Astm D1049 98
Astm D1049 98
Astm D1049 98
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
D 1049
to be determined. The purchaser may at his option perform or 5.1.3 Type III, ozone-resistant, made of any combination of
have performed any of these tests in order to verify the elastomer and thermoplastic polymer, elastic in nature.
guarantee. Claims for failure to meet the specification are 5.1.4 Class—The class designation shall be based on the
subject to verification by the manufacturer. electrical properties and design characteristics as shown in
4.2 Insulating covers are used for personal protection; Table 2 or Table 3.
therefore, when authorizing their use, a margin of safety shall 5.1.5 Style—The style designation shall describe the item,
be provided between the maximum voltage at which they are size, and device or apparatus covered, protected, or connected.
used and the proof-test voltage at which they are tested. The Style A designates insulator hoods.
relationship between proof-test voltage and the maximum Style B designates dead end protectors.
voltage at which insulating covers shall be used is shown in Style C designates line hose connectors.
Table 1. Style D designates cable end covers.
4.3 Work practices vary from user to user, depending upon Style E designates miscellaneous covers.
many factors. These may include, but are not limited to,
operating system voltages, construction design, work proce- 6. Ordering Information
dures and techniques, weather conditions, and so forth. There- 6.1 Orders for covers under this specification should include
fore, except for the restrictions set forth in this specification the following information:
because of design limitations, the use and maintenance of this 6.1.1 Type,
equipment is beyond the scope of this specification. 6.1.2 Class, and
4.3.1 It is common practice and the responsibility of the user 6.1.3 Either the style and item number or the size, inside
of this type of protective equipment to prepare complete diameter, outside diameter, and length of the covers.
instructions and regulations to govern the correct and safe use 6.2 The listing of types, classes, styles, and item numbers is
of such equipment. not intended to mean that all shall necessarily be available from
manufacturers; it signifies only that, if made, they shall
5. Classification conform to the details of this specification.
5.1 Covers included under this specification shall be desig-
iTeh Standards
7. Manufacture and Marking
nated as Type I, Type II, or Type III; Class 0, Class 1, Class 2,
Class 3, or Class 4; Style A, Style B, Style C, Style D, or Style
7.1 Each cover shall be marked clearly and permanently
with the name of the manufacturer or supplier, ANSI/ASTM D
5.1.1 Type I, non-resistant to ozone, made from a high-grade
1049, type, and class.
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cis-1,4-polyisoprene rubber compound of natural or synthetic
7.1.1 Covers may be marked by either molding the infor-
origin, properly vulcanized. mation directly into the cover or by use of a label; either
5.1.2 Type II, ozone resistant, made of any elastomer or
method is equally acceptable. The method shall be at the
combination of elastomeric compounds. discretion of the manufacturer. If a label is used, the color shall
ASTM D1049-98
be that specified for each voltage class: Class 0—red, Class
TABLE 1 Proof-Test/Use Voltage Relationship
1—white, Class 2—yellow, Class 3—green, and Class
NOTE 1—The ac voltage (rms) classification of the protective equip- 4—orange.
ment designates the maximum nominal design voltage of the energized
system that may be safely worked. The nominal design voltage is equal to: 8. Chemical and Physical Requirements
1. The phase to phase on multiphase circuits or
8.1 The cover material shall conform to the tensile strength
2. The phase to ground voltage on single phase grounded circuits.
requirements in Table 2 or Table 1, the accelerated aging in
Nominal Maximum
Class of
Use Voltage,A
AC Proof- DC Proof- 5.1.3 and, for Type I covers, the determination of rubber
Insulating Test Voltage, Test Voltage,
rms V avg, V
polymer in accordance with 19.1.1.
ac, rms
0 1 000 5 000 20 000 9. Electrical Requirements
1 7 500 10 000 40 000 9.1 Each cover, when selected in accordance with Section
2 17 000 20 000 50 000
3 26 500 30 000 60 000 13 shall withstand the 60-Hz ac proof-test voltage (rms value)
4 36 000 40 000 70 000 or the dc proof-test voltage (average value) specified in Table
Except for Class O equipment, the maximum use voltage is based on the 2 or Table 3. The proof test shall be performed in accordance
following formula: with Section 18 and shall be applied continuously for 3 min.
Maximum use voltage (maximum nominal design voltage)
0.95 ac 9.2 Type II and Type III covers shall show no visible effects
proof-test voltage − 2000 from corona or ozone when tested in accordance with 18.5.
D 1049
TABLE 2 Covers—Type I Specifications
Insulator Hoods—Style A
Insulator Length, Tensile, ac Proof- dc Proof- Suggested
Item Type Hose Size, Height, mm
Diameter, mm (in.), MPa (psi), Class Test Volt- Test Volt- Electrode
Number A Insulator in. (in.), min
in. min min age, V age, V Group B
1 pin 4 1 375 (14.75) 159 (6.25) 11.0 (1600) 2 20 000 30 000 2
2 pin 6 1 406 (16.0) 159 (6.25) 11.0 (1600) 2 20 000 30 000 2
3 pin 7 11⁄4, 11⁄2 406 (16.0) 162 (6.375) 11.0 (1600) 2 and 3 30 000 40 000 2
Dead End Protectors—Style B
Insulator Sleeve ac Proof- dc Proof- Suggested
Item Type Hose Size, Inside Diame- Tensile,
Diameter, Length, Class Test Volt- Test Volt- Electrode
Number A Insulator in. ter, mm (in.) MPa (psi), min
in. mm (in.) age, V age, V Group B
1 disk or dead 41⁄4 any size 121 (4.75) 254 (10) 11.0 (1600) 2 20 000 30 000 2
end (adapters)
2 2 disk or 2 dead 41⁄4 any size 121 (4.75) 457 (18) 11.0 (1600) 2 20 000 30 000 2
end (adapters)
3 disk or dead 6 1 165 (6.5) 457 (18) 11.0 (1600) 2 20 000 30 000 2
Line Hose Connectors—Style C
Item Hose Size, Length, Tensile, ac Proof-Test dc Proof-Test Suggested Elec-
Number A in. mm (in.) MPa (psi), min Voltage, V Voltage, V trode Group B
1 1 305 (12.0) 11.0 (1600) 2 20 000 30 000 2
2 11⁄4 305 (12.0) 11.0 (1600) 2 20 000 30 000 2
3 11⁄2 305 (12.0) 11.0 (1600) 3 30 000 40 000 2
Item numbers are provided for convenient referencing.
Suggested electrode groups for ac tests only.
Insulator Length, Height, Tensile, ac Proof- dc Proof- Suggested
Item Type In- Insulator Hose Size,
Diameter, mm mm (in.), MPa (psi), Class Test Volt- Test Volt- Electrode
Number A sulator Height, in. in.
in. (in.), min min min age, V age, V Group
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1 pin 4 4 1 375 (14.75) 159 (6.25) 4.82 (700) 2 20 000 30 000 2–3
2 pin 6 5 1 406 (16.0) 159 (6.25) 4.82 (700) 2 20 000 30 000 2–3
3 pin 7 6 11⁄4–11⁄2 406 (16.0 (wide)) 162 (6.375) 4.82 (700) 2 and 3 30 000 40 000 2–3
4 pin 10 12 21⁄2 483 (19.0) 406 (16.0) 6.89 (1000) 4 40 000 60 000 2–3
5 pin 11 6 11⁄2 267 (10.5 (ID)) 165 (6.5) 4.82 (700) 3 30 000 40 000 2–3
ASTM D1049-98
post 6.5 13 11⁄2–21⁄2 317 (12.5) 400 (15.75) 6.89 (1000) 4 40 000 60 000 2–3