KAFCO Exam 2021

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KAFCO Exam 2021

Kafco Exam: (Technical 70 -Mcq-30, Written 40, 1.5 hours)

1. NPSH, NPSHa, NPSHr, Fretting corrosion, Fatigue corrosion, Plate efficiency, Cavitation, Entropy.
2. Stack math, 2000 ppm SO2, Volumetric Flow of Stack given, Pressure, Temperature given.
Calculate amount of SO2 at gm/sec
3. Pump math Difference between elevation z =15. Simple. given f =0.02, D =300mm, L=500 m .
Calculate pump head and power. Fluid volumetric flow rate given.
4. Advantage and disadvantage of feed forward and feed back controller.
5. Write down the algorithm of PID controller without the D term, and Draw the response of the PID
controller in the graph.
6. What do you know about kafco, why did you applied for the kafco.
7. Write down the stoichiometric equation of the urea production from raw materials (NG, water,
air). How much ammonia is needed to produce 2 ton urea?
8. What is reynolds number, how it is calculated and give the range of reynolds number for different
9. What is LMTD, give the significance of LMTD.
10. What is third law of thermodynamics.
11. Simple LMTD math for co-current and counter current heat transfer.
12. What is unit operation and unit process.

Multiple choice
1. What are the raw materials for urea process.
2. Forces behind convective current.
3. Air to open and air to close valve relation with fail close and fail open.
4. Which materials are used as coagulant
5. Initial price of an equipment is 100 tk. Salvage value after 10 years is 20 tk. What will be its value
at the end of year 3.
6. How many vapour efficiencies are used.
7. What causes microbes to grow in cooling tower.
8. Which pumps are used for constant flow rate.
9. 1 electric unit is equivalent to how much Kcalorie.
10. The characteristics of packing materials.
11. When double pipe heat exchanger is used.
12. What is the purpose of ASME, ASTM,API
13. What is used for the cooling below atmospheric temperature a. Cooler b. Chiller c. Condensation.
14. Plate & tower efficiency reduces in which tray? sieve/bubble cap/valve
15. how many types (operation wise) of steam turbine (not sure)?
16. Minimum requirement for fabrication, design etc etc.- renowned manufacture/designer/codes &
17. Math on Newtons cooling
18. Newtonian fluids relation
19. Ratio of viscosity and thermal diffusivity describe which number
20. dU=dW+dQ
21. Relation between temperature and relative humidity
22. Which costs less? orifice/rotameter/displacement/venturi
23. Which costs more? orifice/rotameter/displacement/venturi
24. Which controller can control faster? PI/PID
25. What is the main process in cooling tower? evaporation/sensible heat
26. Coal of bangladesh considering ash and sulfur content
27. Which type of condensation provides maximum heat transfer
28. How fluid entrainment is measured
29. What value can not be for LMTD (positive, zero and negative)

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