Jee Xi GD Goenka (04 Feb 2024)

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JEE XI-GD GOENKA 04 Fab 2024 1

PART- I 7 A body cools from 80°C to 60° in 5 minutes. The

PHYSICS (Section-1) temperature for the surrounding is 20°C. The
This section contains 20 questions numbered 1 to time it takes to cool from 60°C to 40°C is
(1) 450 s (2) 420 s
20. Each question has 4 choices (1), (2), (3) and
(4), out of which ONLY ONE is correct. (3) 500 s (4) s
1 The quantities of heat required to raise the
temperature of two solid copper spheres of radii r1 8 A body cools in 7 minutes from 60°C to 40°C.
and r2 (r1 = 1.5 r2 ) through 1 K are in the ratio : The temperature of the surrounding is 10°C. The
27 9 temperature of the body after the next 7 minutes
(1) (2) will be
8 4 (1) 30°C (2) 32°C
3 5 (3) 34°C (4) 28°C
(3) (4)
2 3
2 The average thermal energy for a mono-atomic 9 A bowl filled with very hot soup cools from
gas is : (kB is Boltzmann constant and T, 98°C to 86°C in 2 minutes when the room
absolute temperature) temperature is 22°C. How long it will take to
1 3 cool from 75°C to 69°C ?
(1) k B T (2) k B T (1) 2 minutes (2) 1.4 minutes
2 2
(3) 0.5 minute (4) 1 minute
5 7
(3) k B T (4) k B T
2 2 10 Two metallic wires of identical dimensions are
connected is series. If 1 and  2 are the
3 The mean free path for a gas, with molecular
conductivities of the these wires respectively, the
diameter d and number density n can be
effective conductivity of the combination is :
expressed as :
12 212
1 1 (1) (2)
(1) (2) 1 + 2 1 + 2
2nd 2nd 2
1 1  + 2  + 2
(3) 1 (4) 1
(3) (4) 212 12
2n d
2 2
2n 2 2 d 2

4 Two cylinders A and B of equal capacity are 11 A car P travelling at 20ms−1 sounds its horn at a
connected to each other via a stop cock. A frequency of 400 Hz. Another car Q is travelling
contains an ideal gas at standard temperature and behind the first car in the same direction with a
pressure. B is completely evacuated. The entire velocity 40ms−1 . The frequency heard by the
system is thermally insulated. The stop cock is passenger of the car Q is approximately [Take,
suddenly opened. The process is : velocity of sound = 360ms−1 ]
(1) isothermal (2) adiabatic
(1) 421 Hz (2) 471 Hz
(3) isochoric (4) isobaric
(3) 485 Hz (4) 514 Hz
5 A cylinder contains hydrogen gas at pressure of
249 kPa and temperature 27°C. Its density is : 12 A car P travelling at 20 ms −1 sounds its horn at
a frequency of 400 Hz. Another car Q is
(R = 8.3 J mol−1K −1 )
travelling behind the first car in the same
(1) 0.5kg / m3 (2) 0.2kg / m3 direction with a velocity 40 ms −1 . The
(3) 0.1kg / m3 (4) 0.02kg / m3 frequency heard by the passenger of the car Q is
approximately [Take, velocity of sound = 360
6 A cup of coffee cools from 90o C to 80o C in t ms −1 ]
minutes, when the room temperature is 20o C . (1) 421 Hz (2) 471 Hz
The time taken by a similar cup of coffee to cool (3) 485 Hz (4) 514 Hz
from 80o C to 60o C at a room temperature same
13 The ratio of speed of sound in hydrogen gas to
at 20o C is the speed of sound in oxygen gas at the same
10 5 temperature is:
(1) t (2) t
13 13 (1) 1 : 2 (2) 4 : 1
13 13 (3) 1 : 4 (4) 1 : 1
(3) t (4) t
10 5
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JEE XI-GD GOENKA 04 Fab 2024 2

14 The engine of a train moving with speed 10 (Section-2)

ms −1 towards a platform sounds a whistle at This section contains 10 questions numbered 21 to
frequency 400 Hz. The frequency heard by a 30. Out of which have to attempt 5 Questions only.
passenger inside the train is: (neglect air speed. The answer of each question is a numeric value.
Speed of sound in air = 330 ms −1 )
(1) 400 Hz (2) 200 Hz 21 One mole of a monoatomic gas is mixed with
(3) 412 Hz (4) 388 Hz three moles of a diatomic gas. The molecular
specific heat of mixture at constant volume is
15 A person observes two moving trains, ‘A’
reaching the station and ‘B’ leaving the station 2
R J / mol K; then the value of  will be
with equal speed of 30 m/s. If both trains emit 4
sounds with frequency 300 Hz, (Speed of sound _______. (Assume that the given diatomic gas
: 330 m/s) approximate difference of frequencies has no vibrational mode.)
heard by the person will be :
(1) 33 Hz (2) 55 Hz 22 The pressure P1 and density d1 of diatomic gas
(3) 80 Hz (4) 10 Hz  7
  = 5  changes suddenly to P2 ( P1 ) and d 2
16 In a guitar, two strings A and B made of same  
material are slightly out of tune and produce respectively during an adiabatic process. The
beats of frequency 6 Hz. When tension in B is temperature of the gas increases and becomes
slightly decreased, the beat frequency increases _________ times of its initial temperature.
to 7 Hz. If the frequency of A is 530 Hz, the (given 2 = 32 )
original frequency of B will be: d1
(1) 523 Hz (2) 524 Hz
(3) 536 Hz (4) 537 Hz 23 At a certain temperature, the degrees of freedom
per molecule for gas is 8. The gas performs 150
17 If the initial tension on a stretched string is J of work when it expands under constant
doubled, then the ratio of the initial and final pressure. The amount of heat absorbed by the
speeds of a transverse wave along the string is gas will be …….. J.
(1) 1: 2 (2) 1 : 2
(3) 1 : 1 (4) 2 :1 24 Two plates A and B have thermal conductivities
84 Wm−1 K −1 and 126 Wm−1 K −1 respectively.
18 A steel wire with mass per unit length They have same surface area and same
7.0 10−3 kgm−1 is under tension of 70 N. The thickness. They are placed in contact along their
speed of transverse waves in the wire will be: surfaces. If the temperatures of the outer
(1) 200  m/s (2) 100 m/s surfaces of A and B are kept at 100°C and 0°C
(3) 10 m/s (4) 50 m/s respectively, then the temperature of the surface
of contact in steady state is _______ °C.
19 A travelling wave is described by the equation
y(x, t) = [0.05 sin (8x – 4t] m The velocity of the 25 A body cools from 60ºC to 40ºC in 6 minutes. If,
wave is : [all the quantities are in SI unit] temperature of surroundings is 10ºC. Then, after
the next 6 minutes, its temperature will be ____
(1) 4 ms −1 (2) 2 ms −1 ºC.
(3) 0.5 ms −1 (4) 8 ms −1
26 For a certain organ pipe, the first three resonance
20 A transverse wave is represented by y = 2sin frequencies are in the ratio of 1:3:5 respectively.
(t − kx) cm. The value of wavelength (in cm) If the frequency of fifth harmonic is 405 Hz and
for which the wave velocity becomes equal to the speed of sound in air is 324 ms−1 the length
the maximum particle velocity, will be ; of the organ pipe is _______ m.
(1) 4 (2) 2
(3)  (4) 2 27 A person driving car at a constant speed of 15
m/s is approaching a vertical wall. The person
notices a change of 40 Hz in the frequency of his
car’s horn upon reflection from the wall. The
frequency of horn is ________ Hz.
(Given: Speed of sound : 30 m/s)
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JEE XI-GD GOENKA 04 Fab 2024 3

28 An organ pipe 40 cm long is open at both ends. 34 For the following reactions :
The speed of sound in air is 360 ms −1. The N2 (g) + O2 (g)
2NO(g) and NO(g) + O2 (g) NO2 (g).
frequency of the second harmonic is _________ 2
Hz. The equilibrium constants are K1 and K 2
respectively. The value of equilibrium constant
29 The fundamental frequency of vibration of a for the reactions. N2 (g) + 2O2 2NO2 (g)
string between two rigid support is 50 Hz. The would be :
mass of the string is 18 g and its linear mass K
density is 20 g/m. The speed of the transverse (1) 1 (2) K1K 2
waves so produced in the string is _______ ms–
1. (3) K1K 22 (4) K12 K 2

30 In an experiment with sonometer when a mass 35 For the reaction

of 180 g is attached to the string, it vibrates with N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) 2NH3 (g), N2 : H2
fundamental frequency of 30 Hz. When a mass
were taken in the ratio of 1 : 3 up to the point of
m is attached, the string vibrates with
equilibrium 50% each reactant has been reacted.
fundamental frequency of 50 Hz. The value of m
If total pressure at equilibrium is P. The partial
is __________ g.
pressure of ammonia would be :
PART- II (1) (2)
3 6
CHEMISTRY (Section-1)
This section contains 20 questions numbered 31 to (3) (4)
4 8
50. Each question has 4 choices (1), (2), (3) and
(4), out of which ONLY ONE is correct. 36 Ammonia forms complexes with Ag+ according
to the following reactions :
31 For the reaction : C(s) + CO2 2CO(g) the (i) Ag[H2O]2+ + NH3 (aq) [Ag[NH3 ][H2O(aq)]+ + H 2O( )
partial pressure of CO2 and CO are 2.0 and 4.0 (ii) [Ag(NH3 )(H2O)](aq)+ + NH3 (aq) Ag(NH3 )2+ (aq) + H2O( )
atm respectively at equilibrium K P for the The equilibrium constant of equilibrium
raction is : (i) and (ii) are 2.0 103 and 8.3  103
(1) 0.5 (2) 8.0 (3) 4.0 (4) 32 respectively.
Equilibrium constants of the following reaction :
32 One mole of N 2 O4 (g) at 300 K is kept in a [Ag(H2O)2 (aq)]+ + 2NH3 (aq) Ag(NH3 ) +2 + 2H 2O( )
closed container under 1 atmosphere. It is heated will be -
to 600 K when 20% by mass of N 2 O4 (g)
(1) 4.15 (2) 2.0 103
decomposes to NO2 (g). The resultant pressure
(3) 8.3  103 (4) 16.6 106
is :
(1) 1.2 atm (2) 2.4 atm 37 What is the relationship between K P and K C
(3) 2.0 atm (4) 1.0 atm
for the reaction : 3H2 (g) + N2 (g) 2NH3 (g)
33 Equilibrium constant for the following reactions at 500 K
have been determined at 823K. K
(1) K P = C (2) K P = 5.9 10−4 K C
CoO(s) + H2 (g) Co(s) + H2O(g) K1 = 60 RT
CoO(s) + CO(g) Co(s) + CO2 (g) K 2 = 400. KC
(3) K P = −4
(4) K P = KC (RT)2
Using this information, K's (at the same 5.9 10
temperature) for
CO2 (g) + H2 (g) CO(g) + H2O(g) K3 = ?
CO(g) + H2 (g) CO2 (g) + H2 (g) K 4 = ?
(1) K3 = 0.15,K 4 = 6.66
(2) K3 = 1.5,K 4 = 66.6
(3) K3 = 15,K 4 = 666
(4) None of these

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JEE XI-GD GOENKA 04 Fab 2024 4

38 For the equilibria: b + a a + a

(1) P atm (2) P atm
A. CaCO3 (s) CaO(s) + CO2 (g) a + b + c + a a + b + c + a
B. N2 (g) + O2 (g) 2NO(g) a(1 − ) a + b + c + a
(3) P atm (4) P atm
1 a + b + c + a b + a
C. H2 (g) + O2 (g) H2 (I)
2 43 At 444ºC, HI was dissociation to the extent of
The equilibrium constants can be best described 30%. If 5 moles of HI was taken initially, what
respectively by : would be the moles of HI at equilibrium ?
P2 1 (1) 2.4 (2) 3.5 (3) 4.2 (4) 5.0
(1) K P = PCO2 ; K P = NO and K P = 1
PN2 .PO2
PH2 PO22 44 The equilibrium constant for the reaction
[CaO] 2
PNO H2 (g) + I2 (g) 2HI(g) is 50 at 500 K. In
(2) KP = ; ; and KP = [H2O] presence of suitable catalyst, equilibrium is
[CaCO3 ] PN2 .PO2
attained four times faster. The equilibrium
constant of the reaction at 500 K in the presence
(3) K P = ; ; and K P = PH2O of catalyst should be
PCaCO3 PN2 .PO2 (1) 200 (2) 4  104 (3) 50 (4) 83.6
[CO2 ] P PH2O
(4) KP = ; KP = NO ; and 45 The equilibrium constant in reversible reaction
[CaO] PN2 .PO2 PH2 .PO2
at a given temperature
(1) Depends on the initial concentration of the
39 For the reaction, A + B C + D at equilibrium reactants
the concentration of A, B and C are 1.0, 2.0 M (2) Depends on the concentration of the products
and 3.0 M respectively and the equilibrium at equilibrium
constant of the reaction is 1.0 10−5 , what will (3) Does not depend on the initial concentrations
be the concentration of D at equilibrium ? (4) It is not characteristic of the reaction
(1) 6.7 10−9 M (2) 6.7 10−6 M
46 Pure ammonia is placed in a vessel at
(3) 6.7 106 M (4) 3.35 10−6 M temperature where its dissociation constant (A)
is appreciable. At equilibrium
40 In a reaction 2A + B C the initial (1) K p does not change with pressure
concentration of A, B and C are 2 mol per litre, (2) (A) does not change with pressure
1 mole per litre and zero respectively. At (3) Concentration of NH3 does not change with
equilibrium, the concentration of B is 0.5
mole/litre. The equilibrium constant for the
(4) Concentration of H 2 is less than that of N 2
reaction will be :
(1) 2.0 (2) 0.5
(3) 1.5 (4) 1.0 47 For the reaction,
AB2 (g) + A(s) B2 (g) + A2 (g) following
41 For a reversible reaction graph is obtained where
2H2S(g) 2H2 (g) + S2 (g). The equilibrium K → Equilibrium Constant
concentration are : T → Temperature in Kelvin
[H2S]e = 0.5 mol L−1 Which of the following will increase the
concentration of AB2 at equilibrium.
[H2 ]e = 0.1 mol L−1
[S2 ]e = 0.4 mol L−1
The value of 'K' would be :
(1) 0.004 mol L−1 (2) 0.08 mol L−1
(3) 0.016 mol L−1 (4) 0.16 mol L−1

42 For the reaction PCl5 PCl3 + Cl2 . Initial

(1) Adding more of A(s)
moles are : a b c. If  is the degree of (2) Decreasing temperature
dissociation and P the total pressure. The partial (3) Adding inert gas at constant volume
pressure of PCl3 is : (4) Decreasing the volume of container
Head Office : D-3221, Indira Nagar Near Munhsipulia, Lucknow (U.P) – 226016 -- Contact No. : 0522-4954072 / 9935552255 | |
JEE XI-GD GOENKA 04 Fab 2024 5

48 If 1.0 mole of I2 is introduced into 1.0 litre flask A B; log k1 = 0.3

at 1000 K, at equilibrium (K C = 10−6 ) which B C; log k 2 = 0.6
one is correct ? C D; log k 3 = 0.1.
(1) [I2(g)  [I(g) ] (2) [I2(g)  [I(g) ] The equilibrium constant for reaction A D
(3) [I2(g) = [I(g) ] (4) [I2(g)  1/ 2[I(g) ] is

49 In the following reaction 3A + B 2C + D 56 The equilibrium PCl5 (g) PCl3 (g) + Cl2 (g)
Initial mole of B is double of A. At equilibrium shows that K P is 24.63 times the value of K C
mole of A and C are equal. Hence % dissociation at a particular temperature T. Then T (in K) is :
of B is :
(1) 60% (2) 10% 57 For NH4 HS(s) NH3 (g) + H2S(g), the
(3) 40 % (4) 33.33% observed pressure for reaction mixture in
equilibrium is 1.12 atm, at 106ºC. The value of
50 According to Le Chatelier's principle adding K P for the reaction is :
heat to a solid and liquid in equilibrium with
endothermic nature will cause the :
(1) Amount of solid to decrease 58 The value of Go of the given reaction at 300 K
(2) Amount of liquid to decrease is Z J/mol 2SO3 (g) → 2SO2 (g) + O2 (g), (K p = 0.95)
(3) Temperature to rise [ln(0.95) = –0.05, R = 8.3 J/mol K]. Find the
(4) Temperature to fall Z
value of
This section contains 10 questions numbered 51 to 59 For the system A(g) + 2B(g) C(g), the
60. Out of which have to attempt 5 Questions only. equilibrium concentration are (A) 0.06 mol/litre
The answer of each question is a numeric value. (B) 0.12 mole/litre (C) 0.216 mole/litre. The
K eq for the reaction is
51 NH3 is heated at 15 atm from 25o C to 34o C
assuming volume constant. The new pressure 60 Two solids A and D dissociates into gaseous
becomes 50 atm at equilibrium of the reaction products as follows
2NH3 N2 + 3H2 Calculate % of moles of A(s) B(g) + C (g) ; K P1 = 300 ; D(s)
NH3 actually decomposed. E(g) + C (g) K P2 = 600
at 27ºC , then find the total pressure of the solid
52 2O3 (g) 3O2 (g) At 300 K, ozone is fifty mixture.
percent dissociated. The standard free energy
change at this temperature and 1 atm pressure is PART- III
(−)J mol−1 . [Given: ln 1.35 = 0.3 and MATHEMATICS (Section-1)
R = 8.3 JK −1 mol−1 ] This section contains 20 questions numbered 61 to
80. Each question has 4 choices (1), (2), (3) and
53 A mixture of 0.3 mole of H 2 and 0.3 mole of I 2 (4), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
is allowed to react in a 10 litre evacuated flask at
500°C. The reaction is H2 + I2 2HI, the K is 61 The normals are drawn from (2k, 0) to the curve
found to be 64. The amount of unreacted I 2 at y 2 = 4x One normal is x-axis. Then the value of
equilibrium is : (in mole) k for which other two normals are perpendicular
to each other is
54 The rate of forward reaction is two times that of 3
(1) (2) 2
reverse reaction at a given temperature and 2
identical concentration Kequilibrium is 5 7
(3) (4)
2 2
55 For hypothetical reaction, the equilibrium
constant (k) values are given

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JEE XI-GD GOENKA 04 Fab 2024 6

62 If the tangents drawn at the points P and Q on 69 The area (in sq units) of the quadrilateral formed
the parabola y2 = 2x − 3 intersect at the point by the tangents at the end points of the latera
R(0, 1), then the orthocentre of the triangle PQR x 2 y2
recta to the ellipse + = 1 is
is : 9 5
(1) (0, 1) (2) (2, –1) 27
(3) (6, 3) (4) (2, 1) (1) (2) 18
63 Tangents are drawn from point P(–1, k) to the 27
(3) (4) 27
circle x 2 + y2 = 4 . The chord of contact of these 2
tangents touch the parabola y2 = 36x , then 70 If the distance between the foci of an ellipse is
value of k can be half the length of its latus rectum, then
3 2 4 eccentricity of the ellipse is
(1) (2) (3) (4) 36
2 3 9 1 2 2 −1
(1) (2)
2 2
64 Two tangents are drawn to parabola y2 = 8x
2 −1
from the point P(2, 5), which touches the (3) 2 − 1 (4)
parabola at A and B, then the acute angle
between tangent PA and PB is
71 Four persons independently solve a certain
 3  3
(1) tan −1   (2) sin −1   1 3 1 1
5 5 problem correctly with probabilities , , ,
2 4 4 8
 3  3 Then the probability that the problem is solved
(3) cos−1   (4) cot −1  
5 5 correctly by at least one of them is
235 21
65 The equation of the parabola whose vertex is at (1) (2)
256 256
(2,-1) and focus at (2,-3) is 3 253
(1) x 2 + 4x − 8y − 12 = 0 (3)
(2) x 2 − 4x + 8y + 12 = 0
72 Three dice are rolled. If the probability of getting
(3) x 2 + 8y = 12 p
different numbers on the three dice is , where
(4) x 2 − 4x + 12 = 0 q
p are q are co-prime, then q – p is equal to
66 Let image of y 2 = 4x in y = x is a parabola. The (1) 2 (2) 1
equation of tangent from (2, 1) to new parabola (3) 3 (4) 4
(1) y = x + 1 (2) x = y + 1 73 In a binomial distribution B(n, p), the sum and
x product of the mean & variance are 5 and 6
(3) y = 2x − 3 (4) y = + 1 respectively, then find 6(n + p – q) is equal to :-
2 (1) 51 (2) 52
67 The minimum & maximum distance of a point (- (3) 53 (4) 50
1, 6) from the ellipse 74 A purse contains 4 copper coins and 3 silver
25x + 9y + 50x + 36y − 164 = 0 are and m
2 2
coins. A second purse contains 6 copper coins
respectively then m2 − 2 equals and 4 silver coins. A purse is chosen randomly
(1) 169 (2) 13 and a coin is taken out of it, then the probability
(3) 100 (4) 160 that it is a copper coin
41 27
68 The eccentricity of the ellipse whose axes are the (1) (2)
70 70
coordinate axes and which passes through the 1 31
points (2, 2) and (3, 1) is (3) (4)
3 70
1 2
(1) (2)
3 3
2 2
(3) (4)
3 5

Head Office : D-3221, Indira Nagar Near Munhsipulia, Lucknow (U.P) – 226016 -- Contact No. : 0522-4954072 / 9935552255 | |
JEE XI-GD GOENKA 04 Fab 2024 7

75 The boy comes from a family of two children. 1 7

What is the probability that the other child is his (1) (2)
2 15
sister? 2 1
1 1 (3) (4)
(1) (2) 15 13
2 3
2 1
(3) (4) (Section-2)
3 4 This section contains 10 questions numbered 81 to
90. Out of which have to attempt 5 Questions only.
76 Let A and B be two events such that
The answer of each question is a numeric value.
2 1 1
P(B | A) = ,P(A | B) = and P(A  B) = .
5 7 9
Consider 81 Let a common tangent to the curves y 2 = 4x and
5 (x − 4)2 + y2 = 16 touch the curves at the points
(S1)P(A  B) =
6 P and Q. Then (PQ)2 is equal to ________.
(S2)P(A  B) = . Then
18 82 The length of chord intercepted on the line 2x +
(1) Both (S1) and (S2) are true y = 2 by the parabola y 2 = 4x , is
(2) Both (S1) and (S2) are false
(3) Only (S1) is true
83 The straight line 3x – 4y + c = 0 intersects the
(4) Only (S2) is true
parabola x 2 = 4y at the points A and B, if the
77 Let E1 and E 2 be two events such that the tangents to the parabola at A and B are
conditional probabilities perpendicular. Find c.
1 3
P(E1 | E 2 ) = ,P(E 2 | E1 ) = and 84 If L is the length of the latus rectum of the
2 4 parabola
P(E1  E 2 ) = . Then : 289{(x − 3)2 + (y − 1)2 } = (15x − 8y + 13)2 , then
(1) P(E1  E 2 ) = P(E1 ).P(E 2 ) L is equal to
(2) P(E1  E 2 ) = P(E1 ).P(E 2 )
(3) P(E1  E2 ) = P(E1 ).P(E2 ) x 2 y2
85 If the foci of the ellipse + = 1 coincide
(4) P(E1  E2 ) = P(E1 ).P(E2 ) 16 b2
x 2 y2 1
78 Twelve tickets are numbered from 1 to 12. One with the foci of the hyperbola − = ,
144 81 25
ticket is drawn at random, then the probability of
the number to be divisible by 2 or 3, is then value of b2 is.
2 7
(1) (2) 86 A fair n (n > 1) faces die is rolled repeatedly until
3 12 a number less than n appears. If the mean of the
5 3 n
(3) (4) number of tosses required is , then n is equal
6 4 9
to ________.
79 Two dice are thrown together. If the numbers
appearing on the two dice are different, then 87 Let A and B are two independent events such
what is the probability that the sum is 6? 1 1
5 1 that P(B) = and P(A  B) = , then the
(1) (2) 2 10
36 6
 A 
2 value of 9P   is
(4) None of these  AB

80 Seven white balls and three black balls are

randomly placed in a row. The probability that
no two black balls are placed adjacently, equals

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JEE XI-GD GOENKA 04 Fab 2024 8

88 A bag contains a mixed lot of red and blue balls. 89 Numbers greater than 1000 but not greater than
If two balls are drawn at random, the probability 4000 which can be formed with the digits 0, 1,
of drawing two red balls is five times the 2, 3, 4 (repetition of digits is allowed), are
probability of drawing two blue balls and the 90 If n P4 = 24. n C5 , then the value of n is
probability of drawing one ball of each colour is
six times the probability of drawing two blue
balls. Then, the total number of red and blue
balls in the bag is

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