PSCLab1 2023 Exp3

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Power Systems Computation Lab-I


Experiment: 03
Gauss Seidel Load Flow

Dr. Mahamad Nabab Alam


Experiment title:
Gauss Seidel Load flow solution Matrix

Write a generalized MATLAB program for load flow solution
using Gauss Seidel method. Validate the same on following
test systems
• 5 bus system
• IEEE 14 bus system

03-10-2023 EE5203 - Dr. M.N. Alam, EED, NITW 2


5 Bus System Data: linedata

S. No. From bus To bus R (pu) X (pu) B (pu) Tap ratio (t)
1 1 2 0.042 0.168 0.082 1.00
2 1 5 0.031 0.126 0.062 1.00
3 2 3 0.031 0.126 0.062 1.00
4 3 4 0.024 0.136 0.164 1.00
5 3 5 0.053 0.210 0.102 1.00
6 4 5 0.063 0.252 0.122 1.00

Base values: 100 MVA and 132 kV

03-10-2023 EE5203 - Dr. M.N. Alam, EED, NITW 3


5 Bus System Data: busdata

Bus Type |v| 𝜃 Pg Qg Pg Qg 𝑄min 𝑄m𝒂𝒙


1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 1 0 50 0 0 0 -500 500
3 2 1 0 100 0 0 0 -500 500
4 3 1 0 0 0 115 60 0 0
5 3 1 0 0 0 85 40 0 0

Base values: 100 MVA and 132 kV

Type of buses; 1:Slack Bus, 2:PV Bus, 3:PQ Bus

03-10-2023 EE5203 - Dr. M.N. Alam, EED, NITW 4


5 Bus System: preliminary result

Bus |v| 𝜃 Pi Qi
(deg) (MW) (MVAR)

1 1 0 0 0
2 1 0 50 0
3 1 0 100 0
4 1 0 0 0
5 1 0 0 0

03-10-2023 EE5203 - Dr. M.N. Alam, EED, NITW 5


IEEE 14 Bus System Data: linedata

S. No. From bus To bus R (pu) X (pu) B (pu) Tap ratio (t)
1 1 2 0.0194 0.0592 0.0528 1.00
2 1 5 0.0540 0.2230 0.0492 1.00
3 2 3 0.0470 0.1979 0.0438 1.00
4 2 4 0.0581 0.1763 0.0374 1.00
5 2 5 0.0569 0.1738 0.0339 1.00
6 3 4 0.0670 0.1710 0.0346 1.00
7 4 5 0.0134 0.0421 0.0128 1.00
8 4 7 0 0.2090 0 0.98
9 4 9 0 0.5562 0 0.97
10 5 6 0 0.2522 0 0.93
11 6 11 0.0950 0.1989 0 1.00
12 6 12 0.1229 0.2557 0 1.00
13 6 13 0.0661 0.1302 0 1.00
14 7 8 0 0.1762 0 1.00
15 7 9 0 0.1100 0 1.00
16 9 10 0.0318 0.0845 0 1.00
17 9 14 0.1270 0.2703 0 1.00
18 10 11 0.0820 0.1920 0 1.00
19 12 13 0.2209 0.1999 0 1.00
20 13 14 0.1709 0.3479 0 1.00
03-10-2023 EE5203 - Dr. M.N. Alam, EED, NITW 6

IEEE 14 Bus System Data: busdata

Bus Type |v| 𝜃 Pg Qg Pg Qg 𝑄min 𝑄m𝒂𝒙
1 1 1.06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 1.045 0 18.3 5.857 0 0 -500 500
3 3 1 0 0 0 119 8.762 0 0
4 3 1 0 0 0 47.79 3.9 0 500
5 3 1 0 0 0 7.599 1.599 0 0
6 2 1.07 0 11.2 44.2 0 0 -500 500
7 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 3 1 0 0 0 0 12.9 0 0
9 3 1 0 0 0 29.499 16.599 0 0
10 3 1 0 0 0 9 5.799 0 0
11 3 1 0 0 0 3.501 1.8 0 0
12 3 1 0 0 0 6.099 1.599 0 0
13 3 1 0 0 0 13.5 5.799 0 0
14 3 1 0 0 0 14.901 5.001 0 0
Base values: 100 MVA and 132 kV
Type of buses; 1:Slack Bus, 2:PV Bus, 3:PQ Bus

03-10-2023 EE5203 - Dr. M.N. Alam, EED, NITW 7


IEEE 14 Bus System: preliminary result

Bus |v| 𝜃 Pi Qi
(deg) (MW) (MVAR)

1 1 0 0 0
2 1 0 50 0
3 1 0 100 0
4 1 0 0 0
5 1 0 0 0

03-10-2023 EE5203 - Dr. M.N. Alam, EED, NITW 8

Report Submission Format

1. Experiment Title
2. Aim of the Experiment
3. Theory
• Basic concepts associated to the experiment
• Key assumptions if required
4. MATLAB Codes
• Printout of m-file or screenshot of the codes
• First line of code should be your roll no and name, such as,
• % ABC – XYZ where ABC is roll no and XYZ is the name of the student
5. Results
• Results in tabular/figure or any other suitable form
• Copy or screenshot of the results (command window)
6. Observations

03-10-2023 EE5203 - Dr. M.N. Alam, EED, NITW 9

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