.Material Uzed Lightyeight
.Material Uzed Lightyeight
.Material Uzed Lightyeight
h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The growing challenges on fuel economy improvement and greenhouse gas emission control have
Received 30 April 2022 become the driving force for automakers to produce lightweight automobiles. Also, the weight reduction
Revised 13 July 2022 may contribute to superior recyclability and/or vehicle performance (e.g., improved driving economy,
Accepted 25 July 2022
braking behaviors, and crashworthiness). One effective strategy is to develop and implement lightweight
Available online 28 July 2022
yet high-performance materials as alternative solutions for conventional automotive materials such as
cast iron and steel. Herein, a systematic review of available lightweight materials to produce next-
generation automobiles is provided, including light alloys, high-strength steels, composites, and
Light alloy
advanced materials in the ongoing research. By investigating the entire life cycle of automotive materials,
High strength steel physical/mechanical properties, characterization, manufacturing techniques, and potential applications
Composites of specific lightweight materials are discussed. Both the advantages and drawbacks of the reviewed mate-
Advanced materials rials are summarized, yielding the appropriate application scenarios for different lightweight materials.
Given the future challenges, on expectations, the development of versatile advanced materials or
improvement of the manufacturing/treatment techniques can be rather promising to resolve the possible
bottlenecks and, in turn, enables more capable, safer, durable, and environmental-friendly vehicles.
Ó 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
1. Introduction
0264-1275/Ó 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
W. Zhang and J. Xu Materials & Design 221 (2022) 110994
average weight of the fleet [1]. In terms of CO2 emissions per kilo- sively reviewed, which covers major representative light alloys,
meter drive (g/km), the average fuel economy target of passenger HSS families, composites, and advanced materials. A detailed over-
vehicles is also challenging for most countries and regions (Fig. 1 view of these competitive materials is given in terms of their
(a)) [2]. Particularly, the United States set the 2025 goal of average remarkable performance (e.g., large weight reduction potential,
CO2 emissions to 89 g/km, reduced by about 40% compared to that high specific strength/stiffness, and good corrosion resistance),
of 2015. Apart from fuel economy improvement and emission con- automotive applications, major obstacles for broader usage (e.g.,
trol, greater emphasis on higher performance and easier recyclabil- poor formability, incompatibility with traditional manufacturing
ity further promote the development of lighter, stronger, and techniques, and high cost) and possible solutions. Accordingly, this
greener automobiles. Thus, it is essential to explore new materials review will provide considerable information about the properties
and achieve more efficient structural design for future automo- (both physical and mechanical), manufacturing feasibility as well
biles. So far, global OEMs have implemented a variety of effective as the cost toward the promising opportunities for designing
strategies to rise to the challenges, including vigorously developing weight-saving components for automobiles. Meanwhile, the sum-
hybrid and pure electric vehicles [3,4], increasing the drive train mary of ongoing research on metamaterials may point the way
efficiency [5], and exploring lightweight materials for automobiles for future research directions. Also, the guidelines for automotive
[6,7], among which the top priority is placed on weight saving [8]. material selection and structural design may pave a new road for
Over the past few years, there has been a steady growth of light designing lighter, safer, and greener automobiles in the future.
vehicle production in all the major markets (Fig. 1(b)) [9]. As
potential substitutions for conventional engineering materials (e. 2. Light alloys
g., steel and cast iron), lightweight materials for automobiles can
be primarily divided into four categories, light alloys (e.g., alu- 2.1. Aluminum
minum, magnesium, and titanium alloys), HSS family (e.g., conven-
tional HSSs and AHSSs), composites (e.g., carbon fiber reinforced First separated in 1888 as an element, aluminum possesses fas-
plastics or CFRP), and advanced materials (e.g., mechanical meta- cinating properties. The density of aluminum is 2.69 g/cm3, which
materials). Since the last century, these lightweight materials have is approximately one-third as dense as conventional steel (7.83 g/
been extensively applied to various automotive components such cm3). Accordingly, the remarkable specific behaviors (e.g., specific
as dashboard, bumper, engine, body shell, wheel, suspension sys- strength or strength to weight ratio) make it possible to manufac-
tem, brake, steering system, battery, seat, and gearbox (Fig. 2). Typ- ture lighter aluminum-based automobiles with superior perfor-
ical lightweight materials and their specific automotive mances in terms of fuel consumption, acceleration, braking, and
applications are summarized in Table 1. handling [1,22]. On average, one ton of aluminum as a substitution
Generally, the decision of the applications of the new materials for cast iron or conventional steel may reduce 18 tons of green-
on automobiles is not straightforward and multi-dimensional fac- house gas emissions during the life cycle of a middle-size sedan
tors need to be considered. The complete life cycle of most auto- [1]. Meanwhile, coupling aluminum with other elements (e.g., Cu,
motive materials covers from raw materials to the final recycling Mn, Si, Mg, and Zn) to form alloys may endow them with more out-
and disposal (Fig. 3). The material selection and structural design standing performances (e.g., enhanced corrosion resistance, excel-
can significantly depend on critical factors during each of the lent electrical and thermal conductivity, together with higher
sub-processes, i.e., material fabrication (e.g., cost and properties), strength compared to that of the structural steel).
automotive component manufacturing (e.g., design, surface treat- From an automotive engineering standpoint, aluminum and its
ment, and jointing technique), vehicle integration (e.g., assem- alloys have gradually moved to the forefront of lightweight mate-
bling), service (e.g., durability), and end of life/recyclability (e.g., rials applied to automobiles in recent years (Fig. 4(a)). In 2006, alu-
scrap and emission). For instance, the OEMs may consider if the minum overtook cast iron as the second most-used automotive
automotive components are capable of mass production based on material (second to steel) in the North American market [1]. Fur-
well-established manufacturing techniques or if they can meet thermore, the light vehicle aluminum content of the market is tar-
the goal for fuel economy target within a reasonable budget. geted at about 570 net pounds per vehicle for 2030, where the cast
Therefore, it is essential to take a global-perspective methodology aluminum alloy may contribute more than 50% (Fig. 4(b)). Specifi-
to consider selecting appropriate lightweight materials for specific cally, an extruded aluminum bumper beam was highlighted in the
automotive components. crashworthiness design of the Honda Pilot for its significant role in
In this paper, the development and implementation of available impact protection (Fig. 4(c)). To ensure low weight while optimiz-
lightweight materials in the automotive industry are comprehen- ing rigidity, Mercedes Benz employed intelligent material compo-
Fig. 1. Pressing demand for lightweight materials of automobiles. (a) Fuel economy targets in different countries (passenger vehicles) [2]; (b) Light vehicle production by the
major market in million units [9].
W. Zhang and J. Xu Materials & Design 221 (2022) 110994
Fig. 2. Representative lightweight materials applicable for different components of automobiles, including light alloys (e.g., aluminum, magnesium, and titanium alloys),
HSSs, composites (e.g., CFRP), and advanced materials (e.g., metamaterials).
sition with high aluminum content to manufacture the bodyshell For instance, 1000 series aluminum alloys (e.g., 1050, 1100, and
architecture of the new AMG SL (Fig. 4(d)). Despite the weight 1200) are typically used on heat insulators and license plates due
reduction potential and other promising benefits, there are a series to their exceptional processability, surface treatability, and the
of critical factors to be considered before the massive production of best corrosion resistance among all the aluminum alloy families
aluminum-based automobiles, primarily including technical (e.g., [23]. Containing the copper element, 2000 series aluminum alloys
the aluminum component performance, design flexibility, manu- (e.g., 2014, 2017, 2024, and 2219) achieve excellent properties
facturability, crashworthiness, and maintenance) and economic even at rather high or low temperatures [29], which is quite suit-
concerns (e.g., the initial costs of raw materials and expenses dur- able for automotive pistons, conrods, shock absorbers, and valves.
ing manufacturing or operating processes), as well as the environ- Furthermore, 6000 series aluminum alloys with magnesium and
mental impacts (e.g., the post-consumer recycling potential and silicon as primary alloying elements (e.g., 6061, 6013, and 6063)
disposal of scraps). have good formability, high strength, and outstanding corrosion
Aluminum alloys are amenable to different manufacturing pro- resistance [30,31], making them attractive candidates for automo-
cesses, including both wrought and cast compositions, where tive fenders, pillars, bumpers, frames, engine brackets, roofs, doors,
wrought aluminum alloys (mainly produced from the primary alu- and wheels.
minum) usually contain relatively lower alloy content in contrast Although more advanced manufacturing technologies have
to that of the cast alloys [23]. The wrought aluminum alloys are been developed and adopted in forming and jointing different alu-
available in different forms (e.g., sheet, extrusion, and forging), minum components [32–34], automotive manufacturers are still
while the casting ones enable rather complicated shapes (e.g., alu- confronted with budget challenges to prepare for expanded usage
minum powertrain components) by extensive casting processes of aluminum in affordable models instead of upmarket ones only.
(e.g., sand casting, die casting, permanent mold casting, and abla- Notably, aluminum alloys cost approximately twice as much as
tion casting) [24,25]. Further differentiation may refer to the dom- steel [35], which may deter some decision-makers. Nevertheless,
inant mechanism of property development (e.g., heat treatable or a more reasonable comparison is necessary to recognize the even-
work hardening) [26]. tual winner regarding the expenses of raw materials, design, pro-
Particularly, according to nomenclatures proposed by the Alu- duction, maintenance, and cost-related factors such as service
minum Association, aluminum alloys are classified as various fam- life, safety, comfort, and handling stability. The higher corrosion
ilies by four digits from 1000 to 9000, where each alloy resistance of aluminum and its alloys largely extends the service
denomination corresponds to specific compositions and character- life and cuts the labor and maintenance costs of corresponding
istics, in turn giving rise to versatile automotive applications [28]. automotive components [36,37]. Owing to the diminished fuel rate
W. Zhang and J. Xu Materials & Design 221 (2022) 110994
Table 1
Summary of representative lightweight materials for automobiles [10–14].
and improved labor productivity and manufacturing technologies, large shift in reusing aluminum in the automotive market is also
large-scale production of aluminum-based automobiles may effec- closely related to energy consumption and greenhouse gas emis-
tively alleviate the issue to some extent [35]. Compared to the tra- sions [39,40]. Given the thermochemical constraints, nevertheless,
ditional rolling technology, twin roll casting was demonstrated to there exist limited refining strategies to remove impurities/unde-
lower the cost yet enable the utilization of more recycled alu- sired alloying elements from the contaminated scraps [41,42].
minum scraps by promoting finer metallurgical structures [38]. Two representative practices are proposed to rise to the quality
Consequently, the costs of aluminum and its alloys as substitution challenges, i.e., diluting the scraps with primary aluminum or
can be further reduced with the perfection of the recovery pro- higher purity alloy to reduce the alloying level and reusing the alu-
cesses of aluminum scraps. minum scraps in appropriate automotive components with
The post-consumer recycling of aluminum scraps from consid- demands for higher alloy contents (downgrading) [43–46]. To
erable end-of-life automobiles is economically attractive, while a investigate whether these interventions certainly maximize the
W. Zhang and J. Xu Materials & Design 221 (2022) 110994
recovery of aluminum scraps for automobiles, researchers devel- con, and lithium) are adopted to manipulate the performances of
oped a dynamic material flow model to evaluate the aluminum magnesium alloys to meet specific requirements. Particularly, the
cycle on a global vehicle scale (Fig. 4(e)) [27]. Specifically, there addition of aluminum elements (e.g., AZ and AM alloys) may
are three processes in the constructed system, i.e., passenger car enhance the strength, hardness, and corrosion resistance yet sacri-
production, use, and end-of-life management. A demand-driven fice ductility and creep properties of the resulting alloys [52]. By
model was then developed based on a conceptual stock dynamics contrast, rare earth elements in magnesium alloys (e.g., WE43
model to evaluate both inflows and outflows in the processes. and E21 alloys) enable the improvement of overall mechanical per-
According to the assessment of the likelihood, timing, and extent formances (e.g., tensile strength, corrosion, and creep resistance)
of scarp surplus, a variety of policy options were proposed to hin- [53].
der the scarp surplus and result in a lower negative impact on the One fundamental issue hindering extensive applications of
environment. magnesium for automobiles is manufacturing. Compared to con-
ventional steels or cast irons, the manufacturing technologies for
2.2. Magnesium magnesium alloys are less experienced. Instead of the cubic crystal
structure found in aluminum and other structural metallic materi-
Magnesium is the lightest structural automotive alloy with a als, magnesium shows a hexagonal close-packed (HCP) structure,
density of 1.74 g/cm3, less than one-fourth that of steel and close thereby yielding fewer slip systems for deformation [63,64]. Mean-
to the density of CFRP yet more affordable than CFRP. The combi- while, the strong basal texture and inhomogeneous microstruc-
nation of remarkable specific strength and specific stiffness has tures are usually formed during the rolling steps. Consequently,
propelled magnesium and its alloys toward automotive materials the manufacturing process of magnesium alloys requires a rela-
with tremendous weight-saving potential (Fig. 5(a)). Early in the tively warm or high-temperature environment [65,66], which
mid-1930 s, magnesium was introduced to manufacture a trans- may result in the softening of materials after forming. With the
mission housing for an air-cooled engine of the Volkswagen Beetle poor formability of magnesium alloys at room temperature [55],
[47,48]. Currently, magnesium becomes the third most-used there always exists an inevitable trade-off between weight (or fuel
metallic material in automobiles [49]. Major automotive applica- consumption) reduction and energy inefficiency.
tions incorporate powertrain systems, chassis, and body structures, Pioneering investigations have reported that texture weakening
such as instrumental panel, engine cradle, bracket, transmission (e.g., via modifying the thermomechanical process) or randomiza-
case, seat frame, and front-end structure [19,50]. tion (e.g., by rare earth additions) can noticeably improve the
Since the structural demands vary throughout a vehicle (e.g., formability of magnesium alloys at room temperature [67,68].
strength- or stiffness-dominated), it is critical to evaluate and However, an inverse relationship between the stretch formability
affirm the most appropriate magnesium alloys for specific compo- and yield strength is observed in different types of magnesium
nents. In addition to mechanical properties, durability is also crit- alloys (Fig. 5(b)) [54], indicating that the enhanced formability
ical, especially for the lifetime assessment of vehicles in massive may lead to rather low strength. Furthermore, budget stretch is
production. Despite the acceptable corrosion resistance of magne- necessary for the final automotive components if the manufactur-
sium itself, the problematic galvanic couples may inevitably occur ing processes greatly rely on the addition of rare earth elements.
at the jointing areas with other components, bringing about low More recently, a new magnesium alloy with both outstanding
durability of the overall vehicle. Accordingly, primary efforts have formability and strength was designed and fabricated (the red star
been placed on exploring effective corrosion protection strategies, in Fig. 5(b)), where the underlying mechanism lies in the precipita-
including alloy design, coating, and isolation methods [51]. Consid- tion induced by specific alloy elements and optimum segregation
ering various structural applications for automobiles, different of other texture-controlling elements [54]. In contrast to the inho-
alloying elements (e.g., aluminum, zinc, rare earth, zirconium, sili- mogeneous and relatively coarse microstructures of magnesium
W. Zhang and J. Xu Materials & Design 221 (2022) 110994
Fig. 4. (a) Yearly change of aluminum content in the light vehicle from 1975 to 2030 (North American market), data from Light Metal Age; (b) Predicted proportion of
different types of aluminum alloy in 2030; (c) Honda Pilot frontal crash test (from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS)), where an extruded aluminum bumper
beam plays a significant role in impact protection (enlarged area); (d) New Mercedes AMG SL with high aluminum content in the bodyshell architecture to lower weight
while achieving maximum rigidity (from Mercedes Benz); (e) Illustration of recycling aluminum systems in passenger vehicles [27].
alloys manufactured by conventional ingot casting (IC), the newly serve the superior strength and ductility of magnesium alloys
developed twin-roll casting (TRC) Mg-3Al-1Zn-1Mn-0.5Ca alloy in simultaneously [62].
wt. % (AZMX3110) demonstrates a homogenous distribution of By analogy to aluminum alloys, the high costs of raw materials
more refined and equiaxed grains (Fig. 5(c)-(h)). Adding nanoparti- and fabrication together with the demand for rare earth elements
cles to the magnesium matrix is recognized as another effective in some types of magnesium alloys jointly restrict the broader
strategy to achieve significant grain refinement resulting from automotive applications of magnesium alloys [69]. According to
the nucleation of nanoparticles (Fig. 5(i) and (j)), and in turn, pre- the 2021 mineral industry surveys from National Minerals Infor-
W. Zhang and J. Xu Materials & Design 221 (2022) 110994
Fig. 5. (a) Comparison of specific performance between iron, aluminum, and magnesium [13]. Iron serves as the baseline; (b) Yield strength and stretch formability
(described by index Erichsen) of various magnesium alloys at room temperature [54–61]; Optical micrographs (scale bar: 20 lm) of (c) TRC-AZMX3110, (d) IC-AZMX3110,
and (e) IC-AZX310; Scanning transmission electron microscopic images (scale bar: 500 nm) of (f) TRC-AZMX3110, (g) IC-AZMX3110, and (h) IC-AZX310 [54]; Optical
micrographs of (i) AM60 and (j) AM60 containing AIN nanoparticles [62].
mation Center [70], the average spot price of primary magnesium raw material for new steel and cast iron, is around $416 per ton or
($2.10 per pound) in the U.S. market is about 1.5 times that of pri- $0.19 per pound). Also, the price variability makes it rather difficult
mary aluminum ($1.48 per pound), not to mention conventional to implement a variety of magnesium-based components in high-
automotive materials (e.g., the average price for steel scrap, a vital volume automobiles. Furthermore, about 85%-90% of magnesium
W. Zhang and J. Xu Materials & Design 221 (2022) 110994
components are fabricated by casting [71,72], among which the rosion resistance, high energy absorption capacity, and elevated
predominant methods are high-pressure die-casting (HPDC) and temperature performances [76]. Considering that some aluminum
gravity casting. However, these technologies usually produce mag- and magnesium alloys exhibit inferior strength under high temper-
nesium alloys with insufficient creep strength, which may limit atures, titanium alloys emerge as competitive alternative automo-
their applications in automotive components operating at elevated tive materials to meet increasingly rigorous targets on both weight
temperatures. Indeed, good elevated-temperature performances reduction and functional enhancement [77]. Back in the late
are crucial for a series of material-consumable areas in automo- 1990 s, Titanium connecting rods were used to substitute the tra-
biles (e.g., gearbox housing and oil pan) [73]. Therefore, more ditional steel rods on the Honda NSX and Ferrari, attaining approx-
cost-friendly while effective manufacturing technologies are quite imately 20% weight reduction accompanied by improved strength
imperative to ensure magnesium alloys commercially and techni- [11]. Another challenging component yet titanium alloys fit per-
cally viable. One promising tailor-made solution is TRC since it fectly in automotive lightweight design is the valve (e.g., the intake
can manufacture magnesium alloys directly from the melt, which valve of Toyota ALTEZZA and Nissan Cima), which has high
is more efficient compared to the repetitive reheating and rolling demands on performances (e.g., ductility and creep resistance)
processes of traditional technologies [74,75]. under high thermal loadings (up to about 900 °C) [11,78]. Specifi-
cally, typical titanium alloys can be classified according to the
2.3. Titanium alloying elements and purity [79], including commercially pure
(CP) or low alloyed Titanium (e.g., CP Ti, Ti-3Al-2.5 V, Ti-1Cu, and
In addition to the high strength (Fig. 6(a)) and low density Ti-1.5Al), alpha-titanium (e.g., Ti-1100 and Ti-6242S), alpha/beta-
(about 4.5 g/cm3), Titanium and its alloys also show excellent cor- titanium (e.g., Ti-6Al-4 V, Ti-62S, and Ti-54 M), and beta-
Fig. 6. (a) Comparison of mechanical properties between various types of metallic materials, including mild steel, aluminum, magnesium, and Titanium (pure and 6Al-4 V)
[83]; (b) Chronological development of representative titanium components in the automotive industry [81]; (c) Titanium powder processed by additive manufacturing [84].
W. Zhang and J. Xu Materials & Design 221 (2022) 110994
titanium (e.g., Ti-LCB). CP and low alloyed Titanium are usually gories of AM technologies fully explored for titanium components,
used on exhaust pipes or mufflers due to their comparable cold i.e., powder bed fusion/sintering and directed energy deposition
formability. Correspondingly, beta-titanium alloys are more func- [71], among which the powder bed fusion techniques will yield a
tional for springs of suspension and valves since they possess better surface finish due to the smaller beam size and layer thick-
low modulus, exceptional fatigue behaviors, and high strength. In ness. Thus, the powder bed fusion is more suitable for building hol-
contrast to a suspension spring made of conventional steel, the low near-net shapes (efficiently overcoming the machining
titanium one may realize a 60–70% and 50–80% reduction in difficulty of Titanium), yet the directed energy deposition technol-
weight and free height of the spring, respectively [80]. More auto- ogy is usually applied in building relatively large components or
motive applications made of different titanium alloys are chrono- remanufacturing damaged parts, respectively. The resulting tita-
logically summarized in Fig. 6(b) [81]. Realistically, the nium alloys are equipped with comparable properties or even sur-
application of titanium alloys in automobiles (mostly price- pass those produced by conventional manufacturing processes
driven) is still limited by comparison with the aerospace industry [82]. For instance, simple cubic architected titanium alloys manu-
and medical products. The ore price of Titanium ($0.22 per factured through selective laser melting showed controllable pla-
pound) is more than 20 times that of aluminum ($0.01 per teau stress and outstanding energy-absorbing capability, which
pound) [82]. Meanwhile, compared to conventional or other light- makes them promising candidates for vibration damping compo-
weight automotive materials, the high costs for extraction and pro- nents [108]. Regardless of limited applications in the current auto-
cessing (the decisive factor) certainly negate the extensive motive industry, the fascinating benefits of AM technologies for
utilization of titanium alloys in the automotive industry. titanium alloys, e.g., the design freedom, scrap reduction, and
Thus, plentiful investigations focus on lowering the processing straightforward manufacturing process, make them associated
costs of titanium alloys to push the envelope of automotive appli- with the future of titanium component production for automobiles
cations, such as the powder metallurgy (PM) near-net-shape tech- to meet the higher targets on fuel efficiency and energy
niques [85]. Substituting the expensive beta-stabilizers (e.g., Mo consumption.
and Cr elements) with the Fe element can effectively reduce the
cost of beta-titanium alloys (e.g., Ti185) [86]. However, the poten-
tial segregation of Fe during the ingot processing may generate 3. High strength steel
inhomogeneous structures and subsequently deteriorate the
mechanical performances of titanium alloys [87]. Based on the Given the low cost, high performance, outstanding machinabil-
TiH2 powder feedstock, a low-cost approach was developed to pro- ity, and recyclability, steel remains an indispensable automotive
duce economically feasible titanium alloys for engineering compo- material even for the most up-to-date vehicles. Although nonfer-
nents while preserving mechanical performances [88,89]. Further, rous light alloys (e.g., aluminum and magnesium alloys) are highly
a low-cost titanium alloy with further improved tensile strength competitive to meet the increasing weight reduction challenges,
(even higher than existing commercial titanium alloys) was also there still exist several pivotal hurdles before their wide applica-
achieved. The fundamental mechanism can be attributed to the tions (e.g., affordability, incompatibility with traditional well-
hierarchical nanostructures formed by the phase transformation developed manufacturing technologies, and poor machinability),
sequence [90]. especially significant for low-end but high-volume production.
Another conflicting issue to be resolved is the poor machinabil- Consequently, this becomes the driving force for continuously
ity of titanium, attributed to the relatively low elastic modulus and developing new steel grades and innovations in the steel market,
high yield strength [91]. During the machining process, the low i.e., HSS. Indeed, conventional HSSs and AHSSs are not lighter than
modulus of titanium yields deflections of the workpiece about dou- low carbon steels but possess much higher strength, corresponding
ble that with steel, leading to chatter, vibration, and increased tem- to higher specific strength. Cost-benefit analysis and performance
perature [92]. Additionally, titanium alloys may bring about evaluation indicate that HSSs and AHSSs can preserve both the
substantial tool wear through reaction with specific cutting tool benefits of affordability and remarkable performances. Compared
materials. The machining of titanium (e.g., surface roughness) is to low carbon steel, fewer HSS and AHSS materials are required
also closely related to the processing parameters, such as levels to produce comparable functional components and thus achieve
of current, pulse on time, and voltage gap in electro discharge an overall weight reduction. More specifically, the substitution of
machining [93]. Therefore, the development of effective machining mild steel with HSS allows a considerable decrease in the sheet
technologies may not only improve the machinability of titanium depth of the front body parts with identical or greater energy
alloys but also largely decrease the component production costs. absorption capacity for impact protection [109].
Hitherto, numerous research findings have contributed to achiev- The inverse tensile strength-elongation relationship among dif-
ing better machinability. Promising solutions primarily concen- ferent steel grades reveals the difficulty in attaining high strength
trate on using advanced tool materials with hot hardness and and ductility simultaneously (Fig. 7(a)). Low carbon steels such as
superior thermal conductivity (e.g., high-speed steel, coated car- mild and interstitial-free (IF) steels have good formability with a
bides, and cubic boron nitride) [94], designing appropriate tool tensile strength lower than 270 MPa, which is typically used for
geometries (e.g., rotary shape) [95,96], optimizing the processing body shells. Conventional grades of HSS like the brake-
parameters [97,98], and adopting coolant during the cutting pro- hardenable (BH) and high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steels have
cess [99,100]. Besides the strategies based on traditional machin- relatively higher tensile strength (usually between 270 MPa and
ing approaches, more advanced machining techniques are also 700 MPa) but lower elongation. With the recent development of
applied to produce titanium components, such as high-speed and manufacturing processes (e.g., advanced casting and thermome-
ultrasonic machining technologies [101–104], where both chanical technologies [110]), new generations of HSS (i.e., AHSS)
improved machinability (i.e., surface finish) and greater productiv- with a multiphase microstructure have been developed. The
ity can be achieved. enhanced strain hardening capacity of specific AHSSs may result
With the recent development of affordable titanium powders in both high strength (greater than700 MPa) and outstanding
(see Fig. 6 (c) for the plasma processed spherical titanium powder), formability (i.e., a good strength-ductility balance). The underlying
additive manufacturing (AM) technologies have shown significant mechanisms of strengthening in the AHSS families primarily con-
advances in producing fully functional components made of Tita- sist of solid solution strengthening, precipitation hardening, phase
nium and its alloys [105–107]. There are two representative cate- transformation, and grain refinement (i.e., Hall–Petch effect)
W. Zhang and J. Xu Materials & Design 221 (2022) 110994
Fig. 7. (a) Ductility-strength comparison between different types of steels [122,123]; SEM images of the fracture surfaces of quenching and partitioning steel specimens
under different chemical composition and processing parameters: (b) PT-280 (c) PT-400 [115]; (d) Thermomechanical processing schedule of austenitic stainless steels
involving martensite-to-austenite reversion, where ultrafine austenite grains can be obtained [110]; (e) Requirements of tensile strength for representative automotive
components [116,124–126].
[111,112]. For instance, the quenching and partitioning process, panels (both outer and inner) and structural parts, while AHSSs
involving carbon diffusion from martensite into retained austenite, are engineered for anti-intrusion barriers such as bumpers and
is one of the most effective heat treatment approaches to produc- impact beams [116]. Notably, high yield strength can result in a
ing AHSS [113,114]. The corresponding mechanical performances serious springback phenomenon during the metal forming process
of the multi-phase steels greatly depend on the microstructural and subsequently bring poor dimensional accuracy issues, poten-
architecture formed during the manufacturing process (see Fig. 7 tially more common in AHSS components with complicated shapes
(b) and (c) for the fracture surface difference of two AHSS samples [117]. Moreover, defects (e.g., wrinkles and fractures) noticeably
under a partitioning temperature of 280 °C and 400 °C, respec- affect the actual performance of AHSS materials in service.
tively) [115]. Furthermore, the precise thermochemical processing Recently, the excessive springback issue and quality control have
technology is another compelling approach for AHSS production aroused attention increasingly. The effects of critical manufactur-
(Fig. 7(d)), where austenite grain refinement can be achieved by ing parameters (e.g., punch and die radii) on springback were sys-
carefully engineering the martensite-to-austenite reversion pro- tematically investigated [118]. Also, various effective strategies
cess and optimizing the manufacturing parameters [110]. were developed to compensate for the large springback, including
Based on the material requirements of different automotive tooling shape modification [119], angle or displacement adjust-
components (Fig. 7(e)), conventional HSSs are typically applied to ment [120,121], and progressive die compensation [117].
W. Zhang and J. Xu Materials & Design 221 (2022) 110994
Table 2 Table 3
Microstructures and strength ranges of the first and second generations of AHSS [12]. Advantages and future challenges of the discussed materials in this review.
Generation AHSS grades Microstructures Strength Lightweight materials Advantages Future challenges
Light alloys Aluminum Outstanding specific Relatively high costs
1st Dual-phase (DP) Ferrite + martensite 400–1000 strength of raw materials and
Complex phase (Ferrite + bainite) 400–1000 Enhanced corrosion expenses during
(CP) matrix + small amounts of resistance manufacturing or
pearlite, martensite, and Excellent electrical and operating processes
retained austenite thermal conductivity
Martensitic (MS) Martensite 700–1600 Exceptional
Transformation- Ferrite + martensite/ 500–1000 processability and
induced bainite + austenite surface treatability
plasticity (TRIP) Magnesium Lightest structural Low durability and
2nd Twinning- Single-phase retained 1100–1650 automotive alloy creep resistance
induced austenite (density is less than Less experienced
plasticity (TWIP) one-fourth of steel) manufacturing
Lightweight Single-phase retained 850–1150 Combination of technologies
steel with austenite remarkable specific Poor formability at
induced strength and specific room temperature
plasticity (L-IP) stiffness Demand for rare earth
austenitic Single-phase retained 900–1150 elements
stainless steel austenite Relatively high costs
(AUST SS) of raw materials and
Titanium High strength High cost for raw
Low density materials, extraction,
Representative grades of AHSS include dual-phase (DP) steel, Excellent corrosion and processing
complex phase (CP) steel, lightweight steel with induced plasticity resistance Poor machinability
High energy
(L-IP), transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) steel, and absorption capacity
twinning-induced plasticity (TWIP) steel. In the light of strength Elevated temperature
and elongation performances, existing grades of AHSS can be performances
divided into the first and second generations (see Table 2 for the High durability and
creep resistance
microstructure and strength range of AHSS grades in each
High-strength steels High specific strength Poor strength-
generation). Tough ductility balance
More recently, ongoing research studies have explored the third Affordable Springback
generation AHSS to realize further enhanced properties (e.g., more Anti-intrusion capacity phenomenon during
structural weight reduction and superior balance between strength the metal forming
and ductility [12]). The newly developed strategies mainly focus on Defects (e.g., wrinkles
the combination of the retained austenite with ultrafine microcon- and fractures)
stituents (i.e., bainite and martensite) [127,128], where the micro- Composites Synthetic High specific strength/ High cost
constituents enhance the strength while the retained austenite stiffness Lack of manufacturing
Good corrosion approach to high-
contributes to both improved strength and ductility via the TRIP
resistance volume production of
effect [129]. Meanwhile, the additional deformation and strain- Design flexibility composite
hardening behaviors due to retained austenite transformation Outstanding components with the
can achieve further improvement of formability [130]. Therefore, vibration/fatigue best performance yet
more grades of sophisticated AHSSs may gradually fill the upper resistance the lowest cost
right area of Fig. 7(a) towards tailoring lighter, tougher, stronger, crashworthiness
safer, and greener automobiles [131]. Natural A reasonable balance Difficult to implement
fiber between tensile existing
strength and cost per manufacturing,
4. Composites volume machining, and
Great biodegradability, quality control
nontoxicity, and approaches
With varying reinforcement types, composites may contribute recyclability Unstable production
to a weight reduction from 15% to 40% and offer other attractive Remarkable sound- due to the harvest of
properties for the automotive industry, including high specific absorbing capability fibers
strength, good corrosion resistance, design flexibility, and low Undesired moisture
absorption capacity
thermal conductivity [132]. Over the last decade, there has been
Inferior temperature
a continuous growth in the United States automotive composite resistance
market revenue (Fig. 8(a)), where polymer composites (i.e., poly- Advanced materials Ultra-high Well-established
mer resin as the matrix material reinforced by various organic/ performance manufacturing
inorganic/metallic fibers and/or particles) exhibit the dominant Sophisticated and techniques are not
versatile functionality applicable
position, followed by ceramic and metal matrix composites. The (i.e., lightweight Relatively high cost
global application pattern reveals that most of the polymer com- construction, damping Difficult to implement
posites (about 65%) are used on the exterior and interior compo- insulation, and
nents of automobiles, while the remainder is for structural and crashworthiness)
powertrain systems (Fig. 8(b)). With the recent advances in nan-
otechnology, graphene-based nanocomposites also show great
potential in building more efficient, lighter, safer, and stronger firstly developed a graphene-paneled vehicle in 2016 while Ford
vehicles via the construction of panels, sensors, electronics, and applied graphene as reinforcements to make stronger components
interior components. For example, Briggs Automotive Company and reduce the weight together with noise [133].
W. Zhang and J. Xu Materials & Design 221 (2022) 110994
Fig. 8. (a) The automotive polymer composite market revenue of the United States (from 2014 to 2025) [171]; (b) Global application of polymer composites in various
automotive components [172]; (c) Tensile strength-cost/volume relationship of different natural/synthetic fibers and their composites [161].
Thereinto, CFRP is probably the most prominent candidate for strated to achieve a 10–15% weight reduction in the battery hous-
lightweight design while equipped with outstanding vibration/fa- ing of an electric vehicle [142]. Of course, the most straightforward
tigue/corrosion resistance, high specific strength/stiffness, and way to reduce the weight is to increase the energy density of the
exceptional crashworthiness [134]. Notably, the specific energy batteries such that less cells will be used [143–145], for example
absorption (SEA, a critical indicator for vehicle crashworthiness using Silicon/Graphite mixed anode material [146,147], Li-metal
design) of CFRP can reach 60 to 90 J/g [135] yet the SEA of tradi- as anode [148–150] and solid-state batteries [151–153]. Neverthe-
tional energy-absorbing materials (e.g., aluminum honeycomb less, the high cost of carbon fiber is a primary barrier to the wide-
and foams) is only around 10 J/g. Despite the rapid development spread applications of carbon fiber components [154,155],
of carbon fiber components over the past few decades, the applica- especially in the automotive market. More specifically, the vehicle
tions of CFRP in the cost-driven automotive industry are still lim- weight can be reduced up to 60%, yet cost increases up to ten times
ited compared to the aviation and aerospace fields. Potential by replacing the steel with polyacrylonitrile (PAN)-based CFRP
automotive applications of CFRP cover stiff and strong chassis [156]. One initiative strategy to lower the cost is to develop new
[136], optimal bumper beams [137,138], light engine cradles with producing techniques (e.g., advanced oxidation techniques
high structural performance [139], and strengthened roof panels [157,158]) or utilize renewable precursors (e.g., lignin-based car-
[140]. An impressive practice is the CFRP body of the BMW i3, bon fiber [159,160]).
where a 50% weight reduction is achieved compared to the conven- Natural fibers (sourced from plants or animals, e.g., kenaf,
tional steel body [134]. More recently, the redesign of a solar- hemp, and flax) are usually less dense than synthetic fibers while
powered electric vehicle has achieved both weight savings and having a reasonable balance between tensile strength and cost
safety improvement by the replacement of titanium alloys with per volume (Fig. 8(c)), which is a potential alternative for synthetic
CFRP laminate and sandwich structures, where the new CFRP cage reinforcement of composites [161]. In addition to the benefits of
lightens the roof as a whole and subsequently reduces the weight cost and weight reduction, natural fiber-reinforced composites
of supports for batteries by the integration of structural and non- bring great biodegradability, nontoxicity, and recyclability and
structural parts (battery/cell-to-chassis design) [141]. Also, thereby paving a new way for developing greener, lighter, and
aluminum-epoxy hybrid foam sandwich structures are demon- more economical automobiles [162,163]. Given the remarkable
W. Zhang and J. Xu Materials & Design 221 (2022) 110994
sound-absorbing capabilities of natural fiber composites, growing [186]. Metamaterials (e.g., electromagnetic, elastic, acoustic, non-
demands for noise abatement can be addressed as well [164]. linear, mechanical, and structural types) are one of the most repre-
Indeed, diverse natural fiber-reinforced polymer composites have sentative advanced materials [187,188], showing the disruptive
already been used in automotive components such as door panels, potential for building next-generation automobiles. Remarkably,
dashboards, and seatbacks [165,166]. The corresponding replace- the fascinating properties (e.g., negative Poisson’s ratio, excep-
ment can reduce more than 10% of the component weight while tional stiffness, wave tunability, and enhanced impact resistance
cutting the costs by about 5% [167]. Back in 1950, a cotton- [189–195]) that are not commonly seen in natural or traditional
embedded composite chassis was first built on the Trabant East synthetic materials can be attributed to the artificially tailored
Germany, following which flax and sisal fiber materials were used elaborate architectures of these materials (usually in the form of
on the door linings, headliner panel, seat back, and noise insulation repeated unit cells). Taking a closer look at possible automotive
of BMW 3, 5, and 7 series and other Pilot [161]. In 2012, almost 92 applications, advanced materials can be classified by their exact
kt of components (mostly for the automotive industry) were made functionality (Fig. 10(a)), i.e., lightweight construction, energy
of natural fiber-reinforced plastics [168]. absorption, and damping insulation.
However, there is always no ideal solution for material selec- From the perspective of structural design for advanced automo-
tion. For example, it is rather difficult to implement existing man- tive materials, density and stiffness are crucially important in
ufacturing, machining, and quality control approaches on natural lightweight construction, while crashworthiness properties are
fiber-reinforced composites. The actual production and price may more dependent on the strength and energy absorption capacity.
be unstable due to the complete dependence on the harvest of Generally, different structural elements are adopted to design
specific fibers, let alone their undesired moisture absorption capac- advanced materials with superior performance, such as tubular,
ity (the reason for weak bindings) and inferior temperature resis- helical, gradient, cellular, layered, fibrous, sutural, overlapping,
tance (i.e., flammability) [169]. Recent findings indicated that hierarchical, and sandwich elements [196–202]. Inspired by natu-
appropriate treatment during processing may effectively overcome ral materials and biological systems, the coupling of different
the interfacial issues caused by moisture absorption or improve the structural elements may enable further improvement of desired
flammability. One remarkable strategy is making use of reagent properties (e.g., the combination of tubular and hierarchical struc-
functional groups to achieve fiber modification with lower mois- tures can lead to enhanced energy absorption capabilities [203]).
ture absorption capacity [170]. Furthermore, the alkaline aqueous Owing to the recent advances in AM technologies, it is possible
solution treatment can result in a reduction of combustion heat to fabricate more sophisticated and versatile materials and greatly
and subsequently obtain good fire retardancy characteristics in expand the design space of advanced materials [204]. For example,
the fabricated natural composites [169]. a 3D-architected lattice structure demonstrated the reversely
Besides the matrix and reinforcement phases, manufacturing transformable feature originated from fracture and shape-
techniques also have a significant influence on the performance memory-assisted healing (Fig. 10(b) and (c)) [205], making it pos-
of composite materials [173]. Normally, different material systems sible to withstand approximate 400 times its own weight. Remark-
(e.g., polymer resin, fiber, particle, mats, and fabrics) are involved ably, experimental studies revealed that the proposed lattice
in the manufacturing process of composites, which requires dis- structure could recover from the fracture-associated distortion
tinct processing tools and conditions. Most representative manu- and switch between different states of properties (e.g., stiffness)
facturing techniques of composites include hand lay-up (also [205], a potential candidate for the lightweight construction of
known as wet lay-up) [174], resin transfer molding (RTM) [175], automotive frames. Another efficient strategy is to take advantage
vacuum-bagging [176], pultrusion [177], injection molding [178], of two or more materials while overcoming their fatal limitations.
spray-up [179], compression-molding [180], and filament- Specifically, the hierarchical assembly of hard ceramic scaffold (i.e.,
winding [181] (Fig. 9). Particularly, hand lay-up (Fig. 9(a)) is the high strength/modulus but inherent brittleness and low stiffness)
oldest open mold technique to fabricate laminated polymer com- and soft polymer coatings can result in a subtle architecture with
posites by manually placing successive layers of resin and rein- enhanced strength, toughness, and damage resistance (Fig. 10(d))
forcements, which has a wide range of applications (from small [206]. A concrete damaged plasticity model, considering both ten-
parts to a large-size component) and relatively low cost but also sile and compressive cracking, was employed to investigate the
low production volume [182]. By contrast, the RTM technique influence of the coating on damage propagation, yielding that the
(Fig. 9(b)) is an advanced closed mold process with reinforcements resistance of catastrophic failure is attributed to the delay of the
(usually strand mats or woven mats) packed in the cavity while liq- damage propagation. Also, multistable architected materials (1D,
uid resin (e.g., epoxy and polyester) is injected at high pressure, 2D, and 3D) only rely on the aspect ratio and angle of the beam
giving rise to shorter fabrication time, higher material utilization, (Fig. 10(e)) [207], which is demonstrated to be rate-independent
and better surface finish [183]. Furthermore, the filament- and scale-independent. The corresponding progressive and reusa-
winding technique (Fig. 9(h)) is developed to efficiently produce ble energy-absorbing capabilities are of great significance to the
low-cost automotive components with axisymmetric shapes, crashworthiness design for automakers.
where the fiber orientation and thickness can be controlled Damping insulation (e.g., mechanical damping and sound
[184]. Although a lot of manufacturing approaches are available absorption) is closely correlated with the noise, vibration, and
to fabricate composite materials, it is critical to find the most harshness (NVH) characteristics of a vehicle. To achieve this end,
appropriate one for specific types of composites. Moreover, the ongoing research activities primarily concentrated on designing
long-run targets certainly prompt the development of more locally resonant metamaterials [211], acoustic black holes [212],
advanced techniques to achieve high-volume production of com- and membrane-based acoustic metamaterials [213]. The underly-
posite components with the best performance but the lowest cost. ing mechanism for noise and vibration isolation is the formation
of a band gap (under a specific frequency range) where no wave
can propagate. The band gap structure and frequency range may
5. Advanced materials vary depending on the dimensions and particular structures of
materials, yet delicate design can effectively manipulate the band
Recently, a variety of innovative materials with ultra-high per- gap and lower the frequency range for automotive applications.
formance have been developed, which are typically referred to as For instance, a sheet-like 2D acoustic metamaterial with connected
advanced materials to distinguish from conventional materials local resonators (Fig. 11(a)) demonstrated an enhanced sound
W. Zhang and J. Xu Materials & Design 221 (2022) 110994
Fig. 9. Summary of primary manufacturing techniques for composites [185]. (a) Hand lay-up; (b) Resin transfer molding; (c) Vacuum-bagging; (d) Pultrusion; (e) Injection
molding; (f) Spray-up; (g) Compression-molding; (h) Filament-winding.
W. Zhang and J. Xu Materials & Design 221 (2022) 110994
Fig. 10. (a) Advanced materials for potential automotive applications [208–210]; (b) Healable, memoizable, and transformable architected lattice as candidates for next-
generation automotive frame design; (c) Load bearing demonstration of the lattice and the corresponding microscopic image showing the healed interface [205]; (d) Polymer-
coated architected structures with superior compressive strength and toughness, where catastrophic failure is avoided by delaying the crack propagation [206]; (e)
Multistable architected materials for energy trapping; (f) The sequential deformation modes of 1D energy trapping materials under vertical loadings [207].
components for next-generation automobiles. With the demands at the current stage, ultimately, the goal is to develop advanced
for more versatile automotive materials in the future, metamateri- multifunctional materials to supply the demand for different auto-
als with fascinating properties may overcome the fatal limitations motive components (i.e., the double and ideal functionality areas
of other lightweight materials and definitely contribute to building indicated in Fig. 10(a)). Accordingly, the advantages and future
next-generation automobiles. Despite the difficult implementation challenges of all reviewed materials are summarized in Table 3.
W. Zhang and J. Xu Materials & Design 221 (2022) 110994
Fig. 11. (a) A 2D acoustic metamaterial sheet for sound insulation [214]; (b) A composite acoustic metamaterial with multi-resonator and voids for sound absorption [215];
(c) An elastic metamaterial with extremely low-frequency band gap due to (d) the dual mechanism combining both shear stiffening and rotation softening [216]; (e) A locally
resonant metamaterial designed for automotive dash insulation panel for reducing the vibration and noise radiation [217].
W. Zhang and J. Xu Materials & Design 221 (2022) 110994
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