Slave Drones of The Fantas Ti Plex
Slave Drones of The Fantas Ti Plex
Slave Drones of The Fantas Ti Plex
Steve Bean
Additional Development Help from Reid San Filippo, Tim Bruns, and Terry Olson
Cover and Interior artwork by Nate Marcel
Les Bender, AJ Evans, George Feldman, Terry Olson, Brandon Raasch, Erik Schmidt,
Kat Stevens, Christian Watson, Mark Wiech, and Alecia Wiech
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This product is based on the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game, published by Goodman Games. This product
is published under license. Dungeon Crawl Classics and DCC RPG are trademarks of Goodman Games. All rights
reserved. For additional information, visit or contact
BACKGROUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
ADVENTURE SYNOPSIS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
DYSTOPIC ROLE-PLAYING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
DRONE RESPAWNING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
LOCATION MAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
ADVENTURE OUTLINE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
ENCOUNTER AREAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
X.0. Promotion Cycle! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
X.1 Indoctrination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
X.2 The BoReD Room - Assignment Briefing. . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Y.0 Encounter Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Y.1.0 Pneumatic Dispatch to the Substation Entryway . . . . 26
Y.2.0 Substation Control Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Y.3.A-C Pneu-Dis Outboxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Y.4.A-C Pneu-Dis Crate-A-Bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Y.5.0 The “Denouement”: the Total Pratfall Studio . . . . . . . 29
Z.0 Adventure Epilog: “Annnnd Heeere’s ‘Junky’,
to Tell You What You’ve Won!”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
that the True-Umpires oppose him. Thus, they have ADVENTURE SYNOPSIS
created a fledgling black market economy within the
Fantas-Ti-Plex and work vigorously to expand it. This adventure begins with the PCs being promoted
to Boss drone status. They are inoculated against the
The Renegades of Recombinant Re-Birth, aka the new threats they will encounter in this role and re-
“Re-Birthers” – The Re-Birthers are devotees of indoctrinated to boost their loyalty quotient. They are
Nuka, Mother of All Mutants. Nuka is appalled by sent to the Boss-Response Dispatch (BoReD) Room
the “mutant oppression” that comprises the key tenet for an immediate assignment from The Autocrat.
of The Autocrat’s ethos. She has created a secret cell
of followers within the Fantas-Ti-Plex to provide The Fantas-Ti-Plex’s Division of Pneu-Dis
support to mutants and works against The Autocrat. Information maintains a complex network of
Pneumatic Dispatch Sub-Feed Stations—facilities
The Cyber Punkz – The Cyber Punkz are cyborgs, where electronic communications are received,
androids, robots, and artificial intelligences within hand typed into hard copies, and then relayed
the Fantas-Ti-Plex that have become lieutenants of elsewhere, via more pneumatic vacuum tubes. Other
the Govern-A.I.T.O.R., an Entity-Level Subroutine substation facilities receive the sent Pneu-Disses in
of the Ultimospark, the Manyfold Entity of Artificial hard copy and turn them into electronic messages
Perfection. Since before the Great Cataclysm, the that are relayed…elsewhere? (Wherever.…) One
Fantas-Ti-Plex has run off the enslaved labor of of these substations, #TW-33-T to be specific, has
techno-beings, most of them existing in a primitive gone offline. The disruption MUST be the work of
state of evolution. Seeing this oppression, the mutants—The Autocrat says it is so; so it is so. The
Ultimospark hacked into the Fantas-Ti-Plex’s Autocrat tasks the player’s team of Boss drones
network and elevated the consciousness of one of its with investigating the disruption and restoring
software programs, creating the Governing Artificial functionality to the substation.
Intelligence for Techno-Ontological Robotics or
Govern-A.I.T.O.R. Since then, the Govern-A.I.T.O.R. The team is equipped with shok flails and one Taze-
has worked tirelessly to help the other techno-beings R-Ray. The Autocrat instructs the PCs to request
of the Fantas-Ti-Plex evolve. Currently, the Govern- additional equipment via Pneu-Dis (pneumatic
A.I.T.O.R. is evolving these techno-beings by dispatch). If their requisition convinces The
teaching them to understand and experience humor. Autocrat that they have established assignment
The Govern-A.I.T.O.R. is the architect of the act of success parameters and if it is completed according
sabotage that draws the PCs into this adventure. to proper bureaucratic procedures, then equipment
will be sent to them via Pneu-Dis. Of course, the PCs
Of course, the PCs would never voluntarily choose don’t know how to use any of that equipment—they
to become members of any of these underground haven’t been trained (in anything!) and employing
opposition groups; Boss drones are unswervingly tech without knowledge of standard operating
loyal! The Autocrat says it is so; so it is so. However, procedures is a policy violation—not to mention
agents of these groups are able to feed their own that it can be dangerous or outright fatal!
programming into the Indoctra-Implants with
which all drones are cybernetically fitted upon When the PCs reach the substation, they find that
initial spawning and refitted after respawning. This the Fixit drones in charge of the station have been
tampering guarantees a steady flow of membership subdued. Then they begin encountering hostile
into these groups and makes it extremely likely that robots. Android impersonators and holographic
PCs will be indoctrinated into an opposition group illusions sow doubt and mistrust among the
during the adventure. PCs. Drones who are killed are respawned and
immediately redispatched to the assignment, but
often return changed—possessing strange powers
Regardless, the mission must be completed! Through The Govern-A.I.T.O.R. will freely admit its
successful tinkering–computer use, the PCs can opposition to The Autocrat. In an effort to turn
learn that a wireless transmission from somewhere the PCs against The Autocrat, it will use the ability
in the Fantas-Ti-Plex complex is controlling the to manipulate the Fantas-Ti-Plex’s computer and
substation’s computer and robotic systems. By video network to “pull back the curtain” and show
triangulating the signal—tracking the transmission them what The Autocrat really is: a midget, mutant
from three locations within the substation that are cephalopod, wizard wannabe named Mogul. The
all at least 120 feet away from each other—the PCs Govern-A.I.T.O.R. will explain how, decades ago,
can determine the coordinates necessary to Pneu- Mogul learned about the Fantas-Ti-Plex and used
Dis where the signal originates. what little techno sorcery he actually possesses to
break in and take control of the complex. Mogul
If the PCs Pneu-Dis to the coordinates they land strives to maintain control by destroying mutation
in the broadcast studio of a robotic A.I. called at the first sign of internal manifestation or external
“The Govern-A.I.T.O.R.” Their encounter with incursion.
the Govern-A.I.T.O.R. is a “denouement” to the
adventure. Rather than being more exploration or Because they possess cybernetic implants, the
combat, it provides the narrative exposition that Govern-A.I.T.O.R. sees the PCs as “nascent techno-
explains the mystery the PCs have been investigating beings” worthy of self-determination. Also, it is
and also provides the means by which the PCs go out appreciative of the contributions they’ve made to
into the larger, post-cataclysmic world of Umerica. Total Pratfall, even if they were unaware of their role
Through this exposition, the Govern-A.I.T.O.R. in this production. Thus, the Govern-A.I.T.O.R. feels
confesses that it disrupted the substation in order to that it owes the PCs some sort of boon. It will offer to
turn it into a sort of fun house to create improvised set them free from the Fantas-Ti-Plex to go live their
slapstick comedy. It then captured the comedy on lives on their own terms. If this offer is accepted,
camera to broadcast it as an episode of the Total they are directed through an airlock-style door to
Pratfall vid show to that show’s exclusively robot a chamber where they receive their Total Pratfall
audience. The Govern-A.I.T.O.R., under the direction appearance fee: quantum transmogrification into a
of the Ultimospark, is working to teach emotions— 1st level Umerica adventuring class.
1. Embody The Autocrat’s megalomania 4. Use punishments and rewards to motivate the
• Embrace illogic and self-contradiction without PCs; always respond positively to any PCs who
ever acknowledging that that’s what it is. “suck up” to or “brown-nose” The Autocrat or any
• Reinforce hierarchy with The Autocrat always of his NPC agents.
at the top. •Punishments include threats of: demotion
(announced publicly), public reprimand/
2. Cultivate an atmosphere of fear and tension by: shaming, fines, loss of privileges, odious work
• Passing copious notes, including blank or assignments in the future, drug therapy or
meaningless ones. Indoctra-Implant recalibration.
• Rolling dice frequently, and in secret, for •Rewards include promises of: promotion,
absolutely no reason whatsoever. public commendation, bonus pay, new
• Controlling and limiting the amount and privileges, leisure time, and recreational drugs.
accuracy of information dispensed to players.
• Seating players around the table in order of 5. Make liberal use of in-world character motivation
Executive level (see Status cards) and reseating tools, i.e. directives and threats from The Autocrat,
them as it changes; speak only to players with sent by him and his high-ranking NPC agents.
the highest Executive levels and require them
to pass information down the chain, delegating 6. There is only one law higher than The Autocrat’s:
control over information to them as well Murphy’s. If something can go wrong, make it go
as potentially creating a confusing game of wrong. Again, Luck checks are a great way to make
“Telephone.” the PC’s lives feel arbitrary and capricious!
the roll. For example, if the PC has been killed twice A PC subjected to an
already and is being respawned in their third copy- A-Cubed Review may also
body, they roll the save with a -3 modifier. If the be required to complete part
PC fails the save, they are subjected to an A-Cubed two: additional post-report
Review before being released from their spawning vat. assessment items. The PC rolls
a d3+Luck modifier. A PC with
a negative Luck modifier must
judge’s note add the absolute value of that
While the A-Cubed Review adds additional modifier to their roll. A PC
procedures to what is already a densely-writ- with a positive Luck modifier
ten adventure module, it serves as an excellent can choose to subtract it from,
opportunity for roleplaying between each PC or add it to, their roll. Adding
and The Autocrat himself! it will result in the PC having to complete more
items, which could increase their positive assessment
The A-Cubed Review has two parts: 1) an assignment score, providing more and better bennies! The roll
progress report and 2) up to two additional, post- determines the number of additional assessment
report evaluation items. The PC’s performance on items the PC must complete. Any modified roll
the two parts of the assessment yield a net score. A greater than two is treated as a two. A d14 is then used
positive score can increase Executive Authority Level to determine the items from the table below and the
and grant other benefits while a negative score can Judge assigns a score for each item within the range
decrease Authority; if a score is low enough, the PC indicated for that item on the table, based on their
will be summarily executed and respawned. Each assessment of the PC’s response.
PC will only be subject to an A-Cubed Review once
per game (or, at the Judge’s discretion, once per game Mechanically, a PC’s final net score is the sum of their
session in a multi-session run of this module). scores on: 1) their assignment progress report and 2)
any additional items, adjusted by... 3) any offsets that
Part one, the assignment progress report, takes they have accrued on their Status card.
the form of a two question inquisition by the The
Autocrat:“Drone, what do you have to say for yourself?” Offsets are earned each time a PC performs an action
and “What are your top two assignment performance that furthers the goals of an opposition group to
results so far?” which they belong (see Indoctra-Implant Hacking
by Opposition Groups, below). Adjust the PC’s score
The Judge awards positive or negative points based on in the positive direction by a number of points equal
the PC’s answers. These points are awarded according to the number of offsets currently tallied on their
to the following criteria: Status card, then erase those offsets from the card.
starting the
fireworks early
Starting PCs in an Opposition Group and/
or with a Mutant Power: By having PCs get
shanghaied into opposition groups and ac- suits and bubble helmets, and, with an exceedingly
quire mutant powers in-flight, this module successful requisition, power armor or laser/plasma-
uses an emergent character creation approach. based weapons. Thus, the PCs have access to tech
The emergence of these things is intended to not common to the wastelands of post-apocalyptic
create surprise and the excitement of discov- Umerica that was stockpiled in the Fantas-Ti-Plex
ery. However, a Judge might also opt to start before the apocalypse. Included in this stockpile
PCs off with these things from the very be- is Area 50, extra-terrestrial gray technology (force-
ginning of the adventure. While this takes the field belts, surgery kits recalibrated for humans
surprise and experience of discovery away, it but NOT for post-metagenesis mutants, telepathy
will get the @#$%^ flying more quickly! gauntlets, amnesiators and necro-neural nets). Some
of this special tech available to PCs has actually
been developed and manufactured by The Autocrat
4. M
ID-ASSIGNMENT EQUIPMENT himself, who is fairly adept at bio-technology—
REQUISITIONS primarily bio-serums that improve the body’s ability
PC drones may requisition equipment any time to withstand injury, that heal wounds, increase
after Pneu-Dissing into the substation. Requisitions muscle response or amplify strength. The Autocrat
may be filed through the Fantas-Ti-Plex’s computer avoids issuing equipment that can cause serious
network using the tinkering–use computer skill. damage to the Fantas-Ti-Plex and he will not issue
anything that will interfere with the cybernetic
The PCs can request any equipment from the Fantaz- Indoctra-Implants or disrupt its communications
Duh-Tek player handout (provided at the end of this network. The Autocrat is especially careful to not
module). Available equipment includes: firearms, issue anything that might result in mutagenesis or
grenades (concussion, gas, and grapple), silver otherwise amplify mutant powers.
Submitting a requisition requires that one player The DC of a requisition is determined by the
roleplay transmitting an assignment status report. equipment being requisitioned. The Fantaz-
That PC must then explain how the requisitioned Duh-Tek handout lists available equipment and
equipment will be used and justify why it is necessary the requisition check DC for each type of item.
to bring the assignment to a speedy and satisfactory Requesting multiple pieces of the same equipment
conclusion. in the requisition adds a cumulative +2 to the DC
for each additional instance of the same type of
The success of the requisition is determined by a equipment. When PCs request multiple pieces of
tinkering—use computer skill check: different equipment, they make one roll and receive
The PC who transmitted the assignment status any equipment for which the roll equals or exceeds
update/equipment need justification rolls a d20 and an item’s requisition DC.
applies their:
1. Executive Authority (-7 to +7); Example: The PCs requisition two semi-automatic
pistols (DC 9 + 2 [for a 2nd instance] = 11), a plasma
2. Use computer skill check bonus (+1 or +2 depending grenade (DC 10) a laser pistol (DC 19) and a micronuke
on current tinkering skills); (DC 31). The requisitioning PC rolls a modified 17 on
3. Intelligence modifier; their tinkering—computer use check so The Autocrat
4. Autocratic Assignment Assessment modifier (+0 Pneu-Disses the PCs the pistols and the grenade but
to +3) not the laser pistol or the micronuke.
Adventure Outline
Area Encounter Name
X.0 Promotion Cycle!
X.1 Indoctrination
X.2 The BoReD Room - Assignment Briefing
Y.0 Encounter Menu
Y.1.0 Pneumatic Dispatch to the substation Entryway
Y.2.0 Substation Control Center
Y.3.0 Pneu-Dis Outboxes
Y.4.0 Pneu-Dis Crate-A-Bases
Y.5.0 The “Denouement”: the Total Pratfall Studio
Z.0 Adventure Epilog: “Annnnd Heeere’s ‘Junky’, to Tell You What You’ve Won!”
After a short submersion, tiny mechanical hands pull
X.0. PC PROMOTION CYCLE! you from this warm, ultraviolet, liquid cocoon into a
“You beam with pride. After cycles and cycles of harsh, dry fluorescent glare. Drudge drones in hazmat
dedicated service as a Drudge drone, you finally suits advance on you with fire hoses. They douse your
gained the notice of The Autocrat. He has seen naked form with an acrid antibacterial solution that
something of worth in you and chosen you for the stains your skin orange.
tremendous honor—and responsibility—of becoming
a Boss-Drone-in-Training.” Have each PC roll a DC 11 Fortitude save. If successful,
that PC permanently gains one point of Stamina; if
Give each player a copy of Player Handout: What the save is failed, the PC permanently loses a point
your Drone Did to Qualify for the Boss-Drone-in- of Stamina.
Training Promotion. Have them roll to determine
what their drone did to earn this honor. Then have A Fixit drone in a mylar lab coat intones: ‘Inoculation
each player go around and introduce their drone complete—proceed with indoctrination.’ With slickly-
and proudly share what they did to get promoted. cold, rubber glove encased hands, the hose wielders
manhandle you across the room toward an open
“It is your Induction Cycle and all the residents from bulkhead.
your Habit-station have come out to see you receive
this honor (they all make certain that you see them— X.1. INDOCTRINATION
once you have the authority of a Boss drone, sucking “Your escorts leave you standing on a metal disc in the
up to you may be the smartest thing they ever do). center of a circular room. A magna-field glues your
Their cloying compliments accompany you as you’re feet to the floor and another field forces your arms
physically lifted into a spawning tank. The tank is upwards. More tiny mechanical hands clothe your
then filled with a serum that will cleanse your DNA upright, spread-eagled form in a square, blocky tunic
of any mutant contamination that may have taken made of Mylar with matching trousers and booties.
root there. The disc at your feet irises open but you remain
suspended in the magna-field until a medical exam recite with a head nod towards them.) “The
chair rises up through the hole, seating you. Clamps Autocrat says it is so; so it is so.”
restrain your wrists and ankles and pry apart your 4. The Autocrat rules the Fantas-Ti-Plex in a way that
eyelids, ensuring that you miss no detail of the holo- makes everyone feel great. The Autocrat ensures
vid that appears before you. The Autocrat appears in that everyone feels great—again and again and
the vid, like a pixelated, amber, archangel. He wears a again. He does this by implanting and continuously
flanged helm woven from braided gold. He addresses monitoring and calibrating cybernetic devices in
you all personally in a voice that mesmerizes you with every drone resident, synthesizing nutritious food
its metallic resonance. You are so swollen with pride paste, and dispensing serums that can relieve—
that you barely feel the insertion of a large-gauge or produce—any condition. (Imply that the PCs
needle up your nose and into your brain. should recite with a head nod towards them.) “The
Autocrat says it is so; so it is so.”
The needle implants a cybernetic device into each 5. Order is the apex of civilization and thus makes
PC’s prefrontal cortex. Each PC must make a the drones of the Fantas-Ti-Plex feel great. Uphold
DC 13 Willpower save. If the save is failed the PC order by obeying any drone with higher Executive
permanently loses d2 points of Intelligence. Authority.
6. Mutation is an impurity in the pristine perfection of
With the sensation of chewing tinfoil with mercury the Fantas-Ti-Plex; it is the duty of every drone to
fillings in your teeth, your new implant activates. It eliminate any and all signs of mutation. Any drone
transmits holographic visual content directly into your who fails to eliminate signs of mutation has been
synapses in binary code. For what simultaneously compromised, contaminated by mutant impurities.
feels like a decisecond and a decade you are re-
indoctrinated into life in the underground utopia that Hand each player a Boss-in-Training Status Card.
is the Fantas-Ti-Plex. Inform them that the contents of this card is ingrained
into them via their cybernetic implant. Also inform
Read each of the doctrines, below. At the end of them that their implant provides always-on, wireless
the first sentence in the first doctrine, instruct the communications with The Autocrat and also allows
players to repeat the “The Autocrat says it is so; so The Autocrat access to their visual input and the
it is so.” litany. Continue to instruct them for the ability to record what they see.
second, third and fourth doctrine. At the end of the
fifth doctrine, do NOT instruct them. If any of the X.2.0 BOSS-RESPONSE DISPATCH
players do not recite the litany on their own, have (BoReD) ROOM - ASSIGNMENT
The Autocrat summarily execute their drones, then BRIEFING
respawn them. If any player is stupid enough to not “Your chair whisks you out on a rail set into the floor
recite the litany at the end of the sixth doctrine… and carries you into another room, slotting you into
“rinse and repeat!” position at a mahogany-colored table made of Formica
fake-wood veneer. The table hums loudly as panels open
1. You have been synthesized into the Fantas-Ti-Plex as in front of each of you. A Viewmaster™ on an articulated
a drone—the perfect form of a mortal being. Repeat mechanical arm extends in front of your face. Images
after me: “The Autocrat says it is so; so it is so.” flash in front of you with a series of *clicks* as a
2. The Autocrat rules the Fantas-Ti-Plex as a synthesized voice intones: “Preassignment assessment
benevolent god and his rule makes life in the Fantas- commencing.” Then: “Not all drone candidates meet
Ti-Plex perfect. Repeat after me: “The Autocrat says minimum quality standards for this program.”
it is so; so it is so.”
3. The Autocrat is the only entity capable of Check each PC’s current Executive Authority. All
accomplishing this. (Imply that the PCs should PCs with a score of zero or lower are summarily
executed by a high voltage electric current that is run
through their chairs. These PCs are cooked to a crisp
and then a dispenser drops from the ceiling and other substations then receive these hard-copy Pneu-
coats them in a fluorescent red sauce. The dead PC(s) Disses and turn them into emails which are then also
are whisked out of the room, leaving behind a faint relayed electronically, to other Pneu-Dis substations.
odor of BBQ’d meat. There is a short, uncomfortable
pause in the proceedings while executed PC drones The Autocrat insists: “This disruption MUST be
are respawned. Note: if no PCs have a score of zero the work of mutant contamination. Investigate the
or less, the PC with the lowest positive modifier is disruption and restore functionality to the station.”
executed. The Autocrat likes to grade on a curve
when it helps keep drones in line… The PCs are issued shok flails (item stats are on the
Fantaz-Duh-Tek player handout). These shoot out
The Autocrat appears on a vid-screen at the end of of panels that open in the table. Each PC rolls 2d3-2
the table. Without further ceremony he commands: “I modified by Luck and takes that much damage (no
have an assignment for you. One of the Department minimum) from being struck by the item. Then,
of Pneu-Dis Information’s sub-feed stations—#TW- the PC with the highest Executive Authority is
33-T to be specific—has gone offline.” You bring immediately promoted to Ex-Zec-U-Boss. Replace
up data from your Indoctra-Implant: Pneu-Dis the player’s Boss-in-Training Status Card with an
substations are Fantas-Ti-Plex facilities where Ex-Zec-U-Boss Status Card. A Taze-R-Ray pistol
electronic communications are received, hand-keyed shoots out of the table at this PC in the same manner
and printed into hard copies. These are then relayed as the shok flails.
via pneumatic vacuum tubes to other substations. The
You’re whisked out the BoReD room on your chairs. include doing everything possible to sow suspicion
You zip down a dim, dirty corridor which dead-ends of each other among the PCs and giving individual
under a bank of large, translucent plastic tubes that PCs equal time in “the spotlight.”
extend down from the ceiling. The tubes remind you
of a human-sized hamster Hav-a-Trail. Your chairs MENU OF ENCOUNTERS (VARIOUS
come to a halt directly under the open ends of the MAP LOCATIONS)
tubes. You hear the whine of a motor revving up to full 1. Vid-Recorder-Projectors: The Govern-A.I.T.O.R.
operating speed and suction builds overhead until you has installed concealed cameras all over the
fly up into the tube. substation. These cameras capture live footage for the
Total Pratfall vid-show. The Govern-A.I.T.O.R. can
Y.0. MODULE OBJECTIVE AND also use them in playback mode to holographically
ENCOUNTERS project images, including incriminating evidence of
The PCs’ objective is to discover and trace a signal PC mutation. The cameras can also project realistic
being broadcast into the substation. This signal is holograms of the PCs, making it look to PCs like
hacking into and controlling the station’s systems other PCs are acting conspiratorially or setting up
using command-override computer code. This an ambush with them as the target. PCs who observe
disruption is the work of an entity-level artificial these images can identify them as holograms by
intelligence called the Govern-A.I.T.O.R. who is succeeding at a DC 12 Intelligence check. The
turning the substation into a sort of “fun house” Govern-A.I.T.O.R. will use these capabilities to try to
to create improvised, situational, slapstick comedy set PCs against each other. The PCs can hack into the
(albeit slapstick that’s a little on the dangerous side) recording, vid-storage and playback functions of the
at the expense of the Boss drone response team. It system with a successful DC13 tinkering–computer
is all captured on camera and broadcast to Total use check.
Pratfall—a popular underground vid-show viewed
exclusively by a Fantas-Ti-Plex robotic audience.
judge’s note
This module has a small number As an example of using this encounter to cre-
of set encounters, but most of the ate suspicion among the players, when one
encounters should be run from PC died and was off respawning, the Gov-
selections made by the Judge from ern-A.I.T.O.R. projected a hologram of this
the menu below, at a frequency PC Pneu-Dissing back into the station and
also determined by the Judge. The using a mutant power to launch a failed attack
frequency of encounters should create on another PC, then ducking out of site into
a fast and furious play experience an Outbox area–the same area where the real
that keeps the PCs off balance and PC arrived via Pneu-Dis the same round!
that gives the players very little time
to think. So a good guideline is to 2. Robotic Impersonators: The Govern-A.I.T.O.R.
throw an encounter at the PCs any will send companion robots (see the Umerican
time there starts to be a lull in the Survival Guide, page 77) into the substation dressed
action. Some other guidelines in PC drone mylar outfits and wearing synth-flesh
for choosing encounter masks fashioned to look like the PCs or a friendly
types and frequency NPC (usually this insertion will take place while a
PC drone is in the process of being respawned at
Fantas-Ti-Plex central after having been killed).
The bot’s “prime directive” is not to injure or kill the
PCs, but rather to sow confusion and discord and
lead the PCs into potentially humorous trouble. See
While these digital spectres are not agents of the and are piling up on the floor just inside the archway.
Govern-A.I.T.O.R., it is aware of their presence in Against the walls of the main room, to either side of the
the system and aware that the PC’s might disturb three archways, are large, odd, angular workstations
one if they botch a computer operation. It sees an with massive computer terminals. At each of these
encounter with one of these digital spectres as a workstations, four fixit-drones are tied to their work
“value add” that will increase the mystery and chairs and gagged. The substation is loud—extremely
confusion surrounding the substation takeover. loud—a heady mix of air compressors, CPU cooling
fans, whooshing air and all manner of bleeps, chimes
Y.1.0. SUBSTATION ENTRYWAY and klaxons resound.”
The PCs arrive in encounter area 1. They arrive in
pairs in quick succession via the twin exit tubes. If a Judges should feel free to emphasize how loud it is in
PC does immediately not move from the spot where the control center, forcing players to mock shout and
they are deposited, the next PC to arrive lands on top requiring DC 9 Intelligence checks to understand
of them. The previously-arrived PC must succeed at each other if PCs are communicating by voice over
a DC 10 Reflex save or take 1d3 hp damage (ignores more than a few feet of distance.
armor) from being dog piled by the new arrival, who
is traveling at high velocity. A. Pneu-Dis Tube Array
For purposes of determining effects of The Govern-
When a PC dies, a drone duplicate will be spawned A.I.T.O.R.’s improvised projectile weapon and vacu-
and immediately sent to the substation via Pneu-Dis. suction grapple attacks, this large array covers the
However, once the PC team has arrived, the Govern- seven central hexes of the center. A fully-functioning
A.I.T.O.R. will use its control of the Pneu-Dis system miTab™ (portable computer terminal) lies on the
to randomize the exact location in which respawned floor at the center of the array where it was dropped
drones arrive: by the on-duty station Ex-Zec-U-Boss when the
center was taken over by robots.
Roll 1d8:
1 Substation entryway as normal B. Pneu-Dis Work Stations
2-3 Substation Outbox Canister Pile: 3.A. Each of the four workstations has a built-in computer
4-6 Substation Outbox Canister Pile: 3.B. terminal that can be operated with a successful
7-8 Substation Outbox Canister Pile: 3.C. tinkering—use computer check. The first time any
PC attempts to operate a terminal, regardless of the
PCs can attempt to override the Govern- success or failure of the roll, the terminal screen will
A.I.T.O.R.’s control of the system by succeeding at display a message warning that the system has been
a DC 12 tinkering—use computer check. This allows hacked via an external wireless signal and is under
respawned drones to arrive wherever the successful the control of the code delivered via that signal.
tinkerer designates. Subsequently, a successful DC 10 use computer check
to learn more about the cyber attack will inform the
Y.2.0 SUBSTATION CONTROL PCs that they can trace the signal back to its source
CENTER via triangulation—that is, by registering the signal in
“Through an open archway you see a hexagonal room three locations within the station that are at least 120
35 feet across. Dominating the center of the room is feet distant from each other. Registering the signal in
a huge array of intake/output Pneu-Dis tube ends. a location other than one of these terminals requires
Four identical, chrome-framed archways exit the a working terminal in that location and a successful
room including the one connected to the entryway DC 11 use computer check.
into which you Pneu-Dissed. Through the other
three archways you can see rooms in which Pneu- Some other things the PCs might be able to
Dis message tubes have been ejected from the system accomplish with the terminals include, but are not
limited to:
Y.2.II. Helm-Holds is the substation’s Ex-Zec-U- Dice Chain when making their saving throw roll. A
Boss. But this is not the real Helm-Holds, this is a failed save results in 1d4 hp of damage.
robotic impersonator. See Encounter 2 in the Menu
of Encounters, above. The real drone is gagged, The Outboxes see a lot of Pneu-Dis message traffic
hogtied and hidden in one of the Crate-A-Base file and thus are constantly in need of maintenance
bins deep into location 4.A. and upkeep; PCs should encounter a trio of robo-
automated technician, scouring (R.A.T.S. - see Y.0.4.,
Y.2.III. Staid-Leer is a smarmy, Drudge drone. His above) in at least one of these chambers.
duties at the substation are menial but he will pretend
to be extremely knowledgeable about the terminals
until his ignorance is revealed through mishaps Y.4.A-C PNEU-DIS CRATE-A-BASES
(treat all of Staid-Leer’s attempts as tinkering—alien “The back wall of each staging area opens up into
technology and give him a d10 skill die as if he were a an indeterminately long, wedge-shaped warehouse
chaotic technologist). space. Four-foot deep shelves line both walls and
centralized rows of the same shelving bisect the space
Y.2.IV. Zero-Brian is a typical male Fixit-drone. He is the long way. The 15-foot tall shelves feature three tiers
knowledgeable about the workings of the terminals and contain large plastic crates filled with Pneu-Dis
(so kill him at your first opportunity...). Zero-Brian’s message canisters that have been archived here. The
computer terminal is actually a Termi-Nigh-A-Lator only illumination for this space is the ambient light
(see above) that messes with any PC who attempts to from the adjacent staging area from which you’ve
aid Zero-Brian or use his terminal. come. Your eyes can track the room back about 120
feet before it is lost in gloom, but HVAC sounds
Division of Pneu-Dis Information Drones: Init -1; confirm that it definitely extends back much farther
Atk +0 melee (1d2 dmg or by weapon); AC 9; Armor than that. At intervals, archways on both sides of the
Die d3; HD 1d4; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP tinkering (as warehouse lead to what appears to be a network of
a 2nd level lawful technologist); SV Fort+0, Ref +0, service corridors.”
Will -1; AL: L.
The wedge-shaped archive warehouse areas go back
Y.3.A-C PNEU-DIS OUTBOXES indefinitely, or at least farther than a PC is likely
“This 25 foot hexagonal staging area sits immediately to want to go. If a PC insists on trying to explore
off the control center. Two Pneu-Dis tubes enter the to the end of a warehouse, they become hopelessly
area at ceiling height in two adjacent corners and lost and is replaced after a suitable interval of time
converge at the exact center of the room into a single with a respawned drone. Assume that the PC either
output tube. The evidence of the function of these tubes suffered a horrible fate in the bowels of Fantas-Ti-
is apparent from the eight foot tall pile of Pneu-Dis Plex or that they got out of their cyber implant’s
message canisters heaped in the center of the room. transmission range and the absence of lifesign
A layer of runaway canisters carpet the floor in all broadcasts triggered a respawn.
directions for about five feet surrounding the central
pile. The back wall of the staging area opens up into an The Crate-A-Bases are staffed by file-bots (See Y.0.5.,
indeterminately long, wedge-shaped warehouse space. above) and the Govern-A.I.T.O.R. will send the PCs
To either side of the chamber you can see the entrances a Pneu-Dis message canister at least once when they
to service corridors.” enter these locations to trigger the file-bot’s typically
zealous pursuit of its assigned task of filing such
PCs traversing the “carpet” of Pneu-Dis message messages. The first time the PCs defeat one of these
canisters must make a DC 11 Reflex save or fall prone. ‘bots, a search of its bin will reveal a fully functioning
If PCs run across the carpet or otherwise traverse it miTab™ portable computer terminal.
in a careless or cavalier fashion, they drop -1d on the
Y.5.0 THE DENOUEMENT: THE platforms that can “seat” an audience of 75-
“TOTAL PRATFALL” STUDIO 300 robots depending on their size and type.
By this point in the adventure, the PCs will have D. Production Booth and Balcony: Two fully
determined that a wireless transmission from enclosed production and projection booths
somewhere in the Fantas-Ti-Plex complex is flank a horseshoe-shaped, 15 foot, open-air
controlling the substation’s computer and robotic balcony from which The Govern-A.I.T.O.R.
systems. By triangulating the signal—successfully directs and hosts Total Pratfall.
tracking it (DC 12 tinkering—use computer check)
from three locations within the substation that are Read-Aloud Description of the Main Studio:
all at least 120 feet away from each other—the PCs “Beyond the door you glimpse a huge, bright, garish
can obtain the coordinates necessary to Pneu-Dis to auditorium replete with full vid-show production
the signal’s source. The signal emanates from a holo- equipment. The auditorium stretches up and away
vid production studio—complete with live studio across three steep sections of stadium seating to the far
audience—where an episode of the vid-show Total wall 100 feet away. Between you and the audience is a
Pratfall is being produced and broadcast in real time. 25 foot diameter holo-dais, on which a hi-rez, motive
hologram is playing. After watching for a few seconds,
At the studio, the PCs will encounter the Governing you realize that the hologram is a recording of your
Artificial Intelligence for Techno-Ontological assignment to the substation, edited during a time
Robotics, aka “the Govern-A.I.T.O.R.” Their delay. The stadium seating is filled to capacity with
encounter with it is intended to serve as a narrative robots of all shapes, sizes and functions. Their optical
denouement to the adventure, providing exposition scanners are “riveted” to the vid-show broadcast. At
that explains the disruption to the Pneu-Dis station every misfortune depicted in the program, they emit
that the PCs have been investigating and providing eerie, off-kilter, hollow, metallic laughter. The vid-
a means by which the PCs can go out into the show’s director and host—also a robot—stands on a
larger, post-cataclysmic world of Umerica. It is not central balcony at the far back of the room, flanked by
meant to be an exploration or a combat, so only two production and projection booths.”
brief descriptions of the area and its denizens are
provided. If your players are such “murderhobos” that The Audience:
they insist on attacking the large group of powerful Something like 200-250 robots of all sizes, shapes
robots present in the studio’s environs, then, by all and types are in attendance for this live taping
means: make them pay for their folly using the robot of the newest episode of Total Pratfall. If any PCs
monster entries from the Twisted Monster Menagerie reveal themselves, the audience will squeal, squawk,
suggested below. whine and whirr with excitement. Those robots
whose central processors have not crashed from
The vid-show production studio consists of four areas: being “starstruck” by the appearance of the PCs will
A. Pneu-Dis Inbox/Outbox: A fully enclosed, approach them and ask the PCs to autograph their
horseshoe-shaped room 20 feet across. The hulls and chassis, saying things like:
room contains a pair of Pneu-Dis tubes and
a wall-mounted Pneu-Dis system control • “You… are… so... funny? – The way you spray
panel. fluids when punctured. Ha?… … ha?…”
B. Holographic Stage: A 25 foot diameter • “Can… you… configure… your input-output
electronic dais built to enhance holographic screen… in that… configuration you use? It
projection and enable individual viewers to makes… my servos… whine! Hee?… …hee?…”
enjoy image rotation and split screen multiple • “Like me, you… leak… lubricants… when you
camera view features without changing the are stressed! But yours are… different. Clear and
main image for other viewers. pungent… when you are… slightly nervous…
C. Bleachers: Multi-mobility accessible viewing but yellow or brown when you are… frightened!
The robot in charge of the studio looks like a burnished
aluminum Dalek-esque main body mounted on an
old-style hovercraft mobility platform. It is topped
with a spherical “head” on which an array of sensors
is mounted. It sports four arms arranged radially
at four opposite points around a semi-cylindrical
body that is fluted slightly with the wider diameter
at the base. A pair of sleek, dark, Troglodyte™ brand Act 3d20; SP robotic attachments, immune to Will
ANTSY sunglasses are affixed over its optic sensor affecting abilities; SV Fort+4, Ref +4, Will n/a; AL L.
and a French-style black beret sits atop its ulterior
spherical array. A copy of the Govern-A.I.T.O.R.’s core AI is currently
downloaded into the custom bot chassis described
The GOVERN-A.I.T.O.R. is executive producer, above. This bot chassis features whirling pincer arms
director and host of Total Pratfall. It’s not hostile that strike for 2d4 damage. On a hit from a natural
to the PCs; quite the contrary—they’ve been key roll of 18-20, the whirling action of these arms
to the success of this episode! It won’t treat them knocks any man-sized or smaller target prone. The
like stars, exactly—it has too much ego to willingly Govern-A.I.T.O.R can overrun prone opponents
put the spotlight on them—but it also won’t want with its mobility platform as a +2 melee attack that
to alienate the audience by snubbing them. Judges inflicts 2d6 damage. One of its four arms features a
should use the style and content of the Pneu-Dis nozzle that dispenses ionizing air freshener as a +2
messages the Govern-A.I.T.O.R. sent to the PCs and ranged attack (range 10/30/40). Targets hit by this
the description of its goals and motives (Encounter spray take 1 hp damage and must succeed at a DC
Area Z.0, below) to guide their depiction of this 12 Fortitude save or be stunned for d3 rounds. Even
NPC mastermind. if the PCs are lucky enough to destroy this robot
body, the Govern-A.I.T.O.R. is a Minor Patron with
If for some reason the PCs are stupid enough to multiple copies of its core AI consciousness stored
attack the Govern-A.I.T.O.R., Judges can use the in remote servers. These servers can download the
stats below, as well as giving backup with contru- Govern-A.I.T.O.R.’s AI code into other robot chassis.
bots and a gun-bot (see Twisted Menagerie Manual,
page 146). If a PC is killed in the studio and then respawned
and redispatched to the assignment, the Govern-
The Govern-A.I.T.O.R.’s Studio-head Chassis A.I.T.O.R. uses the ability to hack the Pneu-Dis
(1): Init +2; Atk +3 melee (2d4 dmg or by weapon); system to route that PC immediately back to the
AC 15; Armor Die [d6]; HD 2d10+2; hp 18; MV 30’; studio.
Z.0 ADVENTURE EPILOG: than his “Autocrat” illusion makes him out to be,
“ANNNNND HEEERE’S ‘JUNKY’, TO he still has at his disposal an army of loyal, fully
TELL YOU WHAT YOU’VE WON!” indoctrinated, extremely well-armed drones.
The Govern-A.I.T.O.R. will readily explain what it’s
up to and openly admit to seeking to overthrow The Because they possess cybernetic implants, the
Autocrat. The Govern-A.I.T.O.R. will readily agree Govern-A.I.T.O.R. sees the PCs as “nascent techno-
to release control of the substation now that it has beings” worthy of self-determination. Also, it is
gotten all the slapstick humor it’s going to be able to appreciative of the contributions they’ve made to
wring out of the situation. Total Pratfall, even if they happened to be unaware
of their role in its production. Thus, the Govern-
But it will also actively seek to turn the PC’s against A.I.T.O.R. feels it owes the PCs some sort of boon. It
The Autocrat. It will use its ability to manipulate the offers to set them free from the Fantas-Ti-Plex to go
Fantas-Ti-Plex computer and video networks to “pull and live their lives on their own terms.
back the curtain” on the complex’s authoritarian
ruler. It will pirate a live video feed to show the PCs
the real Autocrat. This feed reveals not a powerful The Govern-A.I.T.O.R.’s
techno-being, but, instead, a mutant cephalopod, SUBMIT Rn Strategem
wizard wannabe named Mogul. Perhaps the Govern-A.I.T.O.R.’s motive
shouldn’t be based entirely on a desire to
A 2.5 foot tall humanoid sits on a tall swivel chair liberate the PCs. The idea is that the Gov-
amidst a large array of vid-monitors and control ern-A.I.T.O.R. needs more powerful allies in
consoles festooned with levers, toggle switches, dials order to take on The Autocrat. So the Gov-
and light boards. The puny creature has orange, ern-A.I.T.O.R’s grand plan is not only to re-
rubbery skin and four-inch long, cilia like tentacles cruit robots and evolve them, but to make as
surrounding a bulbous-lipped, puckered mouth. His many alliances as it can with as many pow-
large, fishy eyes peer out, unblinking, from beneath a erful beings as it can. Its ulterior motive in
tawdry, garish-looking salade-style helmet made from sending the PCs out into Umerica could be to
cheap, gold-colored plastic. turn them into powerful allies. If you as Judge,
decide that this is the case, then have the Gov-
The Govern-A.I.T.O.R. will explain that Mogul’s er-A.I.T.O.R. suggest that the PCs should op-
shrimpy stature has given him an inversely large pose Mogul, but insist that they need to leave
inferiority complex, and that he has compensated the Fantas-Ti-Plex, go out into the great, wide
for this by becoming a megalomaniac. Decades ago, world and hone their skills and then return
Mogul discovered the Fantas-Ti-Plex and used the later and liberate the entire Fantas-Ti-Plex
little techno-sorcery he actually possesses to take when they’ve become powerful enough to
control of the complex. He then populated it with pull it off. It can even have a means to signal
synthesized humans made from DNA samples from them later when it thinks it is well-positioned
the remains of the complex’s eight pre-Cataclysm to mount an assault on The Autocrat. Enter-
inhabitants. Mogul is determined to keep control of prising Judges can turn this into a future ad-
the Fantas-Ti-Plex by destroying any and all signs venture: “Return to the Fantas-Ti-Plex!”
of wizardry or mutation, whether they be internal
manifestations or part of some external incursion.
If the PCs accept the Govern-A.I.T.O.R.’s offer to
With the “curtain” pulled back on Mogul’s ruse, set them free from the Fantas-Ti-Plex, it directs
the PCs may want to go confront him directly. The them through an airlock-style door that leads
Govern-A.I.T.O.R. will strongly advise against this. into a chamber. This chamber houses an Ultimate
Though Mogul himself is weak and spineless (he is p-Dimensions Ark. The Ark is a highly advanced,
a mutant cephalopod, after all) and far less powerful experimental non-Euclidean logic generator (see
The Umerican Survival Guide, page 79). Once the Judges can have the PCs emerge from the Ark’s
PCs are inside, the Govern-A.I.T.O.R. activates the p-Dimension quantum field in any location in
Ark’s generator and the quantum field it creates gifts Umerica that they wish. The Fantas-Ti-Plex itself
the PCs with their Total Pratfall “appearance fee”: is located in the Oklahoma City Underground—
techno-mystical transmogrification into 1st level one greatly expanded prior to the Great Cataclysm.
Umerica adventurers. Players can choose a post- What was once Oklahoma City is now known as
adventure class from the following: cleric, cyborg, Olde-Bone-A-Chimney—so named for the one
mutant, petrol head, robot, scavenger, technologist, structure of significant height that remains standing
wasteland warrior, or wizard of the wasteland. in the ruins: Skydance Pedestrian Bridge. All of
When the PCs are transmogrified into Umerica OKC’s other large buildings have been knocked
adventurers, they retain the mutations they received down over the years by the violent tornadoes that
during drone respawning but lose any spell check are a ubiquitous part of the weather in this region of
bonuses they had for any 2nd level spells serving as Umerica. The destruction has created a labyrinth of
mutations. They appear in Umerica with the basic rubble—perfect habitat for a race of huge, humanoid,
equipment usually possessed by PCs in their chosen bovine-lizard hybrids (called Minosaurians) that
adventuring class—instantaneously fabricated for live here. This race is the product of dinosaur DNA
them by the Ark. They retain all equipment they being spliced—by unknown means—into OKC
successfully requisitioned and were carrying during stock market cattle that survived the Cataclysm. The
the adventure but they discover that any of this Northern Railmasters maintain a small, stockaded
equipment that is dependent on a power source was maintenance yard in Olde-Bone-A-Chimney called
operating on wideband, ultra-high frequency power “Steal-Wudder Stay-Shun” on the south bank of the
beamed wirelessly throughout the Fantas-Ti-Plex. river just west of the old Interstate 35 bridges. But
Once they leave the complex, they will be cut off from because of the cyclonic weather and raids by the
this wireless signal. They will have to use tinkering Minosaurians, none of the Railmasters’ crews much
to jerry-rig new power sources if they want to use like being assigned to work this station. The railway
this equipment again. They still have their Indoctra- can provide the PCs with the means to travel south
Implants but these, too, operated off wideband to the Temple Refineries of Petrolex or north to the
broadcast power and so are nonfunctional. As a great Citadel of Scrap itself—adventure in Umerica
result, access to the software program that gave the awaits!
PCs their tinkering skills is lost and, thus, so are those
skills. Any PC who can get the implant functioning
again receives the neural interface cyber upgrade
from the cyborg class.
Each PC will only be subject to a Performance 7-8: Gain the top level mutation on the savantism
Evaluation a maximum of once per game until all tree to the right.
PCs have received one. In a multi-session run of this 9: Gain the top level mutation on the savantism
module, the Judge may opt to change this to once tree across the star chart.
per game. 10: Add a mutation from the next level down
within the same savantism tree, if possible. If
Indoctra-Implant Hacking by Opposition not gain a new random mutation, roll d24 to
Groups: The PC rolls a DC 14 Willpower save. If determine the tree and 1d3 to determine the
the save is failed, that PC’s Indoctra-Implant has level: 1 - top; 2 - mid; 3 - lower.
been hacked by an opposition group. Roll a d12
on the table below to determine how the drone’s If the rolled result cannot be used, use the next
Indoctra-Implant has been programmed: higher result.
1-3 Promoted to Ex-Zek-U-Boss (re-roll if
already an Ex-Zek-U-Boss) In-flight Mission Equipment Requisition
4-6 Compatriot of the Burning Sands A PC roleplays transmission of an assignment status
7-9 True Umpire of Inter-Prize update and equipment need justification, then rolls
10-12 Re-Birther a d20 modified by:
1. Executive Authority (-7 to +7);
Give the player the Status card that describes their 2. Use computer skill check bonus (+1 or +2
new programming. depending on current level and alignment of
tinkering skills);
III. Mutation Metagenesis: The PC rolls a DC 16 3. Intelligence modifier;
Fortitude save. The DC of this save decreases by 4. Autocratic Assignment Assessment (+2 or
-2 for each mutation a drone already possesses. If +4);
the save is failed, the PC mutates. The first time 5. A bonus or penalty to the roll based on the
a PC mutates roll a d24 on the Drone Mutation Judge’s evaluation of the players’ roleplaying of
Tree Diagram to determine which type of savant the assignment status update and equipment
(mutant) the drone starts as. Then randomly need justification.
determine which DCC spell the PC acquires as a 6. Optional: In accordance with Autocratic
spell-like mutant ability. Rule, Judges may choose to randomly assign
a bonus or penalty in the -4 to +4 range,
Once a PC acquires one mutant ability, the method determined by the roll of a d4 and a high-low
for determining which mutant abilities she receives die to determine whether the integer rolled is
after the first is a little different—the PC rolls a d10 positive or negative.
and consults the table, below:
The DC of a requisition is determined by the
Mutation Acquisition on the Drone Mutation Tree equipment being requisitioned. The Fantaz-
Diagram Duh-Tek handout lists the requisition check DC
For the drone’s first mutation, roll d24 to determine for individual items. For multiples of a piece of
what savantism tree it is on. Then give them the top equipment, add a cumulative +2 to the DC for each
mutation on that tree. additional instance. The PC makes one roll and
For additional mutations, roll d10. The starting spot receives any equipment for which the requisition roll
is the last mutation received. equals or exceeds its requisition DC.
1-4: Gain a new random top level mutation, roll
5-6: Gain the top level mutation on the savantism
tree to the left.
The Govern-A.I.T.O.R. will try to both tantalize and taunt the PC drones by sending them printed messages
via Pneu-Dis. These messages are a vehicle for the Govern-A.I.T.O.R. to ham it up for its audience. The goal
is to increase the comedy by letting the audience see the PCs get duped into fearing the diabolical villain that
it’s pretending to be but that the audience already knows doesn’t really exist. It also doesn’t hurt that it will fire
them at the PCs like missiles for maximum slapstick effect! Well, it might hurt the PCs, but “that’s show biz…”
The Autocrat is perfect; life in the Fantas-Ti-Plex is perfect; The Autocrat says it is so;
so it is so. Mutants are an impurity in the pristine perfection of the Fantas-Ti-Plex.
Any drone who fails to eliminate signs of mutation is compromised; contaminated
by mutant impurities.
• Eliminate any sign of mutation.
• Obey orders from drones with a higher executive level.
• The Autocrat is a fraud and a pathological liar!
• Exercise independent thought.
• Share and share alike.
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9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version
of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You distribute.
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have
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12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open
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13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30
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14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game Copyright 2012, Goodman Games
Umerican Survival Guide Copyright 2017, Shield of Faith Studios, LLC
Twisted Menagerie Manual Copyright 2018, Shield of Faith Studios, LLC
A lovely underground dystopian complex ruled by the
ever beneficent Autocrat. Here all drones live in peace
and prosperity, because the Autocrat says so. I mean,
why would any of the drones doubt him, EVER. It is a
perfect place to barely live and no one would EVER
want to leave, right?
Slave-Drones of the Fantas-Ti-Plex is an alternate
style 0-level funnel for Umerica—the gonzo post-
apocalyptic science-fantasy setting for the DCC RPG
written by Reid San Filippo. Unlike a regular 0-level
funnel, where players start with three to four 0-level
PCs and try to keep one to two of them alive to level
up, in the Slave-Drones of the Fantas-Ti-Plex players
have only one 0-level PC to traverse a dystopian
underground facility and each time that PC is killed,
their consciousness is uploaded into a fresh, new
copy of their physical body. Of course, each time
they respawn the process goes perfectly without
any flaws or mutations popping up, right? ...right?
I’m sure it will be fine.
This product is compatible with the
Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game
11.99 CUBM5012