Semi Detailed Lesson Plan

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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
- Enumerate some precautionary measures before, during, and after a typhoon.
- Identify the precautionary measures that one should observe before, during,
and after a typhoon.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Dealing with Weather Disturbances(What to do before, during and after a
B. Reference: Science Beyond Borders 5 pp. 186-189
C. Materials: Visual aids, pictures

III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activities
 Opening prayer
 Greetings
 Energizer
 Checking of attendance
 Setting of standards

B. Review of the previous lesson

C. Unlocking of difficulties
 The pupils will read the ff. words and its meaning.
1.leaks-to let a substance or light in or out through an opening
2. sturdy-firmly built
3. withstand-sustain
4. panic buying-a situation in which people suddenly buy as much food, they can because they are worried about something bad that may
5. waterproof-impervious to water
6. indoors-the area or space inside the building
7. low-lying area-lower than its surrounding
8. short circuit-malfunctioning of electrical connection
9. contaminated-polluted
10.soaked-to lie immersed in liquid(such as water)

D. Motivation
 Imagine that you were about to go to school when the radio announced the
suspension of classes. According to the news, a typhoon is about to enter
the Philippine Area of Responsibility and people are requested to stay at
home. What will you do?

E. Presentation
 Show a short video clip/pictures
 The teacher will show pictures/video clip of a damaged properties and
environment caused by typhoons. Ask the pupils what is their understanding
about typhoons, what the typhoons brought to us. Then say: Weather
disturbances are devastating. It can cause damage to our life and properties.
We cannot change the path of the typhoon or stop it from coming but we
can always prepare for it...
F. Lesson Proper
 Present the precautionary measures that one should observe before, during,
and after a typhoon. Proceed to discuss what to do before, during, and after
a typhoon.
G. Generalization
 Why is it important to prepare even before a typhoon hits a certain locality?
 How can weather disturbances affect our lives?
 When one should observe the precautionary measures?

H. Application
 Divide each grade level into 2 or 3 groups.


Identify the following precautionary measures if it is before, during, and after typhoon. Paste it on
the space provided.

Group 1

________1. Keep a battery-powered radio to keep yourself updated on the latest news
about the typhoon.
_________2.Help the victims of calamities by giving donations or being a volunteer in relief
_________3.Ensure the safety of your family members and relatives who were affected by
the floods.
_________4. Check if your family members or relatives who are staying in the affected areas
are in need of help or rescue.
_________5. Boil your drinking water.

Group 2

_________1. Stay indoors.

_________2.Check the roof of your house for any leaks.
_________3. Ask an electrician to check the electrical wirings or appliances that were soaked
in flood water.
_________4. If you live in a low-lying area, be alert about your local officials’ advisory
regarding evacuation.
_________5. Secure all important documents in a waterproof bags.

Grade 6

Write the ff. precautionary measures in their proper column.

Before During After

Group 1

*Check the roof of your house for any leaks.

*Check the damaged parts of your house and have them repaired.
*Make sure that the posts and roofs of your house are sturdy enough to withstand strong winds.
*Stay away from places that may have experienced short circuit.
*Keep a battery-powered radio to keep yourself updated on the latest news about the typhoon.
Group 2

*Keep enough supply of water, rice, canned goods, and medicines but do not engage in the practice
of panic buying.
* If you are in an evacuation center, be updated on the latest news advisory.
*Help the victims of calamities by giving donations or being a volunteer in relief operations.
*Boil your drinking water.
*Prepare an emergency kit.

Group 3

*Check the roof of your house for any leaks.

* Stay indoors.
* Check if your family members or relatives who are staying in the affected areas are in need of help
and rescue.
*Ask an electrician to check the electrical wirings or appliances that were soaked in flood water.
*Secure all important documents in a waterproof bag.

IV. Evaluation
 Check the statement that shows precautionary safety measures in times of

______1. Boil your drinking water even after the typhoon.

______2. Check the electrical appliances right after the flood has subsided.

______3. Go on a panic-buying spree of grocery items so you will have enough food stocks at home.

______4. Check on your family members who are staying in affected areas. Determine if they need
help or rescue.

______5. When there is a typhoon, stay outdoors and proceed with your travel plans.

V. Assignment
 Suppose there is a typhoon that is predicted to hit your place. List some
ways on how you can extend help to the victims of typhoon.

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