Sithara Rajan.K
Sithara Rajan.K
Sithara Rajan.K
Abstract: Today consumers need personal care products and baby skin care products. Like skin serums. Creams,
face wash. Lotions, hair oil, moisturizer, bathing range. Consumers now mostly prefer chemical-free and ayurvedic
(herbal) products for their health benefits. The effectiveness of advertisement to create awareness and increase the
consumer satisfaction level to purchase the products. Mama earth is made of purely natural ingredients and
mineral oil, chemical-free, and skin-friendly. The company satisfies the consumer preferences of the products and
their needs and promotions, buying power. This highlights the satisfaction of consumers towards the Mama earth
products in the Kozhikode district, Kerala.
Generally, personal care product is the basic requirement for a consumer. The consumer
perception varies from one person to another person. Different people perceive the different types of
items in the same situation (Gopinath, 2019a).People utilize the products for their motivation. The
Mama earth product is the molding ongoing product of the market. The Mama earth is made of purely
natural ingredients and is, mineral oil, chemical-free, and skin-friendly. These organic products are
trendy because do not harm our skin, hair,gut,and in general ourselves. Over 80 natural products under
the brand to hair care, baby care, skincare, and more (Unnamalai & Gopinath, 2020). It offers a range
of skin and hair care products utilizing popular natural ingredients such as Onion, Ubtan, Tea free,
Vitamin C, Argan, Coco, and Charcoal.
Mama earth focuses on an exclusive product range with a variety of products ranging from
stretch mark removal serum to sunscreen, it has expanded to serve babies and their mothers,
motherhood is central to the brand. The prominent strategy that Mama earth uses is influencer
marketing and also uses hashtags on such social media platforms to increase its brand audiences and
reach a wider audience to influence the consumer perception of these products (Gopinath & Kalpana,
2019). The brand was now ventured into the skin and hair care segment. It sells a bathing range, skin
care serums, creams, face wash, lotions, hair oil, and many other products (Usharani & Gopinath,
A Study on Consumer Satisfaction towards Mama Earth Products with Special Reference on Kozhikode
District, Kerala
2020b). Men’s product range, Mama earth offers face washers, aftershave lotions, beard and hair oils,
and shampoo. The best part is that all these products are chemical-free.
Present-day media and advertisements play an important role in the increasing demand for
Mama earth to collaborate with the influencer and pitch to the audiences of these influencers (Karthick
et al., 2020a). The influencers post about the products of Mama earth and their goodness and promote
the brand, sales promotion on creating awareness and increase turnover were also examined (Usharani
& Gopinath, 2020a)
Kalyani (2022), this study is to understand and analyze the consumers buying behavior on
herbal personal care products. The author says several brands of herbal products are chemical-free,
environment-free, hygiene, and vegan, and the products are consumers easily with home delivery, digital
payment, and many promotional offers. It’s suitable for their skin and hair type. The social media
platform is an important role in selling products. The study was conducted in Mumbai city and the
sample size of 50 respondents. The study highlights consumer perception and behavior, awareness
about more herbal products, frequency of purchase, and more.
Kanagaraj(2020),In this research study, the author explains the satisfaction of Himalaya
products in Coimbatore. The product is Ayurveda products, natural and used ingredients in herbal
products have helped people live healthier, rich lives. Himalaya focuses on people get getting healthy
and wellness of their health. The objective is to identify the socio-economic factors affecting consumer
user satisfaction with Himalaya products. 45.3 % of the respondents are influenced by ingredient
companies providing mass advertisements to promote their products.
Lavuri (2019),Says buying behavior of personal care products. Peoples use personal products
utilized to otherization. The consumer prefers to purchase the product brand name, quality, price, and
brand loyalty impact on consumer and influences study's objective is to examine the impact of decision
influencers on buying personal care products. The researcher collected samples of 172 respondents and
used descriptive analysis, ANOVAs, and Chi-Square tests using SPSS. The study reveals that consumers
are attracting offers advertisements and quality influences.
To identify the reason for selecting Mama earth products.
To identify the factors influencing the products.
To determine the customer’s satisfaction with the Mama earth product.
The study analyzed both primary data collected through the questionnaire. Secondary data was
collected from journals magazines and social networking sites. The convenience Sampling method has
been used to collect 120 samples of respondents in Kerala states through the questionnaire survey
method to collect the data. In this research statistical analysis of demographic profiles, ANOVA, Chi-
square test, and percentage analysis.
Table – 1
Demographic factors
1 Age Below 25 22 18.3 18.3
25 - 30 30 25.0 43.3
31 - 35 41 34.2 77.5
36 - 40 20 16.7 94.2
Above 40 7 5.8 100.0
Total 120 100.0
2 Gender Male 45 37.5 37.5
Female 75 62.5 100.0
Ms. Sithara Rajan.K & Dr. S.Ramya
The above table clearly describes, that out of 120 respondents, 34.2% of the respondents are
under the age group of 31 – 35, 25% were 25 – 30 years, were 18.35 below 25 years, 16.7% were under
36 – 40 years and &% of the respondents are above 40 years. And 75% of the respondents are made
A Study on Consumer Satisfaction towards Mama Earth Products with Special Reference on Kozhikode
District, Kerala
Female and 45% of the respondents are Male. 71% of the respondents are Married and 49% of the
respondents are unmarried.
The above table explains that, out of 120 respondents, 80% of respondents are Graduation and
23% were PG, 12% of respondents were above PG, were 5% of the respondents and educated in
Diploma. And 55% of the respondents are private employees, 25% of the respondents are a
homemaker and 20% of the respondents are students, 10% of the respondents are government
employees, and the remaining 10% are doing business. The table reveals that 46% of the respondent’s
incomes are Rs.50000 – 100000, 34% of the respondent’s incomes are Rs.25000 – 50000, 34% of the
respondents are Above 100000 lakhs, and 6% of the respondent’s incomes are below 25000. 79% of
the respondents are Nuclear family and remain 41% of the respondents are Joint family.
The above table reveals that, out of 120 respondents, 51% of the respondents have frequently
bought Mama earth products for Two months once and 47% of the respondents are buying Once a
month, whereas 18% of the respondents buy 2 – 4 weeks once, 4% of the respondents are buying Once
a week. And 54% of the respondents are t Rs.1001-2000 for on Mama earth products, 37% of the
respondent are spending Rs.501 – 1000, where 17% of the respondents are spending Above 2000
remain 12% of the respondents spent less than 500.
The table shows that 67% of the respondents are buying the products online, where 27% of the
respondents go to purchase in Supermarket and 15% of the respondents are buying in Wholesale
stores, 11% of the respondents are purchasing in specialized stores. The table reveals that 67% of the
respondents are using the Cash payment method, 40e used Debit card payment and 10% of the
respondents used credit card mode, whereas 35 of the respondents used purchase another mode of
Table – 2
Chi-Square test
Less than 501 - 1000 1001 - 2000 Above 2000
Gender of the Male 2 15 22 6 45
Respondents Female 10 22 32 11 75
Total 12 37 54 17 120
Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-
Pearson Chi-Square 2.645 3 .450
Likelihood Ratio 2.929 3 .403
Linear-by-Linear Association .604 1 .437
N of Valid Cases 120
a. 1 cell (12.5%) hasan expected count of less than 5. The minimum
expected count is 4.50.
Ms. Sithara Rajan.K & Dr. S.Ramya
The table portrays, the Chi-Square Tests df .3 Asympolic significance (2-sided) .450 .403 .437
and the value2.645 2.629 .604 120 Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association
N of Valid Cases 3 1 5. The variables Gender and buying Mama earth products per month are in GSS
Data B. The P value is 0.450 is above our significance of P<0.05. There is no difference in Male and
Female proportions between the buying of Mama earth products per month (Gopinath, 2019c).
Table – 3 ANOVA Test
H01: There is no relationship between the frequency buying of Mama earth products on the Education of
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 2.624 3 .875 1.082 .360
Within Groups 93.743 116 .808
Total 96.367 119
Multiple Comparisons
(I) EDUCATION OF (J) EDUCATION OF Mean Std. Sig. 95% Confidence Interval
J) Bound Bound
Graduation .55000 .41440 .548 -.5302 1.6302
Diploma PG .51304 .44358 .655 -.6432 1.6693
Above PG .18333 .47851 .981 -1.0640 1.4306
Diploma -.55000 .41440 .548 -1.6302 .5302
Graduation PG -.03696 .21269 .998 -.5914 .5175
Above PG -.36667 .27829 .554 -1.0921 .3587
Diploma -.51304 .44358 .655 -1.6693 .6432
PG Graduation .03696 .21269 .998 -.5175 .5914
Above PG -.32971 .32012 .732 -1.1642 .5047
Diploma -.18333 .47851 .981 -1.4306 1.0640
Above PG Graduation .36667 .27829 .554 -.3587 1.0921
PG .32971 .32012 .732 -.5047 1.1642
A Study on Consumer Satisfaction towards Mama Earth Products with Special Reference on Kozhikode
District, Kerala
The above table reveals that there is no relationship between groups and within groups in
which the respondents typically buy Mama earth products regarding the education of the respondents.
Thus, the null hypothesis was accepted. The post-doc test was used to test the significant mean
difference of 0.05 percent level. Followed by education of the respondents shows that 2.624 is the
between groups and 93.743 is the variation within the group of the respondents. The table also shows
the F- distribution and its value of 1.082. finally, the age of the respondent’s significant value of .360 is
greater than 0.05.
Mama earth company increases the availability of the products in every possible area. The
company should focus on the price reduction of the products to create demand. Many consumers regret
this product’s price is high. Making awareness of the Mama earth products is fully herbal, sample
pouches can be given to the public and it helps to increase the sales and achieve the highest target and
also promote the sales.
The study reveals that most of the respondents are now aware of Mama earth products
(Karthick et al., 2020b). Now people are considering personal care products not only for luxuries but
also consider to improve health conditions (Gopinath, 2019b). The Mama earth company adopts mass
advertising and brand ambassador to promote the product. The company provide new products
facilitates and service to the market. In over all the customers are satisfied with the brand, and the
availability of the products. If the above suggestions are implemented, the company will get the highest
goal soon (Gopinath, 2011).
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