Article 3 Sur 4 Algologie
Article 3 Sur 4 Algologie
Article 3 Sur 4 Algologie
Structure and Biodiversity of Rhodolith Seabeds: A
Special Issue
Fernando Tuya
Grupo en Biodiversidad y Conservación, IU-ECOAQUA, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Marine
Scientific and Technological Park, Taliarte s/n, E-35214 Telde, Spain;
Received: 31 July 2020; Accepted: 31 July 2020; Published: 1 August 2020
Abstract: Rhodolith seabeds function as ‘ecosystems engineers’, which globally provide a range of
‘ecosystem services’. However, knowledge on the structure, composition and distribution of rhodolith
seabeds is still lacking. This Special Issue comprises six articles, addressing specific questions
of rhodolith seabeds, and covering a wide range of topics. Two papers provide new large-scale
information on the presence, structure and distribution of rhodolith beds at two southern hemisphere
areas, in particular continental shelfs off South Africa and Brazil. Another two studies contributed to
the discovery on new algal species from rhodolith beds, including Sporolithon franciscanum, a new
rhodolith-forming species from Brazil, and the small benthic alga Schizocladia ischiensis. In terms of
associated fauna, the taxonomic composition and patterns of abundance of decapod crustaceans are
described in another article, including the description of a depth-partitioning in the abundance of
juveniles and adults of the crab Nanocassiope melanodactylus. Rhodoliths are often present in fossilized
deposits, so we can track changes in their presence with climate fluctuations. High temperatures
during the Eocene and widespread oligotrophic conditions are finally connected with low abundances
of rhodolith beds at mid and high latitudes, despite a larger presence at equatorial regions.
monotypic Schizocladiophyceae, the sister group of the brown algae (Phaeophyceae). Both studies
have used cutting-edge molecular tools to describe both algal species.
As I anticipated before, rhodoliths provide a key habitat for a plethora of fauna.
Sanchez-Latorre et al. [7] provided the taxonomic composition and patterns of abundance of decapod
crustaceans inhabiting a rhodolith bed at Gran Canaria Island, including their seasonal and bathymetric
variation. In particular, they described a depth-partitioning in the abundance of juveniles and adults
of the crab Nanocassiope melanodactylus.
Last, but not least; because of their carbonated structures, rhodoliths are often present in fossilized
deposits, so we can track changes in their presence with climate fluctuations. Aguirre et al. [8] linked
the impact of high temperatures, due to high levels of atmospheric CO2 , during the Eocene and
widespread oligotrophic conditions with low abundances of rhodolith beds at mid and high latitudes.
In contrast, they showed that more productive equatorial regions would have favored the formation of
rhodolith beds.
As a final remark, I hope readers will be inspired by the articles of this Special Issue. Still, much
needs to be done to provide more insight into the biology and ecology of rhodolith beds and their
associated inhabitants, particularly in the context of increasing human impacts on coastal waters
of the world. Conservation of these valuable habitats should be a priority in any environmental
agenda at local and global scales. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the authors for their
contributions, and to the staff members at the MDPI editorial (in particular, Ms. Wei Zhang) for their
encouragement and support.
1. Otero-Ferrer, F.; Cosme, M.; Tuya, F.; Espino, F.; Haroun, R. Effect of depth and seasonality on the functioning
of rhodolith seabeds. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 2020, 235, 106579. [CrossRef]
2. Navarro-Mayoral, S.; Fernandez-Gonzalez, V.; Otero-Ferrer, F.; Tuya, F. Spatio-temporal variability of
amphipod assemblages associated with rhodolith seabeds. Mar. Fresh. Res. 2020, 71, 1–8. [CrossRef]
3. Adams, L.A.; Maneveldt, G.W.; Green, A.; Karenyi, N.; Parker, D.; Samaai, T.; Kerwath, S. Rhodolith Bed
Discovered off the South African. Diversity 2020, 12, 125. [CrossRef]
4. Holz, V.L.; Bahia, R.G.; Karez, C.S.; Vieira, F.V.; Moraes, F.C.; Vale, N.F.; Sudatti, D.B.; Salgado, L.T.;
Moura, R.L.; Amado-Filho, G.M.; et al. Structure of Rhodolith Beds and Surrounding Habitats at the Doce
River Shelf (Brazil). Diversity 2020, 12, 75. [CrossRef]
5. Leao, L.A.S.; Bahia, R.G.; Jesionek, M.B.; Adey, W.H.; Johnson, G.; Salgado, L.T.; Pereira, R.C. Sporolithon
franciscanum sp. nov. (Sporolithales, Rhodophyta), a New Rhodolith-Forming Species from Northeast Brazil.
Diversity 2020, 12, 199. [CrossRef]
6. Rizouli, A.; Küpper, F.C.; Louizidou, P.; Mogg, A.O.M.; Azzopardi, E.; Sayer, M.D.J.; Kawai, H.; Hanyuda, T.;
Peters, A.F. The Minute Alga Schizocladia ischiensis (Schizocladiophyceae, Ochrophyta) Isolated by Germling
Emergence from 24 m Depth off Rhodes (Greece). Diversity 2020, 12, 102. [CrossRef]
7. Sánchez-Latorre, C.; Triay-Portella, R.; Cosme, M.; Tuya, F.; Otero-Ferrer, F. Brachyuran Crabs (Decapoda)
Associated with Rhodolith Beds: Spatio-Temporal Variability at Gran Canaria Island. Diversity 2020, 12, 223.
8. Aguirre, J.; Braga, J.C.; Pujalte, V.; Orue-Etxebarria, X.; Salazar-Ortiz, E.; Rincón-Martínez, D.; Abad, M.;
Pérez-Valera, F. Middle Eocene Rhodoliths from Tropical and Mid-Latitude Regions. Diversity 2020, 12, 117.
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