BBA Syllabus
BBA Syllabus
BBA Syllabus
The Institute of Business & Computer Studies, SOA University offers a three-year Graduation
Programme in Business Administration with Honors in four Functional areas of Management. The
Structure of the Course Curriculum is given below.
BBA 101 Fundamentals of Management 100 4 4 1 0
BBA 102 Business Mathematics 100 4 4 1 0
BBA 103 Micro Economics 100 4 4 1 0
BBA 104 Fundamentals of Psychology & 100 4 4 1 0
BBA 105 Computers for Management 80 3 3 1 0
BBA 106 Communication Skills 80 3 3 1 0
BBA 105L Computers for Management Lab 20 1 0 0 1
BBA 106L Communication Skills Lab 20 1 0 0 1
BBA 201 Organizational Behavior 100 4 4 1 0
BBA 202 Statistics for Management 100 4 4 1 0
BBA 203 Macro Economics 100 4 4 1 0
BBA 204 Financial Accounting 100 4 4 1 0
BBA 205 Basics of Financial Management 100 4 4 1 0
BBA 206 Business Communication 80 3 3 1 0
BBA 206L Business Communication Lab 20 1 0 0 1
BBA 301 Cost Accounting 100 4 4 1 0
BBA 302 Human Resource Management 100 4 4 1 0
BBA 303 Business Law 100 4 4 1 0
BBA 304 Principles of Marketing 100 4 4 1 0
BBA 305 Business Environment 100 4 4 1 0
BBA 306 Management Information System 80 3 3 1 0
BBA 306L Management Information System Lab 20 1 0 0 1
L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical
BBA 401 Introduction to Financial Markets 100 4 4 1 0
BBA 402 Production and Operation Management 100 4 4 1 0
BBA 403 Disaster Management 100 4 4 1 0
BBA 404 Indian Ethos and Values 100 4 4 1 0
BBA 405 Marketing Management 100 4 4 1 0
BBA 406 Fundamentals of Business Research 80 3 3 1 0
BBA 406L Business Research Methods Lab 20 1 0 0 1
BBA 407P Summer Internship Project 100 6 0 0 6
HRM Group:
BBH504 Manpower Planning 100 4 4 1 0
BBH505 Employee Welfare & Social Securities 100 4 4 1 0
BBH506 Industrial Relations 100 4 4 1 0
BBH604 Labour Legislation 100 4 4 1 0
BBH605 Compensation Management 100 4 4 1 0
BBH606 Learning and Development 100 4 4 1 0
Each student shall undergo practical training of maximum eight weeks during the vacations after
fourth semester in an approved business / industrial / service organization and submit at least two
copies of the Summer Training Report to the Dean of the Institution within two weeks of the
commencement of the Fifth Semester. The Summer Training Report shall Carry 100 marks. It
shall be evaluated in the form of students’ presentation by an Internal Board of Examiners to be
formed by the Dean of the Institution. This internal Board of Examiners shall comprise of a
minimum of five Internal Faculty Members along with the internal faculty supervisor. The
Internal Supervisor shall award marks out of 50 and all other members will award marks out of
rest 50.
During the fifth and sixth semester each student shall undertake a dissertation work to be pursued
by him / her under the supervision of an Internal Supervisor to be appointed by the Dean. Both
the subject and the name of the Supervisor will be approved by the Dean of the Institution. The
Dissertation Report in duplicate along with one soft copy in a CD will be submitted at least four
weeks prior to the commencement of the End Term Examination of the Sixth Semester. This
Report shall carry 100 marks. These shall be evaluated in the form of Viva Voce by an External
Examiner appointed by the University for 50 marks and for the rest of the 50 marks by an
Internal Board of Examiners to be appointed by the Dean of the Institution. This internal Board
of Examiners shall comprise of a minimum of five Internal Faculty Members along with the
internal faculty supervisor.
Suggested Readings:
Stoner, Freeman and Gilbert Jr.; Management, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
Prasad L. M, Principles and Practices of Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
3. Tripathi P.C. and Reddy P.N.; Principles & Pracitices of Management, Tata
4. Gupta, C.B.; Management Concepts and Practices, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.
5. Ghuman K. and Aswathappa K; Management: Concept, Practice and Cases; Tata
6. Koontz. O Donnel and Weirich; Management, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company,
New Delhi.
7. Chopra R.K.; Principles & Pracitices of Management, Sun India Publication.
This course aims at equipping student with a broad based knowledge of, mathematics with
emphasis on business applications.
Basic concepts of Matrix: Row, column, size, transpose, inverse and rank of a matrix, equality of
matrices, square, diagonal and triangular matrices, Operations on matrices and its properties,
Matrix equations: Solving systems of linear equations by using matrix inversion on method and
Cramer’s rule.
Basic concepts: domain, image, range, and equality of functions, Operation on functions:
Combination, composition and finding the inverse. Concepts of Coordinates, graph, x‐intercept,
y‐intercept, graphs of the basic algebraic functions, Straight lines (graphs, slope, equation
forms), quadratic functions, Exponential and logarithmic functions: graphs and properties
Maxima and Minima theory of derivatives, Concavity and convexity of curves, points of
inflexion, Business applications of maxima and minima theory
Suggested Readings
The objective of this subject is to give understanding of the basic concepts and issues in micro
economics and their application in business decisions.
Cardinal Utility Approach: Diminishing Marginal Utility, Law of Equi-Marginal Utility. Ordinal
Utility Approach: Indifference Curves, Marginal Rate of Substitution, Budget Line and
Consumer Equilibrium.
Theory of Demand, Law of Demand, Movement along Vs. Shift in Demand Curve, Concept of
Measurement of Elasticity of Demand, Factors affecting Elasticity of Demand
Meaning and Concept of Production, Factors of Production and production function. Fixed and
Variable Factors. Law of Variable Proportion, Returns to a Scale.
Cost concepts, Cost Function, Short & Long Run Cost function, Economies and Diseconomies of
Scale. Different types of Market Structures and its Characteristics, Price-Output decision in
perfect competition.
Suggested Readings:
Suggested Readings:
Baron, R.A. Psychology: The Essential Science, Newyord, Alyn & Bacon.
Zimbardo, P G & Weber A.L-Psychology, Newyork, Harper Collins College
Vidya Bhushan & D.R. Sachdeva, An Introduction to Sociology, Himalaya
Publication, 44 EditionPublication.
Bhatacharya, D.C., Sociology, Vijaya Publishing House, Kolkata, 1 edition, 2002.
The objective of this course is to give an introduction to modern computer systems and highlight
the role played by it in managing today’s business.
Suggested Readings:
Objective: The objectives are to prepare the students to become aware of their communication
potential and sensitive to the challenges that the industry poses and also develop the skills of
effective communication.
Suggested Readings:
Concept and nature of Organizational behaviour; Contributing disciplines to the field of OB; OB
Models; Understanding human behaviour; Challenges and Opportunities.
Concept of Group and Group Dynamics; Types of Groups; Formal and Informal Groups;
Stages of Group Development, Group Norms, Group Cohesiveness; Group Think and
Group Shift. Group Decision Making; Inter Group Behaviour; Concept of Team Vs.
Group; Types of teams; Building and managing effective teams.
Suggested Readings:
Prasad, L.M.; Organizational Behaviour, Sultan Chand & Sons.
Stephen P., Robbins; Organizational Behaviour; “Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.”,
New Delhi.
Luthans, Fred; Organizational Behaviour, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
Chabbra,T.N. & Singh,B.P., Organization Behavior,Sultan Chand & Sons.
Khanka, S.S.; Organizational Behaviour, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.
6. Joseph, Weiss; Organization Behaviour and Change, Vikas Publishing House.
The objective of this paper is to develop student’s familiarity with the basic concept and tools in
statistics. These techniques assist specially in resolving complex problems which serve as a
valuable guide to the decision makers.
Concept of Estimation, point estimate, Interval Estimate Hypothesis: Types, Errors, Test
of significance & procedures.
Suggested Readings:
1. Gupta, S.P. Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand & Sons.
2. Beri G. C., Business Statistics, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Sancheti, D.C. & Kapoor, V.K.; Statistics-Theory, Methods and Applications, , Sultan
Chand & Sons.
Swain A. K. P. C. , A First Course in Statistics with Applications, Kalyani Publishers
Levin Richard I. & Rubin David S., Statistics for Management, Prentice-Hall India
Arulmozhi G. and Muthulakshmi S.; Statistics for Management; Tata McGraw Hill
The objective of this paper is to develop the concepts on Macroeconomic variables, working of
an economy, and how business decisions are affected with the influence of macro variables in
Theory of full employment and income: classical, modern (Keynesian) approach, consumption
function, relationship between saving and consumption. Investment function, concept of
marginal efficiency of capital and marginal efficiency of investment.
Functions and forms of money, Supply of Money, Credit creation by commercial banks, Central
Banking: Functions and credit control, Demand for money: Theories of interest rate.
Inflation: Meaning, Cost Push Vs Demand Pull Inflation, Sectoral and Structural Inflation,
Causes of Inflation, Policy measures to control inflation. Trade Cycle: Concepts, Phases, Causes,
Effects, Stabilization policies.
Suggested Readings:
1. Dwivedi, D. N.; Macro Economics, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Mishra, S. K. and V. K. Puri; Modern Macro-Economics Theory, Himalya Publishing
3. Gupta G. S; Macroeconomics: Theory & Applications; Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Edward Shapiro; Macro-Economics Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill.
5. R. Dornbusch and S. Fischer, Macro Economics, 9th Edition, 2010, Tata McGraw Hill,
6. Mankiw, Principle of Economics, Thomson
Objective: The primary objective of the course is to familiarize the students with the basic
accounting principles and techniques of preparing and presenting the accounts for user of
accounting information.
Suggested Readings:
Course Objectives:
To acquaint the students with the concept of finance along with the sources and utilization of
To impart knowledge on the capital structure, cost of capital and of the firm.
Suggested Reading:
1. Khan, M. Y. & Jain, P. K., Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. Chandra, P., Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
3. Pandey, I. M., Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House
4. James, C. Vanhorne, Financial Management and Policy, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
5. Chandra Prasanna, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
Objective: The objectives are to prepare the students to acquire some of the skills needed in handling
day to day managerial situation such as writing letters, paragraphs, reports, organize meetings, prepare
agenda, draft resolution and minutes.
Preparation of a business report – format, length, structure. Writing a business proposal–structure and
layout. Writing Business Letters – Letter Formats: Block Format, Modified Block Format & Simplified
Preparing notes, Paragraph writing & Comprehension, Précis writing, Basic parts of memos, Writing E-
mail messages. Documentation: References, notes and bibliographies.
Writing a curriculum vitae (Chronological , functional & Chrono-functional), Writing the Job
application letter – Solicited & Unsolicited application Letter. Group Discussion – GD Mistakes, GD
Preparation, Facing an interview, Types of Interview.
Drafting resolutions, writing minutes. Media Management – Inviting Media Response, the press release
& Media Interviews.
Suggested Readings:
Elements of cost, classification of cost, Methods of costing, Techniques of costing, Preparation of Cost
Statements (Cost Sheets)
Suggested Reading:
1. Khan & Jain, Cost Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Jawahar, Cost Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Wilson, Cost Accounting, Himalya publications.
4. Gupta, Sharma, Ahuja, Cost Accounting, FK publications
5. Nigam & Jain: Principles & Practices, PHI Learning
6. Bal, swain, Bal, A New Approach to Cost Accounting, S Chand & Co. Ltd. New Delhi
Course Objectives:
To acquaint the students with the Human Resource Management its different functions in
an organizational context
To develop the students with human approach with a strong theoretical background that will
be suitable for employees and benefit the organization
Suggested Reading:
1. Dessler Gary, Human Resource Management, Pearson, Prentice Hall, 10th Edition, 2008, New
2. A.M. Sharma - Personnel and Human Resource Management, Himalaya Publishing House.
3. C. B. Mamoria - Personnel Management, Himalaya Publishing House.
4. Rao, V .S.P, Human Resource Management, Excell Books,2nd Edition,20052005,New Delhi.
Course Objectives:
To offer students a firsthand exposure to the legal aspects of business, so as to enable them to
face the real-life world with a positive mind-set.
This will also educate and familiarize students with actual legal situations regarding the
following subjects listed below.
Suggested Reading:
1. N.D. Kapoor – Business Law, Sultan Chand & Sons
2. K. R. Bhandari – Business Law, Himalaya Publishing House
3. Saravanavel, Sumathi & Samantaray - Business Law, Himalaya Publishing House
5. M. C. Kuchhal & Deepa Prakash – Business Legislation for Management, Vikas Publishing
6. S.S. Gulson- Marcantile Law, Excel Books.
7. A.Pathak - Legal Aspects of Business, Tata-McGraw Hill Co. Ltd
Course Objectives:
To identify the foundation terms and concepts those are commonly used in marketing.
To identify the essential elements for effective marketing practice.
Suggested Readings:
1. Saxena R, Marketing Management, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009.
2. Varshney R L & Gupta S L; Marketing Management: Text & Cases, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2014
3. Kotler P & Armstrong G; Principles of Marketing Management, Pearson Prentice Hal, 14th
Edition, 2011.
4. Kumar A and Meenakshi N, Marketing Management, 2nd Edition, Vikas Publishing House Pvt.
Ltd., 2011.
5. Lal R, Quelch J. A and Rangan V. K, Marketing Management: Text and Cases, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2005.
Course Objectives:
The basic objective of this course is to familiarize the students with the nature and dimensions of
evolving business environment in India to influence managerial decisions.
Political Environment: Elements of Political environment, Government and Business, Economic roles
of government. The constitutional environment, rationale and extent of state intervention.
Legal Environment: Legal environment and business, competition Act, FEMA and Consumer
Protection Act.
Suggested Reading:
1. Dr. Francis Cherunilam, Business Environment Text & Cases, Himalaya Publishing House,
2. Mishra, S.K. and Puri V.K., Economic Environment of Business, Himalaya Publishing House,
3. Paul Justice, Business Environment – Text and Cases, TATA McGraw Hill Publishing
4. K. Aswathappa, Essential of Business Environment, Himalaya Publishing House
5. Bedi Suresh, Business Environment, Excel Books, New Delhi.
Course Objectives:
To enable the students to trace the growing importance of information system, vital role in decision
making, role of computers in this task and it emphasis on the system, development process &
To expose students on the recent development in MIS Systems and to focus on best practices, tools
and models to implement an effective IS management system
Suggested Reading:
1. Laudon & Laudon, “Management Information System”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,2nd
Edition, 2010
2. O’Brien, J,Marakas G & Behl R “Management Information System”, McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
10th Edition,2013
3. Dash, M.R, Laha, J., “ Managerial Computing”, Brinda Publication, New Delhi, 1st Edition,
4. Murdick R G, Ross E J ,”Information System for Modern Management”, New Delhi,3rd Edition,
5. Jawadekar, “Management Information System”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,2007
6. Davis G B & Olson M H , “Management Information Systems”, Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi,2nd Edition, 2008
7. Murthy C. S. V , Management Information System , Himalaya Publication,3rd Ed, New
8. Turban, E ,Jay, A, “DSS and Intelligent System”, Pearson , New Delhi,6th Edition,2002
1. Design a Database and create required tables. For e.g. Bank, College Database
2. Apply the constraints like Primary Key, Foreign key, NOT NULL to the tables.
3. Write a sql statement for implementing ALTER, UPDATE and DELETE
4. Write the queries to implement the joins
5. Write the query for implementing the following functions: MAX(), MIN(), AVG(), COUNT()
6. Write the query to implement the concept of Integrity constrains
7. Write the query to create the views
8. Perform the following operation for demonstrating the insertion, updation and deletion using the
referential integrity constraints
9. Write the query for creating the users and their role.
10. Implementing security features to the database
Course Objectives:
To introduce the economy and the financial system and provide the students various concepts of
financial markets, specifically stock market operations and the derivatives market.
Suggested Readings:
1. Khan, M. Y., Indian Financial System, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Bhole, L. M & Mahukud, J., Financial Institutions and Markets, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Mohan, R., Growth with Financial Stability- Central Banking in an Emerging Market, Oxford
University Press.
4. Mishkin, F. S & Eakins, S. G., Financial Markets and Institutions, Pearson Education.
Course Objectives:
• To familiarize the students with the concepts, tools and practices of POM
• To learn about the decisions and processes of operations management in a Manufacturing
Suggested Readings:
1. Adam, E. Everett and Ebert, J. Ronal Jr., ‘Production and Operations Management’ Prentice Hall of
India, New Delhi 5 Edition, 2005.
2. Chary, S,.N., Production and Operations Management’, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 3 edition,
3. Aswathappa, K. & Bhat K. S., ‘Production and Operations Management’ Himalaya Publishing
House, New Delhi, 3 Edition, 2011
4. Bedi, Kanishka., ‘Production and Operations Management’ Oxford University Press, New
Delhi, 2 Edition, 2007
Course Objectives:
• To provide an insight to various disaster both natural and man-made and to find the reasons and
• To find ways to coordination and employ an integrated all-hazards risk based approach for
mitigation, response, continuity of operations, recovery, and preparedness planning.
Suggested Readings:
1. Bose, B. C., Introduction to Disaster Management, Neha Publishers & Distributers, New Delhi.
2. Gupta, Harish K., Disaster Management, Orient Blackswan, India
3. Kapoor, Mukesh, Disaster Management, NIDM Publications, New Delhi
4. John M. Wallace and Peter V. Hobbs, Atmospheric Science: An Introductory Survey,
Academic Press, New York.
Course Objectives
To acquaint the students with the subject along with its relevance to managerial decision making.
To improve the ability of students to understand and apply the essence of Indian ethos and values in
today’s business scenario.
Course Objectives:
• To give complete idea about the relationship between marketing and other management
• To acquaint the students about the concept of marketing skill through internet.
Suggested Readings:
1. Kotler P & Armstrong G; Principles of Marketing Management, Pearson Prentice Hal, 14
Edition, 2011.
2. Gupta, S.L., Sales & Distributions Management, Excel Books, 2003.
3. Anderson, R. Professional Sales Management, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
Prentice Hall Inc. 1992.
4. Richard R. Still, Edward W. Cundiff, Norman A.P. Govoni, Sales Management: Decisions,
Strategies, and Cases; Prentice Hall of India, 1999.
5. Jan Zimmerman and Deborah Ng; Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies, 3rd
Edition, Wiley Publication, 2015
Course Objectives:
• The course aims at equipping students with an understanding of research process, tools and
techniques in order to obtain the findings of the study.
• To familiarise the students with data preparation and analysis through Excel and Report Writing.
Module – I (8 Hrs.)
Research Methodology: An Introduction: Meaning of Research, Objective of Research, Significance
of Research, Types of Research, Research Process, Selecting the Research problem, Necessity of
defining a problem.
Module – II (8 Hrs.)
Research Design: Meaning, Need for research design, features of a good design, Different Research
Sampling Design: Census and Sample Survey, Steps in Sampling design, Sampling Process, Types of
Sampling – Non probability Sampling Techniques, Probability sampling Techniques.
Module – IV (8 Hrs.)
Data Preparation Processing and Analysis of Data: Editing, Coding, Cross Tabulation Statistics in
Research, Practices through Excel (Basic Concepts).
Module – V (8 Hrs.)
Interpretation and Report Writing: Meaning of Interpretation, Techniques of interpretation,
Significance of Report Writing, Different Steps in writing Report, layout of the Research Report.
Guidelines for writing a report, Report Format, Guidelines for evaluating a report.
Suggested Reading:
1. C.R. Kothari: Research Methodology, New Age International Publishers
2. K.V. rao: Research Methodology, sterling Publishers,
3. Srivastava and Rego : Business Research Methodology Tata McGraw Hill
4. Rajinder Nargundhkar : Marketing Research, Tata McGraw Hill
5. Cooper and Schindler, Business Research Methods, Tata McGraw Hill
Course Objectives:
This course aims to expose students to various perspectives and concepts in the field of
Strategic Management, covering all the functional areas of business decision.
M. Porter’s Five Force Model Shaping Competitive Strategy, Generic Strategies and its
Significances, Value Chain Analysis and its Business Applications,
Suggested Readings
Course Objectives:
The objective of this paper is to develop student’s familiarity with the basic concept and
tool of Operations Research in solving real problems in industry and to help in decision
support system.
Concept and Basic Terminologies, Types of Decision making environment; Decision
making under risk and uncertainty: Maximin Criterion, Minmin Criterion, Minimin loss
criterion, Laplace criterion, Minimax regret criterion, Hurwicz criterion; Decision Tree
Suggested Readings
1. Panneersalvam, R., Operations Research, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, Fourth
Print, 2010
2. Taha, H. A., Operations Research - An Introduction, PHI, New Delhi, 7th Edition,
3. Sharma Anand., Quantitative Techniques for Decision Making, HPH, New Delhi,
Reprint, 2011
4. Kalavathy S, Operations Research, Second Edition, Vikas Publishing House, 2004
Course Objectives:
To analyze the banking system prevailing and its role in the Economic
Development in our country.
To examine the recent changes made in the Banking services to satisfy the
customers at large.
Suggested Readings
1. Versheney, P.N., Banking law and practice, S Chand & Sons, 2012
2. Gordon, Natarajan, Banking Theory, Law and Practice, Himalaya Publishing
House, 2008
Course Objectives:
To offer students a firsthand exposure to the entrepreneurial field to improve
To develop the students entrepreneurial ability
Starting a small scale unit- structure and ownership, Establishment of Unit, Project
feasibility, implementation, Tax benefits incentives and concessions
Marketing strategy for small scale units- elements in marketing mix segmentation,
product life cycles, Pricing, distribution channels, export promotion.
Suggested Readings
Suggested Readings
1. V.K. Garg & N.K. Venkatkrishnan ; ERP, concepts & practices, PHI.
2. S. Sadagopan : MIS, PHI
3. V. Rajaraman : Analysis & Design of Information Systems, PHI
4. K. M. Hussain & D. hussain; Information systems, Analysis, Design &
Implementation, TMH.
5. MONAK & BRADY : Conceptss in ERP, vikas pub. Thosmson
Course Objectives:
This course aims to incorporate and learn the critical elements of Logistics and
Supply Chain Management processes
The Logistics of Business, The Logistical Value Proposition, The Work of Logistics,
Logistical Operating Arrangements
Suggested Readings
Course Objectives:
This paper aims to achieve proficient knowledge about the various disciplines of
contribution in understanding buyer behavior in a wholistic manner
Overview of the Stages in the buying decision process, factors affecting each stage, and
Need recognition.
Joint Decision making process, influences, roles of different members, needs perceived
and evaluation rules. Factors affecting the need of the family, family life cycle stage and
Various methods and techniques of consumer research, New Developments in the field of
Consumer Research.
Suggested Readings
1. Leon G. Schiffman & Leslie Lazar Kanuk, Consumer Behavior, Pearson / PHI.
Eighth edition.
2. Loudon & Della Bitta, Consumer Behavior, Tata McGraw Hill, Eighth edition
3. Batra S & Kazmi S H H, Consumer Behavior-Text & cases, Excel Books,2 nd
4. Nair S., Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Research, HPH, 2nd edition
5. Raju M.S. & Xardel Dominique, Consumer Behaviour, Vikas Publications.
6. Jain P. C & Bhatt M, Consumer Behaviour, S. Chand.
Course Objectives:
This course aims to learn strategic and multi-disciplinary approach to the management of
service businesses in marketers’ point of view.
Health Care Sector, Banking & Insurance Sector, Telecommunication & Retail Service
Suggested Readings
1. Lovelock, Writz, Chatterjee. - Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy,
Pearson Education, New Delhi
2. Rajendra Nargundkar, Services Marketing, Tata Mcgraw Hill
3. Srinivasan P., Services Marketing. PHI
4. Zeithaml, V. A and Bitner, M. J. Services Marketing. New York, McGraw Hill,
5. Bhattarcharjee C., Services Marketing, Excel Books
6. Jha S. M. – Service Marketing, Himalaya Publishing House
7. Andersen A. R. & Kotler P. T., Strategic marketing for Non Profit Organisations,
Course Objectives:
This course aims to provide an understanding of the basic principles of planning and
execution in Marketing Communications
The Message, the Target and the Media, Media Plan, Media objectives, Developing,
Implementing and Evaluating Media strategies.
Suggested Readings
Course Objectives:
This course aims to develop skills critical for generating, evaluating and selecting sales
and selling strategies
Nature and importance of Personal Selling and Salesmanship. Cost of Advertising Vs.
Cost of Personal Selling, AIDAS model of selling.
Suggested Readings
1. Still, Cundiff & Govoni - Sales Management: Decision Strategies & Cases,
2. Panda T. & Sahdev S.- Sales and Distribution Management, Oxford University
3. Havaldar K.K. & Cavale V. M.– Sales and Distribution Management, Tata
McGraw Hill
4. Gupta S.L. - Sales and Distribution management, Excel Books
5. Watuba R., Thomas., Sales Management - Texts and Cases, Business Publication
Course Objectives:
This course aims to utilize the understanding on peculiarities of rural markets, channels
and competition in marketing decision making.
Age and Stages of the Life Cycle, Occupation and Income, Personality and
Brand Belief, Information Search and Pre Purchase Evaluation, Rise of
Consumerism. Opinion Leadership Process
Suggested Readings
Course Objectives:
This course aims to provide a strategic perspective of the retailing industry with respect
to latest developments in retailing in the Indian context
Concept of retail life cycle, Classification of retail stores, The role of franchising in retail
The factors influencing retail shopper, Retail consumer decision making process, changes
in the Indian consumer
The relationship between store image and store design, components of exterior and
interior, consideration for selecting layout
Suggested Readings
Suggested Readings
1. Management Accounting by S.N. Maheshwari
2. Management Accounting by Grewal & Ramanathan
Course objectives:
To acquaint the students with the basics of audit of books of account
To familarise the student, with the principles and practice of auditing
Vouching-Meaning, Importance of vouching, Objectives of vouching, Audit of income-
sales, Audit of expenditure-purchases, Salary and Wages, Insurance Premium, petty cash
Suggested Readings:
1. Jha, Aruna, Auditing, Taxmann Publishing (P) Ltd., 1st edition 2016.
2. Meenakumari, S and Nagarajan: Fundamentals of Auditing, A. Ph Publishing
Corporation (2012)
3. Specer and Paglar, Practical Auditing
4. Lankaster J., Principles and Practices of Auditing
Introduction to Life Insurance, Basic Procedure for issuing life insurance policy,
Nomination, Assignment, Revivals, Policy Loans, Life insurance plans in India, Types of
Life insurance policies and insurance plans, Claim Settlement procedure.
Suggested Readings:
1. Gupta, P.K., Insurance and Risk Management, Himalaya Publishing House, 2015
2. Mittal, A., Principles of Insurance and Risk Management, S. Chand & Co(P) Ltd., 2014
3. Rajda, GE, Principles of Risk Management and Insurance, 13th Edition, Pearson
Edition, 2016
Course objectives:
To develop the understanding of the investment fundamentals and build second
knowledge in the investment process
To finalise the students with various methods of analyzing the basic
characteristics of securities before investment
The concept of Portfolio and Portfolio Management, The concept of Risk and its Types in
Portfolio Managemetn Measurement of Portfolio risk Optimum Portfolio, Markowitz
Portfolio selection model
Suggested Readings:
1. Donarld E.F, Ronald J.J., Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Reason
2. Chandro, P., Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, TATA Mc. Graw
Hill Publication, 2011 EDn.
3. Sharpe and Alexander, “Investments” Wiley, New Delhi 2010 Edn.
Suggested Readings:
1. Computerised Accounting using Tally, ERPQ, Shradha sing, Tally Education Pvt.
2. Computer Accounting with Tally 72, Laxmi Publications.
3. Tally.ERP 9 for GST, Computech Publications Ltd., 4th revised edition 2018.
4. Siplest Book for Learning Tally.ERP 9- Training Guide, BPB Publications, 4th
updated edition 2018
Preparation of Trial Balance – Preparation of Profit & Loss account- Balance sheet
Cost, Cost centre, Cost categories- Meaning- creation, display, alteration of cost
categories and cost centers- allocation of transactions to cost centers-voucher entry using
voucher class and cost centre class
Course Objectives:
The objectives of this paper is to develop the analytical abilities for understanding the
implications of changes in the man power situation of a company and the availability of
HR within the organization and outside, so as to advise and assist the authorities
concerned in their manpower planning and development activities.
Dimensions of Human Resource Planning Approaches- Social Demand Approach, Rate
of Return Approach and Manpower Requirement Approach.
Suggested Readings:
1. Stainer Gareth – Manpower Planning.
2. Paranjpee Vivek – Strategic Human Resource Planning (Allied Publisher).
3. Bhattacharya Deepak – Human Resource Planning Excel Books.
4. Beath Gardan MC – Manpower Planning, Blackwell.
5. Bell D.T. – Planning Corporate Manpower.
6. Patnaik Biswajeet – Human Resources, PHI.
7. Kandula – Managing Human Resources
8. IGNOU Study Materials (MS 21)
Course Objective:
The course aims at providing basic knowledge of the concepts and application of
employee welfare and social securities. It analyses the traditional concepts of labour
welfare, its policies and conditions of employee social security needs in the country.
1. A.M. Sharma- Aspects of Labour Welfare and Social Security - Himalaya
Publishing House, Mumbai
1. C.S. Venkata Ratnam – Industrial Relations, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
2. Mamoria, Mamoria & Gankar – Dynamics of Industrial Relations, Himalaya Publishing House,
3. P.R.N. Sinha, Indu Bala Sinha, Seema Priyadarshini Shekhar – Industrial Relations, Trade Unions
and Labour Legislations, Pearson, New Delhi
Course Objectives:
The course is designed to impart knowledge of the contents of the labour laws, to expose
the students to the interpretations, and stimulate thinking on rationale behind the laws and
their enforcement problems.
Contract, Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation)
Act-1986, Plantation Labour Act, 1951.
1. Sinha G.P. and Sinha P.R.N. – Industrial Relations and Labour legislation in India,
2. Kapoor N.D. –Industrial Laws, Sultan Chand.
3. Sharma A.M. – Industrial Jurisprudence & Labour Legislations, Himalaya Publication.
4. Mamoria C.B. – Dynamics of Labour Legislations, Himalaya Publication.
5. Srivastava S.C. – Industrial Relation and Labour Laws, Vikash Publishers.
6. Malhotra O.P. – The law of Industrial Disputs – Vol –I and II,
7. Mallik P.L. – Handbook of Industrial Law, Eastern Book
Course Objective:
To understand the basics and fundamentals of compensation, rewards and the emerging
Suggested Readings:
1. Singh BD, Compensation and Reward Management, Excel Books, First edition,
2007, New Delhi
2. Singh Shyam Soni, Compensation Management, Excel Books, First edition, 2008,
New Delhi.
Course Objective:
To prepare students better understand the importance of training and development in
recent years because of their contributions to the achievement of organizational
Suggested Reading:
1. Dr. B. Janakiram, Training & Development, Biztantra, 2007, New Delhi.
2. Dr. R.K. Sahu, Training for Development, Excel Books, 2006, New Delhi.
Multiplexing, error detection and correction: Many to one, one to many, WDM, TDM,
FDM, circuit switching, packet switching and message switching. Data Link control
protocols: Line discipline, flow control, error control, synchronous and asynchronous
protocols overview. ISDN: Services, historical outline, subscriber’s access, ISDN,
Layers, and broadband ISDN.
Repeaters, bridges, gateways, routers, The Network Layer, Design Issues, Network Layer
Addressing and Routing concepts (Forwarding Function, Filtering Function);Routing
Methods (Static and dynamic routing, Distributed routing, Hierarchical
Routing);Distance Vector Protocol, Link State protocol.
Transport layer functions, connection management, Functions of session layers,
Presentation layer, and Application layer.
Suggested Reading:
1.A. S. Tenanbaum, “Computer Networks”; Pearson Education Asia, 4th Ed., 2003.
2. Behrouz A. Forouzan, “Data Communication and Networking”, 2nd edition, Tata Mc
Graw Hill. .
3. D. E. Comer, “Internetworking with TCP/IP”, Pearson Education Asia, 2001.
4. William Stallings, “Data and computer communications”, Pearson education Asia, 7th
Ed., 2002
Course Objectives
The objectives of the course are to introduce the concept of electronic commerce, and to
understand how electronic commerce is affecting business enterprises, governments,
consumers and people in general.
E-Commerce concept: Meaning, definition, concept, features, function of E-Commerce,
E-Commerce practice v/s traditional practices, Scope and basic models of E-Commerce,
limitations or E-Commerce.
Electronic Data Interchange: concept of EDI, difference between paper based Business
and EDI Based business, Advantages of EDI, Application areas for EDI, Action plan for
Implementing EDI factors influencing the choice of EDI, Software Concept of Electronic
Signature, Access Control.
Types of E-Commerce: Meaning of B2C, B2B, C2C, and P2P. Applications in B2C, E-
Banking, E- Trading. E-Auction - Introduction and overview of these concepts.
Application of B2B, E-distributor, R2B service provider, benefits of B2B on
Procurement, Just in time delivery. Consumer to consumer and peer-to-peer business
Internet: Concept of Internet, use of Internet, Requirements of Internet, Internet Domain,
Internet server, establishing connectivity on the Internet, Types of Internet provides,
Constituents of Internet Protocol, browsing the internet, tools and service on Internet,
Procedure of Opening E-mail Account on Internet.
Electronic Payment System: Introduction to electronic payment and its types, Security in
E-Commerce, Digital Signature., Cryptography and its types
Suggested Reading:
1. Bhrat Bhasker, “Electronic Commerce: Framework, Technologies and
Applications”,Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2006 .
2. Ritendra Goel , “E-Commerce”, New Age International Publishers, 2007
3. Pradhan B B & Dash Manoranjan , “E-Commerce in the Digital Age”, Vrinda
Publisher, New Delhi, 2010
4. Bajaj Kamlesh & Nag Debjani “E-Commerce The Cutting edge of Business”, 2 nd
edition , McGraw Hill Education; 2 edition, 2005
Suggested Reading:
1. Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight: Artificial Intelligence- Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Dan W.Patterson, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems-
Prentice Hall of India.
3. Nils J.Nilsson: Principles of Artificial Intelligence- Narosa Publishing house.
4. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Stuart Rusell, Peter Norvig, Pearson
Education, 2nd Edition.
5. Artificial Intelligence, Winston, Patrick, Henry, Pearson Education
6. Artificial Intelligenece by Gopal Krishna , Janakiraman
Internet: History and Development, Use of Internet, Network, Client and Servers,
Host & Terminals, TCP/IP, World Wide Web, Hypertext, Uniform Resource Locator,
Web Browsers, IP Address, Domain Name, Web Pages organization, Email,
Suggested Reading:
1. Alex Leon & Mathews Leon, “Fundamentals of Information Technology”,
Leon Techworld,
2. Chetan Srivastav “Information Technology”,
3. S.V.srinivasa Vallabhan “ Computer Application in Business”, S. Chand &
4. David Whiteley, “E-Commerce”, Tata McGraw Hill,
5. Ravi Kalakota “ E-commerce”, Pearson Education
Practicals based on Internet Surfing, Hands on experience – browsing and exploring
the internet services through WWW. (30 Hours)
An overview of database management system, database system Vs file system,
Characteristics of database approach, DBMS architecture, data models, schema and
instances, data independence.
Entity – Relationship Model: Entities and entity sets, relationships and relationship sets,
mapping constraints, primary keys, entity relationship diagram, reducing E-R diagrams to
tables, generalization and specialization, aggregation.
Relational Model: The Relational Algebra, View. Relational Commercial Language: SQL
Relational Database Design: Functional dependency, Normal forms ( 1 NF, 2 NF, 3 NF ,
BCNF ) .
Transaction processing and Concurrency Control: Definition of Transaction, Desirable
ACID properties, overview of serializability, serializable and non serializable
transactions Concurrency Control: Definition of concurrency, lost update, dirty read and
incorrect summary problems due to concurrency
Introduction to SQL: Overview , Characteristics of SQL. Advantage of SQL, SQL data
types and literals. Types of SQL commands: DDL, DML, DCL. Basic SQL Queries.
Logical operators BETWEEN, IN, AND, OR and NOT Null Values: Disallowing Null
Values, Comparisons Using Null Values Integrity constraints: Primary Key, Not NULL,
Unique, Check, Referential key Introduction to Nested Queries, Correlated Nested
Queries, Set-Comparison Operators, Aggregate Operators: The GROUP BY and
HAVING Clauses.
Suggested Reading:
1. Avi Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, and S. Sudarshan, “Database System
Concepts”, Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education.
2. Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe ,”Fundamentals of Database
Systems”,2015,7th Edition , Pearson Education India.
3. C. J. Date, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”,Addison-Wesley, 2000.
SQL Commands(DDL, DML and DCl statements)
UNIT - I :
Programming and C fundamentals – character set – Tokens, identifiers and keywords
– data type – constant – variable – expressions
Statements – arithmetic operators – relational and logical operators – assignment
operators – comparison operators – bitwise operators – conditional operators – library
Input – Output statement – control statement – while, do-while, for.…nested – loop –
break – continue – switch , go to statement – string functions, arrays – single
dimension – multi dimension – accessing arrays – pointers – pointers and arrays.
Functions – definition – accessing a function – passing argument to a function –
argument data type – function prototype – program structure: storage classes –
automatic external - static variable – multi file programs – library functions –
Structure and union: definition of structure – processing a structure – user defined
data type (type definition) - structure and pointers – passing structure to a function –
self referential structure – union – files and file handling in brief.
Suggested Reading:
1. Balguruswamy “ Progarmming in ANSI C”
2. B. Gottfried “Theory and problems of programming with C” Tata McGraw Hill
3. Yeshwant Kanetkar “ Let us C”
Writing of ‘C’ programmes using various keywords, decision making, loop constructs
& functions. (30 Hours)