Sps Demo Light Hair Diffraction
Sps Demo Light Hair Diffraction
Sps Demo Light Hair Diffraction
1. Tape a strand of hair over the source of a standard low power laser pointer. Make sure
that the tape does not influence the beam path.
2. If desired, tape the on button down so that the point can be mounted or placed easily
while still lasing.
3. Point the laser pointer at a wall such that it displays a diffraction pattern. Note that the
larger the distance from the wall, the better the length measurements are but the weaker
the observed pattern will be. A dark or dim room is recommended.
4. Mark the darkest spots of the pattern (minima) on a sheet of paper or chalk board.
Measure the distance between the center bright spot to each minima to find the hair
Presenter Brief:
Briefly introduce the idea of a laser. Highlight that small obstructions can cause the wavelike
behavior of light be evident. Explain what diffraction is. Highlight the differences between single-
and double-slit diffraction.
Hair Diffraction
• Interference – Interaction between waves that can either increase their amplitude
(constructive), or decrease it (destructive).
• Diffraction – Light’s interaction with narrow slits or edges which causes it to spread out.
• Fringe – The interference pattern that arises from diffraction.
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Hair Diffraction
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Hair Diffraction
𝑑𝑑 =
Place a sheet of paper on the wall and instruct the participant to mark the central
maximum with a line. Next, mark the 3-4 minima (dark spots) closest to the
maximum. Measure the separation of dark spots and the distance between the
laser and the wall. Using the equation above, find the width of the hair. Human
hairs usual range between 20 μm and 200 μm in diameter.
Calculate the width of an obstacle (hair) if the wavelength of the laser light is known.
Explore how this varies from person to person.
Additional Resources:
• Experiments with Diffraction
• 2010 Sock
• Hecht. Optics, 1998. 499-501.
• Pedrotti, Frank L. and Pedrotti, Leno S. Introduction to Optics, 1997. 31-36.
• 1https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_laser_types
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Hair Diffraction
Useful Equations:
Distance from 𝜆𝜆𝜆𝜆
central bright spot 𝑦𝑦𝑚𝑚 = 𝑚𝑚
to dark spot 𝑑𝑑
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