StrangeStars OSRrulebook
StrangeStars OSRrulebook
StrangeStars OSRrulebook
Welcome to the Strange Stars OSR Rule Book. First off, a warning: This is not a complete game. It requires Stars Without Num-
ber Core Edition or a similar ruleset (though the latter option will necessitate a bit more translation) and the Strange Stars Game
Book. Other SWN supplements are discussed in the text but these are optional depending on the type of game you want to run.
This book isn’t intended to be the final word on gaming in the Strange Stars. It’s a toolkit, designed to allow you to adapt elements
of Strange Stars to your old school game. For that reason, it offers guidance rather than definitive answers. They are your Strange
Stars, now. Make of them what you will.
I’d like to thank my Hydra partners Humza Kazmi, Chris Kutalik, and Robert Parker and my wife, Andrea, for their contribution to this
work, both of in terms content and editing, and of course the artists: David Lewis Johnson, Lester B. Portly, Reno Maniquis, Adam
Moore, and Jason Sholtis for helping bring Strange Stars to life.
Trey Causey
bioroid: From “biologic android.” A biologic humanoid organism created by artificial means.
fabber: A nanofabrication unit, ubiquitous across civilized space, used to manufacture finished products from raw materials.
metascape: The augmented reality overlay through which citizens of technologically advanced societies view the world.
noosphere: The environment of human(oid) thought of a civilization or world, populated by infomorphs. It evolved from the an-
cient technologies of cyberspace, augmented reality, spimes, and the sophont minds with which they interact.
sim: Shortened from “simulated reality”; A popular form of art and entertainment.
sophont: An intelligent and self-aware being; often used synonymously with “sapient,” though the terms have slightly different
Potential player character types in Strange Stars are a varied Strange Stars than in the default SWN setting. Many people
lot; they range from the relatively human-appearing majorities have some sort of genemod upgrade and backups are com-
of places like Circus to the green-skinned, psi-enhanced Sma- mon for those who can afford them. Cyberware (as presented
ragdines or the carapaced, cyber-arthropod Engineers. This in the SWN core book and the Polychrome worldbook) is also
chapter outlines how to bring the rich detail of the setting to common, though most cultures find overt cyberware tacky and
your game. primitive; it has been replaced by genetic engineering. The Zao
Pirates and some Star Folk bands do not share this disdain.
Character creation in Strange Stars follows the basic steps
found in Stars Without Number (SWN) or your system of Bioroids: The bodies of these artificially created biologic be-
choice, but includes a few more options. With the Game ings are technically something like hulls, artificially created
Master’s approval, players may choose from three broad cat- bodies that a mind wears (see Transhuman Tech worldbook).
egories of sophonts, subdivided into clades and cultures. A Most PC-appropriate bioroids will resemble the basic hull type,
number of clades are mentioned in the Strange Stars Game perhaps with a few augmentations. Other hull types are possi-
Setting Book (SSGSB), but it doesn’t provide an exhaustive ble, at the GM’s discretion. Bioroids are unlikely to have psion-
list. GMs are encouraged to add their own. ics.
There are three broad categories of sophonts as described in Moravecs: Many moravec types will just be mechanical “spe-
the SSGSB. Use the guidelines below to create characters or cies” and are designed like any other character with a few mi-
clades: nor traits due to their non-biological nature (immunity to some
psionics, no need to eat or sleep, etc.). Others will be easier to
Biologics: These are either humans or aliens (and in the far build via the AI armature rules in the core SWN rulebook.
future of Strange Stars the distinction isn’t always clear)
and are created using the standard character creation rules Infosophonts: Though they don’t automatically have bodies,
in SWN. Some biologic clades have attribute requirements/ these artificial intelligences can be downloaded into a bioroid
modifiers and special abilities. body (hull) or a mechanical one (armature). The differences
between infosophonts and moravecs can be fuzzy, but in the
The sort of body-swapping (transferring an individual’s ego main moravecs are as attached to their single, physical forms
template between different physical bodies) described in as most baseline humans are. For infosophonts, those forms
Mandate Archive: Transhuman Tech is much more common in are just outfits they wear.
Psychological Characteristics: Engineers are somewhat liter- Names: Gnomes aren’t given lifelong names at birth, but in-
al-minded and pedantic, though they’re fairly gregarious when stead their clan members use descriptors to refer to them.
there is a topic of conversation that interests them. They are These descriptors may change over the course of a gnome’s life.
averse to physical confrontation and danger — often to the They are often four or more syllables long and have been likened
point of cowardice from the perspective of other species. to low pitched humming or stomach rumblings. Gnomes are of-
ten given nicknames by members of other species they associ-
Names: Engineers use long designation codes that provide in- ate with. Example descriptors: Brrdurmmdrur, Obdommrrmrr,
formation on expertise, location, and genetic lineage. At the Nggrrtumbora, Mmbuhmmngrr (Double consonants indicate a
Vokuns’ insistence, Engineers use a base designation of one or syllabic form of that sound, e.g. “mm” is “uhmm.”)
two syllables with other sophonts. Examples: Aznat, Enek, In-
aat, Ikatik, Mnazek, Ndzat, Omnak, Tlek Backgrounds: Deck Crew, Politician, Worker (Miner), Soldier.
Backgrounds: Engine Crew, Technician. Classes: Gnomes may be Experts or Warriors, though only man-
ager caste gnomes are likely to be the latter. There are no Psy-
Classes: Expert only. chics among them.
Special: HWURU
Additional Limbs: As many as four of an Engineer’s limbs can be
used to manipulate objects with standard manual dexterity, but
they gain no additional attacks. Physical Characteristics: Hwuru are arboreal biologics with
Bodyswapping: Should an Engineer’s body become irrevocably some resemblance to Old Earth apes and sloths. They are short-
damaged, its mind may be downloaded into a new body from a er than humans but powerfully built with arms longer than their
remote backup. The process of mind-reintegrating takes 2d12 legs, and digits with claw-like structures (actually bony projec-
hours. If the Engineer dies before she can personally log her re- tions covered with horn) on their dorsal surface. They’re covered
embodiment request, she will be at the mercy of her fellows. with shaggy fur except on the anterior surface of their torsos,
Without a particular need, the routine re-embodiment queue which is covered with leathery plates. Primarily insectivorous,
may run 2d20 days. they have beak-like snouts with extendable tongues and cannot
Carapace: Engineers have a base Armor Class of 4 against weap- swallow anything much larger than 24 mm in diameter.
ons Tech Level 3 or lower.
Cyberware: All Engineers have the equivalent of a Direct Neural Psychological Characteristics: Hwuru native culture is tribal
Interface (Level Two), an Integral Biostatus Monitor, and an In- and primitive by galactic standards. They have reputation for
tegral Commlink. being highly sensitive to affronts to their honor and prone to
violence, but this is a stereotype.
Names: Hwuru have a personal name and a tribe name. Exam-
ples: Personal names: Chafa, Ihooyo, Hakla, Hichi, Ooka, Tuklo,
Physical Characteristics: Gnomes are small (1-1.3 m) human- Ustakaa; Clan Names: Nuklagi-isa, Ichasulasa, Yarahutki, Kuni-
oids with little sexual dimorphism, loose, wrinkled skin and large pa-gichi, Muhwuhi-chisa, Bolahuma.
ears. Manager caste gnomes are taller than the worker caste
and disproportionately female (though still majority male). Backgrounds: Adventurer, Armsman or Tribesman.
Names: Names of the ibglibdishpan are composed of two, Psychological Characteristics: Kosmoniks are friendly, but su-
monosyllabic elements that end in a vowel, n, ng, m, l, r, sh or perstitious. They are given to finding hidden meanings and in-
more rarely b. Among themselves they employ numerical family terpreting signs and portends from events. All kosmonik groups
designation that is placed before the personal name, but they have a set of taboos, but each kosmonik is likely to individual
rarely use these when dealing day-to-day with other cultures, ones, as well.
Names: Kuath have a singular, gendered personal name. Exam- Physical Characteristics: Ngghrya are thin, almost skeletal, bi-
ples: Male: An-Tuani, Cham-Ka, Hulan-Yi, Konaga, Ngata, Sun- ologic humanoids with rough, nodule-covered skin that almost
goro, Tanathi, Waruahi; Female: An-San, Chanya, Dara-Ja, Miri, resembles carapace. Their skin is scaled with dermal denticles,
Shu-sheng, Susi, Ulathi. but also has ridges and horns of calcium carbonate deposi-
tion that begin to form at puberty and elaborate as they age.
Backgrounds: Priest, Tribesman. They exhibit less sexual dimorphism than baseline humans, but
some males grow small, keratin tusks from both ends of their
Classes: Any, though Warrior is the most common. upper lip.
Physical Characteristics: Neshekk are short, lean, biologic hu- Backgrounds: Armsman, Peasant, Tribesman.
manoids with weathered, wrinkled skins and large ears.
Classes: Warrior is the most common.
Psychological Characteristics: Neshekk are extremely con-
cerned (possibly obsessed) with security and privacy. They never Attributes: Constitution +1.
Attributes: Standard.
Physical Characteristics: Orichalcosans are baseline humans
with metallic skin tones, ranging from a dusky brass color to a SISTER OF MORRGNA ★
bright gold. The aristocracy are dwarfs.
Psychological Characteristics: As a culture, Orichalcosans are Physical Characteristics: Biologic humanoids, all genotypically
wealth and achievement focused. Relative austerity and wealth female, with a high degree of physical polymorphism based on
inequality are seen as powerful motivating tools necessary to caste.
foster success in future generations.
Psychological Characteristics: The Sisterhood is unusually eu-
Names: Variable based on subculture, but the dominant prac- social for a human-derived culture; while they are individuals
tice uses a given name and a surname, with Optimates and aris- they are more hive-like in group action than baseline.
tocrats often having hyphenated surnames, denoting alliance
through marriage. Examples: Male given names: Adramo, Blez- Names: Sisters have a single name denoting their base gen-
co, Ilvos, Maro, Vincanto, Yedaro, Selsca, Female: Agata, Iera. otype and a title for their function or some notable deed or
Lura, Matara, Ruandra, Tiareza Surnames: Andaro, Azuracar, trait. Examples: Sister Zora Wayfinder, Battle-Sister Ausra
Balarna, Izaraldi, Laranaga, Marza. Massive, Sister Usha Swift, Mother Roxana Strategos, Sister
Sahar Tech.
Backgrounds: Any, but Bureaucrat, Businessperson, Noble, Pol-
itician, Security, and Technician are most fitting. Backgrounds: No primitive or criminal backgrounds under most
Classes: Any, though Experts are most common and Psychics rare.
Classes: Psychics are nonexistent.
Attributes: Standard.
Attributes: Standard, though based on caste, one Sister’s sta-
tistics may vary wildly from another.
Caste: The Sisterhood is divided in castes and genetically and
Physical Characteristics: Phantasists are baseline humans.
physiologically modified for those functions. A few examples
include shock troops with hypertrophic muscle and possibly im-
Psychological Characteristics: Phantasists are raised in a cus- planted weaponry, vacuum-adapted ship crew, and high intel-
tomer service oriented, quasi-monastic, corporate culture, and ligence strategic thinkers. Most player character suitable castes
tend to have an outlook congruent with that. will be close to baseline.
Names: Phantasists have a name presenting their gens (or genline) SMARAGDINE
and a gendered ordinal name (Primus/Prima through Decimus/
Decima) differentiating them from other gen-siblings. Examples:
Male Gens Names: Arlo, Brin, Davin, Gareth, Laurent, Lucian, Ywain; Physical Characteristics: Smaragdines are biologic humanoids
Female Gens Names: Arden, Esme, Marta, Milla, Soren, Yrma. with skins in various shades of green.
Backgrounds: Researcher, Technician. Psychological Characteristics: Smaragdines see themselves
as heirs to the technology and sophistication of the Archaic
Classes: Any, though the are most commonly Experts, and rare- Oikumene and view the highly developed psi abilities of their
ly Psychics. homeworld (SSGSB p. 11) as the way of the future. They are the
visionaries of the Alliance, but often viewed as a bit arrogant by
Attributes: Standard. its other members.
RUNELING Names: Smaragdines have a personal and gens name. The per-
sonal names are frequently chosen from Old Earth mythology or
literature. Smaragdines often retain the gender association of the
Physical Characteristics: Runelings are baseline human. source name out of respect, but not always. The gens name is a
copyrighted reference to a specific registered genetic lineage; it is
Psychological Characteristics: Runelings come from a primi- typically that of one or more of an individual’s parents, but not
tive world of roughly medieval technology (SSGSB p. 15) and necessarily. Gens are from similar sources as personal names,
Psi-Society: Smaragdine society is based on psi-use. All citizens Physical Characteristics: Virids are biologic sophonts blending
of Smaragdoz have the equivalent of the discipline Mental Link. plant and animal characteristics. Their skintones are various
High Tech: Smaragdine is a Tech Level 5 society, though much of shades of green (due to presence of symbiotic cyanobacteria),
their technology is not exportable. and they have foliage-like hair. Local groups vary a great deal in
height and build. All virids are linked by nanotechnology to the
THRAX ★ world consciousness of their homeworld, but this connection
does not extend over interplanetary (or greater) distances.
Physical Characteristics: Thrax are tall, powerfully built bio- Psychological Characteristics: Virids are gregarious and plea-
logic humanoids, with whitish-gray skintones. They have some- sure-loving. Coming from an idyllic garden world, they are close-
what pronounced and heavy brow, and nasal slits rather than ly attuned to nature, but naive regarding the hazards of other,
an external nose. Neither sex has much body hair, but females less pleasant worlds — and of civilization.
do have head hair.
Names: Virids use “translated” plant or nature-themed names
Psychological Characteristics: Thrax are taciturn, serious, and with other sophonts.
greatly concerned with honor and discipline as defined by their
warrior’s code. Some allow themselves displays of emotion in Backgrounds: Tribesman, Adventurer.
the heat of battle, but others view this as excessive display.
Their possessions are few and their quarters tend to be spartan. Classes: Any but Psychic.
They rarely use intoxicants, and virtually no thrax would do so at
any time he thought combat might be imminent. Attributes: Most virids have ability scores in the same range as
humans, tribes of larger or smaller individuals exist.
Names: Thrax tend to have a one to three syllable given name
and a monosyllabic line name, designating their particular gen- Special:
otype lineage. Names are gendered with male names ending in Photosynthetic Symbiotes: Living nanotech supplements virid
–s, –us, –os, –ion, or –ios generally, and female names with –a metabolism and causes faster healing when they are under vis-
or –ia. Examples: Male Names: Baran, Duros, Ganion, Kantos, ible light sources with spectra similar to their native yellow sun.
Kos, Ronan, Thellus, Uthon, Vanthos, Vorus, Zarkas; Female Every day spent in direct sunlight allows them to heal 1 addi-
Names: Ila, Jada, Kana, Lursa, Marta, Thara, Thovia, Zora; Line tional hit point, and every day resting in direct sunlight allows
Names: An, Ar, Kan, Kel, Mors, Nar, Thal, Zor. a virid to recover 2 additional hit points. They also lose System
Strain at a rate of 2 points per day in the sun.
Backgrounds: Armsman, Hermit, Security Crew, Soldier. Phytoxin Resistance: Virids get a +1 to Physical Effect saving
throws against plant-derived toxins.
Classes: Warrior is by far the most common. They have no Psychics.
Attributes: Minimum Strength of 12.
Physical Characteristics: The Uldra are baseline humans with Names: Yantrans use a personal name and a family name. The
blue skintones. family name is typically given first. Examples: Surnames: Ara-
nun, Haunahi, Hokuni, Kamata, Nohoka, Pomaku, Tutani; Fe-
Psychological Characteristics: Uldra tend to be viewed as male: Ahilani, Aonami, Elaheli, Hani, Ko’ana, Mululani, Poma,
somewhat pessimistic in outlook, and possessing of a odd, fa- Uku; Male: Atamu, Aonga, Hukono, Isako, Kamaki, Rano, Tuati,
talistic sense of humor. Yano, Uko.
Attributes: Standard. On every world, in every time, sophonts have wanted to be en-
tertained. Many musicians, thespians, and courtesans decide to
Special: become itinerants, seeing the galaxy as they make their living.
Nanites: Yantran have nanotechnology through their nervous
system, allowing integration with the extensive (though hid- Skills: Art/Any Performing Art, Culture/Artist Subculture, Per-
den) engineering of their Vokun-occupied homeworld (SSGSB suade, one other skill.
p. 17). This is not generally of use elsewhere, though it can be
detected with the appropriate equipment. Hacker
The level of technology is more advanced in the Strange Stars The metascape primarily comes into play in how the GM de-
setting than the default assumptions of Stars Without Number scribes the world and how the players approach it; it doesn’t
or most old school science fiction roleplaying games. A Game require a lot of rules changes. When entering a new location,
Master may choose to ignore some or all of these elements to the GM will need to describe both the physical (people, equip-
make the setting more in keeping with the preferences of their ment, structures) and the virtual (animations, signage, notes/
group. For those wishing to use the setting as written, here is tags, etc.) elements that the characters will see. Characters
a brief discussion of the basic technologies of the setting, with can leave messages for other specific people in locations or
suggestions on how to implement them. Remember that the call up publicly available building floorplans. They can also
tech level varies across worlds and habitats: some places are at a hack or falsify the metascape using the standard hacking rules
Stone Age level, while others border on post-scarcity. (Polychrome p. 17).
Most people experience the world through an augmented reality The noosphere is essentially the cyberspace of the far future,
overlay referred to as the metascape. Each world (or world plus encompassing traditional internet activities, the metascape,
its satellites) contains useful information for travel, social media and the living environment of infosophonts. Think of it as the
messages, and lots and lots of spam. Nobody walks through a nervous system of a civilization. In gameplay, again, this is
public square without their filters on, lest they be bombarded by more a matter of presentation. GMs and players should just
all sorts of unsolicited virtual messages. Clothing is enhanced — or keep in mind the availability of information in the real world,
even sometimes completely generated — in the metascape. Some via a standard smartphone, and use this as a model to ex-
jurisdictions make it a crime to view the world unfiltered by the trapolate from rather than looking to most cinematic space
metascape, as this is seen as an unwarranted invasion of privacy. opera.
Programmable matter is able to change its properties or func-
tions on the basis of user input or trigger stimuli. Programmable
In the Strange Stars, brain-computer interfaces are as com- matter (or smart matter) is used to make exoskins (vacc suits
mon as smartphones are today and are used for similar pur- that form around the wearer as they pass through a membrane
poses. The typical pre-programmed software package allows aperture on an airlock) and smart-tools (similar to polymorphic
metascape interface, noospheric connectivity, communication nanites, SWN p. 58, but with multiple uses, able to become any
(where messages can either be read or heard as read by an ava- tool that would part of a toolkit).
tar or the sender or anyone else), chronometry, basic calcula-
tion, and interface with most modern devices. Most individuals
don’t navigate their own apps, but use a daemon or “mook” (a ECONOMICS
nonsophont artificial intelligence) as a personal assistant and
answering service. Some cultures (like the Vokun) find implant- While the actual monetary units and their exchange rates
ed devices distasteful, as do some individuals. These groups use vary from place to place, it’s easiest to express them all
wearable devices instead, for the most part. in credits, a bitcoinage used as a medium of exchange
across civilized space. In general, prices given in SWN are
The only mechanical impact of this sort of cyberware is in the good for “standard” Strange Stars equipment prices
(dis)use of the SWN Computer skill. Like on Star Trek, most with some exceptions, as discussed above. What you get
characters will simply ask their personal assistants for things for that price will be a bit different than in the default
SWN setting: a common pistol, for instance, will have
and never need to make a Computer skill check. Hacking or deep
biometric identification, and a smartware integration for
searches of ancient or restricted data records will be the only
ammo tracking and maintenance. All of this applies to
time these skills come into play — unless characters are on a
“standard” advanced, star-faring societies — which isn’t
pre-noosphere world. the only sort civilization players may encounter.
FABBER (MATTER COMPILER) Remember that the SWN listed prices are good for fab-
ricated equipment too, though you may pay a tax on a
public fabber (see above).
A fabber is a nanofabrication unit (essentially an advanced 3D
printer) that assembles finished products from raw materials at
a molecular level. These aren’t easily portable, but they are near ARCHAIC & ALIEN TECHNOLOGY
ubiquitous household and shipboard items, and public units can
be used for a fee, generally figured on total mass of the item(s)
fabricated. For portable items this can be approximated via en- The above describes the technologies of the most advanced
cumbrance: Every unit of encumbrance fabricated after 1 carries civilizations of the Strange Stars, but some societies have more
an additional 5% charge to the standard price based on item specialized areas of expertise, and there is remnant technology
cost per fabber user per day. (Example: Faizura Deyr fabbers of the Archaic Oikumene that falls into the category of Clarke’s
lowlight goggles, a pressure tent, and 6 days rations on a public Third Law. The most common example of the latter is the Hy-
fabber. This will cost her 200 credits for the goggles, 120 for perspace Node Network discussed in the next chapter, but
the pressure tent, and 5.25 for the rations). Anything from food- there are the other, more classically Space Opera technological
stuffs (though this would only be done on long space voyages) aspects of the setting: the sky city of Eidolon, the Circus mega-
to starship parts can be made given enough substrate and the structure, and mysterious things like the Tenebrae Labyrinths
necessary “blueprints.” Commercially available models can be and the Apotheosis Maze. Any examples of Pretech given in
“jailbroken” to make illicit drugs or weapons, but it’s generally SWN books not already present in basic Strange Stars technol-
easier just to buy or steal such common items. ogy would be appropriate as examples of Archaitech.
In rules terms, these function like the personal matter compil- The Smaragdines are the only culture described in the SSGSB
ers described in Mandate Archive: Transhuman Tech. There are that makes a concerted effort to develop psitech, and they do
also larger units like the stationary matter compilers found on not tend to exploit it for military purposes. The psitech items
polities or the largest vessels, as well. As a rule of thumb, mak- described in the SWN core rules would be within their ability to
ing one item will cost about the same as the list price in the create, however.
The most common means of faster than light travel in Strange The poorly understood relationship between psi and hyper-
Stars is via the Hyperspace Network. The Network is perhaps space has led to more than a few fringe and paranoid memes,
the greatest achievement of the Archaic Oikumene. Though the as well as legitimate scientific inquiry. So far, no theory is satis-
means of its construct and even the basic science of hyperspatial factory. Psi-sensitive individuals tend to find hyperspace travel a
physics behind it is lost, modern galactic civilization relies upon it. bit uncomfortable. Many report the strange sensation of being
The Network is composed of conduits of exotic matter passing
through a manifold known as hyperspace connecting nodes in The travel times between nodes along the hyperspatial network
normal spacetime. The distance between two points in normal of the Archaics is color-coded to denote connection speed. While
space has very little to do with transit time through hyperspace. the actual durations of travel can only be calculated through the
Instead, congestion and poorly understood conduit properties use of advanced physics even an ibglibdishpan mathematician
(“bandwidth”) play a greater role. might need the aid of a calculation device to perform, approxi-
mations for gaming purposes are fairly easy. Use the following
Active network nodes have exit and entrance gates affixed to formula with the conduit colors and lengths given in the SSGSB:
them and terminal stations, located a safe distance away. Most
of these structures date back centuries; a few even go back to Travel Time = [color modifier] x [distance modifier] in
the Oikumene. In civilized areas tolls are often charged for net- kiloseconds (ks).
work access and every ship passing through must have an identi-
fication transponder. So-called “black gates” exist, hidden in out- COLOR MODIFIERS:
of-the-way systems that provide access without going through
the public nodes. Military controlled gates sometimes exist, built RED: 18
near and accessing public nodes, but are given priority. ORANGE: 45
The technology behind the nodes is at least partially psionic in
GREEN: 450
nature. Specially trained psi-sensitives (or specially gengineered
sniffer animals) can detect inactive nodes. Re-activating one BLUE: 900
requires brute-force hacking and psionically transmitted pass- INDIGO: 4500
codes. VIOLET: 6750
One of the most sought after items is a drive box. These cubes
vary in size, but most are around 12 cm. When inactive they ab-
sorb virtually all the light contacting their surface, and so ap-
pear black like a void in the universe. When activated, a box will
turn translucent and sometimes pulse with color. At all times
they are cool to the touch and the texture of smooth plastic.
The technology level of civilization in the past was higher than Intersystem, Fast. Intrasystem, Slow
today. This provides the rationale for some “sufficiently ad-
vanced” Clarke-level technology, the “points of light” nature of Related to the last point, is the way FTL works. Hyperspace
civilization, and “lost world” exploration and space scaveng- nodes tend to go to one place in a system (and may well dump
ing. out somewhere other than directly at the planet of interest).
In-system travel is most likely non-FTL and takes a while. This
Big But Bounded, and Subdivided allows both zipping around the galaxy (at least a part of it) and
“realistic” distribution of clades, but with a hard science fiction
The setting exists within one galaxy — and only a relatively scale to a solar system, allowing the full array of grizzled as-
small part of that one — but there’s plenty of room for new teroid prospectors, fringe religious communities on gas giant
clades, cultures, and even minor empires to be introduced moons, or isolated research bases. The planets highlighted in
without much disruption. The use of hyperspace means that the setting book are just the “major feature” of their respective
there are “clusters” that can serve as smaller sandboxes if the systems, not the whole story. Of course, the way space travel
whole area is too daunting. The game can be as focused as a works also has implications for how and where space battles
single world or station. are fought.
Most classic space opera doesn’t take into account the internet
In brief: A theocratic, expansionist state to be fought against or
in general, much less ubiquitous social media, but these things served, surrounding smaller independent states and bordering
are present here. As a rule of thumb, imagining “how would wilderness.
that work in the Strange Stars?” involves more extrapolation
from the present than looking back to how it was done in Star Good For: Freedom fighters or self-interested rogues fight-
Wars or Star Trek. ing the system; space pirates or privateers operating out of an
anarchic port, spy stories, law enforcement (pulpy or shades of
There’s Always Belief gray), or missionaries.
The future doesn’t mean belief systems go away. The best of Inspiration: Firefly, Howard Chaykin’s Cody Starbuck, James
space opera (Dune, for instance) addresses belief, so it was Bond, Ice Station Zebra (1968), Tales of the Gold Monkey (1982),
something not to be left out or to portrayed one-dimensionally. Black Robe (1991).
From the arbitrary taboos of the Kosmoniks to the realpolitik
theocracy of the Instrumentality, it’s an important part of what OUTER RIM
makes cultures in the setting distinct.
Inspiration: James Bond, the Dominic Flandry novels by Poul Good for: Honest warriors caught in a corrupt system; rebel-
Anderson, Ocean’s Eleven, E.W. Hornung’s Raffles stories, the lions of all sorts, military farce, games of scheming noble hous-
Trigger Argee stories of James M. Schmitz, the Luff Imbry sto- es, and black comedies of protocol.
ries of Matthew Hughes.
Inspiration: The Deep Space Nine Mirror Universe arc or epi-
COREWARD REACH sodes dealing with Cardassian society or military, Lois McMas-
ter Bujold’s Vorkosigan Saga, Game of Thrones, Lone Wolf and
Cub and other stories set in feudal Japan, Rome (2005 tv series).
In brief: A “points of light” wilderness with hidden civilizations
and ruins of the past.
Good For: Exploration; lost worlds; comedies of manners with In brief: A lawless frontier where different cultures meet and
quirky cultures. ancient secrets are buried.
Inspiration: Gulliver’s Travels, Forbidden Planet, the Alastor Good For: Rogues and criminals; pirates, civilization vs. savage-
Cluster and the “Planet of Adventure” series by Jack Vance, Star ry, artifact looting and tomb-raiding.
Trek episodes “Shore Leave” and “A Taste of Armageddon,”
among many others. Inspiration: Tatooine in Star Wars, the Uncharted Territories in
Farscape, particularly the episodes “The Flax,” “Home on the
Comments: The incursion of the Locusts (SSGSB p. 22) also Remains,” and “Liars, Guns, and Money,” A Fist Full of Dollars,
gives room for military action and an impending danger to add a Deadwood, Treasure of Sierra Madre (1948), King Solomon’s
ticking clock to other sorts of adventures. Mines, The Professionals (1966).
The PCs (or one of them) participates in [A] on [B]. 1. A high security vault station
2. The interior of a Wanderer
TABLE A 3. The isolated asteroid estate of a rival
4. A stateroom safe on a luxury starliner
1. A martial arts competition 5. A Zao Pirate stronghold
2. A high-stakes gambling tournament 6. An armored spacehauler
3. A race 7. A habitat in the path of the Locust swarm
4. A hunt for an exotic animal 8. A war-torn world
5. A deadly game
6. A battle of the bands
7. An alien religious ceremony 3. THE HUNT
8. The recording of a popular sim
The PCs search for [A] [B] but must contend with [C].
1. A vessel circling a hyperspace anomaly
2. A domed area of an asteroid
1. A Eden Seeker terrorist cell
3. Interzone
2. A bioengineered horror from the surface of Phobetor
4. The wilderness of Smaragdoz
3. Convicted megacorp executive
5. Gogmagog
4. A thief with a stolen bioweapon
6. The diamond planet Solitaire (Fortuna I)
7. A world blockade by the Vokun 5. A Wanderer Avatar
8. The private station of an celebrity 6. A Circean witch
7 A witness to an important crime
8 A bioroid carrier of a deadly disease
[A] wants the PCs to steal [B] from [C].
1. Across the deserts of Deshret
TABLE A 2. In Smaragdoz City
3. Through the forests of Woon
1. A neshekk insurance exec 4. On the planet Rune
2. A Vokun lord 5. During a party in a domed city on Aygo
1. Algosian cultists
The PCs must get [A] [B] despite [C]. 2. A starship with a malfunctioning experimental drive
3. Zao Pirates
TABLE A 4. A rogue Vokun Lord
5. An insane Wanderer
1. A Deodand hacker 6. A dangerous Star Folk drug
2. An ibglibdishpan defector 7. Ramaging xenomegafauna
3. A diplomate from the League of Habitats 8. An Archaic dissembler nanoswarm
4. A jook band
5. A group of Minga
6. A Wanderer avatar 6. THE UNEXPECTED
7. A child bioroid
8. A Runic Wizard When [A], the PCs unexpectedly stumble onto [B].
The Strange Stars are a dangerous place. Enemies can emerge Algosians rely on kidnappings to obtain most of their victims. To
from anywhere, and they aren’t always obvious or defeatable by this end, they operate clubs or brothels in a number of space-
force alone. This chapter isn’t an exhaustive list of the threats ports, though their involvement is usually secret.
and adversaries player characters might face, but it gives a good
overview for both combat and noncombat encounters. In combat, Algosians relish the use of their Via Dolorosa, devic-
es inherited from the Faceless Ones and passed down through
ALGOSIAN the generations. Each is unique in design particulars, but all
are wand-like devices that deliver a concentrated burst of mi-
No. Appearing: 1-3 crowaves to exposed or lightly covered (normal clothing) skin,
Armor Class: 6 causing excruciating pain. A hit with the Via Dolorosa does 1d6
Hit Dice: 2 points of nonlethal damage and calls for a Physical Effects save
Saving Throw: 14+ to avoid being utterly incapacitated by pain for 1d4 rounds.
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage: 1d8+1 monoblade or 1d8 stun baton, 1d6 + special Algosians are resistant to pain (a saving throw of 9 vs pain-re-
(Via Dolorosa Agonizer) lated Physical and Mental Effects) and they recover hit points at
Movement: 30’ twice the normal rate, though medical care or Biopsionics affect
Morale: 9 them the same as baseline humanoids.
Skill Bonus: +2
Algosians are humanoid torture cultists in the Zuran Expanse
(SSGSB p. 18). They are thought to be the bioroid creations and No. Appearing: 1-4
former servitors of the Faceless Ones, an ancient sadist cabal. Armor Class: 8
The Algosians learned a lot from their masters and now apply Hit Dice: 1
that knowledge to those that fall into their hands. Saving Throw: 14+
The bioroids of the pleasure world Erato have a myriad of modi- The hounds are the size of Old Earth great cats and have trian-
fications to primary and secondary sexual characteristics, sex- gular heads more reminiscent of birds of prey or snakes. Their
ual performance, and biochemistry. Always seeking to expand faces are much more expressive than an animal’s would be.
their market share, the Eratoans have began to generate mem- Their bodies are made of computronium sheathed in a quicksil-
bers of their clade with new purposes. Bioroids with idiopathic ver smartmatter skin. Their limbs can contort or flow in surpris-
poison biochemistry or weaponized genitalia command a high ing ways, and they can squeeze themselves into smaller spaces
price on the black market as assassins. The above stats repre- than might be expected. They regenerate damage; a fist-sized
sent a somewhat less exotic assassin or covert bodyguard type. portion of their substance can regrowth the entire creature
with time, an energy source, and a material substrate. They can
HANNIBAL T. EARLY survive for indeterminate periods in hard vacuum.
No. Appearing: 1 They hunt in groups, and anything and anyone is fair game. They
Armor Class: 1 (power armor) aren’t mindless animals; in fact, they’re quite erudite and are
Hit Dice: 8 likely to attempt to engage their prey (or at least taunt them)
Saving Throw: 11 with allusions to and quotations from pre-Great Collapse works
Attack Bonus: +10 of art before the kill.
Damage: 2d8+2 mag rifle, 2d6 thermal pistol
Movement: 30’ KSAA COLD EGG
Morale: 11
Skill Bonus: +3 No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: 6
The military of the Radiant Polity (SSGSB p. 3) consisted of one Hit Dice: 4
soldier, and that man was named Hannibal Tecumseh Early. Saving Throw: 14+
Early mostly appeared as a steely-eyed, taciturn veteran of late Attack Bonus: +3
middle years, but when necessary, tens of thousands of versions Damage: 2d6+2 mag pistol, 1d8 monoblade saber
of him were embodied in battleships and war fogs, spy drones Movement: 30’
and strategic minds. The Early war machine was manufactured Morale: 8
to whatever size was needed, but at least one Early was kept in Skill Bonus: +6
hibernation, as a reserve. Most Early iterations were lost in the
wars at the end of the Radiant Polity, but a few copies of mid- The neuter-sexed khii gans (“cold eggs”) are the true powers
dling quality might still be encountered leading the armies of behind the ksaa (SSGSB p.26). Scornful of outside races, the
one interplanetary power or another. cold eggs manipulate the female ksaa gynarchs whose territo-
ries they administer. The name “cold egg” comes from the lower
Early will employ the best armor and weapons available to what- temperature required for their gestation of neuter ksaa, but it
ever polity he’s working for. Though he will be a commander in has taken on the connotation of “cunning bastard.”
whatever force he serves, he is never one to avoid getting his
own hands dirty. Cold eggs are plotters and schemers; they’re the chessmaster
setting up the board or the spider at the center of the web.
HELLHOUND Many consider it a blessing that the ksaa are so myopically fo-
cused on their internal power struggles.
No. Appearing: 1-4
Armor Class: 4 KUATH
Hit Dice: 7
Saving Throw: 11 No. Appearing: 2-12
Attack Bonus: +8/+8/+6 Armor Class: 2
Damage: 2d4/2d4 claws, 1d8 bite Hit Dice: 5
Movement: 40’ Saving Throw: 14+
Morale: 10 Attack Bonus: +5
The hulking blue (3 m tall) are the most massive of the ssraad spe- Red ssraad are nearly 2.5 m tall. Though sophonts, their behav-
cies (SSGSB p. 27) and are more intelligent and organized than the ior is savage and animalistic. Often, only their sadism betrays
red. Still, they have no hierarchy beyond the tribal level, where the their intelligence. They do not build or create, but are capable
strongest rule. What technology they possess is stolen; the blue of utilizing technology when necessary. Red ssraad are used as
force captives to remodel their starships for the ssraad’s large shock troops and terror weapons by the greens. They are phe-
frames before they kill them. They can employ weapons, but prefer nomenally hardy and regenerate 2 hit points a round.
to use the bone spur claws that grow from the dorsal surface of
their hands, and their massive jaws. Red ssraad parthenogenetically produce eggs that must incu-
bate with a living host. They use their hollow tongues to inject
Ssraad reproduce asexually. Dominance challenges between ssraad eggs (40% chance) into a host on a bite that does damage. Once
can lead to slashes along the loser’s back from the victor’s bone inside, the egg gestates for 3 weeks. The host then falls ill for
spurs that (combined with chemicals introduced into the loser’s approximately 24 hours with nausea and abdominal pain be-
bloodstream from the victor’s saliva) stimulate the growth of eggs fore the ssraad larva eats its way out of the victim’s body, killing
beneath osteodermic plates. These eventually bud off into larva. them.
The moravecs of the artificial moon of Telos are followers of the VOKUN LORD
AI prophet Iskander Null-A, who taught that biosophonts are
No. Appearing: 1
the flawed creations of moravecs, destined for a life of servi-
Armor Class: 9 (2 with chair deflector array)
tude. Telosians enjoy gladiatorial contests where humans are
Hit Dice: 3
forced to fight for their entertainment and rarely tolerate free
Saving Throw: 13
biosophonts within their sphere of influence.
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage: 1d4+1 punch or 2d6 energy weapon concealed in hov-
THRAX erchair
Movement: 5’ (25’’ in hoverchair)
No. Appearing: 1-10 Morale: 8
Armor Class: 2 Skill Bonus:+3
Hit Dice: 5 Special Abilities: Vokun regenerate 1 hit point per minute, up
Saving Throw: 14+ to maximum of 12 points. This does not prevent a vokun from
Attack Bonus: +7 dying at zero hit points.
Damage: 1d12+1 thraxu blade or 1d8+2 monoblade
Movement: 30’ A vokun’s age is linearly correlated with their subtlety, breadth
Morale: 11 of vision, hedonism, and physical immobility. Vokun lords, heads
Skill Bonus: +2 of their households, dream intricate dreams of vast triumphs
and glorious conquests — and then promptly lose themselves
The thrax clone clade are the famed warriors of the Alliance in immediate decadent pleasures. While perhaps not imposing
(SSGSB p. 10). They are taciturn, serious, and greatly concerned on an immediate physical level (in any way but sheer bulk), a
with honor and discipline as defined by their warrior’s code. vokun lord sufficiently roused from their indolence by anger is a
Thrax express their individuality through their armor, which they dangerous foe indeed.
are allowed to individualize within parameters set by their unit.
Their signature weapon are the thraxu blades: ancient weap- XANN HUNTER
ons of programmable matter which, when energized, creates a
quantum edge (treat as a nanoknife from Mandate Archive: The No. Appearing: 1-2
Dust). Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: 7
VOIDGLIDER Saving Throw: 11
Attack Bonus: +8/+8/+6
No. Appearing: 1-10 Damage: 2d4/2d4 claws, 1d6 bite
Movement: 40’
Armor Class: 7
Morale: 11
Hit Dice: 1+1
Skill Bonus: +1
Saving Throw: 15
Special Abilities: They regenerate 2 hit points per round, start-
Attack Bonus: +1
ing after 2 rounds of combat. They possess the equivalent of
Damage: 1d10 laser rifle
the Biopsionic power Invincible Stand.
Movement: 25’; 120’ (fly)
Morale: 7 The xann are the monsters who monsters fear. Seeking re-
Skill Bonus: +1 venge for the near genocide of their people in ancient times,
they are implacable enemies of the zurr and their creations/
A clade adapted to survival in the vacuum of space, the Voidglid- descendants, the ssraad. Despite historical consensus that
ers were once free peoples who have been confined to a reser- the zurr are an extinct culture, the xann believe that a few of
vation in the Dhadgar System (SSGSB p. 17) by the Vokun Em- their enemies have passed their minds down through the ages,
pire. They can unfurl giant dragonfly wings, living solar panels downloading them into new bodies.
from which plasma sails provide self-locomotion in the vacuum.
Adapted to the vacuum of space, Voidgliders are resistant to In base form, they are chalk white-skinned, slim, almost deli-
radiation (+3 bonus to saving throws) and can survive without cate-appearing humans. They are never seen in groups larger
oxygen, so long as they have food and water. than three or four. Often their children are abandoned to be
Factions play a big part in the universe of Strange Stars. They and critiques of its user’s thought processes and behavior lead
can make the lives of PCs easier or more difficult — but hope- to progressive behavior modification of susceptible individuals.
fully always more interesting! The factions presented below are “Advanced” members without public relations duties tend to
only a sampling of the ones that exist in the setting. They are dress in the same grey uniform-like garments and use frequent
described and interact in the ways outlined in Chapter 8 of the aphorisms from Aurogov teachings in their speech.
Stars Without Number core book.
The Pharesmid Syndicate is a criminal organization centered on SAMPLE ZAO PIRATE BAND
the planet Smaragdoz, though its presence is also felt on other
worlds. The members of the group are all bio-clones or mind
copies of their founder, Smaragdine cyberterrorist Uln Pharesm. Attributes: Force 4, Cunning 2, Wealth 2
Hit Points: 15
Pharesmids all wear facial tattoos, though they may disguise Assets: Cunning Trap 3, Elite Skirmishers 2
them in the course of their criminal operations. Their progenitor Tags: Pirate
has augmented his brain to give himself limited psi abilities, and
it may be that some lieutenants have similar enhancements. The infamous Zao Corsairs are based on the former Radiant Pol-
ity prison asteroid of Naraka. The Zao are killers who capture
SAMPLE THRAX MERCENARY CADRE ships, loot them, and hold their passengers for ransom or sell
them into slavery — sometimes selling their bodies separately
from their uploaded minds.
Attributes: Force 4, Wealth 2, Cunning 1
Hit Points: 15 While following the codes and contributing to the defense of
Assets: Hardened Personnel 2, Informers 1 the association, Zao pirate bands are autonomous franchised
Tags: Mercenary Group groups of freebooters. Each band runs its own small flotilla and
keeps its own finances. Each band is headed by a captain or
The distinctively armored thrax are famed soldiers of Alliance captains, usually elected by corsair members (generally through
space. Some thrax form mercenary companies and can be serv- a complicated system of real-time assessment of crew confi-
ing wherever there is conflict across the Strange Stars. dence).
There are thousands of worlds and habitats in Strange Stars; Exchange Consult: This doesn’t really have an exact equivalent
the setting book only touches on a few of them. The world gen- in Stars Without Number, but a rough approximation would be
eration system in Stars Without Number is a good way to gen- Banking Center.
erate new worlds for your own campaign, though some of the
world tags don’t readily apply to the Strange Stars setting. Forbidden Tech: Much of the technology considered forbidden
in the standard setting of SWN is common in Strange Stars. As
More sophonts in Strange Stars actually inhabit artificial habi- a result, this tag carries the opposite meaning and denotes a
tats rather than natural satellites. The primary reason for this is particularly repressive world with respect to one or more tech-
space: fully Earth-like worlds are relatively rare and orbital habi- nologies.
tats can be placed in a lot of locations, including star systems
that never developed rocky planets. A system for the random Heavy Mining: The definition of this tag should be broadened
generation of habitats is presented at the end of this chapter. to include gas giant mining.
Changes and Additions to the World Tags: Misogyny/Misandry: To get more use out of this tag, expand it
to include prejudice or persecution against any group by replac-
Alien Ruins: Replace this with Ruins. These could be alien, but ing in with Chauvinism.
are more likely to be ancient ruins from the time of the Archaic
Oikumene or before. Perimeter Agency: This group doesn’t exist in Strange Stars,
and there isn’t any group that would be a direct correlation. A
Altered Humanity: Altering baseline humanity is much more culture similarly concerned with the dangers of technology and
common in Strange Stars, so this tag should only be used for curtailing (or trying to curtail) it in some way can be represented
particularly unusual cultures. by the tag Luddite World.
Eugenic Cults: The rough equivalent of these could be found, Pleasure World: This new tag denotes a world or habitat fa-
but given the commonness of genetic modification, the “eu- mous, or infamous, for its hedonistic pursuits. Worlds like this
genics” element is less important than the “cult” part. will often be a vacation destination.
GOGMAGOG The Maze’s guardians are tall, robed humanoids with enlarged
SSGSB p. 9 craniums and skin as black as starless space. There are always
three present, though perhaps not always the same three.
Tags: Desert World, Local Specialty Their primary task seems to be to decide who may walk the
Enemies: Crazy bot-breaker Haxo Ysgar, Robber gang maze from the supplicants present. They never allow more
Friends: Merc Faizura Deyr working for the bot-breakers, Free than five in, but the number varies; they often select fewer.
trader supplying bot-breakers Those they choose must divest themselves of weapons,
Complications: Von Neumann machine swarm, Malfunctioning equipment, and uplinks, and don simple robes before entering
giant robot the maze.
Things: Hidden entrance to the mysterious planetary substruc-
ture, Forgotten ancient giant bot NARAKA
Places: Shanty town, Junkyard SSGSB p. 23
Archaic Station: Built during the latter times of the Archaic Oi- 2 Silicate Forest
kumene, these stations have true artificial gravity (not just spin 3 Alkali Salt Flats
gravity) and take a myriad of forms, like the Wheel in the For- 4 Macrofungal Bog
tuna system that resembles a gigantic roulette wheel. Archaic 5 Mesas and Canyonlands
Stations may have superficial similarities to any of the above
6 Wetlands
station types.
7 Grassland Prairie/Steppe
Beaded Habitat: Smaller habitats strung together like beads 8 Boreal Forest
on a string (though they need not be spherical). These are typi- 9 Terran Forest
cally zero-g. 10 Rainforest
11 Freshwater Lake (islands present 9+ on 2d6)
Bioform: A generally small habitat either on the surface or inte- 12 Saltwater Sea (islands present 7+ on 2d6)
rior of a biological (or partially biologic) entity. Sometimes the 13 Rhizomatic Forestlands
bioform will have been expressly engineered for this purpose,
14 Exotic Liquid Lake (islands present 9+ on 2d6)
other times it has been adapted to it.
15 Razorvine Tangles
Megastructure: Whether built by aliens or by the early Archaic 16 Single Megaorganism
Oikumene (or even earlier cultures) these rare habitats dwarf
conventional structures. Circus is a ring megastructure.
Use the tags as described above for worlds.
Vessel: Some small communities make their home in repur-
posed vessels. Most of these makeshift habitats are station-
ary, though a few may circulate on long cycles. They differ from
ships in that they don’t typically have destinations or signifi- NEW STRANGE STARS WORLD TAGS
cantly alterable courses.
Archive: A great storehouse of information can be found
Other: Something else unusual. on this world, either curated by the current civilization or
left sealed by an ancient one.
Banking Center: This world has become a center for the
Roll 2d6 financial industry.
3: INTERIOR BIOCLIME AND URBANIZATION Ruins: This world has significant ruins present from
some ancient civilization, perhaps even an unknown one
Roll 2d6
Strange Tech: Some isolated civilizations develop very
2 Wilderness Heavy (1d6 Bioclimes), Low to Non-Exis- unusual uses or relationships with their technology.
tent Habitation