are discussed here.
Single-row deep groove bearings. In the assembly of this bearing, the
inner race is placed eccentric with the outer race, and then the balls are
inserted in the crescent-shaped space, as shown in Fig. 22-4. The balls
are then evenly spaced as the races are brought into concentric relation.
The halves of the retainer are then assembled so that the balls will remain
evenly spaced but can rotate freely. Even spacing of the balls is desir¬
able from the standpoints of distribution of the load and balance of the
Fig. 22-4. Assembly of deep-groove ball Fig. 22-5. Filling-notch type of radial ball
bearing. bearing.
annular space will contain and thus a retainer is not necessary to space the
balls. Generally less than the maximum number of balls are used and
therefore a retainer is necessary.
Since a bearing of this type contains a larger number of balls than a
corresponding unnotched one, it has a larger rated radial load capacity
but the filling notches reduce the allowable thrust load.
3200 570 430 365 320 295 270 260 235 215 195 180
3300 760 640 485 430 390 360 345 310 285 260 240
3201 570 480 365 320 295 270 260 235 215 195 180
3301 985 825 630 555 505 465 445 400 370 340 310
3202 615 515 390 345 315 290 275 250 230 210 195
3302 1,230 1,040 785 695 630 580 555 500 460 420 390
3203 1,080 905 685 605 555 510 485 440 405 370 340
3303 1,500 1,260 960 845 770 710 680 615 565 515 475
3204 1,350 1,130 860 755 690 635 605 550 505 460 425
3304 2,150 1,800 1,370 1,210 1,100 1,010 965 870 805 735 680
3205 1,460 1,220 930 820 750 690 660 595 550 500 460
3305 2,350 1,970 1,500 1,320 1,210 1,110 1,060 960 885 805 740
3206 2,150 1,810 1,3-70 1,210 1,110 1,020 975 880 810 740 680
3306 3,110 2,620 1,990 1,750 1,600 1,470 1,400 1,270 1,170 1,070 985
3207 2,940 2,480 1,880 1,660 1,510 1,390 1,330 1,200 1,110 1,010 930
3307 3,850 3,240 2,460 2,170 1,980 1,820 1,740 1,570 1,450 1,320 1,220
3208 3,370 2,830 2,150 1,890 1,730 1,590 1,520 1,370 1,260 1,150 1,060
3308 4,650 3,910 2,970 2,610 2,390 2,200 2,100 1,900 1,750 1,600 1,470
3209 3,610 3,040 2,310 2,030 1,860 1,710 1,630 1,480 1,360 1,240 1,140
3309 5,440 4,580 3,480 3,060 2,790 2,570 2,460 2,220 2,040 1,870 1,720
3210 3,850 3,240 2,460 2,170 1,980 1,820 1,740 1,570 1,450 1,320
3310 6,350 5,340 4,060 3,570 3,260 3,000 2,870 2,590 2,390 2,180
3211 4,760 4,000 3,040 2,680 2,440 2,250 2,150 1,940 1,790 1,630
3311 7,170 6,030 4,580 4,040 3,680 3,390 3,240 2,930 2,700 2,460
3212 5,390 4,540 3,450 3,030 2,770 2,550 2,440 2,200 2,030 1,850
3312 7,990 6,720 5,100 4,490 4,110 3,780 3,610 3,260 3,010 2,740
3213 6,320 5,310 4,040 3,550 3,250 2,990 2,860 2,580 2,380 2,170
3313 8,860 7,450 5,660 4,980 4,550 4,190 4,000 3,620 3,330 3,040
* Based on average life of 3,800 hr. Type 3000 New Departure. (Abridged table.)
Table 22-1. Rated Radial Loads for Single-row Deep-groove Ball
Bearings (Continued)
3214 6,730 5,660 4,300 3,790 3,450 3,180 3,040 2,750 2,530 2,310
3314 9,760 8,210 6,240 5,490 5,020 4,620 4,410 3,990 3,670 3,350
3215 6,730 5,660 4,300 3,790 3,450 3,180 3,040 2,750 2,530 2,310
3315 10,175 8,560 6,510 5,730 5,220 4,810 4,600 4,150 3,830 3,490
3216 7,250 6,100 4,640 4,080 3,720 3,430 3,280 2,960 2,730 2,490
3316 11,125 9,360 7,110 6,260 5,710 5,260 5,030 4,540 4,180
3217 8,870 7,460 5,670 4,990 4,550 4,190 4,000 3,620 3,330
3317 12,050 10,125 7,700 6,780 6,190 5,700 5,450 4,920 4,530
3218 9,870 8,300 6,310 5,550 5,070 4,670 4,460 4,030 3,710
3318 13,050 10,975 8,340 7,340 6,700 6,170 5,890 5,330 4,910
has been described is in most common industrial use. Other types are
shown in section in Fig. 22-7.
22-4 Selection of radial ball bearings. In determining the type and
size of radial ball bearings for a particular installation, the data and pro¬
cedure used should be that recommended by the company from whom the
bearings are to be purchased. The selection procedures used by the var¬
ious companies are similar in general but vary in detail. For the purpose
of illustration, a typical procedure is outlined here.
*- <b—1
aligning aligning
Fig. 22-7. Types of radial ball bearings.
The rated radial-load capacities for light (200) and medium (300) series
of the deep-groove type of bearing for various speeds are given in Table
22-1. The table applies to bearings in which the inner race rotates.
The data that should be known for the selection of the bearing are as
Radial load, lb
Thrust load, lb
Speed of bearing, rpm
Desired life of bearing, hr
Conditions of loading
The rated, radial load of a bearing to comply with these conditions may
be found from the following equation; then a bearing may be selected
from Table 22-1.
C = RFLS (22-1)
where R = radial load on bearing, lb
T = thrust load on bearing, lb
F = thrust factor (Table 22-2)
L = life factor (Fig. 22-8)
S = service factor (Table 22-3)
C = rated radial load, lb (Table 22-1); if rating in Table 22-1 is
not given for specified operating speed, Table 22-4 may be
0.05 1.01 0.30 1.12 0.60 1.37 1.25 2.02 4.00 4.76
0.10 1.02 0.35 1.16 0.70 1.46 1.50 2.27 5.00 5.77
0.15 1.04 0.40 1.20 0.80 1.56 1.75 2.52 7.50 8.27
0.20 1.06 0.45 1.24 0.90 1.67 2.00 2.77 10.00 10.77
0.25 1.09 0.50 1.28 1.00 1.77 3.00 3.77
Table 22-3. Service Factors S
Service S
Uniform and steady load. 1.0
Light shock load. 1.5
Moderate shock load. 2.0
Heavy shock load. 2.5
Extreme and indeterminate load. 3.0
270 1.387 825 1.049 1,725 0.8726 3,250 0.7448 5,100 0.6654 8,700 0.5823
10 3.162 280 1.375 850 1.041 1,750 0.8695 3,300 0.7419 5,200 0.6622 8,800 0.5806
15 2.858 290 1.363 875 1.034 1,775 0.8664 3,350 0.7392 5,300 0.6591 8,900 0.5790
20 2.659 300 1.351 900 1.027 1,800 0.8633 3,400 0.7364 5,400 0.6560 9,000 0.5774
25 2.515 310 1.340 925 1.020 1,825 0.8604 3,450 0.7337 5,500 0.6530 9,100 0.5758
30 2.403 320 1.330 950 1.013 1,850 0.8575 3,500 0.7311 5,600 0.6501 9,200 0.5742
35 2.312 330 1.320 975 1.006 1,875 0.8546 3,550 0.7285 5,700 0.6472 9,300 0.5726
40 2.236 340 1.310 1,000 1.000 1,900 0.8518 3,600 0.7260 5,800 0.6444 9,400 0.5711
45 2.171 350 1.300 1,025 0.9938 1,925 0.8490 3,650 0.7235 5,900 0.6416 9,500 0.5696
50 2.115 360 1.291 1,050 0.9878 1,950 0.8462 3,700 0.7210 6,000 0.6389 9,600 0.5681
55 2.065 370 1.282 1,075 0.9821 1,975 0.8436 3,750 0.7186 6,100 0.6363 9,700 0.5666
60 2.021 380 1.274 1,100 0.9765 2,000 0.8409 3,800 0.7162 6,200 0.6337 9,800 0.5652
65 1.981 390 1.265 1,125 0.9710 2,050 0.8357 3,850 0.7139 6,300 0.6312 9,900 0.5637
70 1.944 400 1.257 1,150 0.9657 2,100 0.8307 3,900 0.7116 6,400 0.6287 10,000 0.5624
75 1.911 410 1.250 1,175 0.9605 2,150 0.8258 3,950 0.7093 6,500 0.6263
80 1.880 420 1.242 1,200 0.9554 2,200 0.8211 4,000 0.7071 6,600 0.6239
85 1.852 430 1.235 1,225 0.9506 2,250 0.8165 4,050 0.7049 6,700 0.6215
90 1.826 440 1.228 1,250 0.9457 2,300 0.8120 4,100 0.7027 6,800 0.6193
95 1.801 450 1.221 1,275 0.9411 2,350 0.8077 4,150 0.7006 6,900 0.6170
100 1.778 460 1.214 1,300 0.9365 2,400 0.8034 4,200 0.6985 7,000 0.6148
110 1.736 470 1.208 1,325 0.9321 2,450 0.7993 4,250 0.6965 7,100 0.6126
120 1.699 480 1.201 1,350 0.9277 2,500 0.7953 4,300 0.6944 7,200 0.6105
130 1.665 490 1.195 1,375 0.9235 2,550 0.7914 4,350 0.6924 7,300 0.6084
140 1.635 500 1.189 1,400 0.9193 2,600 0.7875 4,400 0.6905 7,400 0.6063
150 1.607 525 1.175 1,425 0.9153 2,650 0.7838 4,450 0.6885 7,500 0.6043
160 1.581 550 1.161 1,450 0.9113 2,700 0.7801 4,500 0.6866 7,600 0.6023
170 1.557 575 1.149 1,475 0.9074 2,750 0.7765 4,550 0.6847 7,700 0.6003
180 1.535 600 1.136 1,500 0.9036 2,800 0.7731 4,600 0.6828 7,800 0.5984
190 1.515 625 1.125 1,525 0.8999 2,850 0.7696 4,650 0.6810 7,900 0.5965
200 1.495 650 1.114 1,550 0.8962 2,900 0.7663 4,700 0.6792 8,000 0.5946
210 1.477 675 1.103 1,575 0.8926 2,950 0.7630 4,750 0.6774 8,100 0.5928
220 1.460 700 1.093 1,600 0.8891 3,000 0.7598 4,800 0.6756 8,200 0.5910
230 1.444 725 1.084 1,625 0.8857 3,050 0.7567 4,850 0.6738 8,300 0.5892
240 1.429 750 1.075 1,650 0.8823 3,100 0.7536 4,900 0.6721 5,400 0.5874
250 1.414 775 1.066 1,675 0.8790 3,150 0.7506 4,950 0.6704 8,500 0.5856
260 1.400 800 1.057 1,700 0.8758 3,200 0.7477 5,000 0.6687 8,600 0.5840
Table 22-5. Principal Dimensions for Radial Ball Bearings
3206 30 1.1811
62 2.4409 16 0.6299 % 9 0.04
3306 72 2.8346 19 0.7480 Y%2 8
55 2.1654
100 3.9370 21 0.8268 % 11 0.06
3311 120 4.7244 29 1.1417 2%2 8 0.08
3214 70 2.7559
125 4.9213 24 0.9449 % 11 0.06
3314 150 5.9055 35 1.3780 % 8 0.08
(c)- Double
Fig. 22-11. Ball thrust bearings.
22-7 Radial roller bearings. Norma Hoffman and SKF type. This
bearing has cylindrical rollers that run in cylindrical raceways. In a
common construction (see Fig. 22-13) the inner race is provided with
retaining shoulders, but the outer raceway is straight. This construction
1 t
Fig. 22-13. Radial roller bearing. Fig. 22-14. Mounting for shaft with
radial load while the ball bearing carries the lighter radial load and serves
to locate the shaft axially.
The Hyatt roller bearing has hollow cylindrical rollers, each made by
winding a flat strip of steel in the form of a helix. The flexibility pro¬
vided by this construction allows the rollers to adjust themselves to
slight irregularities in the raceways. It is thus possible to run the rollers
directly on the hardened and ground shaft, thus saving radial space.
The rollers are wound alternately right- and left-hand in order to aid in
the distribution of the lubricant along the rollers.
Needle bearings. These are roller bearings in which the rollers are small
in diameter and relatively long. They run without retainers, as shown
in Fig. 22-16. The rollers, or “ needles,” may run directly on the shaft.
This type of bearing is used where space in a radial direction is limited.
Two types are available, one with a drawn shell in which the rollers
usually run directly on the hardened shaft, and the other for greater
capacities has a heavy outer race and usually an inner race [see Fig.
22-16(a) and (6)].
22-8 Angular roller bearings. The angular, or tapered, roller bearing
combines the high radial load-carrying capacity of a roller bearing with a
thrust capacity in one direction. Since at least two bearings are neces¬
sary to support most shafts, angular bearings can be
so mounted that one will support the thrust load in
one direction and the other in the opposite direction.
As shown in Fig. 22-17, this bearing has four
parts: (a) the inner race or cone, (b) the outer race
or cup, (c) the rollers, and (d) the retainer. The
principle of operation of the bearing, as shown in
Fig. 22-18, is that the elements of the conical surfaces
Fig. 22-17. Angular
of the rollers and of the raceways intersect at a
roller bearing. common apex on the center line of the bearing, so
that pure rolling motion will exist between the rollers
and the raceways. The taper of the rollers is only a few degrees.
Since the conical surface of each roller is subjected to pressures acting
normal to the surfaces, as shown in Fig. 22-19, there will be a resultant
force tending to force the roller from its place between the races. To
retain the roller in place it is necessary to provide a rib on the cone as
shown at e in Fig. 22-17. The contact between the large end of the roller
and the rib introduces sliding friction in the bearing, which in well-
designed bearings is usually small. A typical mounting using tapered
roller bearings is shown in Fig. 22-20.
Fig. 22-18. Elements of conical sur¬ Fig. 22-19. Forces on tapered roller.
faces intersect axis of bearing.
The functions of the lubricant in ball and roller bearings are to (a) pre¬
vent rust and corrosion; (b) aid in preventing entrance of foreign matter,
such as water, dust, etc.; (c) reduce friction and wear between rubbing
parts of the bearing; (d) dissipate heat.
Oils and greases are the most common lubricants for ball and roller
bearings. Oil may be used where the lubricating service is dependable
and the loads are relatively light, and also where the unit operates con¬
tinuously and the loads and speeds are such that it is necessary to make
use of a circulating oil-feed system to carry away the heat generated.
In order to prevent excessive churning of the oil, especially at high speeds,
the level of the oil for a bearing of a horizontal shaft should be near the
top of the lowest ball.
Greases are used where the loads are high or where it is desired to
extend the lubrication periods because of service conditions or because of
the inaccessibility of bearings. In many cases regreasing of bearings is
required every 6 to 24 months, depending on the service and the type of
grease. To allow space for grease expansion due to temperature change
and to prevent churning, it is recommended that the bearing be packed
half full of grease.
22-10 Shaft seals and bearing shields. To prevent loss of the lubri¬
cant from a ball or roller bearing or from the housing in which it is
mounted and to aid in preventing the entrance of foreign matter as water
and dust, a seal or shield should be used. The seal or shield may be an
integral part of the bearing, it may be incorporated in the bearing cover,
or it may be a separate self-contained seal. Examples of seals and shields
are shown in Fig. 22-21. Many other types and arrangements of shaft
and bearing seals are available or may be devised to suit the individual
^-Shielded (fJ-Sea\ed
seal bearing bearing
Fig. 22-21. Shaft seals and bearing shields.
Example 22-1. Select a single-row, radial-load ball bearing (Type 3000) for a
radial load of 800 lb, a thrust load of 1,000 lb, operating at a speed of 1,600 rpm for an
average life of 5 years at 10 hr per day. Assume steady load with no shock.
Solution: Try a light-series (200 series) bearing:
R 800 lb
T 1,000 lb
T 1,000
R 800
F 2.02 (Table 22-2)
L 1.5 for 18,250 hr (Fig. 22-8)
S 1 (Table 22-3)
c RFLS = 800 X 2.02 X 1.5 X 1 = 2,425 lb
An inspection of Table 22-1 for approximately 1,600 rpm shows that a No. 3213
bearing should be satisfactory. This bearing has a rating at 2,990 lb at 1,000 rpm.
By using Table 22-4, the speed factor Fs for 1,600 rpm is 0.8891; hence the load rating
of the No. 3213 bearing at 1,600 rpm is 2,990 X 0.8891 = 2,658 lb. (A check on the
next smaller bearing, No. 3212, shows that its load rating at 1,600 rpm is 2,270 lb,
which is under the required rating.) Hence, the No. 3212 bearing would be a good
The bore of bearing No. 3213 (from Table 22-5) is 2.5591 in., which should be
checked against the shaft size at the bearing location.
Fig. 23-1. Relative cost of accuracy. (From R. W.Bolz, Design Considerations for
Manufacturing Economy, Trans. ASME Payer 49-A-53, 1949.)
than the basic dimension, but not both. An example of unilateral toler¬
1 E. Buckingham, “Production Engineering/’ John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York,
Snug fit (class 4). Zero allowance. Closest fit that can be assembled
by hand to be used where very small play is permissible.
Wringing fit (class 5). Perceptible negative allowance. Selective
assembly with small pressure required for assembly.
Tight fit (class 6). Slight negative allowance. Small pressure
required for assembly, where the assembly is usually considered semi¬
permanent. Suitable for drive fits or shrink fits on light sections.
Medium force fit (class 7). Negative allowance. Pressure is required
for assembly, where the assembly is considered permanent. Used for
shrink fits on medium sections or long shafts and is the tightest fit that
it is safe to use with cast-iron external members. Suitable for use in
fastening locomotive wheels, car wheels, and motor armatures.
1 ASME Engineering and Industrial Standards, ASME B4a, 1925; International
Federation of the National Standardizing Associations, ISA Bull. 25, 1941; John
Gaillard, ASA Tolerances for Cylindrical Fits, 1941; Ordnance Manual on Dimension¬
ing and Tolerancing, Office of Chief of Ordnance, 1945; Kent’s “ Mechanical Engineers’
Handbook, Design and Production,” 12th ed., sec. 24, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
New York, 1952.
Heavy force fit (class 8). Considerable negative allowance. Used as
force or shrink fits for steel external members where considerable bond is
required as on locomotive wheel tires.
The recommended allowances and tolerances for the various classes of
fits are given in Table 23-1.
Table 23-1. Allowances and Tolerances
(d = Nominal Diameter of Hole)
Method of average Hole Shaft
Class of fit Allowance
assembly interference tolerance tolerance
of metal
Example 23-1. Determine the allowance, tolerance, and size of a U+in. shaft and
hole for a free fit.
Assuming that the basic diameter of the hole is 1.500 in., the allowance, from Table
23-1, is
Allowance = 0.0014^ = 0.0014 X (1.5)*
= 0.00184 say 0.002 in.
The tolerance for hole and shaft is
Tolerance = 0.0013d* = 0.0013 X (1.5)*
= 0.00149 say 0.001 in.
Maximum diameter of shaft = nominal size — allowance
= 1.500 - 0.002 = 1.498 in.
Using unilateral tolerance, the shaft diameter is specified as 1.498 or
between 1.498 and 1.497 in. The diameter of the hole is 1.500 q qoq’ °r ^e^ween
1.500 and 1.501 in. The maximum clearance is therefore 1.501 minus 1.497, or
0.004 in., whereas the minimum clearance is 0.002 in.
inside surface of the external member are
s, (max)
[1 + (d?/dl)\ /OQ
sr = —p (23-2)
V = (23-3)
It should be noted that this interference is the selected average interference for a
heavy force or shrink fit (class 8), as indicated in Table 23-1. If this class of fit is used
with a ductile material with a yield point less than 30,000 psi, yielding will occur.
Class 8 fit is usually not recommended for brittle material because of the severe stress
23-4 Force fits—steel shaft with cast-iron hub. The use of unlike
materials with different moduli of rigidity will yield a different pressure
relation than indicated by the previous article. A safe equation for the
contact pressure can be obtained if the ratio of the moduli of elasticity of
steel and cast iron is assumed to be 3. A reduction of the Timoshenko1
equation for a fit of two materials on this assumption gives
EA1 - 0i]/dl)]
di[1.53 + 0.47(d2/d2)]
^ = Ecd[ 1 + (<#/<£)]
f.s. dil 1.53 + 0.47(d2/d2)]
Example 23-3. Determine the maximum average interference between a steel shaft
and a cast-iron hub if the outer hub diameter is twice the inner diameter. Assume a
grade of cast iron with an ultimate tensile strength of 30,000 psi and a modulus of
elasticity of 14,000,000 psi.
From Eq. (23-10), using the factor of safety as unity,
Ec[ 1 + (dl/dl)]
30,000 X d;[1.53 + 0.47 X (0.5)2]
14,000,000 X [1 + (0.5)2]
= 0.000283d;
This interference is less than the selected average for a medium force fit (class 7).
23-5 Holding ability of force and shrink fits. The torque that can be
transmitted by a shrink or force fit without slipping between the hub and
shaft can be estimated. Assuming that the contact pressure p is uni¬
formly distributed, the total radial force between the surfaces of length
L in contact is pivdiL. The tangential force due to friction is the coeffi¬
cient of friction times the radial force. The torque is the tangential force
times the radius, or
= fpTd%
where T = torque transmitted, lb-in.
p — contact pressure, psi
di = diameter of shaft, in.
L = length of hub, in.
/ = coefficient of friction, usually from 0.1 to 0.05
23-6 Assembly of shrink fits. Whenever fits are used with large inter¬
ference or large shaft sizes, the force required to press the hub on the
1 Timoshenko, op. cit.
= acceleration and represented by x
The forces on the weight are
1 A convenient way of producing such a force is to rotate two eccentric masses at the
same speed but in opposite directions, as shown in the sketch. The masses may be
mounted on mating gears. The vertical components of the centrifugal forces equal
P0 sin cot. The horizontal components are balanced. This system is used in an
experimental vibrator.
— kx — cx -\- Po sin cot. This force must equal the accelerating force.
mx — —kx — cx + Pq sin cot
mx + cx + kx = Pq sin cot (24-1)
x = Xq when t = 0 (a)
x = 0 when t = 0 (b)
By substituting condition (a) in Eq. (24-3),
xq = Ci X 0 + d2 X 1
0 = .I— Ci X 1 — c2 X 0
\m \m
Ci = 0
X = Xq cos t (24-4)
and is the equation of motion for a system having a single degree of free¬
dom vibrating freely without damping. Figure 24-2 is a graphical rep¬
resentation of the motion.
• w—
24-4 Free vibration with damping. For this case, Eq. (24-1) becomes
mx + cx + kx = 0
co n (24-5 c)
24-5 Forced vibration without damping. For this case, Eq. (24-1)
mx + kx = Pq sin cot
x sin cot
1 - (co/<On)2
The maximum value of x occurs when the value of sin cot is a maximum,
i.e.j unity. Hence, letting xq represent the maximum value of x, Eq.
(24-6) becomes
(24-6 a)
Xs 1 — (co/cOn)2
of the body becomes less than xs. In using Eq. (24-6a) in the region
where (oo/oon) > 1, it is necessary to change the sign of the right-hand
side of the equation. The physical interpretation of this change is that
the deflection and the impressed force are out of phase when co/con is
greater than unity.
24-6 Forced vibration with damping. When damping is present in the
system in the form of viscous resistance or of friction, the effect of the
damping force is to decrease the amplitude of motion of the vibrating
X0 = - /-
V (coo)2 + (k — moo2)2
which case there is no torsional vibration, or the shaft may have super¬
imposed on its uniform motion one of vibratory character which gives a
motion similar to that represented by the curve in Fig. 24-6(d) in which co
represents the angular velocity of the shaft. Torsional vibration is quite
common and also troublesome in machinery having rotating parts. The
frequency of torsional vibration is usually greater than the speed of rota¬
tion of the shaft.
The natural frequency in torsional vibration of the system, as shown
in Fig. 24-6(c), depends on the weight and radius of gyration of the sus¬
pended mass, and on the stiffness of the supporting rod. The natural
frequency may be determined from the following equation:
1 GJg
Natural frequency, cps
2?r ^ LWp2
(a)-Free,lateral vibration
(b)-Forced lateral
1 Paul C. Roche, Vibration Isolation in War Machines, Machine Design, July, 1943,
p. 124.
f = —
fn 1 /* CPS
o ° s OOOOOO oo ooo
o m o
— Cvl
o OOO o o oo ooo
ro tj- toio oo o too ooo
_ — cni m tj-in
Natural frequenoy,cpm
Fig. 24-7. Lowest natural frequency versus static deflection.
It is evident that a stiff shaft will have a small 8 and that the natural
frequency will be high, while a flexible shaft will have a large 8 and the
corresponding natural frequency will be low (see Fig. 24-7).
sin cot
faTUnsprung ft>J-Spnnq fcTSpring mounted,
mounted with damping
Fig. 24-8. Vibration mountings.
1 Thomas Bevin, “Theory of Machines,” p. 492, Longmans, Green & Co., Inc., New
York, 1939.
transmitted force
Transmissibility = T =
impressed force
T = (24-9)
the right-hand side of the equation for the reason given in Art. 24-5.
(///»)2 - 1
24-10 Vibration control. In order to control, or to eliminate vibration
the following means are available:
1. Remove the disturbing force.
2. Introduce an equal and opposite disturbance.
3. Reduce the effect of the disturbance transmitted to the foundation
or support by introducing flexibility and damping.
An example of method 1 is balancing rotors by removing material from
the heavy part of a rotor. A simple example of method 2 is when a bal¬
ancing weight is placed on the light side of an unbalanced rotor. There
are other examples of this method which amount to introducing in a
machine or instrument a balancing system which vibrates automatically
in such a manner that the effects of the forced vibration are neutralized.
In machines, method 3 is generally used when vibration must be con¬
trolled. It may be noted from Fig. 24-9 that if the normal operating
speed / coincides with the natural frequency of the machine fn, the condi¬
tion of operation is undesirable. However, by introducing a flexible
mounting, the natural frequency may be altered, so that any point along
the co/con axis of Fig. 24-9 can be fixed as the normal operating condition.
In torsional vibration, the natural frequency may be increased by mak¬
ing the shaft more rigid by increasing its diameter, or the natural fre¬
quency may be decreased by making the shaft less rigid by decreasing its
diameter, by increasing its length, or by introducing a flexible coupling.
Example 24-1. As an illustration of design procedure, consider a single-cylinder
vertical engine that operates at 1,200 rpm and weighs 800 lb. If the maximum unbal¬
anced force in the vertical direction, P0, equals 30 lb and the engine is mounted directly
to the floor, the total force P0 will be transmitted. If it is desired to reduce the trans¬
mitted force to 3 lb (that is, T = 0.10), Eq. (24-10) may be used as
f = l = 1.200 _ r^OO _
V(1 + T)/T V(1 + 0.D/0.1 3.32
Hence, the mounting should be selected so that the 800-lb compressor as a mass
vibrates with a natural frequency of 362 cpm.
By solving Eq. (24-7) for the static deflection 5 and substituting values,
If the engine is mounted on four springs, the spring rate for each spring becomes
= 745 lb per in.
4 X 0.269
The maximum amplitude of vibration, from Eq. (24-6a), is
xs 0.269
Xo 0.116 in.
(.f/UY - 1 (l,200/362)2 - 1
The connections for the compressor should allow for this movement.
Fig. 24-12. Vibration mounting, tube Fig. 24-13. Vibration mounting, plate
form. form.
system back to its original speed, thereby restoring the kinetic energy to
the flywheel before the next peak in the duty cycle occurs. The high-
torque high-slip induction motor is well suited to this purpose.
Start¬ Break¬
NEMA ing On such
ing down Slip Application
class cur¬ machines as:
torque torque
A Normal High Nor¬ Low For moderately easy-to-start loads; for Generators
mal loads requiring slightly more than full¬ Pumps
load starting torque and low slip; rela¬ Lathes
tively high breakdown torque to sus¬ Drill presses
tain occasional overloads, where higher Grinders
starting current can be tolerated Machine tools
B Normal Normal Low Low For moderately easy-to-start loads; for Generators
loads requiring slightly more than full¬ Pumps
load starting torque and low slip; rela¬ Lathes
tively high breakdown torque to sus¬ Drill presses
tain occasional overloads Grinders
Machine tools
C High Normal Low Low For hard-to-start loads; for loads requir¬ Electric stair¬
ing high starting torque but not requir¬ ways
ing high overload demands after run¬ Pulverizers
ning speed is reached. Not suitable Compressors
for loads requiring long accelerating Conveyors
motors are made with special bases or flanges when they are to form an
integral part of a machine or appliance.
25-5 Standard sizes and dimensions. Motors are built into standard
size frames so that one frame size may be used for more than one horse¬
power rated at different speeds. For instance, Frame 213 is used for the
following motors:
5 hp at 3,600 rpm
3 hp at 1,800 rpm
2 hp at 1,200 rpm
1^2 hp at 900 prm
The price of each of these motors will not vary more than 10 per cent
from the average of the four.
In Table 25-2 are given standard horsepowers, speeds, frame numbers,
outside diameters of motors, and diameters of shaft stub ends. The
frame numbers are according to NEMA Standards approved in 1954.
Rpm Frame
A* u\
3,600 1,800 1,200 900
182 9 /8
182 184 9 Vs
182 184 213 ioh iH
i 182 184 213 215 io H iH
IH 182 184 184 213 254U 12 M i%
2 184 184 213 215 256U 12 M IVs
3 184 213 215 254U 284U 14 iy
5 213 215 254U 256U 286U 14 iy
7H 215 254U 256U 284U 324U 16 i%
T = la
RMS hp
0 1 1 1 1 iiii i t
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time, sec
Fig. 25-2. Motor duty cycle and corresponding rms horsepower.
where W is the weight of the mass and R its radius of gyration, the follow¬
ing equation may be derived for the time required to accelerate uniformly
the rotating mass for constant applied torque:
Appendix I: Abbreviations*
Abbreviations should be used sparingly in text material and only when preceded by
numerals. Use lower case for abbreviations except where the word indicated requires
a capital. Abbreviations representing compound adjectives should be hyphenated.
Periods are not used in abbreviations with few exceptions, as in. for inches.
Rectangular Polar
Moment of / Moment of J
inertia I c inertia J r
bh3 bh2
12 6
3 El
WL WL* 3
2 8 El
4 48£7
L/2 - \
i i i rri i 1 i r
ZX -2x 8 76.8 El
// PL PL3
f; 8 192 El
'A —1 i i i i W
i i i i 1 WL WL3
'A v. 12 384P7
^ I OHWfO^^CONOOOJOHWCO^iO ^ lOHweo^^cosooooHiNco^ic
r-< r rH rH rH rH -1 ^ 1 »H tH *-H *-H t-H »—1
00 05
H 00 N to O it 05 ©
CNNfflMO® oo i—• oo 05 oq © oo
rt ^ Ol ffl ® H «5 ONifqoO©iN
d i-i it i-i co h id o d cd >d i-l © cd
HINTfC *• i-l <M CO
© 00
rH Tt CO © n co cq
moitocoiQNOa ®if«iHOOHO©coeo
HN©Tt(NOOM»«rHlOOOHlO«!D o©MN«®q®®©coif©cqHoo
© *-i it i-i cq" oi co id td os <n oo © it © © ddcdidi-iosi-ltdooitedit’oicdcdcd
HMC' ®OlM 5 00 ©NH(N'>fM HHMit©ai(M©o®iMO>
HHiNn^iocN h h cq cq eo eo
lO O) 00 cq © ^
O © © 00 00 © 00 to
© 00 00 If if 00 if
H H co 00 00 © o o © h it © cq o
o i-l Tji 6 h od ci © © cd id © 05 i-l
H (N M ©
00 it
Oq Cq eo i—< eo cq eo
oo©oo©itcooo© 2cqifNcq©®ON©
OOOCOOMtOM©OffliOO^HH ©iq©i-Hio©i-ct^t^©©coiOccqi-<©
di-tifd'-iNOHHcicdooNdON ©dcdiddoodididdcddedididcd
HNCO©fflCO«^HOHCO© HHMlt ©Cl«©O©H00
i-i h cq cq co co
00 ©
CO 1^ H ©
to h cq eo co
© Iji H rH N (M N co b- o cq rH ep eo
cq © oq oq oq i-h *>. © it 05 05 rH © co
© © ed © d ed oo o © i-l ui © oo os
in eo © h h cq
05 ©
N M H M co i—i © eo cq
Ttif©©Cqit©if cic)NNHcq©cq®if
005©C ^ 0 01000 H©©H©N 3 ©itti;eqt^itioio©iooocq©co’—i»o
docdddittdtdedddooidedif© ©di-iito5tdo6cdcdtdi>Tttdo6tilit
(d = diameter of shaft)
O O O 00 lO © © it ©
0©HNcqif if ©no
HHCOrfifON© eo
©©eqiq^itoqt^eqoqeoOrHoqeqe© ©cqcqb^cqcqiteo©©©©o©©oo
00 00
5 © O »-l co oo id id © td © © it ed it i-i ed
HCO©NH©H N® H Hcqco©ooo^ooco©©
HHiMcqcoif©N rH i-< i—i cq cq co
eo it co eo Tj co cq it oo to
05 ocqH©Ncqo
O It
o It
CO ©
It CO £ to
o cq cq © oo n n
o o ci n © oi oi *3 © © i-l ed td it it
1-1 (N It
> it
rH cq
rH ©
CO it © o h cq oo io
ococo-tt^i-icocq O©HNC0ONH«O
ocodNOifqqMififoqqeqif OHHM©cq®ifHNN00©ifHO
ddcdeddo tdTtddi-lo i-iedo ed 5 6 ©©rHcdtditcdfdidtdidddoditoo
HNifNH©HN©©eD® iHcqco©NOcooocqooif
HHIMlMCOif ©O HHHcqcqco
CO ©
HO©® © It 00
to o N © © N Hi-(
o © cq oo h h ©
o co o co if if © o h o h cq n cq
© © ci ed it td ed d d i-l cd td cd cd
i-i (N it rH cq
00 ©
O O it CM © cq © cq
©COOO©OOCOOqoq Oitit©©©q©rHeo©>
ocqoo®Nifi-cqMcqoo«o®coit OrH0505oqcqi©iqeo©c35Cq©©rHt^
ddr-iideded©i-l©©’odddeded© © © o ci ed cd oq © ci it rd © © cq’ ed ©
HN^NOifON©if©N Hcqeo©NOcoNcqNcc
HHNeqcOit©© h h h cq cq co
00 it
© ©
to O eo CO 05 to © oo cq
o co cq co © n © o rH © cq oo it oo
©®qt>qi-;itt> O rH 00 00 ©1 N OO
d © rd ©j cd © cd © o © ci ed cq r-i
i-i oq it rH cq
CO rH rH 00 © rH co
O N O N ^ H »c ©00©00t^rH00t~t^00
i-iiqeqiqiqitcqiqi-iiteocoitoot^ Oti.eqoqcqoqeqcqiOrHt'-t-.r-Htcq
o o
o o i-i d cd it cd td o cd ed i-l d i-i oo cd ©dddedcii-icddi-ioodaiiddi-l
Hfqif®Oif®©cocoeo© rH(MCO©tii©CO©rH©CO
HHHNCOlt©© h h cq cq co
o^c^eo^^ocot^oocio^c^co^kc T3 OHNCC^»OCDN000)OHNW^»O
- rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH
Appendix V: Properties of Materials
Tension Elonga¬
Endurance Modulus of
tion in
Material No. Description limit elasticity
Ultimate Elastic 2 in.,
(bending)* in tension*
strength* limit* per cent
Wrought steel .... SAE 1010 Hot rolled 54,000 31,000 30,000,000 36
SAE 1020 Hot rolled 62,000 35,000 30,000,000 30
SAE 1030 Annealed 75,000 42,000 30,000,000 26
SAE 1040 Annealed 90,000 50,000 > 30,000,000 22
SAE 1050 Annealed 95,000 52,000 "d 30,000,000 20
Annealed 120,000 60,000 d
SAE 1095 0) 30,000,000 20
SAE 1095 Drawn at 900 F 150,000 80,000 ft 30,000,000 16
Aluminum mag-
nesium * . AM 241 26,000 11,000 7,000 6,500,000 5
AM 53S 37,000 22,000 12,000 6,500,000 12
AM 57S 43,000 30,000 17,000 6,500,000 17
* Values in psi.
Appendix VI: Tensile Strength and Yield Point Versus Brinell Hardness*
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
Brinell hardness
* From Noll and Lipson, Allowable Working Stresses, Proc. Soc. Exp. Stress Anal., vol. Ill, no. II
* From Noll and Lipson, Allowable Working Stresses, Proc. Soc. Exp. Stress Anal., vol. Ill, no. II
Appendix VIII: Yield Points for Steel
point in 1,000 psi
Appendix X: Curves for Stress-concentration Factors*
Stress-Concentration Factor
* Curves taken by permission of the author and publisher of “Stress-concentration Design Factors,”
by R. E. Peterson, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1953.
Stre*s-Conc«ntrotion Foctor,
Str&is — Co.-canlrction Factor, Kt
O 30
Stress—Concentration Factor,
Stress — Concentration Factor,
Stress-Concentrotion Factor,
I *d*
c 32
Fig. X-9. Combined factor Kt> for a grooved shaft in bending.
Stress-Goncentrotion Foctor, KfS
Stress-Concentration Factor,
Combined 'Stress-Concentrotion ond Shear-Energy Factor, Kf
Fig. X-13. Stress-concentration factor Kt for a stepped shaft in bending.
Combined Stress-Concentration ond Shear-Energy Factor, Kf/
I = Trd3
c 32
Fig. X-14. Combined factor Kt> for a stepped shaft in bending.
Stress—Concentration Factor, Kf
Stress-Concentration Factor,
Fig. X-16. Stress-concentration factor Kt and Kts for a shaft with transverse hole.
W = weight of body, lb
R = radius of gyration, ft
D = outer diameter of cylinder, ft
d = inside diameter of hollow cylinder, f+
Steel weighs 0.283 lb per in.3
Cast iron weighs 0.260 lb per in.3
WR2 = W
Appendix XII: Method for Determining Lewis Factors
On a drawing of the tooth, extend the normal to the tooth profile at the corner A
until it intersects the center line at B. Draw BC perpendicular to the center line of the
tooth. By means of a scale, determine by trial a line tangent to the profile at D and
such that DC equals CE. It can be shown then that point D locates the weak section
of the tooth and the dimensions for determining the Lewis factor may be scaled.*
Appendix XIII: Graphical Integration
M = (da)g — (ab)f
In _ da
or (■da)g = (ln)h
g ~ h
where h is called the “pole distance” and is measured from the line of action of the
forces to the pole o in the force polygon.
Now, extend the ray a until it intersects nm at l, and from the similar triangles Ikm
and oab,
Y = ^ or (ab)f = (ln)h
M = (da)g — (ab)f = (lri)h — (lm)h
= h(ln — Im) = h(mn)
Thus, the vertical distance mn is a measure of the bending moment at the section
of the shaft.
The scale of the bending-moment diagram is sph, where
Graphical integration. Assume that the integral of the curve AX in Fig. XIII-4 is
to be determined graphically.
Divide the curve into a convenient number of strips OB, BC, etc. Label the points
corresponding to the mean ordinates of the strips pi, p2, etc., and project these points
horizontally to give the points 1 , 2, etc., on a line parallel to the Y axis. Choose a
pole P on OX extended and draw the rays Pi, P2, etc. These rays are the chords of
the first-integral curve and may be drawn through the points Oi, bi, etc., as shown
in Figs. XIII-5.
In Fig. XIII-4, let y be the mean ordinate of the strip OB and bx its width so that
y bx is closely its area. By construction,
bbl = -
— y or y bx = h(bbi)
bx h
Hence, the ordinate bbi is a measure of the area of the original curve to the point B.
Similarly, it may be shown that the intercept CiC2 is a measure of the strip BC, and
when cic2 is added to bb i, the ordinate cci is a measure of the area of the original curve
to the point C.
^ 4
Washburn Washburn
Fraction Decimal Fraction Decimal
& Moen & Moen
of of of of
wire gauge wire gauge
inch inch inch inch
No. No.
Ke 0.4375 16 H6 0.0625
5-0 0.431 17 0.054
l%2 0.40625 18 0.047
4-0 0.394 19 0.041
% 0.3750 20 0.035
3-0 0.3629 21 0.032
% 0.34375 M2 0.03125
2-0 0.331 22 0.0286
Me 0.3125 23 0.0258
0 0.307 24 0.0230
1 0.283 25 0.0204
%2 0.28125 26 0.0181
2 0.263 27 0.0173
H 0.250 28 0.0162
3 0.244 0.0156
4 0.225 29 0.0150
7 0.177 34 0.0104
8 0.162 35 0.0095
M2 0.15625 36 0.009
.' \
9 0.148 37 0.0085
10 0.135 38 0.008
H 0.125 39 0.0075
11 0.120 40 0.007
12 0.105 41 0.0066
42 0.0062
Appendix XV: Decimal Equivalents of Fractions
(Advancing by sixty-fourths)
In many of the following problems, assumptions are stated which would ordinarily
be made by the designer. They are given here in order to limit the number of solu¬
tions for convenience in checking results. The student should consider whether the
assumptions are reasonable, and he may wish to make other solutions with
altered assumptions.
The majority of the problems are of the design type (not analysis) with data taken
from actual installations. In some cases over-all dimensions, capacities, and weights
are stated which may not have direct use in the solution of the problem; in these
cases they are included to give the student a comprehension of the size of the unit or
component he is designing.
t = 2tt
2-4. A straight cantilever is made of a bar with rectangular section. If the load on
the beam is increased 5 per cent, and if it is desired that the deflection of the beam
remains unchanged, determine the required percentage change in (a) the width of the
beam, or (b) the depth of the beam.
2-6. The natural frequency of vibration of a mass on the end of a cantilever is
fn = 188 \/1/8, where 8 = (PL3/3EI). If the length of the cantilever L is shortened
by 1 per cent, what will be the percentage of change in the natural frequency?
2-6. The indicated horsepower of an engine is given by the expression
Fig. P 3-3.
3-4. The spindle shown in the sketch is used to connect the brake shoe of an
industrial spring-set brake to the brake arm. The loads P are each equal to 825 lb.
Assuming an allowable stress equal to 17,500 psi, determine the diameter of the spindle
that you would recommend.
P p
1i 'r
i i
3" 3"
4 ^-S'
Fig. P 3-4.
3-6. A simply supported steel beam, rectangular in section and 8 ft long, is to carry
a concentrated load of 4,000 lb at a point 3 ft from one end. The depth of the section
is to be twice the width. Using an allowable working stress in tension and compres¬
sion of 10,000 psi, determine the recommended dimensions of the section.
3-6. A hollow nickel-steel shaft, whose outside diameter is twice the inside diameter,
is to transmit 2,000 hp at 220 rpm. The shaft is subjected essentially to torsion.
(a) Assuming an allowable stress of 32,500 psi, determine the size of hollow shaft
required. (b) Determine the size of solid shaft for the above conditions, using the
allowable stress as 25,000 psi. (c) Determine the percentage of saving in weight of
the hollow shaft over the solid one.
3-7. A standard railway-car axle carries a total load of 15,000 lb. On account of
the rounding of curves and swaying of the car, it may be assumed that one bearing
can take % of the load. Draw the bending-moment diagram, and determine the
maximum stress in the axle.
Fig. P 3-7.
3-8. The load P on the C clamp shown in the sketch is 5,000 lb.
Assuming that the clamp is made of steel casting, h = 2b, and
e = 6 in., and that there is an allowable stress of 14,000 psi, deter¬
mine the recommended dimensions b and h.
Fig. P 3-8.
Fig. P 4-1.
4-2. A flat bar as shown in the sketch carries an axial load P = 8,000 lb. Deter¬
mine the minimum radius r required so that the maximum stress in the member will
not exceed 16,000 psi.
^p n
\L _r
Fig. P 4-2.
4-3. A stepped shaft of circular cross X///////////////A
section carries a load P = 2,500 lb and is
supported as shown in the sketch. Deter¬
7 >• y
mine (a) the maximum nominal stress in
the shaft and (b) the maximum stress in
the shaft. ^ V///////////////, l- -^ 4"
Fig. P 4-3.
4-4. A flat bar as shown in the
sketch is subjected to an axial tensile
load P equal to 50 tons. Assuming
that the stress in the bar is limited to
30,000 psi, determine the thickness t
4-7. A tension member, as shown at (a), supports an
axial load equal to P lb. It is necessary to replace this
member by one having a %-in. hole, as shown at (6).
Assuming that the width of the replacement member is
equal to 2 in., determine the thickness t and the fillet
radius so that the maximum stress will not exceed that
in (a).
1"-A v'h
2 *-+
(a) (b)
Fig. P 4-7.
4-8. A bolt with NF threads, as shown in the sketch, is subjected to shock
loading in tension. The diameter of the body of the bolt in (a) is % in. and in (6) is
0.435 in. The maximum stress in the
(- _ Jc=2.S
bolt is equal to the stress at tjie root
diameter multiplied by the stress-con¬ f II 11
centration factor k shown in the sketch. \ II IT
k_ (cl)
Determine the percentage of im¬
provement in energy-absorbing capac¬
ity for the bolt in (b) over that in (a),
assuming that the maximum stress of
both bolts is of the same value, that the
material of the bolts is steel, and that
the energy is absorbed in the 2/^-in. (b)
portion of the bolts. Fig. P 4-8.
_ D
t © —*rm*
6-3. The machine part shown in the
S" l1" >
sketch is to be loaded repeatedly by a 's '4
force P = 360 lb. Determine the re¬ \ -*-f
vvr** o7" vL
h* ^r>" ^T <p
quired thickness b for the part, assuming
SAE 1045 steel and a factor of safety of 2. r—4*--—■-,- L
Fig. P 5-3.
the thickness t of bar required, using
_±_ .
a factor of safety of 2.
Fig. P 5-4.
6-1. The piston rod of a steam engine may be considered to be a column. Deter¬
mine the recommended diameter of the rod, assuming the following:
6-3. A steam-engine piston rod is to be made of nickel steel. The rod is to be 56 in.
long and the maximum steam load carried by the rod is 45,000 lb. Assuming that the
yield point for the steel is 65,000 psi, the end-fixity coefficient is 3.5, and the factor of
safety is 4, determine the diameter for the rod.
Fig. P 6-4.
P 6-5.
6-6. Assume a reasonable material, and recommend the diameter of the piston rod
for the cylinder in Prob. 11-2.
Note: Assume that the length of the piston rod is 30 in., that its right-hand end is
pin connected to the operating lever, that the piston end of the rod is fixed ended, and
that the factor of safety is 2.5.
Fig. P 8-1.
8-2. A 6- by 4- by 3^-in. angle is to be welded to a steel plate by fillet welds along
the edges of the 6-in. leg. The angle is to support a tension load of 60,000 lb. Deter¬
mine the lengths of shielded-arc welds to be specified.
9-1. For a National Standard bolt and nut made of steel, determine the relation
between the thickness of the nut and the outside diameter of the thread for equal
strengths of the bolt in tension and the threads in shear. Assume that the root
diameter of the threads is 0.85 X the outside diameter and that the allowable stress
in shear, sSf equals 0.55 X the allowable stress in tension, st.
9-3. A bolt is subjected to axial shock loading so that the maximum applied load
equals 2,400 lb. (a) Assuming an allowable stress of 8,000 psi, determine the size of
bolt required using NC threads. Neglect stress
concentration. (6) It is desired to increase the r \
* - <
shock-absorbing capacity of the above bolt. -\ |
Determine the diameter of the hole required to > -
reduce the cross-sectional area of the shank to s_ 4
9-6. For a sliding hub connected to a shaft by means of feather keys, show that the
friction of sliding when two keys are used is one-half the friction when one key is used.
9-7. Draw a neat sketch of a shaft fitted with a key, and derive equations for (a) the
bearing pressure on the key and (6) the shearing stress in the key. The results should
be in terms of the transmitted torque T, the shaft diameter D, length of key L, width of
key w, and depth h. (c) Assuming that the key is equally strong in bearing and shear
and that the yield point in compression is twice the yield point in shear, determine
the proper proportions of the cross section of the key. (d) Assuming that there is a
square key whose sides are one-quarter the shaft diameter and that the shaft, key, and
hub are made of the same material, determine the length of key in terms of the shaft
diameter so that the key will be as strong as the solid shaft.
9-8. The low-speed shaft of a 20-hp speed reducer rotates at 384 rpm and is 1% in.
in diameter. Determine the size of key that should be recommended and compare the
shearing stress in the key with the shearing stress in the solid shaft.
9-9. Determine the size and length of the key you would specify for a 5-hp 1,800-
rpm motor (see Table 25-2).
9-10. A line shaft 2% 6 in. in diame¬
ter is to be driven by a belt running over
a 36-in. pulley. The belt tensions are
Fi = 1,500 lb and F2 = 1,000 lb. The
hub of the pulley and its key are both 6
in. long, (a) Using a standard square
key, determine the shearing stress and
the bearing pressure for the key. (b)
Determine the loads coming on the
bearings A and B.
9-11. Make a neat sketch showing two views of a knuckle joint, and write equations
showing the strength of the joint for the most probable methods of failure.
Note: Assign notation to represent the various dimensions of the joint and express
the equations for strength in terms of this notation.
9-12. Make a neat sketch showing two views of a cotter joint with key, and write
equations showing the strength of the joint for the most probable methods of failure.
Note: Assign notation to represent the various dimensions of the rod end, socket,
and cotter, and express the equations for strength in terms of this notation.
Fig. P 9-13.
10-1. a. Derive the following equation for the shearing stress in a helical spring in
which P is the axial load in pounds, D is the mean coil diameter in inches, d is the wire
diameter in inches, and C is the spring index:
8 PD = 8 PC
7T d3 Trd2
b. How may the above equation be modified to take into account the effect on the
stress due to direct shear, wire curvature, etc. ?
10-2. Derive the following equation for the deflection 8 of a coil spring having n
active coils of mean diameter D, made of wire of diameter d and subjected to an axial
load P.
8PDsn 8 PC*n
6 ~ Gd4 Gd
Write an expression for the spring rate in terms of physical constants of the spring.
10-3. A helical steel compression spring is 4 in. in outer diameter and has eight
active coils of 34-in. round wire. Assuming average service, determine the following:
(a) spring index C; (6) stress factor K; (c) permissible axial load; (d) deflection; (e)
spring rate.
10-4. A helical coil spring is to be subjected in service to loads ranging from 520 to
650 lb. The axial compression of the spring over the above load range is to be approxi¬
mately 34 in. Assuming a spring index of approximately 5, determine the following:
(a) the size of wire; (b) the outside diameter of the spring; (c) the number of active
10-6. A loaded narrow-gauge car weighing 4,000 lb and moving at a velocity of
240 fpm is brought to rest by a bumper consisting of two helical steel springs. In
bringing the car to rest the springs are to be compressed 8 in. Assume the following:
Determine the following: (a) maximum load on each spring; (b) diameter of wire;
(c) mean diameter of coils; (d) number of effective coils.
10-6. A weight of 160 lb located at a position 234 ft above the center of a platen is
to drop on the platen. The platen is to be supported on four helical springs. Assume
the following:
Determine the diameter of wire, outside diameter of the coils, and the number of
active coils.
10-7. A valve for a hydraulic pump is to have a lift of % in. and is to be closed
by a helical compression spring having a load range of approximately 100 to 175 lb
from valve-closed to valve-open conditions. Assuming SAE 6150 steel and a spring
index of 6, determine the wire diameter, outer diameter of coils, and number of active
coils to be recommended.
10-8. A circular cam 8 in. in diameter rotates
off center with an eccentricity e — 1 in. and
operates the roller follower that is carried by the
arm as shown by the sketch. The roller fol¬
lower is held against the cam by means of an
extension spring. The device is part of a book¬
binder. Assuming that the force between the
follower and the cam is to be approximately
50 lb at the low position and 80 lb at the high
position and that there is a spring index of 7,
determine the diameter of wire, outside diameter of spring, and number of active coils
you would recommend. The spring may be assumed to be attached at the third point
on the arm.
10-9. In a free-rolling conveyor, a crate loaded with nonfragile material, 60 lb tare,
reaches station A at a velocity v = 10 fps and is normally unloaded at station B.
In case it “gets away” from B, a pair of helical buffer springs at C are expected to
arrest the motion of the crate. Assume that the springs are set up with an initial
compression of 2 in., and that the compression of the spring due to impact is to be
6 in. Determine the following: (a) maximum load on each spring; (6) diameter of
wire and diameter of coils; (c) number of coils.
10-10. A helical coil spring for an industrial spring-set brake is to be made of SAE
6150 wire and is to be loaded in compression by an axial load varying from a minimum
of 650 lb to a maximum. The deflection of the spring over the service load range is
to be approximately % in.
a. Assuming average service, a spring index of 5, and that the range of stress during
the service loading will be from 80 to 100 per cent of the maximum, determine the
diameter of wire and the mean diameter of coils.
b. Determine the number of active coils required and the actual spring rate in
pounds per inch.
c. Determine the yield point in torsion for the wire, and compute the corresponding
spring load and deflection.
d. Assuming that the spring ends are squared and ground, and using the deflection
found in (c), determine the pitch of the coils and the actual free length of the spring
so that the closure stress will not exceed the yield point.
e. Make a copy of the table shown below and enter values.
/. Check the possibility of buckling.
g. Make a neat freehand sketch approximately to scale of the spring in its free
Specifications Characteristics
10-12. A torsion-bar spring is made of a solid, circular steel bar 2.27 in. in diameter
with upset ends 2.75 in. in diameter for spline fittings. The splines are composed of
55 serrations 0.037 in. deep with sides having 100-deg included angle. One end of the
bar is anchored to the piece of ordnance equipment of which it is a part, and the other
end carries a torque arm 14 in. long. The length of the bar between splines is 72.7 in.
The maximum force on the torque arm is 23,800 lb. (a) Make a sketch of the bar.
(6) Determine the maximum torque on the bar in inch-pounds. For maximum
torque, determine the following: (c) shearing stress in the body of the bar; (d) pressure
on the flanks of the splines; (e) wind-up of the bar in degrees; (/) motion of the free
end of the arm in inches.
10-13. In Fig. 10-18 is shown a Neg’ator spring counterbalance in which the Neg’ator
spring in tending to rewind itself on the storage bushing rotates the output bushing
and the cable drum to support the weights on the cables A, B, and C. The total
weight on the three cables is 36 lb. Determine the constant spring force required to
produce the counterbalancing. The diameter of the cable drum is 1.74 in., the
diameter of the output bushing is 4 in., and the gear ratio between the output bushing
and the cable drum is 4:1.
Chapter 11. Pressure Cylinders
"p -
u u
Fig. P 11-2.
pressure p in the cylinder is 100 psi. (a) Determine the diameter of cylinder bore
required, assuming that over-all friction due to stuffing box and piston packing is
equivalent to 10 per cent of F. The piston bore should be selected on the basis of
3^-in. increments. (6) Determine the thickness of cylinder, assuming that it is
seamless-steel tubing. The allowable tensile stress is 3,000 psi. (c) Determine the
thickness of the cylinder head, assuming that it is made of cast iron and that the allow¬
able stress is 3,000 psi.
11-3. An hydraulic control for a straight-line motion utilizes a spherical pressure
tank A that is connected to a work cylinder B as shown. A pump maintains pressure
in the tank equal to 400 psi.
Fig. P 11-3.
a. Assuming that the tank A is 32 in. in diameter, that it is welded with joints
having strength equal to that of the plate, and that the tank is made of steel plates
having an allowable tensile strength of 7,500 psi, determine the thickness of the plate
required for the tank.
b. Assuming a pressure drop of 30 psi between the tank and the cylinder, determine
the diameter of piston required to produce an operating force F of 5,000 lb. Assume
an allowance for friction in the cylinder and packing equal to 10 per cent of F.
c. Determine the thickness of the cylinder wall, assuming that it is made of cast
iron having an allowable tensile stress of 4,000 psi.
d. Determine the horsepower output of the cylinder during a working stroke, assum¬
ing the piston stroke is 18 in. and that 5 sec is required for a work stroke.
e. Assuming that the work cycle of the piston rod occurs once every 30 sec, that the
over-all efficiency of the hydraulic control is 80 per cent, and that the pump efficiency
is 60 per cent, determine the horsepower required for the motor continuously operating
the pump.
Chapter 12. Translation Screws
Q = axial load, lb
d = mean diameter of the thread, in.
a = lead angle at mean diameter
<f) = friction angle
L = lead of thread, in.
b. Derive an equation for the torque T required to raise the load and to overcome
thread friction in terms of Q, d, f, and L.
c. Write the expression for the torque Tc required to overcome collar friction.
12-2. A sluice gate weighing 60 tons is raised and lowered by means of two 2^-in.
Sellers standard square-threaded screws. The screws are operated by a 570-rpm
motor. A ball thrust bearing is used at the collar, reducing the coefficient of collar
friction to 0.03 at a diameter of 4 in. The coefficient of thread friction may be
assumed to be 0.14.
If the gate is to be raised at the rate of 2 fpm, determine the following: (a) the rpm
of the screws; (b) the horsepower of motor required to raise the gate, assuming a me¬
chanical efficiency of 0.85 for the speed-reducing equipment.
12-3. A screw having a double square thread is to raise a load of 20,000 lb at a speed
of 3 fpm. The following data apply:
Determine the following: (a) the horsepower required to drive the screw; (6) the
efficiency of the screw.
12-4. The screw of a 30-ton toggle press rotates at 72 rpm and is driven by means of
the gear g shown in the sketch. The crossheads n move axially along the screw and in
n n
Fig. P 12-4.
opposite directions since one head has left-handed threads and the other right-handed
threads. They move against the axial forces S in operating the press. Assuming that
S = 23,000 lb, that the screw is a square-threaded type 2^4 in. in outside diameter and
has two threads per inch, and that there is coefficient of friction of 0.10, determine the
horsepower required to drive the gear g. The friction at the supporting bearings may
be neglected.
Fig. P 12-6.
Operating force on actuator 1,000 lb
Maximum static force 2,500 lb
Extension of actuator. . . . 5 in.
Time for extension. .. 6 sec
Motor speed. . . . 7,200 rpm
a. Determine the root area of the screw for the maximum static force, using an
allowable stress in direct tension or compression equal to 10,000 psi. Select a Sellers
standard square thread.
b. Using a coefficient of thread friction of 0.08 and neglecting collar friction since a
ball thrust bearing is used, determine the torque on the screw in pound-inches, cor¬
responding to the operating force on the screw.
c. Assuming an over-all efficiency for the triple-reduction gear between the motor
and screw such as 94 per cent, determine the horsepower of motor required.
d. Determine the over-all gear ratio from the motor to the screw.
Fig. P 12-8.
In one of the largest cranes in the world (see Mech. Eng., September, 1944, p. 569),
luffing of the boom is accomplished by rotating two screws located side by side, as the
one shown in (a) in the figure. Each of the two screws is driven by a motor through
a gear keyed to the screw at its mid-point. The screw has left- and right-hand
threads, each running with a bronze nut. One nut is trunnioned to the base of the
crane and the other trunnioned to the boom so that when the screw is rotated the
boom will be raised or lowered. The dimensions of the screw are shown in (b), and
at (c) is shown a detail of the buttress thread. Other data are as follows:
Capacity of crane = 75 tons
Maximum tensile load on screw = 327,000 lb
Material of screw is SAE 2340 steel with yield point in tension = 70,000 psi
Material of nut is bronze alloy with yield point in tension = 55,000 psi
Pitch of threads = 2}^ in.
Chapter 1 3. Shafting
Fig. P 13-6.
24T 4P /24T
42" 1
270 fpm
T“ ' ) y k -\
H 5"
Chain, )"piich
rated horsepower of the motor. (d) Assuming an allowable stress in shear equal to
5,500 psi, determine the diameter of countershaft you would recommend.
Fig. P 14-7.
Determine the following: (a) speed of drum cable at rating; (6) horsepower of motor
for rated load and speed; (c) factor of safety for cable at maximum load; (d) the load
Fig. P 14-11.
that may be hoisted and the speed of hoisting, using a three-part line with 16%-in.
sheaves (assume that C = 1.076); (e) the required rating of the brake in pound-feet
for rated load on the winch.
Determine the following: (a) horsepower of motor required; (b) type of chain; (c)
pitch and width of chain; (d) number of teeth and diameters for sprockets; (e) length
of chain.
16-6. A silent chain drive, as specified below, is to be replaced by a V-belt drive.
Assuming that 6-in. sheaves are to be used, determine the number of B-section V belts
required for the replacement drive.
Pitch. . % in.
Width. 13+ in.
Sprockets. 21 teeth
Speed. 1,120 rpm
Velocity ratio. 1:1
16-7. An 1,160-rpm motor is to be used to drive an oil-field pumping unit that re¬
quires 280 lb-ft torque at approximately 320 rpm. Assuming that a roller chain drive
is to be used and that there is an efficiency of 95 per cent and a service factor of 1.5,
determine the following: size of motor, number of sprocket teeth, and pitch and num¬
ber of strands of chain you would recommend.
16-8. In a roller-chain drive arranged as shown in Fig. 15-1 (c), a chemical processing
unit is connected to each of the two sprockets B. Each of the units requires 250 in.-lb
torque. The driving sprocket at A rotates at 100 rpm and has 11 teeth, while the
sprockets at B have 33 teeth each. The chain is one-strand No. 41 chain. Deter¬
mine the service factor for the drive.
d = shaft diameter
R = radius of bolt circle
n = number of bolts
d\ = bolt diameter
t = thickness of radial flange
16-2. In a flanged shaft coupling having a l^-in. bore, it is desired that the tor¬
sional stress in the shaft will not exceed 3,500 psi. The outside diameter of the
coupling is 7^ in. There are three %-\n. bolts on a bolt circle 2% in. in radius.
The radial flange thickness is % in. Determine the following: (a) the horsepower
that may be transmitted at 600 rpm; (6) the shearing stress in the bolts; (c) the bearing
pressure on the bolts.
17-1. Assuming that the pressure is uniformly distributed over the friction surfaces
in contact, derive an expression for the torque T transmitted by a plate friction clutch
in terms of the coefficient of friction/, the axial force P, and the outer and inner diam¬
eters of the plates D and d, respectively.
17-2. Assuming that the normal wear of the surfaces in contact is proportional to
the work of friction, derive an expression for the torque T transmitted by a plate
friction clutch in terms of the coefficient of friction /, the axial force P, and the outer
and inner diameters of the plates D and d, respectively.
17-3. Assuming that the normal wear of the surfaces in contact is proportional to
the work of friction, derive an expression for the torque T transmitted by a cone clutch
in terms of the coefficient of friction /, the axial force P, outer and inner diameters D
and d, and the cone angle a.
17-4. A multiple-disk clutch with 17 disks, 8 disks turning with one shaft and 9 with
the other shaft, is rated at 25 hp at 500 rpm. The outside and inside diameters of the
disks are 5/£ and 2% in., respectively. The coefficient of friction is 0.2. (a) Deter¬
mine the axial force required to transmit the rated torque; (6) determine the pressure
between the disks.
17-5. An automotive engine develops maximum torque at 1,000 rpm, at which speed
the horsepower equals 34.6. The engine is to be equipped with a single plate clutch
having two pairs of friction surfaces, (a) Using the equation for torque derived on
the basis of “normal wear is proportional to the work of friction,” and assuming that
the coefficient of friction is equal to 0.4 and that the mean diameter of the clutch
disks is 7% in., determine the axial force required to apply the clutch. (b) Assuming
that the allowable average normal pressure on the clutch faces is 18 psi, determine the
outer and inner diameters required for the disks.
17-6. The large diameter and face of the disks of a multiple-disk clutch are 10 in.
and 1 in., respectively. The helical compression spring used to engage the clutch has
9.5 effective coils of %-in. steel wire, the outer diameter of the coils being 3^ in. The
free length of the spring is 734 in. and when in place with the clutch engaged, its length
is 534* in. Assuming that there are 10 pairs of friction surfaces in contact, that the
motor runs at 1,200 rpm, and that the coefficient of friction is 0.15, determine the
following: (a) the axial force produced by the spring, and (6) the horsepower that
the clutch will transmit.
17-7. Assuming that the normal wear of the surfaces in contact is proportional to
the work of friction, derive an expression for the torque T that can be resisted by a
single block of a flat-rim block brake for a given radial force on the block P.
Let b = width of block
/ = coefficient of friction
D = diameter of wheel
6 = half the angle of contact of block and wheel
17-20. A slip coupling, as shown in Fig. 16-11, is designed to slip when the load on
the driven member becomes excessive. The pressure on both faces of the flange, which
is part of the hub a, is produced by a number of springs, such as the one shown at c.
Using the data given below, determine the deflection with which each spring must be
set up in order that the coupling will slip at a torque corresponding to 20 per cent
overload on a 250-hp motor running at 300 rpm. Use the equation based on the
assumption that the normal wear is proportional to the work of friction.
17-21. The backstop shown schematically in Fig. P 17-21 is used to prevent back¬
ward rotation of the shaft. A sector is pivoted at 0, and one end of the band is
attached to it and operates at a radius r2 = 2)4 in. The other end of the band is
attached at point a so that Oa = rq = 1 in. The diameter of the wheel is 834 in.,
the angle of wrap is 270 deg, and the width of the band is 2)4 in. The torque on the
wheel is 300 lb-ft. Assuming a coefficient of friction between the band and wheel
equal to 0.2, determine the following: (a) the maximum band tension, (b) the maxi¬
mum pressure between the band and wheel, and (c) whether the backstop is self¬
Fig. P 17-21.
17-22. For a band brake similar to that shown in Fig. 17-15, determine (a) the
torque in foot-pounds on the wheel for a force A on the operating lever equal to 20 lb
(assume that the wheel is 9 in. in diameter, a — 8 in., b = 10 in., angle of contact
6 = 210 deg, and the coefficient of friction/ = 0.2), and (b) the time in seconds required
to bring to rest a drum having WR2 equal to 225 lb-ft2 rotating initially at 200 rpm.
Shaft A B C
Torque, foot-pounds
Speed, rpm v
Diametral pitch 5
Number of teeth 24
Pitch diameter 4 30
gears are shown in the table, (a) Copy the table, and enter values to complete it;
(6) determine the speed of the motor, assuming that the pitch diameter of the drum
is 21^ in.; (c) determine the horsepower of the motor required, assuming a 50 per cent
overload capacity and a 97 per cent mechanical efficiency for each pair of mating gears.
Gear a b c d e /
Number of teeth 15 75 32 13 71
Pitch diameter
18-3. (a) Make a neat sketch of a loaded gear tooth showing the tangential load W,
the inscribed parabola, and the dimensions of the tooth necessary for the derivation
of the Lewis equation. (6) Assuming that a gear tooth is equivalent to a cantilever
beam of uniform strength, derive an equation for the tangential load W in terms of
the face width F, the circular pitch p, maximum stress s, and the Lewis form factor,
(c) How is the allowable stress related to the static stress s0?
18-4. It is required to determine the proportions of a pair of spur gears to transmit
40 hp from a shaft running at 250 rpm to a parallel shaft with a speed reduction of 3:1.
The center-to-center distance of the shafts is 15 in. (a) Determine the pitch diam¬
eters of the pinion and the gear. (6) Assuming that the pinion is made of untreated
SAE 1030 steel, the gear is cast steel, the teeth are full-depth 20-deg involute teeth,
determine by the use of the Lewis equation the diametral pitch, the face width, and
the number of teeth for the gears.
18-5. Two parallel shafts are to be connected by means of spur gears to transmit
7.5 hp from 1,150 rpm of the high-speed shaft to the low-speed shaft with a reduction
in speed of 5:1. The following assumptions may be made:
By the use of the Lewis equation, determine the diametral pitch, pitch diameters,
and face width.
18-7. A straight spur pinion made of SAE 1040 steel is to be keyed to the shaft of a
15-hp 1,140-rpm motor, and is to drive a gear made of ordinary cast iron. The speed
reduction is to be 6:1. Assuming 20-deg involute stub teeth and 24 teeth on the
pinion, determine the following: (a) which of the gears has the weaker teeth; (6) the
value of the constant in the equation for the induced stress, i.e., = ( )P3; (c) the
diametral pitch and pitch diameters; (d) the face width.
18-8. Using the data and results for Prob. 18-7, determine the following: (a) the
dynamic load on the teeth, assuming class 2 cut; (b) the maximum stress corresponding
to the dynamic load and the required Bhn for the gears, assuming steady load con¬
ditions; (c) the value of the load-stress factor and the required Bhn for the gears.
18-9. A 15-hp 1,140-rpm motor is to be connected to a drive shaft by means of a pair
of spur gears having a speed ratio of pinion to gear equal to 6. The gear teeth are to be
of 20-deg involute stub form. The pinion is to have 24 teeth made of SAE 1040 steel
and the gear of medium-grade cast iron, (a) Determine the diametral pitch, the pitch
diameters, and face width of the gears by the use of the Lewis equation. (b) Assum¬
ing steady-load conditions of service, determine the class of gears, and state if the
cast iron as assumed will be of satisfactory grade, (c) Determine the Bhn required
for the gears. v
18-10. Values may be assigned or adopted for A, B, C, and D in this problem.
The following data apply to a single-reduction speed reducer having a pair of
straight spur gears:
Rated horsepower A_
Pinion speed. B_rpm
Velocity ratio C_to 1
Form of teeth.... 20-deg stub
a. Assuming SAE 2320 pinion, SAE 1040 untreated gear, and a minimum of
D_teeth on the pinion, determine by the use of the Lewis equation the following:
(1) diametral pitch of the teeth; (2) pitch diameters of the gears; (3) face width.
b. Assuming steady load conditions and class 2 gears, determine the Bhn required
for the pinion and gear on the basis of dynamic loading.
c. Determine the Bhn required for the pinion and gear on the basis of wear.
d. Enter recommended values for the speed reducer in the table below.
Diametral Pitch
Face BHN
pitch diameter
Rated horsepower. A_
Pinion speed. B_rpm
Velocity ratio. C_to 1
Form of teeth. 20-deg stub
(a) On the basis of 150 per cent rating and using SAE numbers for pinion as D_
and gear as E_and a minimum of F_pinion teeth, determine by the use of
the Lewis equation the following: (1) diametral pitch of the teeth, (2) pitch diameters
of pinion and gear, and (3) face width of the gears. (b) On the basis of 150 per cent
rating and for steady-load conditions and class 2 cut, determine the Bhn required for
the pinion and gear on the basis of dynamic loading, (c) On the basis of 100 per cent
rating, determine the Bhn required for the pinion and gear on the basis of wear,
(d) Enter recommended values for the speed reducer in a table similar to that given
Diametral Pitch
Face BHN
pitch diameter
18-12. A parallel helical gear 10 in. in diameter having 20-deg involute stub teeth
and a helix angle of 30 deg carries a torque of 3,000 lb-in. Determine the tangential
and radial components of the load on the teeth in the plane of rotation, the axial com¬
ponent of the load on the teeth, the angle of obliquity in a plane normal to the pitch
element of a tooth, and the resultant load on the teeth.
18-13. A 15-hp motor runs at 1,170 rpm and drives a ventilating fan through a
gear reduction having a velocity ratio of 4:1. The gears are to have 20-deg involute
stub teeth. The pinion is to be made of Micarta and the gear is to be made of cast
iron. Assuming 24 teeth on the pinion, determine the diametral pitch, pitch diam¬
eters, and face width of the gears using the Lewis equation.
18-14. The shaft of a wire-pulling machine rotates at 1,800 rpm and is required to
transmit a torque of 800 lb-in. from a gear located at one end of the shaft to a flexible
coupling at the other end. The bearings that support the shaft are 30 in. apart and
the gear is located 4 in. outside its adjacent bearing, center to center. The gear is
driven by a driving gear from a motor with a 1:1 velocity ratio, (a) Determine the
horsepower of motor to be specified. (6) Assuming that the gears have 18 teeth of
20-deg full-depth form and made of SAE 1035 steel, determine, by the use of the Lewis
equation, the diametral pitch, pitch diameters, and face width of the gears you would
recommend, (c) Using an allowable shearing stress of 5,000 psi, determine the shaft
diameter you would recommend.
18-16. A hotel-restaurant belt-conveyor system is to be driven by a 2-hp 870-rpm
motor through a gear train having a velocity ratio of 4:1. Assuming a starting over¬
load of 20 per cent, a Micarta pinion having at least 26 teeth, cast-iron gear, and 20-deg
full-depth teeth, determine by the use of the Lewis equation the diametral pitch, pitch
diameters, and face width you would recommend.
18-16. A reciprocating compressor system is to be driven by an 870-rpm motor
through a pair of straight spur gears. The compressor operates at approximately
220 rpm at a running torque of 1,300 lb-in. Assume a starting overload of 20 per cent,
20-deg full-depth teeth, 30 teeth on the pinion, and SAE 1045 and 1030 for the pinion
and gear, respectively, and determine your recommendations for the horsepower of the
motor, diametral pitch, pitch diameters, and face width for the gears.
18-17. In the line shaft shown in Fig.
P 18-17, a belt runs over the pulley A which r—'
is 36 in. in diameter and rotates at 320 B
rpm. The belt tensions are Fi = 1,500 lb
andF2 = 1,0001b. (a) Assuming the pin¬
ion B is to be made of SAE 1020 steel and
with eighteen 14^-deg teeth, determine
the diametral pitch, face width, and diam¬
eter required by the Lewis equation. (6)
4 7" 21"~ 5"
Fig. P 18-17.
Assuming an allowable shearing stress
equal to 6,000 psi, determine the diameter of shaft to be specified.
18-18. Refer to data for Prob. 14-11.
(a) Assuming that the motor pinion and
its mating gear have a face width equal
to 3^ in. and are made of SAE 1025
steel, would you regard the gears as satis¬
factory, based on the Lewis equation?
(b) Determine the diameter of the inter¬
mediate-speed shaft that is required (see
sketch Fig. P 18-18). (c) How would
you anchor the cable to the drum? Use
18-19. Assume that you are planning the design of a drive to connect the rotating
drum of a cement kiln to a motor. The drum is to rotate at approximately 20 rpm
and the speed of the motor is 1,160 rpm. Assume that it is reasonable to consider
V-belt drive, roller chains, and/or gears in any combination of any one, two, or all
three for the drive, (a) Make a neat sketch showing the layout of the drive you
would propose. (6) Specify the speed ratios, belt-sheave diameters, numbers of
sprocket teeth, and/or numbers of gear teeth in the combinations you propose in the
drive, (c) Assume that the loaded drum has a high WR2, how would you provide
for starting?
19-1. Make a neat sketch of a bevel-gear tooth having large pitch radius R, pitch-
cone element L, and face width F. Derive an equation for the tangential load W in
terms of the maximum stress s, circular pitch p, Lewis form factor y, and F and L.
19-2. Derive an equation for the resultant tooth load TFo and the radius at which
it acts.
19-3. Design the full-depth 14^-deg teeth of a pair of straight bevel gears to trans¬
mit 20 hp at 1,250 rpm of the pinion. The velocity ratio should be about 3.5 and the
pinion should have 18 teeth. Determine the diametral pitch, face width, pitch
diameters, and pitch-cone angles for the gears.
20-1. For a roller supporting a load W and rolling on a surface, derive the equation
for the coefficient of rolling friction, a = Fr/W, where r is the roller radius and F is the
rolling force applied to the axis of the roller.
Note: Draw a free-body diagram for the roller. What are the units of the coeffi¬
cient of rolling friction?
20-2. A load of 4,000 lb rests on cast-iron rollers 8 in. in diameter that roll over a
wooden floor. The load is supported by steel rails that rest on the rollers. Assuming
the coefficients of rolling friction between the cast iron and steel and the cast iron and
wood as 0.02 and 0.10, respectively, determine the force required to move the load.
Note: Draw a free-body diagram for a roller. Determine the work expended for
each revolution of the rollers.
Assume a clearance of 0.001 in. per in. of diameter, oil No. 9 in Fig. 21-16, oil tem¬
perature _deg F, and ambient temperature of 60 F. Determine the following:
(a) the actual value ZN/p] (b) coefficient of friction; (c) heat generated in foot-pounds
per minute; (d) heat dissipated in foot-pounds per minute; (e) assumed temperature to
give thermal equilibrium.
21-2. A 3-in. shaft rotates at 1,000 rpm. One of the bearings carries a load of 1,000
lb. (a) If the bearing is an average industrial journal bearing 4 in. long, lubricated
with SAE 40 oil, maintained at a film temperature of 160 F, and having a diametral
clearance of 0.003 in., determine the friction horsepower. (6) If the bearing is a ball
bearing, with a coefficient of friction of 0.002, and if it is assumed that the frictional
force acts at the radius of the shaft, determine the friction horsepower.
21-3. The following data apply to an average industrial unventilated journal bear¬
ing for a generator:
Assume a clearance ratio of 0.001, oil No. 6 (Fig. 21-16 in text), and a room tem¬
perature of 60 F. The maximum operating temperature to of the oil film is expected to
be 140 F. (Note that the value for absolute viscosity Z at 140 F has been determined
as 23.4 centipoises.) Determine whether fluid friction may be expected and whether
artificial cooling is necessary, and if so, the heat to be removed in units of foot-pounds
per minute.
21-4. A 15-hp 300-rpm centrifugal pump has two identical journal bearings, de¬
scribed below:
Assuming oil No. 9 (Fig. 21-16), determine whether the bearings may be expected
to operate under conditions of thick-film lubrication. If so, determine the probable
operating temperature and the power loss for the two bearings expressed in per cent
of the total horsepower.
Note: To obtain the approximate equilibrium temperature, the heat-generation
and heat-dissipation curves may be assumed to be straight lines.
21- 5. The following data apply to an average industrial unventilated journal
bearing for a generator: load on bearing = 800 lb, speed = 870 rpm, diameter =
1)4 in., length = 2)4 in.
Assume a clearance ratio of 0.001 in. per in., oil No. 6 in Fig. 21-16, and a room
temperature of 60 F. The maximum operating temperature to of the oil film is ex¬
pected to be 140 F. The value for the absolute viscosity Z at 140 F has been deter¬
mined as 23.4 centipoises. Determine whether fluid lubrication may be expected
in the bearing, whether artificial cooling is necessary, and, if so, the heat to be removed
in units of foot-pounds per minute.
22- 1. A bearing is to carry a radial load of 500 lb and a thrust of 300 lb. The
service imposes light shock and the bearing will be in use 40 hr per week for 3 years.
The speed of the shaft is 1,000 rpm. Determine the size of medium-series ball bearing
that should be used.
23-1. A cast-steel crank having a hub whose outer diameter and length are 7 in.
and 6 in., respectively, is to be shrunk on the end of a steel shaft. The bore in the
crank is 4 in. and the shaft is 4.004 in. in diameter. Neglecting the effect of the crank
arm on the stresses, determine the following: (a) the radial pressure that is acting
between the shaft and hub; (6) the tangential stress that is induced in the crank;
(c) the temperature to which the crank must be heated in order that it may be slipped
on the shaft. Assume a room temperature of 70 F, a coefficient of expansion for steel
of 0.0000063, and a diametral clearance of 0.002 in.; (d) the maximum force required to
press the crank off the shaft and the corresponding work in foot-pounds. Assume a
coefficient of friction of 0.15.
24-1. A 2-hp 1,200-rpm motor weighing 108 lb is mounted on four springs, each of
which has a spring constant of 1,000 lb per in. The motor is mounted so that it can
move only in a vertical direction. Determine the natural frequency of the system.
24-2. A 1,750-rpm motor and its support weighs 640 lb and is supported on four
springs, each having a spring rate of 15,000 lb per in. A damping device is used that
has a damping constant of 200 lb sec per in. The rotor has become unbalanced to the
extent that a periodic force for which P0 = 150 lb caused the motor to vibrate.
Assuming that the unbalanced force acts through the center of gravity of the motor
and that the motor vibrates only in the vertical direction, determine the following:
con, xo, and F for undamped and damped vibration, and enter the results in a table as
shown below.
Xo in.
F = kx0 lb
24-3. A 5-hp motor weighing 228 lb operates at 1,760 rpm. The motor is to be
mounted on four springs so that 90 per cent reduction in transmitted force (i.e., 10 per
cent transmissibility) will be secured. Assuming that the effect of damping at the
operating speed may be neglected, determine (a) the required natural frequency of the
system in cycles per minute, (6) the static deflection of the motor in inches, and (c) the
spring rate of each spring in pounds per inch. If an equivalent unbalanced weight of
1 oz is located centrally on the rotor at a radius of 8 in., determine (d) the maximum
force transmitted to the base at operating speed.
24-4. A motor which weighs 30 lb and rotates at 1,150 rpm has a vertical shaking
force equal to 5 lb due to an unbalanced rotor. The motor is mounted on two steel
cantilevers placed side by side of depth in. and width 3^ in. The distance between
the motor center line and the support is 24 in. Determine the maximum stress in
the cantilevers.
26-1. Cotter joint. In Fig. P 26-1 is shown a common form of cotter joint used to
connect rods that are subjected to axial loads. This joint is rugged, is dependable,
may be easily connected and disconnected, and on reconnection the rods assume their
original alignment. The joint is used where ruggedness is essential and where the
bulkiness of the joint is not objectionable.
Specifications: 1. Materials. The materials of the rod end, the socket, and the
cotter and the allowable stresses (pounds per square inch) are as follows:
Di = 13AD + )4
Z)2 =: 1.85d +
R = ^ ^ + clearance
The clearance between the head of the socket wrench and the hub may be taken
as %6 in. On substituting R in terms of d in the expression for the direct shear of
the bolts and placing this in terms of the torque on the shaft, the diameter of the bolts
may be determined by trial. Having the diameter of the bolts, the radius of the bolt
circle may be determined.
The bolts must also be of such size that they will not be overstressed when setting
up the nuts. The equation in Art. 9-6 may be used with a value of k = 10,000 to
12,000 lb per in.
It may be assumed that the bolts are of SAE 1025 to 1030 steel. The setting-up
stress may be assumed as three-fourths the yield strength. If the diameter found
should exceed that obtained by the first method, the radius of the bolt circle must be
altered accordingly.
Before reaming, a hole is drilled undersize to provide a small amount of material
for sizing and hole alignment. Specify the drill size, reamer size, and spot-face diam¬
eter. In order that the holes may register perfectly, they should be reamed with the
halves of the coupling assembled.
4. Coupling flanges. For good casting design, the change in thickness from the
hub to the radial flange should not be too great. A satisfactory finished thickness £2
for the radial flange in terms of thickness £1 of the hub is
For safety in operation and to comply with the safety code, the halves of the
coupling are to be provided with circumferential flanges to function as guards for the
boltheads and nuts. The thickness of the circumferential flange should be not less
than one-half that of the radial flange. The inside diameter of the circumferential
flange should be determined so that the boltholes are located midway between the
flange and the hub. Determine the outside diameter of the coupling.
To provide for automatic alignment, one-half of the coupling is to be counterbored
and the other turned to fit. The depth of the counterbore should be sufficient for the
machinist to establish a fit without difficulty, and therefore should not be less than
%6 in. The height of the male boss should be 3di2 in. more than the depth of the
counterbore to ensure contact of the faces. Provision should be made for “ one-
position” assembly of the coupling halves.
Before beginning the drawing, the following dimensions should be computed:
(a) spot-face thickness, (b) length of bolts, and (c) length of thread.
5. Drawing. Title: “(Size) Flanged Shaft Coupling.” A complete detail of the
halves of the coupling is to be made on 17 X 22 in. sheet. A bill of material is to be
placed above the title.
26-3. Bench-model press. Hand-operated presses of this type are used for general-
purpose work, including pressing for force fits of gears, pulleys, sprockets, couplings,
bushings, and dowels and also for straightening or bending shafts, rods, and tubes.
The press should be rugged and trouble free.
Procedure. 1. Screw, (a) Determine the root area of the screw, select type of
thread, and determine its size. A compressive stress of 10,000 psi may be used for
the screw, (b) Design the collar, using removable collet, (c) Check the force on
the handwheel. The coefficient of thread and collar friction may be assumed as 0.1.
2. Determine the length of the nut, considering an allowable bearing pressure of
1,500 psi and a shearing stress for bronze of 3,000 psi. Provide for lubrication.
3. Make a detail sketch of the head including the screw, bushing, collet, and
4. Frame, (a) It will be sufficient to calculate the dimensions of the frame at
section AA in the figure. Assume dimensions for the frame at this section, and check
the induced tensile and compressive stresses against allowable values in tension of
8,000 psi and in compression 32,000 psi. (6) Determine the size of bolts required at
B to hold the frame against the base plate. For rebound, use two small bolts at the
back of frame.
5. Base plate. Determine the thickness required for bending and provide for
hold-down bolts.
6. Sketch. Make a neat, undimensioned, freehand sketch to scale of the assembly
on an 8}^ X 11 in. sheet, showing a side view and a front view of the press.
7. Determine the approximate weight of the press.
26-4. Capstan. A motor-driven capstan, as shown in Fig. P 26-4, is composed of a
drum driven by a motor through a worm drive. A rope is wound around the drum
so that when the drum rotates, a load Fi may be moved by the application of a com¬
paratively small force F2 produced manually on the free end of the rope. The con¬
nected end of the rope may be used to spot a railroad car, haul an anchor, dock a ship,
for dragging operations in the field, etc.
The operation of the rope around the drum is similar to a belt drive where contact
is several turns around the drum.
In the capstan shown, the maximum load FT is to be 3,000 lb and the manually
applied force F2 is limited to 40 lb.
a. Assuming a coefficient of friction for the rope against the drum equal to 0.3,
determine the number of turns or wraps of the rope required.
b. Assuming that the capstan is rated at a load of 2,500 lb at a velocity of 50 fpm,
determine the horsepower of motor to be specified. Assume a duty cycle.
c. If the diameter of the drum is 10 in. and it is desired to use an 1,160-rpm motor,
determine the over-all speed reduction between the motor and drum.
d. What approximate percentage of the work to move the load is provided by the
26-5. Gears and brake. A motor-driven, geared drum hoist, as shown in Fig.
P 26-5(a), has a spring-set, double-block brake attached to the motor shaft. The
arrangement of the brake and its dimensions are shown at (6).
(«) (b)
Fig. P 26-5.
Fig. P 26-7.
a. For raising passengers (potential energy)
b. For accelerating passengers (kinetic energy)
c. For friction
d. For motor selection at continuous rating
Speed reductions
e. Over-all, motor to sprocket
/. Recommended for belt and gears
Required torque capacity for brake or backstop in foot-pounds at 50 per cent
26-8. Single-reduction parallel helical-gear speed reducer. 1. Specifications. It
is required to design a single-reduction, parallel helical-gear speed reducer having a
3:1 speed ratio and capable of transmitting the full-load rating of a __-hp 1,150-rpm
motor. (Assign 10, 20, or.30.)
a. Gearing. The gears are to be of the single helical type and made of the following
b. Shafting. The shafts are to be made of SAE 1045 forged steel in the as-rolled
c. Bearings. The bearings must be of the rolling-contact type and must be pro¬
tected against dust and leakage of oil.
d. Lubrication. Adequate lubrication of the gears and bearings must be provided
by a simple and positive splash system which will circulate the oil from a reservoir
located in the housing.
e. Housing. The housing is to be made of a good grade of cast iron and designed
to enclose all moving parts properly. The upper part of the housing must be remov¬
able without disturbing the bearing alignment, and provision must be made for
interchanging the shaft extensions from left to right, or vice versa. A suitable cover
plate must be provided to facilitate casual inspection of the gears and for replenishing
the lubricant in the reservoir. An air vent in the top of the housing and an oil drain
and level indicator at the bottom must be provided.
f. General. In designing the speed reducer, the following factors should be given
consideration: rigidity, weight, accessibility, compactness, appearance, and cost of
manufacture. The problem will consist of a set of computations and a 17- by 22-in.
2. Preliminary sketch. Designers find that their thinking is greatly stimulated
if when beginning a new design a freehand sketch is made of the proposed machine.
The sketch will frequently indicate the procedure to be followed in making the compu¬
tations as well as provide a place to record any ideas that may come to mind. Many
helpful suggestions may be secured by studying the literature of manufacturing
companies of similar equipment. With the aid of any available literature and any
original ideas, draw a neat freehand sketch of your proposed design.
3. Gears. The following data may be assumed:
Electric motors will deliver under starting conditions around 200 per cent rated
torque. In the design of the gears for strength the overload torque may be used.
For wear of the gears, the rated torque may be used because for the major portion
of the operating life the motor operates at rated conditions rather than at starting
a. Determine the diametral pitch, pitch diameters, and face width, using the Lewis
b. Assuming steady load conditions, determine the minimum required Brinell
hardness numbers for pinion and gear.
c. Determine the load-stress factor and the minimum surface hardness for the
pinion and gear based on wear of the teeth.
d. Specify the core and surface hardness of pinion and gear and required heat
e. Check the AGMA thermal rating for the reducer.
4. High-speed shaft and bearings. The shaft and bearings are subjected to thrust
and radial loads caused by the gears, to overhanging loads caused by the driven
pulleys or gears, and to torsion due to the power being transmitted.
It is reasonable to make the tentative assumption that the maximum bending
moment on the shaft due to the overhanging load is 150 per cent of the maximum
torque on the shaft.
The bearings should be selected with an expected life of 5 years operating 7 days
each week at 10 hr per day.
a. Make a neat sketch of the shaft showing the gear, bearing mountings, bearing
cover, and oil seals.
b. Compute the minimum size of the shaft at the bearing adjacent to the shaft
c. Tentatively select bearings.
d. Determine the bearing span. Allow generous clearance between the pinion and
the housing, and locate the bearing so that it is fully supported in the housing.
e. Compute the length of the shaft extension measured from the bearing centers,
allowing 2 in. for the cover, seals, etc., and record all known dimensions on the sketch.
/. Compute the tangential, radial, and axial forces exerted by the pinion and the
overhanging load.
g. Determine the force on the most heavily loaded bearing due to the pinion tooth
loads and the overhanging load. Assume that the reaction due to the latter is in the
same direction as the resultant reaction due to pinion tooth loads.
h. Determine the required bearing capacity, and check whether the tentative bear¬
ing selection is satisfactory.
i. Make a sketch of the bearing showing its principal dimensions.
j. Select an oil seal and record the catalogue number, manufacturer, and its prin¬
cipal dimensions.
k. Assume the bore of the pinion to be the nearest nominal dimension above
the bearing bore, determine the size of key.
5. Low-speed shaft and bearings. Because the torque and bending moments vary
inversely as the speed, the low-speed shaft may be designed by simple proportion.
Develop the equation for this proportion in terms of the speed ratio, and determine
the minimum shaft size. Follow the same procedure for the low-speed shaft, as out¬
lined for the high-speed shaft.
6. Housing, a. Design the housing, observing the various factors and limitations
referred to in the specifications.
6. Suggestions. Thickness of housing wall % to % in. Provide ample clearance
inside of housing for all moving parts, not less than % in. around the gears. Provide
suitable floor flanges. Provide suitable stiffening ribs on the housing walls. Use
3^-in. to %-in. screws for fastening housing top. Use %-in. to ^-in. screws for
fastening bearing retainers.
7. Drawing. Make a one-half size undimensioned assembly drawing of the speed
reducer. Show two views, one side view and a top view. The top view should show
the cover removed with the gears and one bearing and mounting on each shaft in
section. The title of the drawing should be
Single-reduction Speed Reducer
26-9. Shaft deflection. Lay out the shaft and loading force vectors for the shaft
shown in Fig. P 26-9 and, by graphical methods, determine the following: (a) bending-
moment diagram, (6) M/EI curve, (c) dy/dx curve, (d) y/x curve, (e) maximum
deflection, (/) critical speed, and (g) deflection within the bearings.
Fig. P 26-9.