Mppkds 1

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Teeny-Tiny Implementation of Multivariate Polynomial Public Key /

Digital Signature (MPPK/DS)

Work in Progress
Author: Michel Barbeau

Version: January 4, 2022


Randy Kuang, Maria Perepechaenko, and Michel Barbeau, A New Quantum Safe Multivariate Polynomial
Public Key Digital Signatures Algorithm, December 2021.

Security Parameters
% Finite Field index
p = 257;
% Euler's totient of p
tp = p - 1;
% number of noise variables
m = 2;
% degree of base polynomial
n = 2;
% degree of multiplier polynomials
lambda = 1; % linear
% upper limits
ell = [ 1 1 ];

Soundness Assessment

for i=1:100
verdict = MPPKDS(m,n,lambda,ell,p);
if strcmp(verdict,'INVALID')
fprintf('%d ', i); j = j + 1;

function verdict = MPPKDS(m,n,lambda,ell,p)

Random message

mu = randi([0 p-1],1);
% disp(mu)
[s,v] = K(m,n,lambda,ell,p);

% disp(s)
% disp(v)
[mu,t] = S(s,mu,m,n,lambda,ell,p);
disp(t); % [A B C D E]
% A = t(1); B = t(2); C = t(3); D = t(4); E = t(5);
% if (A*B*C*D*E)==0 | ((A-1)*(B-1)*(C-1)*(D-1)*(E-1))==0
% fprintf('A, B, C, D and E must not be equal to 0 or 1');
% return;
% else
[mu,verdict] = V(v,mu,t,m,n,lambda,ell,p);
% end

Key Generation Algorithm

function [s,v] = K(m,n,lambda,ell,p)
% m = number of noise variables
% n = degree of base polynomial
% lambda = degree of univariate polynomials
% ell = upper limits, in base polynomial
% p = finite field index
tp = p - 1; % Euler's totient of p

1. Base Polynomial

% randomly generate coefficients for beta()

c = randi([0 tp-1], n+1, (ell(1)+1)*(ell(2)+1) );
% c = zeros(n+1, (ell(1)+1)*(ell(2)+1) );

2. Univariate ploynomials and

% randomly generate coefficients of f()

f = randi([0 tp-1], 1, lambda+1);
% randomly generate coefficients of h()
h = randi([0 tp-1], 1, lambda+1);

3. Product polynomials and

% init \phi and \psi to zeros

phi = zeros(n+lambda+1, (ell(1)+1)*(ell(2)+1));
psi = zeros(n+lambda+1, (ell(1)+1)*(ell(2)+1));
for i=0:n
for j=0:lambda
phi(i+j+1,:) = phi(i+j+1,:) + c(i+1,:).*f(j+1);
psi(i+j+1,:) = psi(i+j+1,:) + c(i+1,:).*h(j+1);
phi = mod(phi,tp);
psi = mod(psi,tp);

4. Polynomials and

% randomly generate coefficients

Ephi = randi([0 tp-1], 1, n+lambda-1);
% randomly generate coefficients
Epsi = randi([0 tp-1], 1, n+lambda-1);

5. , and

R0 = randi([1 (tp-2)/2],1).*2;
Rn = randi([1 (tp-2)/2],1).*2;

6. Noise functions and

N0 = mod(R0 * c(1,:),tp);
Nn = mod(Rn * c(n+1,:),tp);

7. and

Phi = phi(2:n+lambda,:);
Psi = psi(2:n+lambda,:);

8. and

P = zeros(n+lambda-1,(ell(1)+1)*(ell(2)+1));
Q = zeros(n+lambda-1,(ell(1)+1)*(ell(2)+1));
for i=1:(n+lambda-1)
P(i,:) = R0 * ( [ Phi(i,1)-Ephi(i) Phi(i,2:end) ]);
Q(i,:) = Rn * ( [ Psi(i,1)-Epsi(i) Psi(i,2:end) ]);
P = mod(P,tp);
Q = mod(Q,tp);

Private-key and public-key pair

s = { f h R0 Rn Ephi Epsi };
v = { P Q N0 Nn };

Signing Algorithm
function [mu,t] = S(s,mu,m,n,lambda,ell,p)
% t = digital signature
% mu = message
% s = private key
f = cell2mat(s(1)); h = cell2mat(s(2)); R0 = cell2mat(s(3));
Rn = cell2mat(s(4)); Ephi = cell2mat(s(5)); Epsi = cell2mat(s(6));
% m = number of noise variables
% n = degree of base polynomial
% lambda = degree of univariate polynomials

% ell = upper limits, in base polynomial
% p = finite field index
tp = p - 1; % Euler's totient of p

Random base

g = randi([2 tp-1],1);

Evaluate on

fm = polyval(flip(f),mu);
a = mod(R0*fm,tp);
A = powermod(g,a,p);

Evaluate on

hm = polyval(flip(h),mu);
b = mod(Rn*hm,tp);
B = powermod(g,b,p);
c = mod(Rn * ( hm*f(1) - fm*h(1) ),tp);
C = powermod(g,c,p);
d = mod(R0 * ( hm*f(lambda+1) - fm*h(lambda+1) ),tp);
D = powermod(g,d,p);

Evaluate on

Ephim = polyval([flip(Ephi) 0],mu);

Ephim = mod(Ephim,tp);

Evaluate on

Epsim = polyval([flip(Epsi) 0],mu);

Epsim = mod(Epsim,tp);
e = mod(R0*Rn*(hm*Ephim - fm*Epsim),tp);
E = powermod(g,e,p);
% digital signature
t = [ A B C D E ];

Signature Verifying Algorithm

function [mu,verdict] = V(v,mu,t,m,n,lambda,ell,p)
% v = public key
P = cell2mat(v(1)); Q = cell2mat(v(2)); N0 = cell2mat(v(3)); Nn = cell2mat(v(4));
% mu = message
% t = digital signature
A = t(1); B = t(2); C = t(3); D = t(4); E = t(5);
% m = number of noise variables
% n = degree of base polynomial
% lambda = degree of univariate polynomials
% ell = upper limits, in base polynomial
% p = finite field index

tp = p - 1; % Euler's totient of p

Noise variables

r = randi([1 tp-1],1,m);
% r = [2 2]

Evaluate , , and

barP = 0; barQ = 0;
for i=1:(n+lambda-1)
for j1=0:ell(1)
for j2=0:ell(2)
barP = mod(barP + P(i,(j1*2)+j2+1)*powermod(r(1),j1,tp)*powermod(r(2),j
barQ = mod(barQ + Q(i,(j1*2)+j2+1)*powermod(r(1),j1,tp)*powermod(r(2),j
barP = mod(barP,tp);
barQ = mod(barQ,tp);
barN0 = 0; barNn = 0;
for j1=0:ell(1)
for j2=0:ell(2)
barN0 = mod(barN0 + N0((j1*2)+j2+1)*powermod(r(1),j1,tp)*powermod(r(2),j2,t
barNn = mod(barNn + Nn((j1*2)+j2+1)*powermod(r(1),j1,tp)*powermod(r(2),j2,t
barN0 = mod(barN0,tp);
barNn = mod(barNn*powermod(mu,(n+lambda),tp),tp);
% Verification
left = powermod(A,barQ,p);
right = mod(powermod(B,barP,p)*powermod(C,barN0,p)*powermod(D,barNn,p)*E,p);
if left==right
verdict = 'VALID';
verdict = 'INVALID';

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