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Dev Doc - Development Advices: MATLAB HEC-RAS Interface Documentation, IMTLD

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Dev Doc – Development Advices

MATLAB HEC-RAS Interface Documentation, IMTLD

Last update: 9/7/2020 1:01:00 PM – version BETA 1_0_1

This paper aims to give you all information and avenues already explored, which should help you
editing the script. To understand well this paper, I recommend reading the user guide before.

There is not always logical link between one paragraph and another, because this paper is a listing of

To get information about a specific function or object, write help <function or object> in the MATLAB
command window.

Dev Doc – Development Advices – Ronan DESHAYS for IMTLD, July 2020 – page 1
Table of contents

Notes ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Misuse of language.............................................................................................................................. 3
Way to code......................................................................................................................................... 3
Known limitations of the interface...................................................................................................... 3
Code internal documentation ............................................................................................................. 3

Debug methodology ................................................................................................................................ 4

First part: the tools .............................................................................................................................. 4
Second part: detect necessary edits to do in Ras files ........................................................................ 4
First step: capture Ras files states at different moments ............................................................... 4
Second step: comparison of results ................................................................................................ 4
What should you compare? ............................................................................................................ 5
Third part: coding in MATLAB edits to do to Ras files ......................................................................... 6
First step: code editing .................................................................................................................... 6
Second step: check results .................................................................................................................. 6

Coding methodology ............................................................................................................................... 7

Add new features ................................................................................................................................ 7
Create your own custom version ........................................................................................................ 7
Make an upgrade of MATLAB or HEC-RAS supported version ............................................................ 8
Function dependencies ....................................................................................................................... 9
How to improve detection of errors occurring HEC-RAS side ........................................................... 10
Dependencies between parameters ................................................................................................. 10

Description of noteworthy MATLAB objects ......................................................................................... 12

Script launcher................................................................................................................................... 12
Folder Installation.............................................................................................................................. 12
Function master ................................................................................................................................ 12

Dev Doc – Development Advices – Ronan DESHAYS for IMTLD, July 2020 – page 2

Misuse of language

Strings and character vectors are not the same object in MATLAB, but character vectors are often
called strings in this documentation.

Way to code

Variable names are clear but long, thanks to autocomplete functionality of VS Code.

If you must edit this code, choose an editor which can perform autocompletion.

Known limitations of the interface

HEC-RAS allows that different boundary conditions of the same name exists on a XS. This is NOT
supported by the MATLAB HEC-RAS interface, and will not throw an error.

Note: multiple gates on a XS are supported because they have a unique gate number, e.g. Gate #1
and Gate #2

If you want to bypass this limitation, you will have to find a way to detect a difference between these
two conditions. A priori, there is no way to distinguish them, except a comparison of the data they
contain. Which is not reliable, because these data can be modified by MATLAB or by HEC-RAS
depending on your script.

Code internal documentation

There is documentation in every function of the code. Including pseudocode information if


To quickly access this documentation, write the function or object name in the MATLAB command
window, and then press F1.

Dev Doc – Development Advices – Ronan DESHAYS for IMTLD, July 2020 – page 3
Debug methodology

This methodology is used to make the interface working together with HEC-RAS and understand how
to solve encountered issues.

First part: the tools

You will run a lot of times your HEC-RAS project, so configure it to keep the computation as much
quick as possible. A project as fast as shown in the video tutorial 1 – Simple automation example is a
good basis.

To know which values MATLAB must edit in Ras, a code comparator, which support all text file
extension. A nice one is the compare tool in MATLAB > HOME menu > COMPARE button. The VS
Code (free software) compare tool works well too, but it is less handy.

Second part: detect necessary edits to do in Ras files

First step: capture Ras files states at different moments

To do the three practical works explained below, this is safer to make a HEC-RAS reference project,
and copy it in three different folders, one for each practical work.

a. In settings.ini > debug=1; run MATLAB HEC-RAS interface in MATLAB command window.
Always backup when prompted. There is an advanced backup system which avoid
overwriting of backups, between different time steps.

b. Open HEC-RAS and run the same simulation, but pause HEC-RAS at each time step, exactly
like what MATLAB has done during [a.]. Watch the dev tutorial 1 – How to manually pause
and restart a Ras simulation to learn how to do so.

c. Finally, run the same simulation in HEC-RAS (like in [b.]) but straight, without pause. This
methodology is the one you follow, when you run a usual simulation in HEC-RAS, without any

Second step: comparison of results

After that, compare every file which belong to the same step of the Ras simulation. Also compare
every file which belong to two successive steps of the Ras simulation. You should obtain results
similar with results presented in the screen capture below.

Dev Doc – Development Advices – Ronan DESHAYS for IMTLD, July 2020 – page 4
Figure 1 - Comparison after initialization (first step) and before first restart (2d step)

In the picture above, we capture the changes that were made to files by the user between two
simulation steps.

What should you compare?

The plan below synthetizes the methodology. According to the information gathered during First
step: capture Ras files states at different moments.

Figure 2 - Plan of comparisons, which are useful for debug

Dev Doc – Development Advices – Ronan DESHAYS for IMTLD, July 2020 – page 5
Third part: coding in MATLAB edits to do to Ras files

First step: code editing

You can now edit the code to make the interface able to automate HEC-RAS. To do so, try to use
functions already written, which are in the folder containing the code of the interface, e.g. BETA
1_0_1 MATLAB HEC-RAS interface > MATLAB Code.

It is recommended to create a CUSTOM version if you edit any function in the MATLAB code, to be
aware that this version of the interface is not the one you downloaded from our website. See the
Create your own custom version paragraph of this paper.

Here are some advices of which part of the scripts you should edit:

- Master.m function, the part of code, which is inside the for loop, especially code lines around
the calls to update_param_first function
- Functions update_param_first and param_delete are the only one used to write in HEC-RAS
file the modifications related to pause and restart.

Second step: check results

Check modifications you performed on the code. To do so, go back to Second part: detect necessary
edits to do in Ras files and check thanks to comparisons that your scripts behave in the good way.

Dev Doc – Development Advices – Ronan DESHAYS for IMTLD, July 2020 – page 6
Coding methodology

Add new features

First, you should read the Dependencies between parameters paragraph to understand how you can
edit the MATLAB HEC-RAS interface and which part of the script you should edit. Do not forget to
create a CUSTOM version, cf. Create your own custom version.

Then, take time to understand and read documentation of functions and class. Note that they are
sorted in a directory tree. The goal of this tree is to help you finding quickly which functions you need
to call, edit and so on. To save time, try to use as much as possible the functions which are already in
the interface. And do not hesitate to contact us if you have any suggestion. We thank you in advance
for your help.

Finally, to help you coding, the next paragraphs present methodologies and advices for concrete
cases, when a script edit is required.

Create your own custom version

There are three types of “official” versions of the interface:

- ALPHA (not available for download, this type of versions was used during the beginning of
the design of the interface).
- BETA (unstable)
- RELEASE (stable)

You can create a new version type very easily, your folder version name must simply follow this
pattern, to make the launcher script able to recognize it as an installed version:

Let X an integer between 0 and 9, let Y an integer between 0 and 999

<the name of your type of version> Y MATLAB HECRAS interface

<the name of your type of version> X_X_X MATLAB HECRAS interface

By default, launcher launch the latest version, whatever its type, as long as it is a string of characters
(A-Za-z). So, if you want to launch your custom version by default, choose a version number higher
than the last “official” version.

Note: X_X_X is computed as the XXX number, e.g. 1_0_1 is computed as 101, so 102 is a higher
version number.

Note 2: MATLAB 2020 does not accept folder names which contains ‘.’, so a folder named 1.0.1 is
forbidden, despite it is handier.

Dev Doc – Development Advices – Ronan DESHAYS for IMTLD, July 2020 – page 7
Make an upgrade of MATLAB or HEC-RAS supported version

The script is designed to work with MATLAB 2020 and HEC-RAS 5.0.7. It is likely to not work with later
versions of theses software.

To make this script, I used documents which were written for previous versions of MATLAB and HEC-
RAS. So, I can give you some advices.

For a later version of HEC-RAS, the main idea is to use the

Dev Doc – Development Advices – Ronan DESHAYS for IMTLD, July 2020 – page 8
Debug method in a different context.

First, we will make a simulation manually, with pause and restart of HEC-RAS and we will backup the
files of HEC-RAS before and after each time step.

The table below synthetize comparisons of HEC-RAS files to do. To choose which modifications you
should do to the code.

Manual Ras simulation is with pauses and restart.

What This Compared with this

Manual Ras Latest Ras version New Ras version
simulation supported by the
Automated Latest interface Latest interface version, new Ras version
Ras simulation version, Latest Ras
version supported Note: errors should occur, write them down for later use
by the interface
Manual VS. Manual simulation New edited MATLAB script, new Ras version
Automated in the new Ras
Ras simulation version

Yet, if MATLAB language has been modified, you should use the internal MATLAB documentation to
make this script compatible with the new MATLAB version. I didn’t encounter any problem when I
designed this script, except that the dlmread function was not recommended, and was used in the
article Controlling HEC-RAS using MATLAB, cf. Reference sources paper.

Function dependencies

There is a lot of dependencies between functions of the script. That is why, editing a low-level
function, i.e. which is called by a lot of other functions, can causes a lot of issues which can be hard
to fix.

Analysis methodology to obtain a dependencies graph for BETA 1_0_1 version

The MATLAB internal documentation page Analyze Project Dependencies explains well how to make
a dependencies graph.

I created a MATLAB project which had as parent folder, the folder which contains the launcher script.
The GRAPHML file, from which an extract is presented in the screenshot below, is available in the
resources folder.

Dev Doc – Development Advices – Ronan DESHAYS for IMTLD, July 2020 – page 9
Figure 3 - Sample of the Dependencies graph of version BETA 1_0_1

In the sample above, we can see the numerous functions called to understand the input_list returned
by the input_scripts.

How to improve detection of errors occurring HEC-RAS side

Quotation of the Troubleshooting paper:

If HEC-RAS encounters an error during simulation launch, it will not always throw
an error to MATLAB. In the case it does not throw an error, there is different
possible behaviors:


The HEC-RAS Controller object can stay in an infinite loop. Often, HEC-RAS has
written an error message in the TXT file “[…] compute msgs’’, but in the case of a
full automation. MATLAB will not be aware of that error and will endlessly wait for

It is hard to detect an error in the compute msgs text file because the word error is not written, there
is only status messages explaining what is missing. But a priori, there is no recognizable word which
can be understood by MATLAB.

The error detection integrated in the interface is based on a number of lines measurement. Because
if the simulation is successful, the compute msgs text file will have a number of line higher than 100,
and if an error occurs at the beginning, the file length will be lower than 50.

But if an error occurs after some simulation steps, and the HEC-RAS Controller stays in an infinite lop,
it will not be detected by MATLAB, and MATLAB will wait endlessly for HEC-RAS.

There is perhaps a solution, if you measure the average simulation time of a time step and throw an
error to MATLAB if a step takes too much time. But it can work only for a specific project.

Dependencies between parameters

HEC-RAS allows that different boundary conditions exists on a XS. If they have different names, this is
supported by the MATLAB HEC-RAS interface. But they are not saved in the same order as they are

Dev Doc – Development Advices – Ronan DESHAYS for IMTLD, July 2020 – page 10
displayed in Ras GUI. The easiest way to understand that is to look at Ras unsteady flow file structure

Figure 4 - Edited screenshot of an extract of a unsteady flow Ras file


- A ref_param is, according to the known limitation of the interface, defined as a parameter
which is unique for a given cross section.

- A sub_param is defined as a parameter which is unique for a given ref_param.

In the example above, if Stage Hydrograph and Flow Hydrograph were two boundary conditions
applied on the 5.99 XS, it will be two identical params named Interval. But, as far as we know the
ref_param which is linked to each of these parameters, we can easily find them and edit them
without any risk of confusion.

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Description of noteworthy MATLAB objects

Script launcher

If you are using the interface in a normal way, the launcher is called before each launch of an
interface version.


Delete global variables, close files.

Remove from MATLAB search path, previously launched interface versions.

Warning: it restores MATLAB search path to factory settings, make sure it does not cause any trouble
for you. Cancel any addpath call made before the call to launcher script


Prompt user which version to launch, call launching functions depending on the user answer.

Launching functions

If it is an ALPHA version, launcher change the current MATLAB folder and copy every user edited file
into the ALPHA version code folder.

Else (RELEASE, BETA or CUSTOM version), launcher add to path the version code folder and every

Then launcher call the master function of the given version.

Folder Installation

Contains a set of utility functions to zip and unzip, detect versions currently installed, check missing
files in these versions.

Function master


Collect information given in settings.ini and save them in some objects of classes specially designed
for the recording of Ras variables.

Then, the Ras end of line character is collected because it is different from the newline character of

Dev Doc – Development Advices – Ronan DESHAYS for IMTLD, July 2020 – page 12
Finally, a function which makes a loop similar with the main for loop, but without code inside, count
the number of iterations necessary, e.g. number of steps of simulation, to perform the entire


Nb_of_iteration steps will be performed. At each time step, input and output script will be called,
when required.

If it is the first step.

Then, master instantiates the Ras project, i.e. makes a first simulation step, where a restart file is
created at the end of simulation.

Else if it is the second step

Then, master updates Ras settings to choose the restart file created during the previous step.


Then, it is the third step or more, master updates useful parameters and launch HEC-RAS on a new
simulation step, based on the restart file generated at the end of previous step.


Display results, updates Ras files, to get it ready for a manual simulation without pause.

Dev Doc – Development Advices – Ronan DESHAYS for IMTLD, July 2020 – page 13

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