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Dynamic Programming

• Typically applied to optimization problems

– characterize the structure of an optimal solution
– recursively define the value of an optimal solution
– compute optimal value in a bottom-up fashion
– construct optimal solution steps from computed
information (if more than the value is required)
Assembly Line Scheduling
• Manufacturing of large items like car, trucks etc. generally
undergoes through multiple station, where each station is
responsible for assembling particular part only. Entire
product will be ready after it goes through predefined n
stations in sequence.
• For example, manufacturing of car may be done in several
stages like engine fitting, coloring, light fitting, fixing of
controlling system, gates, seats and many other things.
• Particular task is carried out at the station dedicated for
that task only. Based on requirement, there may be more
than one assembly line.
• In case of two assembly lines, if load at station j of
assembly line 1 is very high, then components are
transferred to station j of line 2, converse is also true. This
helps to speed up the manufacturing process.
Assembly Line Scheduling
• Determine which station should be selected
from assembly line 1 and which to choose
from assembly line 2 in order to minimize
the total time to build the entire product.
Assembly Line Scheduling
• There are two “parallel” assembly lines
– Each assembly line can perform any job
– There is a cost to switch between assembly lines
• For a special order item, what is the fastest route?
• A brute force solution has complexity O(2n)
•Terminologies are explained here :
• Sij = Station j on assembly line i.
• aij = Time needed to assemble the partial
component at station j on assembly line i.
• tij = Time required to transfer component
from one assembly to other from station j to
(j + 1).
• ei = Entry time on assembly line i.
• xi = Exit time from assembly line i.
A Particular Example
• For example
• The cost of switching is shown between the
assembly lines
• What is the cost of the minimal solution?
Optimal Substructure
• An optimal solution to the entire problem
depends on optimal solutions to subproblems
• We formulate a solution for the assembly line
problem stage-by-stage
A Recursive Solution
• After some manipulation, we find the following
recurrence relation

• Where fi[j] is the fastest possible time to Si,j

ti,j is the transfer time from Si,j
ai,j is the time at Si,j
ei is the entry time for assembly line i
• The same subproblems are solved again & again
• Our improved strategy is to build a table to save
previous results so that they don’t have to be
recomputed each time
The Fastest Way
• J=1
• F1[1]=2+7=9
• F2[1]=4+8=12
= 18
min[17,16] l2[2]=1
Printing A Solution
• Printing the solution

• The values for our particular problem

This printout is “in reverse”;
How can the print routine be
changed to get a printout from
Station 1 to Station 6 ?

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