Engine Technology International - January 2020
Engine Technology International - January 2020
Engine Technology International - January 2020
Chevrolet’s all-new
mid-engine sports
car and its LT2 V8
is more than next
generation – it’s
next level for GM
Could a low-carbon, high-power technology that’s produced
using renewable energy help save the IC engine and realize
the sustainable automotive transportation dream?
AVL Powertrain Engineering designs and develops all elements of ICE, BEV and FCEV powertrain systems
and integrates these systems into the vehicle and/or stationary or marine applications. We complement
our portfolio with solutions for ADAS / Autonomous Driving. Our Technical and Engineering Centers
around the globe, make us a global partner for the automotive and non-road industry worldwide.
Chevrolet’s all-new
mid-engine sports
and its LT2 V8 car
is much more than
next generation
it’s next level for–
TECH INSIDERS Could a low-c
using renew
arbon, high-
able energy help r technology that’s produ
the sustainable save the ced
automotive transpIC engine and realize
ortation dream
56. Liquid
Liqu assets
As the ttransmission
industry continues to
innovate, advances in
50 lubricant technology
proving invaluable
are prov
64. Fuel
Fue for thought
New peperformance and
emissions requirements
are leading
lead to greater
demand for complex
injection technologies
Editor-in-chief: Dean Slavnich
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And you know what, it was such a lovely way to travel. to Amsterdam I thought to myself: this is what travel Engine + Powertrain Technology
International USPS 016-699 is published
This has been a year of train journeys for me, having also will be like when fully autonomous, all-electric, silent- quarterly by UKi Media & Events, Abinger
House, Church Street, Dorking, Surrey,
‘done’ London to Edinburgh back in June and New York running vehicles take over. And yeah, I’m for that, but RH4 1DF, UK.
to Washington DC before that. I can’t say I am with the AV movement 100%. Airfreight and mailing in the USA by agent
named Air Business Ltd, c/o Worldnet
When it’s on time and there are no signal failures, ice Leaving Amsterdam – a city where one sees more Shipping USA Inc, 155-11 146 th Street,
Jamaica, New York, 11434. Periodicals
(or leaves) on the tracks or points problems, traveling BEVs than ICEs – I could think of only one thing: in the postage paid at Jamaica, New York 11431.
US Postmaster: send address changes
by train really is a five-star experience. Especially when coming week McLaren is loaning us a 720S. And amen to Engine + Powertrain Technology
International, c/o Air Business Ltd,
you’re in first class. to that, I thought! Because sometimes, as calm and c/o Worldnet Shipping USA Inc, 155-11
146 th Street, Jamaica, New York, 11434.
And in many respects it’s a far more environmentally comfortable as it can be traveling without needing to be Subscription records are maintained at
friendly way of traveling, especially if the carriages are at the wheel, you honestly can’t beat that exhilaration UKi Media & Events, Abinger House,
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full, the train is moving a large number of people, and when you’re fully in command of a car you love with an Air Business is acting as our mailing agent.
it’s an electric operator, of course. But man, it can be engine you appreciate. For now at least, I’ll be putting a If you wish to cancel your subscription to
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No new car this year has created as much buzz analytically first. This time,
as the eighth-generation (C8) Chevrolet Corvette since we didn’t have models for
Stingray, the first mid-engine model in the sports a mid-engine [installation], we
car’s 67-year history. The Stingray’s powerplant is went out to get data on what the
still a 6.2-liter, Gen 5 Small Block V8, but this new application was going to look like.
LT2 version has received a major makeover for life That helped us to refine our models
behind the cabin. up-front and hit the ground running
“It all started about four and a half years ago,” when we got into a more conventional
says Mike Kociba, assistant chief engineer for the development program timing.
LT2. “We began by taking an LT1 [the C7 Stingray “That early work was a major benefit to
motor] and modifying it so that we could evaluate us because we’ve had a tremendous amount of
what challenges we would have with the unique success with the LT2 all through the [development]
packaging and the additional track capability that lifecycle. It helped us to focus on getting everything LT2 is filled with 0W40 oil that
the vehicle group required. buttoned up in time for production.” has been developed by Mobil
“We started vehicle testing way earlier than The biggest change from the LT1 to the LT2 is an to be suitable for street use and
track performance. Previously,
we would have in a conventional application,” he all-new dry-sump lubrication system. The team was Stingray owners had to replace
expands. “The first engine we made went directly tasked with delivering a unit that would handle 1.25g the LT1’s 5W30 oil with 15W50
into a car, whereas usually we’d do everything under longitudinal and lateral acceleration. ahead of taking the car on track
high speed with the oil collecting during production testing. “But we’re very pleased
with the flow of power in this car,” comments Kociba,
in the overhead of the engine” “how efficiently this thing puts torque to the ground,
and that positioning is part of it.”
Mike Kociba, assistant chief engineer, General Motors
Take a breath
Also new is the intake manifold, where the
repositioning of the motor worked to the engine
team’s advantage and helped to unlock more
power through better breathing.
“Although it had to go lower in the car for mating
to the transaxle and to achieve the lower center of
gravity, one advantage of moving the engine to the
back was that the top was now not as big a factor
for the driver’s sightline,” he relates. “We were able
to make the intake manifold about 75mm taller,
which is what we’d have preferred it to be on LT1.
That enabled us for the first time to make all the
intake runners of equal length – 210mm – and
to increase the plenum volume from 11 liters to
14 liters, which helps the overall balance of the
manifold. The larger plenum really helps with
high-speed power, too.”
The relocation also means that the Small Block’s
intake manifold is reversed. Air now enters around
cylinders 7 and 8 instead of 1 and 2. The air cleaner
sits behind the engine and transmission.
“Switching it isn’t as dramatic a change as it
sounds, but at the same time we had to make sure
that all of the cylinders got equal amounts of purge
and that all of the crankcase ventilation systems
are still balanced.”
Meanwhile, the LT2’s entire combustion chamber
is carried over from LT1 including valvetrain, pistons
and rods. The camshafts have a different lift profile
– up from 13.5mm to 14mm – and the duration is
slightly changed on both sides as well, to take
full advantage of the extra flow capacity. The
accessories remain on the front of the engine.
RD F-250/F-350
Layout: V8
placement: 7,293cc
pression ratio: 10.5:1
wer: 436ps @ 5,500rpm
Max. power:
Max. torque:
que: 644Nm @ 4,000rpm
Stroke: 101mm
Bore: 107.2mm
Ford Super Duty pickup customers looking for In these applications, the new engine makes
something beefier than a 6.2-liter gasoline V8 a dyno-certified 355ps and 635Nm of torque
have hitherto had to turn to the 6.7-liter Power both at 3,900rpm. Compact dimensions
Stroke diesel. A new option opens up for the and commonality of parts across different
2020 model year, however, with the addition applications make life easier for technicians.
of an all-new, 7.3-liter gasoline V8. These considerations led to a cam-in-block,
The new motor, which was built in Windsor, pushrod design for the 7.3, as on the 6.7 diesel.
Canada, and makes a chassis-certified 436ps “We knew that our customers did not want
and 644Nm in the F-250 and F-350 pickups, a high-revving engine,” Beltramo explains. “This
will serve customers who need more capability engine is intended for very high durability [at low
but can’t justify the on-cost of the diesel motor, revs] and in the dyno-certified business you
or live in regions where diesel is sold at a premium. don’t want to be making significant power above
“The 7.3 closes the gap between gasoline and 4,000rpm as your CO 2 numbers will be too high. Above and bottom left: The 7.3 motor is paired with the Ford-
the large-displacement turbodiesel,” says Ford Fundamentally, we weren’t going to push the built, 10-speed heavy-duty TorqShift automatic on all models
engineering manager Joel Beltramo, who worked engine into RPM ranges where a dual-overhead except F-650 and F-750, which retain the 6-speed unit
on both the 6.7 and the new 7.3. “In our fatigue cam [DOHC] configuration starts to shine; there
tests, the 7.3 runs fairly close in total number of are packaging negatives with DOHC in how tall
hours to what we require from our turbodiesels. and wide the cylinder heads get.”
That matches up with our expectations of how Work on the development program began That deep-skirted block features six bolts
hard some customers will run them towing.” in 2017 at Ford in Dearborn, Michigan. From the per cap – four for the primary loads and two
start, the high durability requirements informed cross-bolts – to create what Beltramo describes
Data mining the materials choices, which routinely pointed as a “very stout” bottom end. The forged PM
Ford tapped into an extensive database toward a premium material normally used for connecting rods are machined in-house by Ford
of Super
per Duty customer data to shape the a turbocharged EcoBoost gasoline or Powe Power to the final dimensions, as are the gravity-cast
rements for the new motor, as well Stroke diesel engine, even though the normnormally aluminum heads.
as examining
amining current and possible future aspirated 7.3 won’t see the same peak Meanwhile, the variable-displacement oil
sions rules. The requirements pressures and elevated temperatures
temperatur pump technology is proven in Class 8 trucks.
were best met by a clean-sheet as the turbo motors. Through software links to the powertrain
design n rather than a derivative Some examples of control module (PCM), the pump not only
of a lighter-duty
ghter-duty engine. this quest for “extreme varies displacement based on RPM, load and
se of maintenance durability” include th
the temperature, but through a large portion of the
was a consideration for iron block’s deep sskirt engine’s operating range also maintains a set
mercial operators, and the forged steel
ste pressure in the gallery to feed the bearings.
cially as the 7.3 crankshaft, as well
w “If the engine starts to wear, or the pump
will also
lso replace as the materials
material wears, or oil viscosity is not what we would
the two-
wo- and three- chosen for the have expected, the PCM alters the displacement
valve versions of valves and val
valve on the pump so that the pressure in the main
the 6.8-liter
8-liter Triton seats. Piston gallery is still exactly what we designed and
V10 inn various Ford cooling jets and tested to,” says Beltramo. “It’s able to compensate
um-duty work the coating on th
the top for normal wear plus some noise factors in the
trucks,s, E-Series piston ring are lifted
lif lubrication system that we expect to encounter
and stripped
tripped from turbocharged
turbocharg in the real world. The pump technology is
sis models. applications, too.
too intended for very high durability, although
on a gas engine we don’t have soot in the oil
like you would get in [heavy-truck] diesels.”
Inset: The 7.3-liter engine is an option on
the 2020 F-Series Super Duty. It’s also Cool down
standard on the F-450 chassis cab, F-550, On the cooling side, a “slightly oversized”
F-600, F-650 and F-750 medium-duty
trucks, as well as on the E-Series and water pump is driven by the front engine
F-53/F-59 stripped chassis models auxiliary drive. Further cooling technology is
borrowed from the 6.7 diesel and the 6R and
10R transmission families in the shape of using
engine coolant to heat engine oil in extremely
cold weather.
“When oil is cold it can collect unburned
fuel from blow-by past the rings and water from
combustion,” says Beltramo. “That can really
kill the performance of engine oil during the
winter in some regions of Canada, for example.
We ran some very severe, prolonged tests this
past winter where we were idling well beyond
the recommended oil-change interval. The truck
is basically stationary for well over 500 hours.
“When we checked the oil quality at the
end of the testing, we found that besides
the additive package being within industry
expected range, the amount of fuel and water
in the oil was negligible. We had effectively
not allowed any fuel or water to build up in
the oil, extending its life.”
Box clever
It didn’t take long for Porsche to cave in to demand
and add a few more cylinders to the 718 line-up
Well that didn’t last long. In the same year that The UK has still not left the EU and the USA still a modern-day homage to how things once were for
the UK voted to leave the European Union and the has Trump as commander-in-chief, but Porsche’s many IC performance engines.
USA voted in Donald Trump as president, Porsche resolve for all things four-cylinder for the 718 twins The 3,995cc motor is a naturally aspirated heart
‘controversially’ launched the 718 range exclusively broke earlier this year. Caving in to fan and media that’s paired with a 6-speed manual transmission.
with four-pot power. pressure alike – and probably market demand Yes, you read that right: atmo – tick; stick shift – tick;
And while performance, dynamics and general too – in June the German automotive engineering Porsche – tick.
handling were all ‘up’ compared with the outgoing powerhouse surprised the entire industry when it Speaking exclusively to ETi, Baumann explains
Cayman and Boxster models, Porsche aficionados announced a new 4.0 six-cylinder boxer had been the thinking behind the 718 powertrain expansion:
the world over were desperately missing something. created for the 982 family. “The discussion early on was turbocharged or
Well, two things to be precise: cylinders number five “When the project was launched the question not turbocharged [for this development], and we
and six from the drivetrain. was what engine should we use, and it was clear decided to go for a naturally aspirated engine, and
very soon after that we wanted to use a six-cylinder put focus on the linear behavior, and of course the
engine,” states Markus Baumann, team leader for fantastic sound of a six-cylinder boxer.”
Porsche wanted to develop
development of boxer engines at Porsche.
a six-cylinder that offered
greater sound and linear And this isn’t any ordinary 4-liter six-cylinder that 911 base
behavior than the preceding Porsche engineers have been secretly working on But you’d be wrong in thinking Porsche went big
718 GT4 and Spyder engine for the brand’s ‘entry level’ sports car range. This is with this 718 engine and started development from
a total clean-sheet. Quite the opposite, in fact. The because it’s better suited to higher revs, explains The engine management system adjusts the
‘new’ 420ps unit is essentially based on the 9A2 Baumann, as well as allowing for a higher opening timing of the four VarioCam camshafts according
Evo 3.0 turbocharged engine family that powers velocity of the valve to feed even more air into the to load requirement and engine speed over an
the 911 (992) Carrera models. However, there’s combustion chamber. In addition, an advanced adjustment range of 30 crankshaft degrees on
more to this six-cylinder than just lobbing off a few variable intake system with two resonance valves either outlet side.
turbos and increasing overall displacement. ensures optimum gas exchange in the cylinders. The 420ps – which, by the way, represents an
“What we made totally new [for this engine] is increase of 35ps compared with the previous GT4
the cylinder head, because for a naturally aspirated Welcome change model and 45ps on the outgoing Spyder – comes in
engine we need bigger valve diameters, and the Interestingly, the 4.0 displacement was picked to at 7,600rpm and is complemented by 420Nm of
valvetrain is also new,” adds Baumann when asked differentiate it from the previous 3.8-liter powertrain torque between 5,000rpm and 6,800rpm. As such,
to point out the differences between the two units. offering that Porsche had in its line-up. As such, both 718 siblings break the 300km/h (186mph)
For the first time, piezo injectors are used for both the bore and stroke have had to increase – barrier, with the Spyder topping at 301km/h and
direct fuel injection in a high-revving application. 102mm and 81.5mm respectively. the GT4 at 304km/h. Max engine speed is a
They essentially split each injection process into deliciously old-school 8,000 revolutions.
up to five individual injections, meaning that the Another new technical highlight to this design,
entire technical setup supports a complete which features a gasoline particulate filter emission
combustion process. control system, is adaptive cylinder control, which
Instead of triple tappets, the means in part-operation the technology temporarily
718 racer has finger followers, interrupts the injection process in one of the two
cylinder banks, therefore reducing the overall fuel
consumption and cutting CO2 emissions by as much
Based on the 9A2 Evo as 11g/km.
3-liter that was developed It achieves this by shutting down the bank
for the 992 911 models, the
of cylinders between 1,600rpm and 3,000rpm
4-liter atmo 718 engine was
given an all-new cylinder and a load request of up to 100Nm. Temporarily
head and valvetrain design interrupting the injection process on one of the two
engine banks, the setup effectively operates the
engine in three-cylinder mode, switching banks in
a constant load situation every 20 seconds to ensure
a uniform load flow though the catalytic converters.
As a result, Porsche says the correlated fuel
consumption of the mid-engined rear-wheel-drive
sports cars is 10.9 l/100km according to the NEDC,
while the emissions level for both cars is rated at
249g/km CO2.
What career did you want when you were If you had no restrictions at all, what would
growing up? your dream engine be?
I actually studied air and spacecraft design. For me, the ideal engine would be responsive
And one day, when I was applying for jobs, and have no negative environmental effects.
my girlfriend put a newspaper in front of me Years ago, Mazda produced an RX-8 with
and there was a half-page advertisement. a hydrogen rotary engine. It was a show car,
It read, ‘Mazda is opening an R&D center in but it would be smart to do something like that.
Oberursel, Germany. We are searching for
lightweighting engineers.’ So my girlfriend Does legislation help or hinder development?
said, “You make airplanes and rockets, you The legislators are not engine experts. They
can make designs for lightweight cars.” So are dependent on external information. The
I applied, and a fortnight later I had the job. problem is that current legislation is a little too
At that time I thought I’d only be with Mazda one-dimensional. The world is complicated
for three years, but it’s interesting. In 1994, for and to believe that a single solution like
example, I made the first electric car in Europe, electrification will solve all our problems is
based on a Mazda Carol. There have always too simplistic. I wish a more comprehensive
PROFILE: been opportunities to work on projects that analysis would be done.
CHRISTIAN SCHULTZE are really fun.
What was the benchmark for Skyactiv-X?
Job title: Technology research director What was your first-ever car and what do you Mazda as a company doesn’t really go for
Company: Mazda drive now? benchmarks. We say, “In an ideal world, what
I have a diesel Mazda CX-5. For me, the 2.2 would the engine be like?” And then we say,
diesel is a super engine because it has great “Really lean, adiabatic, with maybe a super
torque and I often drive 400km to Brussels. Miller cycle. That would be ideal.’” But we
My first car was a 1971 Beetle. It produced are fair enough to ourselves to say we are
50ps and consumed about 10 l/100km. not good enough to do that.
Of course, we look left and right to see what pressure sensors for each of the cylinders. kappa can be influenced through the use of
others have achieved, but it is not our start point. Then, based on the pressure curve, we can a lean mixture.
We identify the most desirable solution and then judge if the pressure is at dangerous levels We reached that level of understanding
figure out if there are principle hurdles that will or not, and whether we need to change the maybe four or five years ago. At the beginning,
prevent us from doing that. injection parameters or ignition timing. All it was just basic research. Then we undertook
these things are changed in real time, so a lot of simulation activities, using single pistons
How did the Skyactiv-X development differ we use a high-speed, high-capability ECU. made from glass and high-speed cameras, and
from the company’s previous engine projects? once we fully understood how we can control
We could not do what we are doing with a How long did it take for Mazda to get what is going on in the engine, we started the
normal engine ECU. To get to higher power Skyactiv-X to the point of production? actual development [of Skyactiv-X]. I think
levels you need more fuel, but you can’t inject It is important to distinguish between the engine we got to that point around three years ago.
it at the very beginning because it would be too concept and the actual development activity. It
unstable. You are in danger of self-ignition or was 2008 when we started to sketch and draft How many prototypes were used during the
lack of compression. the idea for Skyactiv-X. At that point, we had development of Skyactiv-X?
So we had to find another way of handling just developed a chart and looked at the control As you can imagine, with a compression ratio
high load. That’s why we have a super-high- factors for higher efficiency. of 16.3:1 and engine knock, you can kill quite
pressure injection system – to inject super We were thinking about what kappa is a few engines if you want. But we didn’t have
late into the fully compressed gas. The 700- dependent on. We understood that if we could many running prototypes; we tried to avoid
bar system is needed to atomize the fuel. Also, change kappa, we would have a great deal of them because it’s very expensive. We had
to prevent knocking we introduced real-time influence [on the efficiency]. We realized that some for late-stage testing.
usin a low-c
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Alternative fuels to
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Fueling change
Illustration: Sean Rodwell
he rapid decarbonization of 1
transportation looks set be one of
mankind’s biggest challenges. This
sector accounts for over a quarter
of global CO2 emissions, according
to the World Health Organization, making
it a sizeable contributor to climate change.
Yet it’s also a deep-rooted system, difficult to
reinvent and harder still to replace wholesale.
But what if it didn’t have to be? At a pilot
plant in British Columbia, an alternative is
taking shape, delivered not by a revolution
in the drivetrains, but by redesigning the fuel 1. Carbon Engineering’s
licensing model means
that goes into them. Synthetically produced that it will give blueprints
from thin air using renewable energy and and training to any partner
fully compatible with today’s vehicles and the companies, allowing them
to build their own plants
current infrastructure, Carbon Engineering’s
2. The plant in Squamish,
automotive alchemy isn’t the stuff of science BC, Canada, can capture
fiction, even if at first glance it might appear up to 1 ton of CO2 every day
to be. It’s a combination of familiar, proven
processes and an existing supply chain – and 2
it’s ready to scale up.
Air to fuels
Based next to renewable energy sources, the
plants are able to produce carbon-neutral hydrogen
from water using electrolysis and heat the calcium
carbonate pellets to release CO 2. The two gases are
then heated in the presence of a catalyst, forming
synthetic hydrocarbons via the Fischer-Tropsch
process. Any CO 2 released during this process
can be recaptured using Carbon Engineering’s
innovative technology.
energy content per liter compared with the particulates and almost no sulfur – ideal for
equivalent fossil fuels, and – although he sees the marine sector, which is also facing ever-
a limited demand for doing so – the process tightening limits on the latter.
can also be adapted to produce gasoline. Fuel companies have, naturally, taken
The knock-on effect is a much easier, faster an interest – Chevron is among the investor
potential roll-out. At US$1/liter, production partners in the organization. And Oldham
costs are said to be in line with biofuels, but says that solves a forthcoming challenge for
the technology requires 100 times less land them: “Here in North America, our launch
and water and isn’t location-dependent. market, we have several states, provinces and
What’s more, it’s designed as a drop-in federal agencies that have imposed carbon
alternative, capable of being run at 100% intensity limits on fossil fuels. The refiners
concentration without modifying the engine, are looking for low-carbon synthetic fuels
and compatible with existing distribution and to blend with. And because our fuel is made
retail infrastructure. Combustion emits fewer from atmospheric CO2 in the first place, we’re
Electrification is beginning to gather pace with road
and marine transportation, but the energy density of
liquid fuels makes them harder to replace in aviation.
Pressure is mounting however; IATA data suggests
the aviation sector accounts for 2% of all man-made
CO 2 emissions, and operators have had to report
emissions outputs since the start of 2019.
“The need is greatest in aviation, because there’s
no other solution to decarbonize it, but the regulation
is slowest in that area,” states Oldham. “If you’re a
regulator, you don’t legislate for changes to aviation
while having no solution. So aviation may become the
earliest adopter of carbon-neutral fuel, because its
need is greatest and its next-best alternative is way that economy. So, we think that’s a very “Decarbonization and addressing the
more expensive.” powerful capability.” climate change issue requires multiple
Low-carbon fuels could offer quick reductions. The In turn, the hope is that this can be solutions; we are merely one tool in the
International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) rolled out quickly. Carbon Engineering toolbox,” he outlines.
says the US aviation sector burned 12.5 billion gallons operates on a licensing model, providing “Electric vehicles are great, biofuels
of fuel in 2018, or around 3.8% of the total 315 billion
blueprints and training for companies are great, and we’ve become a piece of
gallons of crude oil used that year, based on US Energy
Information Administration reporting. So Oldham sees
to build as many of their own plants as the jigsaw. It’s going to be challenging
its work with Occidental offering a good fit. they need. The components are shared to replace a billion cars with electric
“EOR is about 5% of US crude production today. with other industries, so there’s no need vehicles in the timeline that we need
If all of that 5% of fuel production in the USA became for a new supply chain and no reliance to get to zero emissions. So having a
carbon neutral [using captured carbon], then that on non-existent economies of scale. synthetic fuel that is carbon neutral, or
5% could be dedicated to aviation – and then you The technology is ready, says Oldham, almost carbon neutral, and compatible
decarbonize aviation,” he says. but the legislation around the carbon with the cars that currently exist, is
intensity of fuels needs to catch up. a great tool to have.”
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A new performance
Driving force
ston Martin Racing has enjoyed
a history of success. An integral
part of the brand’s DNA, Aston
Martin’s involvement in motorsport
has seen the company rake in
numerous Le Mans and world championship
titles over the years. And over the last 15, it
is Prodrive that deserves much of the credit.
Working relatively quietly behind the
scenes, it is the UK company that optimizes
the engines at the core of each AMR car. And
while much of the recent work at Prodrive has
been focused on enhancing the turbocharged
4-liter that sits under the hood of Aston’s V8
Vantage road car for competition in GTE, GT3
and GT4, the British company’s expertise in
powertrain development is extensive.
It was Prodrive that developed the 608ps
2-liter, four-cylinder unit that powers the GC
Kompetition Mégane RS RX. Built from the
ground up, a clean-sheet engine design was
something that hadn’t been seen in Rallycross
before. It was also Prodrive that drove Subaru’s
legendary rally accomplishments for almost
20 years, starting in the early 1990s.
The company’s capabilities aren’t restricted
to motorsport either. The brand’s Automotive
Technology sector specializes in electric and
hybrid vehicles, as well as electrohydraulic
and electromechanical actuation systems.
Past development projects include the
creation of the first hybrid Transit powertrain
for Ford, and design of the advanced active
aero systems that feature on the McLaren P1.
Power trip
Not one to rest on its laurels, Prodrive
is expanding its development capabilities
with the opening of its advanced Powertrain
Development Centre (PDC). Located in the
Prodrive’s new Powertrain very heart of the UK automotive industry at
Development Centre has the company’s Banbury HQ, and supported by
a dedicated engine build the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership
room, fitted out by Dura.
This facility allows the (OxLEP) through the UK government’s Local
company to assemble Growth Fund, the £5m (US$6.2m) purpose-
up to 12 motors at a time built facility was constructed over a period
of six months and began operation in the first
week of July.
1. The new US$6.2m in the past with all the workshop equipment.
development facility That ensures everything you buy is relevant
CHANGE OF HEART has been fitted with
a 660kW transient
to the business that you’ve got.”
At the core of the facility is a 660kW transient dynamometer. Equipped dynamometer. The Building as you go is a philosophy that
with temperature-, humidity- and pressure-controlled induction air, the advanced, modular has served Prodrive well in the past, both
system can replicate all running conditions, as well as providing engine, system can handle
in terms of capability and knowledge. Each
battery and motor cooling. The dyno, which is fixed to a modular grid outputs of 892ps
system, is capable of handling outputs of up to 892ps at up to 10,000rpm. at up to 10,000rpm development project is taken on in the hope
“The whole grid system is AV-mounted, isolating it from any vibration,” 2. The Prodrive team that it will push the team’s experience and
explains Shaw. “At the moment, we have the cell laid out for ICE testing, has helped develop understanding further. “Every project we
powertrain systems do stretches us in an area,” explains Shaw.
but the way that we have constructed the room allows us to test any
for a wide range of
powertrain configuration. We can put four hub dynos in there, or we can production vehicles, “The WRX project [Mégane RS RX] improved
have an IC engine and two hub dynos, and it is big enough that we can get including the PHEV our analysis capability as it is an extremely
an entire vehicle in there if needed.” Ford Transit and the stressed engine and we had a very short space
Adjacent to the dyno test cell is a dedicated engine build room, fitted Aston Martin Vulcan
of time to do it. We built it in January and it
out by Dura, which can accommodate the assembly of up to 12 units at
a time. This capability, coupled with the PDC’s location adjacent to the
raced in March.
main workshop, enables Prodrive to build complete vehicles and cater “And then the Aston Martin Vulcan was an
for OEM projects requiring around 200-300 units in short timeframes. unknown because of the focus on appearance.
For Prodrive, future-proofing was a key part of the development. That The carbon fiber had to be lacquered with
meant that the company designed the site with scope to double the size zero imperfections, meaning our standards
of the PDC in future. But while there is potential to add another identical had to improve. The AMR branded road cars
dyno and engine build room without extending the existing building, the were a challenge because of the emissions
company was keen not to over-equip the facility. regulations and added driveability required.
With each project, we like to step a little bit
further on.”
2 The build was led by the Prodrive team, While Prodrive’s standing within the
with input from Sierra CP. “There were quite motorsport industry continues to grow with
a few contractors involved with the project, more and more projects being taken on all the
but it was Prodrive that very much steered time, the PDC could have the larger impact
the specification. First, we specified what on passenger vehicle development. With track
we needed to do, then Sierra CP designed the competition often the unofficial testing ground
plant. The bed frame and engine installation for next-gen road car technology, improved
– that was all us,” notes Shaw. “We made sure development capability as well as extensive
that we can use it to do what we need to do motorsport experience means Prodrive is well
now, but there is scope to expand in future.” placed to lead the way.
“I think we will start to see more production
Built to order projects in future,” says Shaw. “We have the
“We felt it was much better to buy for what we skills to take on those development programs.
knew we needed now, and then when we get And in the meantime, we are working on our
a project, more can be added, knowing that own research projects to further develop our
you’re getting the exact kit that you need for knowledge, because the market is moving on
that program,” says Shaw. “We’ve done that at a pace.”
D Engine testing in R & D environments Power Generation Pump & Compressor Marine
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D Can be perfectly matched to the application
laboratories boast new state-of-the-art technology
including a 4WD emissions chassis dynamometer
and 4WD powertrain test rig. ETi took a trip to
Bedfordshire, UK, to inspect them first-hand
or the past 36 or so months Variable Temperature Emissions Chamber and also made the decision to invest in a new
at Millbrook, employees in the 18 other engine test cells on-site. powertrain rig. We saw that the market
propulsion test department have “In 2013, we set a strategy for how we would needed something that is halfway between
been sharing their workspace with replace our light-duty chassis dynamometers an engine test bench and a chassis dyno.
a team of construction workers. and began planning and development for the “Then we refurbed the entire laboratory to
And ongoing upgrades have transformed the first 4WD emissions chassis dyno in 2015. completely modernize it, and the soak space
propulsion center into the most comprehensive The facility opened in early 2017,” explains to support a diversity of vehicles.”
facility of its kind in the UK. Recent system Phil Stones, chief engineer for propulsion.
installations include two new 4WD climatic “It was designed from the start with a vision Advanced dynos
emissions chassis dynos, a state-of-the-art that we would build a second one, so during The two advanced 4WD climatic emissions
4WD powertrain test system and a PEMS that time we solidified the plans for phase chassis dynamometers are housed in separate
workshop, all of which accompany the two, and the PEMS workshop. In 2016, we test cells, each measuring 13 x 6.5 x 3.5m.
synchronous motors: 4x 350kW
Nominal power absorption: 750kW
Torque: 3,500Nm +20% overload
Maximum speed: 3,000min-1
Simulated inertia: 0.84kgm2
Battery simulator: 1x 350kW can also be angled, and the fan placed in set
speed modes.
The new 4WD powertrain test rig can
be used for full vehicle evaluation of small
They’re equipped with AVL emissions systems, city cars to SUVs, as well as system testing.
with four-phase CVS sample systems and two The rig incorporates four individual wheel
raw measurement paths all controlled through motors, giving a nominal power absorption of
AVL’s IGEM operating system. For testing 750kW, using four ultra-dynamic synchronous
without the emissions equipment, both rigs motors each rated at 350kW, 3,500Nm (+20%
have an exhaust extract system. overload). Each dyno has a wheel simulated
Each of the dynos is four-wheel drive, using inertia of 0.84kgm2, and can reach a maximum
a roller diameter of 1.22m and a wheelbase speed of 3,000min-1. The new facility is also
range of 1.8m to 4.6m. They can simulate equipped with a 350kW Kratzer battery
inertias from 454kg to 5,448kg when used simulator (1,000V/1,000A).
over the WLTC. Maximum operating speed
is 250km/h and maximum axle load 4,500kg. Total vehicle analysis
The dynamometers have a continuous power The Millbrook facility has further high-tech
of 220kW per axle 2WD, 330kW 4WD (total), test equipment including an AVL Fuel Exact
and an overload power of (10s) 432kW per measurement solution with temperature
axle 2WD, 648kW 4WD (total). Both dynos conditioning, which can measure up to 70
offer the capability for dynamic temperatures and 32 pressures, a dual-stream
gradient simulation to accurately raw emissions bench, and a speed tracking
“We also decided to invest replicate real road profiles.
The Millbrook facilities have
fan up to 160km/h.
Cell and engine intake air can be controlled
in a new powertrain rig. We a temperature replication range
of -20°C to +50°C, with a climatic
between 18°C and 25°C ±1°C; engine coolant
to ±1°C; and test bench intercooler to ±1°C.
saw that the market needed control accuracy of ±1.5°C over
the test cycles.
For more flexible, efficient analysis, the cell
is outfitted with an advanced driving robot
something that is halfway Each cell has a speed tracking and 24-hour automation capabilities.
fan with a frontal area of 0.5m 2 In addition to conventional powertrain
between an engine test up to 140km/h and 0.3m 2 at engineering work, the equipment can be used
200km/h. The fans are vertically to analyze the propulsion system and vehicle
bench and a chassis dyno” adjustable to match the vehicle’s systems together. “Traditionally, we would
Phil Stones, chief engineer for propulsion, Millbrook height, while the frontal vanes develop the powertrain while the vehicle
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p against a somewhat gloomy and From ultra-high-revving atmo V12s to
uncertain backdrop for both the
charged hybrid V6s, Aston Martin chief
company and the industry it’s in,
Aston Martin has a rather bold powertrain engineer Joerg Ross has
powertrain strategy currently in a lot going on. ETi takes an exclusive
motion. Its Vantage and DBS Superleggera
showpieces carry either a Mercedes-AMG trip to Gaydon to find out how he’s
turbo V8 or one of the latest turbocharged keeping all the projects on track
versions of AM’s long-serving V12. Meanwhile,
the engines for the upcoming DBX SUV have
yet to be announced, but logic points toward WORDS:
that AMG eight-cylinder being the starting MARC NOORDELOOS
point, with other options coming later. The
ultra-limited Valkyrie and track-only Valkyrie
AMR Pro both use an ultra-high-revving electric models, starting with the Rapide E.
12-cylinder with KERS-like battery tech. With so many different and varied engineering
Two further upcoming mid-engined models projects currently on the go, it’s clear that
– Vanquish and the even higher-end Valhalla chief powertrain engineer Joerg Ross has
– will use an all-new, in-house-charged V6 quite the task ahead of him to whip all of this
with hybrid technology. And then there’s the into shape at Aston Martin in an ‘as soon as
realistically possible’ type of timeframe.
Ross started at Aston Martin in Q3 of 2017,
after time at Ferrari, Ford and engineering
services provider AIV. Born in Remscheid,
Germany, he was head of advanced powertrain
at Maserati before joining the British luxury
car maker. When Ross arrived in the UK, the
608ps AE31 turbocharged 5.2 V12 in the
DB11 was already in customers’ hands.
Much has been speculated as to just how
‘new’ this engine was at launch. It traces its
roots back to DB11’s predecessor, DB9, which
was revealed in 2003. That was the first of the
modern-era Aston Martins carrying a 450ps,
naturally aspirated, 5.9-liter version of the V12.
“The combustion system [in the 5.2 V12] is
quite an old one,” admits Ross. “It is port fuel
injection with secondary air to make sure that
emissions levels are okay. New technologies
ston Martin’s recent financial
struggles have been very well
documented, from a falling
share price to a reported £121m
(US$156m) bond sale that requires
the car maker to pay back 12% interest a year
until 2022. The UK company is in need of a
big win, and with its long-awaited DBX SUV
still undergoing an extensive testing program,
it could well be the US$3.2m Valkyrie that
provides it.
Tasked with designing and manufacturing
the 6.5-liter V12 at the heart of the Aston
Martin hypercar in collaboration with the team
at Red Bull Advanced Technologies, Cosworth
is under pressure to deliver. In early talks, the
British auto maker wanted assurances that
Cosworth would be able to design a 1,000ps
naturally aspirated 12-cylinder that meets
Euro 6 emissions regulations. 1
Strength in
Bruce Wood, technical director at
Cosworth, explains, “Going into this
program, the team at Aston Martin looked
us in the eye and said: ‘You have to guarantee
that you can deliver this, because if you don’t,
you’re going to bankrupt us all.’”
Taking data from previous combustion
projects, Cosworth did a six-week study to
ensure that it was able to do what was being
asked. “[Within the six weeks] we designed
the nucleus of what was going to become
the combustion system,” says Wood. “We
just needed to establish that [we could
comfortably] meet emissions targets with
ETi visits Cosworth’s UK base to discover that combustion system and that we could
the development and manufacturing secrets get the airflow that we needed.”
The primary issue with developing a large
behind the fully structural atmo V12 that sits naturally aspirated performance engine is
at the heart of the Aston Martin Valkyrie that the combustion system needs high air
turbulence for reduced emissions at low speed
and low load. And to get power, the airflow
path has to be high flowing, which creates
highly laminar flow.
1. The Cosworth-designed
“We were fighting with the system,” notes
Wood. “How could we get that very high flow
Aston Martin V12 that will
drive the Valkyrie promises
“Once we had run the three-cylinder
at high loads and also deliver turbulent flow
at low loads? We can’t tell you how we did it,
to generate over 1,000ps
and redline at 11,100rpm
mule, we could tick the box and say,
but that was the trick of the whole project.” ‘Yes, we will definitely be able to
Model behavior meet the emissions requirements’”
To test the combustion system, Wood’s team
Bruce Wood, technical director, Cosworth
took a four-cylinder developed for a previous
project, produced a special crank that had just
three pins and a blank carrier for the fourth definitely be able to meet the emissions The cam covers and the head, for example,
cylinder, and a new head that replicated the requirements.’ Our simulation correlated are cast in 8201 aerospace-grade alloy.
ports, chamber and valve actuation planned well enough. And that is also how we ended Cosworth also chose high-end automotive
for Valkyrie, and placed it on a dyno. up at 1,000hp, because the original target alloy 8354 for the block and sump. Even the
“If we had designed and manufactured a was 950hp, but we ran the three-cylinder rods and valves are titanium, and the pistons
full 12-cylinder test engine, it would’ve taken and it made 250hp.” are made from monolithic alloy.
12 months before we had an engine on the Described as the ultimate expression of When the first car hits the road at the end
dyno. So in the space of five months we had the ICE, the clean-sheet 12-cylinder – which of the year it will become the first production
a three-cylinder engine and it was the right is capable of delivering over 1,000ps, 740Nm vehicle to feature a fully structural engine.
capacity – exactly a quarter of the one we of torque and has a redline past 11,000rpm The engine connects to the back of the tub
have now. – represents the pinnacle of engine design. via four points, and removal leaves just the
“Once we had run the three-cylinder mule, With the engine weighing just 205kg, carbon crash cell at the front and the 7-speed
we could tick the box and say, ‘Yes, we will material choices were key to lightweighting. gearbox and hybrid system at the back.
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USA I Switzerland I Germany I China
hen the PSA Group launched
its Push to Pass strategic
plan in 2016, the company
outlined aims for greater
efficiency and a transition
to a mobility-based approach, with
electrification forming an essential part of
the blueprint. It is also crucial in keeping
PSA on track to meet 2021 fleet-average
CO2 targets and is a key ingredient in the
group’s Free2Move mobility provider pillar,
which will offer carsharing and rental, as
well as a host of connected services.
The most compelling detail, though, is
a new pair of multi-energy platforms on
which all future PSA vehicles will be based.
The Efficient Modular Platform 2 (EMP2)
first appeared in 2013 and forms the basis
of C- and D-segment cars and large SUVs.
The Common Modular Platform (CMP) is
now being ushered in and will underpin
PSA B-segment small cars, entry-level
and mid-range C-segment saloons, and
compact SUVs.
50 // January 2020 // Engine Technology International.com
And because of our “out of the box” approach customers all over
the world
world rely on
rely o n our
our competence
competence in
in providing
providing the
the best
best solutions
As well as its new range of vehicles
and ambitions to drive down CO 2 ,
electrification is vital for PSA’s
fresh suite of mobility solutions and
connected services. The Free2Move
brand is now the group’s second pillar,
and will offer mobility solutions as well
as complementary services.
One of the key drivers behind
dealer-based rental is electrification.
“One finance product we’ll be launching
is effectively a mobility pass where you
1. The 3008 PHEV can bundle in a rental product with your
powertrain electric vehicle payments and earn a
1 2. CMP platform certain amount of credits against ICE
rental,” states Lees.
But those electric vehicles
Developed with PSA’s Chinese partner existing EMP2 platform has been modified need an easier-to-access charging
Donfeng Motor Group, CMP is of particular for larger cars and plug-in hybrids.” infrastructure, Lees believes: “I don’t
think public infrastructure in itself is a
importance. Not only has the collaborative Those plug-in models will equip the
massive problem in terms of the volume
approach saved the group R&D costs, but two-wheel-drive Hybrid and the four-wheel- we’ve got for today, but the real barrier
electrified (eCMP) versions mean it is also drive Hybrid4 powertrains that provide an is ease of access.”
well placed to permeate the Chinese electric output of up to 300ps, an all-electric range “I think the market will correct itself
car market. The key piece in the CMP jigsaw of 50km (31 miles), and fewer than 49g/km to a certain extent, with chargepoint
is the fact that it is multi-energy, so the of CO2 emissions. All versions use a 1.6-liter operators wanting to increase their
electric and internal combustion engine PureTech gasoline engine and a 110ps (80kW) coverage, but the government needs
powertrains can be built on the same e-motor, with four-wheel-drive models to regulate and force the market,
because a company is always going
production line. gaining another motor. A 12kWh battery is
to act in its own best interests,” says
And while there are no specific material fitted to two-wheel-drive cars, increasing to Lees. “We need to get to a point where
differences for all-electric models, weight 13kWh on Hybrid4 vehicles. PSA’s e-EAT8 buying electricity becomes as easy
reduction through the use of ultra-high- 8-speed automatic transmission is standard. as buying gasoline. If we want mass-
strength steels, aluminum and composites market adoption, then electrification
was a key CMP/eCMP focus from the start. Optimum mix needs to be less of a compromise.”
Clever packaging also means all-electric The first fruits of the Opel and Vauxhall
models have no space compromises and platform shift are the Corsa-e and the
share the same volume considerations as Grandland X plug-in hybrid, both headed
their ICE relatives. for production in January 2020. The electric
By the end of 2020, PSA Group will have Corsa is based on eCMP and, like the DS 3
an electrified version of every model it Crossback E-Tense and Peugeot e-208 and
produces. By 2025, e-2008, which arrive
100% of its range will at a similar time, has
be electrified. Unlike
other manufacturers, no
“The 2025 end-date a 50kWh lithium-ion
battery pack, a 136ps
firm volume numbers mirrors the timeline (100kW) e-motor and
have been mentioned, a high-performance
but it’s still a bold of all Vauxhall heat pump. While the
statement of intent. first round of cars have
Helen Lees, head of product moving over smaller battery packs
electric vehicles at PSA than some of their
Group UK, fully believes to PSA platforms” competition, they’re
that it is achievable. “We still good for a WLTP-
will electrify every single vehicle from every certified range of between 310km and 340km
single brand – Citroën, DS, Peugeot, Opel and (190 miles and 210 miles).
Vauxhall. And the 2025 end-date mirrors the “What our BEVs represent is what we
timeline of all Vauxhall product moving over feel is the best mix for our customers in
to PSA platforms.” terms of size, style, weight and range,” says
The two platforms will employ two Lees. “Anybody can put a bigger battery into
different energy solutions. “CMP has been a vehicle, but then it becomes heavier or
engineered from the ground up to be a bigger. This is what we think is the optimum
multi-energy platform – electric, gasoline and mix to meet our customers’ range needs at
diesel – from day one,” explains Lees. “Our a price point that is palatable. Initially, we’re
The low-emissions question has many reason we stepped away from Hybrid Air was
answers, and PSA has discounted a number because it wasn’t supported by government
of them. Its Hybrid Air technology of 2014 incentives,” she says. “To bring that vehicle
created a full-hybrid solution using a three- to market would have been exceptionally
cylinder gasoline engine and compressed expensive compared with other alternative
air to give small cars potential CO 2 emissions fuel sources.
of 69g/km and economy of up to 2.4 l/100km As for the original Hybrid4, in-lab test
without electrification. programs played a part. “They were the first
PSA’s first wave of Hybrid4 technology vehicles to truly expose the NEDC testing
mated HDi diesel engines to an e-motor regime as being unfit for purpose,” explains
for average CO 2 emissions of 85g/km. Lees. “The figures were unachievable and
And while the system entered production led to customer disappointment. It didn’t
in 2011 (the name now signifies the group’s revolutionize the market as anticipated, with
range of four-wheel-drive, gasoline-powered mass sway away from diesel led by Dieselgate
hybrids), neither technology was the right and the media. It’s gasoline plug-in hybrids
option, as Lees explains: “The principle that we are moving forward with now.”
launching with 50kWh batteries, but we Below: The e-2008 EV, launch in very localized operations because
will certainly see changes over time.” which features a 50kWh infrastructure continues to be a challenge.
lithium-ion battery pack
and a 136ps e-motor But it is something we are working on. Plus,
Market growth a major benefit of the group buying Opel was
The PSA Group is ready to match customer that the team there was already working on it
demand as the electric market grows. “Like at Opel’s German base.”
any other vehicle, we buy in the individual Peugeot’s key message for its new era is
parts from our component suppliers – the that boring low-emission vehicles are not,
cells, the casing, the wiring, the cooling and never have been, part of its DNA, and
plates – but we’re assembling them ourselves Lees suggests that anticipation is high for the
and establishing a battery center of excellence,” beginning of PSA’s next phase. “‘Unboring
explains Lees. “This can help to bring down the future’ is Peugeot’s strapline, and there
the cost of batteries as we get more into will be more coming from the group’s brands
refurbishment and repair rather than
replacement – exactly as we do with
“We are continuing as they roll out their marketing strategies.
Everyone’s really excited – it’s just getting
other expensive components.” investment in the behind the wheel that we’re waiting for.”
Battery cost heavily influences the end
price of an electric vehicle, but PSA will development of mild
launch its electric commercial vehicles with
a choice of battery packs so that customers hybrid and hydrogen
can decide which option is best for them.
Small vans will be CMP-based and will come fuel-cell technology”
later in 2020, but the larger Peugeot Boxer
and Citroën Relay will be electrified first.
“In the short-term we’ll be working with
our converter partner BD Auto to launch
Boxer and Relay electric versions,” notes Lees.
“Ultimately, we will have a PSA-from-factory
solution. It’s just a few years away. Long term,
the 3.5 ton platform was always going to have
bespoke options and requirements, but we
will have factory solutions for our most
popular drivelines in the future.”
PSA isn’t underestimating the importance
of fuel-cell and mild-hybrid technology in the
commercial vehicle sector and is continuing
investment in their development.
he global transmissions market
is changing beyond recognition
– semi-automatic gearboxes with
speeds running into double figures
are now commonplace, electric
drivetrains are growing in numbers, while
even the humble manual offers six speeds
as the norm where once it was five or four.
But it is not only technical advances placing
ever-growing demands on the transmission
lubricant – the market is too, requiring a
paradox of thinner lubricant in smaller
quantities that lasts longer.
“Transmissions are following one common
trend – to fuel economy and efficiency,” states
Martyn Mann, technical director at Millers
Oils. “Every OEM wants to produce less CO2
emissions and more mileage, so we are seeing
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energy Transitioning to more complex fuel injection
systems brings with it unprecedented
scientific and technological challenges
2. Kinetic gasoline direct
injection, and a patented
ostrum Energy is a combustion nozzle design, enables
and fuel system development accurate controllability
company located in Ann Arbor, 3. Kinetic particle break-up
provides improved fuel
Michigan, which specializes in atomization compared with
dilute combustion systems (water more conventional injectors
injection and related technologies), as well 1
as high-performance direct and port fuel
injection for racing and high-horsepower
vehicle applications.
In 2018, Nostrum Energy announced a
proprietary water injection controller which,
when coupled with the company’s spray-
targeted, colliding jet water injectors, makes
it possible to implement all of the control
strategies and technologies it has developed
in the laboratory for water injection into
demonstration vehicles.
Sam Barros, director of engineering,
comments, “The controller passively monitors
the operation of the engine and determines
when to inject water and exactly how much.”
Indeed, the water quantity is mapped out as
a function of engine speed and load, and is
adjusted for various external factors such as
EGT, IAT and ambient humidity. “The water
is essentially used as an octane-on-demand,
suppressing engine knock at high loads,
and it also thermally manages exhaust gas
temperature, eliminating the need for fuel
enrichment for component protection, which
makes it a very interesting technology for
upcoming WLTC emissions standards and
RDE drive cycles.”
To publicly demonstrate the potential
of the product, it was fitted into a modified
Gauging technology
Kishan Autoparts, based in Rajkot, Gujarat, The master parts are calibrated on Kishan’s 1. A coordinate-measuring
India, is a leading manufacturer of connecting CMM, which gives the company accuracy in machine allows Kishan to
calibrate master parts. The
rods for major players in the car, compressor, traceability to ensure quality. However, high state-of-the-art system
heavy commercial vehicle, tractor and marine thermal variation means that the CMM has is unaffected by the 21°C
temperature variations on
engine manufacturing industries globally. to be used within the Kishan’s temperature- the company’s shop floor
The Indian company recently purchased a controlled room. Equator offers the opportunity 2. Kishan Autoparts uses
Renishaw Equator flexible gauging comparator, to extend the certified accuracy to the shop the Renishaw Equator
comparator system to
and as a result has managed to reduce cost floor, whatever the external conditions. For this accurately gauge the wide
and gauging cycle times by more than 80%. particular requirement, Equator has ensured range of parts it produces
In addition, measuring performance is now that it isn’t necessary to purchase an additional
unaffected by shop floor temperature variations CMM with scanning capability. Shantibhai
of more than 21°C (38°F). This is due to Changela, managing director at Kishan
Equator’s unique comparator method, which Autoparts, says, “Essentially, Equator and the
uses master parts that are calibrated on Kishan’s CMM complement each other perfectly. One
coordinate measuring machine (CMM). provides traceable certified accuracy, and the
Kishan Autoparts is now using Renishaw’s other, thermal capability and extra capacity.”
Equator to gauge multiple connecting rod For many years Kishan Auto has been using
variants and is adding more variations every air gauges to check for ‘bend and twist’ as
day. Typical gauging times of 55 seconds per well as for diameter and circularity. For each of
connecting rod are a significant reduction over the 360 variants of connecting rods produced,
previous methods. The operators can use one the company has used three or four gauges.
Equator machine for many different parts, On larger connecting rods, for heavy duty
gauging all the features in a single operation applications, this can be at a 100% sample rate.
with an immediate pass/fail decision, along These hard gauges usually last up to 10,000
with a report of the component’s dimensions. uses, and then have to be reworked. For each
Despite its location in India, where different connecting rod, three of the four
temperatures reach 40°C (104°F) and drop to gauges cost US$85 (Rs 6,000), while the
19°C (66°F), the Equator system is producing display costs US$420 (Rs 30,000). However,
repeatable results for Kishan. This is achieved the fourth gauge – measuring ‘bend and twist’ –
through a remastering process conducted at costs up to US$4,200 (Rs 300,000). It includes
least every three hours, or when the company a gold part, which is easily damaged and often
knows that the temperature has changed has to be replaced.
significantly. Zeroing the system removes the In addition the whole process can take 120
effect of thermal growth from the measurements seconds for each air gauge, meaning the entire
and therefore guarantees component quality.
The master part needs to be kept close to
the machine and subject to the same thermal
conditions as the production parts. If the ambient
temperature changes rapidly and the tolerance
of a part is affected, an operator can measure
the master part to reset the system and check
whether the ‘fail’ is due to the environment.
process for each part tested can take more than and operators use it to measure 500 units at a competitive price level. The company
eight minutes. With increased product demand, per day over the course of a 10-hour shift. specializes in manufacturing connecting rods
Kishan required a faster method of gauging. If the company were to invest in individual from raw material to finished product at its own
In September 2011 the Kishan Autoparts hard gauging systems for all 77 variants, it forging plants, with a lead time of between 60
managerial team were in Germany for business would require an investment of US$323,863 and 90 days.
meetings. Having searched for more than two (Rs 23m) just for the hardware alone. There For Kishan, quality is a result of having
years for an inspection system that was able to are also other costs to consider, such as skilled the right work ethic and processes for both
achieve the speed of operation they required, labor to set up and maintain these gauges, as management and operators, plus the equipment
they did not have very high hopes of finding a well as storage and running costs. to achieve the required aims. The introduction
solution. But that was before they discovered Kishan Autoparts was started by Changela of the Renishaw Equator gauging system has
Renishaw’s Equator. The Indian company in 1988. The company began by manufacturing enabled the company to significantly enhance
requested a system demonstration, and within 2,000 connecting rods per month; today it the quality of its products. This means that it is
a few days of returning to India and seeing an manufactures up to 50,000 rods per month now in a position to fully inspect components
Equator gauging their own parts, decided to in 360 variants. The Indian company exports quickly and easily, ensuring 100% quality on
purchase the system. 90% of its production to leading industrial and all parts.
Time and ability to cope with temperature developed nations including the USA, the UK, “Quality is critical to us. We constantly strive
are not the only issues for Kishan Autoparts. Germany, Singapore, Italy, China, Poland, to achieve 100% quality, at the same time as
The cost of gauging is an important factor. Brazil and the Netherlands. improving efficiency and passing those savings
Kishan has identified 77 variants of connecting Kishan Autoparts has a reputation for on to the customer,” explains Changela. “The
rod that the Equator system can accommodate, quality within required tolerances, but also Equator has taken us to another level.”
Design digitization
2. Accurately predicting 2
combustion CFD across
the ICE operating range is
key to the development of
a digital engine map. This
figure shows the pressure
traces for three operating
points as obtained on the
test bench, and via CFD,
using a state-of-the-art
combustion model in the
Simcenter STAR-CCM+
in-cylinder simulation
system. The experimental
data shown was obtained
from the Dynamic Analysis
Modelling and Optimization
of GDI Engines project.
This project was partially
funded by the Advanced
Propulsion Centre, UK.
All participating partners
are hereby acknowledged
3 3. CFD-based exploration
of a GDI engine intake port,
using Simcenter STAR-
CCM+. Exploring100 can
include transient operation
in the design, while the
intelligent search solution
– via the Sherpa algorithm
– can deliver designs that
double the turbulent kinetic
energy at spark, with <1%
penalty on trapped mass
Thanks to these technological developments, And this comes at a cost level that no test bench On top of that, closed-loop feedback between
CFD simulation of the complete engine process can compete with. CAD and CAE with an IT landscape and toolset
– including combustion – has become common Clearly all these insights have supported that minimizes friction in data-transfer is the
in many engine development companies. combustion system development at all stages precondition to efficiently driving performance-
The reason for the success of in-cylinder of the development cycle in recent decades, relevant design changes. This is the enabler to
simulation is that a development engineer from early digital prototype assessment to leverage digital design exploration and topology
can get the complete information space and detailed system optimization late in the cycle. optimization to autonomously come up with
time resolved for all relevant thermodynamic But all these benefits aside, and with a potential better performing solutions.
properties without perturbing the system with resource crunch on the horizon, supporting Finally, to truly exploit the potential of those
the experimental apparatus itself or having to development alone is no longer enough. digitally optimized designs, the use of additive
heavily invest in measurement equipment. For the ICE and its development to remain manufacturing must be embraced. Traditional
CFD simulation allows engineers to assess competitive within the automotive industry, a design restrictions must be torn down to open
global flow quantities such as tumble or swirl, simulation toolset enabling minimum user effort a new design space for optimized flow and
fuel distribution uniformity, thermal loads and and efficient, integrated simulation workflows thermal solutions.
combustion efficiency metrics. But it also allows is required. These simulation methodologies Only the companies that manage to digitize
the engineer to judge local details of the flow need highly accurate models and proof of their the development of the internal combustion
structures, spray dynamics, local hot spots, predictivity. The ultimate challenge is to reach engine with no compromise will be able to
and the initiation and propagation of the flame a level of confidence in a purely digital engine cope with the resource crunch and keep their
as well as the risk of any irregular combustion performance map that means the test bench is engines and automotive powertrain solutions
phenomena such as knock and pre-ignition. required only for an early validation phase. highly competitive.
Optimized fasteners
study was the base assumption for all joints. the crankshaft-flange. During the investigation,ion,
The result was optimization of the component the initial eight bolts were reduced to six
design through a reduction in the fastener KXtreme fasteners of the same bolt geometry.
diameter by one size. The pitch circle diameter (PCD) of the bolts
During the research, the initial assumption could also be moved toward the crankshaft
that smaller bolts result in a lighter weight centerline and still maintain the same distance
engine turned out to be just one of the between the bolts (for tool clearance). This led
advantages. As well as an overall weight to a smaller outer diameter of the crankshaft
reduction of 0.8kg per engine, the team at flange with lower mass, inertia and friction
Kamax were able to demonstrate advantages on the sealing surface of the radial lip seal.
in engine friction, thermal management and Generally speaking, the KXtreme concept usually sufficient, but for cylinder head bolts
sealing functionality. allows a greater degree of freedom in engine an increase of approximately 1xD is needed.
Looking at just two research areas of the design and development. Kamax completed a second investigation,
investigation, the first optimization focus For ultra-high tensile strength fasteners, where the company – in collaboration with
was the engine cylinder block design. The the required thread engagement needs to EDAG – optimized and redesigned a chassis
package space surrounding the cylinder-liners be confirmed to withstand the higher clamp component in a similar way to the engine
is usually very limited and tight, resulting in loads. In steel material – such as materials optimization research. The study, which
small cross-sections for coolant to flow around used for con rods – thread engagement is focused on a steering knuckle, found that
a saving of 675g of unsprung mass could
5 6 4. Developed by Kamax, be achieved per steering knuckle.
the KXtreme solution is
A specially designed bolt head, KXhead,
available in a number of
lengths, drives and head could further reduce bolt weight by combining
geometries, in strength an internal hexagon with the external hexagon
classes ranging from
12.9U up to 17.8U and drive, reducing the weight of the bolt head by
sizes from M6 to M20 more than 20% compared with standard hex
5. Eight fasteners, grade bolt heads according DIN 1665.
10.9, used to secure a
flywheel attachment Kamax has several years of experience
6. A flywheel, with a producing KXtreme fasteners for mass-
reduced flange diameter, production engines and vehicles. Engine
attached via six grade
internal application bolt strength of up to
15.9U KXtreme fasteners
1,700MPa and 1,500MPa for engine external
applications is available. The sensitivity to
hydrogen induced corrosion cracking is also
better than or equal to 10.9 grade fasteners.
Cobalt alternatives
Cobalt is a valuable material for the automotive of 0-1,000°C (32-1,832°F). In such instances, turbocharger components. “The challenge
industry, both monetarily and in terms of its cobalt has been used due to its ability to stabilize is sustaining durability in all operating
properties. Temperature – specifically the broad wear resistance across the temperature range, conditions. We see cobalt as being a finite
range of temperatures that some components but volatile material costs are putting vehicle solution for the industry, which has inspired
are required to operate within – is a crucial manufacturers under growing pressure. In Tenneco Powertrain to proactively explore the
factor in most tribological systems, and wear addition, there is an increased awareness of development of alternative options in the form
resistance presents a major challenge. Until the controversial mining conditions for cobalt. of sintered iron-based self-lubricating materials
now, cobalt has been the ‘problem solver’ “High levels of wear resistance in narrower that reduce the reliance on cobalt.”
solution for vehicle manufacturers. temperature bands, even in more extreme Cobalt-based substances currently provide
For example, the rotating wastegate shaft in conditions above 400°C [752°F], are not too high levels of abrasive and adhesive wear
turbocharged applications is typically expected difficult to achieve,” explains Jens Wellmann, resistance in the broadest range of operating
to operate safely within a temperature range Tenneco Powertrain product manager for temperatures. Combined with effective corrosion
1 1. Traditional applications
for cobalt include use in
turbocharger systems
2. The microstructure of
sintered steel FM-T88A
74 /// January
74 J n a 202020
20 /// Engine
E gin Technology
e n l gy International.com
n e na on
Brushless DC drives
1 The 8481 is designed for turbocharged applications 2 The 7496 can optimize EGR thermal management 3 A dual-pin actuator can improve ICE performance
Automotive manufacturers aiming to minimize DC motor (BLDC) offers a stroke of 24mm and Additionally, the 7496 can be used in turbo
vehicle emissions are looking for key solutions has a control time of 200ms. The system offers applications where fast and powerful movement
to enable better control of system components, peak force of up to 350N, and constant force is required.
increase the efficiency of the combustion of 100N. When holding position, the BLDC An increase in combustion engine can
engine, and optimize thermal management. can handle loads up to 350N at operating enable lower CO 2 emissions. By adjusting the
However, the engine doesn’t need to become temperatures of up to 130°C (266°F). respective cam profile, the gas flow into the
more complex. The company Sonceboz, based The 7496 linear actuator enables optimized combustion chamber can be optimized. This
in Switzerland, offers wide-ranging solutions thermal management in the engine and can is achieved through cam-phasing systems
for these tasks, such as 8481 and 7496 series replace pneumatic actuators up to a diameter driven by a 7816 bistable dual-pin actuator.
linear drives, and the 7816 dual-pin actuator. of 35mm. The compact actuator with a stroke In two-step valve control systems, a reliable
The reduction of exhaust gases and increase of 14mm and response time of one second offers compact actuator is required. The actuator also
in vehicle dynamics, efficiency and functionality a maximum force of 130N and a constant force needs to be able to work effectively during the
is a significant challenge for global automotive of 100N at operating temperatures up to 130°C. harshest combustion engine conditions. The
manufacturers. Electronic systems such as the A self-locking mechanism keeps it in position dual-pin actuator developed by the team at
linear drives from Sonceboz can help better without power supply and even holds position Sonceboz, which is more compact than two
meet engine control requirements through during temperatures as low as -40°C (-40°F). single-pin systems, is an ideal solution for
more targeted control, better positioning The 7496 can be used in various applications such staged variable valve actuation systems.
and improved diagnostics. in the engine compartment. This includes being The direct-drive actuator system offers a fast
The systems are also up to 30% smaller used to optimize the management of the EGR adjustment speed of less than 15ms within a
and up to 50% lighter than previous solutions. cooler bypass flap. This can enable a decrease temperature range of between -40°C and 160°C
The brushless linear actuator system offers in the temperature of the recirculated exhaust (320°F). The direct-drive actuator was designed
high durability and improved performance gases and therefore combustion temperatures for reliability, working at high camshaft speeds
in combination with controllable force, speed and NOX emissions. and during high transverse forces. It also
and power consumption under load. Thanks to In terms of thermal management, the 7496 allows bistable operation to safely lock both
low kinematic reversibility, users benefit from solution can provide better control than a end positions even when de-energized. Due
long service life as well as minimized power vacuum actuator. As a result, the engine’s to the single-coil magnet design, with flexible
consumption while holding position. warm-up time is accelerated, reducing fuel connection and sensor options, double pin
The Sonceboz 8481 linear actuator is perfect consumption and emissions. Once the optimum actuators can be easily adapted to the various
in turbo or bypass applications. It can replace engine temperature has been reached, the requirements of modern motors. Depending on
large vacuum actuators with diameters of 7496 system helps to divert the heat flow the ECU, the actuator can be controlled via two
between 100mm and 120mm. The brushless to avoid overheating. wires or via three wires and two half bridges.
3D-printed materials
Transmission concept
1 2
1. A traditional dual-mass flywheel setup consists of two flywheels connected by means of 2. With the spin control concept, the secondary flywheel is mounted on bearings on the
springs, referred to as an ‘elastic element’. By smoothening the uneven engine torque, the driveshaft downstream of the elastic element, and connected to the driveshaft by means
dual-mass flywheel system provides notably reduced NVH and load on the transmission of a clutch. The secondary flywheel can therefore be engaged or disengaged as required
Gearbox design today is driven by the quest for Previously, when the clutch cable broke on inertia is not required). By so doing, the sudden
improved fuel efficiency and lower emissions. an old car, to get home drivers had to operate change in spin can be counteracted by applying
The tried-and-tested manual gearbox is still the the manual gearbox without using the clutch. the same level of torque to the two inertias but in
predominant transmission concept. The procedure was to cut the power, shift to opposite directions (one flywheel is decelerated
However, as motorists increasingly welcome neutral and wait until the engine reached the while the other is accelerated). This therefore
the convenience of automatics, and engineers appropriate speed level for the next gear to eliminates any jerks and jolts since there is no
appreciate their ability to control shift points be engaged. change in spin.
to meet emissions and CO 2 requirements, that The Spin Control concept works in a similar The torque is applied to the two flywheels
trend is shifting. The market share for automatic way. So it is not a new idea, but the previously by means of the two electric motor/generators
transmission solutions is increasing, and the mentioned process resulted in a second or two and/or the clutch. While the drive concept is
industry is moving in particular toward the dual of torque interruption, which is far too long for designed for clutchless operation, so it doesn’t
clutch transmission (DCT). a modern automatic. require a clutch to disengage the engine when
DCT solutions, however, have notable Forcing the change in engine speed to shifting gear, the concept does not exclude the
disadvantages compared with the manual occur within an acceptable interval – a shift use of a clutch.
gearbox, including system weight, size, cost time of approximately 0.1 second being the Although the concept was developed to speed
and efficiency. Automated manual transmissions target for seamless gearshifts – would cause up the gearshifts, it also offers other features.
(AMT), on the other hand, use a manual gearbox unacceptable jerks and jolts to occur with a It delivers the advantages of DMF technology
that is automatically operated. This allows the traditional driveline setup, due to the rapid at lower engine speeds, together with reduced
application to demonstrate all of the benefits change in flywheel spin (angular momentum). inertia at higher speeds.
offered by a traditional manual gearbox. The Spin Control AMT concept solves this A rapid, imperceptible start/stop function
One significant drawback with the AMT is issue through a simple tweak of the driveline can also be achieved by keeping the secondary
the torque interruption that can lead to sluggish components. The system concept makes use flywheel spinning while the engine is stopped.
gearshifts. However, Stensgaard Innovasjon of standard, dependable driveline components The engine can then be restarted using the
has developed the Spin Control AMT concept, such as dual-mass flywheel (DMF) components kinetic energy of the spinning flywheel. As one
which offers a novel approach to overcoming and two electric motor/generators, one for each flywheel accelerates, the other is decelerated,
the sluggish gearshifts of the AMT and therefore of the flywheels. hence there is no change in spin.
enables the AMT to function like a DCT without The simple, yet radical, tweak is to disengage The two electric motor/generators do add to
compromising on the properties offered by the the downstream flywheel of the DMF during the cost and complexity of the system but also
manual gearbox. medium to high engine speeds (when extra enable hybrid features.
As performance standards in the USA, Europe are proved on paper, SFC Koenig has developed
and Asia continue to become more stringent for advanced in-house testing procedures to provide
auto makers, stop/start systems are increasingly performance results that auto makers can fully
important in reducing emissions and improving rely on,” explains David Ramirez, application
fuel economy. Precisely regulating the fluid engineer at SFC Koenig.
pressure enables the stop/start function to be “Our in-house process often includes putting
as seamless as possible and ensures the driving the part into a manifold and testing it. In the
experience remains high, while emissions and case of a start/stop system, we precisely record
fuel consumption remain low. with computerized systems the time it takes
Due to the complexity in advanced stop/start to achieve and hold a pressure, and the time it
system designs, auto makers are increasingly takes to release a pressure,” explains Ramirez.
turning to custom components – such as We chart the results to show how the pressure
customized check valves from SFC Koenig – is held or released over time. This testing is
to regulate and optimize fluid pressure, all of 1 highly accurate and provides the results auto
which can now happen in a fraction of a second. makers require.”
Stop/start systems have two critical data Following in-house testing, a series of check
points that check valves must achieve – the valve prototypes will often be installed by the
sealing pressure and the release pressure. Due auto maker, with SFC Koenig engineers there
to the complexity of surrounding assemblies to assist in process development, installation
and systems, customizing the check valve check valve, modifying orifice size and cracking and review.
component is often the best way to adapt pressure to achieve the desired outcome. “With a global team of engineers experienced
to design and performance requirements. “First, we work directly with the auto maker in the latest automotive design innovations,
SFC Koenig engineers work within geometric to design a part that will achieve the correct the SFC Koenig team works with customers
allowances and make design adjustments to the performance criteria. While all of our designs throughout the process to ensure our parts
perform as expected,” adds Ramirez. “Beyond
parts customization, customers know SFC
2 Koenig components are often a leading solution
when evaluating total costs. Our commitment
to quality extends well beyond our components,
to service and support until the final stage of
design, avoiding performance and warranty
problems down the road.”
Custom-engineered solutions are often
required to solve challenges in advanced
1. Engineers at SFC automotive designs, particularly with the ever-
Koenig are increasingly
developing customized increasing complexity of systems. Requests for
check valve components custom solutions from SFC Koenig have more
to achieve requirements, than doubled in recent years, and the number
using both forward- and
reverse-style designs of custom projects is expected to continue to rise.
2. The fluid pressure With the ability to provide not only custom
requirements for stop/start products and prototypes, but also accurate
systems are often unique.
Thus, custom SFC Koenig data and testing documentation, SFC Koenig is
check valve solutions are keeping pace with this fast-moving industry with
engineered to meet the
requirements of the
solutions that improve automotive performance
system application and at the same time promote sustainability.
Nostrum Energy develops lengths, thus avoiding intake port It is essential that the drive
advanced dilute combustion impingement, as well as minimizing couplings used on power
systems and fuel injection water consumption. transmission test benches can
technologies for aftermarket, Thanks to the company’s water withstand arduous operating
research and OEM applications. injection controller, water injection conditions so that meaningful
The company’s latest development firing events can be tied to fuel test data can be collated. The
is a new Tier 1 level water injection injector firing events or controlled drivetrain components that can
controller. Nostrum water injection by more conventional crank angle- be evaluated on test benches
systems provide knock mitigation, based injection control strategies, include engines, gearboxes,
octane-on-demand, component allowing water injection to be transmission elements and
protection, or NOX management adapted to virtually any engine consumable parts. Reich
for performance, efficiency or application. The Nostrum solution Kupplungen’s modular TOK
commercial engine applications. has been designed for on-road, and FlexDur FD-HS solutions
This technology helps address off-road, stationary power and offer advanced tailor-made and to flywheels conforming to SAE
increasingly stringent emissions research engine applications, cost-effective couplings that are J620 or to any other standard.
and fuel economy standards, and is suitable for use with suitable for a wide range of test TOK couplings operate between
allowing for higher engine a range of fuel types including bench applications. -40°C and 100°C (-40°F and
efficiency and compression gasoline, diesel and natural gas. The TOK coupling system 212°F), cover a torque range
ratios without the use can be used in almost all test from 75Nm to 70,000Nm, and
of fuel enrichment or bench applications. The broad can handle rotational speeds up
ignition timing retard. range of flexible coupling to 13,000rpm.
Nostrum’s patented elements, adaptive designs Reich’s latest FlexDur FD-HS
K-IWI colliding jet and connection shafts provide all-metal couplings are designed
injectors employ standard solutions for a variety and manufactured specifically
jet-to-jet collision of tasks. The company can also for higher-speed applications.
as opposed to a develop specific custom designs The transmission elements
traditional air shear upon request. are flexible disk packs made
breakup mechanism. The primary benefits of TOK of stainless spring steel, which
This method notably couplings are efficiency and – due to their shape – distribute
improves atomization flexibility. Rubber compounds, stresses evenly within the disk
and reduces liquid developed in-house by Reich, pack when fitted. Designed for
ensure that the rigidity of the test bench use, the flexible disc
coupling elements is matched pack has a high torque capacity
to each application. These with nominal torque range from
components can be connected 320Nm to 12,500Nm.
You can
mid-engine sports car
and its LT2 V8 heart
is much more than
next generation –
it’s next level for GM
also subscribe
Could a low-carbon, high-power
technology that’s produced
using renewable energy help save
the IC engine
the sustainable automotive transportation and realize
The V8 engine has been at the heart of focused on performance gains, and a notable development. And when the 2008 Bentley
Bentley Motors’ success for 60 years. reduction in the overall dimensions to allow Brooklands debuted almost 50 years after
The longest-serving production engine of its for the lowered hood. This variant of the V8 the S2, the V8 at its core still had roots in the
type, the Bentley V8 began development motor lasted six years before the company 1959 original. The OEM’s work had resulted
shortly after the company moved to its increased its stroke from 91.4mm to 99mm, in an engine that had 200% more power and
current headquarters in Crewe, UK, in the upping the capacity to 6.75 liters and torque than its first V8.
early 1950s. delivering greater torque. Fast-forward to today, and the latest
As the six-cylinder used in the Bentley The arrival of the Bentley Mulsanne in twin-turbo 6.75-liter V8 requires 15 hours
Mark VI, R-Type and S1 reached its limits, 1980 marked the next stage of development to build, with each key internal component
senior engine designer Jack Phillips was for the engine. Due to stricter emissions individually chosen to form a balanced set
tasked with finding a replacement. The brief and safety requirements, the eight-cylinder and then installed by a small team of engine
was to build an engine that could generate needed major work. Changes included the technicians. This unit combines power and
at least 50% more power than the outgoing addition of a collapsible water pump, which economy, generating 537ps and consuming a
six-cylinder, while ensuring it was the same effectively shortened the engine by 100mm. combined 15 l/100km in the Mulsanne Speed.
size and weight. However, the biggest single change to “The original Bentley V8 was designed to
Within 18 months, Phillips and his team Bentley’s V8 came with the launch of the deliver a step change in performance, along
had an engine running. Keen to prove the Mulsanne Turbo. Through the application of with smoothness, reliability and refinement,”
powerplant’s capabilities, Bentley ran the a single turbocharger, the 6.75-liter became says Dr Werner Tietz, member of the board
prototypes on the testbed for more than 500 the first forced-induction Bentley engine since for engineering at Bentley Motors. “The
hours at full throttle and covered hundreds the 1920s. success of the 6.75-liter V8 today in the
of thousands of miles in real-world conditions. Eventually, the single turbo setup was Mulsanne owes much to that ethos.”
The resulting 6.2-liter eight-cylinder unit, replaced with a twin-turbo design, and fuel While the Mulsanne may owe its success
which debuted in the 1959 S2, was 13kg injection, variable valve timing and cylinder to its famous V8, the same could be said of
lighter than its predecessor. deactivation were also engineered into the the OEM. Under the hood of every Bentley
This marked the first iteration of Bentley’s engine. Thanks to the various tweaks, power flagship built over the last 60 years, the
most famous engine. And although it has climbed to levels above 500ps and torque 6.75-liter V8 represents everything that
since been heavily reengineered, the basic exceeded 1,000Nm for the first time. At the is good at the company.
engineering principles and dimensions have point of introduction, the L-series V8 made But nothing good lasts forever. With rumors
always remained. more torque than any other automotive suggesting that Bentley may turn to a pure
The next stage of that development came engine in the world. electric powertrain for the next iteration of the
prior to the introduction of the British brand’s Alongside modernization of the Crewe Mulsanne, the renowned eight-cylinder may
T-Series cars in 1965. Engineering efforts facility, the V8 engine underwent continued finally reach retirement.
Total is a key player in electric mobility with an innovative and complete range of fluids for electric and hybrid
vehicles. Through intensive research and development, TOTAL QUARTZ EV FLUID, for light vehicles, and
TOTAL RUBIA EV FLUID, for industrial & utility vehicles and electric buses, have been specially developed to
meet the cooling and lubrication needs for the components of these new vehicles.
We are writing
a new chapter.
Joining forces to develop new technologies
for cleaner power around the globe.